Assessment of Sulfate Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes For Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Review
Assessment of Sulfate Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes For Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Review
Assessment of Sulfate Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes For Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Review
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* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-910-677-334
Abstract: High oxidation potential as well as other advantages over other tertiary wastewater
treatments have led in recent years to a focus on the development of advanced oxidation processes
based on sulfate radicals (SR-AOPs). These radicals can be generated from peroxymonosulfate
(PMS) and persulfate (PS) through various activation methods such as catalytic, radiation or thermal
activation. This review manuscript aims to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the different
methods for PS and PMS activaton, as well as the different applications of this technology in the
field of water and wastewater treatment. Although its most widespread application is the
elimination of micropollutants, its use for the disinfection of wastewater is gaining increasing
interest. In addition, the possibility of combining this technology with ultrafiltration membranes to
improve the water quality and lifespan of the membranes has also been discussed. Finally, a brief
economic analysis of this technology has been undertaken and the different attempts made to
implement it at full-scale have been summarized. As a result, this review tries to be useful for all
those people working in that area.
1. Introduction
In recent decades, industrialization and population growth have caused a significant increase in
water consumption and contamination. This supposes a decrease in the water quality and the amount
of available hydric resources, so that by 2030, the world is projected to face a 40% global water deficit
[1]. The regeneration and reuse of wastewater could be a serious alternative to reducing the hydric
stress in some regions [2]. For this purpose, water quality must obey the specifications indicated in
the corresponding regulations or guidelines depending the final use of reclaimed water. Normally,
water from the secondary treatment in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) does not achieve these
specifications, and advanced treatment is required, also known as tertiary treatment [3]. The variety
of tertiary treatments is wide, depending of the final required quality of water and the target
pollutants to remove. For instance, some examples are sedimentation, coagulation/flocculation,
membrane technologies, biological filters, ionic exchange, adsorption, chemical oxidation, etc. [3].
Regulations or guidelines on the regeneration and reuse of wastewater establish maximum
admissible values for different physical-chemical (suspended solids, turbidity, organic matter,
Water 2018, 10, 1828; doi:10.3390/w10121828
Water 2018, 10, 1828 2 of 19
metals, etc.) and biological (pathogen microorganisms) parameters regarding the final use of
reclaimed water. The main risk in the reuse of treated wastewater comes from the presence of
pathogen microorganisms. These pathogens are already responsible for waterborne diseases causing
thousands of deaths every year around the world [4].
For that, disinfection is a vital process for the removal of microorganisms, pathogenic or not,
and, so far, chlorination is the most common disinfectant process to this end [5]. Although
chlorination is considered as an ideal disinfectant process because of it obeys almost all the conditions
to be considered as that [6], it presents some important disadvantages as the formation of potentially
dangerous disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids
(HAAs) [7]. This generation is produced due to the reaction of chlorine and natural organic matter.
Many THMs have been identified as genotoxic mutagens that can be toxic to aquatic life, and even to
humans, some of them being considered as carcinogenic [8,9]. For this reason, during the last decades,
the scientific community has focused on the search for disinfection alternatives [10,11]. Among them
are the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) [11–14].
Moreover, the increase of human activities along with the development of more sensitive
technologies for the determination of pollutants, have led to an increase in the detection of emerging
pollutants (EP). The presence of EP in water bodies has revealed a worldwide problem [15]. These
compounds are defined by Geissen et al. as synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals that are not
commonly monitored in the environment, but they have the potential to enter the environment and
cause known or suspected adverse ecological and (or) human health effects [16]. EP can come from
various sources such as, for instance, pharmaceutical active compounds and personal care products.
Currently, there is no specific EP regulation anywhere in the world [17], but there are some attempts
to compile a priority list. One of them, compiled by the Joint Research Centre of the European
Commission, which contains more than 2700 substances [18].
In the majority of cases, EPs can be detected in WWTP effluent [15,17]. These substances are
usually present in wastewater at very low concentrations (ppb or ppt) and current treatments are not
designed to appropriately remove them. For this reason, it is imperative to keep developing effective
technologies that can remove refractory compounds and EP [19]. Again, AOPs have proved to be a
good alternative for emerging pollutant removal, although more research is still needed (especially
on full-scale implementation) [20].
AOPs are based on the in situ generation of strongly reactive free radicals [21] which are capable
of inactivating microorganisms and to oxidize complex organic molecules, partially or totally
mineralize them [22,23]. AOPs occur in two steps: in situ formation of radicals and their reaction with
organic or biological pollutants [21]. These technologies are based on the use of a broad range of
photocatalysts, TiO2 being the most used, or the combination of oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide,
peroxymonosulfate or persulfate with metal catalysts or ultraviolet (UV) radiation [24]. AOPs based
on the generation of hydroxyl radicals are the most deliberated treatments. The hydroxyl radical has
a higher oxidation potential (2.8 V) than common disinfectant agents as chlorine, ozone or
permanganate as can be observed in Table 1 [23,25]. In recent years, sulfate radicals have attracted
attention. These radicals could play an important role because of their high oxidation potential.
One of the most studied AOPs is the Fenton’s reagent and its variations, where iron species
(mainly Fe2+) is used as catalyst and hydrogen peroxide acts as oxidant [23–26]. This technology
presents some operation problems that have to be addressed [22,23]:
1. H2O2 instability
2. Restricted pH working range (pH 2–4)
3. Generation of sludge [19,27]
Taking this into account, sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) seems
to be a good alternative as they have the same, or even higher, oxidation potential than hydroxyl
radical (Table 1) and none of the aforementioned disadvantages. In fact, sulfate radicals presents
numerous advantages which can be summarized as follows [22]:
1. As mentioned, SO4˙− possesses a high oxidation potential (2.5–3.1 V) comparable or even higher
than ˙OH.
2. Sulfate radical reacts more selectively and efficiently via electron transfer with organic
compounds that contain unsaturated bonds or aromatic π electrons. By contrast, ˙OH is a non-
selective radical and may also react with the diverse background constituted by hydrogen
abstraction or electrophilic addition [28,29].
3. SO4˙− reacts efficiently with organic compounds over a wide pH range of 2–8, reaching higher
standard oxidation potential than hydroxyl radical at neutral pH [19].
4. The half-life of sulfate radicals is supposed to be 30–40 µs, which enables SO4˙− to have more
stable mass transfer and better contact with target compounds than hydroxyl radicals, whose
half-life is 20 ns [30].
Given the above information, the interest on SR-AOPs has increased sharply [30–33] as can be
deduced from the strong growth of the number of publications concerning this issue, which has been
depicted in Figure 1, according to the information gathered from the database of Scopus. The number
of publications concerning photo-Fenton (which can be considered as the treatment that most directly
competes with SR-AOPs of their similarity) has also continued to grow, but this growth
follows a lineal tend, while the number of publications concerning SR-AOPs has increased
exponentially, surpassing that of photo-Fenton since 2016.
Number of publicationa
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Number of papers published on (a) photo-Fenton and (b) sulfate radicals (applicated to
advanced oxidation) on the database Scopus.
Sulfate radicals are usually generated from peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and persulfate (PS). As
shown in Table 1, PMS and PS have significant oxidation potentials (1.82 and 2.1 V respectively).
However, direct reaction with contaminants takes place at a very low rate so they must be activated
to generate sulfate radicals [29]. PMS and PS activation can occur by various methods such as heat,
UV, ultrasound or heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis [26,32]. Nevertheless, combination of
two or more different methods has been widely studied to increase the efficiency [34–36].
Water 2018, 10, 1828 4 of 19
The main goal of this chapter is to analyse and compare the various activation methods of PS
and PMS, and to show the advances during the last years in the use of sulfate radicals-based AOPs,
especially in disinfection and removal of micropollutants present in water and wastewater.
Formula HSO5− S2O82−
A study made among more than 100 articles of recent years reveals that there are several
companies that distribute PMS and PS salts. As depicted in Figure 2, Sigma–Aldrich is the major
supplier in both cases, followed by Aladdin. Specifically, when speaking of PMS, Sigma–Aldrich
holds a market share of over 50% and markets it as Oxone®, which is a registered trademark.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Two activation pathways might occur when using radiation. The first one is the O-O bond fission
provoked by the input of energy (Equations (1) and (2)). Furthermore, the radiation might dissociate
water molecules (Equations (3–5)) producing the electron which activates PS and PMS by electron
conduction [26].
2 ˙ (1)
˙ + ˙ (2)
˙+ ˙ (3)
+ ˙→ ˙ + + (4)
+ ˙→ ˙ + (5)
Some contaminants can be degraded to some degree using single UV if their maximum
absorption occurs near the used wavelength [40], but this is uncommon. Most organic pollutants
resist UV radiation, but their combinations with persulfates have demonstrated to be really efficient
[40–49]. From Table 3, which listed some reports of the use of UV for sulfate radical activation, it is
noted that 254 nm is the most commonly used wavelength, which combined with the results achieved
to lead to believe that PS and PMS have their maximum absorption in the UV-C spectrum. By
contrast, Wacławek et al. has determined that the best wavelength for PMS activation is 350 nm [50].
For different micropollutants removal, different concentrations of PS or PMS was required, as
well as different contact times. However, most of them have been effectively degraded in less than
an hour. Even those whose complete degradation takes longer form tetramethylammonium
hydroxide (TMAH) and Bisphenol A, which can be degraded by more than 80% in 60 min [48,51].
The application of ultrasound for the activation of PS and PMS is less widespread than in the
case of UV radiation, although there is a greater record of its use for the generation of hydroxyl
radicals from hydrogen peroxide [52–54]. It is considered a clean, safe and energy saving technology,
but on its own it does not have a great effect and is expensive, which makes it unviable [55].
Oxidant Contaminant Operating Conditions Efficiency Ref.
PS Diatrizoate thyroxine 254 PS 1 mM1; pH 7.4; T 21 °C 100% [51]
PS Chloroamiphenicol 254 PS 0.25 mM; T 20 °C 100% (60 min) [41]
PS TMAH 254 PS 10 mM; T 24 °C 100% (2 h) [48]
PS Methyl paraben 254 PS 1 mM; pH 6.5; Tamb2 98.9% (90 min) [40]
PS Haloacetonitriles 254 PS 1 mM; pH 6; T 25 °C 95% (10 min) [43]
PS Sulfonamides 254 PMS 1 mM; pH 7.5; T 25 °C 95% (15 min) [49]
PS Diethyl phtalate 254 PS 0.2 mM; pH 5.7; T 20 °C 92.6% (60 min) [56]
PS Sulfamethoxazole 254 PS 1 mM; pH 7–8; T 20 °C 90% (30 min) [44]
PS 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol 254 PS 1 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 85.64% (30 min) [32]
PS Carbamazepine 254 PS 1 mM; pH 3.5–5.5; T 25 °C 76.2% (90 min) [57]
PMS Carbamazepine 254 PMS 1 mM; pH 4.5; T 25 °C 98.9% (90 min) [57]
PMS Anatoxin-a 260–290 PMS 0.15 mM; pH 6.4; Tamb 98.6% (10 min) [58]
PMS Criprofloxacin 254 PMS 1 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 97% (60 min) [46]
PMS Various 5 mM PMS and PS; pH neutral; T
254 24–100% (18 s) [59]
and PS micropollutants 20 °C; Continuous flow rate
PMS Sucralose 254 PS 3.78 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 95% (60 min) [47]
1 Mm: milimolar; Tamb: Room Temperature
However, as shown in Table 4, its combination with PMS and PS has produced promising results
in recent years. One of the advantages of these technologies is that US could cause the rapid formation
and collapse of cavitation bubbles, leading to an increase of pressure and temperature. This means
that the oxidant, in addition to the direct action of radiation, can be thermally activated [60].
Water 2018, 10, 1828 6 of 19
Degradations of >90% were achieved in less than 30 min operating at neutral pH and temperatures
close to ambient for 1,1,1-trichloroethane, sulfamethazine and Naphthol Blue Black [41,61,62].
Despite this, 1,4-dioxane could not be efficiently removed after 2 h of treatment in similar conditions
[63], hence the specific optimal conditions for the elimination of each pollutant must be determined.
⎯ ˙ + ˙
Usually, the higher the temperature, the higher is the radical generation rate and, therefore, the
faster is the pollutant’s removal [64]. This correlation fits properly to the Arrhenius equation
(Equation (8)) [65,66]. Moreover, the contaminant removal rate adjusts in most of the studied cases to
pseudo-first order kinetics (Equation (9)) [65–67]. However, extremely high temperature does not
achieve better micropollutant degradation because those conditions may lead to radical–radical
reactions instead of radical–contaminant reactions due to the high radical’s concentration [63,64].
ln( ) = − (8)
[ ]
− = ×[ ] (9)
In addition, in the study of benzoic acid degradation, it was discovered that temperature
controls, not only the PS activation rate, but also the rate and distribution of breakdown products
Most of the studies carried out on the field indicate that heat activation is more effective in acidic
or neutral pH because acidic conditions are beneficial to SO4˙− generation, but its effectiveness
decreases in basic pH [69–71]. However, the elimination of bitumen has been found to be more
efficient in basic medium, which indicates that the optimal conditions depend directly on the
contaminant [63].
Figure 3. PMS and PS activation pathways in catalytic activation using transition metals.
Among homogeneous catalysts, Anispistakis and Dionysious determine that silver is the most
efficient activator for PS and cobalt (II) for PMS [78]. Despite being slightly less efficient, iron has
been the most widely studied material for this purpose, since it is environmentally friendly, relatively
nontoxic and cost effective when compared with other options [75,78,79]. Even though satisfactory
results have been obtained by homogeneous metal catalysts, this method has several drawbacks,
among which the difficulty of recovering metal ions, and the consequent high concentration thereof
in the treated water, stands out.
Heterogeneous catalysis presents a solution to these drawbacks since they are easier to recover,
and it is not necessary to carry out subsequent treatment to remove metals from the water. Moreover,
in many cases it can be reused, thus lengthening its useful life and decreasing the cost of the
treatments [80,81]. In addition, they are much more stable under different conditions, being able to
operate in a wide range of pH [37,82,83]. For example, Bisphenol A was successfully removed with
PMS activated with nickel foam-supported Co3O4-Bi2O3 (90%, in 30 min), and no important changes
were observed in effectiveness when pH varies from 3 to 11 [82].
As the problem of the presence of toxic metal ions in product water is theoretically solved when
employing heterogeneous catalysts, cobalt-based materials have been synthesized to take maximum
advantage of this metal’s catalytic capacities [22,82–84]. Unfortunately, several investigations have
concluded that Co leaching of the catalyst can be produced in the medium [85,86], so a lot of studies
are being carried out with heterogeneous catalysts based on other metals such as iron or manganese
[86–89]. Nitrobenzene degradation by PMS activated with surface minerals, reached 87% and 42% of
nitrobenzene removal when using hematite and goethite (iron-based minerals) but only 15% removal
was achieved when Mn-based minerals were used [33]. Among iron-based catalysts, zero-valent iron
nanoparticles have recently attracted the attention of several researchers, with the number of recently
published articles being numerous [90–93]. Kang et al. compared the efficiency of nano zerovalent
iron (nZVI) for 1,4-Dioxane removal when activating PS and PMS, reaching 85% and 43%
degradation respectively in 6 h [90].
Water 2018, 10, 1828 8 of 19
+ → ˙ + (10)
+ → ˙ + (11)
Some studies have tested their reusability, concluding that it is possible to reuse them up to 5
times [102], although progressively they lose efficiency [96,102,103].
The advantages of using carbon-based materials for the activation of PMS and PS are clear, but
there are still some barriers to their implementation on a large scale. The complex synthesis method
makes its price high and it is also necessary to better understand the activation mechanisms and study
their behaviour in the presence of several pollutants at the same time, since all the reports analyse
their use for the elimination of a single contaminant.
Process Contaminant Operating Conditions Efficiency Ref.
PS/G-ND phenol 0.1 PS 1 mM; pH 7 100% (10 min) [104]
PS/CMK1 Phenol 0.2 PS 6.5 mM; T 25 °C 100% (20 min) [100]
PS/reduced GO Bisphenol 0.02 PS 0.25 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 100% (30 min) [103]
PS/ACS 4-CP 0.05 PS 8 mM; T 25 °C 100% (60 min) [96]
PS/NH4NO3-CNT-OH 2,4,4-HBP 0.1 PS 21.7 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 100% (2h) [95]
PS/N-GP SMX 0.05 PS 1 mM; pH 6; T 25 °C 99,9% (3h) [105]
PS/NNC2 DR23 0.2 PS 0.5 mM; T 35 °C 97% (2h) [98]
PS/CNT Iodorganic compounds 0.05 PS 0.5 mM; pH 7; T 20 °C 95% (15 min) [106]
PS/NND Phenol 0.2 PS 6.5 mM; pH 6; T 25 °C 90% (90 min) [102]
PS/AC Fiber AO G 0.3 PS 1.76 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 90% (2h) [99]
PS/NH2-GP SMX 0.05 PS 1 mM; pH 6; T 20 °C 50% (10h) [103]
PMS/NS-CNT-COOH BP-4 0.1 PMS 3.25 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 100% (30 min) [97]
PMS/ND/GO 4-CP 0.1 PMS 1 mM; pH 7 100% (40 min) [107]
PMS/N-IrGO3 BP-1 0.05 PMS 1.62 mM; T 25 °C 100% (60 min) [108]
PMS/g-C3N4/AC AO7 0.2 PMS 1.3 mM; pH 3.8; T 27 °C 96,4% (10 min) [101]
PMS/CNT AO7 0.1 PMS 1.14 mM; pH 7 95% (30 min) [109]
PMS/CNT Bromphenols 50 PMS 0.5 mM; pH 7; T 20 °C 90% (60 min) [110]
PMS/rGO Bisphenol 0.02 PMS 0.5 mM; pH 7; T 25 °C 83% (30 min) [103]
1 CMK: Cubic mesoporous carbon; 2 NNC: Nitrogen doped carbon; 3 N-IrGO: Nitrogen doped
industrial graphene
the wastewater used in the experiments, since the same process achieves within 60 min the complete
elimination of microorganisms in other studies [124].
Table 8. Disinfection efficiencies of different sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes (SR-
The best inactivation rate of S. aureus has been achieved using natural magnetic pyrrhotite (NP)
as a heterogeneous catalyst [120]. Among the homogeneous catalysts, Co2+ has been the most effective
activator [119,124]. In the case of the elimination of B. mycoides, the treatments carried out with both
Co2+ and Fe2+ have provided similar results, achieving a maximum disinfection rate still far from
complete disinfection (3.4 log) [119,124].
In addition, the preliminary results of various experiments carried out by this research group,
reveal that Enterococcus spp. is more resistant to disinfection treatments than E. coli. This indicates that
the efficiency of the treatment is greatly affected by the cellular structure of the microorganism to be
inactivated, which makes it necessary to continue studying the response of as many species as
possible to the proposed treatments. Among the different iron species assessed, Fe(III)-citrate was the
only one capable of activating PS and PMS for good disinfection results. This agrees with the studies
carried out by Bianco et al. where a disinfection rate of 6 log was achieved after 30 min of treatment
using the couple PS/Fe3+ together with visible light [13].
When inactivating fungal species, C. albicans has been found to be significantly more difficult to
eliminate than E. coli, needing an amount of oxidant 50 times greater for its complete elimination in
the same time [124]. In addition, other species such as Acremonium sp., Cladosporium sp., Penicillium
sp., and Trichoderma sp. have been effectively eliminated using PS and PMS activated by UV-C
Water 2018, 10, 1828 11 of 19
radiation, the results obtained in PMS treatments being greater in all cases [126]. These good results
are probably a consequence of the type of radiation used. Also, in addition to acting as an activator
for the generation of sulfate radicals, UV-C radiation has high disinfecting power by itself.
efficient. In addition to that, the cost associated with reagents purchasing when working with PMS
and PS corresponds to 95 and 87% of the total treatment cost, respectively. [74]. This agrees with the
result of the economic analysis carried out by Rodríguez-Chueca et al. whose results are shown in
Figure 4 [132]. In this case, the percentage over the total cost of each of the individual costs (iron,
oxidant, energy consumed by the pumps and energy consumed by the UV-C lamps) is compared for
PMS and PS being activated only by ultraviolet radiation or adding iron. As expected, adding Fe
decreases the cost of the oxidant in total; however, even under these conditions, this value is 82.26%
and 97.52% when using PS and PMS respectively. On the other hand, when comparing the cost /
effectiveness ratio of the H2O2/UV-C and PMS or PS/UV-C treatments it has been concluded that
treatments involving peroxide are more efficient [132].
Figure 4. Cost breakdown for different SR-AOPs. ▪ Oxidant ▪ Iron (II) ▪ Energy UV-C ▪ Energy
(pumps). Adapted from Rodríguez-Chueca et al [132].
At the current level of technological development, due to the amount of reagent needed and its
cost, this type of treatment is not economically profitable [134]. In order to achieve the viability of
full-scale installation, persulfates activation must be improved. In addition, once the technologies are
well established, the large-scale production of the reagents will entail a mandatory reduction in their
cost [74].
necessary to study the efficiency of other activation methods, as well as their effectiveness against a
wide range of microorganisms in order to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.
The combination of SR-AOPs with other water treatment technologies is also very interesting
and is a field with a good future projection. In the case of its combination with ultrafiltration
treatments, a pretreatment with sulfate radicals has been shown to improve the efficiency of the
process, as well as to extend the lifespan of the membranes.
Regarding the cost, although there are few analyses performed, it is known that the treatments
with PS and PMS are more expensive than other advanced oxidation processes due to the price of the
reagents. On the other hand, the large-scale implementation of SR-AOPs is virtually non-existent, so
one of the necessary advances is the study of the scalability of these treatments. It is expected that the
implementation of this technology will allow the necessary reagents to be reduced, making the
treatments more viable.
Author Contributions: All the authors have contributed in the development of this work, S.G.-R. being in charge
of the writing, with the help and supervision of E.R., D.N.S. and J.R.-C.
Funding: This study is supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through the feed project with Asian
Institutions (VASIAUPM18JRC), and the project call “Ayudas a proyectos de I + D de investigadores
postdoctorales” (VJIDOCUPM18JJRC).
Acknowledgments: Authors acknowledge the financial support from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
through the seed research project with Asian Institutions (VASIAUPM18JRC). Besides Jorge Rodríguez-Chueca
acknowledges Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through the research project VJIDOCUPM18JJRC.
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