Ge 6 Art Appreciation Course Outline

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ART APPRECIATION – General Education 6

Music Appreciation/ Understanding the Arts

Prof. Diomar C. Abrio

Course Outline

I. The Nature of Sound/Music

a. Music Listening and You
b. Existing and Living
c. Art Music: Music for Listening
d. Learning to Listen
II. Musical Features for Listening
a. Melody- Pitches in a Cohesive Series
b. Texture in Music
c. Rhythm- Beat, Meter & Tempo
d. Dynamics- Degree of Loudness or Softness in Music
e. Tone Color- Color in Music
f. Musical Forms
g. Harmony- Chords & Triads
III Performing Media: Voices and Instruments
a. The Voice
b. Types of Voices & Vocal Organization
c. Orchestra

IV Western Music Before 1750

a. Early Western Music
Music in the Middle Ages
1. Gregorian Chant 2. Secular Music 3. Instrumental
b. Music in the Renaissance
Features and Types of Renaissance Music
1. The Mass 2. The Motet 3. The Madrigal 4. Renaissance Instrumental Music
c. Baroque Vocal Music
1. Recitative and Aria 2. Oratorio and Cantata
d. Baroque Instrumental Music
1. Baroque Instruments 2. The Fugue 3. The Suite and Concerto

e. Classicism and Classical Music

Cultural Settings and Characteristics of Classical Style
1. Sonata Form 2. The Concerto 3. Chamber Music 4. Beethoven’s Symphony
f. Romance and Romanticism
Characteristics of Romanticism
1. The Art Song 2. Romantic Piano Music 3. Program Music 4. Ballet and ballet Music
Characteristics of Impressionism
g. Twentieth Century Music
Music in the Twentieth Century
1. What is New in the 20th and 21st Century Music?
2. The Mainstream
3. Expressionism and Primitivism
4. Neoclassicism
5. New Sounds and New techniques

h. Popular Music Since 1950

i. Music for Stage Film
j. Philippine Music
1. Kundiman/Art Songs 2. Folksongs

The two Fundamental facts about music and human life:

1. Music is important to the quality of human life.
2. People have created different types of music for different purposes.

The Nature of Music

Music Listening and You

“Imagine the world without music-no singing or whistling, no tapes, no compact disc, no i-tunes,
no music in movies, no marching bands, no dancing, no hymns, and no organ and baseball
The world would certainly be a bleaker place.

Charles Hoffer

References: Music by Daniel Poletoskie

Music A Living Language by Tom Manoff
Music An Appreciation by Roger Kamien
Listening to Music by Craig Wright
Music A Listener’s Introduction by Kenneth Levey


Unit Tests and Final Examination 30%
Music Analysis & Critic Paper 30%
(Creative Output and Presentation/ Music Composition in Music Video 40%
Total 100%

A student enrolled in GE 6 (Art Appreciation) must have a SEASON PASS; this is to ensure that student must engage into
experiential learning and appreciation of the art.

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