Multiwfn Quick Start
Multiwfn Quick Start
Multiwfn Quick Start
Tian Lu ([email protected])
Last update: 2023-Aug-28, corresponding to Multiwfn manual version 3.8(dev)
The Multiwfn manual is very detailedly written and well organized, however, it is relatively
long. In order to make new user of Multiwfn quickly get started, here I provide a very short quick
start document, which presents answer to a few frequently asked questions and basic guides on how
to perform common tasks.
1. FAQ
Q: Why Multiwfn crashes under Linux and show error "Segmentation fault"?
A: Commonly this is because you didn't strictly follow Section 2.1.2 to configure your system.
If you are really unable to solve this problem, please use Windows version. If your input file is
problematic, you may also encounter this problem.
Q: How to run Multiwfn using command line mode? How to use Multiwfn process a
batch of input files?
A: See Sections 5.2 and 5.3.
Q: The console window cannot record all printed information, the older output was
flushed out
A: Increase buffer size of the console window so that the window can record more lines of
output, see Sections 5.5.
Q: I don't understand meaning of each column of the text file outputted by Multiwfn
A: Please carefully check prompts on screen. Bear in mind, when Multiwfn exports a file, the
meaning of each column is always clearly shown.
Below I will show you which manual section(s) should be read if you want to perform
corresponding task. For brevity, "see Section x.x.x for introduction and Section y.y.y for example"
will be abbreviated as "x.x.x (i); y.y.y (e)".
AIM analysis
Topology analysis: 3.14 (i); 4.2 (e)
Plane map with critical points and bond paths: 3.5.5 (i); 4.4.6 (e)
Basin analysis for electron density: 3.20 (i); 4.17.1 (e)
Basin analysis for Source function: 4.17.5 (e)
ELF (electron localization function) and LOL (localized orbital locator) analysis
Topology analysis: 3.14 (i); 4.2.2 (e)
Basin analysis for ELF: 3.20 (i); 4.17.2 (e)
Atom contributions to ELF basins: 4.17.7 (e)
Plotting as plane map: 4.4.2, 4.4.8, 4.4.9 (e), special case: 4.100.19 (e)
Plotting as isosurface map: 4.5.1, 4.5.3, 4.100.22 (e)
Spherically symmetric average ELF / LOL: 3.100.4 (i)
High ELF localization domain population and volume (HELP and HELV): 4.17.8 (i,e)
Plotting IR, Raman, UV-Vis, ECD, VCD, ROA and NMR spectra
IR, Raman, UV-Vis, ECD, VCD, ROA: 3.13 (i); 4.11 (e)
NMR: 3.13.5 (i); 4.11.10 (e)
Partial vibrational spectrum (PVS) and partial vibrational density-of-states (PVDOS): 3.13.6
(i); 4.11.12 (e)
Directional UV-Vis spectrum: 3.13.1 (i); 4.11.13 (e)
Predicting color based on UV-Vis spectrum: 3.12.7 (i); 4.11.14 (e)
Aromaticity analysis
Comprehensive Overview: 4.A.3
Iso-chemical shielding surface (ICSS): 3.28.3 (i); 4.25.3 (e)
1-dimensional NICS curve map: 3.28.13 (i); 4.25.13 (e)
2-dimensional NICS plane map: 3.28.14 (i); 4.25.14 (e)
HOMA and Bird indices: 3.28.6 (i); 4.25.6 (e)
Multi-center bond order (multi-center index, MCI): 3.11.2 (i); 4.9.2 (e)
AV1245 index: 3.11.10 (i); 4.9.11 (e)
Shannon aromaticity index (SA) and properties at ring critical point (RCP): 3.14.6 (i); 4.2.1 (e)
PDI: 3.18.6 (i); 4.15.2 (e)
FLU, FLU-π: 3.18.7 (i); 4.15.2 (e)
PLR: 3.18.9 (i); 4.15.2 (e)
ELF-σ, ELF-π: 4.4.9, 4.5.3, 4.100.22 (e)
Information-theoretic aromaticity index: 3.18.11 (i)
NICSZZ for non-planar or tilted system: 3.28.4 (i)
(Hyper)polarizability study
Parsing output file of "polar" task of Gaussian, obtaining various quantities related to
(hyper)polarizability and hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) experiment: 3.27.1 (i); 4.24.1 (e)
Calculating (hyper)polarizability using sum-over-states (SOS) method: (i);
Two-level and three-level analyses for first hyperpolarizability: (i); (e)
(Hyper)polarizability density and atomic contribution to (hyper)polarizability: 4.27.3 (i);
4.24.3 (e)
Unit sphere representation and vector representation of (hyper)polarizability: 3.27.5 (i), 4.24.5
Calculating atomic effective volume and atomic polarizability in a molecule: 3.18.12 (i), 4.15.4
Biorthogonalization analysis for unrestricted orbitals: 3.100.12 (i); 4.100.12 (e)
Visualizing atomic electric dipole and quadrupole moments: 4.15.5 (e)
Valence electron density analysis: 4.6.2 (e)
Simulating scanning tunneling microscope (STM) image: 3.300.4 (i), 4.300.4 (e)
File format conversion and yield input file of quantum chemistry codes: 3.100.2 (i)
Integrating a function over the whole space, examination of difference of a real space function
between two wavefunction files: 3.100.4 (i,e)
Detecting π orbitals and setting their/others occupation numbers, evaluating π composition of
a given set of orbitals: 3.100.22 (i); 4.100.22, 4.5.3, 4.4.9 (e)
Yoshizawa's electron transmission route analysis: 3.100.18 (i); 4.100.18 (e)
Calculating atomic and bond dipole moments in Hilbert space: 3.200.2 (i)
Calculating atomic, fragment or system electric dipole/quadruple/octopole moments
numerically: 3.18.3 (i); 4.15.3 (e)
Calculating system electric dipole/quadruple/octopole/hexadecapole moments and electronic
spatial extent <r2> based on analytical integrals: 3.300.5 (i), 4.300.5 (e)
Outputting various kinds of integral between orbitals: 3.200.10 (i)
Outputting Coulomb and exchange integrals between two orbitals: 3.200.17 (i,e)
Calculating center, the first and second moments, radius of gyration, and spatial extent <r2> of
a real space function: 3.200.11 (i,e)
Calculating energy index (EI) or bond polarity index (BPI): 3.200.12 (i); 4.200.12 (e)
Generating natural orbitals, natural spin orbitals and spin natural orbitals: 3.200.16 (i,e)
Geometry operation on the present system: 3.300.7 (i)
Determining Fermi level: 3.300.9 (i,e)
Fitting sphericalized atomic radial density as multiple STOs or GTFs: 3.300.2 (i), 4.300.2 (e)
Generating Gaussian input file with initial guess combined from fragment wavefunctions:
3.100.8 (i); 4.100.8 (e)
Monitoring SCF convergence process of Gaussian: 3.100.6 (i)