Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (2003)

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Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines SUMMARY TABLE

December 2003

Summary of Existing Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines

These guidelines supersede previously published Canadian environmental quality guidelines table. Guideline values are listed under chemical names, which are cross-referenced with
(EQGs). The user is strongly advised to consult the appropriate chapter and/or fact sheet in common names, abbreviations, and/or families of chemicals as appropriate. Units for each
this document for specific information pertaining to each EQG or range of EQGs listed in this EQG are as indicated for each column unless otherwise noted in the table.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Acenaphthene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Acenaphthylene [See Polycyclic aro matic hydrocarbons
Acridine [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Aesthetics Narrative
Aldicarb 9 1 0.15 54.9 11

Aldrin + Dieldrin 0.7 No EQG j

Algae, blue- green [See Cyanobacteria]
Aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbonsbb (each) 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
Aliphatics nonchlorinated (each) 0.3y
Aluminum 100 q, r
5–100 5000ff 5000ff

Ammonia (total) see factsheet s

Ammonia (un-ionized) 19s

Aniline 2.2
Anthracene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Antimony 6 (IMAC) 20y 20y 40y 40y

Antimony –125 100 Bq·L-1 k

Aquatic plants Narrative
Aroclor 1254 [See Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)]
Arsenic 25 (IMAC) 5.0 12.5 100 25 5900 17 000 7240 41 600 12 12 12 12
Atrazine 5 (IMAC) 1.8 10 5

Azinphos-methyl 20
Barium 1000 750 500 2000 2000
Bendiocarb 40
Benz (a)anthracene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Benzene 5 370 110 0.05 0.5 5 5
Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines SUMMARY

Update December 2003

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Benzo(b)fluoranthene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Benzo(k)fluoranthene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Beryllium 100ff 100ff 4y 4y 8y 8y
2,2-Bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane [See DDD]
2,2-Bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane [See DDT]

Blue- green algae [See Cyanobact eria]

Boron 5000 (IMAC) 500–6000ff 5000ff 2y,z
Bromacil 5.0 0.2 1100
Bromate 10 (IMAC)r
Bromoform [See Halogenated methanes, Tribromomethane]

Bromoxynil 5 (IMAC) 5.0 0.33 11

Cadmium 5 0.017 0.12 5.1 80 600 3500 700 4200 1.4 10 22 22
Calcium 1 000 000ff
Captan 1.3 13
Carbaryl 90 0.20 0.32 1100

Carbofuran 90 1.8 45
Carbon monoxide 1 h: 15 000–35 000
8 h: 6000–20 000
1 a: no EQG j
Carbon tetrachloride [See Halogenated methanes,
Cerium–141 100 Bq·L-1 k
Cerium–144 20 Bq·L-1 k

Cesium–134 7 Bq·L-1 k
Cesium–137 10 Bq·L-1 k
Chemical characteristics Narrative
Chloramines [See Reactive chlorine species]
Chlordane No EQG j No EQG j 4.50 8.87 2.26 4.79

Chloride 250 000 100 000–

700 000ff
Chlorinated benzenes
Monochlorobenzene 80 30 1.3 25 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 200 3 0.70 42 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 150 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5 1 26 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 8.0 0.05y 2y 10y 10y
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 24 5.4 0.05y 2y 10y 10y

Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines SUMMARY

Update December 2003

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene 0.05y 2y 10y 10y
0.05y 2y y
1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene 1.8 10 10y
0.05y 2y y
1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 10 10y
0.05y 2y y
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 10 10y
0.05y 2y y
Pentachlorobenzene 6.0 10 10y
0.05y 2y y
Hexachlorobenzene 0.52 10 10y

Chlorinated ethanes
1,1-Dichloroethane 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
1,2-Dichloroethane 5 (IMAC) 100 5ff 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorethane 0.1y 5y 50y 50y

Chlorinated ethenes
Monochloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 2
1,1-Dichloroethene (Dichloroethylene) 14 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
1,2-Dichloroethene 0.1y
5 y
1,1,2-Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene, TCE) 50 21 50 0.1 3 31 31
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene, PCE) 30 111 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.6

Chlorinated methanes [See Halogenated methanes]

Chlorinated phenols
Monochlorophenols 7ff 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
Dichlorophenols 0.2ff 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
2,4-Dichlorophenol 900 0.3 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
Trichlorophenols 18ff 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 5 2 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
Tetrachlorophenols 1ff 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
2,3,4,6-Tet rachlorophenol 100 1 0.05y 0.5y 5y 5y
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 60 30 0.5ff 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6

Chlorinated propane (1,2-dichloropropane) 0.1y 5y 50y 50y

Chlorinated propene (1,2-dichloropropene (cis and trans)) 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
Chlorine, reactive [See Reactive chlorine species]
Chloroform [See Halogenated methanes, Trichloromethane]
4-Chloro-2-methyl phenoxy acetic acid [See MCPA]

Chlorothalonil 0.18 0.36 5.8 170

Chlorpyrifos 90 0.0035 0.002 24
Chromium 50 37 300 90 000 52 300 160 000 64 64 87 87
Trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) 8.9 56 4.9 50
Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) 1.0 1.5 8 50 0.4 0.4 1.4 1.4
Chrysene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]

Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines SUMMARY

Update December 2003

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
1 h, 8 h or 24 h, 1 aa MAC, IMAC b AOc
PELe Agri.f Res./Park g Comm.h Industrial i -1
-3 (µg·kg
(µg·m ) -1
(µg·L ) (µg·L )
(µg·L )
-1 -1
(µg·L ) (µg·L )
- -1
(µg·kg )
(µg·kg )
(µg·kg )
(µg·kg )
(mg·kg )
-1 -1
(mg·kg ) (mg·kg )
(mg·kg ) diet ww)
Clarity Narrative
Cobalt 50ff 1000ff 40y 50y 300y 300y
-1 k
Cobalt –60 2 Bq·L
Coliforms, fecal (Escherichia coli) Narrative Narrative 100 per
100 mLff
Coliforms, total Narrative 1000 per
100 mLff

Coliphages Narrative
Colour 15 TCUm Narrative Narrative Narrative
Conductivity 2y [dS/m] 2y [dS/m] 4y [dS/m] 4y [dS/m]
Copper 1000 2–4 200–1000 500–5000 35 700 197 000 18 700 108 000 63 63 91 91
Cyanazine 10 (IMAC) 2.0 0.5 10

Cyanide 200 5ff 0.9 0.9 8.0 8.0

Cyanobacteria (Blue- green algae) Narrative Narrative
Cyanobacterial toxins (as Microcystin - LR) 1.5
2,4-D [See 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid] See also Phenoxy See also Phenoxy
herbicides o herbicides o
DDAC (Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride) 1.5
DDD (2,2-Bis (p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane; 3.54 8.51 1.22 7.81 14.0l
Dichloro diphenyl dichloroethane)

DDE (1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethene, 1.42 6.75 2.07 374 14.0l

Diphenyl dichloro ethylene
DDT (2,2-Bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane; No EQGj No EQGj 1.19 4.77 1.19 4.77 0.7 0.7 12 12 14.0l
Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane)
Debris Narrative
Deltamethrin 0.0004 2.5
Deposited bedload sediment [See Total particulate matter]

Diazinon 20
Dibenz (a,h)anthracene [See Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Dibromochloromethane [See Halogenated methanes]
Di-n-butyl phthalate [See Phthalate esters]

Dicamba 120 10 0.006 122

Dichlorobenzene [See Chlorinated benzenes]
Dichlorobromomethane [See Halogenated methanes]
1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethene [See DDE]
Dichloro diphenyl dichloroethane [See DDD]

Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane [See DDT]


Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines SUMMARY
Dichloroethane [See Chlorinated ethanes] TABLE

Update December 2003


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 aa MAC, IMAC
AO c-1 -1 -1 -1 -
ISQG-1d PELe-1 ISQG-1d PELe-1 Agri.f-1 Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Dichloroethene [See Chlorinated ethenes] )
Dichloroethylene [See Chlorinated ethenes,
Dichloromethane [See Halogenated methanes]
Dichlorophenols [See Chlorinated phenols]
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) [See also Phenoxy 100 (IMAC) See also Phenoxy See also Phenoxy
herbicides] herbicides o herbicides o

1,2-dichloropropane [See chlorinated propane]

1,2-dichloropropene [See chlorinated propene]
Diclofop -methyl 9 6.1 0.18 9
Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride [See DDAC]
Dieldrin 2.85 6.67 0.71 4.30

Dieldrin + Aldrin [See Aldrin + Dieldrin]

Diethylene glycol [See Glycols]
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate [See Phthalate esters]
Dimethoate 20 (IMAC) 6.2 3
Di-n-butyl phthalate [See Phthalate esters]

Di-n-octyl phthalate [See Phthalate esters]

Dinoseb 10 0.05 16 150
Diphenyl dichloro ethylene [See DDE]
Diquat 70
Dissolved gas supersaturation Narrative Narrative

Dissolved oxygen [See Oxygen, dissolved]

Dissolved solids [See Total dissolved solids]
Diuron 150
Endosulfan 0.02ff
Endrin No EQG j No EQG j 2.67 62.4 2.67 62.4

Enterococci Narrative
Escherichia coli [See Coliforms, fecal]
Ethylbenzene 2.4 90 25 2.4 0.1 1.2 20 20
Ethylene glycol [See Glycols]
Fecal coliforms [See Coliforms, fecal]

Fluoranthene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Fluorene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Fluoride 1500 1000 1000–2000 200y 400y 2000y 2000y
Inorganic fluorides 120 No EQG

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Ethylene glycol 192 000 960 960 960 960
Diethylene gly col
Propylene glycol 500 000
Glyphosate 280 (IMAC) 65 280ff

Grease and oil [See Oil and grease]

Halogenated methanes
Monochloromethane (Methyl chloride) insufficient data insufficient data
Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) 50 98.1 50ff 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
Trichloromethane (Chloroform) 1.8 100ff 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
Tetrachloromethane (Carbon tetrachloride) 5 13.3 5ff 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
Monobromomethane (Methyl bromide)
Tribromomethane (Bromoform) 100ff
Dichlorobromomethane 100ff
Dibromochloromethane 100ff
Trihalomethanes (total) 100 (IMAC)

HCBD [See Hexachlorobutadiene]

Heptachlor (Heptachlor epoxide) No EQG j No EQG j 0.60 2.74 0.60 2.74
Hexachlorobenzene [See Chlorinated benzenes]
Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) 1.3
Hexachlorocyclohexane [See Lindane]

Hydrogen fluoride 1 h: no EQG j

24 h: 1.1
7 d: 0.5
Hypochlorous acid [See Reactive chlorine species]
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene [See Poly cyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Inorganic fluorides [See Fluoride]
Iodine–125 10 Bq·L-1 k
Iodine–131 6 Bq·L-1 k

3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate [See IPBC]

IPBC (3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate) 1.9
Iron 300 300ff 5000ff
-1 k
Iron–59 40 Bq·L
Lead 10 1–7ff 200ff 100 35 000 91 300 30 200 112 000 70 140 260 600

Lead–210 0.1 Bq·L-1 k

Lindane (Hexachlorocyclohexane) 0.01 4ff 0.94 1.38 0.32 0.99 0.01y
Linuron 7.0 0.071
Lithium 2500ff
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Malathion 190
Manganese 50 200ff
-1 k
Manganese–54 200 Bq·L
MCPA (4-Chloro-2-methyl phenoxy acetic acid; 2.6 4.2 0.025 25
2-Methyl-4-chloro phenoxy acetic acid)
Mercury 1 3ff 170 486 130 700 6.6 6.6 24 50 see Methylmercury
gg gg
Inorganic mercury 0.026 0.016
Methylmercury 0.004gg 33.0s

Methoxychlor 900
Methyl bromide [See Halogenated methanes,
Methyl chloride [See Halogenated methanes,
2-Methyl-4-chloro phenoxy acetic acid [See MCPA]
Methylene chloride [See Halogenated methanes,

2-Methylnap hthalene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Methyl tertiary-butyl ether [See MTBE]
Metolachlor 50 (IMAC) 7.8 28 50
Metribuzin 80 1.0 0.5 80
Molybdenum 73 10–50ff 500ff 5y 10y 40y 40y
Molybdenum–99 70 Bq·L-1 k

Monobromomethane [See Halogenated methanes]

Monochloramine [See Reactive chlorine species]
Monochlorobenzene [See Chlorinated benzenes]
Monochloroethene [See Chlorinated ethenes]
Monochloromethane [See Halogenated methanes]

Monochlorophenols [See Chlorinated phenols]

MTBE (Methyl tertiary-butyl ether) 10 000 5 000
Naphthalene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Nickel 25–150ff 200ff 1000ff 50 50 50 50
-1 k
Niobium–95 200 Bq·L
Nitrate 45 000 13 000hh 16 000hh
Nitrate + Nit rite 100 000ff

Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) 400

Nitrite 3200 60ff 10 000ff
Nitrite + Nitrate [See Nitrate + Nitrite]
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Nitrogen dioxide 1 h: 400–1000
24 h: 200–300
1 a: 60–100
Nonylphenol and its ethoxylates 1.0cc 0.7cc 1.4dd mg·kg-1 1.0dd mg·kg-1 5.7 5.7 14 14
dwee dwee
NTA [See Nitrilotriacetic acid]
Nuisance orga nisms Narrative
Odour Inoffensive
Oil and grease Narrative See Canada wide Standard

Tributyltin 0.008 0.001 250ff
Tricyclohexyltin 250ff
Triphenyltin 0.022 820ff
Oxygen, dissolved 5500–9500 >8000
Ozone 1 h: 100–300
24 h: 30–50
1 a: 30
PAHs [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]
Paraquat (as dichloride) 10 (IMAC)
Parathion 50
Particulate matter <2.5 µm (PM <2.5) 1 h: no EQG j
24 h: 15
1 a: no EQG j
Particulate matter <10 µm (PM <10) 1 h: no EQG j
24 h: 25
1 a: no EQG j

Pathogens (aquatic) Narrative

PCBs [See Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)]
PCDD/Fs [See Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzo
PCE [See Chlorinated ethenes, 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethene]
PCP [See Chlorinated phenols, Pentachlorophenol]

Pentachlorobenzene [See Chlorinated benzenes]

Pentachlorophenol [See Chlorinated phenols]
pH 6.5–8.5n 5.0–9.0n 6.5–9.0n 7.0–8.7n 6 to 8y 6 to 8y 6 to 8y 6 to 8y
Phenanthrene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Phenolic compounds, nonchlorinatedaa 0.1y 1y 10y 10y

Phenols 4.0 2 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8

Phenoxy herbicides 4ff 100ff
Phorate 2

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Phthalic acid esters (each) 30y
Phthalate esters
Di-n-butyl phthalate 19
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 16
Di-n-octyl phthalate

Picloram 190 (IMAC) 29 190ff

PM <2.5 [See Particulate matter <2.5 µm]
PM <10 [See Particulate matter <10 µm]
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) No EQGj No EQGj 34.1 277 21.5 189 0.5 1.3 33 33 mammalian:
0.79 ng
TEQ·kg-1 diet
ww t
avian: 2.4 ng
TEQ·kg-1 diet
ww u
Aroclor 1254 60v 340v 63.3v 709v

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenz o furans No EQGj No EQGj 0.85 ng 21.5 ng 0.85 ng 21.5 ng 4 ng 4 ng 4 ng 4 ng mammalian:
(PCDD/Fs) -1 1 1 0.71 ng TEQ·kg
dws,w dws,w dws,w dws,w diet ww
avian: 4.75 ng
TEQ·kg diet
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Acenaphthene 5.8 6.71 88.9 6.71 88.9
Acenaphthylene 5.87 128 5.87 128
Acridine 4.4
Anthracene 0.012 46.9 245 46.9 245
Benzo(a)anthracene 0.018 31.7 385 74.8 693 0.1y 1y 10y 10 y
Benzo(a)pyrene 0.01 0.015 31.9 782 88.8 763 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.7
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
Chrysene 57.1 862 108 846
Dibenz (a,h)anthracene 6.22 135 6.22 135 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
Fluoranthene 0.04 111 2355 113 1494
Fluorene 3.0 21.2 144 21.2 144
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.1y 1y 10y 10y
2-Methylnaphthalene 20.2 201 20.2 201
Naphthalene 1.1 1.4 34.6 391 34.6 391 0.1 0.6 22 22
Phenanthrene 0.4 41.9 515 86.7 544 0.1y 5y 50y 50y
Pyrene 0.025 53.0 875 153 1398 0.1y 10y 100y 100y
Quinoline 3.4 0.1y

Propylene glycol [See Glycols]


Pyrene [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)]


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 aa MAC, IMAC
AO c-1 -1 -1 -1 -
ISQG-1d PELe-1 ISQG-1d PELe-1 Agri.f-1 Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Quinoline [See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)] )
Radium–224 2 Bq·L-1 k
Radium–226 0.6 Bq·L-1 k
Radium–228 0.5 Bq·L-1 k
Reactive chlorine species (Hypochlorous acid and 0.5 0.5
Chloramines 3000

Ruthenium–103 100 Bq·L-1 k

Ruthenium–106 10 Bq·L-1 k
Salinity Narrative
Selenium 10 1.0ff 20–50ff 50ff 1 1 3.9 3.9
Silver 0.1ff 20y 20y 40y 40y

Simazine 10 (IMAC) 10 0.5 10

Sodium 200 000
Sodium adsorption ratio 5y 5y 12y 12y
Streambed substrate [See Total particulate matter]
Strontium–90 5 Bq·L-1 k

Styrene 72 0.1y 5y 50y 50y

Sulphate 500 000 1 000 000
Sulphide (asH2S) 50
Sulphur dioxide 1 h: 450–900
24 h: 150–800
1 a: 30–60
Sulphur (elemental) 500y

Suspended particulates [See Total suspended particulates]

Suspended sediments [See Total particulate matter]
Taste Inoffensive
TCE [See Chlorinated ethenes, 1,1,2-Trichloroethene]
Tebuthiuron 1.6 0.27 130

Temperature 15ºC Narrative Narrative Narrative

Terbufos 1 (IMAC)
Tetrachlorobenzene [See Chlorinated benzenes]
Tetrachloroethane [See Chlorinated ethanes]
Tetrachloroethene [See Chlorinated ethenes]

Tetrachloroethylene [See Chlorinated ethenes,

Tetrachloromethane [See Halogenated methanes]
Tetrachlorophenols [See Chlorinated phenols]

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
1 h, 8 h or 24 h, 1 aa MAC, IMAC b AOc
PELe Agri.f Res./Park g Comm.h Industrial i -1
-3 (µg·kg
(µg·m ) -1
(µg·L ) (µg·L )
(µg·L )
(µg·L )
(µg·L )
- -1
(µg·kg )
(µg·kg )
(µg·kg )
(µg·kg )
(mg·kg )
-1 -1
(mg·kg ) (mg·kg )
(mg·kg ) diet ww)
Thallium 0.8 1 1 1 1
Thiophene 0.1y
Thorium–228 2 Bq·L-1 k
Thorium–230 0.4 Bq·L-1 k
Thorium–232 0.1 Bq·L-1 k
Thorium–234 20 Bq·L-1 k

Tin 5y 50y 300y 300y

Toluene 24 2.0 215 24 0.1 0.8 0.8 0.8
Total dissolved solids 500 000 500 000– 3 000 000
3 500 000
Total particulate matter
Deposited bedload sediment Narrative Narrative
Streambed substrate Narrative Narrative
Suspended sediments Narrative Narrative
p p
Turbidity 1 NTU 5 NTU Narrative Narrative Narrative

Total petroleum hydrocarbons [See oil and grease]

Total suspended particulates 1 h: no EQG j
24 h: 120–400
1 a: 60–70
Toxaphene No EQG j No EQG j No EQG j 0.1x 0.1x 6.3
Triallate 0.24 230ff
Tribromomethane [See Halogenated methanes]

Tributyltin [See Organotins]

Trichlorobenzene [See Chlorinated benzenes]
Trichloroethane [See Chlorinated ethanes]
Trichloroethene [See Chlorinated ethenes]
Trichloroethylene [See Chlorinated ethenes,

Trichloromethane [See Halogenated methanes]

Trichlorophenol [See Chlorinated phenols]
Tricyclohexyltin [See Organotins]
Trifluralin 45 (IMAC) 0.20 45
Trihalomethanes [See Halogenated methanes]

Triphenyltin [See Organotins]

Tritium 7000 Bq·L-1 k
Turbidity [See Total particulate matter]
Uranium 20 (IMAC) 10ff 200ff
Uranium–234 4 Bq·L-1 k
Uranium–235 4 Bq·L-1 k
Uranium–238 4 Bq·L-1 k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Recreation and Tissue Residue
Air Water: Community aesthetics Water: Aquatic life Water: Agriculture Sediment Soil
Parameter Freshwater Marine Irrigation Livestock Freshwater Marine
a b c d e d -1
1 h, 8 h or 24
h, 1 a MAC, IMAC
AO -1 ISQG-1 PEL -1 ISQG-1 PELe -1 Agri.-1f Res./Park
Comm.-1h Industrial
-1 -1 -1 -1
(µg·m ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·L ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (µg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) (mg·kg ) diet ww)
Vanadium 100ff 100ff 130 130 130 130
Vinyl chloride [See Chlorinated ethenes, Monochloroethene]
Waterborne pathogens Narrative
Xylene 300 0.1 1 17 20
Zinc 5000 30 1000–5000ff 50 000ff 123 000 315 000 124 000 271 000 200 200 360 360

Zinc–65 40 Bq·L-1 k
Zirconium–95 100 Bq·L-1 k

1 h, 8 h or 24 h, 1 a: 1-hour, 8 -hour, or 24 -hour, and 1-year averaging times. For hydrogen fluoride, a 7 -day averaging time was used instead of annual averaging. This interim remediation criterion (CCME1991) was put in place prior to development of the soil protocol (CCME1996). The criterion should be used until
MAC: Maximum acceptable concentration. IMAC: Interim maximum acceptable concentration. The guideline listed is the MAC unless otherwise noted in superseded by a full guideline. For more information consult Chapter 7:Soil, especially Table 1 “Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines” and Table 2 “Historical record of
parentheses. interim remediation criteria for soil and soil quality guidelines”.
AO: Aesthet ic objective. Hot water soluble boron.
ISQG: Interim sediment quality guideline. Guidelines are for each chemical and include:
PEL: Probable effect level. 2,4 -dimethylphenol
Agri.: Agricultural land uses. 2,4 -dinitrophenol
g 2-methyl 4,6-dinitrophenol
Res./Park: Residential/Parkland uses. nitrophenol (2-,4-)
Comm.: Commercial land uses. cresol
iIndustrial: Industrial land uses. bb
Aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons include:
No EQG: No environmental quality guideline is recommended; see environmental quality guidelines for other media where chloroform
appropriate. dichloroethane (1,1 - 1,2-), dichloroethene (1,1 - 1,2-)
Bq·L-1: Becquerels per litre. dichloromethane
The tissue residue guideline is for total DDT, which is equal to DDD + DDE + DDT. 1,2 -dichloropropane, 1,2-dichloropropene (cis and trans)
m 1,1,2,2 -tetrachloroethane, carbon tetrachloride
TCU: True colour units.
n trichloroethane (1,1,1 - 1,1,2-)
No units for cc
Expressed on a TEQ basis using NP TEFs, see nonylphenol factsheet in Table 2.
pH. dd
o -1 Provisional; use of equillibrium partitionin g approach.
The aquatic life guideline of 4.0 µg·L for phenoxy herbicides is based on data for ester formulations of 2,4 -dicholorophenoxyacetic ee
Expressed on a TEQ basis using NP TEFs; assumes 1% TOC.
NTU: Nephelometric turbidity units. No fact sheet created. For more information on this guideline, please refer to Canadian Water Quality Guidelines (CCREM 1987), available electronically on
A health-based guideline for aluminium in drinking water has not been established. However, water treatment plants using aluminium -based coagulants the accompanying CEQG CD.
should gg
May not protect fully high trophic level fish, and may not prevent accumulation of methylmercury in aquatic life, therefore, may not protect wildlife that consume
optimize their operations to reduce residual aluminium levels in treated water to the lowest extent possible as a precautionary measure. Operational guidance values of
-1 -1 aquatic life; see factsheet for details. Consult also the appropriate Canadian Tissue Residue Guideline for the Protection of Wildlife Consumers of Aquatic Biota.
less than 100 g·L total aluminium for conventional treatment plants and less than 200 g·L total aluminium for other types of treatment systems are hh
recommended. Any attempt to minimize aluminium residuals must not compromise the effectiveness of disinfection processes or interfere with the removal of For protection from direct toxic effects; the guidelines do not consider indirect effects due to eutrophication.
disinfection by -product precursors.
Guideline modified / released: April 1999
Guideline modified / released: March 2001
Values are expressed as toxic equivalency (TEQ) units, based on WHO 1998 TEF v alues for
Values are expressed as toxic equivalency (TEQ) units, based on WHO 1998 TEF values for
v -1
Sediment quality guideline for Aroclor 1254: Provisional; 1% TOC; adoption of severe effect level of 34 g·g TOC from Ontario (Persaud et al.
Values are expressed as toxic equivalency (TEQ) units, based on WHO 1998 TEF values for fish.
Sediment quality guideline for Toxaphene: Provisional; 1% TOC; adoption of the chronic sediment quality criterion of 0.01 g·g-1 TOC of the New York
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC 1994).

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