NAME: Rosalinda D.C. Conde YR./SEC.: EE-2D

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NAME: Rosalinda D.C. Conde YR./SEC.

: EE-2D

Series RLC Circuit

Linear circuit elements — resistors, capacitors, and inductors — are the backbone of
electrical and electronic circuits. These three types of elements respond to electrical voltages in
different ways, variously consuming, storing, or supplying electrical energy. Understanding these
behaviors and learning to calculate the result of combining elements is critical for designing and
working with electric circuits. While a resistor consumes electrical energy, converting it to heat,
capacitors and inductors vary their responses according to the frequency of the voltage or current
applied to them. This laboratory will explore those responses for series-connected capacitors.

Figure 1: Phasor Diagram

Figure 2: Impedance and Voltage Phasor of a Capacitive Circuit
❖ Learn to measure the total impedance in the circuit.
❖ Learn to measure phase angles between voltages and current.
❖ Determine the reactance of a capacitor and inductor in a series RLC circuit by measuring

Circuit Diagram
Part 1: Computed Values
For this part of the experiment, calculate the data needed in the table below based on the
circuit shown above.

ITotal (RMS)
ZTotal (ohms) VR (RMS) VL (RMS) VC (RMS)

XL ohms XC ohms
(Hz) R
mag mag mag mag
oh X ohms angle angle angle angle
(mA) (V) (V) (V)

-j 100 j314.159
500 8.3604 88.0037 0.8360 88.0037 2.6265 178.0037 26.6120 -1.9963
314.1593 3183.0989 3

-j 100 j628.318
1000 1591.549 24.7829 84.0729 2.4783 84.0729 15.5716 174.0729 39.4432 -5.9271
628.3185 5

-j j1256.637
2000 1256.6371 100 50.8920 -77.7575 5.0892 -77.7575 63.9528 12.2425 40.4986 -167.7575
795.7747 1

-j -
4000 100 j2513.2741 11.3328 -87.2935 1.1333 -87.2935 28.4824 2.7065 4.5092
2513.2741 397.8874 177.2935

-j -
8000 100 j5026.5482 4.9703 -88.8133 0.4970 -88.8133 24.9835 1.1867 0.9888
5026.5482 198.9437 178.8133

Part 2: Measured Values

For this part of the experiment, measure the values needed on the table below through the
simulation on Multisim Live.

ITotal VC
ZTotal (ohms) VR (RMS) VL (RMS)
Freq XL
XC ohms
(Hz) ohms
X ohms mag (mA) mag (V) mag (V) mag (V)

500 314.15 100 j314.1593 8.3932 0.8393 2.6453 26.6310

1000 628.31 j628.3185 24.9660 2.4966 15.7370 39.6070
1256.6 -j 100 j1256.637
2000 50.2040 5.0204 63.2920 39.8230
371 795.7747 1

-j j2513.274
4000 2513.2 11.2830 1.1283 28.4480 4.4749
397.8874 1

-j j5026.548
8000 5026.5 4.9531 0.4953 24.9770 0.9822
198.9437 2

Observation and Conclusion:

Describe what happens to the current in this RLC series circuit as the frequency
increases. Explain in general terms why the observed change should occur.
As the frequency increases, XL also increases, but XC decreases. On the other hand, the value of
XL is directly proportional at a given frequency while the XC is inversely proportional.
Furthermore, the circuit is capacitive when it has the lowest frequency but then again; when the
highest frequency reaches the circuit becomes inductive, it represents what we called the
resonant frequency where a certain frequency at which the impedance in a circuit becomes
purely resistive.

Frequency = 500Hz

Frequency = 1000Hz
Frequency = 2000Hz

Frequency = 4000Hz
Frequency = 8000Hz

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