An Eddy Current Array Instrument
An Eddy Current Array Instrument
An Eddy Current Array Instrument
NDT&E International, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 103-112, 1995
Copyright 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0963-8695(94)00009-3 0963-8695/95 $10.00 + 0.00
This paper describes a multi-element, eddy current array for the local testing of
ferritic specimens including welds. A novel transient method is used to extract coil
impedance parameters, and has the advantage of fast measurement, digital
compatibility and a minimum of front-end components; a useful feature when large
element numbers are involved. The problem of displaying lift-off and flaw
information from an array is solved by using a novel 'volcano display', which provides
a simple two-dimensional image of conditions under the array. However, to produce
this display, the burden of interpreting the coil element responses must be left to
the instrument. The resident analysis software contains a number of operating modes
which provide options for single element and multi-element operation. The array
has been applied to the detection of cracks in the HAZ of a weld, where the large
surface area of the probe permits a coarser scanning pattern to be used whilst
providing a high probability of detection due to the number of elements deployed.
Eddy current inspection is an attractive option for crack position of the array. The advantage of array probes in
detection due to its high sensitivity and its ability to work extending coverage when scanning for both eddy cur-
over a significant thickness of non-metallic protective rent testing and other electromagnetic methods, such
coating; an important requirement in the offshore as ACFM, has been identified by a number of
industry. The electronic nature of the data gathering researchers 11-3J. However, when deploying significant
process interfaces well with modern computer systems, numbers of sensors, the problem of both exciting and
and the results obtained can be readily displayed and receiving the required signals places a burden on the
stored for further use. There are problems, however, when electronic system. The EC instrument makes use of a
testing welded structures which arise from the variable novel measurement technique which permits rapid
nature of the material in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of scanning of the eddy current coils, but provides a
the weld, setting up spurious indications, and from the simplified design of exciter hardware.
limited coverage obtained when scanning with a single
An additional problem, arising from the deployment of
significant numbers of probes, is the display of relevant
This paper describes an eddy current instrument for data. This may require that two parameters from each
localized manual testing which uses a two-dimensional element be represented, such as lift-off from the surface
array of eddy current sensors to improve the coverage and flaw signal amplitude. Multiple, linear, signal traces,
when scanning, and which incorporates comprehensive one for each parameter and coil can be used 131, but for
software to interpret the received eddy current responses the portable unit described here, a special 'volcano
and identify spurious responses. An additional benefit display' has been developed, which can provide
comes from enhanced flaw detection, since more than meaningful information on lift-off and flaw for a large
one sensor element will intercept the flaw at any given number of elements.
A. McNab and J. Thomson
An eddy current array instrument
OV '~
i-- ---Sf~s -- - i '
o 4
O 2:,< ".."MZ~- L_*
-5V 3s ~ . . - - . -'%..-..
F i r i n g p u l s e a n d i n d u c t o r voltage O
8 3
Figure 3 Array-element transient excitation and associated coil (/3
(b )
similar characteristics to the transient parameter plot,
where second-mode peak height and third-mode delay
are analogous to the impedance magnitude and phase, 17
respectively. These effects are again reflected in the 0
is ' ~ . ~ " ~ : ~ .
response diagrams of Figure 4c, which were derived using
the measured impedance data in conjunction with a 15
transient modelling program, based on Laplace trans-
forms, which can predict the coil response described 8O 82 84 86 88
previouslytSj. The circuit of Figure 5 is used to represent
the combination of firing circuit components, coil and
test piece in the model. 6 -
that there is good agreement in the second-mode peak
height changes. However, the third-mode delay variation 4-
The design of the coil elements used in the array is Figure 4 (a) Plot of s e c o n d - m o d e peak versus third-mode delay
important in determining the overall performance of the for different lift-off values over artificial slots of varying depth; (b)
c o r r e s p o n d i n g coil i m p e d a n c e p l o t t e d a s m a g n i t u d e v e r s u s p h a s e
system. As the arrays were designed to deploy a u n d e r t h e s a m e c o n d i t i o n s of lift-off a n d flaw; (c) m o d e l l e d t r a n s i e n t
substantial number of elements, it was important that response parameters using the measured coil impedance values
A. McNab and J. Thomson
tll I RF
- CL
RD ' ~ RDeff
Ren Vv LS
T Vcc
Rea = FET on resistance
Reff = FET off resistance
R B = Rbi u II Ref f
Rdoa = diode on resistance
(FET drain-source diode)
Rdeff = diode off resistance
C L = coil self-capacitance
LS = coil self-inductance, LF = coupled test piece inductance
RLS = coil self-resistance, RF = coupled test piece resistance
coupling between the coil and the material through scanning pattern could be used. Two basic designs were
positioning it above the test surface, zero phase change produced; one with a fixed pattern of elements t63 and the
in the impedance can be produced when moving over a other with vertically mobile elements which could
crack tS]. These effects are exploited in the measurement conform to the contour of the test surface. In each case,
system. the number of elements deployed was 16, although the
measurement system could handle substantially more.
An experimental programme evaluated the most effective
combination of coil features related to frequency, physical In the fixed array, a four by four matrix of ferrite-cored
core dimensions, winding position on the core and the coil elements was mounted on a printed circuit board
detection area. A number of features were observed in and spaced 3.4 mm apart. This gave an area of coverage
this study which provided useful design information. It 20.4 mm by 20.4 ram. Whilst such a unit operated well
was noted that lift-off and flaw sensitivity fell off as the on substantially flat surfaces, the varying surface profile
core was shortened due to the magnetic field becoming associated with angled, welded pipe sections required a
less concentrated under the core. Winding position, too, different design. Although consideration was given to
was important as a means of varying mutual coupling; using a flexible PCB, it was felt that the degree of local
flaw sensitivity increased almost linearly the closer the surface variation in the vicinity of a capped weld dictated
coil came to the surface down to 1 mm and then decreased a wider range of vertical movement for each element than
slightly after that with an associated significant phase would be possible with this approach.
change in the impedance over a crack. The use of a
The second design, a surface-conforming array, is shown
magnetically shielded coil was also investigated and was
in Figure 6 and again comprised a four by four matrix
found to provide a larger crack response, but not to the
with a 6 mm element spacing. Each coil element is
extent that it merited the additional constructional
mounted within an individual plastic holder (Figure 7)
complexity. It was established that a satisfactory design
before being placed in the array housing, where it is held
for operation on steel had an operating frequency in the
in place by a spring. The total vertical movement
range 100 to 200 kHz, a ferrite core of length 18 mm, a
permitted is 13.5 mm. When designing the unit using this
core diameter of 1.7 mm, 60 coil-loops, and the winding
'bed-of-nails' approach, a number of factors have to be
positioned 2 mm from the end adjacent to the metal.
taken into account. These include:
(a) With 16 spring-mounted probes, attention has to be
Array designs
paid to the spring force constants. If they are too
In designing the arrays for the eddy current instrument strong then the pressure required to maintain the
(ECI), the intention was to provide a satisfactory area of array on the test piece becomes too great. In this case,
coverage under the probe head so that a fairly coarse long, extra-light springs made from phosphor-bronze
An eddy current array instrument
these parameters. This latter task presented some
...... 6 i problems in that a conventional impedance plane display
was too complicated for the number of probes involved.
An LCD graphics display was therefore mounted on the
instrument (Figure 10), and used to show the condition
of the array probe. Each element was represented as a
circle, the width of whose circumference decreased with
--m . increasing lift-off, and whose centre became filled with
dots as flaw severity increased. This 'volcano display'
A. McNab and J. Thomson
RS 232 Bus
An eddy current array instrument
A. McNab and J. Thomson
(c) ECI Lift-off vector with
(a) D X F Lift-off vector
superimposed flaw
is balanced for a small second-mode peak, As the probe (b) D X F flaw vector at LO = 1.0mm
moves towards the material, the peak increases, and for
different levels of lift-off, the parameter pair of
second-mode peak and third-mode delay is recorded in
a look-up table. As the probe is scanned, the parameter
pair is measured, and if the second-mode peak is greater
than that stored plus a small noise margin, a flaw is
identified. It should be noted that over a ferritic weld
and its associated HAZ, the peak is slightly depressed
and hence spurious flaw indications are suppressed.
Whilst this method works well for lift-offs up to 3 mm,
the peak-response when fully on the steel is about 3.5 V.
This gives a good working range for the detection of
flaws at higher lift-off, but when the flaw depth exceeds
3 mm, the peak reaches the 5 V saturation level of the (c) D X F Lift-off vector with
A/D converter. Thus flaw depth indication beyond this superimposed flaw
point is not possible at zero lift-off. To obviate this
Figure 13 Single probe operation (Mode 1) with lift-off and flaw
problem, a double-firing technique using different vectors being displayed at high resolution through transfer of data
switching points can be used. to a PC
An eddy current array instrument
NI Oimensions in mm
a flaw identification can be made without the need for
accurate calibration and recalibration.
Experimental assessment
The performance of the instrument was determined using
a set of welded test specimens both with and without a
weld cap. The parent metal was mild steel, since the
instrument was developed primarily as an array system
T for fatigue crack detection in welds made in this material.
In the first specimen (Test piece 1), the weld cap has been
Test Piece 1
removed and a fatigue crack introduced into the HAZ
of the weld as shown in Figure 14. Thus there are three
distinct material changes associated with this weld, the
NI Dimensions in mm
parent metal, the HAZ and the weld metal. The datum
lift-off response curve for the instrument was taken over
a good area of the parent metal, as shown in Figure ! 5,
with the responses being recorded using operational
Mode 3. A series of readings for the same lift-off
conditions, from 'intimate contact' to 'in air', was also
taken over the other weld zones; the values of lift used
were (0, 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.5, 'in air') mm. It can be seen
that the 5 mm flaw present within this specimen gives
rise to flaw parameter vectors (movement in flaw
T parameters away from the lift-off response curve) which
are of a substantial magnitude and have a clear angular
Test Piece 2 separation from that of the lift-off vector (movement in
measured parameters along the lift-off response curve) at
Figure 14 Mild steel, fusion-butt-weld specimens containing all values of absolute lift-off. In addition, the HAZ and
fatigue cracks
the weld metal exhibit lift-off responses which lie within
a workable noise margin from that produced over the
parent metal. The only notable divergence is for the weld
metal with zero lift-off. Here a response is produced which
due to probe lift-off can be made, so that the volcano gives a higher second-mode peak than that recorded for
display will show a filling-in of the circle for a given crack the datum response, together with an increase in
depth which is independent of lift-off. The reliability of third-mode delay. Whilst this is consistent with the
this detection scheme has been tested on welded test response expected from a very small flaw, it still remains
pieces where variable thicknesses of nonconducting shim within the noise tolerance imposed on any signal
have been used to simulate variable lift-off. It has been interpretation.
found that reliable detection can be obtained on samples
with and without the weld cap.
A. McNab and J. Thomson
measured results, and provides an insight into factors
= 2o0 : '; Parent metal influencing the measurement technique. The system has
~" i" \ -.. ----Flaw particular value for an array based instrument as changes
80 I ~ "" ~.~. " Common LO in test piece parameters under each coil can be rapidly
~- ~,, 60 "~\'-, ""a measured. In addition, compensation for small variations
in coil impedance can be made by controlling the firing
,0 <>o\ I, pulse width to bring the different coil responses to a
predetermined datum. The array can therefore be scanned
at a reasonable speed over a surface, or can be applied
in a series of fixed placements.
20 60 100 140 180
Third mode delay count (1 unit = lOns) The ECI allows for independent operation or it can be
attached to a remote PC for data transfer and duplicate
Figure 16 Transient parameter plot of lift-off and flaw responses
display. A variety of probes ranging from a single element
using operational mode 3 for a weld containing a weld cap (test
piece 2) to a full array can be attached and test conditions
optimized using the most suitable mode of operation.
These operational modes range from a simple,
two-parameter display to one for multiple elements which
Test piece 2 was used to assess the performance of ECI uses a double-firing technique to assess separately the
when testing close to a weld cap. The test piece contained lift-off and the flaw responses. A further detection mode
a 4 mm deep, fatigue crack close to the toe of the weld. uses the dynamic nature of the flaw response during
Again similar responses to that from the previous sample scanning; by storing a running buffer of the measured
were observed (Figure 16), and although at higher lift-offs parameters, their local history can be viewed with the
the proximity of the weld cap tended to short out the aim of detecting the characteristic shape of the parameter
current-inducing flux at the weld toe, satisfactory results vector when traversing a flaw. This removed the need to
were obtained. Overall array performance was also make an absolute measurement and does not require
investigated using this test sample; the results obtained careful calibration.
with the surface conforming array, recorded on the PC
As to overall instrument performance, the primary
as a duplicate ECI display, are presented in Figure 11.
requirement of detecting fatigue cracks in mild steel
The array is shown oriented parallel to and at an angle
components was met with flaw indications being
to the crack, Figures 11a and 11b respectively. observed for flaws of 0.5 mm minimum depth and up to
a maximum lift-off of 4 mm. Detection in the toe of a
Conclusions weld is also possible with the array designs used to about
the same limits, although at higher lift-offs some
The eddy current instrument described in this paper
angulation of the array relative to the weld is required
provides a useful tool for the rapid local inspection of
for maximum response.
ferritic welds. Improvements over single coil operation
are obtained in scanning speed, and in the reliability of
flaw detection, because the electronically scanned array Acknowledgement
of coils permits a greater area of the material to be tested
This work was supported by the Marine Technology
and provides a 2D image of the flaw position. Although
Directorate and the SERC.
the 'volcano display' may give a simple representation of
array element responses, it is important to appreciate
that a higher degree of information processing is required References
and that a greater reliance must be placed on the flaw 1 Lugg, M.C. 'Rapid scanning with non-contacting ACFM array
interpretation software resident within the instrument. probes" in Review ~f Pro.qress 01 Quantitative N D E Vol 4A Plenum
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evident that a sensitive detection system has been
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signal gain is achieved which reduces the need for voltage 4 Libby, H.L Introduction to Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Test
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amplification with its attendant noise problems. The 5 McNab, A. and Thomson, J. 'A measurement technique for
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