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Primary steam reforming

Rare earth promoted nickel oxide technology

Product data
Proven catalysis expertise Applications Due to the high temperatures and
With over 50 years of catalysis Steam reforming of natural gas is pressures involved in the steam
experience and a reputation for currently one of the most widely reforming process, catalysts must be
superior customer service, BASF is used methods for the production of carefully formulated and shaped to
proud to introduce a complete line of syngas. Steam is mixed with the
ensure desired performance.
high performing catalyst feed gas in a heated and
technologies for hydrogen and pressurized reactor in the presence
ammonia production. of a nickel catalyst. The Features
hydrocarbons react with the steam to BASF Primary Steam Reforming
From hydrodesulfurization to steam form hydrogen and carbon Catalyst is based on the proven
reforming to ammonia synthesis, let monoxide: combination of a nickel oxide
us show you how our proven syngas catalyst on a calcium/alumina base.
CH4 + H2O ⇌ CO + 3H2 However, through careful control of
technologies can make a difference
in your operation. geometry and composition and the
The resultant carbon monoxide addition of a Rare Earth promoter, a
reacts with the steam to form number of performance
Cutting-edge catalyst technology additional hydrogen and carbon
BASF Primary Steam Reforming improvements are achieved.
Catalyst is a Rare Earth (REO)
promoted nickel oxide catalyst Low pressure drop
suitable for the production of syngas. CO + H2O ⇌ CO2 + H2 Increased pressure drop across the
steam reformer can lead directly to
higher operating costs. BASF
Primary Steam Reforming Catalyst’s
Target Properties unique 6-hole shape offers a larger
SG-9301 void fraction and is designed to
provide a low pressure drop (see
Description Gray 6-holed domed cylinder
Figure 1).
Support type Rare earth promoted calcium aluminate
Composition (wt %) NiO = 16.5%
CaO = 6.0%
REO = 3.0%
Al2O3 = balance
Si < 0.1%
Bulk density 0.95 kg / liter [60 lb / ft ]
Size ∅ 16 mm X 16 mm [∅ 5/8 in X 5/8 in] Figure 1: Improved domed cylinder with
∅ 16 mm X 9 mm [∅ 5/8 in X 3/8 in] 6-hole design offers maximized surface area
Inner hole ∅ 3.5 mm [∅ 1/8 in] with reduced pressure drop.
Crush strength 400 N/cm [228 lb / in]

Although all statements and information in this publication are believed to be accurate and reliable, they are presented gratis and for
guidance only, and risks and liability for results obtained by use of the products or application of the suggestions described are assumed
INFORMATION SET FORTH. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of the products are made without representation or
warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not recommendations to infringe any patent. The user should not
assume that toxicity data and safety measures are indicated or that other measures may not be required.

BF-8493, 02/2007 © 2007 BASF Catalysts LLC

Long mechanical lifetime Low steam / carbon ratio Packaging
Over time, physical deterioration of Coke formation can lead to
the catalyst can lead to increased increased pressure drop across the ƒ 200 kg (440 lbs) in 200-liter
pressure drop and reduced activity. reformer and loss of catalytic activity. (55-gallon) steel drums
BASF Primary Steam Reforming
BASF Primary Steam Reforming
Catalyst resists carbon formation Availability
Catalyst incorporates a number of
through the use of its Rare Earth Commercial quantities are available
design features to increase thermal promoter, even at low steam-to- directly from BASF by calling
resistance and improve mechanical carbon ratios. +
The Rare Earth promoter results in About BASF BASF
Pure alumina can be brittle and higher local adsorption of steam, Corporation is a surface and
vulnerable to the effects of thermal thus raising the local steam-to- materials science company that
shocks. The addition of calcium to carbon ratio on the surface of the develops technologies to improve
the alumina carrier increases catalyst (see Figure 2). It also customers’ products and processes.
resists spinellization and counteracts A Fortune® 500 company, BASF is a
thermoshock resistance and
the acidity in the alumina carrier world-leading provider of
mechanical strength while inhibiting
reducing the formation of carbon technologies for environmental
side reactions. without having to increase the process, appearance, and
calcium content that would result in performance applications.
In addition, BASF Primary Steam reduced activity.
Reforming Catalyst’s larger size and For more information regarding
unique 6-hole shape help to In addition, unlike K-promoted BASF Primary Steam Reforming
minimize internal stresses leading to catalysts, the Rare Earth promoter is Catalyst and other BASF
reduced attrition and performance not washed out of the catalyst thus technologies, visit us on the web at
loss over time. reducing the risk of contaminating
downstream equipment. The
catalyst may also be steamed
Increased activity
without damage.
Since the catalytic reaction takes
place at the surface of the catalyst,
physical attributes such as surface 3.0
roughness and porosity can affect
Steam Adsorption [L / kg]

performance. As a result, both the 2.5

nickel and calcium content of the
catalyst must be carefully selected 2.0
and controlled in order to maximize Promoted
catalytic activity. 1.5 Unpromoted

The composition of BASF Primary 1.0

Steam Reforming Catalyst has been
optimized to increase activity and 0.5
minimize unwanted side reactions.
In addition, its domed shape 0.0
minimizes contact between adjacent 150 250 350 450 550 650
pellets leading to increased activity. Temperature [°C]

Figure 2: Increased steam adsorption due to Rare Earth (REO) promotion.

BASF Catalysts LLC

PO Box 770
Iselin, NJ 08830-0770
Tel: 1-732-205-5000
Fax: 1-732-205-5687

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