me. I hope that you guys are having a great day. Today, I wanted to talk to you guys about
intention and words. How much our words can define our lives, how much our words can change
our lives, how much words can change the direction of our lives, and where we see ourselves.
The way that you describe yourself and the way that you see yourself says a lot about where you
are going to be in the future.
Now the reason I'm making this video mostly is to share with you guys an experiment that has
changed the lives of so many people. We're talking about a Japanese entrepreneur and
researcher by the name of dr. Emoto. Dr Emoto passed away in 2014, I believe, and basically he
dedicated a huge part if not all of his life in experimenting and researching water. The biggest
experiment that the West knows dr. Emoto is for his water experiment, where he did an
experiment on water to prove that human consciousness and intention affect the molecular
structure of water.
He believed that everything in the world is energy and that we can change our outcome and our
circumstances by the kind of vibration and energy, and words that we are putting out into the
universe. Now the experiment was that he put water in different jars and he spoke different
words into each jar of the water. He did this for weeks and when his experiment came to an end,
he released the result in the photographs of the experiment after months; and is now what we
know as dr. Emoto water experiment. So like I said, he put water in two different jars and he
spoke different words to them and then froze them and photographed the results of the
molecular structure of the water which is now crystallized which is frozen.
He found that every single jar reacted to the kind of words that he spoke to them. He spoke
words like eternal, truth, wisdom, evil, peace, love and gratitude, you disgust me, you fool, and
thank you. He did the exact same thing with the prayer, where he would photograph the
crystallized molecules of water before and after a Buddhist prayer and then he did it again with
songs. So he played different kind of songs for each different jar, the one jar was listening to a
heavy metal song, another one was a sing to Amazing Grace, another one was listening to a
symphony by Mozart, and so on. Then, he found out that every single jar reacted and had a
different crystallization in their molecules, depending on what they listen to, whether it be words
or prayers or the song. If you've never heard about this experiment, that's okay because I'm
gonna put all the pictures of the words, the songs, the prayers, before and after the prayers, and
everything in this video. But before I get to the pictures, I want to remind you guys that every
single thing that you speak, that comes out of your mouth will 100% come into your reality.
Have you ever seen a quote on Instagram, that is like super popular now? It says that if you truly
knew how manifestation works and the law of attraction works and the law of persistence works,
you'd be so scared to say anything negative about yourself. Because it's crazy how accurately that
projects into your reality. Whatever in the world you decide, your calling is in life to always pursue
that and to always put love and gratitude out into the universe. It will come back to you by the
millions and do not just do it to receive the millions. That's not how it works. But when you create
and see all the abundance in your life, abundance will be poured into your life. So before I distract
you more from the experiment, let's go see the pictures.
If you guys enjoyed those pictures, definitely gives us a video a thumbs up and let me know.
Actually, dr. Emoto actually did another experiment to further prove the accuracy of this water
experiment that you guys just saw; where he put three jars of rice and what he did was he poured
water in all three jars of the rice. He labeled one “love”, he labelled another one “hate”, and he
labeled the other one “nothing” like that was the one that he would ignore. So what he did was
he would only say kind in positive words of love into the jar that said “love”, the other one that
said “hate” he would only say negative things and hateful things to that one, and the third one
he did nothing with. He did the experiment with the same jars for every single day, the period of
many weeks. He would spend about 60 seconds on each jar to say those words and he moved on
to the next jar, and again the third one he did nothing. At the end of those many weeks, he
realized that again the water and the rice reacted to the words and reacted to his experiment.
The jar that was labeled love reacted differently than the jar that was labeled hate, and the jar
that was labeled nothing. So, if you guys are interested keep watching let's go see those pictures
and we'll be back. I mean if you are not convinced by now, like I don't really know what else, what
kind of ensuing life that your words have so much power, and your intentions have so much