Activity Four in Forensic 5 (Polygraph) Lie Detection

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Instruction: Research the following topic listed below

Activity four in Forensic 4 (polygraph) Lie Detection

1. Research the four major components of Polygraph, Functions, attachments and nomenclatures?

Pneumograph - it records the changes in breathing of the subject. The pneumograph component of the
polygraph records the subject's respiratory rate. One tube is placed around the subject's chest and a
second is placed around his or her abdomen. These tubes are filled with air. When the subject breaths,
changes in the air pressure in the tubes are recorded on the polygraph.

Galvanograph - Records the skin resistance of the subject. The Galvanograph component is to record the
skin resistance of the subject to a very small amount of electricity. It is composed of the finger electrode
assembly, amplifier unit and the galvanometer-recorder unit.

Cardiosphygmograph- Records the changes in blood pressure and pulse rate. Cardiosphygmograph is a
device which consist of blood pressure cuff and rubber pump and is fastened around the subject's right
arm. It records the changes in pulse rate and blood pressure.

Kymograph - a motor that pulls or drive the chart paper under the recording pen. It basically consists of
a revolving drum wrapped with a sheet of paper on which a stylus moves back and forth recording
perceived changes of phenomena such as motion or pressure. Time is represented by the drum's
rotation rate, and was recorded by a further stylus driven by a clock or tuning fork.

2. Research in specific details the four phases in conduct of Polygraph test (50 pts)

A polygraph examination may contain four (4) phases known as the Pre-test phase, Testing phase, Chart
analysis phase and Post-test phase, any one of which constitutes a polygraph examination.

1. PRE-TEST PHASE (Information Collection)

During this first phase the examiner will:

A. informs the examinee that the polygraph procedure will be audio and video recorded;

B. completes the required paperwork;

C. makes sure the examinee understands why he or she is being asked to take a polygraph examination
in the case concerned;

D. answer any questions the examinee might have;

E. advises the examinee of his or her constitutional rights, of his or her right to legal counsel, and of the
voluntary action of submitting to a polygraph examination;

F. provides the examinee with a detailed explanation of the polygraph procedure, as well as the
polygraph instrument and its components;
G. establishes the examinee’s physical, psychological, and physiological history in order to determine
whether he or she is fit to undergo a polygraph examination;

H. obtains the examinee’s version of the facts regarding the specific issue under investigation;

I. formulates and review with the examinee all the questions that will be asked during the polygraph


The polygraph examination takes place during this second phase. Just before beginning the examination,
the blood pressure cuff will be inflated to a pressure of 60 mmHg. The examiner will then ask the
examinee the series of questions that were formulated and reviewed during the pre-test interview. This
series of questions will be asked a minimum of three times. As the examinee answers the questions, his
or her physiological data are continuously collected, measured, and recorded by the polygraph
instrument. The examinee will have a relaxation period of approximately two minutes between each
series of questions.

3. POST-TEST PHASE (Data Analysis)

During this last phase, the examiner will analyze and evaluate the physiological data by means of a
numerical quantification system, and will render one of the following results:

No Deception Indicated: The examinee is telling the truth.

Deception Indicated: The examinee is not telling the truth.

Inconclusive: The evaluation of the examinee’s physiological data is inconclusive.

The examiner will give the examinee the result of the polygraph examination and discuss this result with
him or her. If the physiological data recorded on the polygraph charts show reactions on the part of the
examinee to one or more of the questions asked during the polygraph examination, he or she will be
given the opportunity to explain these reactions.

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