Edible Flowers: Quick Facts

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Edible Flowers

Fact Sheet 7.237 Gardening Series | Flowers

By S.E. Newman and A.S. O’Connor* (10/20) Quick Facts

Edible flowers have been used in the in an airtight container in a cool, dark
Proper identification of
culinary arts for flavor and garnish for place. Avoid dark-colored petals; they turn
edible flowers is
hundreds of years. Early reports indicate even darker with this treatment.
that the Romans used flowers in cooking, as
Use flowers that are
did the Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Indian Using Edible Flowers grown without pesticides.
cultures. During Queen Victoria’s reign,
For best flavor, use
edible flowers were popular. They have
To avoid stomach upset or to determine if flowers at their peak.
maintained their popularity today.
there is an allergic reaction, limit consump- Introduce new flowers into
tion to small tastes. Slowly incorporate the diet slowly to be able
Many flowers are edible and the flowers of
large quantities into the diet. Edible petals to pinpoint allergic
most culinary herbs are safe. However,
or entire flowers can be eaten. However, reactions or stomach
proper identification of the plant is essen-
remove stems, anthers and pistils because upset.
tial because some flowers are poisonous
they may be bitter (Figure 1). Use flowers Edible flowers also may
and should not be eaten (Table 1). Many
that are free of insects and disease. Many be preserved in oils or
plants have similar common names, which
edible flowers are high in vitamin C and/or vinegars.
may cause added confusion. Always use
the scientific name when choosing a flower. vitamin A, along with other essential
nutrients. Use them as garnishes and in
Pick flowers early in the day. Use them at salads. Recipes for flowers may be found in
their peak for the best flavor. Avoid the following areas: baking, sauces, jelly,
unopened blossoms (except daylilies) and syrup, vinegars, honey, oil, tea, flower-
wilted or faded flowers, which may have a scented sugars, candied flowers, wine, and
bitter or unappealing flavor. Do not use flavored liquors. Flavored vinegars and oils
flowers that have been sprayed with prepared at home have a limited shelf-life
pesticides or collect flowers from plants that and should be stored in the refrigerator
have been fertilized with raw manure. (Kendall and Rausch, 2012). Pick fresh
Generally avoid purchasing flowers from flowers and gently rinse with cool running
florists, garden centers, or nurseries since water. Placed washed flowers between
these flowers are not grown for consump- damp paper towels. Refrigerate until ready
tion. Table 2 lists many plants that can be to use. Some flowers may have an
added to food for flavor, aroma, color, or extended shelf life if washed just before
*S.E. Newman, Colorado State
garnish. use. Flowers and herbs may also be dried. University Extension greenhouse
Refer to “Herbs: Preserving and Using” for crops specialist and professor,
horticulture and landscape
Fresh flowers also can be preserved for more information.
architecture; and A. Stoven O’Connor,
later use. Choose flowers with larger petals, Extension horticulture agent, Larimer
County. 9/13. Revised 10/20.
like pansies, and paint the petals with an
egg-white wash. Use a soft brush and
pasteurized dehydrated egg whites to avoid
food-borne illness. After painting, dust the
petal with super-fine granulated sugar and
dry it. Store preserved flowers Figure 1: Flower parts.

1 © Colorado State University Extension.  9/13. Revised 10/20.
Table 1: Some common house and garden plants with toxic plant parts or toxic flowers (not a complete list, if in doubt, consult a poisonous
plant reference).
Scientific name Common names Scientific name Common names
Achillea millefolium Yarrow, milfoil Lantana camara Lantana, red sage, shrub verbena
Anconitum spp. Monkshood Lathyrus spp. Sweet pea (seeds)
Day blooming jasmine, Night
Cestrum spp. blooming jasmine
Clematis spp. Clematis, virgin’s bower Lobelia spp. Cardinal flower
Colchicum spp. Crocus Narcissus spp. Daffodil, jonquil
Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley Nerium oleander Oleander
Daphne mezereum Daphne Nicotiana spp. Flowering tobacco
Datura spp. Jimson weed Papaver somniferum Opium poppy, common poppy
Delphinium spp. Larkspur Phoradendron spp. Mistletoe
Dicentra formosa Bleeding heart Physalis spp. Chinese or Japanese lantern
Digitalis purpurea Foxglove, digitalis Rhododendron spp. Azaleas, rhododendrons, rose bay
Euphorbia spp. 1
Euphorbia Ricinus communis Castor bean, African coffee tree
Hippeastum spp. Amaryllis Zantedeschia aethiopica Calla lily
Hyaninthus spp. Hyacinth Zigadenus sup. Death camas, alkaligrass, wild onion
Poinsettias are not considered poisonous, but they are not edible. If eaten, all plant parts may cause varying degrees of mouth irritation, and vomiting, but not death. The
cultivated rubber tree Heavea brasiliensis, Manioc or cassava (Manihot), and Castor bean (Rincinus) are close relatives, which are poisonous. With its close genetic ties to
the rubber tree, which is where natural latex is derived, those who are sensitive may also be sensitive to the latex from poinsettias.

Table 2: Recommended plants with edible flowers.

Plant name Type1 Flower color Bloom Taste Fragrance Comments and hints
Abelmoschus A Yellow, red Mid-July to Mild, sweet – Full sun, hot weather; prefers clay to clay loam.
aesculentus August and slightly
Okra, gumbo, gombo mucilaginous
Agastache P Lavender July to frost Strong anise, sweet, – May die back to the ground; readily resows; full
foeniculum licorice sun to light shade; well-drained soil.
Anise hyssop
Alcea rosea P Various July to frost Little, slightly bitter – Best as a garnish or container for dip. Full sun to
Hollyhock light shade.
Allium P Lavender, red May to Onion, strong Onion Separate florets to serve. Forms clumps; part
schoenoprasum to purple June shade to full sun; indoors.
Allium tuberosum P White August to Onion, strong Onion Separate florets to serve. Partial shade to full sun;
Garlic chive frost also indoors.
Anethum graveolens A Yellow June to Stronger than Dill Resows readily, tolerates poor soil but prefers
Dill frost leaves well-drained soil; full sun.
Anthemis nobilis P White petals; Late June Sweet apple flavor – Ragweed sufferers may be allergic to chamomile;
English chamomile yellow center to frost drink no more than one cup of tea per day.
Prefers moist, well-drained soil; full sun to part
Anthriscus cerefolium A White May to Parsley-like, hint of – Start in cold frame.
Chervil June citrus, tarragon
Begonia x TP White, pink, July to Citrus – Grow indoors or out; dig tubers each fall, just after
tuberhybrida yellow, red, August frost and store; prefers
Tuberous begonia orange and
Bellis perennis P White to April to Mild to bitter – Use as garnish or in salads. Thrives in cold
English daisy purple petals September weather; prefers full sun, moist soil.
Borago officinalis A Blue, purple to June to Cucumber – Use as garnish; may be candied. Full sun; light,
Borage lavender July poor, dry soil. Attracts bees.
Brassica spp. B Buds: blue- June to Broccoli – Vegetable. Prefers full sun; rich, well-drained soil.
Broccoli, cauliflower (grown green; yellow August Sow indoors six weeks prior to transplant.
as A) flower, white
buds in
Brassica spp. A Yellow April to May Mustard, hot – Salad garnish. Watch for allergies.
Table 2: Recommended plants with edible flowers.
Plant name Type1 Flower color Bloom Taste Fragrance Comments and hints
Calendula A Yellow, gold/ June to Tangy and peppery – Ornamental. Dries well. Prefers cool weather; rich
officinalis orange August loam; direct sow.
Calendula, pot
Calendula A Yellow, gold/ June to Tangy and peppery – Ornamental. Dries well. Prefers cool weather; rich
officinalis orange August loam; direct sow.
Calendula, pot
Carthamus tinctorius A Yellow to deep August Bitter flavor – May impart yellow color to cooked foods. Full
Safflower, American red sun; light, dry, well-drained soil; start indoors and
safflower, saffron transplant.
Centaurea cyanus A White, pink, May to frost Mild – Annual; petals are edible; the calyx is bitter
Cercis canadensis P Pink April Beanlike to tart – Native tree to U.S. ; may be marginal in Colorado.
Redbud apple Full sun to part shade; sandy loam; difficult to
Chrysanthemum P Yellow to white August to Mild – Ornamental. Full sun; rich, moist, well-drained
coronarium October soil.
Chrysanthemum P White/yellow April to Mild – Use as garnish or in salad. Full sun; rich, moist,
leucanthemum center August well-drained soil, invasive.
Oxeye daisy
Cichorium intybus P Blue to July to frost Pleasant, mild-bitter – Considered a weed. Grows in most soils; sun to
Chicory lavender similar to endive shade; invasive.
Citrus limon P White Varies with Citrus, slightly bitter Sweet Subtropical tree but may be grown indoors.
Lemon variety
Citrus sinensis P White Varies Citrus, sweet/strong Perfume, Subtropical tree but may be grown indoors.
Orange sweet
Coriandrum sativum A White June to Like leaf but milder Fragrant Herb. Sow continuously for several harvests;
Coriander frost sun; rich, well-drained soil.
Cucurbita spp. A Orange, July to Mild, raw squash Slightly Vegetable. Enrich soil with compost; prefers full
Squash or pumpkin yellow August floral sun.
Cynara scolymus A Immature Fall Artichoke – Prefers rich soil, abundant moisture; propagate
Artichoke head: green from division for annual harvest.
Dendranthema x P Red, yellow, August to Varieties differ, Pungent Ornamental. Full sun; rich, moist, well-drained
grandiflorum pink, orange, October strong to bitter soil.
Chrysanthemum purple, white
Dianthus spp. P Pink, white June to Spicy, cloves Some Ornamental. Tolerates wide range of soils; full
Dianthus or pinks and red August varieties sun.
are spicier
Eruca vesicaria A White May to frost Nutty, smoky, less – Salad green. Sow continuously for harvest; full
Rocket, arugula piquant than leaves sun to light shade; well-drained soil.
Feijoa sellowiana P White to deep Grow Floral flavor; papaya – Grow indoors in a greenhouse. Rich, well-drained
Pineapple guava pink indoors or exotic melon soil; full sun-light shade.
Foeniculum vulgare P Pale yellow July to Licorice, milder than – Tolerates wide range of soils; part shade to full
Fennel August leaves, sweet sun.
Galium odoratum P White May Sweet, grassy, Vanilla Herb or ground cover. May be invasive; prefers
Sweet woodruff vanilla shade. Can have a blood thinning effect if eaten
in large quantities. It is considered liver toxic. Best
as a garnish or container for dips or spreads.
Gladiolus spp. TP Various except 6-8 weeks Mediocre – Best as a garnish or container for dips or spreads.
Gladiolus true blue after
Hemerocallis fulva P Tawny orange June to Cooked, – All parts are edible. Full to part shade; easy to
Daylily July combination of grow. May Lilies contain alkaloids and are NOT
asparagus/zucchini edible. Day Lilies may act as a diuretic or laxative;
eat in moderation.
Hibiscus P Orange, red or Late Citrus/cranberry – Subtropical tree but may be grown indoors. Used
rosa-sinensis purplish red summer flavor in many tea flavorings.
Hibiscus, China rose,
Table 2: Recommended plants with edible flowers.
Plant name Type1 Flower color Bloom Taste Fragrance Comments and hints
Hibiscus syriacus P Red, white, July to Mild, nutty – Shrub. Prefers well-drained soil; full sun to part
Rose-of-Sharon purple, violet August shade; deadhead to keep blooming.
Hyssopus officinalis P Blue, pink, July to Bitter; similar to – Used to flavor chartreuse, a liqueur; strong flavor.
Hyssop white October tonic Prefers part shade and well-drained soil.
Lavandula P Lavender, June Highly perfumed Floral Taste may be very strong depending on the plant.
angustifolia purple pink, to early
Lavender white August
Levisticum officinale B Yellow, white August Mild celery – Herb.
Malus spp. P White to pink May Slightly floral to sour Sweet Petals may be candied. Seeds are poisonous.
Apple or crabapple floral Specimen tree, prefers full sun, fertile soil.
Melissa officinalis P Creamy white July to Lemony, sweet Lemon Herb. May be invasive.
Lemon balm August
Mentha spp. P Lavender, pink July to Minty; milder than Fresh, Herb. May be invasive; tolerates a wide range of
Mint to white September leaves minty soils; prefers part shade.
Monarda didyma P Red, pink, July to Tea-like, more Sweet, Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies; part shade
Bergamot, bee balm, white, lavender August aromatic than perfumed to full sun; prefers moist, rich soil. Powdery
Oswego tea leaves mildew when grown in part shade.
Muscari atlanticum, P Pink, blue April to May Grapey, slightly sour Grapey Bulb.
M. botryoides, with bitter aftertaste
Grape hyacinth
Ocimum basilicum A White to pale July to frost Milder than leaves, – Sow continuously for several harvests; well-
Basil pink spicy drained rich soil; full sun.
Origanum majorana TP Pale pink June to Spicy, sweet – Herb. Prefers full sun and dry, alkaline, well-
Marjoram August drained soil.
Origanum spp. P White June to Spicy, pungent-like – Herb. Prefers full sun and dry, alkaline, well-
Oregano August leaves drained soil.
Pelargonium spp. TP White, red, Varies Like variety Mild Ornamental. Prefers full sun; light, dry well-
Scented geranium pink, purple selected, e.g., rose, drained soil.
lemon; varies
Phaseolus coccineus TP Bright orange July to Raw bean but – Vegetable. Flower crunchy; use in salad.
Scarlet runner bean to scarlet August milder
Pisum sativum A White, tinged May to Raw peas – Vegetable. Prefers full sun; sandy, well-drained
Garden pea pink June soil.
Poterium sanguisorba P Red July to Cucumber – Salad herb. May be invasive; tolerates wide range
Burnet August of soil; sun or part shade.
Prunus spp. P Pink to white April to May Mild, like flower Sweet Petals candy well. Pits of mature fruit are
Plum poisonous.
Raphanus sativus A White, pink, One month Spicy – Prefers full sun; well-drained, sandy soil but will
Radish yellow after grow in almost any soil.
Rosa spp. P White, pink, May to Highly perfumed; Rose Ornamental. Remove sour petal base. Full sun;
Rose yellow, red, June, sweet to bitter rich, well-drained soil.
orange September
Rosmarinus officinalis TP Pale blue, dark Depends Mild rosemary Delicate Herb. Do not cook flower. Tolerates full sun to part
Rosemary blue, pink, on cultivar shade; well-drained, evenly moist soil.
Salvia elegans TP Scarlet September Pineapple/sage – Herb. Prefers full sun; light, well-drained soil; may
Pineapple sage overtones be invasive.
Salvia officinalis P Blue, purple, May to July Flowery sage, – Herb. Full sun to light shade; sandy, well-drained
Garden sage white, pink slightly musky soil; may be invasive.
Satureja hortensis A Pink July to Mildly peppery, – Herb. Prefers full sun; light, sandy soil.
Summer savory August spicy
Satureja montana P Pale blue to July to Mildly peppery, – Herb. Prefers full sun; light, sandy soil.
Winter savory August spicy
Syringa vulgaris P White, pink, April to May Perfume, slightly Lilac Candies well. Prefers well-drained, alkaline soil;
Lilac purple, lilac sun to part shade.
Tagetes erecta A White, gold, May to Variable; some Strong, Ornamental. Prefers full sun; well-drained soil.
African marigold yellow, red September cultivars are strong pungent
and bitter
Tagetes tenuifolia A White, gold, May to Citrus; milder than – Ornamental. Prefers full sun; well-drained soil but
Signet marigold yellow, red September T. erecta tolerates many soils.
Table 2: Recommended plants with edible flowers.
Plant name Type1 Flower color Bloom Taste Fragrance Comments and hints
Taraxacum officinale P Yellow May to Bitter – Eat cooked only. Cool weather; full sun; tolerates
Dandelion June; fall wide range of soils.
Thymus spp. P Pink, purple, July to Milder than leaves – Herb. Most creeping thymes have little flavor.
Thyme white August
Trifolium pratense P Pink, lilac June to Hay Hay Scatter florets on salad. Tolerates most soils; self
Red clover September sows.
Tropaeolum majus A Varies July to Watercress, – Container or in salads. Grow in full sun and well-
Nasturtium August peppery drained soil.
Tulbaghia ciolacea A or TP Lilac Spring Onion flavor – Best in full sun; tolerates part shade; prefers rich,
Society garlic moist, well-drained soil.
Viola odorata P Violet, pink, April to May Sweet Sweet Ornamental. Candies well. Sun to part shade;
Violet white moist, well-drained soil.
Viola x wittrockiana A Violet, white, May to July Stronger than – Ornamental. Prefers cool weather;
Viola tricolor pink, yellow, violets moist, rich, loamy soil but tolerates many soils.
Pansy or Johnny multi-colored
Yucca filamentosa P Creamy white July Hint of artichoke, – Ornamental. Full sun; well-drained, sandy soil.
Yucca with purple slightly bitter
A = annual; B = biennial; P = perennial; TP = tender perennial

Kendall, P. and J. Rausch. 2012. CSU
Extension Fact Sheet 9.340, Flavored
Vinegars and Oils. Available at: www.ext.
Knight A.P. A Guide to Poisonous House
and Garden Plants. Teton New Media.
Lampe, Kenneth F. AMA Handbook of
Poisonous and Injurious Plants, 1985.
American Medical Association.

Colorado State University, U.S. Department of

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