Citizenship Essay: by Nicholas
Citizenship Essay: by Nicholas
Citizenship Essay: by Nicholas
by Nicholas
The purpose of this essay is to outline what makes me a good citizen. In class we have discussed
and brainstormed the meaning of citizenship on the Smart Board. This discussion was the first
step of the writing process, commonly known as the prewriting stage. We decided as a group that
that citizenship has different meanings depending on the setting, for example, being a good
citizen can involve helping my neighbors take out the garbage if they are ill. Citizenship also
relates to elections because it is important to understand the goals of people running to be the
next president of the United States. At school, citizenship relates to the new citizenship standards
that will be on our report cards. Global citizenship relates to protecting our environment and
working to be "green", and we read an article about sustainability in class. This essay will focus
on three ways in which I am a good citizen. I will write what makes me a good citizen at school,
at home, and in my community where I live.
At school I am a good citizen because I pick up things for other people. I'm a good citizen
because I stop fights. I sometimes volunteer to take out the school’s trash. I like being very nice
too. At school I like playing with everybody because sometimes they won't have a lot of players
for sports so I play with them. I like to play sports because I want to be nice and because
sometimes they won’t know what to play, so I tell them a game we can play and they don't get
bored. At school I try not to go to the bathroom at school to keep water and to not waste it. When
I got to the bathroom I only wash my hands for thirty seconds and I only use one piece of paper.
This section talks about being a good citizen and being green. It also talks about being a good
citizen at school, helping others, and being green.
At Home:
In my neighborhood I am nice to everybody and sometimes I like feeding the animals. Whenever
my neighbor comes out of his house I always say hi and talk to him nicely. Sometimes I might
actually ask him if he needs any chores done. I help my other neighbors to take out the trash and
wash their dishes and things like that. Sometimes my friends are lonely and I would go to their
house and sometimes help them with their chores then play with them to make them happy. I
don’t always go to the bathroom for a long time or shower for thirty to fifty minutes. My sister
spends too much time in the bathroom. The other paragraphs talk about what we discussed in
class about being a global citizen and being sustainable. In my neighborhood I am a good citizen
because I’m nice to everybody and sometimes like feeding the animals that run by.
At Community:
Next, in the community where a live I am a good citizen because in the summer time I put up a
sign to offer a car wash. There are some friends that sell lemonade and I go get some to give
them money. In my neighborhood I would like to help more people and to be nice to them. I
would like to be someone that works with geothermal power, to help stop people from getting
sick in my community, and to help the world. I tell my neighbors to use less water. This
paragraph is about being a good citizen in my community and helping people.
This essay was about being a good citizen. For example being a good citizen means being green,
being a good citizen at school, at home, and in my community. These paragraphs also rephrased
how to protect the earth and how to conserve water. I listened about this with our class time and
on the Smart Board. You should always be a good citizen to people and your community.