Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
• What is a DRUG?
- it is a chemical substance that is
introduced into the body that causes
• What is a MEDICATION?
- It is a therapeutic drugs used in the
prevention or treatment of diseases.
Duphalac, Cephulac,
Cholac, Chronulac,
Constulose, Enulose,
Generlac, Kristalose
• For constipation
• To prevent and treat encephalopathy, including hepatic pre-coma & coma in
patients with severe hepatic dse
• To induce bowel evacuation after a barium meal examination
• To restore bowel movements after hemorrhoidectomy
• Producing osmotic effects in colon, resulting distention promotes peristalsis.
Decrease blood ammonia build-up that causes ammonia hepatic encepalopathy.
• Low-galactose diet
• Children with chronic constipation
Special precaution:-
• Patients with diabetes mellitus
• Pregnant women- Breastfeeding women
• Elderly patients (more susceptible to hyponatremia
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Abdominal cramps, belching, diarrhea,
distention, flatulence
• Adverse Reaction: Nausea, vomiting
• Dosage: (Adults) 10-20 g (15-30 ml) P.O. daily, increase to 60 ml/day if needed
• Available forms: Crystals for reconstitution: 10g/packet, 20g/packet
Solution: 10g/15ml, 3.33g/ml
Nursing Responsibility:
• Assess patient’s condition before starting therapy, & regularly thereafter to monitor
the drug’s effectiveness.
• Be alert for adverse reactions & drug interactions.
• Replace fluid loss
• Short term treatment of active benign gastric ulcer.
• Gastroesophageal reflux dse.
• Erosive esophagitis
• For occasional heartburn, acid ingestion & sour stomach
• Inhibits action of H2 at receptor sites of parietal cells, decreasing gastric acid
• Patients hypersensitive to drugs or any of its components.
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients having hepatic dysfunction
• Use cautiously in pregnant and lactating women
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Blurred vision, vertigo, malaise, jaundice, burning or itching at injection
• Adverse Reaction: Angioedema, anaphylaxis, reversible leukopenia
• Dosage:(Adults)150 mg twice a day or 300 mg after every meal or at bedtime
• Available forms: Capsules: 150 mg, 300 mg
Tablets: 75 mg, 150 mg,300 mg
Syrup: 15 mg/ml
Granules (effervescent): 150 mg
Nursing Responsibility:
• Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.
• Assess patients’ GI condition before starting therapy and regularly thereafter monitor
the drug’s effectiveness.
• Instruct client to take drug with or without food.
Diuretic, Osmotic
• Diuretic to prevent or treat the oliguric phase of acute renal failure before irreversible
renal failure occurs
• To reduce intraocular or intracranial pressure
• Increases osmotic pressure of glomerular filtrate, inhibiting tubular re-absorption of water
and electrolytes. This elevates blood osmolarity, enhancing water & sodium flow into
extracellular fluid.
• Those with anuria, pulmonary edema, severe dehydration, progressive heart
failure or pulmonary congestion after mannitol therapy.
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in pregnant and lactating women
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Headache, confusion, circulatory overload, heart failure, tachycardia
• Adverse Reaction: Seizures, Water intoxication
• Dosage: (Adults & children 12 up) 50-100 g IV of a 15 % 25 % solution
(Adults) 1.5-2 g/kg as a 15-25% solution, infused over 30-60 min.
Nursing Responsibility:
• Asses patient’s condition before therapy and regularly thereafter to monitor the drug’s
• Monitor vital signs, central venous pressure and fluid intake & output hourly.
• Insert urethral catheter in comatose or incontinent patient because therapy is based
on strict evaluation of fluid intake & output.
Intropine, Revimine
• To increase cardiac output
• To treat shock and correct hemodynamic imbalances
• To improve perfusion to vital organs
• Inhibits dopaminergic, alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors in sympathetic
nervous system.
• Patients with tachyarythmias, ventricular fibrillation
Special precaution:
• Use with caution during lactation
• se cautiously in patients with occlusive vascular disease, cold injuries, diabetic
endarteritis, arterial embolism
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects:Headache, vasoconstriction, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea
• Adverse Reaction:Bradychardia, hypotension, asthma attacks, anaphylaxis
• Dosage: shock (Initial) 2-5 mcg /kg/min: then, increase
in increments of 1-4 mcg/kg/min at 10-30-min intervals
until desired response is obtain.
severely ill (Initial) 5 mcg/kg/min: then increase in
increments of 5-10 mcg/kg/min up to 20-50 mcg/kg/min as needed
• Available forms: Injection: 40mg/ml, 80 mg/ml, 160 mg/ml as concentrate for IV infusion
Nursing Responsibility:
• Obtain history of patient’s underlying condition before therapy.
• During infusion, frequently monitor ECG, blood pressure and cardiac output.
• Must be diluted before use.
• Reduce atherosclerotic events in patients with atherosclerosis
documented by recent stroke, MI, or peripheral arterial dse.
• Reduce atherosclerotic events in patients with acute coronary
syndrome, including those managed medically and those who are to be
vention or coronary artery bypass graft.
• Inhibits binding of ADP to its platelet receptor, which inhibits ADP-
mediated activation and subsequent platelet aggregation. Because drugs
acts by irreversibly modifying the platelet ADP receptor, platelet exposed
to drug are affected for their lifetime.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components,
• and in those with pathologic bleeding, such as peptic ulcer or intracranial hemorrhage.
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic impairment and in those at risk from increased
bleeding from trauma, surgery or other conditions.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: depression, fatigue, headache, pain, chest pain,
edema, hypertension, epistaxis, rhinitis, pain, constipation, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, gastritis, Hemorrhage, ulcers, UTI, purpura, arthralgia,
back pain. bronchitis, cough, dyspnea.
Upper respirator tract infection, rash, pruritus
• Dosage: Adults: 75 mg P.O. daily.
Adults: start therapy with a single 300-mg PO loading dose,
and then continue at 75-mg PO daily.
Nursing Responsibility:
• Assess current use of OTC drugs, such as aspirin or NSAIDs, and herbal remedies
• Asses patient for increased bleeding or bruising tendencies before and during drug
• Don’t give drug to patient with hepatic impairment or an increased risk of bleeding from
trauma, surgery, or other pathologic condition.
• Inform patient that drug may be taken with or without food.
Adrenalin, Bronkaid Mistometer,
MicroNefrin, Nephron, Primatene Mist
Vasopressor, Cardiac
stimulant, Topical
• Brochospasms, hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylaxis,
• Acute asthma attacks.
• Hemostasis
• Prolonging local anesthetic effect, restoring cardiac rhythm in
cardiac arrest.
• Stimulates alpha and beta receptors in sympathetic nervous system.
• Contraindicated in patient with angle closure glaucoma, shock (other than
anaphylaxis) organic brain damage, cardiac dilation. Arrhythmias. Coronary
insufficiency or cerebral arteriosclerosis. Some commercial products contain sulfides
and are contraindicated in patents with sulfites allergies except when drug is used for
serious allergic reaction and in other emergency situations. In conjunction with local
anesthetics, epinephrine is contraindicated for use in fingers, toes, ears, nose or
genitalia. A pregnant woman in labor is contraindicated. Also with breastfeeding
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with long standing bronchial asthma or emphysema who
have developed degenerative heart dse. And in those with hyperthyroidism, CV dse,
hypertension, psychoneurosis and diabetes.
• In pregnant women not in labor, in children, in elderly patients use cautiously.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Nervousness, tremors, euphoria, anxiety, cold limbs, vertigo, headache
drowsiness, diaphoresis, disorientation, agitation, fear, weakness, cerebra;
hemmorhage, increased rigidity and tremors in patients with Parkinson’s dse. Stroke,
palpitations, widened pulse pressure, hypertension, tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation,
shock, anginal pain, ECG changes, nausea, vomiting, hyperglyscemia, glycosuria,
dyspnea, urticaria,
• Dosage: Adults: 0.1 to 0.5 ml of 1:1,000 SQ or IM
Children: 0.01 ml of 1:1,000/kg SQ; repeat q 20 min to 4 hrs, prn.
Nursing Responsibility:
• Briskly massage site o SC or IM injection to hasten drug action.
• Discard solution if reddish brown and after expiration date.
• Do not use topical preparation in children under 6 years of age
Lasix, Novosemide, Uritol
Diuretic, Antihypertensive
• Acute pulmonary edema
• Edema associated with CHF, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic cirrhosis, and ascites
• PO to treat hypertension in con junction with spironolactone, triamterene, and other
diuretics except ethacrynic acid.
• Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and dichloride in the proximal and distal tubulesas
well as the ascending loop of Henle; this results in the excretion of sodium, chloride,
and, to a lesser degree, potassium and bicarbonate ions.
• Never use with ethacrynic acid.
• hypersensitivity to drug, severe renal disease associated with azotemia and oliguria,
hepatic coma associated with electrolyte depletion
• Lactating women
Special precaution:
• Use with caution in premature infants and neonates due to prolonged half-life in these
• Geriatric clients may be more sensitive to the usual adult dose.
• Use cautiously in patients with hepatic cirrhosis
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Jaundice, tinnitus, hearing impairment, hypotension,
water/electrolyte depletion, pancreatitis, abdominal pain, dizziness, anemia
• Adverse Reaction: Aplastic anemia, cardiac arrest
• Dosage: (Adults) initial: 20–80 mg/day as a single dose.
•For resistant cases, dosage can be increased by 20–40 mg q 6–8 hr
until desired diuretic response is attained.
Maximum daily dose should not exceed600 mg.
Nsg. Responsibility:
• Slight discoloration resulting from light does not affect potency. However, do not
dispense discolored tablets or injection.
• Give 2–4 days per week.
• Food decreases bioavailability of furosemide and ultimately the degree of diuresis.
• Stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors of the CNS, resulting in inhibition of the
sympathetic vasomotor center and decreased nerve impulses. Thus, bradycardia and
a fall in both SBP and DBP occur.
• Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to clonidine or any adhesive layer components of
the transdermal system.
• Injectable form is contraindicated in patients receiving anticoagulation therapy and
patients with a bleeding diathesis or injection-site infection.
Special precaution:
• Use with caution during lactation and in the presence of severe coronary in sufficiency,
recent MI, cerebrovascular disease, or chronic renal failure
• Safe use in children not establish
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, sedation,
• Adverse Reaction: cardiac conduction defects, arrhythmias
• Dosage:
(Initial) 0.1 mg twice a day; then, increase by 0.1–0.2 mg/day until desired response is
• Available forms: Tablets: 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.3 mg
Injection: 0.1 mg/mL, 0.5 mg/mL
Nsg. Responsibility:
• If drug to be discontinued, do so gradually over a period of 2–4 days.
• Do not use preservative when given epidurally.
• Store injection at controlled room temperature. Discard any
unused portion.
Rifadin, Rifadin IV, Rimactane, Rimycin, Rofac
• Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
• Meningococcal carriers.
• Prophylaxis of Haemophilus influenzae type B.
• Leprosy
• Kills bacteria by inhibiting DNA-dependent RNA
polymerase, thus impairing RNA synthesis .
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components.
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously and under strict medical supervision in patients with liver dse.
• In breastfeeding women use cautiously. It’s unknown of the drug appears in breast
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: ataxia, behavioural changes, confusion, dizziness, fatigue, headache,
drowsiness, generalized numbness, visual disturbances, exudative conjunctivitis,
epigastric distress, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence,
sore mouth and tongue, hemoglobinuria, hematuria,
menstrual disturbances, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, worsening of porphyria,
shortness of breath, wheezing, Rash, pruritus, urticaria, flu-like syndrome.
• Adverse reaction: Shock, pseudomembrabous colitis, pancreatitis, acute renal
failure, transient leukopenia. Thrombocytopenia, hepatotoxicity,
• Dosage: 10mg/kg PO or IV daily in single dose. Maximum, 600 mg daily.
• Inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme resulting in decreased plasma angiotensin II,
which leads to decreased vasopressor activity and decreased aldosterone secretion.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components and in
those with a history a angioedema from ACE inhibitor.
Special precaution:
• Cause cautiously in patients with renal impairment, especially those with bilateral renal
artery stenosis or unilateral renal artery stenosis in a single functioning kidney.
• Use with caution during lactation
• Safety and effectiveness have not been determined in children.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Dizziness, headache, hypotension, syncope, chest pain, fatigue, diarrhea,
• Adverse Reaction: cardiac arrest, pulmonary edema
• Dosage: Antihypertensive in clients not taking diuretics Initial: 5 mg/day; then, adjust
dosage according to response Hypertension in children.
Initial: 0.08 mg/kg, up to 5 mg, once daily. Adjust dose depending on response
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Use lower dose if receiving diuretics or impaired renal function.
• Note reasons for therapy, presenting symptoms, other agents trialed, outcome.
• Record ECG, VS, and weight.
• A 1 mg/mL suspension may be prepared for use in children.
• Hypertension
• reduce risk of stroke in clients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy
• nephropathy in type 2 diabetics
• Blocks the angiotensin AT1 receptor located in vascular smooth muscle and the
adrenal glands, thus blocking the vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of
angiotensin II. Thus, BP is reduced,
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components .
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with pulmonary impairment. Use oral forms cautiously in
patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Also use cautiously and at a reduced
dosage in acutely ill or delibitated patients.
• Hepatic insufficiency
• In severe CHF there is a risk of oliguria and/or progressive azotemia with acute renal
failure and/or death
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: URTI, dizziness, cough, diarrhea, sinus disorder, nasal congestion,
dyspepsia/heartburn, pain
• Adverse Reaction: ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation
Nursing Responsibilities:
• List reasons for therapy, onset, other agents used, other related conditions (diabetes,
low EF), outcome.
• Monitor CBC, microalbumin, renal and LFTs.
• When pregnancy is detected, discontinue as soon as possible.
Thorazine, Largactil
Antipsychotic, antiemetic
• Preanesthetic to relieve restlessness & apprehension
• Adjunct to treat tetanus
• severe behavioural problem in children 1-12 years old marked by combativeness and
or explosive hyper-excitable behaviour
• May block postsynaptic dopamine receptors in brain and inhibit medullary
chemoreceptor trigger stone.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug and in patients with CNS
depressions, bone marrow suppression, subcortical damage and coma.
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in debilitated patients and in those with hepatic or renal disease,
severe CV disease.
• In acutely ill or dehydrated children and elderly , use cautiously
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Constipation, drowsiness, blurred vision, decreased sweating, difficulty
urinating, dark urine, swollen breasts
• Adverse Reaction: tremor, seizures, neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
Nursing Responsibilities:
• The maximum daily P.O. and parenteral dose for adults and adolescents should be 1
gram of the base.
• Solutions may cause contact dermatitis: avoid contact with hands or clothing.
• The oral concentrate is light sensitive: protect from light and dispense in amber
glass bottle.
ZORpin, Easprin, Ancasal, Arthrinol, Astrin,
Solprin, Supasa
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug, analgesic, antipyretic
• Pain from integumentary structure, mild pain or fever, prevention of thrombosis,
Prophylaxis for transient ischemic attack.
• Arthritis
• Antipyretic is due to an action on the hypothalamus, resulting to heat loss by
vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels and promoting sweating. Anti-inflammatory
effects are probably mediated through inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase, which results in a
decrease in prostaglandin synthesis and other mediators of the pain
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug and in patients with G6PD
deficiency; bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, von Willebrand’s disease and
tellangiectasia’ and NSAID induced sensitivity reactions.
• Children or teenagers with chicken-pox or flu due to possibility of development of
Reye’s syndrome
Special precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with GI lesions, impaired renal function,
hyperthrombonemia, Vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia or severe hepatic
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Dyspepsia, nausea, epigastric discomfort
• Adverse Reaction: Massive GI bleeding, potentiation of peptic ulcer, bronchospasm,
asthma like symptoms, anaphylaxis
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Note any asthma, nasal polyps, hay fever or ulcer dse.
• Note effectiveness of Aspirin if previously used for pain and dose used.
• Document age: drug discouraged in those under 12. Assess for chickenpox or the
Hepalean, Heopatin Leo, Hepari Lock flush
solution, Hep-lock, Uniparin
• Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism
• Embolism prevention
• Open-heart surgery
• Maintaining patency of I.V indwelling catheters
• unstable angina
• Post MI, cerebral thrombosis in evolving stroke , left ventricular thrombi, heart failure,
history of embolism, and atrial fibrillation
• Accelerates formulation of anti-thrombineIII-thrombin complex and deactivates
thrombin, preventing conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to the drug or any of its components.
Special Precaution:
• Use very cautiously in patients with active bleeding; blood dyscrasia; bleeding
tendencies such as hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, or hepatitis disease with
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Fever, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, overly prolonged clotting time,
irritation, mild pain; hematoma, ulceration, pruritus, urticaria, cutaneous or subcutaneous
• Adverse reaction: hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, white clot syndrome, hypersensitivity
reactions, anaphylaxis.
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.
• Monitor platelet counts regularly. Thrombocytopenia caused by heparin may be linked to s
type of arterial thrombosis known as white clot syndrome.
Haldol, Novo-Peridol,
Peridol, Serenace
• Psychotic orders
• Tourette syndrome
• Delirium
• severe behaviour problem in children
• short term treatment of hyperactive children who show excessive motor activity
• Blocks dopamine receptors in the tuberoinfundibular system to cause sedation. Also
causes alpha-adrenergic blockade, decreases release of growth hormone, and increases
prolactin release by pituitary.
• Contraindicated in lactating women and in client’s with Parkinsonism
Special Precaution:
• PO dosage has not been determined in children, older adult or debilitated patient
• Glaucoma
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision,
GI upset, salivation, dry mouth
• Adverse Reaction: Seizures, tardive dyskinesia
Nursing Responsibilities:
•Store tablets from 15-30 ˚C (59-86 ˚F).
•Assess CBC, electrolytes, liver and renal function.
•Instruct client or family to avoid alcohol and activities that require mental alertness until
drug effects realized.
Diastat, Diazepam Intensol, Valium
• Reduces anxiety by increasing or facilitating the inhibitory neurotransmitteractivity of
GABA. The skeletal muscle relaxant effect may be due to enhancement of GABA-
mediated presynaptic inhibitionat the spinal level as well as in the brain stem reticular
• Contraindicated within 14 days of Mao inhibitor therapy.
Special Precaution:
• Use IV diazepam with extreme caution in the elderly, in very ill clients, and in those with
limited pulmonary reserve as apnea or cardiac arrest may occur
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Drowsiness (transient), ataxia, confusion, depression, fainting,
headache, insomnia, lethargy, pain, psychosis, restlessness, slurred speech, urine
retention, repiratory depression, constipation
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Identify reasons for therapy, characteristics of S&S, time for anticipated results.
• Monitor CBC, renal, and LFTs.
• Review anxiety level; identify contributing factors.
Fortamet, Glucophage, Glumetza, Riomet
• Improve glycemic control in clients with type 2 diabetes
• Extended-Release form used to treat type 2 diabetes as initial therapy
• Decreases hepatic glucose production, decreases intestinal absorption of glucose,
and increases peripheral uptake and utilization of glucose.
• Acute or chronic metabolic acidosis
• Abnormal hepatic function
• Dehydration and lactation
Special Precaution:
• Metformin should be promptly withheld in the presence of any condition associated
with hypoexmia, dehydration, or sepsis.
• hepatic disease
• Lactic acidosis
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Hypoglycemia, diarrhea, N&V, asthenia, flatulence, headache,
abdominal pain/discomfort.
• Adverse Reaction: Lactic acidosis
Nursing Responsibilities:
•Individualize dosage based on tolerance and effectiveness.
•Give with meals starting at a low dose with gradual escalation.
•Inform client that it may cause a metallic taste; should subside.
Allorin, Apo-Allopurinol, Capurate,
Anti-gout drug
• Gout
• To prevent acute gouty attacks.
• Hyperuricemias secondary to malignancies.
• Recurrent calcium oxalate calculi.
• Reduce uric acid production by inhibiting the necessary biochemical reaction.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components.
Special Precaution:
• In pregnant and Breast feeding women use cautiously.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: headache, drowsiness, cataracts, retinopathy, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, diarrhea, uremia, anemia, Rash, pruritus, urticarial and pulpuric lesions,
ichthyosis, severe furunculosis of nose
• Adverse Reaction: Renal failure,.agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia.
Hepatitis, exfoliative lesions, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Assess patient’s history. Gout may be secondary to dse. Such as acute or chronic
leukaemia, polycythemia vera, multiple myeloma, and psoriasis.
• Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.
• Give drug with or immediately after meals to minimize adverse GI reactions.
• Have patients drink plenty of fluids while taking drug, unless contraindicated.
• Advise patient not to take alcohol while taking drug.
• Streptococcal endocarditis.
• Primary and adjunct treatment in tuberculosis.
• Enterococcal endocarditis.
• Tularemia
• Inhibits protein synthesis by binding directly to 30S ribosomal subunit.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or other aminoglycoside in patients
with labyrinthine dse.
• In pregnant women, drug is contraindicated.
Special Precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with impaired kidney function or neuromuscular dse.
• In breastfeeding women and elderly, use cautiously.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Ototoxicity, nausea, vomiting, eosinophilia, exfoliative dermatitis,
hypersensitivity reaction,
• Adverse effect: neuromuscular blockade, nephrotoxicity leukopenia.
Thrombocytopenia, apnea, angioedema, anaphylaxis .
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Assess patient’s infection before starting therapy, and regularly thereafter to
monitor the drug’s effectiveness.
• Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity test before first dose except when
treating tuberculosis. Start therapy pending test result.
• Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.
• Protect hands while preparing the drug because drug is irritating.
• Instruct patient to report hearing loss, roaring noises, or fullness in ears and
dizziness immediately.
Avinza, Astramorph PF, Duramorph,
Infumorph 200 and 500, Oramorph SR
Narcotic analgesic
• severe pain
• preoperatively for sedation and to reduce apprehension
• supplement to anesthesia
• control postoperative pain
• Decreased permeability of the cell membrane tosodium, which results in diminished
transmission of pain impulses and therefore analgesia.
• Heart failure secondary to chronic lung disease
• cardiac arrhythmias
• brain tumor
• acute alcoholism-delirium tremens -convulsive statescardiac arrhythmias
Special Precaution:
• clients with known seizure disorders-
• use with extreme caution in aged or debilitated clients
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: N&V, constipation, somnolence, headache
• Adverse Reaction: Respiratory Depression, Bradycardia, shock, cardiac arrest,
thrombocytopenia, respiratory arrest
Nursing Responsibilities:
• List other agents prescribed, outcome.
• Note any seizure disorder or head trauma.
• Monitor VS and respiratory status.
• Help client practice cough and deep-breathing exercises and incentive spirometry to
decrease risk of atelectasis.
• For post partum hemorrhage
• Inhibits motor activities of the uterus, shorten the third stage of labor and increases
sensitivity to insulin.
•Pregnant patients who are sensitive to ergot preparation and in patients with
hypertension or toxemia
Special Precaution:
• Patients with sepsis
• Obliterative vascular disease
• Hepatic renal disease during at last stage of labor
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: seizure, stroke, hallucination, headache, leg cramps and diaphoresis
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Monitor VS and respiratory status.
Abenol, Acephen, Aceta, Aceta-Elixir,
Dymadon, Panadol, Tempra, Tylenol
• May produce analgesic effect by blocking pain impulses, by inhibiting prostaglandin or
pain receptor sensitizers. May relieve fever by acting in hypothalamic heat-regulating
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug.
Special Precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with history of chronic alcohol abuse because hepatoxicity may
occur after therapeutic doses.
• In pregnant and breastfeeding women, use cautiously.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: hemolytic anemia jaundice. Rash, urticaria
• Adverse Reaction: Thrombocytopenia, neotropenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, liver
damage, hypoglycaemia.
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Assess patient's pain or temperature before and during therapy.
• be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions
• Give liquid form to children and other patients who have trouble swallowing
Lithotabs, Lithobid, Lithonate,
Antipsychotic , Antimanic
• control of mania in manic-depressive clients
• premenstrual tension
• alcoholism accompanied by depression
• Tardive dyskinesia
• Bulimia
• A decrease in cyclic AMP levels caused by lithium which decreases sensitivity of
• sensitive adenyl cyclase receptors
• cardiovascular or renal dse.
• brain damage and lactation
• dehydration
• clients receiving diuretics
Special Precaution:
• safety and efficacy have not been established for children less than 12 years of
• use with caution in geriatric clients because lithium is more toxic to the CNS in
these clients
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Due to initial therapy: Fine hand tremor,polyuria, thirst, transient and
mild nausea, general discomfort
• Adverse Reaction: peripheral circulatory collapse, severe bradycardia causing
syncope, coma
• Available forms: Lithium carbonate Capsules: 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg;
Tablets: 300 mg;
Tablets,Extended-Release: 300 mg, 450 mg.Lithium citrate
Syrup: 300 mg/5 mL
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Monitor lithium levels, kidney and thyroid function studies; assess for decreased
• With arthritic conditions, document anti-inflammatory agent(s) used.
• Document mental status, CV function, VS, chemistry, thyroid function, urinalysis,
weight, and ECG.
Flagyl I.V., Flagyl 375, Flagyl ER, MetroGel,
MetroLotion, Vandazole
Trichomonacide, amebicide
• serious infections due to susceptible anaerobic bacteria
• Peritonitis
• skin structure infections due to Bacteroides species including B. fragilis group,
Clostridium species and Peptococcus niger
Inhibits growth of trichomonae and amoebae by binding to DNA, resulting in
loss of helical structure, strand breakage, inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis,
and cell death.
• blood dyscrasias
• active organic disease of the CNS
• Trichomoniasis during the first trimester of pregnancy
• lactation
Special Precaution:
•use with caution in those with evidence or history of blood dyscrasias or in
those with impaired hepatic function
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Following systemic use: Headache, vaginitis, nausea, metallic taste,
genital pruritus, bacterial infection, flu-like symptoms
• Adverse Reaction: seizures, bone marrow aplasia
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Reduce dose in those with hepatic dse.
• Do not use syringes with Al needles or hubs.
• Document indications for therapy and symptom characteristics.
• Monitor CBC, LFTs, and cultures.
• Whipworm
• Pinworm
• Roundworm
• common and American hookworm
• Blocks the glucose uptake of the organisms,
thereby reducing their energy until death results
• Hypersensitivity to mebendazole and its component
Special Precaution:
• Use with caution in children under 2 years old and during lactation
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
•Side effects: Transient abdominal pain, diarrhea
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Note clinical confirmation of organism, onset and characteristics of S&S, and any
contributory factors. Identify all persons in contact and potentially affected.
• Tablets may be chewed, swallowed, or crushed with food.
• Teach client to practice personal hygiene and wash hands regularly.
Humulin R, Novolin R, Velosulin
• diabetic coma
• Mild diabetic ketoacidosis
• clients suffering from labile diabetes
• Increases synthesis of glycogen in the liver.
• Contraindicated in hypoglycaemia and in patients hypersensitivity to insulin or any of
its ingredients.
Special Precaution:
• Pregnant diabetic clients inhibits milk production
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: hypokalemia, injection site reactionpruritus, rash, lipoatrophy,
hypersensitivity reactions, lipohypertrophy
• Adverse reaction: Hypoglycemia, anphylaxis
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Note dse. Onset, level of control/ understanding of dse. Previous agents trialed,
• Monitor VS, CBC, HbA1c, U/A: microalbumin, renal and LFTs.
• Tell client to report adverse effect or lack or sugar control. Continue diet, exercise
and weight control.
Acetadote, Mucomyst
• Reduces the viscosity of purulent and nonpurulent pulmonary secretions and facilitates
their removal by splitting disulfide bonds.
• Restores glutathione in liver to treat acitaminophen toxicity.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug.
Special Precaution:
• Use cautiously in debilitated patients with severe respiratory insufficiency. In patients
with asthma or a history of bronchospasm, use IV formulation cautiously.
• In pregnant and breastfeeding women and elderly patients with severe respiratory
insufficiency use cautiously.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Bronchial/tracheal irritation, N&V,
rash, stomatitis
• Adverse effects: Bronchospasms
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Use non-reactive plastic, glass, or stainless steel for administration.
• After prolonged nebulization, dilute that last fourth of the medication with sterile water
to prevent drug concentration.
• Note pulmonary findings: determine when spasm occur.
Lanoxin, Digitek, Digoxin,
Inotropic, anti-arrythmic
• Heart failure, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
atrial fibrillation and flutter.
• Inhibits sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, thereby promoting
movement of calcium from extra cellular to intracellular cytoplasm and strengthening
myocardial contraction. Also acts on CNS to enhance vagal tone, slowing conduction
through SA and AV nodes and providing Antiarrythmic effect.
• Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components and in those
with digitalis – induced toxicity, ventricular fibrillation, or ventricular tachycardia unless
caused by heart failure.
Special Precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with acute MI, incomplete AV block, sinus bradychardia,
PVC’s Chronic onstrictive pericarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, renal insuffiency,
severe pulmonary disease, or hyperthyroidism.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Agitation, dizziness, fatigue, generalized muscle weakness,
hallucination, headache, malaise, paresthesia, stupor, vertigo.
• Adverse reactions: Arryythmias, heart failure
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Monitor potassium level carefully.
• Look for adverse reaction and drug interaction,
• Tell patient to eat potassium rich food.
• Administer IV doses slowly over 5 minutes.
• Do not “double up” with missed doses.
Antibiotic, fluoroquinolone
Ciloxan Ophthalmic, Cipro, Proquin XR
• Mild to moderate UTI.
• Severe or complicated UTI; mild to moderate bone and joint infections, mild to moderate:
respiratory tract infection, skin and skin-structure infections, acute sinusitis due to
Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or Moraxella catarrhalis- Chronic
bacterial prostatitis due to E. coli or Proteus mirabilis.
• Infectious diarrhea; intra-abdominal pain.
• Interferes with DNA gyrase and topoisomeraseIV. DNA gyrase is an enzyme needed for
replication, transcription, and repair of bacterial DNA.
• Hypersensitivity to fluroquinolones.
• Breastfeeding is contraindicated.
Special Precaution:
• Use cautiously in patients with CNS disorders and pregnant women. Safety and
effectiveness of ophthalmic, PO, or IV use have not been determined in children
Possible antibiotic resistance when used to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections.
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: After systemic use: Headache, N&V, diarrhea, restlessness, rash After
ophthalmic use: Irritation, burning, stinging, itching, inflammation
• Adverse Reaction: Intestinal perforation, toxic epidermal necrolysis
Nursing Responsibilities:
• Although food delays drug absorption, it may be taken with/without meals;
recommended dosing time is 2 hr after a meal.
• Note reasons for therapy; S&S and obtain cultures.
• Store vials for IV use from 5–30°C (41–86°F).
• Protect from light, excessive heat, and freezing.
Dilantin, Infatab, Dilantin-125
• Chronic epilepsy
• control seizures during neurosurgery
• Severe preeclampsia
• Acts in the motor cortex of the brain to reduce the spread of electrical discharges from
the rapidly firing epileptic foci in this area.
• Hypersensitivity to hydantoins
• Exfoliative dermatitis
• Sinus bradycardia
• Lactating women
Special Precaution:
• Acute, intermittent porphyria clients with a history of asthma
or other allergies
• Impaired renal or hepatic function
• Heart disease (hypotension, severe myocardial insufficiency)
Side effects/Adverse reactions:
• Side effects: Ataxia, drowsiness, slurred speech, confusion, N&V, rash, constipation/
diarrhea, gingival hyperplasia
• Adverse Reaction: Increased seizures, toxic epidermal necrolysis, toxic hepatitis
Nursing Responsibilities:
• List reasons for therapy, onset, characteristics of
S&S, clinical presentation, blood levels, other agents
trialled, outcome.
• Note history and nature of seizures, addressing
location, frequency, duration, causes/characteristics,
triggers and EEG findings.
• Do not substitute products or exchange brands;
•bioavailability of phenytoin may vary .