This document is a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Syifa Farma pharmacy in Bojonegoro, East Java for January 2021. It lists 47 narcotic drugs and 12 psychotropic drugs, with their units of packaging and beginning stock quantities, which were all zero. There were no receipts, distributions, or destructions reported for any of the listed drugs during the month. The report was signed by the responsible pharmacist Pebriana Dian Ermawati.
This document is a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Syifa Farma pharmacy in Bojonegoro, East Java for January 2021. It lists 47 narcotic drugs and 12 psychotropic drugs, with their units of packaging and beginning stock quantities, which were all zero. There were no receipts, distributions, or destructions reported for any of the listed drugs during the month. The report was signed by the responsible pharmacist Pebriana Dian Ermawati.
This document is a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Syifa Farma pharmacy in Bojonegoro, East Java for January 2021. It lists 47 narcotic drugs and 12 psychotropic drugs, with their units of packaging and beginning stock quantities, which were all zero. There were no receipts, distributions, or destructions reported for any of the listed drugs during the month. The report was signed by the responsible pharmacist Pebriana Dian Ermawati.
This document is a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Syifa Farma pharmacy in Bojonegoro, East Java for January 2021. It lists 47 narcotic drugs and 12 psychotropic drugs, with their units of packaging and beginning stock quantities, which were all zero. There were no receipts, distributions, or destructions reported for any of the listed drugs during the month. The report was signed by the responsible pharmacist Pebriana Dian Ermawati.
SIPA: 026/13/Dinkes/Apt/IX/2020 REKAPITULASI LAPORAN PSIKOTROPIKA Nama Unit Layanan: Apotek APOTEK SYIFA FARMA Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota: Jawa Timur, Kab. Bojonegoro
(the Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines) Mark Horowitz, David M. Taylor - The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines_ Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Gabapentinoids and Z-drugs (the Maudsley Prescribing Gui