A Study On Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Online Shopping in Bangalore

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Conference Proceeding Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development

(IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, www.ijtrd.com

A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards
Online Shopping in Bangalore
Veena.P and 2Namrata Rani.K,
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,
Sri Aurobindo College, Bangalore, India

Abstract: Today‟s world is based on information and Consumer behavior is dynamic and interacting in nature. The
technology and internet has been proved to be the most three components such as cognition, affect and behavior of
powerful media for exchange of thoughts and knowing about individuals alone or in groups keeps on changing. There is a
world easily. Due to the easy access of internet facilities and continuous interplay and interaction between the three
busy schedule of people in Bangalore, they are making use of components themselves and with the environment. This
online shopping as it is convenient for them in many ways. impacts consumption pattern and behavior and it keeps on
Online shopping is a process of buying goods and services evolving and it is highly dynamic. The study of consumer
over the internet. With the help of World Wide Web online behavior deals with understanding consumption patterns and
retailers can sell their products to people who purchases behavior of consumers. Online shopping behavior is affected
online. Consumers sitting at one place can buy a huge variety by determinants such as age, customer experience, net
of items from online. Online shopping has grown to the huge connectivity, transportation, reliable delivery system,
extent over the years throughout the world. This research is perception, attitude, learning and decision making, education
undertaken to know the reasons for online shopping, to analyze level of consumers. The research is undertaken keeping in
the risk involved in online shopping and also to understand the view buying behavior of common people of Bangalore towards
consumer attitude towards online shopping and their online shopping. Computer knowledge places vital role in this
satisfaction. Survey is conducted through a self constructed matter.
questionnaire of 120 respondents from Bangalore. Random
sampling technique is used to select the respondents and they Factors influencing the growth of online shopping in
belong to different age group, students, professionals, business Bangalore:
people, homemakers etc. Data gathered are analyzed and
interpreted with the help of simple percentage, table, graph and 1. Access: A single online store can reach any potential
charts. The findings of this study has provided that due to easy customer with an internet connection.
access of internet facilities and as it is more convenient for 2. Easy & comfort: All required information is
shopping online compared to conventional shopping people in available on the internet for the customer.
Bangalore are moving towards online shopping. However, 3. Search option: This option enhance the buying
inability to touch & feel the products, phishing scams. experience of customer. It is convenient to find items
Deceptions are the most disliking factors for online shoppers according to the needs of the customers.
and satisfaction level of the online shoppers are not upto the 4. User friendly: The execution of transactions happens
mark. The study recommended that if the business people online so their if though disconnect between the
come up with creative strategies to overcome disliking factors desire purchase & the ability to purchase.
they can gain competitive advantage and can provide complete 5. Offers variety of products, low price, easy for
satisfaction to customers and retain online shoppers. comparison of product feature, better offers, saves
time & energy, easy online payments, flexible time.
Keywords: - Consumers, Online Shopping, Disliking Factors,
Convenient, Internet Most of the people residing in Bangalore are migrated from
other parts of the country. As Bangalore city is called as
I. INTRODUCTION silicon city & IT, BT city people come here in search of their
Due to the advancement in the field of information and livelihood & settles here. So, online shopping is more used by
technology, the concept of online shopping is gaining such kind of people in Bangalore as it avoids visiting physical
importance day-by-day. Bangalore a capital city of Karnataka stores in busy schedules
is growing at the fastest rate in the field of online shopping as Various Challenges involved in online shopping:
it is easy solution for busy life. Today life is occupied with lot
of activities. There is little or no time for a person to physically 1. Shopping is still a touch –feel-see-hear experience in
visit a store to make purchases, this has made a person to seek Bangalore
alternative ways of shopping. Now people prefer to buy things 2. Mode of payment related issues: there is always a
online, pay bills using credit or debit card, want things at their possibility of misuse of the card details
door steps at a discounted and competitive price. Especially 3. Technical issues: Technical problems like security &
youngsters in Bangalore are experimenting with new ways of confidentiality of information, speed of internet,
shopping that have led to the popularity and growth of online disconnection of internet during transaction, lack of
shopping in Bangalore. navigation standards, lack of computer knowledge &
awareness about benefits of online shopping.
Online shopping is a retail format in which the retailer and However, business should struggle to retain customers due to
customer communicate with each other through an interactive lack of face to face communication.
electronic network. Consumers sitting at one place can buy a
huge variety of items from online.
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Huseynov and Yildirim (2014):- Emphasized that the lack of
National conference on Economic Slowdown: Measures to Revive the Paranoid (ESMRP-19) Organised by Department of
Commerce and Management, Kairalee Niketan Golden Jubilee Degree College, 25th September 2019 1|Page
Conference Proceeding Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development
(IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, www.ijtrd.com
physical interaction tends to be the critical impediment in
No 40 33%
online retail sales followed by the privacy of individual
information and security of financial transactions over the Total 120 100%
internet. Analysis:-
Demangeot and Broderick (2010):- Their research revealed From the above table we can analyze that 67% of respondents
that perceived ease of use does not affect the behavioral have internet access and 33% does not have internet access.
pattern in this case rather influenced by security and privacy
issues. No relationship is built between the customer and the percentage
online shopping in the presence of perceived online risk.
Hoque, Ali and Mahfuz (2015):- Consumer attitudes toward
online shopping usually been determined by 2 factors: one is
trust, and another is perceived benefits. Therefore, trust and
yes no
perceived benefits seem to be the critical conjectures of
consumer behavior toward online shopping. 67%


It is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify
select, process and analyze information about topic.
3.1 Objectives of the Study:
1. To study the reasons for online shopping
2. To analyze the risk involved in online shopping
3. To understand consumer attitude towards online
shopping and their satisfaction. Interpretation:-

3.2. Statement of the problem: From the above chart we can infer that most of the respondents
in Bangalore have got access to internet.
Bangalore is one of the fastest growing cities when compared
to the other places in the country. Bangalore has high internet 2. How offently you are going for online shopping?
penetration, but still not in par with the global market in terms No .of
of utilization of internet for online shopping purpose. Particulars Percentage
3.3 Sources of information: Frequently 60 50%
Primary sources: - The first hand information is collected Once in 6
25 21%
from the respondents directly through self constructed months
questionnaire and through personal interaction. Once in a year 15 12%
Secondary Sources: - Secondary source of information was Never bought
20 17%
gathered from published documents, websites, reference online
books, journals. Total 120 100%
Sample unit:-For studying consumer buying behavior towards
online shopping samples were randomly selected from Analysis:-
Bangalore city. From the above we can study that 50% of the people are going
Sample size: - 120 respondents were selected from Bangalore for online shopping frequently and 17% of them have never
city of different age group and profession. purchased through online and 12% go for online shopping
once in a year.
Statistical tools: - Data gathered from respondents are
analyzed and interpreted with the help of simple percentage,
table, graph and charts. 60% Series1
3.4 Limitations of the study:-
1. Information is gathered only from urban population
2. Variables identified in this study may not be 50%
sufficient 20%
3. Time constraint for the detail study. 21% 17%
1. Do you have internet access?
No .of
Particulars Percentage
Yes 80 67%

National conference on Economic Slowdown: Measures to Revive the Paranoid (ESMRP-19) Organised by Department of
Commerce and Management, Kairalee Niketan Golden Jubilee Degree College, 25th September 2019 2|Page
From the above chart we can interpret that most of the people
are going for online shopping on regular basis and few of them
have never experienced online shopping.
3. Age wise distribution of customers going for online 17% convineance
shopping? 48% time saving
No .of low price comparability all of the above
Particulars Percentage
Respondents 10%
Less than 20 years 18 15%
Between 20-50 years 70 58%
Between 50-75 years 20 17%
More than 75 years 12 10%
Total 120 100%
Analysis: - we can interpret from the above chart that majority of the
From the above table it is clear that 58% of people belonging people agree that they go for online shopping for all factors
to the age group 20-50 are the online shoppers.17% of online such as convenience, time saving, low price and comparability.
shoppers belongs to age group 50-75 and 10% of them belongs 5. What is the main disliking factor and risk involved in
to the age group more than 75 years. online shopping?
No. of
less than 20 years Particulars Percentage
10% between 20-50 years
15% Technical
between 50-75 years more than 75 years problem 25 21%

17% Inability to
40 33%
touch and feel
Fake online
30 25%
Phishing scams 25 21%
Total 120 100%
58% Analysis:-
From the above table we can study that 33% of the people say
that inability to touch and feel the product in online shopping
is one of the disliking factors, 21% go with technical problems,
We can infer from the above chart that people belonging to age 25% say that more risk is towards fake online stores and 21%
group 20-50 years are mainly using online for their shopping agree that phishing scam is the major risk involved in online
and less percentage of customers in the age group more than shopping.
75years are using online shopping.
35% 33%
4. What are the important reasons for online shopping? Series1
No .of 30%
Particulars Percentage
Respondents 25%
Convenience 20 17% 25%
21% 21%
Time saving 20 17% 20%
Low price 12 10%
Comparability 10 8% 15%
All of the above 58 48%
Total 120 100%
Analysis:- 5%
From the above table we can analyze that 17% of the consumer
agree that convenience and time saving are the reason they go 0% Technical Inability to Fake online Phishing
for online shopping. 10% and 8% of them say that low price problem touch and stores scams
for product easy comparability are the reasons for online feel
shopping and 48% of them agree that all the factors are
considered for online shopping.
Interpretation:- We can infer from the above chart that majority of the
customer say that inability to touch and feel the product is one
of the major disliking factor and all other respondents agree Analysis:
that the technical problem, fake online stores, phishing scams
are the risk involved in online shopping. From the above table we can analyze that 46% of consumer
going for online shopping are professionals, 29% are business
6. Which of the following measures you are using to reduce people and 17% are students and only 8% are home makers
risk in online shopping? going for online shopping.
No .of Percentage
Respondents students
Use strong 24% professionals
password home makers business people
Beware of fake 25% 17%
Save the evidence, 26%
then log out
Use credit card
instead of debit 30 25%
Total 120 100%
Analysis:- 46%
We can analyze from the above table that 30% of online
shoppers are saving evidence and their beware of fake
websites and where as 29% and 30% of them are using strong
password and Credit Cards.
use strong password We can infer from the above chart that major online shoppers
are professionals and only less percentage of home makers
beware of fake are using online for shopping.
save the evidence then 24% log out8. What factors motivates you to buy products online?
25% use credit card instead No. of
of debit card Particulars Percentage
Trust 25 21%
Perceived benefits 65 54%
Online shopping
16 13%
26% 25% Web design 14 12%
Total 120 100%
We can study from the above table that 54% of the online
shoppers agree that perceived benefit is the factor that
motivates them to buy product online, 21% say it is trust and
It is clear from the above graph that online shoppers are using 13% agree it is for online shopping experience and 12% say
different measures in order to overcome risk involved in online that web design motivates them to go for online shopping.
7. Which category of people is going for online shopping? 54%
No .of
Particulars Percentage 40%
Respondents 21%
Students 20 17% 13% 12%
Professionals 55 46%
Home makers 10 8%
Business people 35 29%
Total 120 100%
Interpretation:- we can interpret from the above chart that Respondents
benefits derived from online shopping is considered to be one
Fully satisfied 20 17%
of the major motivational factor for online shopping
9. Are you satisfied with online shopping? Satisfied 60 50%
No .of
Particulars Percentage
Not satisfied 40 33%  In Bangalore shopping is still considered to be a
family outing and people do not feel the lack of time
Total 120 100% while going out for shopping with family and friends
 Many people in Bangalore do not have plastic card or
Analysis:- net banking facility to make payments. To go for cash
on delivery they lack in computer knowledge and
From the above table we can study that 50% of the online mobile applications.
shoppers are satisfied using online shopping, 17% are fully
satisfied and 33% of them are not satisfied with online 4.2 Suggestions:-
shopping.  Business people should come up with creative
strategies to overcome disliking factors
 Awareness to be created among customers about
percentage percenta…
benefits of E-Commerce
60% 50%  Business should choose social network for
advertisement like Face book & twitter give enough
50% opportunity to the consumers who can „Like‟ or
„follow‟ a favorite retailer and get discounts or tips
40% on deals.
33%  Online retailers should take proper measures to avoid
30% risk involved in online shopping
o And they should gain customer confidence.
20%  Business to survive and grow in increasing
17% globalization should have adequate presence and
10% participation in the cyber world.
 Company‟s should design and develop varieties of
0% products to attract and retain online shoppers and to
provide complete satisfaction.
fully satisfied satisfied not satisfied  People should also get updated with the computer
knowledge and mobile application as the entire world
Interpretation:- is changing towards digitalization.
 Online retailers can provide free look-in-period of one
We can infer from the above graph that most of the online week, where purchaser can feel the product and pay
shoppers are satisfied and some of them are not satisfied with only if he is satisfied or else it can be returned back.
online shopping.
4.1 Findings:-
 Most of the consumers in Bangalore has got internet Day-by-Day percentage of online customers is increasing as
access they are finding it convenient than conventional shopping, but
 Only 50% of the customers are frequently going for yet businesses struggle to retain customers due to lack of face-
online shopping to-face communication, lack of knowledge, inability to touch
and feel the product and due to various risk involved in online
 People belonging to age group 20-50 years are mainly
shopping. If the business people come up with innovative
using online for their shopping.
strategies to overcome all these risk and disliking factors, no
 Majority of customers say that inability to touch and
doubt in future days Bangaloreans may be in par with global
feel product is one of the major disliking factor.
market in using online for shopping and they are willing to
 According to respondents technical problems, fake adopt and recommend online shopping for others .
online stores and phishing scams are the major risk
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