MIL Reviewer

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“People Media” tag, photo, Wikipedia, waze,

a. Definition People in Media
b. Types and Characteristics - Media practitioners
1. People as Media - Provide information coming from
2. People in Media their expert knowledge or first-hand
c. Advantages and Limitations experience of events.
People Media – refers to persons that are Types of Journalist by Medium
involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and  Print Journalists
production of media and information  Photojournalists
(source: MIL Curriculum Guide by DepEd)  Broadcast Journalists
- People in Media and People as  Multimedia Journalists
Media Summary of the lesson:
People as Media – people who are well- People in Media
oriented to media sources and massages and  Media practitioners
able to provide information as accurate and  Experts
reliable as possible.
 Provide information to media users
People in Media – media practitioners who
People as Media
provide information coming from their
 Media users
expert knowledge or first-hand experience
of event.  Well-oriented to media sources and
People as Media messages
1. Opinion Leaders – highly exposed to  Intermediaries, provide information
and actively using media. to lower-end media users.
- (updated, higher users of media) “Text, Information and Media”
- Source of viable interpretation of
messages for lower-end media users. Text Information – a non-fiction writing
- Opinions are accepted by a group. written with intention of informing the
- The two-step Flow Communication reader about a specific topic.
- Model (1944) Paul Lazarsfeld,
Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet Characteristic of Text information and
2. Citizen Journalism – people without Media
professional journalism training can  A text is any media product we wish to
use the tools of modern technology examine
and internet to create, augment or  A text is effortful to comprehend
fact-check media on their own or in  A text has its limitations too
collaboration with others.  Images can communicate everything at
- (without professional journalism, no once
journalism training) Parts of the Text
3. Social Journalism – journalists are  Titles – allows the reader to identify the
using social media to make their overall topic of the text and understand
content available to more people. the main idea.
- (journalists are using social media.  Headings – allow the reader to identify
Ex. Vlogs) specific topics and also divide the text
4. Crowdsourcing – contributions from into sections.
a large group of people, ex. Reedit-  Bold Print and Italic – use to signal the
reader that the word is important.
 Charts, Tables and Graphs – used to and emotive qualities and impact of
organize large amounts of info to small speech are diminished on the page.
space. Value
 Illustration – helps the reader to  New information – informational text
understand the information in a visual contributes to readers understandings
way. of a wide range of topics.
 Caption – used to explain the  Varying Formats – reading
illustration informational text provides students
Text types and Formats and Sources exposure to content presented. This
 Types – brochure, magazines, exposure presents text variety and
textbooks, and instruction manuals, offers. Ex. Graphs, charts, primary
newspaper article, encyclopedia. sources, brochures, manuals, and other
 Formats – documentary, news article, documents.
interviews, advertisement, images.  Analytical Thinking – reading
 Sources – books, magazines, information in presentations other than
newspaper, articles. narrative requires that readers practice
Advantage: different skills of interpretation and
 Availability – printed materials are analysis.
already available on a variety of  Motivation – kids wants to know the
topics and in many different formats. how and why behind things. That’s
 Flexibility – they are adjustable to why informational text is necessary as
many purposes and maybe used in it feed kids one by one information to
any lighted environment. what is happening around them.
 Profitability – they’re easily Visual Text
transported to another place without - Is a text that we view
the aid of machine or electricity. - The images work together to create a
 User-friendly – easy to use, no extra meaningful patterns, symbols, ideas
effort to search. and messages for the reader.
 Economical – inexpensive to - The words and images work together
produce or purchase. to create meaning Ex. Movie poster,
Purposes film, video games, photographs,
 To bring in a better communication music videos, advertisements,
and understanding between the general paintings and pictures books.
public and government. Selection Criteria for Text Information
 To help the people know what’s  The news should be shocking and
happening in the country about the surprising
economy, social and political situation.  It should be fresh
Limitations  The news should involve well-known
 Text also has limitations. person in the public eye
- The most obvious drawback of text  Time publication
as a knowledge building and
communication tool is that it lacks
the inherent expressiveness of
- A transcript may accurately record
the spoken words, but the strategic
“Visual Information and Media”  Form
 3-dimensional; has volume and
What is visual media?
 Sources of data or information in the  Illusion of 3D effect can be implied
form of visual representations. using light and shading techniques.
 Abstractions, analogues, rough  Can be viewed from many angles.
illustrations, or digital reproductions  Value
of the objects the data pertains to.  Degree of light and dark in a design.
 Requires interpretation of the data  Can be used with color as well as
gatherer. black and white.
 Level of reliability compared to  Contrast is the extreme changes
other sources may vary considerably. between values.
 May be hosted on the internet,  Size
printed in publications, displayed  Variations in the proportions of
through broadcast media, or objects, lines, or shapes.
otherwise disseminated.  Variations can either be real or
 Generally available or at least citable imagined.
as stable and traceable future
Types of Visual Media
 Non – Projected Visual Media
Elements of Visual Design
 Requires no projection material or
 Line electric power.
 A mark on a surface that describes a *Cartoon *Map
shape of outline. *Chart *Models
 Can create texture and can be thick *Comic Strip *Pictures
or thin. *Flash Cards *Poster
 Types of line include actual, implied, *Illustration
vertical, horizontal, diagonal and  Projected Visual Media
contour lines.  Uses bright light to pass through a
 Color transparent picture, by means of a
 Refers to specific hues. lens, or electronic power.
 Has 3 properties: chroma, intensity, *Film Strip
value. *Overhead Projector
 Texture *Presentation
 Surface quality, either tactile of
Integration of Visual Media in Education
 Degree of roughness or smoothness  Infographic
in objects.
 Information graphics or
 Can be real or implied by different
infographics are graphic visual
uses of media.
representations of information, data
 Shape
or knowledge. These graphics
 2-dimensional, no thickness. present complex information
 Can be grouped to geometric and quickly and clearly.
organic.  An infographic (information
graphic) is a representation of
information in a graphic format Principles of Compositional Design
designed to make the data easily The principles of design are the
understandable at a glance. People recipe for a good work of art. The principles
use infographics to quickly
combine the elements to an aesthetic
communicate a message, to simplify
the presentation of large amounts of placement of things that will produce a good
data, to see data patterns and design.
relationships, and to monitor  Center of interest – it is a feeling of
changes in variables over time. visual equality in shape, form, value,
color, etc. Balance can be
5 Tips to keep your chin up
symmetrical or evenly balanced or
1. Do something impulsive. asymmetrical and un-evenly
2. Have rituals balanced.
3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day  Balance – it is a feeling of visual
4. Take breaks equality in shape, form, value, color,
5. Learn something new
etc. Balance can be symmetrical or
 Educational Television
evenly balanced or asymmetrical and
 The use of television programs in un-evenly balanced.
the field of distance education. It
 Harmony – it brings together a
may be in the form of individual
composition with similar units. If
television programs or dedicated
your composition was using wavy
specialty channels.
lines and organic shapes you would
 Enriches lessons through stay with those types of lines and not
documentary-type programs; or put in just one geometric shape.
 Teaches content directly.  Contrast – it offers some change in
 Presentations value creating a visual discord in
 Visual aids composition. Contrast shows the
 Power point Presentations difference between shapes and can
 Prezi Presentations be used as a background to bring
 Videos objects and forward in design. It can
 Video Cassettes be also be used to create an area of
 Video Discs emphasis.
 Interactive Video  Directional Movement – it is a visual
 Video Conferencing flow through the composition. It can
 Youtube be the suggestion of motion in a
design as you move from object to
Visual Media in: object by way placement and
Education position. Directional movement can
Science and Mathematics be created with a value pattern. It is
Social Sciences Arts and Humanities with placement of dark and light
areas that you can move your Gramophone
attention through the format.  Invented by Emil Beliner
 Rhythm – it is a movement in which  Used a platter instead of a cylinder
some elements recurs regularly. Like for recording
1930’s, 1940’s, 1950’s
a dance it will have a flow of objects
that will seem to be like the beat of Magnetic Recording
music.  Cassette Tape
Words + Images = Multimedia Digital Recording
Multimedia is the combination of two or  Compact Disc
more types of media, usually words + What is Audio Media?
images. But words on the screen does not
mean that it is visual – that still only counts  Audio formats
as text. Multimedia materials are the best  May refer to analog tape cassettes
types of learning tools, because they can be and digital CDs as well as to
a vehicle to facilitate active learning, which computer files containing audio in
emphasize learning by doing in addition to any number of digital formats.
listening and seeing. Active learning helps Audio Media was founded in 1994 as a
all learners, not just kinesthetic. digital recording studio by T. Selvakumar, a
well-known musician and personality in the
Types of multimedia Indian Film industry. It then branched on to
There are three types of multimedia: sales. Further on in 2002, as an education
Static(No change), Animated(Continuous institute providing Apple Certified courses.
change), and Interactive(Change from user
About Audio
action). All three types can be effective in
 The range of frequencies within
the library classroom. I’ll provide just a few
human hearing, which is
examples that you can incorporate when
approximately 20Hz at the low end
teaching skills such as keyword creation,
to a high of 20,000Hz. However,
evaluating sources, and understanding
pundits(experts) claim that some
library and academic processes. I’ll
people can hear higher frequencies.
highlight a few tools, and mention the
Two types of audio
challenges that you may encounter.
 Analog – traditional audio devices
“Audio Media” are analog, because they handle
sound waves in an analogous form.
Early History For example, radios maintain the
Pre-1920’s audio signal as rippling waves from
Phonograph antenna to speaker. Tape cassette
 Invented by Thomas Edison (1877)\ players record sound waves as
 First recording device magnetic waves. In the days of the
Carbon Microphone phonograph record, sound waves
 Invented by Thomas Edison (1877) were literally “carved” into the
 First recording device plastic platters.
 Digital – in the computer, audio is
processed by converting the analog
signal into a digital code using PSM
(phase change memory)
Kinds of Audio Media *Requires little *Degrades after too
storage space much reusing
1. Radio Broadcast which can be live or *Portable *Sensitive to
taped. magnets, breakage and heat.
2. Recordings
 Compact Disks
Characteristics of Audio Media
Advantages: Disadvantages:
 Ideal for extending voice and music. *Durable than a *Prone to scratches
 Costs are relatively inexpensive cassette tape and damaged if
(compared to video). *No background noise not stored properly.
 Good for the less literate (or aural *Higher audio quality *Requires special
learners/auditory learners). *Portable drives to read
 Good for stimulating listener’s *Larger storage space and write.
 Good for evoking emotional  MP3 (MPEG-1, MPEG-2 AUDIO
responses. LAYER 3) – refers to technology
that records stores and reproduces
Telephone ; Voicemail sound by encoding an audio signal in
 low cost (can be expensive based on a digital form instead of analog.
distance) Advantages:
 easy to use *High quality of audio files
 has feedback feature *Use of multiple channels for the sound
 length may be limited *Files do not degrade
 may involve toll charges *Easily distributed
*Can be played on multiple devices
Audiotape ; Digital audio ; Compact disks Disadvantages:
 Inexpensive (costs are not related to *Easy file sharing may lead to copyright
distance) infringement.
 Easily accessible
 Easily duplicated Application in Education
 Require specific device 1. Can be used to improve listening
 Hard to modify the recordings once skills.
produced and distributed 2. Enhances learning for verbal
Audio Conference (Teleconferencing) 3. An ideal way for teaching foreign
 Easy to set up language.
 Has feedback feature 4. Useful tool for those w/ reading
 Remove distance constraint disabilities or non-readers.
 Requires specific device 5. Can be used for recording
 Challenging to schedule a time when interviews.
everyone can participate Advantages:
*Readily available and simple to use
Types of Audio Media *Portable
 Cassette Tape *Easy to reproduce
Advantages: Disadvantages: *Inexpensive
*Reusable *Prone to noise *Resistance to damage
*Economical *Easily tangled
*Easy to use *Poor frequency response
Disadvantages: card with a picture on each side is
*Pacing cannot be changed because audio attached to two pieces of string.
media follows a fixed sequence.  Phenakistoscope – also spelled
*Audio contents can be accidentally erased. phenakistiscope or phenakitiscope
was an early animation device that
Audio Books
used the persistence of vision
 A recording of a book or magazine principle to create an illusion of
being read; first known use was in motion.
 Stroboscope – also known as a
 A recording of a text being read. strobe, is an instrument used to make
Podcast a cyclically moving object to be
 A converged medium bringing slow-moving, or stationary.
together audio, the web and portable  Zoetrope – is a device that produces
media player. the illusion of motion from a rapid
 A program (as of music or talk) succession of static pictures.
made available in digital format for.  Praxinoscope – was an animation
 Automatic download over the device, the successor to the zoetrope.
internet. Like the zoetrope, it used a strip of
Internet radio broadcast pictures placed around the inner
 An audio service transmitted via the surface of a spinning cylinder.
internet.  Flip book – flick book is a book with
 Usually referred to as webcasting a series of pictures that vary
since it is not transmitted through gradually from one page to the next.
wireless means.  Motion/Media
School-on-air History
 (DZLB of UP Los Banos & DYAC 1800 – there have been presentation that
of ViSCA) could be classified as motion graphics as
 Includes music programs and early as this year.
request.shows, informative segments 1920 – Michael Betancourt wrote the
and talk. first in depth historical survey of the
 Shows and School-on-air programs. field.
 Also SOA of ATI Eastern Visaya 1060 – one of the first uses of the term
Learn a Language “motion graphics” was by animator John
 (i.e Spanish lessons) Whitney.
 Site for Spanish language tutorial. 1955-1962 – Saul Bass is a major
pioneer in the development of feature
“Motion Media” film title sequences. His designs were
Motion Media – is defined as a class of simple, but effectively communicated
graphics that make use of video and/or the mood of the film.
animation technology in a way that an 1962 to 2014 – Motion Media is
illusion of motion or a transforming universal –
appearance is created. Types of Motion Media
Motion Media is defined as a class of
Earliest Motion Media Devices graphics that make use of video and/or 2
 Thaumatrope – is a toy that was animation technology in a way that an
popular in Victorian times. A disk or
illusion of motion or a transforming Film, movies, and pictures are used
appearance is created. interchangeably: I saw a film. I saw a movie.
These motion graphics are usually I saw a picture.
combined with audio for use in multimedia Movies and pictures can be used
projects. interchangeably: I’m going to the
1. Video is an electronic medium for movies/pictures.
the recording, copying and 2. Animation is the process of creating
broadcasting of moving visual a continuous motion and shape
images. change illusion by means of the rapid
- in film making and video production, display of s sequence of static
footage is the raw, unedited material images that minimally differ from
as it had been originally filmed by each other. The illusion-asin motion
movie camera or recorded by a video pictures in general-is thought to rely
camera which usually must be edited on the phi phenomenon.
to create a motion picture, video clip, The phi phenomenon is the optical illusion
television show or similar completed of perceiving continuous motion between
work. separate objects viewed rapidly in
 Film is the medium on which motion succession.
pictures are fixed. Animations can be stored or recorded on
 Motion picture is a sequence of either analogue media, such as Flip book,
images of moving objects motion picture film, video tape, on digital
photographed by a camera and media.
providing the optical illusion of Including formats such as animated GIF
continuous movement when (Graphics Interchange Format) Flash
projected onto a screen. animated or digital video.
 Cinema is from the French To display it, a digital camera, a
cinematographed which comes in computer, or a projector are used.
part from the greek kinema, meaning Animated created methods include the
movement. So cinema is really just traditional animation creation method and
another word meaning moving those involving stop motion animation of
picture. two and three-dimensional objects, such as
- It also has come to mean more paper cutouts, puppets and classic figures.
generally the process of film-making Animated Techniques
and also the building where film are Creative has no limits.
shown. There are various types of animation
 Theater is similar to cinema, in that techniques practiced by film makers all over
it can mean the building, or more the world. Classical and digital 2D
generally the industry of live animation, digital 3D Animation, stop-
performance (i.e. plays, musicals, motion, clay animation, cutout animation,
etc). paint-on-glass animation, drawn-on-film
Video Analysis animation, and experimental animation are
In context, the theater is the building where just a few among the many existing forms of
movies are shown, but usually people would animation.
specify the movie theater to avoid confusion
with the live theater.
2D Animation  Misinterpretation
- Classical 2D animation is also  Time consuming (preparation of the
known as hand-drawn 2D animation video takes time: production material)
or traditional animation.  Not interactive
 Digital 2D animation
 Digital 3D animation
 Stop-motion animation
 Clay animation
 Cut-out animation
 Drawn-on-film animation
 Paint-on-glass animation
 Experimental animation
Main types of Motion Media
- Animation
- Video
Advantages of Motion Media
 Great way of demonstrating and
guiding step by step processes
 Flexible: pace (rewind, fast forward and
 Accessible (DVD’s, online and live
 Attractive
 Larger audience (large number of
students can be taught simultaneously
by one instructor)
 Larger number of hosts (outside
speakers can be involved who would
not otherwise available)
 Connection (students can be linked with
others from different communities
backgrounds and cultures)
 Attention Grabbing
 Skill learning
 To be able to establish commonality
Disadvantages of Motion Media
 No student-teacher relationship
(questions can’t be asked)
 Expensive (supporting materials:
projector, laptops, computers)
 Time consuming
 Unpredicted problems (audio and visual
 Not flexible: style (teaching style and
 Fixed pace (cannot be interrupted)

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