Filipino Catholic Wedding Ceremony
Filipino Catholic Wedding Ceremony
Filipino Catholic Wedding Ceremony
Pledge Of Support
Rev. Lance: Who presents Bride to Groom to be married? Parents or Sponsors: We do. Rev. Lance: Who presents Groom to Bride to be married? Parents or Sponsors: We do.
Groom : I, Groom , take you, Bride , to be my wife, for better or worse, sickness and health, in plenty and want, to stand together in our times of joy and sorry, always to be faithful to you. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I love you. Bride : I, Bride, take you, Groom , to be my husband, for better or worse, sickness and health, in plenty and want, to stand together in our times of joy and sorry, always to be faithful to you. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I love you.
Exchange of Rings
Groom to Bride With this ring, I thee wed. Bride to Groom With this ring, I thee wed.
Rev. Lance: Oh Lord, our hearts are filled with great happiness on this wedding day. They come before You pledging their hearts and lives to one another. Grant that they may be ever true and loving, living together is such a way as to bring happiness to the marriage. Temper their hearts with kindness and understanding, rid them of all pretense of jealousy. Help them to remember to be each other's sweetheart, helpmate, friend and guide, so that together they may meet the cares and problems of life more bravely. And with the passage of time, may the home they are creating today, truly be a place of love and harmony, where your spirit is ever present. Bless this union we pray, and walk beside Bride and Groom throughout all their lives together. AMEN
Groom places the bread on the tongue of Bride Bride places the bread on the tongue of Groom Lance hold up wine and says: Christ said, Even as you drink this wine, do so remembering me. And they all took of the cup. Lance hold out wine for Groom and Bride Groom holds the cup for Bride to drink, Bride holds the cup for Groom to drink, Lance: The taking of a meal together, especially when remembering the life and sacrifice of Christ, ensures that we do not forget that we are all one body, one blood, and one spirit, and that the breaking of bread and sharing of a cup is more than nourishment or the quenching of thirst, but the sharing of ourselves.
One line of singing or 1-2 minutes of appropriate music immediately following communion.
Rev. Lance: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance unto you, and give you peace.