Brief Tutorial On Feyncalc: Vladyslav Shtabovenko
Brief Tutorial On Feyncalc: Vladyslav Shtabovenko
Brief Tutorial On Feyncalc: Vladyslav Shtabovenko
based on
arXiv:1601.01167, arXiv:1611.06793
Vladyslav Shtabovenko
Physik-Department T30f
A generic perturbative QFT calculation There are many ways to automatize such
may involve many steps calculations:
I Feynman diagrams
Self-written codes
I Feynman rules from L
I Diagram generation Write private codes in
I Amplitudes FORM [Vermaseren, 2000], M ATHEMATICA,
I ... M APLE, R EDUCE, . . .
I Dirac algebra
I Simplification of γ-matrix chains Separate packages
I Dirac traces Automatize each step separately using
I Fierz identities standalone packages (e. g. F EYN A RTS,
I ... L OOP TOOLS [Hahn & Perez-Victoria, 1999],
I Loop integrals F EYN RULES [Christensen & Duhr, 2008],
QG RAF [Nogueira, 1993],
I Tensor reduction T RACER [Jamin & Lautenbacher, 1993],
I Partial fractioning F ORM T RACER [Cyrol et al., 2016],
I Mapping of topologies F ORCER [Ruijl et al., 2017],
I IBP-Reduction PY S EC D EC [Borowka et al., 2017], . . . ).
I Numerical evaluation
I ...
I Phase space integrals All-in-one packages
I ... Employ all-in-one packages that handle
most of these steps in one framework.
I M ATHEMATICA package for symbolic
semi-automatic QFT calculations
I Open source (GPLv3) and publicly available
I Can process Feynman diagrams and
standalone QFT expressions
I Widely used in Effective Field Theory
I Many sample tree and 1-loop calculations (QED, EW, QCD) included
I Public source code repository:
I hotfix-stable branch: stable version + bugfixes
I master branch: development version (new features, less stable)
I Extensive unit testing framework (based on MUnit, over 4000 tests)
When is F EYN C ALC useful? What are the limitations of F EYN C ALC?
I Small or medium-sized I Cannot be used without
calculations, too specific for fully M ATHEMATICA
automatic packages I Inherits M ATHEMATICA’s
I F EYN C ALC as a “calculator” for performance problems with large
QFT expressions number of terms
I Cross-check results from other I Not really suited for very large and
people complex calculations
I Extensive manipulations on the I Much slower than FORM
level of the amplitudes I Only algebraic manipulations.
New functions
I FCRenameDummyIndices (v. 9.0): pµ qµ → pα qα
I FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices (v. 9.1): pµ qµ + pν qν → 2pα qα
I p − /̄
FCGetDimensions (v. 9.2): / p → {D, D − 4}
New functions
γ µ ( p +m)γ e2
I FCDiracIsolate (v. 9.1): e2 (q2 −m/2 )(q2 −pµ2 ) → (q2 −m2 )(q2 −p2 )
[γ µ (/
p + m)γµ ]
I Most changes in the Dirac algebra related functions happened under the hood
(performance improvements, cleaner code . . . )
New functions
I ToPaVe (v. 9.0): 1
q2 −m2
→ iπ 2 A0 (m2 )
q/1 q/2 1 m2 1
I FCMultiLoopTID (v. 9.0): q21 q22 [(q1 −q2 )2 −m2 ]
→ q21 [(q1 −q2 )2 −m2 ]
− 2 q2 q2 [(q1 −q2 )2 −m2 ]
1 2
1 1 1
I ApartFF (v. 9.0): q2 (q−p)2 (q+p)2
→ p2 q2 (q−p)2
− p2 q2 (q−2p)2
I FCLoopBasisIncompleteQ (v. 9.0): Do the propagators of the given loop
integral form a basis?
I FCLoopBasisOverDeterminedQ (v. 9.0): Is the propagator basis
I FCLoopBasisFindCompletion (v. 9.0): Which propagators need to be added to
have the complete basis?
The first step into the right direction: F EYN H ELPERS [Shtabovenko, 2017]
I Seamless integration of PACKAGE -X [Smirnov, 2015] and FIRE [Patel, 2015] into
I Access the PACKAGE -X library of analytic results for 1-loop integrals and the
IBP-reduction engine of FIRE directly from a F EYN C ALC session
I All conversions (syntax, normalization) are automatic and require no user
I Open-source interface code:
I F EYN H ELPERS comes with many neat examples from QED, QCD, EW, EFTs etc.
lµ lν
I µν = , with P2 = 4m2Q
l l2 [(l + P/2)2 − mQ ][(l − P/2)2 − mQ ]2
F EYN C ALC can handle this integral, but the result is not particularly enlightening
With F EYN C ALC and F EYN H ELPERS such calculations become almost trivial...
The performance is, however, still an issue and will be improved in the subsequent
versions (by switching to the C++ backend of FIRE)
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Summary and Outlook
I Modern HEP theory and phenomenology heavily rely on programs for automatic
I The market for QFT software is growing rapidly, new tools appear almost monthly.
I Different projects require different tools and F EYN C ALC is one of them.
I The development of F EYN C ALC focuses on versatility, flexibility, convenience and
I F EYN C ALC is particularly useful for “nonstandard” calculations that are not covered
by other (more automatic) tools.
I In the last 3 years we tried to achieve several goals:
I Refactor the source code, fix old (and new) bugs, make things faster
I Facilitate manipulations of tree and loop amplitudes by introducing new functions and
improving the existing ones
I Interface F EYN C ALC with other tools useful for HEP calculations
I Yet, much still remains to be done:
I There is still a lot of room for improvements regarding stability, the number of available
function and their performance.
I We need more interfaces to other HEP packages, e. g. to L ITE R ED [Lee, 2012], S@M
[Maitre & Mastrolia, 2008], F ORM T RACER [Cyrol et al., 2016], QG RAF [Nogueira, 1993].
I Recent [Patel, 2015] M ATHEMATICA package for semi-automatic 1-loop calculations
(closed-source freeware)
I Unique feature: Library of analytic expressions for Passarino–Veltman functions
with up to 4 legs and almost arbitrary kinematics.
I Can also extract UV- and IR-parts and expand coefficient functions in their
I Someone indeed has collected all those results from the literature!
Interface to PACKAGE -X
I Main function: PaXEvaluate
I Works: on scalar 1-loop integrals (unit numerators) and Passarino–Veltman
coefficient functions A, B, C and D
I Takes two arguments (plus options): input expression, loop momentum.
I Use PaXEvaluateUV(PaXEvaluateIR) to get the UV(IR)-divergent part of the
I PaXEvaluateUVIRSplit returns the full result with the explicit distinction
between UV and IR .
I All four functions share the same set of options
dD q 1
Let us compute (2π)D q2 −m2
In[1]:= →1/(2Pi)^D]
im2 −log
im2 +γ−1−log(4π)
Out[1]= −
16π 2 ε 16 π 2
Make the result look more compact (∆ ≡ 1/ − γE + log(4π)) using FCHideEpsilon
In[2]:= int//FCHideEpsilon
2 µ2
i∆m2 im log m2 +1
Out[2]= +
16π 2 16π 2
Evaluation of Passarino–Veltman functions:
In[3]:= PaXEvaluate[B0[SPD[p,p],0,m^2]]
2 m2 log m2
1 µ m2 −p2
Out[3]= +log 2
− 2
+log 2 2
ε πm p m −p
Integration-by-parts identities
I Reduction of scalar loop integrals using integration-by-parts (IBP) identities
[Chetyrkin & Tkachov, 1981] is a standard technique in modern loop calculations.
I Many publicly available IBP-packages on the market: FIRE [Smirnov & Smirnov, 2013],
L ITE RED [Lee, 2012], R EDUZE [Studerus, 2009], AIR [Anastasiou & Lazopoulos, 2004], . . .
I Expected input: loop integrals with propagators that form a basis.
I What about integrals with an incomplete or overdetermined basis?
I FCLoopBasisIncompleteQ detects integrals that require a basis completion
I FCLoopBasisFindCompletion gives a list of propagators (with zero exponents)
required to complete the basis
I FCLoopBasisOverdeterminedQ checks if the propagators are linearly dependent.
Such integrals can be decomposed further using ApartFF.
Interface to FIRE
I Main function: FIREBurn
I Reduces scalar multi-loop integrals to simpler ones using IBP-techniques.
I Takes three arguments (plus options): input expression, list of loop momenta and
the list of external momenta.
I Automatically adds propagators to integrals with incomplete bases of propagators
I Automatically detects integrals with linearly dependent propagators
Current limitations
I No recognition of integral families
I Each loop integral is evaluated separately
I Hence, rather inefficient ...
dD l
IBP-reduce the 1-loop integral [l2 ]2 [(l−p)2 −m2 ]2
In[9]:= FIREBurn[FAD[{l,0,2},{l−p,m,2}],{l},{p}]
No dependence on external momenta → supply an empty list for the third argument. For
q2 d D q3
example, for [q2 −m2 ]2 [(q d+qq1)d2 −m
2 ][(q −q )2 ][q2 ]2
1 1 3 2 3 2
In[10]:= FIREBurn[FAD[{q1,m,2},{q1+q3,m},{q2−q3},{q2,0,2}],{q1,q2,q3},{}]
(D−3)(3 D−10)(3 D−8)
Out[10]= −
16(2 D−7)m4 (q12 −m2 ).q22 .(q2−q3)2 .((q1+q3)2 −m2 )
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