Drugs Respiratory
Drugs Respiratory
Drugs Respiratory
The SINUSES are hollow spaces in the bones of your head. The left lung is divided into two LOBES.
Small openings connect them to the nasal cavity. The sinuses
help to regulate the temperature and humidity of the air you The PLEURA are the two membranes that surround each lobe
breathe in, as well as to lighten the bone structure of the head of your lungs and separate the lungs from your chest wall.
and to give tone to your voice. The bronchial tubes are lined with CILIA (like very small hairs)
The NASAL CAVITY (nose) is the best entrance for outside air that have a wave-like motion. This motion
into your respiratory system. The hairs that line the inside wall carries MUCUS (sticky phlegm or liquid) upward and out into
are part of the air-cleansing system. the throat, where it is either coughed up or swallowed. The
mucus catches and holds much of the dust, germs, and other
Air can also enter through your ORAL CAVITY (mouth), unwanted matter that has invaded your lungs. Your lungs get
especially if you have a mouth-breathing habit or your nasal rid of the mucus through coughing.
passages may be temporarily blocked.
The DIAPHRAGM is the strong wall of muscle that separates
The ADENOIDS are overgrown lymph tissues at the top of the your chest cavity from your abdominal cavity. By moving
throat. When your adenoids interfere with your breathing, they downward, it creates suction to draw in air and expand the
are sometimes removed. The lymph system, consisting of lungs.
nodes (knots of cells) and connecting vessels, carries fluid
throughout the body. This system helps your body resist The smallest sections of the bronchi are
infection by filtering out foreign matter, including germs, and called BRONCHIOLES, at the ends of which are the alveoli
producing cells (lymphocytes) to fight them. (plural of alveolus).
The TONSILS are lymph nodes in the wall of your pharynx. The ALVEOLI are the very small air sacs that are the
Tonsils are not an important part of the germ-fighting system of destination of air that you breathe in.
the body. If they become infected, they are sometimes The CAPILLARIES are blood vessels that are imbedded in the
removed. walls of the alveoli. Blood passes through the capillaries,
The PHARYNX (throat) collects incoming air from your nose brought to them by the PULMONARY ARTERY and taken
and passes it downward to your trachea (windpipe). away by the PULMONARY VEIN. While in the capillaries, the
blood moves carbon dioxide into the alveoli and takes up
The EPIGLOTTIS is a flap of tissue that guards the entrance to oxygen from the air in the alveoli.
your trachea. It closes when anything is swallowed that should
go into the esophagus and stomach. What are the common respiratory diseases?
Rhinovirus common viral infectious agent in humans and is the It is a sudden painful inflammation of the pharynx, the back
predominant cause of the common cold and virus portion of the throat that includes the posterior third of the
tongue, soft palate, and tonsils.
Sudden sore throat
RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) and parainfluenzaInfluenza,
commonly known as "the flu", is an infectious disease caused Mostly viral
by an influenza virus. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The
most common symptoms include: high fever, runny nose, sore Risk factors for chronic:
throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, coughing, and feeling Habitual use of tobacco, alcohol
These viruses invade the tissues of the upper respiratory tract,
initiating the release of histamine and prostaglandins and Infection of the adenoids frequently accompanies acute
causing an inflammatory response. tonsillitis. The most common viral pathogen is Epstein–Barr
virus, although cytomegalovirus may also cause tonsillitis and
As a result of the inflammatory response, the mucous adenoiditis. For tonsillitis (viruses for young children)
membranes become engorged with blood, the tissues swell, Streptococcus pyogenes for bacterial
and the goblet cells increase the production of mucus.
These effects cause the person with a common cold to
complain of sinus pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, A condition where the bronchial tubes of your lungs
sneezing, watery eyes, scratchy throat, and headache. are permanently damaged, widened, and thickened.
These damaged air passages allow bacteria and
mucus to build up and pool in your lungs. This results
RHINTIS: Rhinitis is inflammation and swelling of the nasal in frequent infections and blockages of the airways.
mucosa Dilation and destruction of larger bronchi caused by
chronic infection and inflammation
Exposure to allergen that causes the allergic response;
Release chemicals called histamine which cause vasodilation Cystic fibrosis common cause
and increase capillary permeability to a specific antigen (e.g.,
Chronic cough, purulent sputum, dyspnea, crackles ronchi and
pollen, mold, dust) with a vigorous inflammatory response,
wheezing, low grade fever
resulting again in nasal congestion, sneezing, stuffiness, and
watery eyes. Asthma
Corticosteroids and oral or intranasal antihistamines, use of Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell
saline nasal spray, leukotriene modifiers and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing
difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing)
when you breathe out and shortness of breath.
The sinuses lighten the skull or improve our voices, but their
main function is to produce mucus that moisturizes the inside Allergic reaction in the airways result in an immediate
of the nose. This mucus layer protects the nose from reaction with obstruction
pollutants, micro-organisms, dust and dirt. Release of histamine leads to a Broncho constrictive
process, bronchospasm, and obstruction
Inflammation of the mucus membranes of one of the sinuses
(maxillary or frontal) Pneumonia
Typically ends up an infection because swelling of the mucosa Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or
thereby blocking the drainage both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus (purulent
material), causing cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and
difficulty breathing. A variety of organisms, including bacteria, Patients with asthma and emphysema
viruses and fungi, can cause pneumonia are contraindicated because cough suppression could lead to
accumulation of secretions and a loss of respiratory reserve
Cystic fibrosis
Emphysema is a lung condition that causes shortness
It is a hereditary disease that affects the lungs and digestive of breath. In people with emphysema, the air sacs in
system. The body produces thick and sticky mucus that can the lungs (alveoli) are damaged. Over time, the inner
clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas. walls of the air sacs weaken and rupture — creating
Copd larger air spaces instead of many small ones.
Oxymetazoline HCl is a decongestant that shrinks blood Epidrine: Relieves discomfort of nasal congestion associated
vessels in the nasal passages. Dilated blood vessels can with the common cold, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis; relieves
cause nasal congestion (stuffy nose). Oxymetazoline nasal (for pressure of otitis media
the nose) is for temporary relief of nasal congestion (stuffy
nose) caused by allergies or the common cold An adverse effect that accompanies frequent or prolonged use
of these drugs is rebound congestion, technically called rhinitis
Actions; This vasoconstriction leads to a shrinking of swollen medicamentosa.
mucous membranes and tends to open clogged nasal
passages, providing relief from the discomfort of a blocked
Adverse Effects: Disorientation, confusion, light-headedness, Assess skin color and temperature to assess
nausea, vomiting, fever, dyspnea, rebound congestion. sympathetic response.
Arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the
heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, Guaifenesin is considered pregnancy category C.
too slowly, or with an irregular rhythm. When a heart beats too Guaifenesin has not been studied as extensively as
fast, the condition is called tachycardia other OTC products. In one study of 197 pregnant
women, there was an association between
guaifenesin exposure in the first trimester and an
Nonallergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis) is a condition that increased incidence of inguinal hernias.17 This
causes chronic sneezing, inguinal hernia association was not found in other
guaifenesin studies
Angioedema is an area of swelling of the lower layer of skin
and tissue just under the skin or mucous membranes. The
swelling may occur in the face, tongue, larynx, abdomen, or
Mucolytics are medicines that thin mucus, making it less thick
arms and legs. Often it is associated with hives, which are
and sticky and easier to cough up. They are used to treat
swelling within the upper skin.
respiratory conditions characterized by excessive or thickened
mucus, such as a chesty (productive) cough.
Long acting:
Beta 2-agonists stimulate beta-adrenoceptors in the It's unclear exactly how theophylline works, but it seems to
airway. This class of bronchodilator causes the reduce any inflammation (swelling) in the airways, in addition
smooth muscles surrounding the airways to relax. to relaxing the muscles lining them.
This improves airflow and reduces symptoms, such
The effect of theophylline is weaker than other bronchodilators
as shortness of breath.
and corticosteroids.
Anticholinergic bronchodilators block the action of
It's also more likely to cause side effects, so is often only used
acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a chemical released by the
alongside these medicines if they're not effective enough.
nerves that can lead to tightening of the bronchial tubes. By
blocking the chemical, anticholinergic bronchodilators cause
the airways to relax and open.
Novel: Doxofylline (7-(1,3-dioxalan-2-ylmethyl) theophylline) is SYMPATHOMIMETICS
a novel xanthine bronchodilator which differs from theophylline
in that it contains a dioxalane group in position 7. Similarly to These are agents which in general mimic responses due to
theophylline, its mechanism of action is related to the inhibition stimulation of sympathetic nerves.
of phosphodiesterase activities, but in contrast it appears to
have decreased affinities towards adenosine A1 and A2
receptors, which may account for its better safety profile.
Heart arrhythmias
High serum theophylline levels increase the risk of toxicity. GI upset, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, bronchospasm,
Toxic effects include nausea and vomiting, headaches, gastric sweating, pallor, and flushing
discomfort, diuresis, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmias, behavioral
disturbances, and epileptic seizures. Contraindication: Cross the placenta, enters breastmilk,
cardiac disease, vascular disease, arrhythmias, diabetes, and
Multidose activated charcoal (MDAC) enhances elimination of hyperthyroidism.
theophylline. It is important to control nausea and vomiting in
order to perform MDAC treatment It is also known as sympathomimetic bronchodilator or β2
Severe Interactions of theophylline include:
Beta 2-agonists stimulate beta-adrenoceptors in the airway.
dipyridamole This class of bronchodilator causes the smooth muscles
febuxostat surrounding the airways to relax. This improves airflow and
riociguat reduces symptoms, such as shortness of breath.
It is not known if theophylline is excreted in breast milk; its The sympathetic division increases heart rate and the force of
effect on nursing infants is not known. Consult your doctor heart contractions and widens (dilates) the airways to
before breastfeeding. make breathing easier.
Key Points
Short-acting beta 2-agonists are called "reliever" or "rescue" Teach patients who use one of these drugs for
medicines because they stop asthma symptoms very quickly exercise-induced asthma to use it 30 to 60 minutes
by opening the airways. These are the best medications for before exercising
treating sudden and severe or new asthma symptoms. They
work within 15 to 20 minutes and last four to six hours. They Alert patient that long-acting adrenergic blockers are
are also the medicines to use 15 to 20 minutes before exercise not for use during acute attacks
to prevent exercise-induced asthma symptoms. If you need to
use your short-acting beta 2-agonists more than twice per Provide safety measures as needed if CNS effects
week, talk to your doctor. This is a sign of unstable asthma and
your doctor may want to change the dose of the long-term Provide small, frequent meals and nutritional
control medicines you take. consultation if GI effects interfere with eating to
ensure proper nutrition
Beta 2-agonists - Long-acting forms include:
Salmeterol (Serevent®)
Formoterol (Foradil®)
• Nosebleeds.
The best practices below will help you avoid oral thrush and
keep your asthma symptoms from returning.
• Use your inhaled steroids every day, even if you’re Leukotrienes are inflammatory chemicals
not experiencing asthma symptoms. the body releases after coming in contact with an allergen
or allergy trigger. Leukotrienes cause tightening of airway
• Use a spacer device with a metered dose, if
instructed to do so by your doctor. muscles and the production of excess mucus and fluid
• Rinse your mouth with water immediately after using Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA) are a new
the inhaler. class of drugs for asthma treatment, available in
tablet form. Their unique mechanism of action results
• See your doctor if you develop oral thrush.
in a combination of both bronchodilator and anti-
inflammatory effects.
Lung Surfactant
Fetal toxicity This substance lowers surface tension, which keeps the alveoli
from collapsing after exhalation and makes breathing easy.
Not indicated for the treatment of acute asthmatic
attacks, because they do not provide any immediate Beractant- Survanta
effects on the airways. Calfactant- Infasurf
Poractant- Curosurf
The lungs of preterm babies with RDS are both anatomically
and biochemically immature; they neither synthesize nor
secrete surfactant well. Surfactant normally lines the alveolar
surfaces in the lung, thereby reducing surface tension and
preventing atelectasis.