God's Voice Ebook - Love Says Go

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Jason Chin

You were created to


A powerful guide to help you hear God's voice.

(Activations and extra resources for you at the end of the guide)

God's voice is for relationship

Just as in any relationship, communication is

vital and is supposed to go in two directions.
Any relationship that is a monologue is not a
healthy relationship. A dialogue in
communication is what God has for all His
children. We are created to talk to Him and to hear His voice.

It can be God speaking personally to you and for you. It can also
be God speaking to you for someone else.

Why is hearing God’s voice important?

We live by God's every word.

When the Bible speaks about the word of God, there are 2 Greek
words used in the NT. Logos and Rhema. Logos is the word of
God, the Bible as we know it. Rhema is the spoken word.

Matthew 4:4 “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on
bread alone, but on every word (Rhema) that comes from the
mouth of God.”
You can all hear God's voice

John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I

know them, and they follow me.”
In fact, for you to be saved you had to
respond to hearing God’s voice.

Hebrews 4:3 "Today, if you hear his voice,

do not harden your hearts…” This passage
is about hearing God's voice to respond for

Action Step: Say this out loud, “I can hear God’s voice.”

God speaks in many ways

Sometimes we don't recognize God's voice because He speaks

in many ways, not just English, German, or in your native tongue.

Job 33:14 “God speaks in different ways, and we don't always

recognize his voice.”

We can all learn and grow to recognize God’s voice in these

various ways.
Ways that God speaks

When we talk about God’s voice, it is not only in spoken verbal

words. It includes many ways of communication. To help better
understand this we will use a Coca-Cola illustration.

Different ways we can receive information

about a Coca-Cola:

● See
● Hear
● Touch
● Smell
● Taste

If I held up a can of Coca-Cola, you would

be able to visually see what it was.

If I blindfolded you and you were not able to see it but I opened
the can, you would hear the popping noise and distinct sound of
soda opening. You may not have the full understanding it was
Coca-Cola, but you would know it was soda pop.

If you couldn’t see or hear but we handed you the can to hold,
what would happen? You would instantly recognize it was a soda
drink can. This information you received through touch.

What would happen if you couldn’t see, hear, or touch but we put
the opened Coca-Cola can under your nose? You would quickly
smell and recognize the unique Coke scent. And of course, if you
only could use the ability to taste the Coca-Cola, that would be
enough to communicate what type of liquid was in the can. So
you see, there are many ways to receive information about a can
of Coca-Cola.

In the same way, God can use many ways to communicate to us.

Common list of ways that God speaks

1. Bible
The Bible is a main way that God speaks to
us. When we read the written word of God,
the Holy Spirit breathes inspiration on it.

2. Seeing
Many times God puts a quick snapshot
image on the screen of our mind. Our mind
is like an internal TV screen that God can put images on.

Action Step: Close your eyes and picture that Coca-Cola

can. Can you see it? Maybe it's clear or maybe vague, but
you probably have some impression of it.

In fact, most of our communication is done through

images. When I say, “Focus on your favorite food”, you
probably will not start seeing letters spelling “p-i-z-z-a”,
“h-a-m-b-u-r-g-e-r” or whatever is your favorite food. You
most likely will start to envision a mental image of it.

3. Hearing
God's voice can be loud but most of the time it comes as a
small internal voice sounding like it is coming from within.
It sounds like a soft internal thought of your heart.
4. Feeling
Sometimes I will “feel” a physical impression or pain in my
body that is not my own. It is similar to a sympathy pain
God allows me to feel to communicate a physical healing
need for someone else.

5. Atmospheres
My wife and her father are very aware of when we drive
across country borders. They can sense the different
spiritual atmospheres in regions. This is a type of spiritual

6. Discernment
Discernment can mean being led by peace or unpeace. In
making major decisions, it is important that we learn how
to be led by the Spirit. It is best described as a gut feeling,
so either you feel peace or unpeace. So it is important to
follow the peace of God in major decisions.

7. Random Coincidences
God sometimes will have a series of random or recurring
coincidences to grab your attention, such as a number on
the clock that seems to always be showing up like 11:11.
These random coincidences can be ways God is trying to
speak to you about a Bible verse or something else.

Pay attention to random coincidences, and ask God if He is

trying to get your attention to speak to you through them.
8. Dreams
God speaks to us with night visions or dreams. This is a
very common biblical way He still speaks. Most dream
messages need to be interpreted because of heavy
symbolism and metaphors. Not all dreams come from God.

Symbolism and metaphors

God speaks many times with symbolism,
metaphors, and riddles that need to be
unpacked and interpreted to get the

Let me give you a Biblical example of this.

Can you think of two animals in Scripture that speak of Jesus?

When we read that Jesus is the
“lion of the tribe of Judah”, what is
that communicating to us?

What are some attributes of a lion

that make it different from any
other animal?

A lion is fearless and strong, an

apex predator. A lion is the king of
the jungle. It has no equal. So with this symbolism, we see
how referring to Jesus as a lion communicates His strength,
authority and dominion.

A lamb on the other hand represents
humility and gentleness. Jesus was
silent as a lamb led to slaughter. This
symbolically shows Jesus’ character of
kindness and meekness.

Jesus was also “the lamb of God that

takes away the sin of the world”. This
was a metaphor that the Jews would
understand referring to a temple sacrifice.

So you can see how it can be important that we start to

practice filtering God’s voice through symbolic and
metaphoric thinking. This way we can be ready to grasp what
He is saying to us even though it can seem abstract.

Hiding to be found
Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of
God that hides the word, and the
glory of the King that seeks for
the word.”

This shows us a picture that God

is hiding His word “for” us, not “from” us. It is similar to a Father
playing hide and go seek with his children. The Father is hoping
his children will find him because the pleasure is in being found.
If the children are not catching on, the father will start to make
noises to clue his children towards him. He may cough or even
stick his feet out so he can be found.

There is great joy in the searching and in the finding. God is

hiding His word for us as treasures to be found.

Tissue Box

Another important topic is that God many times only

communicates to us one piece of information at a time.

It is similar to a tissue box where you

cannot see all the tissues in the box at
once. When God gives us a piece of
information, it is important to ask Him
questions about it, and then He may
reveal another piece. This is dialoguing
with God. Back and forth conversation.
The more tissues we take and the more
questions we ask, the more revelation we receive.

Priming the pump

When practicing to engage in hearing
God, it can seem a bit unclear at the start.
I like to give the example of a water pump
from a well. I grew up on a farm where
the water that first comes out of the
pump is a bit muddy, and after a few
moments of running, the water gets clearer. In the same way, as I
am speaking to God and listening, at first it may seem a bit
unclear. But as I continue in dialogue, His voice gets clearer. So
do not be discouraged if things seem a bit foggy at the start, just
keep the flow of conversation going and His voice will become

How do I know it’s God?

It’s important to have a filter through

which we hear God speak. The main
filter we use is God’s written word, the

God’s written word is how we filter what

we believe we are hearing God speak.
We filter it in 2 ways:

1. Does it align with what God says specifically in His written


2. Does it align with the nature and character of God revealed

in His written word?

God would never say anything that goes against His written
word. It is important we use the Bible as our main foundation
through which we filter hearing God’s voice. We can use this as
the first filter to accept or reject what we think we are hearing
from God.
So how do we do it?
We like to teach a 3-step model to practice hearing
God’s voice:

Step 1
Receiving information or revelation
This is where we will receive information in
one of the ways described above. Once we
receive information or revelation, we will start
to ask the Holy Spirit what it means.

Step 2
Getting understanding or interpretation
We ask God, “Are you trying to communicate
with me? If so, what does this mean?” This is
where the Holy Spirit starts to reveal to us what the
information means. We start to get an understanding and
an interpretation of the meaning or the message. This is
when symbolic and metaphoric thinking can come into

Step 3
What do I do about it or how do I share it?
This is asking God if there are any action steps you need to
do in response to His words. Maybe it is a personal
adjustment or maybe it’s a word for someone else. If it’s for
someone else, ask God how you are to share it.
Safety guidelines in hearing God for
In practicing to hear God’s voice we have some basic safety
guidelines to help us get going in a fun and good way.

This is similar to having training wheels on a bicycle as we are

learning to ride.

Calling out the Gold

It doesn't take a prophetic person to call out dirt.

Anybody can do that. It takes God's eyes and
heart to call out the gold. God sees our potential
and speaks from that place. Focus not on how
things are now as much as what God says that
they can be.

Romans 4:17 ‘’Call those things that are not as though they are.’’

There is tremendous creative power in

speaking words from God that will actually
create. In Genesis 1 God spoke and it was
created. God's words can create worlds.
Something that wasn’t there before can be
there after it is spoken!
God has a lot of good things to say

Jeremiah 29:11 ‘’God’s thoughts are good towards us and they

are hopeful and towards a good future.’’

In Psalm 139:18, God says that His thoughts for us are more
numerous than the sands on the seashore.

Fun Fact: Just one square foot of sand

contains one billion grains of sand.

If God’s thoughts are more numerous than

the sands of an entire beach, that means
God has countless good thoughts towards
us and others.

We are opening our hearts to practice hearing just some of God’s

good thoughts. It’s like going outside in a rain downpour and
opening your mouth to catch a few raindrops. God’s thoughts are
like the raindrops, countless, and we are just trying to open our
mouths to catch a few of them.

How to share with others?

When practicing to share God’s words with others, we want to do

it with humility.

Normally, I will say something like this, “Excuse me, I am

practicing to hear God’s voice and I think I have something
encouraging to share with you, would that be ok?”
If they say “yes”, then I would continue to explain how I received
the word. I would continue with, “When I saw you with your
children, I saw a quick impression picture in my mind of a mother
bear. I feel I saw that picture to encourage you that I believe you
are like this mother bear. That you have a heart of courage and
protection for your children that is very beautiful. Does that make
sense to you?”

We want to share what we are receiving and what we believe it

means with grace and humility since we are practicing to hear
God’s voice.

Let’s use normal everyday language

When sharing with people we meet, we want to
use normal spoken language like we would on a
job. Please try to avoid using any King James
English or Christianese in these instances.

Here is a King James example of what we would

NOT want to say. “I see that thy God is a
consuming fire. He asketh if thy brethren and thee, wilt

A Christianese example of language that is not understood by

those outside our church culture could be: “Praise God, I see the
glory cloud all over you. You have an anointing on you, like the
prophet Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children.”

It is really good for us to practice using everyday common

language. The simpler and clearer we can make the message for
others, the better.
⭐⭐ Ok, It’s time to practice! ⭐⭐

1. Exercise: God’s love letter & journaling

Find a quiet place to listen to the “Father’s Love Letter”
YouTube video (7 mins). As you listen allow God’s love to
touch your heart.
● Video Link: https://bit.ly/3Ag8oBE

After the video ends, ask God some questions to begin a

dialogue. Journal what you feel God says.

Ask God:
● What are some things that you love about me?
● Jesus, how important do you see my life?
● What are some giftings you have given me to serve

2. Exercise: Fruit of the Spirit

Read Galatians 5:22,23.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
Ask the Holy Spirit to point out for you one of these words
from this Scripture. Ask God why this particular fruit was
highlighted? Journal what you feel God is saying to you
about this.

Continue to ask God questions about this. The more you

ask, the more He will dialogue back.

3. Exercise: Bible character

Ask the Holy Spirit if there is any Bible character that your
life is similar to or that He wants to speak to you about?

Allow God to speak to you through examples of men and

women in the Bible. Maybe God will point out to you a
person of great faith, perseverance, or love. Allow Him to
share His thoughts with you through this Biblical person’s

1. Exercise: Bible verse, character or story

Ask the Holy Spirit for a person to practice hearing God’s

voice for. When you have the person, ask God for a Bible
verse, character or story to be brought to your attention.
Ask God why He gave you this information and what He
wants to communicate through this to you. Let’s say you
thought of the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves and
fish. Maybe you feel God is bringing up this story to you so
you can encourage your friend that God can do miracles
even with just a little that we give to Him.

So practice the 3 Step Model (from pg. 11) for this exercise.

2. Exercise: Picture collage for a friend

Pick a friend to do this with. Look at this picture collage.

Ask the Holy Spirit which image you should focus on. Once
you have the image, ask the Holy Spirit to give you an
interpretation of the picture.

In this exercise, you need to practice using symbolic or

metaphoric thinking. Ask the Holy Spirit what He wants to
say through the image.

For example, the horse image could symbolize “freedom”.

Want to go deeper into hearing God?

Our complete Love Says Go book with 12 training

videos can help you with that! $10 USD (Kindle)

In this book and videos, we take a deep dive into knowing

God through prayer and intimacy. We go deeper into
hearing God’s voice with video activations to practice a
supernatural lifestyle of love.

More About The Book >>

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About Us
Hello there, We are Jason
& Debby Chin

We are the founders of Love Says

Go Ministries that has helped to
train over 100,000 believers in
Holy Spirit gifts. We specialize
our training in God's love that
casts out fear, hearing God's
voice, and healing the sick to
evangelize the world.

Our desire is to make "Everyday Worldchangers". We believe with

simple training empowered by the Holy Spirit we can change the
world with Jesus, one person at a time.

Thank you for downloading this free ebook, and we pray it was a
great blessing to your life with Jesus.

Much love, Jason and Debby Chin!


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