Dramatic Irony in Twelfth Night
Dramatic Irony in Twelfth Night
Dramatic Irony in Twelfth Night
Āla. D. Amir
College Of Education
University Of Missan
Journal of Missan Researches,Vol(5),No(9),2008……….289
Dramatic Irony in William Shakespeare's.............… Āla. D.Amir
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Dramatic Irony in William Shakespeare's.............… Āla. D.Amir
there 's for thee, and there, and there./ Are all the people
mad?" (IV. i. 22-23). Sir Toby and Fabian intervene to
protect Sir Andrew. The fact, that the audience knows it
is Sebastian, not Cesario (Viola) while the characters do
not, makes the fight excused.
However, the fight is stopped by Olivia.
Shakespeare creates much humour out of mistaken
identity. Olivia hopes that Sebastian, whom she
mistakes for Cesario (Viola), will forgive her uncle and
will not be angry with her. Sebastian, bewitched by
Olivia's beauty, falls in love with her at first sight.
Therefore, when she asks him to marry her: "Nay; come,
I prithee; would thou 'dst be ruled by me!" (IV. i. 57),
Sebastian accepts at once:" Madam, I will." (IV. i. 58)
Olivia is extremely happy at the sudden change of
events that make Cesario (Viola) finally love her and
agree to marry her. At the same time, Olivia is lucky
because she gets married to a real man and not to a
woman in the image of man. The marriage of Olivia and
Sebastian provides the basis for all of the other
complications to be unravelled later on.
The non-recognition continues and Orsino comes
with Cesario (Viola) to woo Olivia. The arrival of
Orsino with Cesario (Viola) allows the audience to
observe that Orsino is expressing his frustration with the
lack of progress in his efforts to win Olivia. While
Orsino and Cesario (Viola) are waiting for Olivia,
Antonio and officers arrive. Cesario (Viola) praises
Antonio before Orsino:" He [Antonio] did me kindness,
sir, drew on my side;" (V. i. 57) whereas Antonio
accuses her of betraying him after three months of
friendship. Both Orsino and Cesario (Viola) regard his
words madness: "… fellow, thy words are/ madness"
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Layman A. Baker, "Dramatic irony: Critical
Concepts," (1999,
dramaticirony.htm) January 24, 2006, p.1 of 4.
C. Hugh Holman, A Handbook to Literature (New
York: The Odyssey Press, 1960), p. 155.
"Dramatic Irony," (1999, URL: http://
www.vcu.edu/art web/ play writing.htm) January 24,
2006, p. 2 of 2.
"The Uvic Writer's Guide: irony," (1995, URL:
http:// www.Uvic.ca/
w/guide/pages/literature/irony.htm.) January 24, 2006,
p. 1 of 2.
"Reasons for Irony,"(URL: http:// www.ripen. edu/
academics/ the atre 23/…Oedipus/ reason for irony.htm)
February3, 2006, p.1of 1.
Sophocles, The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles:
Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone,
translated by Paul Roche (London: Longman Group
Limited, 1958).
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C. Cheng, "Shakespearean Use of Dramatic Irony,"
(March 1996, URL: http://www.
geocities.com/sophius/dramaticirony.htm) January 25,
2006, p. 2 of 5.
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, ed. Bernard Lott
(London: Longman Group Ltd., 1959). All subsequent
quotations from this play are taken from this edition and
enclosed within the text in parentheses.
C. Cheng, p.2 of 5.
Jenia Geraghty, "A Study of William Shakespeare's
Twelfth Night, Showing How Shakespeare's Choice of
Form, Structure and Language Shape Meaning,
"(November 2002, URL:
line. com/essays/twelfth_night.htm) February 7, 2008,
p. 3 of 6.
"Deceiving Disguises in Twelfth Night," (URL:
http:// www. bookrags. Com/ essays op: search & sting;
twelfth night. htm) March 12, 2006, p. 2 of 2.
Lee Lady, " Shakespeare's Women in Drag:
Viola,"(February 2002, URL: http:// www. ha waii.
edu/~ lady/ lit/ Shakespeare/ Viola. htm) March 13,
2006, p. 2 of 8.
"Use of Humor and Dramatic Irony in Twelfth
Night," (URL: http://www.
exampleessays.com/viewpapers/39423.htm) March 5,
2008, p. 1 of 1.
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Patrick Swinden, An Introduction to
Shakespeare's Comedies (London: The Macmillan Press
Ltd., 1973), p. 127.
5E. F. C. Ludowyk, Understanding Shakespeare
(Cambridge University Press, 1962), p. 209.
Bernard Lott, "Introduction," to William
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, ed. Bernard Lott (London:
Longman Group Ltd., 1959), p. xiii.
Lee Lady, p. 7 of 8.
Joseph Penquigney, "The Two Antonio and Same-
Sex Love in Twelfth Night and The Merchant of
Venice," in Shakespeare and Gender: A History, eds.
Deborah Barker & Ivo Kamps (London: Verso Press
Ltd., 1995), p. 180.
Clare Byrne, "The Social Background," in A
Companion to Shakespeare Studies, eds. Harley
Granville-Barker & G. B. Harrison (Cambridge
University Press, 1964), p. 204.
C. L. Barber, Shakespeare's Festive Comedy
(Princeton University Press, 1972), p. 255.
Ralph Berry, Shakespeare's Comedies:
Explorations in Form (Princeton University Press,
1972), p. 201.
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Juliet Dussinberre, Shakespeare and the Nature of
Women (London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1975), p.
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m. Retrieved
February 7, 2008. Article of 6 pages.
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