Module 3 FORM 3: LAC Session Report: Region: Vi Lac Session No.: 4 Venue/Platform of Session: Google Meet
Module 3 FORM 3: LAC Session Report: Region: Vi Lac Session No.: 4 Venue/Platform of Session: Google Meet
Module 3 FORM 3: LAC Session Report: Region: Vi Lac Session No.: 4 Venue/Platform of Session: Google Meet
This form should be accomplished by the LAC Facilitator at the end of every LAC session.
Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by
ticking the appropriate box.
Comments / Remarks
(For example, if you disagree or
strongly disagree, please indicate
SD D N A SA why.)
Part B
Please provide the information requested.
Poor internet connectivity in the part of other members, but was resolved by making
actions to lessen or avert the situation entirely.
Study the LDM2 Module 4 about Planning for Continuing Planning for Professional
Development and LAC Planning and prepare your LDM Individual Development Plan.