"Patriotism Consists Not in Waving The Flag, But in Striving That Our Country Shhall Be "

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Patriotism consists not in waving the fag,but in striving that our

country shhall be
What does it mean to be patriotic? Patriotic means the love of or for someone's country. Patriotic can also be helping when
your country's in need. Some ways to help your country would be to go out and pick up trash to help clean up your
community, start a food drive for needy people, or just do whatever you can to make things better.
Patriot is one who loves and serves his own country as a loyal citien. !e is called a true patriot who loves his country and is
ready to sacrifice his all for her cause, and wholeheartedly works for the welfare of his motherland.
Patriotism to me, along with many others, means of course to have love for our homeland, our country, to support, serve and
defend, to be inspired by, to change for the better. "n the other hand, patriotism to some people is a superstition that is
artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods# a superstition that robs man of this self$respect
and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit. %nstead of being just a love of ones country, these people believe that
the patriotic individual is blinded by what the government is telling us.
% believe that there are different levels of patriotism. &o have patriotism and to love the country that you where born and live,
to love the people around you and to want to wave the 'merican flag in your yard is to show your patriotism. &o hate people
of different races just because they aren(t from the land you love so much, or to go along with anything the government says
without understand it just because they say it will do your country good, all of this is not patriotic.
' true patriot will go to the war with a smiling face to sacrifice his life, if needed. !e will serve the poor and the distressed
people of his country out of compassion that arises from patriotism. !e will devote himself to the work of development of his
own people.
!e does not bother about his personal interests or gains, when he goes forward with his spirit of patriotism. ' true patriot is
worshipped by his countrymen. &hey shed tears when he dies, as if, he was one of their nearest relations.
Patriotism, for me, simply means love for one's country $ a supportive, respectful love that is big enough, and secure
enough, to also )uestion, challenge, and face the shadows of the past or present, without fear of rupturing that deeper
2. The impact of uman !ctivity on the "arth
Some people say human activity makes the *arth a better place to live. +ut actually as we want more comfort and fancy life,
we are actually damaging the *arth. &here are three general ways to harm the *arth, 'ir, Soil and "cean and we are
damaging all three of them.
,irstly, we ride our cars to go somewhere. %n my opinion, cars are mainly responsible for air pollution. 'ir pollution is one of
our most serious problems because we breathe everyday and even animals and plants need clean air. We all know that
burning diesel and gasoline really harms the *arth but not just that, when we turn on the air conditioner, we use ,reon gas
and when this ,reon gas goes up to the Stratosphere where the "one layer is. 'nd that ,reon gas destroys the "one
layer, so by that, we get more harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun that can cause our skin old or even cause skin cancer.
So, % suggest that we should take buses when we go to somewhere not that far away because it actually helps our "one
Secondly, we have soil pollution. % think when farmer uses agricultural chemicals to their crops, it damages the soil and it's
also bad for human if we eat vegetables with agricultural chemicals with them. %f we have a bad soil, vegetable's prices will
be increased because it's hard for the farmers to harvest successfully. ,urthermore, it's going to destroy many trees and it's
going to effect our air pollution. 'lso not just it causes the soil pollution, and air pollution, it can harm the "cean.
-astly, the "cean pollution is important because we have lots of animals that live in the ocean and the water that we drink
everyday is from ocean or river.
&here is an argument over the issue of whether human activity is damaging the *arth. Some people think that things
humans are doing hurt the planet# but others hold the opposite view and believe positive contribution of human activity to the
*arth. 'lthough the human contribution is no doubt, from my point of view, it is also undeniable that humans are harming the
,irstly, human industrial activities are seriously affecting the environment. .onsidering this issue, industrial plants probably
hold a main responsibility. *arth must be saved because it's that we can not live without/
#. The infuence of $o%ern Technology on &ociety
&echnology is very much a part of modern life. 0any people see technology as force that has escaped from human control.
"thers feel that technology has improved the )uality of life.
&he world in which we are living has changed a lot comparing to the world there our great grandparents were living. 'll the
work, studies and the rest of the stuff that we were doing ourselves have now becomes a very different.
1owadays, usage of technology can be seen as a necessity to almost everyone in the modern society. %t is deemed to be
able to improve the )uality of people(s lives.
&echnology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. %t helps define society and determines how one
interacts with others on a daily basis. &echnology has both positive and negative affects on society including the possible
improvement or declination of society.
1obody can deny that the advancement in technology over the years has made our lives easier.
&he issue of technology being a part of modern life is a controversial one. Some feel that the contribution of technology has
made a positive impact in modern life and that technology helps improve the )uality of life. "thers see that contribution of
technology has negatively impacted modern life and that technology is a force that has escaped from human control. %
believe that the contribution technology has made to modern life has been positive# technology helps improve productivity in
manufacturing, )uality of life, and education. -astly, technology helps improve school. .omputers are used by schools
across the country to help improve student learning ability. .omputer simulation is used in flight school to allow students
learning to fly without risks of accidence. Schools use computers in testing environment to allow students taking self$
assessment test and getting instant feedback. 0any students use the internet for research or getting online help. +ut also
the modern technology is a danger to our society. ' good e2ample of how the technology helps us save time and energy are
the emails. Without it we would still send paper letters and spend a lot of time and paper on this.
'. Parents are the best teachers
Parents are best teachers, advisers and supporters to every people in this world. &hey are the one who loves us
unconditionally and gives their fullest to us. &heir love and support makes a child into a mature, respectable and organied
man. ,rom day one of our lives, parents are the one who cares and molds us in every step of our lives.
Parents teach us to walk our first step, speak our first word and see the world through their eyes. &hey give guidance in our
studies, teach us good manners, shape us in teen age and show us vision of life and our goal.
0other and father are in constant contact with their children, so automatically the children are drawn to what parent tell them
in their daily lives. 's everyone say that there is parent3s effort, determination and love behind successful man. &hey make
us a perfectly shaped coin from an unmolded piece of metal.
"n the other hand, an academic teacher helps us in our studies and e2tracurricular activities but parents are more influential
than teachers. *ven though some prefer their teacher over parents, in my opinion, parents are best of all teachers. &eacher
are not constantly watching each and every disciples, they have responsibilities of many and have to share knowledge to all.
*ach and every disciple cannot get access to teacher personally. &eachers keep on changing according to the level of
studies, so for some there will never be enough time to understand their students to train them according to their capacities.
We can see biasness in some institute, like giving priority to intelligent one and not concerning weaker one, even though
these things are seen rarely but it happens.
&hus, as parents play key role in our lives, % agree with the point that parents are the best teachers of our lives.
(. !rt is )ong , )ife is &hort
'rt $ 1*W ideas, visions, inspirations $ is surely the only thing that can bring about societal evolution.
%f you want to argue the point and say, 41o, it's not art, it's religion, or philosophy that brings about societal evolution/4 %
would take you back to the beginning and my definition of art, which is a new idea, an inspiration, a vision.
5ou need art for problem solving. 5ou need art for genesis of new projects that have never e2isted before. 5ou need art for
personal evolution which may involve some form of self healing or self discovery, improving one's understanding of the
6niverse, becoming more intelligent, becoming more human.
'rt has been a part of our life for as long as humanity has e2isted. ,or thousands of years people have been creating,
looking at, criticiing, and enjoying art. 'rt is something for those who are not with open eyes, but with open minds. 'rt can
be a reflection of one(s idea brought into the world through painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, architecture, and many
other ways. 'rt has been called works of e2ceptional physical beauty . 7illian &reacy said, 8'rt doesn(t have to be beautiful
because everyone(s idea of beautiful is different, not all ideas are beautifully pleasing to the eye, and not all art is meant to
be pretty.9 +eauty means something different to everyone and cannot be defined, therefore art cannot be defined.
% feel that art is something that is ever$changing and can be interpreted based on an individual(s personal beliefs and
e2pectations. &he most beautiful e2pression of human thoughtis art. %ts beginnings are lost in the mists ofhistory. 't the
moment we know all the steps she went through art. We know that prehistoric
people e2press their beliefs, sentimenetele anddescribing their way of life and left a legacythrough art followers.
,or me art is a part of the soul, without dancing and without painting % could note2press what % feel, it is that piece of
happiness,of love that truly deserve to live. -ife is short therefore art should be cherished and worked for a more
prosperous, for it deserves.
*. ! person that i respect an% a%mire
0ovie stars and singers, who make a lot of money and are famous, are teenager(s admiration. !owever, they don(t even
know the person or their personality. &o me admiration is a kind of respect. +ut there aren(t a lot of people in this world who
have that kind of respect from me. 0y mother is the only person who had entered my life and made me look at things
% admire some people, but my mom is my reason to live. She is the big hero in my life
% take pride in saying % admire my mother the most in my family. 0y 0other. She is like &he Sun in the Solar system and all
the rest of the family are like planets revolving around the Sun. She is a friend, philosopher and a mentor for me . % admire
my mother because she takes people for who they are and not what they were, she stays strong even when times are
rough, she is the one that can make u laugh when you are sad, she likes being independent,she makes the right choices in
life. She(s the reason why % am here today if it wasn(t for her % wouldn(t be me////// % admire my mom because she is my hero
in every way. She taught me right, and how to get through a lot of things in life. %n conclusion, % admire my mother because
she teaches me about life e2perience and she takes care of me before she can take care of her.
0y mother works so hard for our family and for my best. When % grow up % will take care of her as the way she did to me
right now.
% admire my mother because of her morals, some of the obstacles she has overcome, and for all she has done for me in my
life. She is simply different from all other parents. She is a psychologist.
She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be better every day. She is a good e2ample to me and % love her for
many more reasons. % admire my mom so much and % love her. She always can advise me. She wants good things for family
and it is good for me. % want to be like her with many goals in my life. 'nd %f we were far away our hearts will always be
0y mother is a person who taught me how to live life without feeling helpless and with pride. %(ve learned from her that
problems and sufferings are part of life and if they were not part of our life we wouldn(t know the real meaning of happiness.
Whenever % feel sad or upset and even when % feel so happy % always talk with her just to share it with her. 'lso, one of the
strongest reasons why % greatly admire her is her value, and respect she lives her life by.
,or me mother is perfect , is my ideal for which % would do anything to be with her always. % admire my mom, she taught me
lot as a teacher, she supports me as my best friend. %(m so pround to have her as my mom. % admire her and respect her and
also appreciate for what she did for me. % love my mom forever/
+. &tress, positive an% negative si%es of it
's human being, you need stress to thrive, e2cel and enjoy live. &his is called positive stress. !owever, positive stress can
become negative if it is not balanced and managed efficiently. 5our goal is to aim for a positive stress phase.
Stress leads to %ncreased creativity$not only in making or creating things but also in developing new ways to solve problems
or finding better ways of doing things , leads to
increased productivity at work and on a personal level , leads to a general feeling of wellbeing, happiness and joy. %t is your
birthright to lead a happy, fulfilled live during your stay here on earth leads to an immune system that functions optimally
and is able to resist illness, infections, and cancer. *ven if you are surrounded by people carrying all sorts of germs, you
simply will not become ill.
+ut stress leads to reduced productivity and creativity: nothing works the way it should. *verything is too much for you. 5ou
struggle or cannot find solution to problems. +ecause you are terrified of making the wrong decision, you end up not making
any decision at all. 5ou are unable to concentrate or remember things. ;epression starts in much the same way.. ' reduce
feeling of wellbeing, joy and happiness: you no longer enjoy anything and don't look forward to anything. *verything is a
burden. &hese symptoms can be precursors of depression unless you take proper precautions in time. 'll sort of unfortunate
things happen to you. 5ou become so preoccupied with the daily stress of living that, you are unable to focus or concentrate.
&his easily lead to car accidents, you drop and break things or lose them. 5ou cannot remember anything# you cut yourself
on a regular basis etc...5ou start avoiding social contact. Shunning people for a long period is also a sign of depression.
<emember that socialising is one of the basic human needs.
5our immune system functions poorly and suffers from colds, influena, allergies, chronic fatigue, an2iety etc... 6nless you
take the necessary steps to restore your e)uilibrium.&he ageing process accelerates because of the increased metabolism
associated with sustained, unmanaged stress. ,ree radicals and other waste products accumulate add cell activity
deteriorates resulting in premature age. We are profoundly affected by stress. 0any believe that stress is one of the most
destructive elements in our lives today. %n reality, it is the way we react to stress that causes us pleasure or pain. &he effects
of stress can be positive or negative. Positive stress is a motivator for improving lifestyle and negative stress can be
destructive to our health.
-. .oul% you li/e to stu%y abroa%0 .hy0
+esides the e2citement of travel, one reason to study abroad is that i will e2perience new customs, holidays, foods, art,
music, and politics firsthand. it is a life$changing e2perience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done.
Perhaps getting an overview of what you can learn from studying abroad can help you make your decision.
,or e2emples while studying abroad, you will not only meet a new culture, but also other international students who are far
from home and looking for friends from abroad, like you are. &his situation creates an e2cellent opportunity to build new and
long$lasting friendships.
&here is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to study in a country in which the language you would
like to ac)uire is spoken. 5ou will probably find learning the language very easy if you are surrounded by it.When you are
studying abroad, you will learn things about the world that you could not have learned at home. Some months after you have
returned home, you will understand the world in a much wider perspective and see it in a different way from what you
thought to be possible. .ultural differences are more than just differences in language, food or habits. &he real differences
come from somewhere beyond the immediately visible, and influence the way of understanding the world. 5ou cannot
understand it from reading a book or watching a &= show. "nly if you have been in a foreign country for a longer period of
time you can truly understand another culture. When you have studied abroad, you will return home with new ideas and
perspectives about yourself and your own culture. &he e2perience of studying abroad challenges you to reconsider your
current beliefs and values, alter or strengthen them. Study breaks and weekends let you travel and get to know the country
you are studying in. Since the studies can take place in a country completely different from your homeland, you are much
closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit. 5ou can organie a journey with your friends or
find that somebody else, for e2ample the students union or the university itself that organies an interesting trip. +eing in an
absolutely new environment can sometimes be scary but also very e2citing. 5ou will encounter situations that are absolutely
new to you. %t is an e2cellent possibility to learn to adapt and respond in efficient ways, discover new strengths and abilities,
con)uer challenges, and solve problems. &hese are skills that you will probably find most useful in your life.Studying abroad
can give you study choices you would never have had at your national universities. While studying abroad you may become
familiar with an entirely new way of teaching or learning. Studying abroad is likely to differ a lot from what you are used to in
your school. %t can be very useful to try other ways of teaching or learning as this helps to understand that there can be
several ways of doing something.
% totally agree with you. % would love to study abroad one day and see what's out there culturally and geographically. %'m an
engineering student, therefore % think it would serve me best if % travel and see what's been innovated and what's innovating
now. % get inspired when % travel, plus % love to travel. %t's a peaceful e2perience for me. % get to sleep, daydream, see people,
and the beautiful geography of a place.
% would definitely learn a lot, especially if %'m going to study engineering in a different country. % think 'ustria and <ussia and
.hina are recommended places to go for me. % hope % get to go, it would so awesome.
0ost of all, it's fun/ 5ou're not likely to suffer from sophomore slump or general boredom while you're studying in a different
learning environment.
1 .hat %o you thin/ the worl% will be li/e a hun%re% years from
%nteresting )uestion that, but % guess we all have wondered about this )uestion at one time or another. % actually think that
the environment would be in a far better place than it is right now. % know it is hard to be optimistic about the environment,
seeing how the developed and developing countries are at loggerheads on issues of climate change and how to tackle it. '
hundred years into the future, therefore, % see vast e2panses of land . % see the vast majority of cars running on water ,
causing no harm at all to the environment. % see that air travel >?? years in the future is not via the same fuel$guling
airplanes we have today. &hey have given way to alternate$fuelled airplanes, primarily powered by hydrogen$based fuel
Sensors in all moving vehicles, buses, trains, airplanes, cars, and even bicycles and motorcycles will no longer be subject to
crashes, due to this accident$avoidence system. People will have even more free time to talke walks, read books, and
&ransportation will have matured to the point of being able to reach any point on the planet within @ hours or less. !igh
speed rail, aircraft, and ground transportation will all have reached critical mass, and the entire transportation sub$systems
will be synchronied so that accidents have been totally eliminated.
Work as we know it will evolve even further, with robots doing ever more manual labor, cleaning, garbage collection, home
building, manufacturing and distribution will be automated to the point where only a few key individuals will be re)uired to
run society.
'dvances in health and medicine will have found cures for lukemia, cancer, and heart attack and stroke. ;octors will be
assisted by robotic nurses who can service over A? patients per hour. 1o longer will people suffer in recovery from surgery,
as the tools and electronics used in surgery will have evolved to the point of minimal invasive cutting and sewing up of
human tissues.
'ctually think that the environment would be in a far better place than it is right now. % know it is hard to be optimistic about
the environment, seeing how the developed and developing countries are at loggerheads on issues of climate change and
how to tackle it.
'll of the above changes can only occur, if we are diligent today, in the way we are treating our planet. Pollution will need to
be eliminated. <e$processing of all organic or industrial waaste will re)uire technologies still being invented.
12. ! man is never too ol% to learn
0an is never too old to learn, yet, on the other side goes to live without all the e2periences possible. So we always learn
something, regardless ofage. With every moment lived, we accumulate more e2perience. +ut do not live forever, so
they learn all. +eing human intellect knows no bounds, he can capture infinitely more information and has the ability to put
into practice in a useful or not. 0an learns all the time, every moment of his life, but what is most important is to realie what
is rightand what is wrong with his teachings. &heteacher can teach any man, the harder it is to keep the good
and useful account of what you learn.
's we grow older we grow both more foolish and wiser at the same time.We get too soon old and too late smart.
' man must have grown old and lived long in order to see how short life is.1ever too old to learn.
% believe that one is never too old to learn something new. %f there is a desire, there is nothing you can not do. &he old
saying, you can not teach old dog new tricks, does not apply to me.
So, we have to learn. "therwise, we will live behind the development. 0oreover, age just determines the state of human life
and physical development, but knowledge does not increase by age if we don(t learn. ,urthermore, there is no rule that say
old people cannot learn, but everyone can learn if they want to improve their knowledge. &he more people learn, the more
they know. "n the other hand, many firms and employers don(t employ people base on age, but they need the intelligent,
knowledge and e2perienced people to work for them. 's you can see, in our school not only young people that can be the
students, but also old people. %n addition, sometimes old people may learn faster than young people because they have
more e2perience in real life and deep thought with high analysis on event or situation. &hus, people want to improve their
*ducation even they are old or young. 'll in all, in my opinion, % think age is not a problem for the entire learner. 1o matter
they are old or young is not important, but their intention to learn is valued.
11. The story that impresse% me gretly
Some days ago, % came across a newspaper, and so read in it a story which inspired me a great deal. %t was about a boy
who cycled >?? kilometres to !o .hi 0inh .ity to attend the entrance e2am to 6niversity.
&hat boy, called !ung, was from a poor family in &ien Biang Ca province in the Southern area of =ietnamD. !is parents were
both farmers, and it was too hard for them to afford their son's desire to study. !owever, the determined boy did not
surrender. -acking money for transportation, he had to cycle all the way of >?? kilometres from his town to !o .hi 0inh .ity,
carrying nothing but some &et cake and bottles of mineral water prepared at home. 'rriving in the .ity, !ung could not find
any apartment cheap enough to rent, so he spent his first night in the open air in a park. -uckily, earlier in the ne2t morning,
a kind man, who was going jogging, saw the poor boy and took him in, even when his family of seven people had to share a
tiny apartment of only E? meters s)uare.
&he story really left a great influence on me. % had not ever thought there would be such a hard working student. &here are
many e2amples of poor girls and boys who have been struggling to study, certainly, but what impressed me most in
thisstory is !ung's determination. ,or me, travelling such a long way without a motor vehicle must be impossible# he
proved that it is totally possible. 0oreover, he could manage to stay alone with little money in a big city like that. % myself
spent three days in !a 1oi to attend the entrance e2am, and % do not know how % could manage there without the help of my
parents. 1ow % realie that % should learn to be more independent. Someday maybe % will be in a situation like him, alone in a
strange city, so trying to stand on my own feet is the only way to 'survive'.
'll in all, % greatly appreciate the boy's determination. %ndirectly, he taught me a valuable lesson: there are situations in
life that are hard to undergo, but nothing is impossible as long as we try to.
12. The worl% you live in
We live in a world full of hate and deceit. 0any of us just stand aside and ignore what happens around us. What if, even for
just one day, we really stopped to look? !ow many lives could be saved? !ow many people might not feel so alone
anymore? We are all well aware of the kids that sit by themselves during lunch or that never have a partner in class.
We live in a world that is full of risk, risks that we to a large degree have created ourselves, and where naturally occuring risk
hardly e2ists anymore. &hat is a risk society.
+ut still on this earth there is something really nice, trust, patience, respect and others, but without love % do not think there
is life, there would be nothing. "thers do not know what they think about the world and times we live.1o doubting me % can
not very well and therefore do not believe they can deliver a fair trial, but % know me all right in the bosom of my familyknow
that we were and are raised with love and patience and % wantparents my be proud of me when % get big.
&he world seems to be more sad, more indifferent, but still there is that special something that gives us hope and trust that
everything will be better, more beautiful.
&here is an abundance of beauty and good in the world, but it still has plenty of problems. &he world could be made better.
0any of us would like to help build a better world, but taking on the whole world as a project can certainly seem
overwhelming. Where does one even begin? 'nd what can one person with simple resources actually do? Well, good news/
&here really is an easy answer/ -isted below are five things that anyone can do to help build a better world. 1ow, the actual
work may not be easy...but it will be challenging and rewarding. 'nd it will also likely be a lot of fun.
&he world is diverse aiming at something beautiful and perfect forsomething pure.
1#. .hat are the main sources of pollution within the global
Pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems but still many people do not take pollution problem seriously as they
should be. 0any people still think that we can dump our garbage all over the planet without any conse)uences which is not
true. Since the start of industrial revolution we have been continuously heavily polluting our planet, caring only for economic
development, and not caring at all for the health of environment we live in. Such lack of ecological conscience has caused
severe pollution across the whole planet. -evels of air, sea, and water pollution are e2tremely high, and are constantly
growing because industry isn(t letting go.
Pollution is basically a form of environmental destruction. !armful gases and particles, different types of garbage and waste
that is dumped each day into our environment is destroying inheritance that 0other 1ature left us.
&he main sources of pollution are definitely industry and vehicles. !eavy industries based on fossil fuels are especially
dangerous for our environment, and if we take a look at .hina and %ndia for instance we can see that rapid economic
development actually has rather high environmental price. !eavy pollution not only makes our environment ugly but is also
the source of many respiratory and waterborne diseases across the south$east 'sia that are taking many human lives year
after year.
;espite the major efforts that have been made over recent years to clean up the environment, pollution remains a major
problem and poses continuing risks to health. &he problems are undoubtedly greatest in the developing world, where
traditional sources of pollution such as industrial emissions, poor sanitation, inade)uate waste management, contaminated
water supplies and e2posures to indoor air pollution from biomass fuels affect large numbers of people.
Pollution has become a major issue over the years because it contaminates the *arth(s environment and affects human
health. While some environmental pollution is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by
human activities. &he increase of various types of pollution has made cancer pollutant more prevalent among the people,
raising the risk of getting cancer. 'fter being e2posed to theses pollutants, the effects may be immediate or delayed. Some
of the delayed effects, due to the e2posure, can go unnoticed for many years. 'nother major issue that pollution creates is
the tremendous cost for preventing and cleaning it up.
&o regulate pollution, we first have to have an idea of what type of effects it will have on the general population and then
determine the acceptable amount of e2posure level. Since the specific risk here is that the individual will get cancer, after
being e2posed to a pollutant, possibly leading to their death, we have to consider a few factors such as age, se2, and their
health status.
1'. &houl% one ma/e important %ecision alone 0
;ecision$ making is a common phenomenon each one of us undergoes in our daily life. !ence it is very important to make a
correct decision. +ut % have a missed feeling when it comes to the choice of making a decision collectively or as a single
person. % feel that the decision making process cannot have its hard and fast rules but has to be tailor made to suit a
situation. !ence a decision may have to be personally made or in consultation with others as demanded by the situation.
*veryday we have to make many decisions, some important and others less. We often have the help of some friends or our
family that suggest to us how to act and what to do. % am well aware that to be helped by others in our important decisions
has many advantages. !owever, % believe that we should always follow our mind and not listen to others. 0y arguments are
listed as follows.
&he first point % would like to make is that people could be wrong and if we followed their suggestions we could make
mistakes and take the wrong way. ;ue to this fact, % strongly believe that our important decisions should not be spoiled by
the mistakes of others even if who helps us is a very close friend or a member of our family. ,or instance, a friend of mine
was in two minds when he was choosing what to do after the high school. !e was afraid to do the wrong thing so his father
decided for him and he started a medicine school. 6nfortunatly, after some e2ams he recognied that he wanted to do
something else, but it was too late.
Secondly, % think that making decisions alone we can gain important e2perience for our near future. 's a matter of fact, this
way of acting opens up the possibility to be face to face with the real life and conse)uentially we are prepared to do the right
thing. Surely this way is painful and hard because we have to make several mistakes before take the right path. !owever, in
the end we can appreciate how selfconfident and indipendent we are.
,rom what we have discussed above, % personally can draw the conclusion that it would be better to make an important
decision by ourselves. 's a matter of fact, acting in this way we can gain important e2perience and we always act following
our mind.
1(. )ife in a silent village versus life in a large mo%ern
%n .ertain cases, never cross your mind that .ity life is better than village life. !owever, there are so many advantages and
disadvantages in city life and village life, also there is a big differ in the lifestyle with a little similarities. <eality, city life is
more comfortable and civiliation. 's will as there are a lot of chances to developing the live.
,irstly, in .ity life there is a good opportunity for a young people make theme start them life with a high salary because the
big companies located in the cities, in addition, a good education for children because there are better school than in the
village, also, a convenient homes, large shop comple2ions, banks, offices, hotels, and hospitals. ,urthermore, a lot of things
that cannot may in the village. "n the contrary, there are people who prefer to live in the village because they love the village
life with its healthy clean air and fresh products and they cannot live in cities, but almost they are usually the elderly.
'lthough living in the city has many advantages there are some disadvantages too, the cost of the living is very high in the
city, the city is always noisy, no fresh air and pure water. So it is hard to lead a healthy life. "n other hand the village the
undeveloped area for e2ample, we cannot easily get many facilities the insufficient medical and education facilities, few
opportunities to make money, little entertainment, no or little public transportation, also less facilities than a big city offers.
"ver all there are some similarities between both locations with big differences. +ut for each lives there is lovers who cannot
switches lives to the other city, at the end, % see that -iving in a village near the city is the best way to combine the benefits
of this two lives.
&he inhabitants of countryside are always bound by a sense of community, but they also suffer from being cut off from the
e2citing outside world. &hey have the advantage of knowing that there is someone to turn to when they need help and
some ideal places to go when they need to be alone. &he life is simple but coy enough..+ut the inconvenient transportation
and underdevelopment
of economy deprive villagers the possibility of going to a new show or a latest movie, and make shopping a major problem.
.ity life may breed a scaring feeling of isolation but it can also focus people(s attention. -iving in the tower blocks, all people
can see from the window is sky and the concrete building jungle. Bradually they tend to hide their feelings and don(t even
say hello to the neighbors. !owever, compared to the countryside, the city is a center of fashion and events, and an ocean
of opportunities and material prosperity. +esides, the life in the city does not come to an end at ten at night like it does in the
%nstead of distinguishing one from the other, we can integrate country life with city life. +ecause the combination of the
sense of belonging and the feeling of superiority will e2ert a profound meaning in a person(s whole life.
1*. The importance of $useums in the 3ultural 4evelopment of a
0useum, institution dedicated to helping people understand and appreciate the natural world, the history of civiliations, and
the record of humanity(s artistic, scientific, and technological achievements. 0useums collect objects of scientific, aesthetic,
or historical importance# care for them# and study, interpret, and e2hibit them for the purposes of public education and the
advancement of knowledge.
0useums stem from the age$old human desires to preserve cultural identity# gain social, political, and economic status# and
pursue knowledge.
0useums provide a uni)ue interactive e2perience of getting up close to things we usually only see in books, newspapers or
on the television. Seeing the 0ona -isa for e2ample, is a totally different e2perience to seeing one of the millions of printed
versions# the perception you get of something from a second$hand source is often completely different to the one you get
when you see something with your own eyes.
+esides research and conservation essential to the museum in contemporary society is education. &his museum is a
comple2 activity, contributing to both publiceducation and the development of imagination and sensitivity.0useum offers
through its permanent and temporary e2hibitions a total wealth of knowledge grouped in an organied system.
=iewed from this angle, he meets and as a center, giving visitors arange of current information in an attractive and
lively, very accessible.+y organiing an e2hibition, the museum can stimulate thinking, spiritof observation, logical deduction,
etc.. &hirdly, especially art museumshave an important role in the development of imagination andsensitivity.
1+. ealth is the 5rst an% the 6reatest of all 7lessing
' stunning )uotation tells 4*ach man is a creator of temple called the human body4
Bod create the man in his likeness. !e gave us the soul. !e gave us the body. !e made the world in such way that we have
all we need. +ut the greatest of all the gifts !e done is our health. Bod also gave us the opportunity to be our own gods in
our physical temples.
,rom the moment we was born,our soul and body was perfectly health. ;uring our life we can become healthy or sickly. %t
depends on ourselves.
+ut let think why our health is the first and the greatest of the blessings?
%f we analye one of our room$flowers we observe two things. %f the flower's leafs are a beautiful green colour and the corola
is bright and pleasant colored it sign us that the flower is live.%t absorbs the sunlight and breath through the leafs. %f the
flower shows yellow stains it seems it is sick and the vital energy is at the end.
&he similar situation is with the human body. +eing health the man is capable to walk,to breath,to laugh,to smell etc. While
we fall ill we are limited in our actions. +ut actions compose the life. &o enjoy the life we need to do all the actions, especially
those that are essential as breathing,feeling,walking,eating,talking etc.
&hat's why the topping of all blessings is health,because it gives us the chance for live but not for e2istence.+ut why the
world was created for? ,or the life of course.
Bood health is a great gift as healthy person can enjoy life to the fullest and bear every hardships easily to
overcome all his problems while bad health is a problem itself which renders one incapable living a satisfied life so
we all must take care of our health . Bood health is a great gift as healthy person can enjoy life to the fullest and
bear every hardships easily to overcome all his problems while bad health is a problem itself which renders one
incapable living a satisfied life so we all must take care of our health .
1-. .hat features of "nglish !merican e%ucation woul% you li/e to
intro%uce into the system of e%ucation in $ol%ova0
'merican children start school at the age of five years. &he first year at school is called kindergarten. %t is re)uired of all
'merican children enrolled in the 'merican education system. &he second year at school is considered the first year of
primary school and is referred to as first grade. %n 'merica, the word grade has two meanings: the score achieved on an
e2am or in a course, and a year of education in primary or secondary school. Primary school most commonly consists of five
years of education, referred to as first through fifth grades.
6pon completion of fifth grade, 'merican children enrolled in the 'merican education system advance to secondary school.
Secondary school most commonly consists of a total of seven years, referred to as si2th through twelfth grades. &he ninth
through twelfth grades are most commonly referred to as high school. 6pon completion of twelfth grade, 'merican students
are awarded a certificate called the high school diploma. %n the 'merican education system, students must have obtained a
high school diploma before they are admitted into college or university. ,oreign students who would like to attend an
'merican college or university must have completed coursework that is e)uivalent to what is taught at an 'merican high
school. ,oreign students who would like to attend an 'merican high school, need to consider how the high school they
select will give them access to the best colleges. 5ou can also learn about some of the finest boarding schools in the
'merican education system.
Students who have completed high school and would like to attend college or university must attend what is referred to as
an undergraduate school. &hese are schools that offer either a two$year degree or a four$year degree in a specific course of
study. &hat course of study is called the major. While most schools that offer a four$year degree will admit students who
have not yet chosen a major, all students are re)uired to select a major by their second year at school. Students who
complete an associate degree can continue their education at a four$year school and eventually complete a bachelor
Students who have obtained a bachelor's degree can continue their education by pursuing one of two types of degrees. &he
first is a master's degree. &his is usually a two$year degree that is highly specialied in a specific field. Students are
sometimes admitted to a master's degree program only if they have a bachelor's degree in a closely related field.
.ertain courses of study are only available at the graduate school level in 'merica. &he most notable of these are law,
dentistry, and medicine. Students who want to pursue a degree in one of these fields must first obtain a bachelor's degree.
%n my opinion such a system of education wouldbe welcome in 0oldova for a greater interest0aire and to be better.
11. ! roun% the worl% Trip
%f someone offered to pay all my e2penses for a month's holiday anywhere in the world, % would feel very surprised and
e2cited. %t would be difficult to decide where % wanted to go. Should % go to one place or lots of different places? %f % went to
one country, % could see and understand a lot about it. %f % went to lots of countries, my holiday would be more interesting and
more e2citing. % think % would decide to fly around the world and to visit three different countries. &he countries % would visit
would be 'ustralia, the 6nited States of 'merica and Fenya.
%f % went to 'ustralia, % would stay there for about two weeks. % am sure it would be very interesting to visit a country which is
so different from my own. +efore % went there, % would write one of my 'ustralian friends. % would suggest that if it were
possible, he should spend a week with me visiting 'boriginal tribes in the northern part of 'ustralia. % would really like to find
out how the 'boriginal people live in 'ustralia today.
%f % went to the 6nited States % would stay there about a week. % e2pect % would start by visiting 1ew 5ork. % have heard that
1ew 5ork is a very e2citing city. % imagine that there are lots of interesting things tourists like very much, that the buildings
are greatly out of the ordinary and that the food is very varied. 'fter % had stayed two or three days in 1ew 5ork, % would fly to
San ,rancisco. % hope % could stay with my relations who live there and % would visit the city and other parts of .alifornia.
,inally, % would fly to Fenya where % would stay for about a week. &here are three things % would like to do in Fenya.
!owever most beloved and biggest dream isParis. &o see the famous *iffel &ower, the mostbeautiful and romantic place.
22. $others of all times an% nations resemble each over

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