Parameter Identification of The Transformer Winding Based On Least-Squares Method
Parameter Identification of The Transformer Winding Based On Least-Squares Method
Parameter Identification of The Transformer Winding Based On Least-Squares Method
for a method to accurately estimate the leakage inductance and
resistance of the transformer. A new identification algorithm for
t present, the power system has gone through rapidly
transformer winding parameters is presented in this paper. Based development in China. The requirements for the power
on the electromagnetic relation between the primary and the system protection are becoming higher and higher with the
secondary sides, the equation for transformer flux balance can be build-up of more EHV transmission lines and installation of
derived based on the transformer model. Through the elimination large generating capacity units. More information is required
of the ratio of flux change with respect to time change from the to meet the need for accurate parameter identification. The
equation, the discrete flux balance equations can be obtained
through discrete process. Using the derivative of voltage and
study on a more reliable and sensitive transformer protection
current as the input and output variables, the leakage must integrate two state variables - voltage and current. The
inductances and resistances of every winding as the identification principles of magnetic property, the equivalent circuit theory
parameters, an identification model for transformer is built. Then and other new transformer protection techniques all take two
parameters can be identified using this model. The least squares variables – the current and voltage into account at the same
method based on the orthogonal decomposition is used to identify time. Better results can be expected with these techniques
the winding parameters in this paper. A modified orthogonal
method is adopted which is able to improve the numerical than that only using single electricity information. The
stability of Classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonal method in the principle of magnetic property technique is to identify the
calculation. The requirement for the input signal is also inrush current by making use of the feature that the
discussed. The input signal should include sufficient number of transformer has different flux characteristics during inrush
frequencies with sufficient exciting time. If a system has n and internal fault. The equivalent circuit theory gives the
parameters to be identified, continuous excitation signal should
interrelated equations of voltage and current of the primary
contain at least n/2 different frequency components. Considering
the actual operating conditions, this paper uses data from both and secondary windings. Using whether the expressions can
sides of transformer when it is switched on with no-load and be established to determine inrush current, the method is not
over-excitation to identify the parameters. The simulation results affected by inrush and over-excitation. As a result, new
of electromagnetic transient program EMTP show that the protection ideas different from differential protection can be
parameters identified by the method proposed in this paper are established [1, 2]. However, all the above methods need to
very close to the true values with vary small errors. When data of
know the leakage inductances and resistances of primary and
transformer switching on with no-load is employed, the error of
resistance is round about 1 and the error of inductance is less
secondary windings as priori parameters. At present, there is
than 0.1 . When data of over-excitation is employed, the error no accurate measurement method for these transformer
of resistance is under 3 and the error of inductance is about 0.3 winding parameters. Therefore, the precise calculation of the
% . The characteristic of the multi-value and convergence of least transformer leakage inductances and resistances has become a
squares method are greatly improved by the method proposed in matter of urgency.
this paper. In a certain range, more accurate identification As to the transformer parameter identification, many
parameters can be achieved by using the longer data length. The research works have been conducted, among which the use of
recursive least squares (RLS) method to carry out online
This work was sponsored by AREVA T&D Automation & Information parameter identification of the transformer winding
Systems UK LTD.
E. S. Jin and L. L. Liu are with Electrical Engineering Institute, Northeast
parameters is able to accurately estimate leakage inductances
Dianli University, Jilin, China (e-mail: [email protected], [3, 4]. The RLS method is adopted in [3] to identify both
[email protected]). leakage inductances and resistances, and uses the degree of
Z. Q. Bo and A Klimek is with AREVA T&D Automation & Information the parameter variations to determine whether a system is in
Systems, Stafford, UK (e-mail: [email protected]).
©2008 IEEE.
using the data of switching without load at 0 deg
/real value
0.9 using the data of switching without load at 30 deg
THE IDENTIFICATION RESULTS WHEN USING THE DATA OF OVER EXCITING using the data of switching without load at 60 deg
(a) The identification results at 140%rated voltage 0.8
identification value
R1 (Ω) 0.940770 0.915586 2.6768
R2 (Ω) 0.019200 0.019768 2.9570 % 0.6
real value
(b) The identification results at 150%rated voltage
real value identification value error
R1 (Ω)
0.940770 0.934151 0.7034 0.1
the data of switching with no-load is used. Fig. 5 shows errors using the data of switching without load at 0 deg
/real value
using the data of switching without load at 30 deg
of parameters identification when the data of over-excitation 5 using the data of switching without load at 60 deg
data is used. In the figures, the abscissa axis signifies
identification value
of data identification results from the beginning to the point.
The results show that the parameters identified by the method 3
proposed by this paper are very close to the true values.
Errors can be very small. In a certain range, using the longer
real value
2 R2
data length can gain more accurate identification results.
1.5 using the data of switching without load at 0 deg
/real value
1 R1 0.3
identification value
0.5 0.25
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
data windows 4 0.15
x 10
real value
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
data windows 4
x 10
the error of Rl
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10
the error of Ll
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 6. Dynamic power system model
x 10
the error of R2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.862421 0.650243 3.463397 3.25
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0.726261 0.652206 3.335088 0.56
data windows
x 10
4 0.750473 0.679046 3.466658 3.35
0.811048 0.630982 3.334979 0.57
(a) Identification results at 140%rated voltage
the error of Rl
0.024888 0.004819 0.045520 2.47
0 0.023867 0.004867 0.043336 2.93
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
4 0.025183 0.004512 0.043234 2.68
x 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10
This paper presents a new parameter identification method
the error of L2
[6] The transformer protection based on adaptive fault component and Li-Li Liu is studying for her M.S. degree at Northeast Dianli University, China.
parameter identification, Chongqing: Chongqing University, 1999. Her research interest is power system protection.
[7] Y. C. He, Y. C. Su, and X. S. Bao, Concise Guide to computational
mathematics, Shanghai: People's Education Press, 1980. Zhiqian Bo received his BSc degree from the Northeastern University, China in
[8] B. M. Ge, X. H. Yu, and X. Z. Wang, "A new algorithm on the 1982 and PhD degree from The Queen's University of Belfast, UK in 1988
discrimination of the inrush current based on the equivalent transient respectively. Presently, he is with AREVA T&D Automation & Information
inductance," Power System Automation, vol. 28(7), 2004. Business.
Andrew Klimek is a licensed Professional Engineer with B.Sc., M.Sc. degrees
VII. BIOGRAPHIES in Electrical Engineering. He has 35 years international experience in the
electric power industry. His experience includes a number of positions ranging
En-Shu Jin received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Northeast DianLi from university teaching and consulting, to engineering and business
University, China in 1994 and 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D degree from management. Andrew has served as a project manager, marketing manager and
Chonbuk National University, Korea in 2005. Now, she is an associate professor general manager and has executed various power systems projects. Currently
at Northeast Dianli University, China. Her research interest is power system Andrew is the technical Director of the AREVA T&D Automation &
protection. Information Business.