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" Here is the Patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and

the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12.

VOL. 72, No. 51. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., DECEMBER 17, 1895. WHOLE No., 2147.

ct?e Zievietv ant) .PerctI l would have to encounter in doing this great work. educated in crime, degraded, and oppressed,
ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE He knew that the people were in blindness and and left in ignorance to perish. Their phys-
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST PUBLISHING ASSOCIpION ignorance, that their minds had become beclouded ical freedom was obtained at a great loss of life,
BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. in faith, and that they were almost destitute of a and Christians generally should have looked
$2.00 a Year, in Advance. When donated to friends, $1.50. knowledge of God. They had become degraded with compassion upon the colored race, for
SPECIAL TERMS IN CLUBS OF 100 OR MORE. by associating with a nation of idolaters, and which God had a care. They should have
Address all communications, and make all Drafts and Money-
orders payable to had corrupted their ways by practicing ido.latry. done a work for them that would have
REVIEW & HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich, Yet there were many who were righteous and uplifted them. They should have worked
steadfast among this downtrodden people. The through the wisdom of God to educate and train
Lord directed Moses to give them a message them. We have been very neglectful of our
from himself. He said : " Wherefore say unto colored brethren, and are not yet prepared for
" THOU shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will the coming of our Lord. The cries of these
thee." Deut. 8:2.
" Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which hath great bring you out from under the burdens of the neglected people have come up before God.
recompense of reward." Heb. 10: 25.
Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bond- Who has entered into the work since their
He was better to me than all my hopes, age, and I will redeem you with a stretched-out deliverance from bondage, to teach them the
He was better than all my fears; arm, and with great judgments ; and I will take knowledge of God? The condition of the col-
He made a road of my broken works,
And a rainbow of my tears. you to me for a people, and I will be to you a ored people is no more helpless than was the
The billows that guarded my sea-girt path, God ; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your condition of the Hebrew slaves. The children
But carried my Lord on their crest; • God, which bringeth you out from under the of Israel were addicted to licentiousness, idolatry,
When I dwell on the days of my wilderness march, burdens of the Egyptians." gluttony, and gross vices. This is ever the
I can lean on his love for the rest.
This nation of slaves was to be taught of God. result of slavery. But the Lord looked upon
He emptied my hands of my treasured store, Jesus Christ, enshrouded in the pillar of cloud his people, and after their deliverance, he edu-
And his covenant love revealed; and fire, was to be their invisible leader, the cated them. They were not left uncared for.
There was not a wound in my aching heart,
But the balm of his breath hath healed. ruler over all their tribes. Moses was to be the Though they had lost in years of bondage the
.), tender and true was the chastening sore, mouthpiece of God. For forty years God ruled knowledge of the, true God and of his holy
In wisdom, that taught and tried, over them as they journeyed through the wilder- law, yet God again revealed himself to them.
Till the soul that he sought was trusting in him ness. But the Hebrew nation is not the only In terrible grandeur and awful majesty he
And nothing_on earth beside. proclaimed to them his hely precepts, and__
nation ghat hes been in creel bondage, and Whose
He guided by paths that I could not see, groanings have come to the ears of the Eord of commanded them to obey his law. The ten
By ways that I have not known, hosts. The Lord God of Israel has looked upon commandments are a transcript of the divine
The crooked was straight, and the rough made character, and are as unchangeable as the eternal
plain, the vast number of human beings who were held
As I followed the Lord alone. in slavery in the United States of America. throne. But since the slaves of the South
I praise him still for the pleasant palms, The United States has been a refuge for the attained to freedom, what have we as Christians
And the water-springs by the way; oppressed. It has been spoken of as the bul- done to bear any comparison to what was done
For the glowing pillars of flame by night, wark of religious liberty. God has done more for them by those who poured out their lives on
And the sheltering clouds by day.
— Anna Shipton. for this country than for any other country upon the battle-field? Have we not looked upon the
which the sun shines. It has been marvelously difficulties that presented themselves, and drawn
preserved from war and bloodshed. God saw back from the work ? Perhaps some of us have
UT CJ aniribniors. the foul blot of slavery upon this land, he
marked the sufferings that were endured by the
felt sad over their wretchedness, but what have
we done to save them from the slavery of sin?
"They they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: colored people. He moved upon the hearts of Who have taken hold of this work intelligently?
snd the Lord harkened, and heard It, and a book of remetn-
,rance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, men to work in behalf of those who were so Who have taken upon them the burden of
nd that thought upon his name."—Mal. 3 :16. presenting to them spiritual freedom that has
cruelly oppressed. The Southern States became
one terrible battle-field. The graves of Ameri- been purchased for them at an infinite price?
AN EXAMPLE IN HISTORY. Have we not left them beaten, bruised, de-
can sons who had enlisted to deliver the op-
pressed race are thick in its soil. Many fell in spised, and forsaken by the way? Is this the
death, giving their lives to proclaim liberty to example that God has given us in the history
THE Hebrew nation were in servitude for a the captives, and the opening of the prison to of the deliverance of the children of Israel ? —
great number of years. They were slaves in them that were bound. God spoke concerning By no means.
Egypt, and the Egyptians treated them as the captivity of the colored people as verily as Walls of separation have been built up 41
though they had a right to control them in soul, he did concerning the Hebrew captives, and said : between the whites and the blacks. These walls
body, and spirit. But the Lord was not indif- " I have surely seen the affliction of my people, of prejudice will tumble down of themselves as
ferent to their condition, he had not forgotten his . . and have heard their cry by reason of did the walls of Jericho, when Christians obey the
oppressed people. The record says : " God their taskmasters ; for I know their sorrows ; word of God, which enjoins on them supreme love
heard their groaning, and God remembered his and I am come down to deliver them." The to their maker and impartial love to their neigh-
covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Lord wrought in freeing the Southern slaves ; bors. For Christ's sake, let us do something
Jacob. And God looked upon the children of but he designed to work still further for them as now. Let every church whose members claim
Israel, and God had respect unto them." " The he did for the children of Israel, whom he took to believe the truth for this time, look at this
Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my forth to educate, to refine, and ennoble. Christ neglected, downtrodden race, that, as a result of
people which are in Egypt, and have heard their himself wrought with his appointed leaders, and slavery, have been deprived of the privilege of
cry by reason of their taskmasters ; for I know directed them as to what they should do for his thinking and acting for themselves. They have
their sorrows ; and I am come down to deliver people that had become so terribly degraded. been kept at work in the cotton fields, have
them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to They were to be kept separate from all nations, been driven before the lash like brute beasts,
bring them up out of that land unto a good land, to be directed and counseled until, through a and their children have received no enviable
and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and correct representation of the divine character, heritage. Many of the slaves had noble minds ;
honey." they should come to know God, to reverence and but the fact that their skin was dark, was suffi-
When God called Moses to be his instrument obey his commandments. cient reason for the whites to treat them as
in delivering the Hebrew nation out of cruel Those who study the history of the Israelites, though they were beasts. When freedom was
bondage, Moses considered the difficulties of the should also consider the history of the slaves in proclaimed to the captives, a favorable time was
situation, and thought of the obstacles that he America, who have suffered, who have been given in which to establish schools, and to teach
802 ADVENT REVIEW AND S.A.13.13.117TH HERALD. TVoL. 72, No. 51.

the people to take care of themselves. Much taking upon himself the nature of man. For alone ; and that individuality is not to be parted
of this kind of work was done by various de- our sakes he became poor, that we might come with, but, being consecrated to God, is used in
nominations, and God honored their work. into possession of an immortal inheritance, be God's work, and seems to determine the very
Those who attempted to work for the black race heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. place and work for which the person is fitted.
had to suffer persecution, and many were mar- Sometimes something like the following is
tyrs to the cause. It was difficult to educate "IF ANY MAN MINISTER, LET HIM DO IT seen : Brother A has great success in his teach-
these people in correct ideas, because they had AS OF THE ABILITY WHICH GOD GIVETH."
ing or preaching. Perhaps it is because of
been compelled to do according to the word of some peculiar or particular manner of working
their human masters. They had been subject BY L. A. HANSEN. or some characteristic of his that he can interest
to human passions, their minds and bodies had ET-= cS (Indianapolis, Ind.) and draw the people. Brother B and perhaps
been abused, and it was very hard to efface the others, seeing his success, will begin to copy
education of these people, and to lead them to GOD has given to " every man his work," after brother A, using his manner of speaking
change their practices. But these missionaries and he has given it " according to his several and making gestures, and even the tone of
persevered in their work. They knew that the ability." There are different kinds of work to voice, as nearly as possible, so that if one
black man had not chosen his color or his be done, and there are men with different abili- should hear the man without seeing him, he
condition, and that Christ had died for him as ties, hence all are not given the same work ; for would surely think that brother A was speaking.
verily as he had died for his white brother. To all are not fitted for the same work. God has If God had intended him to be like brother
show sympathy for the released slaves, was to also given the ability which the man has to do A, would he not have made him so ? Does he
expose one's self to ridicule, hatred, and per- the work, and each man can do only the work not intend that brother B shall do the work
secution. Old-time prejudice still exists, and for which he has an ability, which may, however, of brother B, and do it as brother B Is it
those who labor in behalf of the colored race often be more than one kind. not because brother B is brother B that he has
will have to encounter difficulties. God will see that every man has his work, the been given his work, and when he is trying to
The neglect of the colored race by the Ameri- work for which he is fitted, and nothing in the be brother A, does he not get out of the place
can nation is charged against them. Those who world save the man himself, will or can keep for which God has intended him, and thus be-
claim to be Christians have a work to do in him out of the position in which God wants come useless in either place ? If the body were
teaching them to read, and to follow various him. For a time it may look to him as though all brother A's, where would be the work that
trades and engage in different business enter- this is not so, but God will in due time do should be done by other members ?
prises. Many among this race have noble traits what he sees is best to do. If God would not " If any man minister, let him do it as of
of character and keen perception of mind. If have a man in a certain place, it should be the the ability which, God giveth, ; that God in all
they had an opportunity to develop, they would last place for him to be in, or rather, he should things may be glorified through Jesus Christ ;
stand upon an equality with the whites. The never be there. to whom be praise and dominion forever and
Hebrew nation were educated during their jour- The work of the different members of the ever. Amen. " 1 Peter 4 : 11.
neying through the wilderness. They engaged church is presented in 1 Corinthians 12 under
in physical and mental labor. They used their the figure of the human body with its different THE SIMPLICITY OF FAITH.
muscles in various lines of work. The history members. Each member is seen to have its own
of the wilderness life of God's chosen people work. There are many of them, and every one BY MRS. L. D. A. STUTTLE.
was chronicled for the benefit of the Israel of of them, in its own place and doing its own (Battle Creek, Mich.)
God till the close of time. The apostle says, work, is necessary and very essential to the form-
" Now all these things happened unto them for ing of a perfect body and the doing the work of AFTER all, it is a great deal easier to belie-ye
ensamples ; and they are written for our admoni- a perfect body. One cannot say to another, " I the word of the Lord than to disbelieve. Dis-
tion, upon whom the ends of the world are have no need of thee, " neither must one think, belief necessarily involves the difficulty of start-
come." The Lord did not forsake his people because it is not doing the work that another ing some new and original theory explaining the
in their wanderings through the wilderness, but member is doing, that it is not of the body. why and wherefore of man's existence, and a
many of them forsook the Lord. The education The members are not set in the body indiscrimi- thousand and one other mysteries of which the
they had had in Egypt made them subject to nately, without any regard as to their fitness for Bible undertakes a complete solution.
temptation, to idolatry, and to licentiousness, the place they occupy ; " but now hath God set But in their eagerness to seek out many in-
and because they disregarded the commandments the members every one of them in the body, as ventions, men have not hesitated to set at naught
of the Lord, nearly all the adults who left it hath pleased him," and thus we can know the words of the great Master Workman himself,
Egypt were overthrown in the wilderness ; but that the whole body is fitly joined together. upon the subject of his own work. When I
their children were permitted to enter ,Canaan. Suppose, now, it were possible for one part of read the foolish and contradictory declarations
The land of Egypt was nearly desolated to the body, one member, to get out of its place and of the learned professors regarding the creation
bring freedom to the children of 'Israel ; the get into the place of another part of the body ; of this mighty world, it almost seems as if I can
Southern States were nearly ruined to bring free- and the foot, being dissatisfied with occupying hear the voice of the Almighty thundering once
dom to the colored race. For three years war the lowest position and having to trudge through again, as to the patriarch Job, the unanswerable
was carried on, and many lives were sacrificed, the dirt, would get up to the position that the question, " Where wast thou when I laid the
and there is mourning to-day because of broken eye occupies, of what use would it be then ?— foundations of the earth ? declare, if thou halt
family circles. Unspeakable outrages have been None at alla surely. It could not do the work understanding."
committed against the colored race. They had of the eye, neither could it now do the work of The record of creation, as given in the opening
lived on through years of bondage with no hope a foot, the place that God saw fit for it to chapters of Genesis, is simple, lucid, and com-
of deliverance, and there stretched out before occupy. It would be the same with the other plete. "In six days the Lord created the
them a dark and dismal future. They thought members of the body. heavens and the earth," says the Eternal One.
that it was their lot to live on under cruel n But these faithful members of the body are " 0, no, Lord," pipes the learned scientist,
oppression, to yield their bodies and souls to not likely to take such a course. How would it " I think you are forgetful, or at least must be
the dominance of man. After their deliverance be, though, with the members of the church, speaking in symbolical or metaphorical lan-
from captivity, how earnestly should every the body of Christ? Is it fair to use the above guage. I find that it would have been impos-
Christian have co-operated with heavenly in- as an illustration of what their uselessness sible to create the world in six literal days."
telligences who were working for the deliverance would be, if they took the place of others, and " Where wast thou when I laid the founda-
of the downtrodden race. We should have sent did not remain in the place in which God had tions of the earth ?"
missionaries into this field to teach the ignorant. placed them and for which he had fitted them ? The sublime narrative continues, " And rested
We should have issued books in so simple a And if the figure in the chapter referred to cor- the seventh day."
style that a child might have understood them, rectly represents the members of Christ's body, " 0, you must be mistaken, Lord ; this sev-
for many of them are only children in • under- is it not true that one member cannot do the enth day represents a vast and indefinite period
standing. Pictures and object-lessons should work of another member, that is, fill the posi- of time."
have been used to present to the mind valuable tion just as another member does? But do they We have all heard, and heard in indignation,
ideas. Children and youth should have been always remain content with the place and fitness the pompous words of the spoiled,' child to his
educated in such a way that they could have that God gives? It is unnecessary to answer gray-haired sire, "No, pa, it was so and so ;
been instructors and missionaries to their parents. the last question. The work of the body of you do n't tell it right !"
Let us prayerfully consider the colored race, Christ would be progressing better if we could The Bible narrative of creation is the best ;
and realize that these people are a portion of answer in the affirmative. it is the most reasonable by far; it is the easiest
the purchased possession of Jesus Christ. One — Then it is true that as every member is to fill to understand ; it is also perfectly consistent
of infinite dignity, who was equal with God, a certain place that God sees fit to place him in with itself ; and for these reasons, if for no
humbled himself so that he might meet man in and for which he is fitted, he can be useful only others, I would believe it.
his fallen, helpless condition, and become an as he remains in that place. While all are to So, too, when the Lord says, " The seventh
advocate before the Father in behalf of hu- be one in Christ, tObe like-minded, and to de- day is the Sabbath," for the same reasons I
manity. Jesus did not simply declare his good- velop characters that are alike, each has an believe this, too. I am sure if he meant the
will toward perishing man, but humbled himself, individuality that God has given to that person first day, he could and would have said so. If
a change had been made, he would have spoken he implored forgiveness for his murderers in the people the necessity of daily feeding upon
about it. Just so long as the fact remains that that divinely charitable prayer, " Father, for- the bread of life, the word of God. Christ
in six days Jehovah created the heavens and the give them ; for they know not what they do." taught this lesson very plainly when he said,
earth, just so long the fact remains that the Nor was his wisdom inferior to his virtues. " Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
great memorial of this work shall remain. How The doctrines he taught were the most sublime every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
long shall this be ? We are told that from one and the most important that were ever before God." Matt. 4 : 4 ; John 6.: 27-63.
new moon to another and from one Sabbath to delivered to mankind, and every way worthy of The candlestick, with its daily supply of oil
another, shall all flesh come to worship before that God from whom he professed to derive and continual burning (Ex. 25 : 31-37), must
the Lord upon the glorious plains of the new them, and whose Son he declared himself to be. have reminded the worshipers of their daily need
earth. His precepts inculcated the purest and most per- of grace and strength and God's promise to sup-
fect morality ; his discourses were full of dignity ply all their wants. They would thus become
LET JESUS LEAD. and wisdom, yet intelligible and clear ; his par- a light to the world around them, for " a city
ables conveyed instruction in the most pleasing, that is set on a hill cannot be hid." Matt.
familiar, and impressive manner ; and his answers 5 : 14.
(Pt. Collins, Col.)
to the many insidious questions that were put to The curtains wrought with fine-twined linen,
THERE are so many things in life's short span him showed uncommon quickness of perception, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, with cheru-
We do not know, yet wish to understand. soundness of judgment, and presence of mind, bim of cunning work, covering the sanctuary,
Why should we wish to know? Let Jesus lead; completely baffled all the artifices and malice of showed the glory of the God of Israel. Ex.
He knows the way, would bid us all Godspeed. his enemies, and enabled him to elude all the 40 : 34. All this must have been a reminder to
Sometimes he leads us through the desert wild,
Because he loves his willful, wayward child,— snares that were laid for him. the priests and people of God's continued pres-
It appears, then, even from this short and ence with them, and of the multitude of heav-
Yes, loves us with an everlasting love; imperfect sketch of our Saviour's character, that enly beings who assist them in their work.
Would lead us from this world to one above;
Would have us follow him in every way; he was, beyond comparison, the wisest and most n The altar of incense (Ex. 30 :1-7) was where
Has bid us evermore to watch and pray; virtuous person that ever appeared ; and even the priests burned sweet incense every morning
And angels, who now hold the winds in love, his bitterest enemies allow that he was so. If, and evening, to represent the prayers of the
Will see God's people soon ascend above. then, he was confessedly so great and so good, saints, which should come up before God every
clearly it unavoidably follows that he must be morning and evening filled with praise and
CHARACTER OF CHRIST, what he pretended to be — a divine person, and gratitude to God, our bountiful: benefactor.
of course his religion also must be divine ; for Rev. 8 :3, 4.
As Presented in the Gospels. " The pure oil olive beaten for the light,"
he certainly laid claim to a divine original. He
asserted that he was the Son of God ; that he which the children of Israel were to bring (Ex.
[THE following communication was handed
and his religion came from heaven ; and that he 27 :20, 21), must have conveyed to their minds
to a brother in Arkansas by the late Thomas the requirement of sincere heart•worship, filled
had the power of working miracles. If this was
Demmon, just before his decease. This brother not the case, he must, in a matter of infinite im- with love and faith. We should be admonished
(M. Shipley) sends it to the REVIEW for publi- portance, have asserted what had no foundation that God does not want a formal, lifeless service,
cation. It is a well-written thesis on a noble in truth. But is such a supposition as this in such as will characterize the last days (2 Tim.
subject, and will interest our readers.— ED.] the smallest degree credible ! is it probable ? is 3 :1-5), but a living, daily experience in the
Whoever considers with attention the charac- it conceivable ? is it consistent with the general things of God,— a service rendered to him in
ter of our blessed Lord, as it may be collected conduct of man I Is it reconcilable with the the spirit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
from the various incidents and actions of his acknowledged character of our Lord to suppose gentleness, and faith, with meekness and tem-
life, will soon discover that it was in every re- that anything but truth could proceed from him perance. Such worship is the offering up of
spect the most perfect that was ever made known whom his very enemies allow to have been in spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus
to mankind. every respect (and of course in point of veracity) Christ.
If we only say of him what even Pilate said the best and most virtuous of men? Was it The neatness and order with which all things
of him, and what his bitterest enemies cannot ever known, is there a single instance to be pro- pertaining to the sanctuary were arranged, were
and do not deny,— that we can find no fault in duced in the history of mankind, of any one so a lesson to them and to us of how we are to
him, and that the whole tenor of his life was unblemished in morals as Christ confessedly was, appear when coming into the presence of God.
entirely blameless throughout,— this is more persisting for so great a length of time as he did He would not have us come in a slack manner
than can be said of any other person that ever in assertions which, if untrue, would be repug- nor in proud, gaudy attire, but with a neat,
came into the world. nant to the clearest principles of morality, and plain, and attractive attire such as would honor
But this is going a very little way indeed in most fatal in their consequences to those he God in taste and economy.
the excellence of his character. He was not only loved best, his followers and his friends ? Is it =he consecration of Aaron and his sons to the
free from every failing, but possessed and prac- possible that the pure, the upright, the pious, priesthood was and is a lesson of the sacredness
ticed every imaginable virtue. Toward his the devout, the meek, the gentle, the humane, of God's ministry. The putting of the blood
Heavenly Father he expressed the most ardent the merciful, Jesus, could engage multitudes of of the offering upon the right ear of Aaron and
love, the most fervent yet rational devotion, and innocent and virtuous people in the belief and his sons, also upon the thumb of the right hand,
displayed in his whole conduct the most absolute support of a religion which he knew must draw and upon the great toe of the right foot, and
resignation to his!will and obedience to his com- on them persecution, misery, and death, unless sprinkling the blood upon the altar round about,
mands. he had been authorized by God himself to estab- was a lesson of entire consecration to the work
His manners were gentle, mild, condescending, lish that religion, and unless he was conscious of God. Ex. 29 :1, 19-21. The ears were to
and gracious ; his heart overflowed with kind- that he possessed the power of amply recompens- hear the voice of God, to hear aright, not in a
ness, compassion, and tenderness to the whole ing those who preferred his religion to every wrong manner ; the hands were to do the work
human race. The great employment of his life other consideration I n The common sense and of God faithfully and with all earnestness, not
was to do good to mankind. In this all his common feeling of mankind must revolt at such negligently ; the feet were to walk in the way
time was constantly and almost incessantly occu- a preposterous idea. - of God's commandments, carrying the gospel of
pied. He went about dispensing his blessings MW (Conetuded next week.) peace and good-will to all men, but never as a
to all around him in a thousand different ways ; "talebearer," to carry around evil reports
healing diseases, relieving infirmities, correcting LESSONS FROM THE SANCTUARY.
among the people. Lev. 19 : 16. The gar-
errors, removing prejudices, promoting piety, ments of Aaron and his sons being sprinkled
justice, charity, peace, and harmony among BY ELDER E. J. FARMAN with blood and the anointing oil, was evidently
men, and crowding into the narrow compass of (Annapolis, Nova Scotia.) to teach them of the righteousness of Christ in
his ministry, more acts of mercy and compassion which they were to be clad, " the righteousness
than the longest life of the most benevolent man THE meaning of the word 6 4 sanctuary " is a of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto
upon earth ever yet produced. " dwelling-place for God " (Ex. 25 : 8), and all and upon all them that believe ; for there is
Over his own passions he had obtained the the object of this dwelling-place was that he no difference."
most complete command, and though his pa- might meet with his people to commune with The offerings which the priests made were
tience was continually put to the severest trials, them and give them instruction concerning his those which the people presented to them, and
yet he was never once overcome, never once be- will. Ex. 25 : 22 ; 29 : 42-46. they were to be " without blemish ; " thus the
trayed into any intemperance or excess in word The ark containing the law which pointed out people were to offer the best and the first to
or deed, never once " spake unadvisedly with sin, was covered over by the mercy-seat. Upon God. Surely they could think of doing nothing
his lips." He endured the cruelest insults from this were placed two cherubim overshadowing it less, when they represented Christ, the first and
his enemies with the utmost composure, meek- (Ex. 25 : 10-22), which evidently foreshadowed best gift of heaven. If this was what the Lord
ness, patience, and resignation ; displayed the the everlasting mercies of God to all penitent required in olden time, does he require anything
most astonishing fortitude as he suffered a most sinners. Ps. 85 : 10 ; 100 : 5. The table of less now ? Would our love to him render any-
painful and ignominious death ; and to crown all, shewbread, which was kept continually supplied thing less ? — Surely not.
in the very midst of his torments on the cross, (Ex. 25 : 30), evidently was intended to teach " The breastplate of judgment " containing

the twelve stones in which were engraved the let me see your confession of faith. There are us? But Christ was a Sabbath-keeper, although
names of the twelve tribes of the children of strange things happening nowadays ; the air is held by some to be a Sabbath-breaker because
Israel, which the high-priest wore always upon full of strange reports about Seventh-day Ad- he healed the sick, etc., on that day. He said,
his heart when he went in before the Lord ventists and their peculiar belief. There are " Ye have condemned the guiltless ; " and, " It
(Ex. 28 : 6-30), was to teach them the love and various reasons assigned for what you call is lawful," thus justifying himself in his faith-
responsibility of the high-priest, who was to 'religious persecution,'—unjust imprisonment fulness to the Sabbath.
present their cases to the Lord and intercede for and compulsory labor in the chain-gang with God had said, Whosoever defileth the Sab-
them. They might also have learned that judg- vile criminals ; and I desire to know and under- bath shall be put to death. So, certain death
ment would be visited upon the sinner for his stand for myself, that I may move intelligently, hung over every Jew on this head. The only
transgression. This would especially be the and not take a leap in the dark." way, therefore, for Christ to save was to keep it
case when the day of atonement came. Ex. 28 : " Madam," I replied, " I am not unwilling perfectly himself, and then die for their recon-
29, 30. On that day the people were to be to loan you our church creed, nor am I ashamed ciliation. He could not have been the spotless
cleansed from all their sins. Lev. 16 : 29, 30. of anything that is being taught by an intelli- Lamb to be accepted for the sacrifice, had he not
Ten days before this there was a blowing of gent Seventh-day Adventist. You are at lib- kept the Sabbath. Thus he saved to the ut-
trumpets throughout all the mountains of Israel erty to examine our articles of faith at any time termost then as he does to-day all who will look
to gather the people to the day of atonement. you may be inclined to do so. My desire is to to him.
Lev. 23 : 23-25. If any of the people failed to see you a Bible Christian, not a creed-bound But Christ's life is the true one 4 for every
come before the Lord on the day of atonement, woman. And the creed which you are so man that cometh into the world." The law of
they were to be cut off from among his people. anxious to see I have with me, and will leave it God simply reveals the character of Christ.
Verses 28-30. How careful and prayerful must for your perusal if you wish. But first let me He alone of all men received righteousness
the high-priest have been when he bore all Israel ask a question or two : Do you believe the through perfect obedience to the law, thus ful-
in the breastplate upon his heart before the Lord Bible to be the word of God ? that Jesus Christ, filling what was written, " The man that doeth
to make an atonement for them on that day ! his Son, came to save men from their sins ? that these things shall live in them." It must be
What a lesson we should learn in this day of there is but one Lord, one faith, one baptism? plain to every one that Christ's life, which is
antitypical judgment, which has been going on that justification is obtained through Christ exactly fitted to the law, is not in harmony with
for over fifty years !— a time when men's char- only ? that the new birth, faith, and repentance any other standard ; that if we follow Christ,
acters have been and are being tested by the law are essential to salvation ? that the Bible teaches we must also be in harmony with the law ; and
of God (James 2 : 12), when judgment is laid to the restoration of all the gifts to the church be- that he who steps outside the bounds of Christ's
the line, and righteousness to the plummet. fore the Lord comes again ? that it also teaches life, deliberately taking another standard, can-
Isa. 28 : 17. Soon our heavenly High-priest the perpetuity of God's law, by which all men not be benefited by his reconciliation, simply
will present our cases before his Father in the shall be tried in the judgment ? and that when because he wrought not out their life.
courts above, and what verdict will the Lord Christ comes, his reward will be with him, to But it is futile to mention two standards of
render? It depends upon our faithful, loving give to every man according to his work ? Do living with Him who is " the same yesterday,
obedience as to whether or not we shall be you believe all this ? to-day, and forever, " with whom is " no variable-
counted righteous. Should we not inquire, " Yes," she answered, 4 4 I believe all that, ness." Christ was God manifested in the flesh,
Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ? and on and more." and God's life is nothing but his law absolutely
learning his will, at once proceed to the work? " I can see no reason, then, why you should lived out. Christ's life would be the same in
not see and examine our church creed," I replied, every jot and tittle were he here upon earth
OUR CHURCH CREED. and then passed my Bible toward her, saying, to-day, and his righteousness, which was once
" The Bible is the only creed or text-baok manifest, is to-day sought for to clothe every
BY MINARD WOOD. recognized by Seventh-day Adventists." poor soul that stands in the rags and tatters
(DennisPort, Mass.) Surprise mingled with pleasure was depicted of his own righteousness. So I may say that
upon her countenance, as she exclaimed, " Thank Christ's righteousness goes at par to-day, and is
WHILE endeavoring to unfold some of the Heaven, I have found a people whose God is just what it was nineteen hundred years ago, or
beauties of the gospel, and to portray to an at- the Lord ! Reader, is that the language of three thousand years ago, or six thousand years
tentive listener the matchless charms and loveli- your heart ? ago. This righteousness we seek not only to
ness of the character of the Man of Calvary, the have put upon us, but into us, into our hearts.
lady with whom I was conversing suddenly re- Let everybody remember that the righteousness
marked, " Why, your explanation of the Script. SABBATH.
a of Christ has perfect Sabbath-keeping in it, but
ures lets in a flood of light upon many passages BY ELDER I. E. KIMBALL. no Sunday-keeping, and bring his life into per-
which have heretofore looked dark and mys- (Spartanburg, S. C.) fect harmony with God's day by day. We can-
terious. And now, as I have become so much not do more nor less than to work six days,
interested in what you have been telling me, I AN argument which seems to me invulnerable after the example of creation, and rest on the
wish to know more of your people, and would in favor of the Sabbath of the fourth command- seventh.
very much like to read your church creed." ment, is found in the doctrine of justification by
" You may," I replied, " if you so desire. faith. There seems to be unanimity in all the )
But my advice to you and others, is to study the leading churches of our land with reference to 41(
Bible instead of church creeds." the imputation of Christ's righteousness for the
4 4 But," said she, " I wish to know just what remission of sins. The past life of transgres-
Seventh-day Adventists believe." sion is thus covered by his faithfulness. Not COMMENDABLE HONESTY.
" Why, they believe the same as you do ; only so, but none will assert absolute, perfect
that is an open Bible," I answered. righteousness from day to day. They say, " I ONE H. T. Besse attempted in the "Wesleyan
4 4 Yes," she replied, " I know ; but other de- seek to follow the Lamb, to walk in his steps, Methodist to defend Sunday as the Christian
nominations profess to believe the Bible, and to be holy as he was holy. . By beholding, I Sabbath by setting up claims on the Greek of
they differ very materially with you on many would become changed into his image; but I Matt. 28 : 1, and parallel texts, which no one
points, such as baptism, the second advent, the was conceived in sin, and to day, even, rhave but an ignoramus would put forth. His claim
destiny of man, the sanctuary, the Sabbath, etc. not filled out the measure of Christ fully. I was that "222,ia ton sabbaton " means "the first
There certainly is an error somewhere, and some therefore take Christ's righteousness for this
one is in the dark. I would like to examine of the Sabbaths," referring to Sunday, instead
day. My own goes for nothing so far as salva-
your church creed, and compare it with others." tion is concerned. He saves, his righteousness of " the first day of the week," as we have it
‘4 Yes," said I, 4 that is all very true. We covers me. in the common version. Mr. Besse's article was
do differ somewhat with other religious sects. The point is this, that herein is an acknowl- republished in the Michigan Christian Advocate.
But in drawing a comparison between what we edgment that our words and acts—our lives But with the claim put forth, every scholar is
term our "4 church creed " and the church creeds —are imperfect ; but Christ's righteousness, thoroughly disgusted ; and hence a Mr. D. C.
of the evangelical churches, it will really aston- wrought out nearly nineteen hundred years ago Challis hastened to repudiate, through the
ish you more than all the visionary reports you in the flesh, was perfect then, and is the perfect
paper last named, the use of such means in
have ever heard about that denomination. For righteousness for to day. This righteousness,
you will perceive that upon some points the dif- rather than ours, we appropriate and trust in. defense of Sunday. In the Advocate of Nov.
ference is as great as the east is from the west. Now it will be seen at once that in that right- 10, under the heading, " The Christian Sab-
And for that reason I most heartily recommend eouness is no Sunday-keeping. No man can bath," he writes as follows
the study of the Scriptures instead of creeds. assert that Christ kept Sunday ; but Christ did DEAR ADVOCATE: H. T. Besse, in the article you
The Bible is the rule. If we agree with it, we keep the seventh day perfectly. It would be copy from the Wesleyan _Methodist, is not a safe defender
are right ; if not, we are wrong. It is a per- vain, therefore, for us to look to him for salva- of the Christian Sabbath, if we may judge by the
article in;Zquestion Literal translations, without ref-
sonal work, and to us it matters little what tion from Sunday transgressions if we were to erence to context or local customs and dialectic pecul-
other people believe." hold working upon Sunday to be sin, for be iarities, are always misleading, as many a missionary
" But please tell me why you are unwilling to worked as well as we. How, then, can he save in his early experience has learned to his cost. Illia
ton sabbaton' is very properly rendered the first day of by keeping her day, Sunday, the earnest remonstrances In the East. —Nov. 19 the powers made a
the week.' The Sabbath being the only day of the of the Old and New Testaments to the contrary not-
week with a distinctive name, very naturally came to withstanding.' " demand upon the sultan for permission to place
be used for the whole week. In the New Testament additional guard-ships at Constantinople. From
it is the only word corresponding to our word week.' that time till now the sultan has held the mat-
It is the custom even now in those countries to use the The Facts Restated.— The gentlemen in
word corresponding to Sabbath' as a designation for controversy with Mr. O'Keefe presented a ter in abeyance, neither refusing nor granting
the whole week.
more favorable letter from another priest, the the permission. There has been a good deal of
"In Bulgaria the word ' nadata' (Sunday) is quite
commonly used instead of their ordinary word for authenticity of which O'Keefe questions. That bluster about it, and rumors of decisive action
week. Then to translate the words metaxu sabbaton' letter said : " I hope you gentlemen cannot suc- have been plenty; but nothing has been done
by between or middle Sabbath' is still less to be justi- until the Turk " got a good ready, " and then
fied when we remember that the people of Antioch ceed in inducing all non-Catholics throughout
were then hearing the gospel for the first time, and this country to change Saturday into Sunday. he issues the necessary instructions to have the
could have known nothing of any other than the Jewish We Catholics in that event must eventually have vessels admitted to the Dardanelles. In the
Sabbath. Nor do I see any justification for translating meantime the crisis seems to have passed, at
erchomeno' by just at hand.' Its meaning in this the worst of the mix-up."
instance is clearly next'— the next Sabbath. To this remark Mr. O'Keefe replies : — least for a time, and matters in Constantinople
"I am not attempting to justify the practice of the are more quiet. Said Pasha, who fled to the
' seventh-day ' people, for there are abundant proofs " What living Catholic priest is there who does not
of the falsity of their position; but I do not like to see know that Protestantism has, contrary to its fundamental British embassy to avert imprisonment and
the true position defended by a false interpretation." principles, abandoned its sole acknowledged teacher, perhaps death, has become reassured, and has re-
the Bible, on the Sabbath question, and, guilty of a
The "metaxu sabbaton" referred to above is double apostasy; gone over, bag and baggage, to the
turned to his own home.
the Greek found in Acts 13 : 42, which some teaching and practice of the Catholic Church? In put- It appears to an observer that the sultan
ting the question I must make honorable exception. I makes sport of the powers. He well knows
translate "Sabbath between," and try to make refer to the Seventh-day Adventists. They are the only
refer to Sunday ; that is, " between " two consistent Protestants on earth. They follow the teach- that there is no unanimity of sentiment or pur-
Jewish Sabbaths. But as noted above, it is ings of their Bible by keeping the Sabbath enjoined by pose, no bond of common interest, between them,
God and their acknowledged guide, only to be fined,
properly translated " next," as explained by punished, and imprisoned by their fellow-Protestants
and therefore pursues a temporizing course,
the word " erchomeno" in verse 44, which is even in the State of Maryland, for their consistency, dallying along and finally complying with an
translated "next," and can mean nothing else. while their persecutors have shamefully abandoned the unavoidable demand just at the last moment
very principles for which they punish them. And
U. S. what would your bogus priest recommend, Rev. Sir? — to keep himself out of trouble. He is crafty,
Remain wallowing in the mire of a double apostasy!" and does not intend to relinquish his place or
ANOTHER REBUKE. change his tactics until actually compelled to
It is with no spirit of exultation that we would
call attention to these statements. We hold no do so. The terrible reports come to us that the
The Argument Summed Up.— Two weeks
number of Armenians butchered within the last
ago there was an article in this department con- common ground with Catholics on the question ;
few months amounts to from 30,000 to 60,000.
cerning the rebuke of M. O'Keefe, a Catholic and as before stated, we disown the style and
The district of Van has been recently overrun
priest of Maryland, for the action of a ministe- language in which much of the article is couched.
by Kurdish cavalry, who destroyed 200 villages
rial association that sought to enlist him in a But the facts alluded to are obvious, and ought
and rendered 50,000 people homeless. Cer-
movement for enforcing Sunday laws. A reply to have great weight with Protestants. We do
tainly the nations who have in hand the guardi-
to this rebuke appeared in the Baltimore .Meth- not make any plea for Seventh-day Adventists.
anship of those in the Turkish empire who are
odist, and this was followed by a rejoinder in There is no credit to be given to us ; but why
not of Mohammedan faith, cannot listlessly see
the Catholic Mirror. We do not indorse the will not our fellow-Protestants see the inconsist-
this wholesale slaughter go on indefinitely. The
style of Mr. O'Keefe, though the inconsistent ency of their course, and stand for the defense
present lull in the confusion is, therefore, but
course of the ministers exposes them to ridicule of the truth rather than rush to its persecution I
T. temporary ; for action must be taken, and it
and invective according to the human standard.
would seem that it cannot be taken too soon.
But the Saviour has taught us not to deal thus
PASSING EVENTS AND COMMENTS. Then, too, the Druses and the Arabs hate the
with those who hate us or despitefully use us.
Turk, and already they are in arms and turbu-
But Mr. O'Keefe pokes the unwelcome truth
Possessed of Devils."—It is not very dif- lent for revolt and trouble.
of their real situation at them in a very uncom-
ficult to understand those somewhat occult ex-
fortable way. He thus replies to their answer
pressions of Scripture which state that certain Drifting Backward.— From the New York
to his arguments :
individuals were possessed of demons, when we World of Dec. 9 we take the following account
Putting your argument and mine in the form of a
colloquy as above, I beg leave to formulate it for the scan the conduct of some people nowadays. Last of the triumph of ritualism (Catholicism) in that
benefit of my readers. Addressing myself to the Rev. week a man was hanged in Minneapolis for city at the new church of St. Mary the Virgin,
Messrs. Heisse, Cassard, and Guthrie, I invite their
attention thus: —
murder. He was the son of respectable and an Episcopalian establishment —
" Rev. Sirs: Your teacher, the Bible, which you hold well-to-do parents, but had gained notoriety as a " Services in the new and magnificent temple of
to be inspired, and which you cherish with great ap- reckless gambler. He was clearly convicted of ritualism, the church of St. Mary the Virgin, were held
parent reverence, is most explicit in requiring the for the first time yesterday. In the morning solemn
Sabbath (Saturday) to be kept holy; but I find you causing the murder of a woman for her money, high mass was celebrated; in the evening, solemn
flatly contradicting your teacher in pra,ctice, and keep- and for a year had been before the public in a vespers. At both services ritualism predominated
ing another day nowhere referred to " to be kept holy; " closely contested trial. During this time those strongly. But for the fact that Latin was not used,
viz., Sunday.' there was little apparent difference in the ceremonies
" Answer delivered by Rev. Mr. Heisse, spokesman for who have kept run of the details have been in St. Mary's and those which would have been called
the trinity: Mr. O'Keefe, I find you laboring under shocked by the utter absence of any appearance forth by a similar occasion in a Roman Catholic church.
much poverty of thought; ergo, the Sunday, not Satur- There was the pomp, the grandeur, the light, the color.
day, is our day.' of moral sense, of shame, self-respect, or respect Vestments of splendid richness hung from the shoulders
" But, gentlemen, let me direct your attention to the for any living being above or on earth. Since of the celebrant, the august Bishop Grafton, of the see
consistent course pursued by the Jewish race relative his condemnation in court several months since, of Fond du Lac, and almost equal in their magnificence
to this question. The Hebrews, from the days of Moses were the robes of the assisting clergy.
to this Saturday, have ever kept the Saturday, in- he has either been planning the most demoniacal "Upon the altar were the vessels and the candles of
structed by the same teacher, the Bible, as yourselves.' crimes or mocking his fate. His chief desire ritualism, and assisting in the services were acolytes
" Answer: Mr. O'Keefe, your " absurdity of logic " is and a surpliced choir. At the eastern side of the
to get out seemed to be that he might destroy church, fixed high upon a pilaster, was a massive
intolerable; ergo, our Sabbath is Sunday.'
" But, gentlemen, your Redeemer and his apostles• all who had offended him. A day or two before crucifix, with the agony of Calvary fixed upon the face
kept the Saturday, and no other day, as your New Testa- his death, he sent for his brother, and cursed of the Christ. To this and to the cross upon the altar
ment teaches from Matthew to Revelation.' the congregation made worship with bended knee, and
" It matters not, Mr. O'Keefe, what arguments you him with the most terrible blasphemy and with a at the proper periods in the reading of the services the
advance for Saturday; your redundancy of language vindictiveness that was born of hell itself. He more devout made the sign of the cross. Another note
and limitless display of egotism are utterly abhorrent to spent his last night eating, drinking, and joking of ultra-high-church tendency was the appearance of
us; ergo, we keep Sunday.' the visiting clergy in cassocks, surplices, and berettas,
" Let me, Rev. Sirs, remonstrate still further: are you about his pending doom. It would be charitable, some with the clear-cut, clean-shaven features of the
not aware that you have, by keeping Sunday, aposta- perhaps, to say that such characters are insane Roman Catholic priest and the almost identical manner
tized from the uniform and consistent teachings of your of worship.
own and only avowed and cherished teacher, the Bible, and (there are many of them unhanged), but the facts " To the Rev. Thomas Mc Kee Brown the day was one
enrolled yourselves beneath the polluted banner of are, they are forsaken of God and under the full of extreme import. With him the church of St. Mary
" the scarlet lady "—the mother of abominations?' the Virgin has arisen as the ideal of the ritualistic
control of Satan. Such will be the condition of Episcopalian Church in America, and has weathered,
"Answer: Mr. O'Keefe, our spokesman, Rev. Mr.
Heisse, has well said of you, " He has our sympathy the world in that hour of temptation that is yet through the strength of his hand at the helm, almost
because of his intense blindness in moral perceptions, before us when the Spirit of God no longer overwhelming storms of criticism and disapproval.
and his amazing lack of sound judgment on the lead- strives with men. Then they are possessed of So his congregation rendered homage to him yesterday
ing questions of the hour; " ergo, we are prepared to. by appearing in force."
acknowledge our indebtedness to the Church of Rome devils, and become demons incarnate, T.

mind, and so are not able to settle down to them. This name is not original with us, how-
Vhf OMB. regular work for several days. For these and ever, for there are many missions here in Chicago
other reasons most of our schools have discon- and in other cities, which are called " settle-
"That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; tinued the popular holiday vacations. This has ments," and they are doing very efficient work.
that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the
similitude of a palace."—Ps. 144:12. already proved to be a step in the right direc- This, it seems to me, is the true way of car-
tion. An unprofitable custom is being broken rying on missionary work. In fact, it is the
FIRST PETER 5 : 7. up, valuable time improved, money saved and kind of work taught and practiced by our Sav-
put to a better use, and the general work of the iour, who himself came down and lived a right
BY MRS. SUE L. STOUT. schools advanced instead of being retarded. life, right among those he desired to save, and
(Mackinaw, Ill.)
Still, when the time comes near, there springs worked for them where they were. I notice,
AND can I cast my care up in the hearts of some the desire to drop work too, in reading the first article in the REVIEW of
That presses me so low and go home or to go somewhere, it makes but Nov. 26, that the plan of work advised to be
Oft Him who seeks to bear little difference where. Hence a deep-seated carried on among the colored people of the
For me my weight of woe? custom is not broken up in a day. If all would South is the same plan of settling among the
Ah, yes! the mighty One work together in this matter, however, the object people there, and living right lives before them,
Has care for even me; would be accomplished much more easily. Par- and teaching them better ways and things.
I need not tread alone ents should encourage their children to remain
The path I cannot see.
In our work here, visiting nurses go from
at their work, and make wise use of their time. house to house, helping the people in any way
He marks the sparrow's fall, Far too soon, with the great majority, these they can. By treating the sick, helping the
And guides the starry spheres; opportunities and privileges of school work are overburdened mother, speaking kind and loving
He hears me when I call, cut off. How important is it, then, that every words to the lonely and discouraged, and by
And quiets all my fears.
day of this valuable time should be rightly im- showing a real and practical interest in the
More sure than sight of eye proved.
Or hearing of the ear,
welfare of the people we meet and work for, we
His promise draweth nigh —To the student the loss of this important week can hope to gain their confidence and do them
My fainting heart to cheer. in the year from his school work may be likened good. We find many ways in which we can
God grant me strength to help to make life more
leave pleasant a n d home
Distress and daily care more attractive to
With him who will receive families that seem not
And a 11 my burdens to have either, but
bear. f• were choosing only the
darkest and most
THE HOLIDAY VA- gloomy side of life.
CATION. One great reason why
Lf so many children and
young people are found
(Mt. Vernon, 0.) wandering on the
THE great holiday streets, and away from
season is just upon us. home and the tender
People of all classes are ties which should bind
revolving in their child to parent, is that
minds the questions of there are no home at-
where they shall spend tractions, the home be-
their vacation, and ing simply a place in
what they shall do. which to eat and sleep.
Much money will be What better work can
spent for presents of be done than to help
greater or less value or make these homes
use. Big dinners and centers of attraction,
evening gatherings will to teach their inmates
be the order of the better ways of living,
day. Much of the and to beget in them
general business of the true pride a n d real
country will be s u s - pleasure in the every-
pended. The usual day home duties of life ?
results of happiness and misery will follow. to a long chain with the best and strongest link This very work is being done in the kitchen-
Many of the schools of the land will be dis- in the center removed. garden classes, which are held in the Settlement
missed, and those students who can afford it will Li May we not hope that this year a marked hall. The large number of children that attend
return to their homes or go to visit friends or change will be noticed in the observance of the these classes are taught how to do their work
relatives. Those who are not able will have to holiday week ; that the time may be properly in the best way, and they take real pride and
remain behind and content themselves as best improved, and the lesson of self-denial learned ? pleasure in it, and go home and ask their moth-
they can. There will be many disappointments ers the privilege of doing work which, before,
and heart-aches mingled with the pleasures and had been only drudgery to them. Several
excitements. At the end, students will return MEDICAL MISSIONARY COLLEGE SETTLE- mothers of children who have attended these
to their work with their minds far less capable MENT IN CHICAGO. classes, have expressed their surprise at the
of taking up their tasks than when they laid change in their children in this respect. By
them down. Taking all things into considera- (Chicago, Ili.)
this means parents and children are drawn closer
tion, it will be a great harvest in which Satan together, the home is made happier, and they
will be the chief reaper. IT is quite probable that, by this time, most are thus prepared for spiritual help.
In the schools of our denomination the sub- of the readers of the REVIEW are familiar with On each Tuesday evening a class in physiology
ject of holiday vacations has received much the above title, but are not so well acquainted is held, the attendance of which has varied from
thoughtful consideration. It has been felt that with the nature of the work being carried on at twenty-five to seventy-five. They take great in-
our students would receive much greater benefit the mission bearing this name. It is situated terest in these classes, and the lessons are made
by remaining in school. The week of prayer is in South Chicago, near the stock-yards. more interesting by the use of specimens which
held at this time, and, besides, special meetings Some may wonder what is the origin of so we are able to procure at the stock-yards, which
are usually conducted for the benefit of the stu- long a name for this mission. I will give the are only a few blocks away. This study affords
dents. These are always precious seasons and circumstances leading to the adoption of the an excellent opportunity, which we improve, of
among the most - important days of the entire name. The " college" part of it comes from giving some good practical lessons in the proper
school year. the fact that the American Medical Missionary care of the body. We have been gratified to
When a holiday vacation is given, many of College, lately incorporated under the laws of hear through the parents, of some of the boys
the students who live far away or who do not the State of Illinois, has its home here, where who have stopped the use of tobacco since at-
feel able to meet the expense of the trip home, the medical students will receive a part of their tending these classes. We have been pleased
are compelled to lose the time from school, and course of instruction. The settlement idea also to see the improvement in the conduct of
an injustice is thus done them. Those who have comes from the fact of our having " settled " these children, who at first baffled all attempts
gone, return in a more or 'oils excited frame of right among the people here and living among to keep any kind of order.
Notwithstanding the strong Catholic element effort to save their family, they must make home level teaspoon each of sugar and salt, with just
here, we have an attendance of from forty to the sweetest place on earth. Let the rooms be enough cold water to moisten the whole, and
eighty at the Sabbath-school held in the hall clean, tasty, and pervaded always with an air of stir. Grate quickly over it one good-sized
each Sabbath, at three o'clock. Nearly all these cheerfulness ; make the surroundings as beauti- potato, stir, and immediately pour over it one
children are from Catholic homes, and they show ful as possible ; see that Christ and his love and one-half cups of violently boiling water.
the greatest respect and take great interest in crowd everything else from your heart. Your If properly done, the paste will thicken like
the lessons and singing, and are very eager to children will grow up around you to, be a starch ; if it does not, it can be thickened by
get the papers that are given them. " crown of glory " to your declining years, and boiling. Strain to remove coarse particles, cool
A kindergarten is held in the Settlement hall the hearts of all who enter your home will be to lukewarm, and add the water from the raisins.
five days in each week, which affords another warmed by the sunshine which God has put A few hours' standing, covered, in a warm room
excellent opportunity to become acquainted with within you and yours. There is crying need for (85°), will yield a yeast light and foamy, one-
the smaller children and to mold their tender such homes. half cup of which will make an ordinary-sized
minds in the right way. It is worth while to Does a young man like the company of evil loaf of bread. If you wish to keep some for an
remember that these minds are easiest to receive companions better than a home where love indefinite time, mix some corn-meal with a
impressions and the longest to retain them. dwells? Does a daughter long for the pleas- portion, and dry it. The rest should be bottled,
;Another interesting part of the work is the ures of the world more than for the quiet, social jugged, or canned in clean vessels, and excluded
reading club which has been organized. Suit- joys of a happy family circle ? The youth must from the air as much as possible. It should
able rooms have been fitted up, and quite a good be protected and hedged in from the temptations also be kept as cool as can be without freezing.
supply of good books and papers have been pro- of the world, and parents alone can supply the If, while rising, either yeast or bread is
cured. The young people are very eager to be- protecting influences. " It will pay to manifest allowed to come to a temperature of more than
come members of the reading club, and seem to affection in your association with your children. 90°, there is developed a sour taste similar to
enjoy it very much. We can hope for great . . . Never let a frown gather upon your brow, that of the leavened bread mentioned last week.
good to come from this part of the work ; or a harsh word escape your lips. . . . Rebell- Thermometers are not expensive, and beginners
for by this means these young people are kept ion is too frequently established in the hearts really need them for the process of bread-bak-
from loafing on the streets and in worse places, of children through the wrong discipline of the ing, and all would be benefited by the use of ono
and are brought under good influences where parents, when if a proper course had been taken, in securing the proper temperature of the house.
their minds are occupied and diverted from the children would have formed good and har-
wrong channels. monious characters."— " Testimonies for the
Chwrch," Vol. III., pages 530, 533. SCHOOL THE MISTRESSES FIRST.
The sewing class should be mentioned as an-
other very interesting part of the work here. IT is not the maids that need the first instruc-
Many more come to these classes than can be YEAST AND ITS USES.
tion. It is the mistresses. School them in the
admitted. Work is being carried on in the way BY MRS. D. A. FITCH. arts and crafts of homekeeping, and the school-
of gospel meetings, medical lectures, mothers' (Sanitarium Cooking-school.) ing of the maids will be far easier. A woman
meetings, cooking lessons, singing classes, and may have a score of servants, and if she be not
physical-culture exercises, all of which are ac- Au, foods containing the nitrogenous elements their superior in the principles of domestic sci-
complishing a good work. in large proportion are very likely to decay when ence, she is their dupe, and her family are the
A large amount of clothing is distributed to subjected to the effects of air, warmth, and victims of both. Consciousness on the part of
the poor, and is making many comfortable who moisture. Meat, milk, and eggs are familiar employees that the employer is competent to
would have suffered without it. All who have and striking examples of this. The grains are judge of their work, goes a long way toward
sent clothing to the mission may know that it is rich in these elements, but will remain in good maintaining a peaceful, well-disposed, clean, and
being put to good use. Some have kindly re- condition if kept in a dry but cool atmosphere. happy home.
membered us by sending canned fruit and other But it will be noticed that as soon as water is Fill a woman's head with all the book learn-
provisions, for which we are very thankful. We added, fermentation begins. ing to be had in universities ; make her fingers
would say to all who desire to send provisions or Wheat is especially rich in the nitroge- nimble on the piano, her feet nimble on the
clothing, that our number is 744 Forty-seventh nous element known as " gluten," and it is dancing floor ; train her in the gymnasium ; let
street. probably due to its presence that wheat makes her row, skate, drive, ride, paint, sing ; and if
The Lord is blessing our efforts here, and we lighter bread than any other grain with the same she cannot cook, sew, darn, patch, she is not fit
hope that many such missions may be started in amount of yeast. ‘4 Yeast is a collection of liv- to marry. She ought to abdicate her woman's
many large cities. ing organisms, or plants, belonging to the family place in the family. Its happiness is far less
of fungi, which, like all other plants, require dependent on fine arts than on the proper knead-
THE HOME. warmth, moisture, and food in order to promote ing and thorough baking of the bread ; one ill-
growth ; and when properly supplied with these, mended hole in a stocking is a greater drawback
BY EDGAR S. CARO, M. D. they begin to grow and multiply rapidly. Fer- to domestic bliss than total ignorance of quad
(Sanitarium.) mentation will not take place at a temperature ratio equations ; and a well-broiled steak con-
below 30° ; it proceeds slowly at 45°, but from tributes more materially to heavenly ways in
HOME, in its true sense, we shall never know 70° to 90° it goes on rapidly."—"Science in husbands and fathers, than skill in Sanskrit
until we enter the mansions which Christ has the Kitchen." roots or grace in the newest glide.
gone to prepare. A home on earth, whether it Of all the yeasts to be procured in market, No class of people know these things to be
be in a humble cottage or a stately house, our the compressed is best. Good results follow the true better than intelligent women. They also
kind Father has given us, and given, too, for careful use of the many different kinds of dry know that if they spent more time cultivating
our thorough enjoyment. Father, mother, and yeast-cakes. Brewers' yeast is preferred by household accomplishments and less in cult-
children, gathered together under the same roof, some. It is not easy to get any of these in some ure supposed to be susceptible of picking up in
bear a likeness to the heavenly family. Just as localities, but in large cities all kinds can be clubs, their lives would be better spent, and
love, health, and happiness are the very founda- obtained without difficulty. their peace more secure. For if a woman gain
tion of heaven, so should our homes abound in We have found some housekeepers who pre- all the parliamentary knowledge in Robert and
these God-given graces. Happy indeed is that fer to make their own yeast. But then some- be able to take a ship's log, but unable to " keep
father who, leaving his work behind him, finds thing must be at hand to start the fermentive house," she knows better than any one else that
a cheerful home, a smiling wife, and loving process, so what is to be done if none can her life is a combination of farce and failure.
children to welcome him. The tired mother is be bought, and there is no neighbor of These are old-fashioned ideas in a time of new
strengthened by tender words of encouragement, whom to borrow? We have heard of a fashions in women's ways. The home, never-
and the children unconsciously reveal their cook in a lumber camp who was in like di- theless, is the base of woman's happiness and
hearts' happiness by their merry faces and lemma, but helped himself out by recourse to man's, no matter how ideas come or go, and the
cheery chatter. Angels of God delight to dwell some of the table refuse which had begun to simple and plain things of home-making and
in such a home. ferment. It is said he had good bread. We home-keeping will continue to be paramount, no
Thrice cursed is that house, we call it not know a better way than this, learned from matter how other things in society may fluctuate.
home, where angry fathers, discouraged mothers, friends in South Africa : Cover one-half cup of Let the school for domestic science go up ; let
and disobedient children constitute the family best raisins with one and one-half cups of water, its endowment be generous and ample, and let
" triangle." Such live not alone ; the Devil and protect with a thickness of clean muslin, the mistresses take its studies first. School
and his angels occupy every room, waiting only keeping at a temperature of 85° as nearly as the mistresses, and the maids will be schooled
a favorable opportunity to lead first one, then possible until fermentation occurs, which will be with infinitely less trouble.—Times- Herald.
another and another, to sin and vice. indicated by a beaded, bubbling appearance.
Do our fathers and mothers see that Satan has This will take about sixty hours. If any
set snares everywhere to catch the inexperienced amount of mold appears, do not be discouraged, — "Do n't forget that God's word, and not
youth I Are they anxious to protect them from but try again. When your effort has been church creeds, the views of learned theologians,
these pitfalls ? Prayer is neccessary, but zeal- crowned with success, prepare a paste as follows : or the belief of vast numbers, is the standard of
ous work must be done. United in earnest Mix well together one tablespoon of flour, one faith and the rule of life."

the apostle exclaims, "Who is sufficient for very greatly at variance on the general interpre-
(Of -110
eview and evil& , these things ? " 2 Cor. 2 : 14-16. tation of the prophecies relating to the second
As we approach the end of all things, and the coming of Christ. There are many 4 signs of
BATTLE CREEK, MICH., DECEMBER 17, 1895. final crisis comes on the world, the work of the the times ' indicative of the approach of im-
true missionary becomes more and more impor- portant changes, and even of the second coming
tant Results are more readily seen. Every as foretold in Scripture."
GEO. C. TENNEY, energy of the soul should be put forth, that he We are very glad to hear these words ; and
may accomplish all that lies in his power in the the object of these lines is to see if, by a fur-
ALONZO T. JONES, WM. W. PRESCOTT, AND Louis R. CONRADI. short time he has to labor. Every soul con- ther comparison of views, we may not come
nected with God's special work in the earth nearer together, and reach a better understand-
THE MISSIONARY SPIRIT. should be aroused, and prayers should follow the ing of each other's position ; for some remarks,
laborer, that his efforts be like sharp sickles in to which we will refer, would indicate that the
MISSIONARY work is the product of the true the harvest-field. No thinking person can mis- Recorder still misapprehends in some respects
missionary spirit. The true missionary spirit is read the signs of the times. The words of Christ the views we hold on this question.
a spirit of disinterested benevolence. It is that should become the sentiment of each believer, It says : " Probably the greatest difference of
spirit that actuates labors of love. Love labors " My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, views would be in regard to the stress to be
not for reward, but reward is the sure result of and to finish his work. Say not ye, There are yet laid on the confessedly uncertain time of the
all such labor. The realities of missionary work four months, and then cometh harvest ? behold, advent."
are generally different from what they are sup- I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on But we apprehend that on this point there is
posed by many to be. Missionary work requires the fields ; for they are white already to harvest. no difference of views whatever. All that there.
much patience, for the progress is not usually And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gath- is "uncertain " about the time of the advent,
very rapid. Some are not satisfied with mis- ereth fruit unto life eternal ; that both he that is the hour, the day, or the year, in which that
sionary reports, or even with missionary sermons, soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. event will occur. But on this point we lay no
unless they contain more or less of the pictur- And herein is that saying true, One soweth stress at all, any more than does the Recorder.
esque and marvelous, in either personal incidents and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that We accept fully, both theoretically and practi-
or achievement. When the gospel takes effect, whereon ye bestowed no labor ; other men la- cally, the words of our Saviour, " Of that day
there are marvels in the transformation of char- bored, and ye are entered into their labors." and hour knoweth no man ; " but we feel bound
acter, as every true worker knows, but they do John 4 : 34-38. a. N. H. just as fully to accept his words uttered right in
not lend themselves very readily to highly connection, that when we should see certain
wrought description. Great changes belong to COMPARING VIEWS. signs come to pass, among which are just such
the kingdom that cometh not with observa- cases as that of this man Schlatter, we should
tion ; and the record is as brief as it is impor- THE Sabbath, Recorder of Nov. 7, referred to know that he is near, and is about to appear in
tant : " So is the kingdom of God, as if a man the false Christ, Schlatter, lately operating in the clouds of heaven.
should cast seed into the ground ; and should Denver, Col., and by way of accounting for the Again : " Men should have some other incen-
sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed appearance of such pretenders in these days, tive to righteous living than the fear of the
should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. cited Mark 13: 22 as applicable to the case. judgment." In a general sense this may be
For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself ; This scripture reads : " For false Christs and regarded as true, yet not wholly so ; for the
first the blade, then the ear, after that the full false prophets shall arise, and shall show Bible frequently holds up the fact that every
corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, work shall be brought into judgment ; that we
forth, immediately be putteth in the sickle, be- even the elect." That this is spoken in refer- must all appear before the judgment-seat of
cause the harvest is come." Mark 1 : 26-29. ence to the subject of Christ's second coming, is Christ ; and that every one shall be reckoned
Like God's work in the natural world, it is quiet shown by the preceding verse, which reads : with, and each receive according to the deeds
in its operation, diffusive in its influence, power- " And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, done in the body, as if it would save men from
ful in its working. Such are the results of true here is Christ ; or, lo, he is there ; believe him being swallowed up in the frivolities of this
missionary labor. not ; for false Christs . . . shall rise," etc. present life, by reining them up to the tremen-
What the most intelligent supporters of mis- Mark then names other signs of Christ's com- dous issues of the future. But this is not the
sionary enterprises desire, is reliable figures, ing, and says in verse 26, " Then shall they see general phase of the preaching of the advent.
moderate and accurate statements, and definitely the Son of man coming in the clouds with great This is the announcement of infinite good, " tid-
achieved results. Such results can and always power and glory." In verse 28 he says that we ings of great joy." The heart of every follower
should be given, though they may be less than know by the budding fig-tree, that summer is of the Saviour should be filled with a love for
the supporters of the missions desire and expect, nigh, and in verse 29 adds : " So ye in like him, and a desire to meet him. To the believer,
rather than indefinite predictions and great ex- manner, when ye shall see these things come to Christ should be the chiefest among ten thou-
pectations lying always in the future. The re- pass, know that it [" he," Christ, Matt. 24 : 33, sand, and the one whom above all others he
sults of missionary efforts may be left to take care margin] is nigh, even at the doors." would be glad to meet ; and the evidence that
of themselves, being watered with prayers mingled From this we must conclude that the second he is about to come, should be his joy and re-
with tears. They are safe in the hands of their personal, visible coming of Christ in the clouds joicing. Love, not fear, is the ruling incentive
Founder, the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. of heaven is the subject here under discussion, in the Christian's heart. And John says that
Their progress means the gradual spread of the with reference especially to those events which " every man that hath this hope in him puri-
principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their would show when that coming is near at hand ; fieth himself, even as he is pure." 1 John 3 : 3.
success means a ripening of the wheat and the and that, when men should arise, saying, Lo, Once more : " Seventh-day Baptists generally
tares for the final harvest. The true missionary here is Christ, or there, and such pretenders as believe that the second coming of Christ' is
worker always has success, for Christ is always Schlatter should appear, we are instructed to taught in the Scriptures. But remembering the
with him. There is no more real failure in his know that Christ is at the doors. numerous times in the past which men have set
efforts, put forth in love, than there was in In the REVIEW of Nov. 19, we noticed this for his advent, backed up by (to them) the most
Christ's efforts while upon earth. " Lo, I am paragraph in the Recorder ; and to its question, positive proofs of figures and prophecy, and
with you alway, even unto the end of the world," " Were not just such cases as that in Denver remembering the emphatic declaration of Christ
are the words of Him whose the cause is, and foretold by our Saviour in Mark 13 : 22 ? " we touching this question (Matt. 24 : 36), 4 But of
who has all the power in heaven and earth com- answered, " Precisely," and then inquired if we that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the
mitted to his hands. " Now thanks be unto are not to know, when such men appear, that angels of heaven, but my Father only,' they
God, which always causeth us to triumph in " the second coming of the true Christ is at the deem it unnecessary and even presumptuous to
Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his doors." attempt to fix the date of that event."
knowledge by us in every place. For we are In its issue of Dec. 5, the Recorder makes a Inasmuch as the Recorder is speaking of the
unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that kind response to the foregoing inquiry. It says Adventists represented by the REVIEW AND HER-
are saved, and in them that perish ; to the one that it has " not the least objection to the in- ALD, we are a little at a loss to determine where
we are the savor of death unto death ; and to the quiry," and adds, " Nor do we imagine that the the foregoing quotation applies. If it is de-
other the savor of life unto life." No wonder Reorder and the Itavizw AHD HERALD would be signed to imply that while Seventh-day Baptists
deem it presumptuous to fix the date for Christ would imply. It is certainly important that we How, then, shall we relate ourselves to this
to come, Seventh-day Adventists do not deem it know something about it, or the Lord would not time, in view of the prospect before us ? Shall
presumptuous to do so, and do try to fix the have taken the pains he has in his word to in- we talk of the perplexities, hardships, and dan-
date for that event, we are greatly surprised; struct us in regard to it ; and Christ would not gers that await us ? Shall we discuss our weak-
for we had flattered ourselves that the Recorder have enjoined upon his people to watch certain ness and the possibility of failure?—By no
well understood that Seventh-day Adventists do signs, and then know that his coming was near. means. That would be courting defeat. Hear
not set any time for Christ to come, and never Paul says, " Ye, brethren, are not in darkness, the cheering words which the Lord addressed to
have done so. If it has not understood this that that day should overtake you as a thief." Joshua and the children of Israel when they
fact, we are very happy now to impart the in- 1 Thess. 5 : 4. This belief intensifies the ef- were about to enter upon the conquest : " Have
formation in the most emphatic manner. The forts of the servants of the Lord to give the I not commanded thee ? Be strong and of a
very principles of the Seventh-day Adventist household meat in due season (Matt. 24 : 45--51), good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou
faith utterly preclude their trying to set the to warn the world, and to bring as many souls to dismayed ; for the Lord thy God is with thee
time, but do not preclude their heeding the Christ, as possible, before he comes. u. s. whithersoever thou goest." Moses also ad-
instruction of Christ, to know when his coming dressed the people before his death, urging
is near. No Seventh-day Baptist can deem it COURAGE IN THE WORK. them to be bold and courageous, for God would
any more presumptuous than we do, for any one surely give them the land. The basis of every
to attempt to fix the time of Christ's coming. 6 6 BEHOLD, the Lord thy God hath set the appeal he made, was that God would go with
We quote again : " It is true that Adventists land before thee ; go up and possess it, as the them. To-day we have the same assurance of
generally have learned by many disappointing Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto thee ; God's presence and guidance that they had back
experiences, the folly of attempting to fix the fear not, neither be discouraged." Deut. 1 : 21. there, and our watchword should be, " Courage
exact date for that event ; but they continue to These words Moses rehearsed in the ears of the and victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
place greater emphasis upon the nearness of the congregation of Israel as they stood on the bor- We are entering upon the perils of the last
coming than we do, or than we think is wise." ders of the promised land, after their forty days. These things have been faithfully placed
The relevancy of referring to " Adventists years' journeyings in the wilderness. There is before us. Warning upon warning has been
generally," in this connection, might be ques- much in the history of Israel of old which is given to this people. The true situation is
tioned; for as the reader can see by what has valuable to us, who are, in some respects, placed plainly brought to view in the solemn words of
already been said, it has no application whatever under similar circumstances, and who enjoy a the prophet : " Woe to the inhabiters of the
to Seventh-day Adventists, so far as fixing the similar relationship to God. They were led up earth and of the sea ! for the Devil is come
time is concerned. As they have never fixed out of Egypt by the hand of God, and passed down unto you, having great wrath, because he
any times, they have had none of the " disap- through experiences in the wilderness which were knoweth that he hath but a short time."
pointing experiences " referred to. to fit them to inherit the promised land. We Thank God, we are not left in doubt as to the
Still another expression seems to imply a have been brought out of Egyptian darkness, issue of the conflict. The grand fact is also re-
wrong idea of our position. It is this : " Still, and are passing through an experience which is corded, " They overcame him by the blood of
if men can be found who will believe the gospel, to fit us to stand without spot or wrinkle before the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."
reform their lives, and become faithful servants the throne of God, and receive the inheritance Yes, victory is assured to the faithful champions
of Christ quicker by being taught that the which he has prepared foi• his children. God of truth.
second coming is an event liable to occur at dealt with the Israelites as a kind and merciful The Lord has said : " This gospel of the
any moment, we shall rejoice in their reforma- Father, teaching them little by little the true kingdom shall be preached in all the world for
tion," etc. worship, giving them his law from Sinai, and a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the
There may be " Adventists " who teach that directing them to build a sanctuary, that he end come." Laborers are to be sent forth bear-
Christ may come " at any moment." Among might dwell among them. He has dealt in like ing the message of truth to every nation on the
professing Christians, outside of Adventists, the manner with his people in these days, till we face of the earth. To our finite comprehension
remark is frequently heard, "No man knows now live in full blaze of the light of the gospel. it may seem impossible to give the warning mes-
anything about it ; Christ may come to-day or God's purpose was then, and is now, to de- sage to the whole world, but the work is to be
to-morrow, or not for a thousand years." Those velop unto himself a peculiar people that would done by the mighty power of a God with whom
who talk thus must certainly know a great cteal show forth the glory of his character. " I am nothing is impossible.
more about the subject than we profess to know. the Lord your God, which have separated you During the last two years we have been pass-
Any man who knows that Christ may come to- from other people. Ye shall therefore put dif- ing through what are called " hard times."
morrow, knows also that he must come to-mor- ference between clean beasts and unclean, . . This condition of things has prevailed very ex-
row ; for Christ cannot come till all the and ye shall be holy unto me ; for I the Lord am tensively, and in general it may be said that
prophecies and all the signs that relate to his holy, and have severed you from other people, difficulties are increasing on every hand. Yet
coming have been fulfilled, and all the condi- that ye should be mine." Lev. 20:24-26. at this very time, when the way seems to be
tions which are to exist in the world at the time Here we see that God would make his people of hedged up before us, God is to accomplish his
of his coming, have been met. But when the one character with himself. greatest work. He now calls upon his people
world reaches this situation, then Christ must What I especially wish to notice, however, is to enter upon earnest, aggressive activity. With
come without further delay, unless the word of the similarity between our position to-day and men it would be natural under depressing cir-
God shall fail, which is not possible. We do not that of the children of Israel when Moses re- cumstances to slacken the effort put forth, curtail
know that the Recorder holds that Christ may hearsed to them the words given at the begin- the work, and wait till the outlook was brighter,
come to-day or to-morrow ; but its language ning of this article. They passed through the money more plentiful, and the people more
would seem to imply that that is our position, wilderness, and had reached the borders of favorably situated. But with God it is differ-
which most emphatically it is not. As we hold, Canaan. It only remained for them to go in ent. Difficulties do not stand in his way. He
there are yet the remnants of some prophecies and take possession of the land. Where are we commands his people to-day to go forward. It
to be fulfilled. The "sick man of the East" in our journey ? and what is our position at the may look preposterous to men ; but when God
must come to his end," and the wicked crisis present juncture ? Do we not also stand on the says a thing, he means it, and there is power in
of the union of Church and State in this coun- very borders of the eternal inheritance I— We his word to carry it out. The Lord expects us
try must be consummated. But this is not surely do. This being so, the words addressed to move forward in faith, even though the way
saying, " My Lord delayeth his coming ; " for to the children of Israel at that time are appli- seems closed up before us. Israel stood on the
it seems to us that the eye even of ordinary cable to us to-day. banks of the Jordan, which had overflowed its
intelligence, to say nothing of faith, can see But the children of Israel, though so near the banks. The Lord commanded them to go for-
that events, both east and west, are tending with promised inheritance, had yet to cross the Jor- ward, and they started. To the on-looker it
lightning rapidity to these ends. dan, and make themselves masters of the land. would appear that they were going directly into
" To our mind," says the Recorder, "it mat- They had before them the strongest foes to meet, destruction, but they had learned to trust in
ters little whether that great event shall come the fiercest battles to fight. So it is with us. God, and their confidence was not misplaced.
to-morrow, next year, or the next century." Our warfare will soon be over ; but meanwhile As the feet of the foremost touched the water,
We trust the Recorder does not really feel the the battle rages hotter and hotter, and there the river opened, and they went through on dry
indifference to this subject which its language will be no respite till the glorious victory is won. land. So it is in God's work to-day. When

his people move forward in the path of duty, he Berlin treaty the Turkish empire embraced in a crash that would involve Europe in a struggle
will open the way before them. Europe 138,264 square miles ; after the treaty over his remains. But he has developed a won-
The experiences of the children of Israel were it included less than one half as much, or 62,028 derful vitality. The fanatical zeal with which
written for our admonition upon whom the ends square miles. the Mussulman is attached to his religion has
of the world are come. Then let us learn a Article 61 of that treaty reads as follows : proved to be a tenacious bond of national
lesson of faith from God's dealings with them. " The Sublime Porte engages to realize without cohesion. To him the sultan is the divine
As difficulties arise and the way seems dark, delay those ameliorations and reforms which agent, the supreme head of the faithful on
let our faith and dependence in God grow local needs require in the provinces inhabited by earth. The government itself has degenerated
stronger, and putting all our reliance on him, the Armenians, and guarantees their security into a scandalous farce of corruption, intrigue,
let us press manfully forward and fight the against the Circassians and the Kurds. It un- and cruelty. The public credit is hopelessly
battles of the Lord valiantly. O. A. 0. dertakes to make known from time to time the buried beneath debts which the nation can
measures taken with this object to the powers never pay. Among the powers that watch
THE PROPHETIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE that will watch over their application." Article around the Sick Man's couch not one has any
PRESENT SITUATION IN TURKEY. 62 provides for religious liberty and equality in interest in the preservation of his life ; not one
the sultan's dominions. sympathizes with him in his approaching dis-
THE Eastern Question has for many years It is upon the provisions of article 61, quoted solution. With one accord they despise his
been before the world as a point around which above, that the signatory powers are now endeav- religion and protest against the bloody cruelty
the interests of the Old World nations closely oring to mitigate the terrible sufferings of the of his despotism. They acknowledge that for
cluster. The " Eastern Question " involves the Armenians, and to compel the sultan to afford to the " unspeakable Turk " the world has no
policy and attitude of the nations of Europe to- them the guaranteed protection. further use. But yet he survives. Why he
ward the Turkish empire ; the preservation of At the Berlin Congress a subsidiary treaty of lives is one of the inexplicable problems of
the integrity or existence of that empire ; and defense, previously arranged between England human affairs when viewed only in the light of
the disposal to be made of its territory in case and Turkey, was made known and accepted. human wisdom. The longer he exists the more
of its downfall. The first article of that treaty is given here atrocious his life becomes. The fearful record
In the days of its strength the Ottoman ARTICLE I. If Batoom, Ardahan, Kars, or any of that is now being made in Armenia forms the
power held in its grasp a most horrible chapter in
vast expanse of important modern history. But God
territory lying in three of has a design in these things.
t h e great continents o f A hand more powerful than
earth. Northern Africa, all the powers of earth com-
eastern Asia, and south- bined, controls the affairs
eastern Europe to the of nations, and works out
southern banks of the the counsels of the divine
Danube, owned allegiance will.
to the Sublime Porte. The position of t h e
But for two hundred years Turkish empire in proph-
that power has been in its ecy, and the significance
decadence. And through of the present situation,
the present century t h e will further engage our at-
work of disintegration has tention. G. 0. T.
been going on. It found
its first rival in Russia,
which has, since the days
of Catharine, "bef ore
whose genius and resources OF late much has been
it seemed as if Turkey said and written with ref-
must inevitably sink into erence to our duty to the
nothingness," hunted the TURKISH EMPIRE. colored race. But we have
Turk with a relentless made only a beginning in
purpose to accomplish his destruction. The them shall be retained by Russia [and they all were], the consideration of this important question.
and if any attempt shall be made at any future time by
great powers have sought to regulate the disin- Russia to take possession of any further territories of Of all the different lines of assistance contem-
tegration of this mighty fabric by various his imperial majesty the sultan in Asia, as fixed by the plated for that people, none have proved and
treaties. At the close of the last war with Rus- definitive treaty of peace, England engages to join his are proving more feasible than education, par-
imperial majesty the sultan in defending them by force
sia, in 1878, a treaty was agreed upon at San of arms. ticularly that which relates to practical industry,
Stefano between Turkey and Russia, by which " In return, his imperial majesty the sultan promises self-dependence, and the training of heart and
the former lost vast possessions, and terms were to England to introduce necessary reforms, to be agreed hand for the duties and conflicts of life.
upon later between the two powers, into the govern-
agreed upon to which England would by no ment, and for the protection of the Christian and other During the past few months a flood of light
means consent. Active preparations for a great subjects of the Porte in these territories; and in order has shone upon our educational work in general.
to enable England to make necessary provision for
war were being made when Russia consented to executing her engagement, his imperial majesty the It is being demonstrated by our oldest educa-
have the matter submitted to a congress of the sultan further consents to assign the island of Cyprus tional institutions that our youth who have the
nations which convened that year at Berlin. to be occupied and administered by England." greatest natural advantages, need training in
At that time Turkey found her existence to be By the treaty of Paris at the close of the overcoming adverse conditions, in working the
dependent upon the will of the powers. She Crimean war in 1856, the Black Sea was neutral- soil, and in the various trades and occupations.
had no choice but to accept the terms they chose ized. Russia and Turkey agreed to maintain Manual training for all our youth is essential.
to dictate, and to be content with the privileges no warships or arsenals on that sea or its shores. It is the proper exercise of mind and body that
they saw fit to grant. The treaty there agreed The sultan has also covenanted to leave the develops and strengthens all the powers.
upon stipulated the independence of the prov- Dardanelles open to ships of commerce in times If this line of educational work is necessary
inces of Rumania, Servia, and Montenegro, of peace and in war. But the passage of war- and withal exceedingly important for all our
and made important additions to the two latter. ships is at the discretion of the sultan. young people, how much more important is it
Bulgaria was made a tributary principality, Such are some of the most notable features of for a people who, from whatever cause, lack
with a Christian government ; and the frontiers the Eastern Question. The continual decline of executive power, and who depend upon others
at .the mouth of the Danube and in Armenia the inherent strength of the " Sick Man of the in a measure for food, clothing, shelter, and
were readjusted to the disadvantage of Turkey. East " has rendered the relations of the powers religious knowledge.
Bosnia and Herzegovina were ceded to Austro- more and more critical. From time to time it Closely allied with this special quality of
Hungary. Reform in government and tolera- has seemed that his day had come ;, the world training needed by the youth of the colored
tion in religion were also required. Prior to the would stand in almost breathless expectation of race, is the consideration of the location of their
training. All who have given this matter atten- in this island. By the last trip of our mission- a small company of Sabbath-keepers located at
tion are agreed that this work must be done where ary boat, brother and sister Butz, of California, this place. The prospect for the future of our
these people mostly live. They have far better went to supplement the labors of this sister. work is growing brighter, and with the addition
prospects in the South than in the North. A large school-house has been erected, also a of medical missionaries that we hope to send to
Prejudices and disadvantages there are much boarding-hall for boys and one for girls. It is this field soon, we trust that an excellent work
more easily overcome than competition and unac- purposed to carry on the same system of school may be done in these islands.
customed surroundings in the North. work that is carried on in our schools in this Samoa.— Dr. F. E. Braucht and wife, and
With these considerations in mind, and others country. brother D. A. Owen and family, have recently
equally important, our brethren, at their late Norfolk Island.—Elder J. M. Cole and wife settled in this group. Dr. Braucht expects here
council in Battle Creek, decided to open an in- were located at this place for several years, and to find an open and broad field in which to
dustrial school in the South, for colored people, it is only recently that they have gone to another labor. But as in the case of brother Hilliard,
and appointed a committee of three to select a suit- field. A number of Sabbath-keepers are living they all must first acquaint themselves with the
able location for the same. For a considerable here, and a small church has been organized. situation and the condition of the people, before
length of time the superintendent of district 2, Several brethren from Australia have recently they can enter upon very active labor.
and other members of the General Conference moved to this island to carry forward self-sup- Reports from all these workers are full of hope
Committee, together with several leading breth- porting missionary work, and to assist in looking and courage. While separated from home and
ren of the South, had been collecting important after the general interests of the cause. friends, they are cheered with the thought that
data that materially facilitated the work of this Society Islands.—Here Elder B. J. Cady those whom they have left behind are supplicat-
committee when they entered upon their duties. and wife, and brother R. H. Prickett and wife, ing the Lord of the harvest to strengthen them
But it was necessary for the brethren of the lo- are doing what they can to advance the interests for the work in which they are engaged, and
cating committee to go South, and look over of the work. Elder A. J. Read and wife, who this is one of the ways in which we can greatly
several pieces of property that seemed desirable opened up the work in this field, are now in aid in the furtherance of our missionary work.
for the purpose of such a school as was contem- Ann Arbor, Mich., pursuing a medical course Daily should our prayers ascend to God to pre-
plated. After thorough consideration of all the preparatory to future labor in some of the serve our missionaries, and to give them wisdom
advantages of the several communities having Polynesian islands. Brother and sister E. C. and strength for the many difficulties they have
desirable locations, it was decided to purchase, Chapman, who were associated with brother and to meet. And in harmony with our prayers we
on the reasonable terms offered, a three-hundred- sister Read, have now returned to their old home should contribute of our means, in order that
and-sixty-acre tract of land, four miles north- in California, on account of the health of sister these missionaries may be supplied with the
west of Huntsville, in the northern part of Chapman. Elder Cady reports a growing inter- necessary facilities for carrying forward the work
Alabama. Our brethren who have opportunity est in Tahiti, and also in Raiatea, where he was in which they are engaged. Let us pray as the
to know of the advantages of different locations formerly employed. The work of necessity Spirit indites, and let us act in harmony with
for such a school, are unanimous in the opinion moves slowly, but there are omens of progress. our prayers.
that the one selected is the best that could be Rarotonga.— Here are located Dr. J. E. F. M. WiLoox, .Foreign Mission Secretary.
found. The climate is healthful and free from Caldwell and family, Elder J. D. Rice and
family, brother and sister George 0. Wellman,
malaria. The soil is generally productive, and
nearly all kinds of crops can be raised. There and sisters Lillian White and Maude Young. ro.ontss of the
are buildings on the farm, which, after receiving Preaching, teaching school, and medical mis- "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed,
shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his Sheaves
a little attention, will answer the necessities of sionary work employ the time of these laborers. with him."—Ps. 126:6.
the school at the start ; so that expensive While no visible results, so far as extending
changes or the erection of new buildings will our membership is concerned, are seen, the out- SOUTH AFRICA.
not be necessary for the present. We feel as- look of our work is encouraging, and promises
sured that this enterprise will meet the hearty well for the future. GRAHAM'S TOWN. —The work here has con-
tinued since last 'reporting. The clergy have
co-operation of all our people, and that a knowl- Fiji.— Our workers have just landed on this
done all in their power to hinder the people from
edge of the work so far done will be received by island, therefore we can speak only prospect- coming to the meetings, even going so far as to
them with satisfaction. ively of the work in this group. Elder J. M. visit their homes and accuse them of having been
We call special attention to the necessity of Cole and wife, by recommendation of the Gen- to the meeting, as if it were a crime. The Bap-
careful and prayerful consideration of the arti- eral Conference, have recently removed from tist minister manifested some public opposition on
cles now appearing in the REVIEW from sister Norfolk to this place. The letters from brother the Sabbath and second advent questions, and
White. May the Lord direct in this important Cole are very encouraging in their tone, and we warned his flock publicly against coming to the
work, and may it be the means of the salvation trust, from the prospect at the present time, meetings. Speaking on the signs of Matthew
24, he said that, the Jewish nation being the
of many souls. o. A. O. that much good will be accomplished by these light of the world, when it was extinguished,
workers. the sun was darkened ! The remainder of his
OUR ISLAND WORK. Triendby Islands.— At Tonga are located postulates were equally brilliant. We reviewed
Elder E. Hilliard and wife and child, who ac- his discourse on the Sabbath question. During
companied the " Pitcairn " on its last trip. this time we were pleased to have with us Elder
POLYNESIA. Brother Hilliard and wife have but just gone to A. T. Robinson, who preached once.
THIS vast field witnessed the beginning of our this group. It will be necessary for them to Many pages of tracts have been circulated,
and a large number of Bible readings held. A
missionary operations in the island world. The learn the native language before they can accom- good many " Steps to Christ " were sold, which
term "Pitcairn," whether applied to the isl- plish much in their labors. Therefore, in their did much toward removing prejudice. Many
and which bears its name or to our missionary case the same as in the case of Elder Cole, and expressed themselves as well-pleased with the
boat, is a household word in the family of every for that matter with the larger part of our book, and had loaned it to others. The minis-
Seventh-day Adventist. By the time these workers, the work will seem to move very slowly ters were much opposed to the book for this
lines are read, our missionary boat will be in until a beginning has been made in this respect. reason. One lady said, " I have read my book
port, having returned from its fourth cruise. Rwrutu. — Here are located brother and sister so much that I have almost committed it to
There is cause for gratitude that during these memory." She had recently experienced much
Stringer, who went as self-supporting mission-
sorrow, and found that in the book which com-
four years it has been preserved from the many aries to this island over one year ago. Their forted her.
tornadoes, shoals, reefs, storms, and hurricanes report in the December number of the Home At present there are some eight or more per-
which are encountered in the South Seas. God Missionary indicates something of the interest- sons who have taken a stand for the truth, and the
has had a care for this child of the ocean and ing experiences they are passing through in that Sabbath-school numbers nearly twenty. Others
for its living freight of souls. The work has field. are deeply interested, who, so we trust, will be
gone forward, surrounded by many obstacles. Honolulu.— In this, the key to the Polyne- led to take a stand through the faithful labors
At the present time the truth has been planted sian world, we have several laborers at the pres- of Elder Tarr and wife, who remain to carry on
the work.
and we have representative laborers in the fol- ent time. Elder E. H. Gates and family, and During our stay here we were permitted to
lowing groups :— brother and sister Brand are doing what they spend several Sabbaths with the Rokeby church,
Pitcairn Island.— Sister Hattie Andre has can to disarm prejudice and place our work upon and to make one trip to Port Elizabeth, where
been engaged in teaching school for some time a substantial basis. For some time we have had we found two keeping the Sabbath through the

labors of a brother who was engaged in selling things had been allowed to run at loose ends. her Majesty's inspectors who have taken this
the South African Sentinel. It seems that the enemy has done all in his new departure regarding our relation to the
Oct. 29 my wife and I left Graham's Town power to destroy the work. I saw the effects Factory Act, but we have felt it not disrespect-
for Cradock, to assist Elder A. T. Robinson and of a lack of discipline here more than at any ful to address you this note of remonstrance
wife in holding a tent-meeting. Sister Robin- other place I have ever seen. Reproach has against the action of a law by which the work of
son, with some other workers, has been here for been brought on the cause time and again, and our factory is stopped, and our factory employees
several months, and through their persevering it is almost a wonder that it stands as well as deprived of this means of earning a livelihood.
labors from house to house a healthy interest has it does, yet there are several good, staunch souls In the act these are named as protected per-
been created, and some have already begun to that hold up the standard of truth. sons,' but by the operation of the act they have
observe the Sabbath. We expect to pitch the It was hard work to get things together and been shut out from their work.
tent to-morrow, and to hold our first meeting on into good running order. We labored to get " We respectfully submit that this is an in-
the evening of the 6th. A beautiful location the work on a higher plane, and feel that success justice not contemplated by the framers of the
has been secured adjoining our residence, and attended our efforts. Oct. 20 one was baptized, act."
we can see the hand of the Lord leading out in and the following day we started back to Col- The Star, a prominent London paper, has the
his work. No tent-meetings have been held in lege Place, where we intend to locate perma- following to say on the case : —
this part of the world for several years, the cir- nently. One word further in regard to the " The Present Truth is the organ of the Inter-
cumstances peculiar to the country making tent work in Boise City : There is the best opening national Tract Society, Limited, which is one of
work more difficult than in America. It is there for a trained nurse of any point I know ; the publishing branches of the Seventh-day
hoped that experience will suggest how some of and I am sure a good work could be done in Adventist denomination, which holds that the
these difficulties may be overcome, and more that line. I am now at Union Chapel, eight true Sabbath is Saturday, the seventh day of
tents be used than formerly, as halls cannot al- miles south of Pomeroy, Wash. A great deal the week, and not Sunday, the first. The Pres-
ways be obtained. They are generally very ex- of work has been done here. Elder I. D. Van ent Truth people, therefore, rest on Saturday
pensive, and oftentimes quite unfit as a place in Horn held a tent meeting here several years ago, and work on Sunday. Now the Factory Act
which to worship the holy God. We expect to and others have labored here also. One family forbids the employment of women and young
remain here till the camp-meeting, which will has taken a stand for the truth, and others persons on Sunday, and the only exemption
be held in Cape Town in January next. are very much interested. The M. E. minister which it dispenses is in the case of the Jews,
Our courage in the work is good. Faith re- spoke last Sunday on the Sabbath question. who are passed over if they sign a special ex-
joices in present victory, and an ultimate tri- The only proof offered was tradition and custom. emption form. The Present Truth conscien-
umph when the last great storm-cloud shall have I reviewed him in the evening to a good audi- tiously objected to signing this Jewish exemption
spent its fury. We rejoice that to fallen man ence and with good effect. I expect to do some form, because it is Christian and not Jewish,
is committed the privilege of carrying the un- baptizing this week. My courage in the Lord and for six years the factory inspectors let it
searchable riches of the gospel to all the world, and his truth is good. W. F. MARTIN. print in peace, recognizing the patent fact that
and that we can unite with the shining angels in Dec. 3. it kept the law in spirit if not in letter. The
this work of publishing to perishing mortals the other day, however, some new broom came along,
closing echoes of the " mystery of God." THE PROSECUTION IN LONDON. and swept the Present Truth before a magis-
Nov. 4. G. B. THOMPSON. trate, who fined it. It having refused to pay
THE communication given below was sent by
the fines, the bailiffs descended on it, confiscated
the directors of the International Tract Society all they could lay their hands on, including the
in London to the Home Secretary. This officer engine, wherefore the Present Truth is likely
HOPEWELL CAPE.— Since taking down our has charge of the administration of Sunday soon to bo the Past Truth. This is about the
tent at Cape de Moiselle, we have continued our laws. We copy from the Present Truth: — savagest instance we ever saw of the injustice of
work in halls in adjoining places where interests C6 The Board of Directors, of the Interna- justice, and we hope that Sir Matthew White
were awakened. Brother Corkham, who was tional Tract Society, Limited, beg respectfully Ridley will make restitution as swiftly as
with me, has given most of his time to Shen- that you will allow them to call your attention may be."
stone and Pleasant Valley. He has found kind to the following facts, showing the operation of
friends, liberal donations, successful sales, and the Sunday clause in the Factory Act in the THE TRIALS IN ONTARIO.
best of all, some commandment-keepers. case of our printing works, situated at 451,
I have confined my labor principally to this Holloway Road, N. WHILE you and I, dear reader, are enjoying
place. It is a small port of about six hundred " By the seizure of machinery and materials the blessings of liberty, three of our brethren,
inhabitants, situated on the Bay of Fundy. Fif- to satisfy fines imposed for allowing certain all ministers, are under sentence of fine, or im-
teen are rejoicing in the truth of God. Last women and young persons to work on Sunday, prisonment ranging from forty to sixty days in
Sunday two were baptized. Others will soon we are compelled to close the factory. the Chatham (Ontario) jail, having been con-
follow. I have been here ten weeks, and have "For six years in our present factory our victed of working at worldly labor of the usual
received in donations, $41.78 ; sales, $30, be- work was allowed to proceed without interfer- occupations on Sunday, Nov. 3, 1895.
sides giving away tracts to the value of $3.15. ence. Visiting inspectors recognized the fact Brethren A. 0. Burrill, P. M. Howe, William
There are now, within a radius of five miles, that the spirit of the act was complied with, and Simpson, and Thomas Griffith were summoned
over thirty who have given their hearts to God, that the violation was only technical. We, to appear before Mr. George A. Watson, justice
to keep his commandments, since we began our being observers of the seventh day of the week, of the peace in and for the county of Kent, the
tent-meetings, July 1. We expect to organize and all our employees being of like faith, our first three mentioned to answer for laboring at
a church soon. The people in this country are works have been entirely closed on the Sabbath, "carpenter and mason " work, and the last for
generally very liberal and kind, but some are and opened on Sunday. chopping wood, Nov. 10.
more bitter against us than any I have ever met. " Further, had we been able conscientiously Darrell, where the work was done, is situated
In general, they are very eager to buy and search to sign the Jewish exemption form, we might on the Erie and Huron Railway, four miles
the truth. Our entire sales since July 1 have have continued without interference. But we north of Chatham. The " informers " went to
been $122.45 ; donations, $70.01 ; tracts given are Christians-- the International Tract Society, Justice Forham, of the latter place, but the
away, $5.15 ; periodicals distributed, 200. Limited, being one of the publishing branches justice refused to issue a summons, and when
God has been very near by his tender and sub- of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination— pressure was brought to bear, declared that he
duing Spirit, for which we praise him. and cannot truthfully enter ourselves as Jews would resign first. Attorney Douglass, queen's
Nov. 29. G. E. LANGDON. under the act. Thus the administration of the counsel, was visited first, and he advised the
law discriminates against us as Christians, for- informers to wait, saying that the law in the
UPPER COLUMBIA. bidding that which would be allowed us did we case was not clear ; and then further to show his
falsely declare ourselves Jews. idea that the prosecutions should not be begun,
I HAVE not reported for some time to the " We have not been contending for our rights he sent a letter to the " settlement " in and
REVIEW, so will take this opportunity to do so. nor for our convenience in doing business ; but about Darrell, advising them to the same
After the camp-meeting I spent a short time at God's right to our obedience to the fourth com- purpose, but telling them to go on if they
Farmington. Two were added to the church. mandment is not ours to surrender, nor can we thought fit.
I spent a Sabbath at Milton. We celebrated obey that commandment to keep the Sabbath But there was a magistrate over at Rid getown,
the ordinances, and had a precious season to- holy and at the same time keep the Sunday,— twenty-two miles away, who has a reputation
gether. It was cheering to hear those who had an institution established by human authority in for his severity with the " hated sect," and
been long in the faith tell their love for the opposition to the Sabbath,—even as we could over to Ridgetown the prosecutor, Harvey
truth. Four were added to the church at this not serve God and at the same time recognize Kennedy, went. Here his ardor met another
place. With my family, I left College Place other gods. In effect, the law has sought to dampener, for the prosecutors of brother John
for Boise City, Idaho, where I spent the latter compel us to recognize a religious institution, Matthews have allowed the justice who assisted
part of the summer. The work here has had a which loyalty to the law of God requires that we them in sending Matthews to jail, to go without
great many drawbacks. A spirit of fanaticism should not observe. his pay all this time, and Magistrate Watson
had hindered the cause to quite an extent, and " We acknowledge the uniform courtesy of did not care to do business for nothing.
A second trip was made to Ridgetown, and "to agitate, agitate, go to jail, go to jail, every courts and juries will decide, unless they have
on Nov. 27, twenty-four days after the alleged day and every day, till the legislature should previously placed themselves on record, as was
work on the building was done, summonses were say, Here, we have a bad law, let us repeal it.' " the case at Ridgetown. So closed the trials.
issued, re turnable Dec. 5. At that time a large More was said to the same purpose. The bitterest feeling was manifest. A few
hall was well filled to hear the Adventists tried, Mr. Burrill then asked permission to make months ago, brother Griffith would have resented
and at every point made by the prosecution, and some statements to the court, but the privilege any insult or slur against himself, without stop-
every adverse decision made by the court, the was denied him. ing to think about it ; but the Lord has been
crowd showed their approval by laughter, clap- The justice then pronounced Mr. - Burrill working with his heart, and on the witness
ping of hands, and stamping of feet. These guilty, holding as follows :— stand, in the face of insult and hard words, the
demonstrations were held quite well in check by " 1. It matters not if Mr. Burrill is a minis- power of God manifested itself in him, and he
the officer a part of the time, but in his absence ter ; he did carpenter work on the Lord's day. was as calm and careful as though he were in his
and at the final verdicts the noise of the crowd " 2. If Mr. Burrill both preaches and works own home. It was a vindication of the power of
was beyond the court's control. at the carpenter's trade, he is both a preacher God to calm a tempestuous heart, and although
During the cross-examination of the first two and a carpenter, and both are his ordinary the attorney threw at him such expressions as,
witnesses, it became very evident to any unbiased callings. " The Adventists must be proud of you," "You
mind that one of two things must be true,— " 3. I find him guilty of following his ordi- are a pretty specimen," etc., these expressions
either Attorney Watson had assurances that the nary calling on the Lord's day, Nov. 3, and were met by the defendant with a smile, and his
decision would be for his side, and that he needed sentence him to pay a fine of $20, which, if not face and countenance never wavered. The Lord
not to work very hard to get it, or else Attorney paid in five days,—sixty days in jail." be praised for the victories he has given his peo-
Watson was a very incompetent attorney, so far This was less than the usual time allowed for ple in Ontario ! It is drawing them closer to-
as the laws of evidence are concerned. Two appeal, and when this was mentioned by Mr. gether, and they feel that their dependence is
witnesses were examined before dinner, one being Mills, the justice said, " I could make him pay upon- God ; and may the angels of heaven now
the youth Kennedy, who laid the information, it now if I wanted to, and five days is enough." move upon the hearts of the judges of the high
and the other a young friend of his by the name In consequence of the adjournment of two of court, to which these cases have been appealed,
of French. Kennedy testified to having seen the cases till the 12th, the five days was later so that our people may be given a little longer
Elder Burrill mixing mortar on Nov. 3. This extended to the 16th. to do the work necessary to be done in Ontario.
was in the morning, and the news spread so In his argument to the court, Mr. Howe main- Let our prayers constantly ascend to the throne
that at Sunday-school twelve or fifteen came tained that he had been guiltless of breaking of grace, that the Captain of the Lord's hosts
down past the church lot, as they testified, for the Lord's-day Act, and that the statute did will send his army to the protection of his be-
the purpose of ' ' witnessing." not define what the Lord's day is. lieving children on the earth.
Others testified that they had seen Mr. Burrill When he touched upon the religious phase of J. G. LAMSON.
using a boring machine on a stick of timber, and the question, the prosecuting attorneys objected,
one other, that Mr. Burrill got some sills ready and the court sustained them, so that Mr. Howe
for laying that day. The only testimony against could not go into the matter to any very great
brother Howe was that he stirred some mortar extent. In the course of his remarks, he said, AT the time of my last report (Oct. 15) I was
with a hoe ; but this he positively denies, and " Just let me speak for a few moments, and that on my way to Lincoln, Neb., to attend the Con-
on the witness-stand swore that the only work is all I ask. I know there is no hope for me be- ference of district 4. It was my privilege to be
done that day by him was to carry a pail of fore this court, so there is no need of your wor- present during the last four days of this meet-
water, and pour it in a barrel. rying about the result. I just want to state ing. The five State Conferences of the district
In order to make the Lord's-day Act reach the why I am not guilty of this charge." were well represented by their officers and minis-
ministers, the information was amended so as to The prosecuting attorney asked that the small- ters, and it was a season of great interest to the
allege that the brethren had two callings, that est fine ($1) be imposed, but the court was bit- work and workers. Not only were hearts more
of minister and carpenter. Witness French terly against the Adventists who stood before firmly united as the result of a better acquaint-
swore that Mr. Burrill made a business of going him, and imposed a fine of $10 or forty days. ance of the workers with each other, but it was
round building churches and preaching in them. For a moment even the enemy was stunned, useful to compare ideas of the work and ways of
In spite of the fact that Mr. Howe conducted and then came a boisterous approval from a working, and to learn the situation in all parts
tent-meetings in Darrell all last summer, the bench full of young men sitting behind the of the district.
witnesses swore that they did not know that he prosecutors. While the majority seemed glad The number of persons gathered in this one
was a preacher ; and some of them were quite that Mr. Howe was convicted, and others wished of six districts of the General Conference in the
willing to swear that Burrill and Howe were the fine higher, there were some who thought it United States, gave us some impressions of the
laborers, and that they must be carpenters, or pure spite work on the part of the court ; and a magnitude which the message is reaching. The
they would not be working at the carpenter's few of those who had been against Mr. Howe in delegation of this Conference was larger than
trade. the beginning, said that the judgment was the delegation to our first organized General
At the conclusion of the taking of testimony, shameful. It was now nearly eleven o'clock, Conference, held in Battle Creek, Mich., in the
Mr. Watson opened for the prosecution, and was and the cases of brethren Simpson and Griffith year 1863. There were more than four times as
quite mild in his argument, maintaining that it were put over for one week. many Sabbath-keepers in our evening services of
was against public policy for sects of such diverse In accordance with the adjournment, last this Conference as in any like services in the
creeds to live together ; that Sunday-keepers Thursday, the 12th, the court was again con- General Conference of 1863.
were vastly in the majority, and that it was not vened, and brother Simpson arraigned. He Following the District Conference of dis-
a good thing for the children of Sunday-keepers pleaded " not guilty," and appeared without trict 4, or from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6, I was in the
to be brought up where they could see so much attorneys ; but he had progressed only a little nine days of meetings of the General Conference
work on Sunday ; and so a stop should be put way when Mr. Mills and Mr. Louts both volun- Association, Foreign Mission Board, and the
to Sunday work ; and much more to the same teered their services to assist in the trial, and General Conference Committee. Many impor-
effect. this we heartily believe came from their appre- tant matters were considered during these meet-
Mr. Mills, for the defense, maintained that ciation of the true animus of the prosecutions, ings, requiring much discussion of their merits,
the statute was not applicable to preachers ; and their desire to aid the right side. and careful counsel as to the best mode of pro-
that it was proved beyond a doubt that the de- The trials were conducted along the same cedure ; consequently, there was much seeking
fendant was a minister of the gospel, and that lines as those preceding, save only that the of the Lord for divine guidance, and the Lord
he had not performed work of his ordinary call- cross-examination was milder ; yet, at the same came near to his people. The spirit of unity
ing on the day in question. Mr. Mills had sev- time, some good points were made. But a con- was in our midst, and it was the unanimous
eral typewritten pages of notes relative to the viction was inevitable, and the magistrate sen- testimony of all that this was one of the most
origin of Sunday laws, but they were all ruled tenced brother Simpson to $10 or forty days in harmonious meetings of the kind we had ever
out, and he was not allowed to read what he jail, the same as brother Howe. The case of attended. As the servants of God separated
had so carefully prepared. He denominated brother Griffith was then called, and the evi- again for their fields of labor, it was with a feel-
the matter " religious persecution because of dence showed that he was chopping wood in the ing of greater nearness to each other than ever
bigotry," and challenged any one to gainsay that bush on his father's farm ; and on the witness before.
the Adventists were right as to the keeping of stand he swore that he had leased the farm, and I have just returned to my home in Topeka
God's law. hence under the statute of Ontario, being a from attending the district Conference for
Mr. Smith closed for the prosecution, asking farmer, he would be exempt from the Lord's- district 5, which was held in Wichita, Kan.,
that a sufficient fine be imposed to make it im- day Act. This matter presented itself very for- from Nov. 25 to Dec. 1. There were twenty-
probable that Mr. Burrill would work on Sun- cibly to the justice, and he could not bring him- eight delegates from the six Conferences of the
days any more, maintaining that the law should self to decide against the defendant, so reserved district, and besides these brethren, 0. A. Olsen,
be enforced as long as it remained on the statute- his decision for one week. This will be next F. L. Mead, Prof. J. W. Loughhead, of Union
books, and that the magistrate had no other al- Thursday. We believe that if it is possible for College, and the writer, as General Conference
ternative. He said that if the Adventists did the justice to do so, he will find the defendant laborers. In this Conference there was a careful
not like the law, the proper thing for them was " not guilty," although it is hard to tell how consideration of the subjects recommended by
the General Conference Committee for the
district Conferences, and a study by the presi-
dents of the wants of the cause in their respect-
ens 4 file eeh,
A dispatch addressed to the Associated Press, and
signed by a number of Armenians of Constantinople,
says: " Armenia is at her last gasp from the work of
extermination. The number of people massacred
ive State Conferences. Only one change of reaches 100,000, and half a million of survivors have
laborers was recommended ; that was that Elder taken refuge in the forests and mountains, where they
R. H. Brock, of Oklahoma, move to Kansas, are feeding on herbs and roots. Hunger and cold have
and that brother J. B. Ashcraft, of Kansas, NOTES. begun to make great ravages among them. In the
name of humanity and Christianity, save us!"
move to Oklahoma. After a very instructive
A dispatch from Deadwood, S. Dak., states that in
talk by Professor Loughhead on the educational order to secure funds with which to build a Methodist
work, the following preamble and resolution chapel in the adjacent county, it has been decided to Topeka, Kan., has had a genuine sensation. At
were adopted : — invite the cowboys to give an exhibition of a bull-fight. the Kansas Medical College, located there, three bodies
The animals will not be badly tortured, and firearms in the dissecting-room have been identified by different
" Whereas, We believe it was in the provi- citizens as those of friends recently deceased. Two
dence of God that Union College and the Keene are to be used only in case of necessity. When an
animal has been baited, bruised, and tormented until he men recognized their wives, and a third found his
Industrial School have been established among is worn out, he will be dragged off by a lasso, and an- mother. The indignation of the town arose to a dan-
us ; therefore,— other let in. The date for this show has not been set; gerous pitch. The inmates of the college were notified
and it is to be hoped for the sake of decency, to say by the governor to seek places of safety. The vacated
"Resolved, That, as laborers, we will do all buildings were filled with police armed with rifles, and
we can to create sentiment in favor of our peo- nothing of religion, that if there is any truth to the re-
port, the projectors of the scheme will become so several companies of soldiers were held in readiness to
ple's sending their youth to these institutions of ashamed of it that they will never name the day. When defend the institution from destruction. Prompt ac-
learning." bull-baiting becomes an adjunct of the church, the tion saved it ; but- it is probable that those engaged
church would better change its name. in the ghoulish work will, if detected, receive severe
Resolutions were also passed expressing thank- and merited punishment. It is said that the origin
fulness to the Lord for the marked prosperity of of the discovery was a dream that one of the widowed
the work in this district ; a resolution concern- Omaha society people have been exhibiting them- husbands had, in which he saw his wife's grave being
ing more careful instruction to ministers and selves in the role of circus performers. They gave two despoiled. An investigation proved it to be true.
exhibitions last week, in which fashionable ladies and
tent laborers ; a resolution requesting Conference gents acted as clowns and acrobats; chariots were driven
committees to arrange for practical instruction by society belles, women performed in the undress of The Cuban forces under the command of Gomez and
of Sabbath-school officers and teachers ; that bare-back riders, and scores of fashionable girls sold Maceo succeeded in forming a junction, and were ad-
pop-corn.• and peanuts. In fact, the whole disreputable vancing upon Santa Clara when they were met by Gen-
ministers, when with churches, devote some of eral Oliver in command of Spanish forces, and were
their time to the canvassing work, and to looking paraphernalia of the ordinary circus was presented.
Immense crowds were in attendance, and the proceeds defeated. The battle does not appear to have been
out suitable persons to be instructed in the can- went to charity ! That respectable people will sell very obstinately contested. Francisco Garcia, one of
vassing work ; that each Conference select, edu- themselves so cheaply is passing strange. Their inter- Gomez's best lieutenants, has gone to the Spanish com-
cate, train, and develop persons suitable to work est in charity forms no excuse for such humiliating mander, and sought pardon. He says he is willing to
scenes, which carry our minds back to the bacchanalian join the Spanish army, in order to assist in putting an
among educated and professional people of all end to a war which can only end disastrously to Cuba.
days of Rome, when emperors and nobles sought to
classes ; a resolution was also passed requesting gratify their low passions by similar exhibition. These Its prolongation will desolate and impoverish the island,
the General Conference to prepare a hymn-book things are characteristic signs of the last days. and result in defeat to the insurgents. There would
for tent-meetings ; a resolution fixing the rep- seem to be good sense in what he says. The inhospit-
resentation to district Conferences in district able season is over, and the Cubans have accomplished
No definite steps have been taken during the week in but little or nothing. They have but poor equipments,
5, one delegate for the organization, and one the Venezuelan controversy in which England and the almost no organization, and are better at running than
delegate for every 300 members. The commit- United States are involved. The reply of Great Britain fighting. From this distance it would seem to be a
tee on small books and our periodicals introduced to the suggestions of this country is under considera- very wise thing to accept of Spain's willingness to give
two resolutions ; one relating to a systematic tion, but has not been fully made public. Enough is them guaranties of a better government.
known to say that it denies the propriety of submitting
circulation of the Signs, Sentinel, Good Health, to arbitration the territory within what is called the
and our German and Scandinavian papers ; and Schomburgk line, a boundary surveyed by an officer of A frightful panic took place in Stamboul, Pera, and
a resolution encouraging all our churches to can- that name. Some portions of England's communica- Galata, suburbs of Constantinople, Dec 12, caused by
vass for the small bound books. The resolution tion call for a reply, and it will be some time before a report that a massacre of Christians had started. The
the matter can be placed before Congress. In the rumor arose from the quarrel of two Armenians, an
of district 4, " That new books be issued in meantime there will be time for a conciliatory spirit to insignificant affair. Their shouting was taken up by
different languages simultaneously as far as assert itself. The Venezuelan authorities have notified frightened women, and spread with great rapidity. In
possible, especially in German, Danish, and England that the officers who caused the arrest of the a few minutes crowded streets were vacated, and fright-
Swedish," was adopted as the sense of this British police will be punished, and reparation will be ened people rushed tremblingly to any fancied place of
Conference. A resolution favoring work among made to the officers. This will conduce to peace. refuge. Crowds of Armenians ran to the British em-
bassy imploring protection. One noticeable feature of
the colored people of the South was unanimously the occasion was the fact that the Turkish police and
adopted. One who has kept account of the lynchings in this gendarmes at once withdrew to their headquarters,
The presidents of the different Conferences country, says there have been more than one hundred where they remained until quiet was restored. This
and fifty of them the past year. It is very evident that shows that they would at least indirectly favor a butch-
decided upon the time they preferred to have ery of all Christians. The circumstance is said to
the practice of snatching culprits, real or supposed, out
their State Copferences and camp-meetings in of the hands of officers, or taking them out of jails and create a deep sensation in European capitals, showing
the summer of 1896. And with a vote of meting out to them summary punishment, is growing as it does what a thin crust separates the Christians in
thanks for the kind entertainment received from in frequency. The outraged sense of right which a Constantinople from the boiling volcanoes of destruc-
the Kansas Conference by the delegates from shocking crime naturally creates in a community, finds tion, and how a small circumstance may in a moment
vent in hanging the offender without defense or trial. precipitate a general war.
other States, this excellent district Conference The governor of Virginia calls upon his legislature to
closed. It was the voice of all as they parted make laws to restrain this violence, which he says is
to their respective fields of labor, that this had bringing the commonwealth into disrepute. He sug- ITEMS.
been a very important council, and that its effects gests that where a lynching occurs, $200 for every 1000
on the work would be seen in the future, in all inhabitants in the town be paid out of the city's or — The miseries of another presidential campaign are
county's funds into the public-school funds; and that before us. The Republican National Convention will
parts of the field. So may it be. the sheriff or other custodian permitting a prisoner to be held in St. Louis, June 16.
Deo. 5. J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH. be taken away from him, be suspended from office,
— It is announced that the Hamburg-American Steam-
pending an investigation.
ship Company has decided to establish a regular steamer
THE GEORGIA SUNDAY OASES. service between New York and Brazil, commencing in
The horrible state of things in Armenia becomes January next.
daily more horrible. The later reports more than con- —Mission work in New Mexico commenced in 1866.
As mention has been made in the REvfEw and firm what has been previously stated. The following There are now twenty-five schools, more than forty min-
some of our other papers of my leaving our dis- dispatches from Friday's papers give some idea of how isters and native helpers, and over eight hundred com-
matters are. Armenia has cabled to Boston for help in municants. There are about forty missionary teachers
trict Conference at Rome to go to trial in the her extremity. The dispatches are dated Constantinople, in this field.
Sunday case which has been pending against Dec. 12. "For days past Turks and Kurds have been
brother E. C. Keck and me in the courts of Geor- pouring into the city from the devastated regions of —The U. S. cruiser " Cincinnati" had a very narrow
gia for some time, and which has been appealed Asia Minor. Their primary object is the disposal of escape from destruction at or near Key West, Fla.
the plunder which they have obtained during the mas- Fire broke out in the dynamo room very near the for-
to the supreme court of the State, many may be ward magazine. The men bravely set to work to ex-
sacres. They are also hopeful of a richer harvest in
interested to know what has been the outcome of the event of the sultan's permitting a rising at Stam- tinguish the flames, which they succeeded in doing,
it. I will say that after reaching Georgia, it boul. Their stories, coupled with the display of plun- when it was found that some of the wooden boxes con-
was developed that our cases would not be der, have inflamed the lowest class of Moslems with an taining ammunition were charred, and nearly burned
aching desire to attack the bazaars. They are ready to through. There were 300 men on board.
reached in the supreme court before next spring.
seize upon the slightest provocation for an attack. It — Herr Ahlwardt, the German Jew-baiter, was greeted
This is not because of any dallying with the is unwholesomely significant of this state of affairs that with rotten eggs from a very small audience at his first
case by the court, but because of a rule of the the government is seizing and deporting daily numbers attempt to lecture in New York. The police restored
supreme court which has been put in operation, of Armenians of the poorest but most robust class. order, and the lecture proceeded. At its close the
giving another class of cases the precedence, The news from the interior increases in horror with speaker was conducted out of a back door, and, guarded
and leaving cases of this class toward the close every mail. In places within a small distance massa- by police, reached his lodgings. Evidently he will not
cres and pillage are still of daily occurrence, and every- meet a welcome in this country unless his enemies
of the docket. Thus these cases go over for a where destitute Armenians are flocking into the large treat him so badly as to turn popular feeling in his
short while again. W. A. MC CUTOHEN. towns, where there is no means of feeding them." favor.

-George Augustus Sala, the distinguished journalist, as he may think will be of service in fitting up a table. Any one sending sixty-five cents to the International
author, and artist, died at Brighton, England, Dec. 8. Each person will need to bring his own bedding. We Tract Society before March 1 will receive a copy of
cannot now state the exact price of rooms, but we are the "Life of Bates, ".postpaid. The regular retail price
-The Apache Indians are again causing trouble,
confident that they will not exceed from fifty cents to has been eighty-five cents; but knowing there are many
and have committed several atrocious murders of white
seventy-five cents a week, according to their size and of our people who are not acquainted with these ear-
location. lier pioneers in the work, and whose families would be
-Judge Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio, died at the resi- All who expect to attend this institute should report greatly benefited by the reading of this book, we are
dence of his son in Columbus, Dec. 12, at the age of as soon as possible to Elder R. S. Owen, 501 East Fair making this offer to supply them. We believe that the
eighty-two years. St., Atlanta, Ga., stating how many rooms they will book is worth much more than the price, and that it
-The mosque which stands on Mount Hor on the want, and any other requests they may wish to make. will be a help in any family where it is read.
site of Aaron's grave is being repaired by the Turkish Only those who report will be provided for before their A. 0. TAIT.
government at national cost. coming. The church is located at 503 East Fair St.
- The Chinese have taken formal possession of Port
Arthur again. It is reported that the powers have sent THE lesson pamphlet for the coming quarter is now
Japan an ultimatum demanding immediate evacuation CLERGY PERMITS OVER LINES OF THE ready. The subject is " The Great Three-fold Message
of Corea. of Revelation 14." Price five cents. Order at once of
- There are about twenty thousand German Bap- REVIEW AND HERALD Or branch offices.

tists in the United States. For the most part they are
people of very slender means, but last year they con-
THE railway lines of the Western Passenger Associa- NOTI.CEE1,
tributed $62,000 for the various branches of their home tion have entered upon a new plan for granting annual
or time permits to ministers, making one permit valid
mission work. WANTED.- A canvasser wishes a place on a farm
over the various lines of the Association. I -1
- Since Italy declared war on Abyssinia, but little has Seventh-day Adventist ministers, licentiates, and with Sabbath-keepers for his boy, aged sixteen, to work
been heard of the affair until the last week, when word missionary licentiates residing in the territory which for his board and clothes. He has had some experience
came from the seat of trouble that a severe battle had the Association controls, including General Conference on a farm; is good sized for his age, and can work. A
been fought, in which the Italian troops were defeated districts 3, 4, 5, and 6, and who are not located place wanted where the truth is believed and practiced,
with a loss of 700 men killed. The attack was by the conveniently for obtaining indorsement from local and health reform lived. Moral influence the first con-
Abyssinians in overwhelming numbers. agents, may secure assistance in procuring permits, by sideration; preferably a place where there are no other
sending to one of the following-named General Con- children. Address G. S. Vreeland, 312 Fouche street,
-The White Star steamer "Germanic" was in col-
ference transportation agents, for blank, which, when Knoxville, Tenn.
lision with the Scottish steamer "Cambrae " at the
mouth of the Mersey, Dec. 11. The big steamer was filled and returned to the agent with a remittance of
headed for New York, and had on board Lord Dun- 50 cents (the fee required by the Association), will se- ADDRESS.
raven and other notable passengers. The "Cambrae" cure the desired favor:-
A. R. Henry, REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle Creek, THE address of Elder D. A. Robinson, Misses May
sank, but her passengers and crew escaped. There
Mich. M. Taylor, and Georgia A. Burrus, is 154 Bow Bazaar,
was a panic on the "Germanic," but no loss of life.
The steamer returned to Liverpool, and will be laid up C. H. Jones, Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal. Calcutta, India.
for repairs. Elder R. S. Donnell, College Place, Wash.
B. R. Nordyke, 18 W. Fifth St., Kansas City, Mo.
- A dispatch to the London Daily News from Bey-
rout, Syria, dated Nov. 17, confirms the reports of the A. G. Adams, box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. ICHIGAN (CENTRAL,
grave state of affairs existing in Syria and Palestine, A. W. Rothwell, room 1140, Monon Building, 324
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. "The Niagara Falls Route."
and the repeated danger in which the American mission
has been placed by the riotous demonstrations of the Some of the workers make only occasional trips dur- Corrected Nov. 24, 1895.
Mussulmans. The dispatch adds that the whole of ing the year, and perhaps only over a single line of the
Association, in which case they could be more con- EAST. *Night tDetroit IMail *N. Y. Is *Eastern *AtPutio
Syria and Palestine is flooded with Turkish soldiers, and Express. Accom. Express. Bos. Spl. Express. Express.
states that in the country between Jaffa and Jerusalem veniently accommodated by trip permits, application for STATIONS.
there are 60,000 troops, all raised within the last which will have to be made to the General Passenger Chicago
Michigan City
pm 9.80 am 6.60 am 10.30 pm 3.00 pm 11.30
11.85 8.48 pm 12.08 4.50 am 1.19
twenty days. The correspondent adds: "The troops Agent of the individual lines. Our transportation Niles am 12.46 10.15 1.02 5.65 2.45
Kalamazoo 2.05 am 7.20 11.52 2.16 7.21 4.25
arriving here bear the significant green flag of the agents will hold themselves in readiness to render :tattle Creek 2.65 8.10 pm12.60 2.50 7.58 5.05
Jackson 4.30 10.00 2.40 1.10 9.20 6.30
prophet instead of the Turkish flag. Jerusalem is assistance to our properly authorized workers, when Ann Arbor 5.40 11.05 3.50 6.00 10.12 7.30
necessary. Detroit 7.10 pm 12,20 5.80 6.00 11.15 9.00
crowded, with soldiers, and troops are being stationed Beath) ..... am 12.10 am 6.45 pm 6.80
in the tower of David, Pilate's palace, and in the wil- L. T. NICOLA, Car. Sec. S. D. A. Gen. Conf. Rochester
3.00 9.55 8.10
.00 pm 12.15 10.95
derness outside the Damascus gate. The ostensible New York pm 1.45 8.45 am 7.00
Boston 3.00 11.35 10.60
purpose of the troops is to subdue the Druses."
nblisherr ecatintent, WEST. Express.

*Night NY.Bos. tMail &
a Chi.Sp. Express. 122 tr

am 10.80 pm 2.00 pm
:o Ealam. *Paella
Axons,. Express.

3.00 pm 7.15
New York pm 1.00 4.80
( Syracuse 8.80 11.80 am
am 7.20
FIELD LABORERS' DAILY RECORD." Rochester 10.37 am 1.20 4.10 9.55
Buffalo 11.45 2.20 6.30 pm 3 .30
Detroit pm 8.45 am 6.30 am 7.15 8.30 pm 1,00 pm 4.45 11.05
Ann Arbor 10.28 7.30 8.38 9.25 2.00 6.65 am 12.16
ATLANTA INSTITUTE. THIS diary is especially and nicely arranged for our Jackson 11.50 8.35 10.43 )0.80 3,02 7.35 1.25
Battle Creek am 1.20 9.48 pm 12.15 11.43 4.18 9.11 2.65
laborers, from the highest to the lowest grade. Its Kalamazoo 2.10 10.27 1.05 Pm 12.21 4.57 10.00 3.36
Niles 3.55 11.48 3.00 1.45 6.27 6.00
ACCORDING to the appointment of the General Con- special features may be stated as follows: (1) There is Michigan City. 5.09 pm 12.50 4.25 2.45 7.22 6.00
a summary of labor arranged for each month, like our Chicago 7.101 2.40 6.35 4.30 9.05 7.60
ference Committee the institute for the workers in dis-
trict 2 will be held in Atlanta, Ga., from Jan. 30 to quarterly report blanks, so that in making a quarterly 'Daily. t Daily except Sunday.
Feb. 15, 1896. report, all that is necessary to do is to copy from the Kalamazoo accommodation train goes west at 8.05 a.m. daily except Sunday.
Jackson east at 7.27 p. m.
All who expect to attend this meeting wily please diary; (2) a few pages for a record of the names of Trains on Battle Creek Division depart at 8.10 a. m. and 4.35 p. m., and
arrive at 12.10 p. m. and 6.35 p. m. daily except Sunday.
note carefully the following suggestions:- persons you have baptized; (3) the "daily record," so
Transportation.- Arrangements have been made for a arranged that you have the whole week's record before General Pros. 0. Ticket Agent. Chicago. Ticket Agent, Battle Creek.
fare and one third, on the certificate plan, providing you on two pages, which is very convenient; (4) the
there are fifty full-paid fares to the meeting. That cash account, two pages to the month, so ruled that
there may be no doubt as to this number paying full your personal and Conference accounts can be kept CHICAGO & GRAND
fare, we will ask all those holding clerical permits not separate, and that easily; (5) record of sermons given
to use them in coming to this institute, but instead, to during the year, with room for subject, place, and text Nt.
use the certificate plan, which will be fully as cheap to of each, which will be•very valuable to any minister; (6) Time Table, in =ea Nov. is, 1894,
the individual, and will greatly assist those who do not pages so ruled that the complete address of any person
hold permits in securing the one-and-one-third rates. can be neatly kept, making a ready reference that is
The certificate plan is very simple, yet it is very im- always needed; (7) blank pages ruled for keeping mem- Road Down: STATIONS.
Rood Iv,
portant that a few requirements be fully met by those oranda of marriages, funerals, etc. The book is not 10 4 6 42 2 11 1 3 23 5
who expect its benefits: 1. You are required to purchase an almanac to be thrown away at the end of the year. Gall L't'd AG. Mixd Pt. H Mail Day It'd B. C. F 50
Ex. Ex. Ex. Ten. Pass Ex. Ex. L'i'd Pass. Ex,
a full first-class ticket through to Atlanta, and to secure It can be so kept that it will be a complete record of
pm am
from the ticket-agent a certificate of such purchase. what you have done from year to year. It is well and .f 3'1Y
?i .10 .1 t .............D.Chioago A .4 .oio r 7.50
4.1.25 6.0510.90 6.00 ..... ........Valparaiso... 6.0511.35 7 .10 5.45
This certificate is the only thing that will insure your return nicely bound, and offered at a very reasonable price. m
at one third fare, hence its importance. 2. If your agent Having used one of these diaries the past year, I can Y.% 6.90 12.00 10.05 ............South Bend 3.1010.166.44 .... • 4.10
1.46 7.12 12.45 12.40 ......... ...Cassopolis 2.15 9.40 6.13 8.28
cannot issue you this certificate, buy ticket only to the recommend its use to all our laborers. It is offered at 2.39 . t1.53 3.42 ..... ... . . „Schoolcraft...... 1.20 .. . ... .
2.44 7.t5 1.48 4.30 a m . Vicksburg • 1.10 a.6 . :**: p ;31 3.1
nearest point at which you can secure certificate the following prices, which are certainly very reason- 8.30
8.36 2.40 6.20 7.00 .......Battle Creek
9.26 3.25 7.47 .
12.15 8.15 3.5:5 9.35 1.50
Charlotte 11.14 7.23 3.07 8.40 12.58
through to Atlanta, and take receipt of purchase from able for a first-class diary: - 5.10 9.55 4.00 8.20 Lansing 10 .10 6 . 65 2 . 40 8 00 12 20
6.30 10.45 5.03 9.30 Durand 9 . 35 6 .06 1 . 55 6.50 11.28
there to Atlanta. 3. No certificate must be issued earlier - Russia, red edges, with pocket, - $ .65 730 1117 5.40 10.05 Flint 8 . 36 5 . 35 1. 28 547 1035
than three days before the commencement of the meet- and flap, 8 16 H. 50 6.15 10.49 Lapeer 7 . 49 5 . 02 1. 00 5 10 10 01
ct 4,
.75 8.42 a m 6.85 11.06 Imlay City 7,28 . . . . .4.48 --
ing, nor later than two days after the first day of the It may be obtained of the REVIEW AND HERALD, 9.50 1.00 7.30 12.05 .....Pt. H'n Tunnel 6.60 3.56 ii..6 3.50 8.48
pm am am am pm pm
meeting (Sundays not counted). Battle Creek, Mich. I. D. VAN HORN. 9.25 Detroit
t.m.1 10 40 4.05 8.45
At the institute all the details for the return trip at ". . T3115 Us Toronto.
p m am am
one-third fare will be arranged, provided each person „„.. 8.15 7.15 ..... ........ Montreal 9.15 ..... .. .e...•
holds certificate for the full fare coming. ..... 5.12 7.15 Boston 8.30 ..... ...„......
Boarding.- Under all the circumstances it is thought a m pm
Susp'n Bridge 110.5 11.m
05 ?.1225
best and cheapest to establish a club bearding-house, No doubt many of the readers of the REVIEW have P5110
seen the notices that we have recently inserted in regard
IT) Buffalo 101
each person to pay his proportion of the expenses. All p m am
the food will be purchased at wholesale prices, and to the book, "The Life of Joseph Bates." In former ..... 8.53 8.03 .... .........New York. g .111.5. 10.6 Ufa
while it will be good and well prepared by experienced notices we have stated that until Jan. 1 this book 1C TO Boston 00'

cooks, it will be as cheap as one could procure for could be had for sixty-five cents, postpaid; but the fact Trains No. 1, 3, 4, 6, run daily ; Nos. 10,11,2, 23, 42 daily except Sunday.
himself. Each member of the institute will be ex- has been presented to us that many of the brethren are All meals will be served on through trains in Chicago and Grand Trunk
pected to assist, at stated times, in the work in connec- saving what they can in order to contribute to our dining cars.
Valparaiso Accommodation daily except Sunday.
tion with the running of this boarding-house, in order Christmas offering, and therefore might not be able to Way freights leave Nichols eastward 7 r15 a. m.1, from Battle Creek
to bring the expenses as low as possible. purchase the book just now, but if the time was westward 7 :05 a. m.
As we have no supply of dishes with which to set a extended, they would be glad to do so; so we have t Stop only on signal.
decided to extend the time until March 1 A. R. Ma INTYRre A. S. PARKER.
table, we shall ask each person to bring such articles Bahia (NO Pan. Agar% Beek, Oral.

Some of the matter which we would be glad to arranged to suit circumstances. Let it be indeed a
he 70)
411t evicw eptitt place on the last page is from week to week crowded
into the preceding page. We presume it does not
week of prayerful devotion. Let praise be mingled
with our supplications, and may God draw near his
"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." thereby remain unread. The fifteenth page is always people. We give herewith a schedule of the Readings:
important. Those interested in railway permits, see 1. Introductory. The General Situation, and the
BATTLE CREEK, MICH., DECEMBER 17, 1895. special notice on that subject. Propriety of the Week of Prayer Season.— 0. A. Olsen.
2. Notes from the Field.— F. M. Wilcox.
3. Entire Consecration; What Is It? and How Is It
CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. AIWA letter has been received from Elder D. A. Manifested? — George I. Butler.
Robinson, who, with his company, has reached Calcutta 4. Privileges and Responsibilities of the Church;
POETRY.— Retrospection, A. Shipton -- Let Jesus Lead, safely, and is now comfortably located at the address Christ Manifested through It.— J. H. Durland.
M. D. Coors —First Peter 5:7, S. L. STOUT... .. 801, 803, 806
given elsewhere. Now an urgent call comes for addi- 5. The Fifty-eighth Chapter of Isaiah.— J. H. Kel-
CONTRIBUTORS.—An Example in History, E. G. WHITE— logg, M. D.
" If Any Man Minister, Let Him Dolt as of the Ability tional help to be sent without delay. They need phy-
Which God Giveth," L. A. HANSEN—The Simplicity 6. The Prodigal Son.— Mrs. E. G. White.
of Faith, L. D. A. STuTTLE —Character of Christ, T. sicians and nurses and other workers, for they find a 7. Christ and the Holy Spirit.— W. W. Prescott.
DEMMON—Lessons from the Sanctuary, H. J. FAnnAN
—Cur Church Creed, M. Woon — Righteousness by vast amount of work to be done. The house they 8. Seeking the Lost.— Mrs. E. G. White.
Faith and the Sabbath, I. E. KIMBALL 801-804
have found is a spacious one, well adapted to serve 9. The Present Situation, and Needs of the Cause.
SPECIAL MENTION.--Commendable Honesty, u. s. —An- — O. A. Olsen.
other Rebuke, T.— Passing Events and Comments, T 804, 805 as a small sanitarium.
HOME.—The Holiday Vacation, W. T. BLAND — Medical
Missionary College Settlement in Chicago, E. K.
SLADB—lhe Home, E. S. CARO—Yeast and Its Uses. /Kr A telegram from Oakland, Cal,, announces the PERSONAL.
D. A. FiTur—School the Mistresses First, Times-Her-
ald 806, 807 safe arrival of the missionary ship "Pitcairn" from
EDITORIAL.—The Missionary Spirit, s. N. n.—Comparing her fourth voyage among the Pacific islands. All on HAVING been released, for the present, from, editorial
Views. u s.—Courage in the Work, o. A. 0. — The work in connection with the REVIEW, to give, by invi-
Prophetic Significance of the Present Situation in board were well, and the trip has been a successful one.
Turkey, G. C. T.—An Industrial School for the South, As passengers on the return trip the vessel brought tation of the Board, my undivided attention to book
O. A. o.—Our Island Work, F. M. WiLeox .. 808-811
PROGRESS.—Reports from South Africa—New Brunswick brother and sister E. C. Chapman from Tahiti, who work, I would say to correspondents that all letters
—Upper Columbia—The Affair in London—The Trials came to recruit their health; and brother Alfred Young, pertaining to Office matters, should be addressed, not
in Ontario—District Five—The Georgia Sunday Cases, 811-814
814,815 of Pitcairn, who comes to obtain a better knowledge of to me, as has heretofore frequently been the case, but
NEWS • '• •" '
SPECIAL NOTICES.—Atlanta Institute 815 different branches of Christian work. to the REVIEW AND HERALD. All manuscripts, queries,
PUBLISHERS' DEPARTMENT 815 and suggestions, to be answered privately or through
EDITORIAL NOTES 816 the paper, should be directed to the Office, not in my
SW- Tuesday is the day of publication of the REVIEw. name. Only letters of a personal nature should come
This year began and will close on Tuesday, making to my address. URIAH SMITH.
.86T- Considerable matter which we have in type for fifty-three Tuesdays in the year. The volume of fifty-
our Progress department is necessarily laid over to two numbers will be complete with one more number,
give room for accounts of prosecution in Canada and under date of Dec. 24. It has therefore been thought THE WEEK OF PRAYER, DEO. 21-29.
London. It will all be good next week. best to omit the number for Dec. 31, and begin the THE time for this important season is now near at
new volume with the issue of Jan. 7, 1896. Those who
hand, and I trust that the necessary arrangements are
By private letter from Elder R. S. Webber we have appointments or other matter intended for the
perfected or well under way. Our churches should
learn that the work in St. John, N. B., is progressing omitted number will therefore do well to have it in
make the most of this opportunity, which may be the
very encouragingly. The hall they are occupying is hand a week earlier.
means of great good to all, both old and young.
proving too small to accommodate the people who Let us enter the work with a spirit of heart-search-
turn out to hear on Sunday evenings. ,tle- Brother D. U. Hale has already been attacked ing, earnest devotion, and living faith. It is our
by the African fever on the pestilential Gold Coast.. privilege to ask much, and receive it. We are in great
At last account he had rallied, but was not yet very need; but our God is one who is able to do for us
Der Elder Allen Moon, of Washington, D. C., writes
strong. Brother W. G. Kneeland, who is in British "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."
that "brother R. R. Whaley, who had been serving sen-
Guiana, has also been in poor health ; and the Foreign This is a blessed promise.
tence of thirty days' imprisonment for weeding cabbage
Mission Board has sent him permission to return home. Removing everything that stands in the way, let us
on the first day of the week, was released on Friday,
But a letter just received states that he is better, and open wide the door of the heart, and let Jesus in, that
Dec. 6. Brother Whaley writes that his courage is
hopes to be able to remain in that field. Those who, tak- he may sup with us, and we with him. What a rich
good, and that the Lord was with him, and he enjoyed
ing their lives in their hands, have gone to those countries feast we shall then have! We are engaged in a great
much of his presence during his confinement in the
over which the miasma of death continually hovers, work, and large blessings are necessary.
Centerville jail." need our special prayers. May the Lord preserve and Everything should be in readiness in order that no
be with them. Labor in those countries is particularly time may be lost. Ordinary work should be laid aside
The General Conference Bulletin for the fourth trying. People are slow and unimpressible ; and the as far as consistent, and the time given to devotion.
quarter of 1895 is now out. It contains thirty-two climate is enervating as well as unhealthful. The I would urge that in all our institutions,— schools,
pages of matter of more than ordinary interest and difficulties can hardly be appreciated. But the Lord publishing houses, and sanitariums,— arrangements be
importance. Besides the general articles, we find the is able to conduct the work. made to give students and employees the best possible
annual report of the various institutions controlled by
opportunity of deriving benefit from this occasion.
the General Conference; statistics of Conferences and
Two or three weeks since, we published a note to May God abundantly bless his people, and pour out his
missions; a list of all organizations; and the most com-
the effect that a boy and a girl desired a home, and gave Spirit in rich measure upon them! 0. A. OLSEN.
plete Workers' Directory yet published by our people.
We are asked to state that by sending twenty-five cents our own address for replies. The large number of an-
swers has been a matter of surprise to us. Some fif- TO OUR SCANDINAVIAN BRETHREN,
to the International Tract Society of this city this
teen or twenty at least have been received. Some time
number of the Bulletin and the four numbers for 1896 since, a lady applied in a similar way for a home, and And Let no American Fail to Read.
will be sent. This is a liberal offer. This number is
the replies poured in until it became a joke. This is a
alone worth that money. very gratifying omen, and shows that there is a willing- WE are prepared to announce a very remarkable re-
ness to help the dependent ones. One of the features duction in the prices of the special issues of our Scan-
ND-According to Harper' s Weekly of Dec. 14, a of true religion is that " thou bring the poor that are dinavian papers that will be published early next year.
" New England Sabbath Protective League " is now cast out [" afflicted," margin] to thy house." Because The best price made heretofore on these papers has
perfecting its organization, and getting ready for busi- one does not obtain the privilege of caring for those been two cents a copy for less than fifty, and for fifty or
ness. Its object is "to defend the Sabbath [Sunday] who appeal through our columns, it should not prevent more one and one-half cents a copy; but the publishers
against the persistent encroachments upon its sacred- the purpose to do such a work being carried out. The now authorize us to say that on these next special issues
ness by business and pleasure." The chief means the poor are all about us, and no one who has a desire to they will furnish them in lots of from ten to 100 at one
League relies upon to accomplish this, is ''legislation." do a good work, need look far for an opportunity. The cent each, in lots of 100 to 1000 at three fourths
It intends to establish " a branch in every town in management of the Orphans' Home, in this city, un- of a cent each, and in lots of 1000 or more, for one-
New England, so that there shall be some organized dertake to provide homes for needy children, and they half cent each. These greatly reduced prices will cer-
means of enforcing a better observance of Sunday as are constantly in correspondence with orphans who tainly inspire not only our Scandinavian workers, but
a day of stillness and rest." Each State furnishes a need good Christian homes; and those who have such also our American brethren, with a desire to work for
vice-president of the organization. Neal Dow is the homes to offer would do well to correspond with the the circulation of these papers.
one chosen from Maine, and ex-Senator Blair from New Haskell Orphans' Home. Communications may be ad- But we are prepared to make a still better offer. The
Hampshire; while on its executive board are Senator dressed to Mrs. E. H. Whitney, Sanitarium, Battle publishers authorize us to say, further, that if you will
Hoar, of Massachusetts, and Professor Peabody, of Creek, Mich. send the names and addresses, in connection with your
Harvard. The paragraph closes with this stinging cash, for the papers, they will address the wrappers
suggestion: " One or two points it is always well for Qom' The week of prayer as arranged by the Seventh- here, and send them out for you, postpaid. The Bat-
Sunday regulators to have in mind, and especially this, day Adventists will commence with Sabbath, Dec. 21, tle Creek missionary society is taking a lively interest
that Jesus Christ, who had not the advantage of a and continue over the following Sabbath to Dec. 29. in the matter, and will assist in addressing the wrappers
Puritan ancestry, is an authority of very doubtful value It will be the duty of church officers to arrange for and sending out these special papers.
to over-zealous Sabbatarians." It is a new feature to such meetings and exercises as will be conducive to the Now, brethren, there never before has been such a
find such persons as those named officially connected spiritual good of the people. The printed Readings chance as this to get the truth before the Scandinavian
with the movement; and it is well to remind them that have been widely distributed, we believe, and all may nationalities. Let us take hold as one man all through
in their anti-Biblical crusade, they will find no warrant have the benefit of their perusal. Other appropriate the country, and do something while we have the
from the teachings of Christ. services of prayer, exhortation, and preaching may be chance. A. 0. TAIT.

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