Problem Identification and Prioritization

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Diagnosis Rank Rationale/Justification

Hyperthermia related to a 3 Ones heart, brain system, and other

break in thermoregulation organs are unable to function
as evidenced by elevated normally when your body
body temperature temperature drops. Hypothermia, if it
is left untreated it can result in
breathing system and heart failure,
possible death. This is rated first in
the chart because it may restrict a
person's physiological needs, such as
warmth, Homeostasis, and it may be
life threatening if left untreated,
therefore it must be addressed first,
the body will not function correctly
if these requirements are not
fulfilled. according to Maslow's
hierarchy of needs.


Prioritizing Nursing Care Using

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and
D&D's Visual Delivery (2013,
Hypothermia (n.d) Mayoclinic

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

theeory (2016, December 22)

Acute Pain related to 2 Since the patient feels pain during

decreased myocardial flow the interview this must be the
as evidenced by grimacing, priority. Acute pain serves a
expression of pain, guarding protective purpose by educating and
behavior. informing the patient about the
presence of an injury or illness. The
start of acute pain without warning
advices the patient to seek help, aid,
and alleviation. Its duration is less
than six months. Acute pain is a
potential complications belongs to
psychological which ranks first in
prioritizing the level of needs in
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Pain
belongs to cognitive-perceptual
pattern that needs to prioritize.

Wayne, G (2021, July 8) Acute pain
in nursing care plan. Nurselabs

Prioritizing Nursing Care Using

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and
D&D's Visual Delivery (2013,

Acute pain excessive 3 Since the patient is suffering in pain

tearing, blurring, double during the interview, this must be the
vision loss of side vision priority and needs to be assists by
and eye pain the nurse. Pain does not only adding
comfort to the patient, it is also
improving the other aspects of their
health, like as physical function and
psychological. This is why it is
crucial for all healthcare providers to
be able to conduct a thorough pain
assessment and adopt effective pain
management measures. The
physiological demands of a person
take precedence. Because
physiological needs are so important,
an individual will put them ahead of
all other interests and abilities.
Physiological needs does influence
people's behaviors and beliefs, just
like causing sickness, discomfort,
and suffering

Source: Pain assessment management

(2015, November 19) Amused

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (n.d)

Impaired urinary elimination 1 In order for the nurse to evaluate

related to urinary retention as whether incontinence is temporary,
evidenced by hypogastric as a result of an acute condition, or
pain, frequent urination, and established as a result of various
painful urination.
chronic neurological or
genitourinary diseases, a focus
assessment is required. Urinary pain
can a caused by a different of
factors, it includes the urinary tract
infection. The genital area may be
irritated or injured or irritated.
Urinary stones are tiny mineral
lumps that form in the urinary
system. Pain relieves the patient's
discomfort while enhancing other
elements of their health, such as
physical function and psychological
well-being. The pain of the client is
the focused of prioritized of nurse
because it can be potential
complication. Pain belongs to
cognitive-perceptual pattern of
Maslow’s that needs to prioritize to
provide comfort to the client.
Cronan, K. (2018, July) First aid:
Pain while urinating

Wayne, G. (2017, September 24)

Imapaired urinary: ellimination
Nursing care plan
Risk for infection r/t tissue 5 Infections occur when an
damage individual's natural defense
mechanisms are insufficient to
protect them. Bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and other parasites infect
susceptible hosts as a result of
unavoidable injuries and exposures.
Dedicated cells or tissues in people's
bodies cope with the threat of
infection in the form of. The immune
system is made up of these
components. In a world full with
potentially lethal and damaging
bacteria, the human immune system
is critical for survival, and major
damage of this system can
predispose to severe, even life-
threatening infections. The thymus,
bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen,
appendix, tonsils, and Peyer's
patches are all involved in the
immune system (in the small
intestine). When the immune system
is unable to effectively combat the
invading bacteria, infection results.
As a result this needs to be prioritize
and assist by the nurse. This belongs
to psychological needs of Maslow’s
Hierarchy according to him this
belongs to nutrition metabolic
pattern because it can harm or risk
the human body.
Vera, M. (2020, Septemver 20) Risk
for infection Nursing care
Plan .Nurselabs

Imbalanced Nutrition: More 6 Imbalance nutrition should be

Than Body Requirements prioritize because it affects the
related to greater intake than health and metabolism of a person
metabolic needs possibly because the body is similar to a
evidenced by decreased machine that requires the proper type
appetite,sedentary activity and amount of fuel. This could apply
level,weight gain. to a person's or a patient's nutrition
or eating requirements. To meet the
body's demands, adequate nutrition
is required. gastrointestinal
malabsorption, burns, and cancer;
physical factors (e.g., activity
intolerance, pain, and substance
abuse); social factors (e.g., economic
status, financial constraint); and
psychological factors (e.g., stress,
anxiety, and depression) can all have
a significant impact on an
individual's nutritional status (e.g.,
dementia, depression, grieving). A
well-balanced diet provides the
nutrients your body requires to
function properly. Your body is
more prone to disease, infection,
weariness, and low performance if
you don't eat well. This belongs to
nutritional-metabolic pattern
according to Maslow’s that needs to
prioritize because this is a
psychological needs that that needs
to human body demands and
adequate nutrition is required.

Wayne, G.(2017, September 04)

Imbalance nutrition: Less than body
requirements Nursing Care plan.
Krans, B. (2020,June 29)Balance
Diet. Healthline

Nutrition Imbalanced: More 7 The body is similarly to a machine

Than Body Requirements R/T: that requires the correct fuel type and
unhealthy dietary patterns quantity. This could be in reference
to a person's or a patient's nutritional
or dietary needs. Overeating fatty
and greasy foods is one example of
an unhealthy diet, which mention
that the client is obese and been
eating high sodium diet, spicy foods,
more on soda and artificial juice are
taken, he also mentions that he enjoys
binge eating to cope up stress. This
belongs to Maslow's nutritional-
metabolic pattern, which must be
prioritized because it is a psychological
requirement that the human body
requires, and proper nutrition is

Unhealthy diet (n.d) Science Direct

Wayne, G. (2017, September

24)Imbalance nutrition : Less than
body requirements Nursing care
plan. Nurselabs
Risk-Prone Health Behavior 8 Failure to take action to prevent
related to inadequate social health problems was one of the
support,low socioeconomic diagnostic signs related with the
status nursing diagnosis of risky health
behavior. Inappropriate eating
habits, a lack of social support,
pressures, low self-efficacy, social
anxiety, living in an isolated area,
and limited access to health care are
all factors. Since the client stated
that he is happy on his own, not
rushing to have partner this means
that the client is singe she is to
inadequate social support, she didn’t
mention any friends with her and has
low in socioeconomic status. Feeling
loved and accepted, according to
Maslow, is the next need in the
hierarchy. This requirement include
romantic relationships as well as
friendships and family ties. It also
encompasses our desire to be a part of
a social group. This urge, it's worth
noting, covers both feeling loved and
loving others. He investigates how the
yearning for love and belonging affects
one's well-being. For example, having
social ties is linked to improved physical
health, whereas feeling lonely (i.e.
having unfulfilled belonging needs) has
negative health and well-being

Hopper, E. (2020, February 24)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of

Dos santos et al. (2021, February 23)

Diagnostic indicators of risk-prone
health behaviors in pregnant
adolescent. Web online library
Deficient Knowledge r/t 9 A lack of cognitive information or
unfamiliarity with information psychomotor competence essential
resources as evidenced by for health healing, preservation, or
inaccurate performance of promotion is classified as a
test knowledge deficiency. The
knowledge of a patient has an impact
on their life and rehabilitation. This
could be any of the three domains:
cognitive (intellectual processes,
problem-solving, and so on);
emotional (feelings, attitudes, and
beliefs); and psychomotor
(movement) (physical skills or
procedures). Since the patient is
unfamiliar with the information in an
evidence by inaccurate performance
test this belongs to self- realization
in Maslow’s Hierarchy needs which
ranks last. Maslow's hierarchy of
needs concludes with self-
actualization. It is not something that
every human being achieves.
Maslow defined self-actualization as
a person's drive for self-fulfillment,
or the inclination to be actualized in
what he or she is capable of. This
desire may be perceived or focused
on quite specifically by individuals.

Perera, A. (2020, September 04)
Self- actualization. Simple

Wayne, G (2019, March 15)

Knowledge deficit nursing
plan .Nurselabs

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