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07-13 15:53:15.962 14327 14356 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3

for video/mpeg2
07-13 15:53:15.962 14327 14356 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3
for video/mpeg2
07-13 15:53:15.964 14327 14359 W com.shamim.cam: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-
max-o, reflection, denied)
07-13 15:53:15.965 14327 14359 W com.shamim.cam: Accessing hidden method
(greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
07-13 15:53:15.965 14327 14359 W com.shamim.cam: Accessing hidden method
><init>(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection,
07-13 15:53:15.967 14327 14327 D View : com.shamim.cam initForcedUseForceDark: 1
07-13 15:53:15.970 14327 14357 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
07-13 15:53:15.972 14327 14362 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 15:53:15.972 14327 14362 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 15:53:15.973 14327 14362 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-13 15:53:15.973 14327 14362 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-13 15:53:15.973 14327 14362 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
07-13 15:53:15.976 14327 14357 I FeatureParser: can't find sunny.xml in
assets/device_features/,it may be in /vendor/etc/device_features
07-13 15:53:15.982 14327 14357 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 100
07-13 15:53:15.982 14327 14357 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 101
07-13 15:53:15.982 14327 14357 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 21
07-13 15:53:15.982 14327 14357 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 22
07-13 15:53:15.982 14327 14357 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 25
07-13 15:53:15.982 14327 14357 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 61
07-13 15:53:15.983 14327 14344 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 100
07-13 15:53:15.983 14327 14344 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 21
07-13 15:53:15.983 14327 14344 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 22
07-13 15:53:15.983 14327 14344 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 61
07-13 15:53:15.991 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 15:53:15.991 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 15:53:15.991 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-13 15:53:15.991 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-13 15:53:15.991 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
07-13 15:53:15.992 14327 14356 W CAM_A : Build number (V12.0.4.0.RKGIDXM) is not
a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
07-13 15:53:15.992 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 15:53:15.992 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 15:53:15.992 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-13 15:53:15.992 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-13 15:53:15.992 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
07-13 15:53:16.004 14327 14357 D PatcherAddreses:
07-13 15:53:16.006 14327 14357 D PatcherAddreses: exportAddres:14574624
07-13 15:53:16.006 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: libname:libgcastartupshamim.so
07-13 15:53:16.009 14327 14356 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:1
07-13 15:53:16.013 14327 14367 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 15:53:16.013 14327 14367 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 15:53:16.014 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch before: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:A2000054
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch after: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch before: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch after: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch before: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch after: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch before: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch after: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch before: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch after: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch before: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:16.015 14327 14357 D PatcherSession: Patch after: region:4
addr:517608825900 found:80FFE7D2
07-13 15:53:15.998 14327 14327 W CriticalPath: type=1400 audit(0.0:2432): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=10919 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c90,c257,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
07-13 15:53:16.030 14327 14367 W CAM_DeviceErrorBroadcas: Tag
DeviceErrorBroadcaster is 3 chars longer than limit.
07-13 15:53:16.033 14327 14370 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 15:53:16.018 14327 14327 W Camera-Ex: type=1400 audit(0.0:2433): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10954
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
07-13 15:53:16.037 14327 14364 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-13 15:53:16.055 14327 14367 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:0
07-13 15:53:16.058 14327 14367 I com.shamim.cam: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-
intf/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:158: rpcmem_init_internal: opened ION device fd
95, configured heap IDs: system (0x2000000), contig (0x400000), secure (0x200),
secure flags (0x80080000)
07-13 15:53:16.058 14327 14367 I com.shamim.cam: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-
intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2814: fastrpc_apps_user_init done
07-13 15:53:16.077 14327 14367 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
e1ac91e, I2b3b5fbd00
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 10.0.7 AArch64
07-13 15:53:16.154 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so
07-13 15:53:16.159 14327 14346 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
07-13 15:53:16.181 14327 14327 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
07-13 15:53:16.216 14327 14327 W CAM_A : Invalid resolution setting, using
07-13 15:53:16.217 14327 14327 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) identical 1
07-13 15:53:16.217 14327 14327 W CAM_A : Invalid resolution setting, using
07-13 15:53:16.218 14327 14370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-10. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 15:53:16.218 14327 14327 W CAM_A : Invalid resolution setting, using
07-13 15:53:16.223 14327 14370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-11. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 15:53:16.292 14327 14393 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-12. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 15:53:16.298 14327 14393 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-13. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 15:53:16.313 14327 14327 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
07-13 15:53:16.323 14327 14393 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-14. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 15:53:16.328 14327 14393 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-15. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 15:53:16.334 14327 14327 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by
com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton{a208e23 VFED..C.. ......ID
485,1368-595,1478 #7f0b0004 app:id/AuxButtonMain} during layout: running second
layout pass
07-13 15:53:16.337 14327 14327 D SurfaceView: UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false
07-13 15:53:16.356 14327 14382 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0x1ef4249 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
07-13 15:53:16.356 14327 14382 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-16. The surface is not yet available.
07-13 15:53:16.358 14327 14327 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
07-13 15:53:16.384 14327 14327 W CBVerifier: Registering phenotype for
com.google.android.libraries.consentverifier#com.shamim.cam failed
07-13 15:53:16.412 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.414 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-13 15:53:16.425 14327 14357 D AudioRecord: set(): inputSource 5, sampleRate
48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0xc, frameCount 3840, notificationFrames 0,
sessionId 0, transferType 0, flags 0, opPackageName com.shamim.cam uid -1, pid -1
07-13 15:53:16.426 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.435 14327 14356 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type
feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
07-13 15:53:16.435 14327 14356 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type
feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
07-13 15:53:16.447 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.460 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.461 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.482 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.482 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:16.486 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.487 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.488 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:16.488 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.496 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.511 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.513 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.513 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:16.513 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.522 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.526 14327 14357 W CAM_CameraDeviceVerifie: Tag CameraDeviceVerifier
is 1 chars longer than limit.
07-13 15:53:16.527 14327 14357 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 15:53:16.527 14327 14357 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 15:53:16.527 14327 14357 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-13 15:53:16.527 14327 14357 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-13 15:53:16.527 14327 14357 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
07-13 15:53:16.535 14327 14356 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
07-13 15:53:16.541 14327 14434 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
07-13 15:53:16.541 14327 14433 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
07-13 15:53:16.548 14327 14434 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default"
07-13 15:53:16.551 14327 14434 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
07-13 15:53:16.551 14327 14433 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
07-13 15:53:16.554 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.554 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:16.555 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.555 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 9 lines
07-13 15:53:16.556 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.556 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 15:53:16.556 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 15:53:16.556 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-13 15:53:16.556 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-13 15:53:16.556 14327 14356 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
07-13 15:53:16.558 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.561 14327 14434 I CCodec : Created component
07-13 15:53:16.562 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
07-13 15:53:16.562 14327 14433 I CCodec : Created component
07-13 15:53:16.562 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.564 14327 14434 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14433 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.565 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: }
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.567 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: }
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
07-13 15:53:16.568 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
07-13 15:53:16.569 14327 14434 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
07-13 15:53:16.569 14327 14434 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14434 D CCodec : }
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
07-13 15:53:16.570 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
07-13 15:53:16.571 14327 14433 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14434 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14434 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 15:53:16.572 14327 14433 D CCodec : }
07-13 15:53:16.573 14327 14433 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.573 14327 14433 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.575 14327 14434 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.575 14327 14434 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.575 14327 14434 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#216] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 17 - OK (0)
07-13 15:53:16.578 14327 14433 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.578 14327 14433 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.578 14327 14433 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#389] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 18 - OK (0)
07-13 15:53:16.579 14327 14434 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#216] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 41 - OK
07-13 15:53:16.579 14327 14434 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#216] Configured output block pool ids 41 => OK
07-13 15:53:16.580 14327 14433 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#389] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 42 - OK
07-13 15:53:16.581 14327 14433 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#389] Configured output block pool ids 42 => OK
07-13 15:53:16.581 14327 14433 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#389] start: updating output delay 0
07-13 15:53:16.581 14327 14434 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#216] start: updating output delay 0
07-13 15:53:16.581 14327 14433 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Inappropriate ioctl for device
07-13 15:53:16.581 14327 14434 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Inappropriate ioctl for device
07-13 15:53:16.583 14327 14433 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.584 14327 14434 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.586 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.592 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.592 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:16.592 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.594 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.597 14327 14440 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.597 14327 14440 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.620 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.621 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.621 14327 14356 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) GcaGeneric-1
identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:16.621 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.623 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.623 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.626 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.633 14327 14452 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
07-13 15:53:16.642 14327 14434 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#216] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 15:53:16.642 14327 14434 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) NDK
MediaCodec_ identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:16.642 14327 14434 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#216] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 15:53:16.645 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.645 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:16.647 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.647 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:16.647 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.648 14327 14434 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
07-13 15:53:16.649 14327 14433 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#389] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 15:53:16.649 14327 14433 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) identical 1
07-13 15:53:16.649 14327 14433 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#389] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 15:53:16.652 14327 14458 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
07-13 15:53:16.652 14327 14450 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
07-13 15:53:16.653 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.655 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoEncoder()
07-13 15:53:16.656 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c06 =
07-13 15:53:16.656 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 =
07-13 15:53:16.656 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c00 =
07-13 15:53:16.656 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c09 =
07-13 15:53:16.656 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c0a =
07-13 15:53:16.657 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c08 =
07-13 15:53:16.657 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c07 =
07-13 15:53:16.657 14327 14452 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7f000789 =
07-13 15:53:16.660 14327 14357 W EngineApiLoaderContr: All remote package attempts
07-13 15:53:16.662 14327 14357 W EngineApiLoaderContr: EngineApi implementation not
07-13 15:53:16.666 14327 14452 I ACodec : setupAVCEncoderParameters with [profile:
High] [level: Level51]
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ACodec : [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc] cannot
encode HDR static metadata. Ignoring.
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ACodec : setupVideoEncoder succeeded
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc]
configure, AMessage : AMessage(what = 'conf', target = 8) = {
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-format = 21
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: float i-frame-interval =
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t level = 32768
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: string mime = "video/avc"
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t profile = 8
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t bitrate = 12000000
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-standard = 2
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t
oo.muxer.drop_initial_non_keyframes = 1
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-transfer = 3
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t width = 640
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-range = 1
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t frame-rate = 30
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t height = 480
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t flags = 1
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t encoder = 1
07-13 15:53:16.667 14327 14452 I ExtendedACodec: }
07-13 15:53:16.678 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.679 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.680 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:16.680 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.682 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.694 14327 14460 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.aac.encoder)
07-13 15:53:16.695 14327 14460 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
07-13 15:53:16.697 14327 14460 I CCodec : Created component
07-13 15:53:16.697 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
07-13 15:53:16.703 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
07-13 15:53:16.705 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
07-13 15:53:16.705 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.705 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.705 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.705 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.705 14327 14460 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 15:53:16.706 14327 14460 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9
values (BAD_INDEX)
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 0
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 8192
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.aac-sbr-mode.value
= 3
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 2048
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: }
07-13 15:53:16.707 14327 14460 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
07-13 15:53:16.708 14327 14460 D CCodec : [c2.android.aac.encoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
07-13 15:53:16.708 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for
07-13 15:53:16.708 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for aac-profile
07-13 15:53:16.708 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
07-13 15:53:16.708 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for encoder
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 128000
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 4096
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t aac-sbr-mode = 3
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 7680
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t aac-sbr-mode = 3
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 128000
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t level = 0
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t max-bitrate = 128000
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t profile = 2
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 15:53:16.709 14327 14460 D CCodec : }
07-13 15:53:16.710 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.712 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.712 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:16.712 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.714 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.714 14327 14460 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.714 14327 14460 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 15:53:16.715 14327 14460 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.715 14327 14460 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 15:53:16.715 14327 14460 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0)
07-13 15:53:16.716 14327 14460 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 43 - OK
07-13 15:53:16.716 14327 14460 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
Configured output block pool ids 43 => OK
07-13 15:53:16.716 14327 14460 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
start: updating output delay 0
07-13 15:53:16.728 14327 14358 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/51897
07-13 15:53:16.746 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.746 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:16.747 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.747 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:16.747 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.749 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.757 14327 14358 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/41346
07-13 15:53:16.772 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.773 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.773 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:16.773 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.775 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.782 14327 14358 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/41339
07-13 15:53:16.801 14327 14358 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/37235
07-13 15:53:16.808 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.810 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.810 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:16.810 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.811 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.812 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.812 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.827 14327 14358 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/36461
07-13 15:53:16.843 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.844 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:16.846 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.846 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:16.846 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.848 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.873 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.874 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.874 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:16.874 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.877 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.908 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.908 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.909 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:16.909 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.910 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.940 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.940 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:16.941 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.941 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:16.941 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.943 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:16.975 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:16.977 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.977 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:16.977 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:16.979 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.007 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.007 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.008 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.008 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.008 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.009 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.010 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.010 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.046 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.047 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.047 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:17.047 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.049 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.078 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.078 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.079 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.080 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.080 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.081 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.108 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.112 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.112 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.112 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.115 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.141 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.143 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.144 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.144 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.147 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.177 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.178 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.178 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.178 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.178 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.181 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.208 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.212 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.213 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.213 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.215 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.216 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.216 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.246 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.247 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.247 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.247 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.248 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.250 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.277 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.279 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.279 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.279 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.281 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.314 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.314 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.316 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.317 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:17.317 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.319 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.345 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.346 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.347 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.347 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.349 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.376 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.380 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.380 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.380 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.383 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.411 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.411 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.412 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.413 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.413 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.413 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.413 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.415 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.440 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.441 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.442 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.442 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.445 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.479 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.479 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.480 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.480 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.480 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.483 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.511 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.514 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.515 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.515 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.517 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.548 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.548 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.550 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.550 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:17.550 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.553 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.574 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.576 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.576 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:17.576 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.579 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.609 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.611 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.612 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.612 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.612 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.612 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.622 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.640 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.640 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.641 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.641 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.641 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.644 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.678 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.680 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.680 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.680 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.683 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.708 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.708 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.710 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.711 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.711 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.713 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.748 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.749 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.749 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.749 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.752 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.775 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.775 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.777 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.778 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.778 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.781 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.808 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.809 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,30 > 0,25
07-13 15:53:17.811 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.811 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.811 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.813 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.813 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.816 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.842 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.843 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,43 > 0,25
07-13 15:53:17.843 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.843 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.843 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.846 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.877 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.877 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.878 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.878 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.878 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.881 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.910 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.910 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,30 > 0,25
07-13 15:53:17.911 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,30 >
07-13 15:53:17.912 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.912 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.912 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.915 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.945 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.945 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:17.946 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.947 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:17.947 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.949 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:17.975 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:17.976 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.977 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:17.977 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:17.979 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.011 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.012 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.012 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.012 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.013 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.013 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.020 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.051 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.051 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.052 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.052 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:18.052 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.054 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.076 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.077 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.077 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.077 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.077 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 3 lines
07-13 15:53:18.078 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.080 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.109 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.110 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.110 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.111 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.113 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.144 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.144 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.146 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.146 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.146 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.149 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.175 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.177 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.177 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.177 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:18.177 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.182 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.214 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.214 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.215 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.216 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:18.216 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.218 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.219 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.219 14327 14356 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) GcaGeneric-1
identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:18.219 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.249 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.250 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.250 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.250 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.253 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.278 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.279 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.279 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.279 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.282 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.309 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.310 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.311 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.311 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.311 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.314 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.344 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.345 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.346 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.346 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.348 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.377 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.378 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.379 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.379 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.379 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.381 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.412 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.414 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.415 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.415 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.415 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.415 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.421 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.451 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.451 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.452 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.452 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:18.452 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.455 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.476 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.478 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.478 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:18.478 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.481 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.512 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.513 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.513 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.513 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.516 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.547 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.547 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.548 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.549 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.549 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.551 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.577 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.580 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.581 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.581 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.583 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.611 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.612 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.613 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.613 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.614 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.614 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.617 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.645 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.646 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.647 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.647 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.647 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.650 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.681 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.682 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.683 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.683 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.685 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.709 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.711 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.712 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.712 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.715 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.742 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.742 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.743 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.743 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.744 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.747 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.779 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.780 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.781 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:18.781 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.783 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.812 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.812 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.813 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.814 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.814 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.815 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.815 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.817 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.848 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.849 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.849 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:18.849 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.852 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.878 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.879 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.879 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.879 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.882 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.908 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.908 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.909 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.910 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.910 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.912 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.948 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.949 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.949 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:18.949 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.952 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:18.976 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:18.977 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:18.977 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.978 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:18.978 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:18.981 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.008 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.009 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.010 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.010 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.012 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.012 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.012 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.041 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.042 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.042 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.042 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.045 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.074 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.074 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.075 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.076 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.076 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.078 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.112 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.113 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.113 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.113 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.116 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.148 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.148 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.149 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.150 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:19.150 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.152 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.179 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.181 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.181 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.181 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.183 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.210 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.211 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.211 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.212 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.212 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.212 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.219 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.242 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.243 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.244 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.244 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.244 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.247 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.278 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.280 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.281 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.281 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.283 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.305 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.307 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.307 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:19.307 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.309 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.342 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.342 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.343 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.343 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.343 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.346 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.374 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.377 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.377 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.377 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.380 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.410 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.410 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.411 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.412 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.412 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.412 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.412 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.414 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.443 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.445 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.445 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.445 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.448 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.474 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.475 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.476 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.476 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.478 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.508 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.508 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.510 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.510 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.510 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.513 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.540 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.542 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.542 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.543 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.545 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.574 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.576 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.577 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.577 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.580 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.612 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.612 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.613 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.614 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:19.614 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.615 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.615 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.616 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.640 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.641 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.642 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:19.642 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.645 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.680 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.680 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.682 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.682 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 9 lines
07-13 15:53:19.682 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.685 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.707 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.709 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.709 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:19.709 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.712 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.744 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.745 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.746 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.746 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.748 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.773 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.774 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.775 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.775 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.775 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:19.775 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.778 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.807 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.808 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.809 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.809 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.810 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.810 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.811 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.840 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.840 14327 14435 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
DEBUG: elapsed: n=4 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=0 smoothness=4]
07-13 15:53:19.840 14327 14435 D PipelineWatcher: DEBUG: elapsed 0 / 4
07-13 15:53:19.841 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.842 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.842 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.842 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.845 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.877 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.878 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.879 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:19.879 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.881 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.907 14327 14408 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.910 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.910 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.910 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.913 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.944 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.945 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:19.946 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.947 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:19.947 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.949 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:19.975 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:19.977 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.977 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:19.977 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:19.980 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.008 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.011 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.011 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:20.011 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.011 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.011 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 4 lines
07-13 15:53:20.011 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.012 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.012 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.014 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.042 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.043 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.045 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.045 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.045 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:20.045 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.048 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.075 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.081 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.082 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:20.082 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.084 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.111 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.111 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.112 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.112 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:20.112 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.114 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.138 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.139 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.139 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:20.139 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.142 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.177 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.178 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.179 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:20.179 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.181 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.209 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.209 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.210 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.211 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.211 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.211 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:20.211 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.212 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.212 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.214 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.241 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.242 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.242 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.242 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.242 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 4 lines
07-13 15:53:20.242 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.245 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.274 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.277 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.277 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.277 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.280 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.307 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.307 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.309 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.310 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:20.310 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.312 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.341 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.342 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.342 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.342 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.345 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.372 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.373 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.374 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:20.374 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.377 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.408 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.409 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.410 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.410 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:20.411 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.412 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.412 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.413 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.439 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.441 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.441 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:20.442 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.442 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.444 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.477 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.477 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.478 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.479 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.479 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.481 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.508 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.510 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.510 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.510 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:20.510 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.513 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.538 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.539 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.540 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:20.540 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.542 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.577 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.577 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.578 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.579 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.579 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.581 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.609 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.610 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.610 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.610 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.611 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.611 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.612 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.647 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.647 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.648 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.649 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:20.649 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.651 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.674 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.676 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.677 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:20.677 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.680 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.707 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.708 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.709 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.709 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.711 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.739 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.739 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.741 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.741 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:20.741 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.743 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.772 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.774 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.774 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.774 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.777 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.811 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.811 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.813 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.813 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.813 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.813 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.813 14327 14356 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) GcaGeneric-1
identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:20.814 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.819 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.839 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.841 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.841 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:20.841 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.841 14327 14339 I com.shamim.cam: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
RunEmptyCheckpoint on ProfileSaver for 5.574ms
07-13 15:53:20.844 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.873 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.875 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.875 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.875 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.878 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.913 14327 14327 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=218581, downTime=218581, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
07-13 15:53:20.924 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.924 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:20.925 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.925 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 10 lines
07-13 15:53:20.925 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.928 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.938 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.939 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.939 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 3 lines
07-13 15:53:20.939 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.941 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:20.972 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:20.973 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.974 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:20.974 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:20.977 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.001 14327 14327 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=218683, downTime=218581, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
07-13 15:53:21.007 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.008 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.008 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.008 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.008 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.013 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.013 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.014 14327 14357 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) GcaGeneric-2
identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:21.014 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.038 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.039 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.039 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.039 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 4 lines
07-13 15:53:21.039 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.042 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for
com.google.android.apps.camera#com.shamim.cam failed
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: Package signed with unknown certificate (go/gsrlt)
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nlw.d(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nlw.c(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jor.c(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jor.e(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jor.b(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gao.c(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gap.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jvm.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nrk.c(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nqo.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nrl.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jvy.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jvx.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at juq.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: Package signed with unknown
certificate (go/gsrlt)
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bil.z(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jop.a(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jdr.f(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.r(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.q(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.h(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
jet.handleMessage(Unknown Source:921)
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jms.b(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
jms.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.056 14327 14357 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 15:53:21.089 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.090 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.090 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.090 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 10 lines
07-13 15:53:21.090 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.092 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.106 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.107 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.107 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 4 lines
07-13 15:53:21.107 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.114 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.138 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.141 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.141 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:21.141 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.145 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.176 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.178 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.179 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.179 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:21.179 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.187 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.213 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.216 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.216 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.216 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.220 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.221 14327 14356 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) GcaGeneric-1
identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:21.221 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.231 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.248 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.249 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.253 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.253 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.253 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.264 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.317 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-13 15:53:21.317 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.319 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.326 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.326 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 3 lines
07-13 15:53:21.326 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.327 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.327 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.327 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:21.328 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.328 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.328 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:21.328 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.356 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.358 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.358 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:21.358 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.365 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.372 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.373 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 15:53:21.374 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
07-13 15:53:21.377 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.377 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 4 lines
07-13 15:53:21.377 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.384 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.406 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.406 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.412 14327 14380 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 15:53:21.414 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.414 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.414 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.420 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.438 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.439 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.440 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 2 lines
07-13 15:53:21.440 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.442 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.445 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.445 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:21.445 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.446 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.446 14327 14356 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) GcaGeneric-1
identical 1 line
07-13 15:53:21.446 14327 14356 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.453 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.479 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.479 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.481 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.481 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.481 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.487 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.510 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.512 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.513 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 6 lines
07-13 15:53:21.513 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.518 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.539 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.545 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.545 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.545 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.552 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.577 14327 14439 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x78ec91ae28 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/9 (recycle/alloc) - 8/40
07-13 15:53:21.577 14327 14439 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
07-13 15:53:21.582 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.583 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.584 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.585 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.585 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.589 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.603 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.604 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.605 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 4 lines
07-13 15:53:21.605 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.610 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.637 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.638 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.639 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.639 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.639 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.639 14327 14357 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.646 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.671 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.671 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 2]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.672 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.673 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 7 lines
07-13 15:53:21.673 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.678 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.706 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.709 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.710 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 8 lines
07-13 15:53:21.710 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.716 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.745 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.745 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-13 15:53:21.747 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.747 14327 14409 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) pck-temporal-
bi identical 5 lines
07-13 15:53:21.747 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.747 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.747 14327 14409 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed:
07-13 15:53:21.764 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.788 14327 14327 W CAM_A : Duplicate call to stopModule; skipping
07-13 15:53:21.799 14327 14367 D AudioService:
07-13 15:53:21.802 14327 14460 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 15:53:21.802 14327 14460 I chatty : uid=10346(com.shamim.cam) identical 1
07-13 15:53:21.802 14327 14460 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#276]
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 15:53:21.803 14327 14460 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
07-13 15:53:21.803 14327 14460 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x78663d9428 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 0/5 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0
07-13 15:53:21.803 14327 14460 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2
0x78663d9428 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 5, 0% recycled; transfers: 0, 0%
07-13 15:53:21.806 14327 14327 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for com.google.android.libraries.performance.primes#com.shamim.cam, using
07-13 15:53:21.813 14327 14380 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
07-13 15:53:21.813 14327 14407 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for com.google.android.libraries.performance.primes#com.shamim.cam, may
result in stale flags.
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: Package signed with unknown certificate (go/gsrlt)
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nos.s(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nos.get(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nrn.l(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nql.x(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at lzt.c(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at lzr.run(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: Package signed with unknown
certificate (go/gsrlt)
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bil.z(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at jop.a(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at jdr.f(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at jep.r(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at jep.q(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at jep.h(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
jet.handleMessage(Unknown Source:921)
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at jms.b(Unknown
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
jms.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.817 14327 14483 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 15:53:21.819 14327 14409 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:865]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-13 15:53:21.820 14327 14382 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 164
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 163
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 161
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 162
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_YUV_420_888w640: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-2 for frame 161 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_RAW10w4000: Received onBufferLost from Stream-
3 for frame 162 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_YUV_420_888w640: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-2 for frame 162 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:21.821 14327 14382 W CAM_RAW10w4000: Received onBufferLost from Stream-
3 for frame 163 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:21.822 14327 14382 W CAM_YUV_420_888w640: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-2 for frame 163 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:21.822 14327 14382 W CAM_RAW10w4000: Received onBufferLost from Stream-
3 for frame 164 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:21.822 14327 14382 W CAM_YUV_420_888w640: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-2 for frame 164 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
07-13 15:53:22.578 14327 14439 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x78663d9228 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 3/9 (recycle/alloc) - 6/58
07-13 15:53:22.578 14327 14439 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
07-13 15:53:22.935 14327 14343 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-13 15:53:24.531 14327 14327 D WindowManager: trim threaded renderer complete
07-13 15:53:24.735 14327 14409 E native : jni_environment.cc:95 Failed to detach
current thread from the JVM. JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
07-13 15:53:27.579 14327 14439 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 0
07-13 15:54:06.263 14327 14440 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x78663d9228 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 3/9 (recycle/alloc) - 6/58
07-13 15:54:06.264 14327 14440 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2
0x78663d9228 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 9, 33% recycled; transfers: 58, 90%
07-13 15:54:06.264 14327 14440 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x78ec91ae28 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/9 (recycle/alloc) - 8/40
07-13 15:54:06.264 14327 14440 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2
0x78ec91ae28 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 9, 11% recycled; transfers: 40, 80%
07-13 15:54:11.266 14327 14439 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 2,
evicted: 0
07-13 15:55:00.188 14327 14364 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-13 15:55:02.040 14327 14343 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change

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