Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date: English 9 4
Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date: English 9 4
Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date: English 9 4
W1 Quarter 4 Date
I. LESSON TITLE Judging the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and
effectiveness of the presentation (Part 1)
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 9: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) reasoning and the effectiveness of the presentation
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Enabling Competency: Judge the relevance of the truthfulness of the ideas
listened to.
I. Introduction (Time Frame: Day 1 – 30 minutes)
In this time of pandemic at the digital age, online media play a crucial role as we obtain much of the information, we
need through many platforms available such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Each provides rapid
dissemination of information, which also allows us to access news to keep us updated. But we have to remember that not
everything we see or hear in social media is true. Therefore, we should learn how to assess and filter data before we react or
believe in a certain issue.
As we try to gather information from various sources or platforms to keep us updated, our capability to judge the
truthfulness and relevance of ideas is imperative. We must remember that before we believe the articles or materials we
have obtained, we should check first if it is factual or misleading. Thus, we must know the different tips on how to distinguish
factual or truthful information from a faulty one.
Learning Task 2
Directions: Listen carefully to the news clip using the link below and be ready to answer the given questions.
Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal revert to GCQ until April 4 (March 22, 2021)
Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal revert to GCQ until April 4 Malacañang appeals for public understanding since
March 22, 2021 the restrictions will affect some people’s holy week
-Zian Arkanghel plans. The IATF considers tourism a non-essential
CNN Philippines activity.
The provinces of Bulacan, Rizal, Laguna, and Cavite have been “Sana po maintindihan ng lahat na this is for the
placed under General Community Quarantine status along common good, alam po natin na nagplano na kayo
with Metro Manila until April 4. at talagang you are looking forward to ahh… this holy
week break no… pero kung papayagan po tayo ng
In line with this the Inter Agency Task Force handling the unabated travel ngayon ay talagang mas
government pandemic response also approved new mapapabilis ang pagkalat ng mga new variants sa
restrictions to slow down the rise in COVID-19 cases. Under ibat-ibang parte pa ng Pilipinas,” Presidential
Resolution 104 approved by IATF, only essential travel into and Spokesperson, Harry Roque.
out of Metro Manila and the four provinces are allowed. Those
authorized to go out of their homes include workers in the Despite the restrictions, Presidential Spokesperson
government and private sector, health and emergency Harry Roque clarifies there is no lockdown in Metro
frontliners, persons traveling for medical or humanitarian Manila or the four nearby provinces under GCQ. That
reasons, persons going to the airport for overseas travel, and is because most businesses and public transportation
Filipinos returning from abroad. are allowed to operate.
Mass gatherings including large religious activities are “Hindi po tayo nag i-economic lockdown dahil bukas
prohibited. Weddings, baptisms, and funeral services are pa rin po ang mga industriya bagamat ini-encourage
allowed but attendance is limited to 10 persons. Restaurants nga natin yung work from home kung pupwede. Konti
are limited to offering delivery and takeout services. Outdoor lang yung mga establishment na ating isinara. Bukas
dining is allowed but only at 50% capacity. pa rin po ang ating ekonomiya, so pupwede pa rin
pong magtrabaho.”
The private sector is encouraged to adopt alternative work
arrangements for employees and reduce their operational or Local government units of the areas under GCQ are
on-site capacity to between 30%-50% just like in the ordered to ensure compliance with health protocols
government executive branch. The IAFT also discourages visits as well as quarantine and isolation measures. – Zian
from persons outside one’s immediate family or household. A Arkanghel, CNN Philippines.
curfew from 10pm to 5am is enforced for two weeks.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the news all about?
A. Economic lockdown among provinces under the General Community Quarantine
B. Holy Week break and essential activities allowed to be conducted during the holiday period
C. COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force’s new approved resolution to slow down the rise in COVID-19 cases or the
Resolution no. 104
D. COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force considering tourism as an essential activity in the places under General
Community Quarantine
2. What is the purpose of the news clip?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to encourage
3. What makes it truthful?
A. It provides factual information.
B. It is from a well-known news site.
C. It has a convincing broadcaster.
D. It presents prominent government officials.
4. Which of the following makes the news clip relevant?
a. It states issues that are prevalent nowadays.
b. It provides information that the public needs
c. It contains pertinent answers on issues.
d. All of the above
5. Complete the table by supplying the necessary information heard from the news:
Supporting Sources
What is an INFOGRAPHIC? It is a visual representation of information or data, specifically a collection of imagery, charts,
and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic.
Prevention: To prevent infection and to slow transmission Most common Serious symptoms:
of COVID-19, do the following: symptoms: • difficulty breathing or shortness
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or • fever of breath
clean them with alcohol-based hand rub. • dry cough • chest pain or pressure
• Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and • tiredness • loss of speech or movement
people coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid touching your face. Less common symptoms:
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or • aches and pains
sneezing. • conjunctivitis
• Stay home if you feel unwell. • sore throat
• Refrain from smoking and other activities that • diarrhoea
weaken the lungs. • headache
• Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary • loss of taste or smell
travel and staying away from large groups of people. • a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes
Infographic Rubric
Criteria 4 points 3 points 2 points
Content Includes all the required information as Missing some of the required
Includes the required information as
outlined on the informative text in an information as outlined on the
outlined on the informative text
exceptional manner informative text
Design/Graphics Incorporates principles of design and
Incorporates principles of design and Somewhat incorporates principles
graphic elements in an exceptional
graphic elements of design and graphic elements
Format Formatted in an exceptional manner Formatted to enhance maximum Somewhat formatted to enhance
to enhance maximum readability and readability and audience maximum readability and
audience understanding understanding audience understanding
Quality Quality exceeding expectations being Done with satisfactory effort being Shows little effort being somewhat
clear, concise, and free from grammar clear, concise, and with 1-2 grammar clear and concise, containing 3-5
errors. errors grammar errors
Sourcing Citation for the infographic's source Citation for the infographic's source No citation of the infographic's
included included but incomplete source included
VII. REFERENCES Arcangel, Xianne. “Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal revert to GCQ until April 4.” CNN Philippines.
Published on March 22, 2021. CNN Philippines video, 02:45.
World Health Organization. Coronavirus. Geneva, CH, 2021.
Josephine V. Cabulong
Prepared by: Nerissa G. Pasatiempo Checked by: Teacher I
Teacher I
Dapdap Integrated School Maria Madel C. Rubia
Head Teacher III