BS Radiography - Imaging Technology - Curriculum

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Scheme of Studies

BS - Radiography & Immaging Technology (BSRIT)

8 Semesters/4 Years Degree Program for the year 2016

and onwards

College of Allied Health Professionals

Directorate of Medical Sciences
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1st Year .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1st Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Basic & Applied Anatomy ................................................................................................................................... 10
Basic & Applied Physiology ............................................................................................................................... 11
Social Psychology ................................................................................................................................................... 13
English for Academic Purpose.......................................................................................................................... 14
Islamic Studies ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
2nd Semester .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
General Pathology ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Introductory Pharmacology .............................................................................................................................. 16
Introductory Biochemistry ................................................................................................................................ 18
Computer Applications in Biology .................................................................................................................. 19
Pakistan Studies ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Fundamentals of Radiography & Imaging Technology .......................................................................... 21
2nd Year ................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
3rd Semester................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Community Medicine/Public Health ............................................................................................................. 22
General Microbiology & Sterilization ............................................................................................................ 23
Regional & Imaging Anatomy-I ........................................................................................................................ 24
Radiation Science & Technology-I .................................................................................................................. 29
Medicine-I ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
4th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Scientific Writing ................................................................................................................................................... 34
General Radiology ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Medicine-II................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Radiation Science & Technology-II................................................................................................................. 37
Neuroanatomy ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
3rd Year.................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
5th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Clinical Pharmacology ......................................................................................................................................... 42
CT SCAN ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Regional & Imaging Anatomy-II....................................................................................................................... 44

Mammography ........................................................................................................................................................ 48
Diagnostic Imaging Skills.................................................................................................................................... 50
6th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Surgery-I .................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Nuclear Medicine-I ................................................................................................................................................ 57
Special Radiological Techniques ..................................................................................................................... 58
Cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) .................................................................................................... 58
Cardiac PET/CT (positron emission tomography & computed tomography) ................................... 58
Coronary Calcium Scan ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Echocardiography ....................................................................................................................................................... 58
oStress Nuclear Perfusion Cardiac Imaging ..................................................................................................... 58
Ultrasound/Doppler ............................................................................................................................................. 60
Fluoroscopy.............................................................................................................................................................. 60
4th Year .................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
7th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Forensic Medicine.................................................................................................................................................. 62
Biostatistics .............................................................................................................................................................. 63
MRI-I ........................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Angiography & Cardiac Imaging-I................................................................................................................... 65
Echocardiography ................................................................................................................................................. 67
8th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Angiography & Cardiac Imaging-II ................................................................................................................. 68
Nuclear Medicine-II .............................................................................................................................................. 69
MRI-II .......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Surgery-II .................................................................................................................................................................. 71
Research Project/Term paper .......................................................................................................................... 76

Scheme of Studies
Semester 1 Semester 5
AHP-301 Basic and Applied Anatomy 4 (3-1) RIT-501 Clinical Pharmacology 4 (3-1)
AHP-303 Basic and Applied Physiology 4 (3-1) RIT-503 CT SCAN 4 (3-1)
PSY-407 Social Psychology 3 (2-1) RIT -505 Regional & Imaging Anatomy-II 4 (3-1)
ENG-321 English for Academic Purpose 3 (3-0) RIT -507 Mammography 3 (2-1)
ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2 (2-0) RIT -511 Diagnostic Imaging Skills 2 (0-2)
Total 16 Total 17
Semester 2 Semester 6
AHP-302 General Pathology 4 (3-1) RIT -502 Surgery-I 4 (3-1)
AHP-304 Introductory Pharmacology 2 (2-0) RIT -504 Nuclear Medicine-I 4 (3-1)
BCH-301 Introductory Biochemistry 4 (3-1) RIT -506 Special Radiological Techniques 3 (2-1)
CSI-421 Computer Applications in Biology 3 (2-1) RIT -508 Ultrasound/Doppler 4 (3-1)
PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0) RIT -510 Fluoroscopy 2 (2-0)
Fundamentals of Radiography &
RIT-306 2 (2-0) Total 17
Imaging Technology
Semester 7
Total 17
AHP-601 Forensic Medicine 3 (3-0)
Semester 3
Community Medicine/ Public STAT-421 Biostatistics 3 (3-0)
AHP-305 3 (2-1) RIT-603 MRI-I 4 (3-1)
General Microbiology & RIT-605 Angiography & Cardiac Imaging-I 4 (3-1)
MIC-321 3 (2-1)
Sterilization RIT-607 Echocardiography 3 (2-1)
RIT-401 Regional & Imaging Anatomy-I 4 (3-1) Total 17
RIT-403 Radiation Science & Technology-I 4 (3-1) Semester 8
RIT-405 Medicine-1 3 (2-1)
RIT-602 Angiography & Cardiac Imaging-II 3 (2-1)
Total 17
RIT-604 Nuclear Medicine-II 3 (2-1)
Semester 4
RIT-606 MRI-II 3 (2-1)
AHP-402 Scientific Writing 2 (2-0)
RIT-608 Surgery-II 3 (2-1)
RIT-404 General Radiology 4 (3-1)
RIT-610 Research Project/Term Paper 3 (0-3)
RIT-406 Medicine-2 4 (3-1)
Total 15
RIT-408 Radiation Science & Technology-II 4 (3-1)
Grand Total 134
RIT-410 Neuroanatomy 4 (3-1)
Total 18

1st Year
1st Semester
AHP-301 Basic & Applied Anatomy 4 (3-1)

Introduction to human anatomy: Branches, levels of body organization & systems, anatomical
position, region names, planes, sections & body cavities, Cells and its structural components.
Structure and types of different body tissues & membranes. Integumentary system: structures blood
supply & development. Musculoskeletal System: structure, type and function of muscles, bones &
joints. Components of the axial & appendicular skeletal system. The Nervous System: Central Nervous
System. Peripheral Nervous System (Autonomic & somatic). Special Senses. Reflex arc and reflex
action. Cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation. Cranial and spinal nerves. The Cardiovascular System;
blood, Heart, and blood vessels, Pulmonary and systemic circulation, Lymphatic system & immunity.
Respiratory System; The anatomy of the respiratory passages, lungs and pleural cavity. The Digestive
System; organs of digestive tract (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver and gall
bladder, small & large intestine) Blood supply & lymphatic drainage. Genito-Urinary System; The
structure of nephron and organs of the urinary system and its relations with other organs, Structures
of Male & female reproductive system. Embryonic development.

1. Labelling of various planes, sections & regions of human body
2. Identification of bones; compact, spongy, long, short, sesamoid bones
3. Identification of various types of muscles.
4. Identification of various organs of gastrointestinal system
5. Labelling of anatomical and functional regions of nervous system
6. Drawing and labelling of structures of genito- urinary tract system
7. Differentiation between arteries, veins and capillaries

Recommended Books:
1. Waugh A, Grant A. Ross & Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness. Elsevier
Health Sciences; 2014.
2. Principles of Human Anatomy 12th Edition by Garad J. Tortora. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. General Anatomy by Laiq Hussain Siddiqui.
4. Atlas of Human Anatomy 5th edition by Frank H. Netter
5. Simbryo: An Animated tour of Human development by Phllip M. Ecker, Grant M. Ecker,
Lawrence H. Mathers

AHP-303 Basic & Applied Physiology 4 (3-1)

Introduction to the human physiology; functional organization, relationship between structure and
function of the human body. Homeostasis, importance negative and positive feedback mechanism.
Integumentary system; Layers of skin and types of glands, Functions of the skin, hair and glands,
diseases related to skin, Body temperature , its types and its regulation. The musculoskeletal system:
Physiological anatomy of muscles and their types., Functional characteristics of skeletal muscle,
smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, Properties of muscles , The events of muscle contraction and
relaxation in response to an action potential in a motor neuron., Neuromuscular junction ,
Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic muscle contraction., Muscle hypertrophy and atrophy.
The nervous system; functional anatomy of nervous system, Functions of all the parts of central
nervous system,, Functions of various cranial nerves., Division of peripheral nervous system (somatic
and autonomic ns), The classification and function of neurons, neuroglial cells and their components.
, Resting membrane potential and an action potential., Difference between sympathetic and para
sympathetic ns, Difference between somatic and autonomic nervous system, The types and function
of a synapse and reflex arc , Diseases related to nervous system. The functions of the specialized
sense organs; Eye---- physiology of site, accommodation, optic nerve and optic chiasma, Ear----
functions of the internal, middle and external ear, Physiology of the hearing and balance, Smell-------
---- physiology of olfactory nerve, Taste ---------physiology of taste, Location of the taste buds,
Physiology of speech. The endocrine system; Functions of the endocrine system, Chemical signals,
receptors and hormones, the endocrine glands and their hormones, Other hormones. Blood;
Composition of blood and plasma, Functions of blood, Formed elements , Stages of cell
development, Blood grouping, Coagulation mechanism. The cardiovascular system; Functional
anatomy cardiac system,, Functions of the heart , Electrical activity of the heart origin and
propagation of cardiac impulse , Phases of the cardiac cycle , Heart sounds , Regulation of heart
functions--- intrinsic and extrinsic, Functions of the peripheral circulation , The physiology of
circulation , Pulmonary circulation , Cardiac circulation, Systemic circulation: arteries , Veins , Local
control of blood vessels , Nervous control of blood vessels , Regulation of arterial blood pressure, The
function of lymphatic system, tonsils, lymph nodes, the spleen and the thymus. Respiratory system;
Functional anatomy of respiratory ns, Functions of the respiratory system beginning at the nose and
ending with the alveoli., Ventilation and lung volumes , Pulmonary function tests, Gas exchange and
gas transport in the blood , Diseases related to respiratory system. The digestive system; Functions
of each organ of the digestive system including major salivary glands, Movements and secretions in
each organ of the digestive system and their regulation, Physiology of digestion, absorption, and
transport , Diseases related to digestive system. Excretory system; Functional anatomy of urinary
system, Tubular system of kidney, Urine production, urine movement , Regulation of urine
concentration and volume , Body fluid compartments , Regulation of extracellular fluid composition
, Regulation of acid-base balance. Immunity; Define immunity, innate immunity, adaptive immunity ,
Antigens and antibodies, Primary and secondary responses to an antigen, Antibody-mediated
immunity and cell-mediated immunity, Role of lymphocyte in immunity regulation,

 Determination of human pulse rate
 Determination of blood pressure (by auscultatory and palpatory method)
 The effect of exercise and posture of b.p
 Determination of visual acuity for distant vision
 Determination of visual acuity test for near vision
 Determination of abo blood group system.
 Determination of rh blood group system
 To study hemocytometer
 Count the total number of rbcs/mm3 of your own blood
 Examination of cranial nerves


 Essentials of anatomy and physiology by seelay, stephens and tate. 4th edition
 Ross & wilson anatomy and physiology.
 Human physiology. Stuart ira fox. 7th edition
 Text book of medical physiology guyton
 Essential of medical physiology vol.i & ii by mushtaq ahmad.
 Lecture notes on human physiology by bray jj, cragg, pa macknight

PSY-407 Social Psychology 3 (3-0)

Introduction to Social Psychology; Nature and scope of social psychology, Social Perception Self in
Social World, Attribution. Socialization; Nature: Perspectives of Socialization, Agents of Socialization,
Process of Socialization, Socialization of Gender Roles. Attitudes; Nature &Structure Formation of
attitude, Attitude Change, Attitude Predicts Behavior. Persuasion; Elements of Persuasion, Resistance
in persuasion. Prejudice; Nature and power of power of prejudice, Sources of prejudice. Aggression;
what is aggression? Theories of aggression, Influences on aggression, How can aggression be
reduced? Social relations; Conformity, Altruism

Recommended Books:

1. Fisher, R. J. (1992). Social psychology: An applied approach. New York: St Martin Press.
2. Forsyth, D. F. (1987). Social psychology. California: Brooks Publishing Company.
3. Franzoi, S. L. (2006). Social Psychology. (7th Ed.). NewYork: McGrawHill.
4. Myers, D. G. (2005). Exploring social psychology. (8th Ed.). NewYork: McGraw Hill.
5. Wayant, J. M. (1986). Applied social psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

ENG-321 English for Academic Purpose 3 (3-0)

Course Contents

 Introducing ourselves
 Describing things
 Getting and giving information
 Recounting past events
 Talking about facts and opinions
 Agreeing and disagreeing
 Compare and Contrast
 Cause and effect
 Using your imagination
 Reporting
 Writing Essays
 Presentation skills
 Assessment

ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2 (2-0)

Introduction to Quranic Studies: Basic Concepts of Quran, History of Quran, Uloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran
 Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No-284-286)
 Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
 Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
 Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77)
 Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)
 Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6, 21, 40, 56, 57, 58.)
 Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
 Verses of Surah As-Saf Related to Tafakar, Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I: Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before Prophet Hood), Life of
Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah, Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II: Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina, Important Events of Life
Holy Prophet in Madina, Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina
Introduction to Sunnah; Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of Hadith, Uloom –ul-
Hadith, Sunnah & Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah, Selected Study from Text of Hadith
Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence: Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence,
History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence,
Nature of Differences in Islamic Law, Islam and Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization: Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Historical
Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization,
Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues
Islam & Science: Basic Concepts of Islam & Science, Contributions of Muslims in the Development of
Science, Quranic & Science
Islamic Economic System: Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System, Means of Distribution of
wealth in Islamic Economics, Islamic Concept of Riba, Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce
Political System of Islam: Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System, Islamic Concept of Sovereignty,
Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Islamic History: Period of Khlaft-E-Rashida, Period of Ummayyads, Period of Abbasids
Social System of Islam: Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam, Elements of Family, Ethical Values
of Islam

Recommended Books
1. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Islamabad
2. Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf Publication
Islamabad, Pakistan.
3. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal Open
University, Islamabad (2001)

2nd Semester
AHP-302 General Pathology 4 (3-1)


Cell Injury and adaptation; Cell Injury, Reversible and Irreversible Injury, Fatty change, Pigmentation,
Pathologic calcification, Necrosis and Gangrene. Cellular adaptation; Atrophy, Hypertrophy,
Hyperplasia, Metaplasia, Aplasia. Inflammation; Acute inflammation --- vascular changes,
Chemotaxis, Opsonization and Phagocytosis, cellular components and chemical mediators of acute
inflammation, exudates and transudate, Chronic inflammation, Etiological factors, Granuloma. Cell
repair and wound healing; Regeneration and Repair, Healing- steps of wound healing by first and
second intention, Factors affecting healing, complications of wound healing. Hemodynamic
disorders; Edema, Hemorrhage, Thrombosis, Embolism, Infarction & Hyperemia, Shock and its
causes, compensatory mechanisms involved in shock, possible consequences of thrombosis,
difference between arterial and venous emboli. Neoplasia; Dysplasia and Neoplasia, differences
between benign and malignant neoplasms, common etiological factors for neoplasia, different modes
of metastasis
Types of Microscope. Necrosis and its types, Histopathological techniques, Study of inflammation,
acute and chronic inflammation, coagulative necrosis, diagnostic laboratory tests, Liver function
tests, Renal function tests, Complete Blood counts.

Recommended Books:
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins basic pathology. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2012.
Strasinger SK, Di Lorenzo MS. Urinalysis and body fluids. FA Davis; 2014
Rosto E, editor. Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy!. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Goljan EF. Rapid review pathology: with student consult online access. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013
Jun 7.

AHP-304 Introductory Pharmacology 2 (2-0)

Introduction to Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics: (Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion)

Variable affecting the pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics. Legal Policies and Responsibilities for
Drug handling, Math Skills and Drug Calculations; (Addition, subtraction, multiplication and

division), decimals, percentages, ratio, proportions. System of Measurements; metric system,
international units, unit conversion, Calculations; ration system vs. formulas for drug calculations,
calculation of solution strength (weight / volume and volume / volume, calculation of dosage by
weight, Drug Label information; Drug identification, Rights of Medication Administration, Medicine
Devices: syringes, needles, drug containers, Routes of medicine / drug administration; General
Classification of drugs; Analeptics, analgesics, anesthetics, antibiotics, anticoagulants,
anticonvulsants, antidiuretics, antiemetics, cardiac medications, CNS stimulants, coagulants, contrast
media, diuretics, dyes, Emetics, gastric medications, Hemostatic agents, Hormones, irrigation
solutions, narcotics antagonists, narcotics, neuromuscular blocking agents, obstetrical agents,
ophthalmic medications, sedative / hypnotics agents and tranquilizers. Diagnostic Imaging agents

Recommended Books:
1. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology 5th Edition. Lippincott’s Williams & Wilkins
2. Chemical Calculations at a Glance by Paul Yates Blackwell Publishing
3. Medical Pharmacology at a Glance by Michael J. Neal. 4th Edition. Blackwell publishing

BCH-301 Introductory Biochemistry 4 (3-1)

Foundation of Biochemistry; cellular foundation, isolation of eukaryotic cell, chemical foundation,
Structure and function of cell membrane, movement of materials across cell membrane
Carbohydrates; classification of carbohydrates. Regulation of blood glucose level, Glycolysis, Citric
acid cycle, Glycogenolysis, Glycogenoses, Gluconeogenesis. Proteins and Amino Acids; Introduction,
importance, classification and properties of proteins, Entry of amino acids into cells and peptide
linkage, Special sources of proteins. Lipids; Introduction, Classification and Function of lipids,
Biosynthesis of fatty acids, natural fats or triglycerides, Fatty acid oxidation. Vitamins and Minerals;
Introduction, classification, Deficiency effects. Enzymes; Introduction, Classification, properties, the
mechanism of enzyme reactions, Factors affecting the enzyme activity, Important coenzymes and
their actions, Enzyme inhibitors and Regulatory enzymes. Nutrition and Dietetics; Balanced diet, Role
of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, their dietary sources and uses in the body, Quantitative and
qualitative daily requirements of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Physiochemical Principles; Acidity & Alkalinity, Osmosis & Osmotic pressure, Hydrogen ion conc. and
pH notation, Indicators & Buffer solutions, pH.
1. Measurement of pH of various biological fluids
2. Estimation of serum albumin
3. Estimation of blood glucose
4. Measurement of serum total protein level and A / G ratio
5. Measurement of blood cholesterol
6. Measurement of Triglycerides
7. Measurement of Urea
8. Measurement of serum Creatinine

Recommended Books:
1. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 30th Edition MC Graw Hill.
2. Boyer RF. Modern experimental biochemistry. Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. 3rd Edition
3. Harvey RA, Ferrier DR. Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Biochemistry. 6th Edition by Kluwer,
New York. 2011.
4. Nelson DL, Lehninger AL, Cox MM. Lehninger principles of biochemistry. 6th Edition Macmillan;

CSI-421 Computer Applications in Biology 3 (2-1)


Generation of computer: 1st to 4th generation with their characteristics. Basic concept of computer:
Introduction, different components of computer, basic design of computer. Introduction to operating
system. Introduction to OS, different management (processor, memory, device, file), Processor
management-Process concept, Threads, CPU Scheduling, Process scheduling, Deadlocks, Process
synchronization. Memory management –Memory allocation rule, Swapping, Overlay, Paging,
Demand paging, segmentation, virtual memory. Device management, File management.


Usage of MS DOS commands: basic concept of internal & external commands, directory &file
commands, copying, erasing, renaming, displaying files, introduction to pipes & filters, concept of
batch file. Windows operation: Customizing the interface, windows explorer, computer upkeep &
utilities. Office operation, Microsoft word:- concept of toolbar, character, paragraph& document
formatting, drawing tool bar, header, footer, document editing, page setup, short cut keys, text &
graphics. Microsoft excel:- concept of spread sheets, creating worksheet ,well formatted documents,
concept of row, column, cell &formula bar, using function, using shortcuts, chart, conditional
formatting, goal seek, validation rule. Microsoft power point: - slide presentation, slide layout &
design, custom animation, image importing, slide transition.

PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0)
1. Historical Perspective
a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad
Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism
c. People and Land
i. Indus Civilization
ii. Muslim advent
iii. Location and geo-physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases:
a. 1947-58
b. 1958-71
c. 1971-77
d. 1977-88
e. 1988-99
f. 1999 onward
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Books Recommended
1. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000.
2. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis. Karachi:
Oxford University Press, 1993.
3. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.

RIT-306 Fundamentals of Radiography & Imaging Technology 2 (2-0)

Introduction to radiology, Diagnostic radiology, Therapeutic radiology, radiology diagnostic
tools; X ray, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, Ultrasonography, Computed tomography,
Magnetic resonance imaging, Echocardiography, Angiography, Nuclear medicine. What are
all these modalities; Discovery of these modalities discus one by one, Brief introduction of
all radiology diagnostic tools, type of radiations use in different radiology procedures, Brief
discussion about benefits and adverse effects of radiology procedure. Breast radiology,
musculoskeletal radiology, Cardiac radiology, Vascular and interventional radiology, nuclear
radiology, Radiation protection
Practical: Hands on training in radiology department.

2nd Year
3rd Semester
AHP-305 Community Medicine/Public Health 3 (2-1)
General concepts of health and diseases with reference to natural history of disease with pre-
pathogenic and pathogenic phase. The role of socio-economic and cultural environment in health and
diseases-Epidemiology and scope. Public health administration-An overall view of the health
administration set up at center and state level. The National Health Programs- National Health
programs including tuberculosis, malaria, MCH and HIV/AIDS. Health problems in vulnerable
groups-Pregnant and lactating women and infants and school going children-occupational groups,
geriatrics. Occupational Health- Definition, scope-Occupational diseases, prevention of occupational
diseases and hazards. Social security and other measures for the protection of occupational hazards,
accidents and disease. Details of compensation acts. Family planning objectives of National family
planning methods. A general idea of advantages and disadvantages of the method. Mental Health-
community aspects of mental health; role of physiotherapists, therapists in mental health problems
such as mental retardation etc. Communicable disease; An overall view of the communicable disease.
Classification according to the principal mode of transmission. Role of insects and their vectors.
International health agencies.

Recommended Books:
Park K. Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine. 2007.
Maxcy-Rosenau. Public health and preventive medicine. Appleton-century-crofts, 1986.

Ansari, IS, Public health and community medicine

MIC-301 General Microbiology & Sterilization 3 (2-1)

Fundamentals of microbiology. Microorganisms and their respective place in the living world.
Differentiation between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, Historical development of Microbiology
and its scope. Microscopy: An outline of the principles and applications of light and electron
microscope. Morphology, arrangement and detailed anatomy of bacterial cell. Bacterial taxonomy
and nomenclature, basis of classification of bacteria. Growth, nutrition (physical and nutritional
requirement and nutritional types; sources of energy, C, N, H, O, S, P, trace elements, growth factors)
and reproduction. General methods of studying microorganisms: cultivation, isolation, purification
and characterization. Control of microorganisms by physical and chemical methods.
Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics. Modes of action of antibiotics on microorganisms. Basic
properties of fungi, Sterilization and disinfection; physical methods– (sunlight, Drying, Dry heat,
moist heat, filtration, Radiation, Ultrasonic and sonic vibration). Chemical- (Alcohols, Aldehydes,
Dyes, Halogens, Phenols, Gases).
Laboratory safety: Containment and decontamination. Equipment / Materials / Glassware etc. used
in microbiology, Inoculation techniques. Pour plate, spread plate & streak plate methods, An
introduction to microscopy, Gram stain technique, Acid fast staining, Study of motility of bacteria,
Hanging drop preparation. Preparation and use of different culture media; Blood Agar, Chocolate
Agar, MacConkey Agar, Mannitol Salt Agar, TCBS Agar, SDA Agar, Antibiotic Susceptibility testing by
disc diffusion method, Estimation of minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC) by broth and agar
dilution methods, Anaerobic culture methods.
Recommended Books:
1. Kathleen P. T., and Arthur, T. 2001. Foundations in Microbiology: Basic Principles McGraw-
Hill Companies
2. Tortora, G. J., Christine, L. Case, C. L., Funke, B. R., Funke, B., Case, C., 2006. Microbiology: An
Introduction, Publisher: Pearson Education.
3. Alcamo, I. E., 2001. Fundamentals of Microbiology published by Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
4. Black, J. G., 2005. Microbiology: principles and explorations, by 6th Edition, J. Wiley & Sons,

RIT-401 Regional & Imaging Anatomy-I 4 (3-1)


Basic Internal Thoracic Vein Trachea

Anatomy Lungs
Introduction to: Levatores Costarum Pleura
Opening of the Thorax Scrratus Posterior Superior Heart
Structure of the Thoracic Wall Muscle Thoracic Blood
Sternum Scrratus Posterior Inferior Vessel
Costal Cartilages Muscle Mammary Gland
Ribs Radiographic Anatomy Surface
Intercostal Anatomy
Spaces Anterior Chest Wall
Muscles Ribs
Intercostal Arteries an Veins Diaphragm
Intercostal Nipple
Suprapleural Membrane Apex Beat of the Heart Axillary
Endothoracic Fascia Folds Posterior Chest Wall Lines
Diaphragm of Orientation
Internal Thoracic Artery


Basic Anatomy Pericardium Radiographic Anatomy

Mediastinum Heart Posteroanterior
Superior Mediastinum Surfaces of the Heart Radiograph Right
Inferior Mediastinum Borders of the Heart Oblique Radiograph Left
Pleurae Chambers of the Heart Oblique Radiograph
Nerve Supply of the Pleura Blood Supply of the Broncography and
Trachea Esophagus Contrast
Nerve supply of the Visualization of the
Trachea Lymph Drainage of the Esophagus
Principal Bronchi Esophagus
Lungs Nerve supply of the Coronary Angiography
Bronchopulmonary Computed Tomographic
Segments Esophagus (CT)
Blood Supply of the Lungs Thymus
Lymph Drainage and Scanning of the Thorax

Nerve supply of the Lungs Blood Supply Cross-
Sectional Anatomy of the


Basic Anatomy Costal Margin Italic Crest

Introduction to Pubic Tubercle Spleen
Structure of the Pancreas
Abdominal Symphysis Pubis Inguinal Kidneys
Walls Ligament Stomach
Inguinal Canal & its Duojenum (First Part)
contents Superficial inguinal Cecum
Scrotum, Testis and Ring Appendix
Scrotum Ascending Colon
Epididymides Linea Alba Appendix Colon
Vagina Umbilicus Descending Colon
Peritoneal Lining of the Rectus Abdominis Urinary Bladder and
Abdominal Walls Linen Semilunaris Pregnant Uterus Aorta
Abdominal Lines and External Iliac Artery
Radiographic Anatomy Plans
Surface Anatomy
Vertical Lines
Surface Landmarks of Trannphyloric Plane
the Subcostal Plane
Abdominal Wall Intercristal Plane
Xiphoid Process Intertubercular Plane
Abdominal Quadrants
Surface Landmarks of
Abdominal Viscera


Basic Anatomy (Location, Transverse Colon Cross-Sectional Anatomy
structure, relations, blood Descending Colon of the Abdomen
supply, nerve supply, Differences Between the Radiographic Anatomy
lymphatics) Small& Large Intestine Radiographic
Liver Retroperitoneal Space Appearances of the
Gallbladder Ureter Abdomen
Esophagus Blood supply of Radiographic
abdominal Appearances of The:
Stomach organs
Small Intestine Portal Vein Gastrointestinal Tract
Large Intestine Lymphatics on the Stomach
posterior Duodenum
Pancreas Abdominal Walls Jejunum and Ileum
Spleen Lymph Nodes Large Intestine
Kidneys Lymph Vessels Radiographic
Suprarenal Glands Nerve on the Posterior Appearances of the
Peritoneum Abdominal Walls Urinary Tract
Jejunum and Ileum Lumbar Plexus Kidneys
Large Intestine Cecum Sympathetic Trunk Calyces, Renal Pelvis and
Ileocecal Value (Abdominal Part) Ureter
Appendix Aortic Plexuses
Ascending Colon


Basic Anatomy Plexus Radiographic Anatomy
'he Pelvis Surface Anatomy
Orientation of the Pelvis Autonomic Nerves Arteries Surface Landmarks
False Pelvis of the Pelvis Iliac Crest
True Pelvis Structure of the
Common Iliac Artery Anterior Superior Iliac
Pelvic Walls External Iliac Artery Spine
Anterior Pelvic Wall Arteries of the True Pelvis Posterior Iliac Spine
Posterior Pelvic Wall Internal Iliac Artery Veins Pubic Tubercle
Lateral Pelvic Wall of the Pelvis
Inferior Pelvic Wall or External Iliac Vein Pubic Crest
Pelvic Internal Iliac Vein Symphysis Pubis
Floor Lymphatics of the Pelvis Spinous Processes of
Pelvic Diaphragm Nerves of the Pelvis Sacral Sacrum
Pelvic Fascia Plexus Sacral Hiatus
Branches of the Lumbar Coccyx
Parietal Pelvic Fascia plexus
Visceral Layer of Pelvic Viscera
Pelvic Peritoneum
Joints of the Pelvis Urinary Bladder
Sacroiliac Joints Uterus
Rectal and Vaginal
Examinations As a Means
of palpating the Pelvis


Basic Anatomy
Cross sectional anatomy of pelvis
Radiological Anatomy.
Radiological appearances of the bony pelvis
Radiographic appearances of the pelvic organs.
Introduction, location, structure, relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic
drainage of:
Urinary bladder
Vas deferens.
Seminal vesicles

Uterine tubes

Students must perform dissection in the museum to understand the anatomy and its
Completion of a Practical note book.
Recommended Books:
Clinical Anatomy by Richard S Snell
Anatomy by BD churacia
Atlas of Human anatomy by Netter

RIT-403 Radiation Science & Technology-I 4 (3-1)

Concept of radiologic science
 Nature of our surroundings
 Matter & energy
 Sources of ionizing radiation
 Discovery of x rays
 Development of modern radiology
 Reports of radiation injury
 Basic radiation protection
 The diagnostic team


 Standard units of Measurements
 Mechanics
 Mathematics of radiologic science
 Terminology for radiologic science
 Numeric prefix
 Radiologic units


 Centuries of discovery

 Greek atom
 Dalton atom
 Thomson atom
 Bohar atom
 Fundamental particles
 Atomic structure
 Atomic nomenclature
 Combinations of atoms
 Radioactivity
 Types of ionizing radiation

 Photons
 Electromagnetic spectrum
 Wave particle duality
 Matter & energy


 Electrostatics
 Electrodynamics
 Magnetism
 Electromagnetism


 Operating console
 Autotransformer
 Adjustment of kvp
 Control of mA
 Filament transformer
 Exposure timers
 High voltage generator


 External components
 Ceiling support system
 Floor to ceiling support system

 C-arm support system
 Protective housing
 Glass or metal enclosure
 Internal components
 Cathode
 Anode
 X-ray tube failure
 Rating charts
 Radiographic rating chart
 Anode cooling chart
 Housing cooling chart

 Electron target interaction
 Anode heat
 Characteristic radiation
 Bremsstrahlung radiation
 X-ray emission spectrum
 Factor affecting the x-ray emission spectrum

 X ray quantity
 X-ray quality


 Five x-ray interaction with matter
 Coherent scattering
 Compton effect
 Photoelectric effect
 Pair production
 Photodisintegration
 Differential absorption
 Dependence on atomic number
 Dependence on mass density
 Contrast examination
 Exponential attenuation
Production of x_rays

Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
Basic phenomenon of x-ray tube
X_ray interaction with matter
Completion of a Practical note book.

Recommended BOOKS
Radiologic Science for Technologist: stewart Carlyle Bushong.

RIT-405 Medicine-I 3 (2-1)

Cardiovascular system; Investigation of cardiovascular system, Examination of

cardiovascular system, cardiac failure, acute pulmonary edema, ischemic heart disease
Angina pectoris, unstable angina, Myocardial infarction, Mitral stenosis, Mitral regurgitation
Mitral valva prolapse, Aortic stenosis, Aortic regurgitation, Tricuspid stenosis, Tricuspid
regurgitation, pulmonary stenosis, pulmonary regurgitation, congenital heart disease,
ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, Patent ductus arteriosus, coarctation of aorta
Fallot tetrology, Cardiac tumors, Heart block, Atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, Ventricular
tachycardia, Ventricular fibrillation, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Gastroenterology; Examination of abdomen, gastrointestinal diseases, Dysphagia,
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Carcinoma of esophagus, Peptic ulcers, Achalasia,
Carcinoma of stomach, Gastric lymphoma, Intestinal lymphoma, Carcinoid tumors, vomiting
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, acute
cholecystitis, Perforation of esophagus. Liver and billary diseases; Normal liver function,
Liver function test, Liver biopsy, Signs and symptoms of liver diseases, Hepatitis A, B, C, D,E
Chronic hepatitis, Cirrhosis of liver, Ascites, portal hypertension, Hepatic encephalopathy,
Jaundice, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Liver abcess and hepatic nodules, Hepatocellular
carcinoma, Gallstones, Carcinoma of gallbladder, fibroplastic disease
Hands on training in medicine department
History taking in medicine deparment
CPR practice
Different tecniques of injections: intramuscular, intravenous. Intradermal
Students must know different sizes of a cannula, tecnique of cannula insertion
How to catheterize the patient
How to take the blood pressure
How to take the electrocardiogram and its interpretations
Mangement of a emergency patient/ how to take emergency measures

4th Semester
AHP-304 Scientific Writing 2 (2-0)


Introduction; principles of effective writing, Crafting better sentences and paragraphs, Orthography
and Punctuation, Correct Spelling, Spell Checkers, Consistent Spelling: American English versus
British English, Punctuation, Proper use of punctuation marks. Parentheses and Brackets,
Apostrophes in Contractions, Nonbreaking Spaces and Hyphens, Shortened Word Forms in Scientific
Writing, Sentence formation: Grammar, the Tenses in Scientific Reporting, Joining Statements,
Nonparallel Verbs, Subject-Verb Agreement, Using the Correct Verb Forms. Organization; and
streamlining the writing process.


The format of an original manuscript, reviews, commentaries, and opinion. Writing a scientific paper;
selection of title for the paper, writing the abstract, key words, Introduction, Methods, Results,
Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgement. References (Citation and Bibliography), different
citation styles. Dissertation/thesis writing. The publication process, Issues in scientific writing
(plagiarism, authorship, reproducible research). Reference management softwares. EndNote.

Recommended Books:

1. Taylor R. Clinician's guide to medical writing. Springer Science & Business Media; 2006.
2. Lebrun JL. Scientific writing: a reader and writer's guide. World Scientific; 2007.
3. Matthews JR, Matthews RW. Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological
and medical sciences. Cambridge University Press; 2014.
4. Fathalla MF, Fathalla MM. A practical guide for health researchers. World Health Organization,
Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; 2004.
5. Taylor RB. Medical writing: a guide for clinicians, educators, and researchers. Springer Science;
6. Hartley J. Academic writing and publishing: A practical handbook. Routledge; 2008.

RIT-404 General Radiology 4 (3-1)

Terminologies; Anatomical terminology, Positioning terminology, Projection terminology

Radiographic image, Image formation, Projection and view, Density & contrast, subject
contrast, subjective contrast, Radiographic contrast, Magnification and distortion, Image
sharpness. Digital imaging; Image acquisition and display, Networking, Image processing,
Typical PACS components and workflow; Exposure factors, Milliampere seconds,
Kilovoltage, Focus to film distance, Intensifying screens, Secondary radiation grid. Radiation
protection; Dose quantities, Radiation risks, Medical exposure legislation, Practical
protection measure. UPPER LIMB: Position of patients in relation to table. Basic and specials
projections of Hand, Fingers, Thumb, Scaphoid, Carpal tunnel, Wrist, forearm, Elbow,
Humerus supracondylar fracture, shaft, neck, SHOULDER: Basic and specials projections of
Outlet projections, Glenohumeral joint, Recurrent dislocation, Calcified tendon,
Acromioclavicular joint, Clavicle, Sternoclavicular joints, Scapula, Coracoid process. LOWER
LIMB, Basic and specials projections of Foot, Toes, Ankle joint, Calcaneum, Subtalar joints,
Tibia and fibula, Proximal tibio fibular joint, Knee joint, Shaft of femur, Leg alignment, HIP,
PELVIS AND SACRO ILIAC JOINTS Basic and specials projections of Anatomy, Effect of
rotation and abduction of lower limb, Hip joint, upper third of femur and pelvis, Acetabulum
and hip joint, Pelvis, Sacroiliac joints. VERTEBRAL COLUMN: Basic and specials projections
of Vertebral curves, Vertebral level, Cervical vertebrae, Cervico thoracic junction, Thoracic
vertebrae, Thoracolumbar junction, Lumbar vertebrae, Lumbosacral junction, Sacrum,
Coccyx. THORAX AND UPPER AIRWAY Basic and specials projections of Pharynx and larynx,
Trachea, Lungs, Heart and aorta, Bones of thorax, Lower ribs, Upper ribs, Sternum. SKULL:
Radiologic terminology, Basic and specials projections of Skull nonisocentric techniques and
isocentric technique. FACIAL BONES AND SINUSES Radiographic anatomy Basic and specials
projections of Facial bones, Occipito metal, Zygomatic arches, Orbits, Nasal bones, Mandible,
Temporo mandibular joint, Paranasal sinuses. DENTAL RADIOGRAPHY: Introduction,
Radiographic anatomy, Bitewing radiography, Periapical radiography, occlusal radiography,
Lateral oblique of the mandible & maxilla, Dental panoramic tomography, Cephalometry.
ABDOMEN AND PELVIC CAVITY Radiographic anatomy, Basic and specials projections of
Abdomen and pelvic cavity, Liver and diaphragm, Diaphragmatic movement during
respiration, Urinary tract, Urinary bladder, Biliary system. WARD RADIOGRAPHY:
Introduction, Radiation protection, Control of infection, Equipment. Basic and specials
projections of Heart & lungs, Abdomen, Cervical spine, Fractured lower limbs, THEATRE
RADIOGRAPHY: Basic and specials projections of Non trauma corrective, Orthopedic
surgery, Trauma orthopedic surgery Dynamic hip screw insertion, Interventional urology,
Operative cholangiography, Hysterosalpingography, Emergency peripheral vascular

RIT-406 Medicine-II 4 (3-1)

Respiratory system; Examination of respiratory system, investigation of respiratory system,

clubbing, cyanosis, pulmonary function test, cough, Hemoptysis, dyspnea, Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, Bronchiectasis, pneumonia,
pulmonary tuberculosis, Extrapulmonary tuberculosis, Bronchogenic carcinoma, pleurisy
pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, Tumors of mediastinum, Solitary
radiographic pulmonary lesion, x-rays finding of common diseases caused by organic and
inorganic dust. Endocrine diseases; Investigations, Pituitary tumors, diabetes mellitus,
diabetes insipidus, diabetic foot, diabetic nephropathy, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism,
solitary thyroid nodule, gynecomastia, hypocalcemia , hyperlipidemia, polycystic ovary
syndrome. Renal diseases; Renal function test, renal biopsy, polyuria, proteinuria, hematuria
Acute renal failure, urinary retention, Polycystic kidney disease, Urinary tract infection,
Urinary tract obstruction, Renal stones and nephrocalcinosis, Renal cell carcinoma, benign
prostatic hypertrophy, prostatic carcinoma, testicular carcinoma, bladder cancer.
Rheumatology and bone diseases; Examination of joints, investigations, Rheumatoid
arthritis, Osteoarthritis, infective arthritis, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, Rickets and
osteomalacia, Paget’s disease, bone tumors, back pain and neck pain, osteogenesis
imperfecta Joint pain, gout Kawasaki disease. Neurological disorders; Examination of
nervous system Neurological investigations, Meningitis, Acute bacterial meningitis,
tuberculous meningitis lumber puncture, Stroke, Rabies, poliomyelitis, brain abcess, Cranial
nerve lesion, Multiple sclerosis, intracranial tumors, hydrocephalous, Migraine, cerebellar
dysfunction, spinal cord compression, spinal cord infraction, cerebrovascular disease,
paraneoplastic neurological disease. Blood disorders; Investigations, splenomegaly, iron
deficiency anemia, Thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, Bleeding disorders, Hemophilia,
Leukemias. Clinical; Hands on training for students in a medicine department. Final practical
exam should include OSPE, long case- 1, short case-2, Table Viva- instruments, pathology,
specimens, x-rays. Drugs and general discussion


Hands on training in medicine department

Examination of respiratory system

Interpretation of a chest x-ray

Signs and symtoms of COPD casses

Examination of joints and its investigations

Examinations of Neurological disorders and its investigations

Examination of endocrine disorder and its investigations

Recommended books

Medicine by Inam danish

RIT-408 Radiation Science & Technology-II 4 (3-1)

The radiographs, radiographic films; Film construction, Formation of latent image, Types of
film, Handling and storage of film. Processing the latent image; Film processing, Processing
chemistry, Automatic processing, Alternative processing methods. Radiographic intensifying
screens; Screen construction, Luminescence, Screen characteristic, Screen film
combinations, Care of screens. Control of scatter radiations; Production of scatter radiations,
Control of scatter radiations, Grid performance, Grid types, Grid problems, Grid selection,
radiographic technique; Exposure factors, Imaging system characteristics, Patient factors,
Image quality factors, Exposure technique charts, Automatic exposure technique,
Magnification radiography. Image quality; Radiographic quality, Resolution, Noise, Speed,
Film factors, Geometric factors, Subject factors, Tools for improved radiographic quality.
Image artifacts; Exposure artifacts, Processing artifacts, Handling and storage artifacts.
Quality control; Quality assurance, Quality control, Radiographic quality control, Processor
quality control. Radiobiology, human biology; Human radiation response, Composition of the
body, Cell theory, fundamental principles of radiology; Law of Bergonié and Tribondeau,
Physical factors that effect radiosensitivity, Biologic factors that effect radiosensitivity,
Radiation dose response relationships, molecular &cellular radiology; Irradiation of
macromolecules, Radiolysis of water, Direct and indirect effects, Target theory, Cell survival
kinetics, Cell cycle effects, LET, RBE, OER, early and late effects of radiation, radiation
protection, health physics; Radiation & health, Cardinal principles of radiation protection,
Effective dose, Radiologic terrorism, designing for radiation protection; Radiographic
protection features, Design of protective barrier, Radiation detection & measurement.
Patient radiation dose management; Patient dose description, Reduction of unnecessary
patient dose, pregnant patient, Patient dose trends. Occupational radiation dose
management; Occupational radiation exposure, Radiation dose limits, Reduction of radiation
Construction of a x-ray room
Care of radiographic film and intensifying screens.

Radiation protection measures
Image artifacts
Control of scatter radiation
Image quality factors
Recomended Books
Radiologic Science For technologist by Stewart Carlyle Bushong

RIT-410 Neuroanatomy 4 (3-1)



Sub divisions of the cerebrum



Central and perpheral nervous system

major division of the central nervous system

major division of the peripheral nervous system


varieties of neuron

Definations of the neuron, structure of the neuron

defination of neuroglia





extracellular space


Brief review of the vertebral coloumn

Gross appearance of the spinal cord

structure of the spinal cord

the ascending tracts of the spinal cord

Functions of the ascending tracts

Desending tracts of the spinal cord

Functions of the desecding tracts

Corticospinal tract

Tectospinal tract

Rubrospinal tract

Vestibulospinal tract

Olivospinal tract

Desending autonomic fibres

Reflex arc


Review of the skull

cranial cavity

introduction to the brain stem

Gross appearance of the medulla oblangata

internal structures

Gross appearance of the pons

internal structure of the pons

Gross appearance of the mid brain

internal structure of the mid brain


Gross appearance of the cerebellum

structure of the cerebellum

cerebellar cortical mechanismfunctions of the cerebellum

Gerbal appearance of the cerebral hemisphere

main sulci

lobes of the cerebral hemisphere


corpus striatm



Connection of the corpus striatum and globus pallidus

connections of the corpus striatum

functions of the basal nuclei


Gernal appearance of the thalamus

subdivisions of the thalamus

Connections of the thalamus

functions of the thalamus


Menings of the brain

Menings of the spinal cord

Recommended Books

Neuroanatomy by Richard S Snell.

3rd Year
5th Semester
RIT-501 Clinical Pharmacology 4 (3-1)

Drugs used in hypertension, Drugs used in treatment of angina pectoris, Drugs used in Heart
failure, Anti-arrhythmic drugs, Diuretic drugs

Hypothalamic and pituitary hormones, thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs, corticosteroids and
antagonist, gonadal hormones and inhibitors, pancreatic hormones, anti-diabetic agents and


Histamine, serotonin and the ergot alkaloid, vasoactive peptide


Drugs used in coagulation disorders, drugs use in the treatment of hyperlipidemias, NSAIDS,
Acetaminophen and used in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout.


RIT-503 CT SCAN 4 (3-1)

Axial anatomy to understand CT images, Principal (physics) and instruments of CT, Operation
modes, System components, Image characteristics, Image reconstruction, Image Quality, Patient
care and preparation, Whole body CT imaging assessment and monitoring, IV procedures,
Radiological Pathology, Artifact and image quality, clinical management Practice, Students should
learn to assess the CT images prescribe patient preparation, contrast, disposables and other
related medicine


Hands on training in radiology department.

Recommended books

Plain film competency deserves Felson’s Principles of Chest Roentgenology.

 Despite the name, Fundamentals of Body CT does a nice job of introducing thoracic CT as well
(and was finally updated last year).
 For a more definitive source, you could read Webb’s Thoracic Imaging: Pulmonary and
Cardiovascular Radiology. It’s especially well loved for its treatment of interstitial lung diseases.
At $200-, it’s also good volume to borrow. Webb also has the best text on High-Resolution CT
of the Lung, another great and pricey reference to maybe not buy.

RIT -505 Regional & Imaging Anatomy-II 4 (3-1)


Basic Anatomy Lymph Drainage of the Scalp Nerves of (he Orbit Blood
Platysma The Face Development Vessels and Lymph
Superficial Veins of the face The Eye
Superficial Lymph Skin of the face The Ear
The Triangles of the Neck Sensory Nerves of the The Mouth
Main Arteries of the Face The Pharynx
Neck The Palate
Arterial Supply of the -face The Nose
Main Veins of the Neck Venous Drainage of the Face The Paranasal Sinuses
Main Lymph Nodes of the Lymph Drainage of the The Larynx
Neck Face Radiographic Anatomy
Nerves of the Bones of the Face Radiographic
Main Nerves of the Neck Muscles of the Face Appearance of the
Cervical part of the Facial Nerves Head and Neck
Viscera of the Neck Parotid Glands Radiograph Appearance
Thyroid Gland The Temporal and Infra of the
Parathyroid Glands Temporal Fossae skull
Trachea Temporomandibular Surface Anatomy
Esophagus Joint Surface Landmarks of the
Thoracic Duct The Submandibular Head
The Scalp Salivary Glands Nasion
The Skull
Muscle of the Scalp Orbital Region Eyelids
Sensory Nerve supply
of the Scalp The Orbit
Arterial Supply of the Muscle of the Orbit
Venous Drainage of the

Basic Anatomy Lymph Drainage of the Scalp Nerves of (he Orbit Blood
Platysma The Face Development Vessels and Lymph
Superficial Veins of the face The Eye
Superficial Lymph Skin of the face The Ear
The Triangles of the Neck Sensory Nerves of the The Mouth
Main Arteries of the Face The Pharynx
Neck The Palate
Arterial Supply of the -face The Nose
Main Veins of the Neck Venous Drainage of the Face The Paranasal Sinuses

Main Lymph Nodes of the Lymph Drainage of the The Larynx
Neck Face Radiographic Anatomy
Nerves of the Bones of the Face Radiographic
Main Nerves of the Neck Muscles of the Face Appearance of the
Cervical part of the Facial Nerves Head and Neck
Viscera of the Neck Parotid Glands Radiograph Appearance
Thyroid Gland The Temporal and Infra of the
Parathyroid Glands Temporal Fossae skull
Trachea Temporomandibular Surface Anatomy
Esophagus Joint Surface Landmarks of the
Thoracic Duct The Submandibular Head
The Scalp Salivary Glands Nasion
The Skull
Muscle of the Scalp Orbital Region Eyelids
Sensory Nerve supply
of the Scalp The Orbit
Arterial Supply of the Muscle of the Orbit
Venous Drainage of the


Organization of Lower Popliteus Muscle Skin

lamb Popliteal Artery Dorsal Venous Arch (or
'I he Gluteal Region Popliteal Vein Network)
The Skin of the Bullock Arterial Anastomosis Muscles of the Dorsum of
Fascia of the Bullock Bones Around the Knee Joint the Foot
of the Clinical Region Popliteal Lymph Nodes Artery of the Dorsum of the
Ligaments of the Gluteal Tibial Nerve Foot
Region Common Peroneal Nerve Nerve Supply of the Dorsum
Foramina of the Gluteal Posterior Cutanious Nerve of the Foot
Regions of the Thigh Joints of the Lower Limb
Nerves of the Lower Limb Obturator Nerve Knee Joint
Nerves of the Gluteal Fascial Compartments of Proximal Tibiofibular Joint
Region the leg Distal Tibiofibular Joint
Arteries of the Gluteal The front of the Leg Ankle Joint
Region The font and Skin Tarsal Joint
Medical Contents of the Anterior Tarsometatorsal and
Aspects of the Thigh Skin of Fascial Compartment of Intermetatarsol Joints
the Thigh Superficial the Leg Metatarsophalangeal and
Fascia of the Thigh Contents of the Lateral Interphalangeal
(Fascia Lain) Fascial Joints
Deep Fascia of the Thigh Compartment of the Leg The Foot as a Functional
(Fascia Lain) The Back of the Leg Unit

Fascial Comportments of Skin Radiographic Anatomy
the Thigh Radiographic Appearances
Contents of the Interior Ankle Region and Foot of the Lower Limb
Contents of the Medical Contents of the Posteriors Radiographic Appearances
Fascia Fascial of the Hip Region
Compartment of the Thigh Compartment of the Leg Radiographic Appearances
The Back of Thigh Skin The Region of the Ankle of the Knee Region
Contents of the Posteriors Anterior Aspect of the Radiographic Appearances
Fascial Compartment of Ankle of the Ankle Region
the Thigh Posterior Aspect of the Radiographic Appearances
Hip Joint Ankle The Foot of the Tarsus,
Bones of the Leg The Sole of The Fool Skin Metatarsus, and Phalanges
Bones of the Fool Deep Fascia Surface Anatomy
Popliteal Fossa Boundaries Muscles of the Sole of the Gluteal Region
Foot Inguinal Region
Arteries of the Sole of the Femoral Triangle Adductor
Foot Canal
Veins of the Sole of the Foot Knee Region Tibia
Nerves of the Sole of the
Foot The Dorsum of the


UPPER LIMB Radiographic Anatomy The Carpal Tunnel

The Pectoral region and the Radiographic Appearance Thumb
axilla of the Upper Limb Pa I m
The Breasts Radiographic Appearance Nerves of the Palm
Hones of the Shoulder of the Shoulder Region Fascial Space of the Palm
Girdle and Ann Radiographic Appearance Pulp Space of the Fingers
The Axilla of the Elbow Region The Dorsum of the Hand
Walls of the Axilla Radiographic Appearance Skin
Contents of the Axilla of the Wrist the Hand Dorsal Venous Arch
The Superficial Part of the Insertion of the Long
Back and the Scapular Surface Anatomy Anterior Extensor
Region Surface of the Tendons
Skin chest The Radial Artery on the
Muscles Suprasternal Notch Dorsum of the Hand
Rotator Cuff Contests of the Anterior Joints of the Upper Limb
Nerves Fascia] Compartments of Sternal Angle (Angle of
Arterial Anastomosis the Upper Arm Content of Louis)
Around the Posterior Fascial Xiphisternal Joint
the Shoulder Joint Compartments of (lie Costal Margin

Sternoclavicular Joint Upper Arm Muscles: Nerve Clavicle
Acromioclavicular Joint Supply and action The Ribs
Shoulder Joint Cubital Fossa Bones of the Deltopectoral Triangles
The Scapular-Humeral Forearm Bones of the Hand Axillary Folds
Mechanism Fascia! Compartments of Axilla
Muscles: Nerve Supply and the Forearm The Breast
Action Interosseous Membrane The Elbow Region
Elbow Joint Flexor and Extensor of the The Wrist and Hand
Proximal Radioulnar Joint Forearm Contents of the Important Structures lying
Distal Radioulnar Joint Lateral Fascia! on the lateral Side of the
Wrist Joint (Radiocarpal Compartments of the wrist
Joint) Forearm Important Structures lying
Joints of the Hands and Contents of the Posterior in the palm
Fingers Fascial Compartments of Important Structures lying
The Hand As a Functional the Forearm on the dorsum of the Hand
Unit Muscles: Nerves Supply
and Action
The Region of the Wrist
Structures on the Anterior
Aspect of the Wrist


Basic Anatomy Thoracic Region

The Vertebral Column Coccyx
Composition of the Vertebral Spinal Subarachnoid
Column General Characteristics Space
of a Vertebra Surface Anatomy Midline Structures External
Lumber Vertebra Occipital Protuberance
Sacrum Cervical Vertiberae Thoracic- and Lumber Vertabrae
Coccyx Sacrum
Important Variations in the Coccyx
Vertebrae Upper Lateral Part of the Thorax
Joints of the Vertebral Column Scapula
Serve Supply of Vertebral Joints Lower Lateral Part of the Back
Curves of the Vertebral Column Iliac Crests
Movements of the Vertebral Spinal Corel and Subarachnoid Space Symmetry of
Column the Back
Muscles of the Back
Superficial Muscles
In term id tale Muscles
Deep Muscles of the Back
(Postvertebral Muscles)
Deep Fascia of the Back

(Thoracolumbar Fascia) Blood
Supply of the Back Lymph
Drainage of the Back Spinal
Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord
Meanings of the Spinal Cord
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Radiographic Anatomy
Radiographic Appearances of
the Vertical Column
Cervical Region

RIT -507 Mammography 3 (2-1)

Principles & instruments of Mammography Basis for Mammography, Image Receptors,

Positioning & Techniques, Clinical Application of Mammography, Clinical Practice of
Mammography, Patient dose. Soft tissue radiography. Basis for mammography; Breast
anatomy, Risk of breast cancers, Types of mammography, Baseline mammogram,
Magnification mammography. Mammography imaging system; High voltage generation,
Target composition, Focal spot, Filtration, Heel effect, Compression, Grids, Automatic
exposure control, screen film mammography. Digital radiography; Scanned projection
radiography, Charge couple device, Cesium iodide/ charge coupled device, Cesium iodide /
amorphous silicon, Amorphous selenium, Digital mammography. Mammography quality
control; Quality control team, Radiologist, Medical physicist, Mammographic technologist,
Quality control program, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly tasks, Semiannual tasks and Non-
routine tasks. Radiation protection.
Understanding of mammography machine
Positioning of a patient
Interpretation of a mammogram
Hands on training in mammography units
Recomemded books
Radiologic Science for Technologist Stewart Cartyle Bushong

 You probably don’t need a dedicated mammography text. Nothing, or the BI-RADS manual is
just fine. If you the feel a hankering for further study, Breast Imaging (The Core Curriculum
Series) is a high-quality resource.
 For case review, Breast Imaging: Case Review Series is well done overall.
 For those interested in mammo, Kopan’s Breast Imaging is the next step.

RIT -511 Diagnostic Imaging Skills 2 (0-2)

1. Hands on training in radiology department

2. Difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
3. history taking in radiology department
4. IV administration of contrast media
5. Basic patient preparation for X-rays
6. Computed tomography
7. Ultrasound
8. Radiographic procedures
9. MRI
10. Nuclear Medicine
11. After care of a patient.
12. How to deal emergency radiology.
13. Radiation protection.

6th Semester
RIT -502 Surgery-I 4 (3-1)


wound tissue repair and scars.

Surgical infections


Paediatric trauma

Common paediatric Surgical Conditions

Inguinal hernia


Abnormilities of the penis

Congenital malformation

Oesophageal atresia

Intestinal malrotation

Biliary atresia

Hirschsprung disease

Alimentary tract duplication



Interpreting images

Hazards of imaging

Hazards of ionizing radiation

Current legislation

Diagnostic imaging

Imaging in orthopedic surgery

Imaging in major trauma

Imaging in abdominal surgery

Imaging in oncology

Imaging in hepatobiliary system


Arterial disorder

Isschemia of lower limb


Abdominal aortic aeurysm

Venous disorders

Venous incompetence- vericose veins

Venous Thrombosis

Deep vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Venous ulcers

Lymphatic Disorder


Acute, chronic


Discription of dislocation are fracture

Fracture Healing

Fracture diagnosis

Complication of fractures

Fractures and Dislocation of Upper limb

Frozen Sholder

Injuries of shoulder Girdle

Acromoclavicular dislocation

Fractures of humerus

Fracture of proximal humerus

Fractures of shaft of humerus

Supracondylar Fracture of humerus

Injuries of Elbow

Types of elbow injury

Fractures of olecranon

Fractures of forearm bones


Clles's fracture

Fractures and dislocation of lower limb

Fractures of pelvis

Dislocation of hip joint

Fractures of shaft of femur

Fracture and dislocation of Patella

Fractures of leg bones ( Tibia and fibula)

Fractures of shaft of Tibia and Fibula

Infectious diseases of bones and joints

Rheumatoid Arthertis

tuberculous artheritis



Bone tumours


Haemotopoetic tumours

Osteogenic tumours

Chondrogenic Tumours

Soft tissue tumours: history, examination, investigation and diagnosis.



Injuries of vertebral column

Prolapse of intervertebral disc

Tumours of the Spine

Spinal Deformity

Congenital Scoliosis

Neuromuscular Scoliosis

Idiopathic Scoliosis

Scheuermann's Kyphosis

Develpmental Abnormalities

Spinal dysraphism


Arnold- Chiari malformation


Diagnosis, description and Classification of injury

The bony injury

Bony injury in adults

Soft tissue injury

Growth plate injuries

Principles of fracture Managment


Classification of head injury

Clinical features: History, Examination

Managment of mild and moderate head injury

Surgical managment of head injury

Extradural hematoma

Acute subdural hematoma

Subarachnoid haemorrage

Chronic subdural hematoma

Cerebral contusions

surgical managment of raised intracranial pressure



Intracranial Tumours

World health Organization of brain tumours


Cerebral metastases


Pituitary tumours

Acoustic neuroma

Vascular neurosurgery

Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.


Investigations of breast

The nipple

Benign breast disease

Carcinoma of the breast

Prognosis of breast cancer

treatment of cancer of breast


Hands on training in surgery department

Recommended books

Short practice of surgery by Beily and love. Volume 1 and Volume 2

Surgery by Shamium

RIT -504 Nuclear Medicine-I 4 (3-1)

Introduction to nuclear physics; Atomic and nuclear structure, Artificial and natural
radioactivity, Modes of radioactive decay, Exponential decay and half-life and mean life of
radionuclides, Radioactive decay series and equilibrium, Interaction of high energy radiation
with matter. Radiation detection and instrumentation; Basic principles of radiation detectors
and their common properties, Gas filled detectors and their application, Scintillation
detectors, Rectilinear scanners, Non imaging probes, Scintillation counters, Dose calibrator,
Scintillation camera, Multi crystal devices, Tomographic imaging technique SPECT and PET,
Image production and display, Image quality in nuclear medicine, Quality assurance
procedures in nuclear medicine instrumentation, Use of computers in NM principles and
application, NM data acquisition processing and display. Radiation protection; Radiations
quantities and units, Radioactive waste disposal, Radiation shielding and transportation of
radioactive material, Health physics instrumentation, Methods of safe handling of
radionuclides and pertaining rules and regulations
History taking
Patient preparation
Hands on training in nuclear medicine department
Recommended Books
Nuclear medicine physics by Ramesh Chandra

RIT -506 Special Radiological Techniques 3 (2-1)

 Mammography Imaging
o Breast Imaging
o Bone Densitometry (DEXA Scan)
o Perinatal Ultrasound
o Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

 Cardiac Imaging
o Cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
o Cardiac PET/CT (positron emission tomography & computed
o Coronary Calcium Scan ($150 Heart CT)
o Echocardiography
o Stress Nuclear Perfusion Cardiac Imaging

 CT (computed tomography)
 Interventional Neuroradiology
o Intracranial Aneurysms-GDC Therapy
o Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs)
o Dural Arterio-Venous Fistula (DAVFs)
o Pre-Operative Tumor Embolization
o Emergency Stroke Therapy
o Carotid Artery Angioplasty & Stenting
o Vertebroplasty

 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

 Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
o Cardiac imaging and function studies

o Thyroid imaging and function studies

o Lung imaging

o Kidney imaging

o Bone scans

o Hepatobiliary (liver, bile duct and gallbladder) imaging

o Tumor localization and characterization

o Melanoma and breast cancer staging

 PET (positron-emission tomography)

o About PET/CT Imaging
o Uses of PET/CT
o How Does PET/CT Work?
o Is PET/CT Safe?
o The PET/CT Procedure

 Ultrasound
o About Ultrasound
o Uses of Ultrasound
o How Ultrasound Works
o Safety of Ultrasound
o The Ultrasound Procedure

 X-ray
o About X-ray
o Uses of X-ray
o How X-ray Works
o Safety of X-ray
o The X-ray Procedure
Hands on training in radiology departments including all the
modalities of radiology.
Recommended books
Radiation Science for technologist
Clinical Sonography by Roger C. Sanders.
Nuclear medicine Physics by Ramesh Chandra
Megnetic Resonance immaging by Stewart C. Bushong

RIT -508 Ultrasound/Doppler 4 (3-1)


Basic physics, Instrumentation, Types of ultrasound display, Real time imaging, specialized
ultrasound Transducers and system, Techniques for improving the image. Knobology,
Doppler and colour flow principal.

Artifacts. Patient preparation for an ultrasound scan. Ultrasound scanning techniques.

Interpretation of anatomy and assessment of images and pathology.


Hands on training in grey scale Ultrasound

Hands on training on Doppler.

Recommended books

Clinical sonography by Roger C. Sanders

 Ultrasound: The Requisites is excellent and covers everything except peds (even obstetrics).

RIT -510 Fluoroscopy 2 (2-0)

Intravascular contrast media; What is contrast media, high osmolar low osmolar contrast
media, Prophylaxis for adverse contrast medium reactions, indications for use of low
osmolar contrast media. Gastrointestinal tract; Barium swallow, Barium meal, Barium fallow
through, Barium enema, Sinogram, loopogram. Liver, biliary tract and pancreas; Oral
cholecystography, post-operative (T-tube) cholangiography, Endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography, percutaneous trans-hepatic-cholangiography. Genitourinary
system; Excretion urography, Micturating Cysto-urography, Hysterosalpingography. Spine;
Cervical myelography, lumbar myelography, thoracic myelography, cervical myelography by
lumber injection. Salivary glands; Methods of imaging the salivary glands, Sialography. Bones
and joints; Arthrography- general points, Double contrast knee arthrography, Double
contrast shoulder arthrography, Elbow arthrography, Wrist arthrography, radiocarpal joint,
midcarpal joint, temporomandibular joint arthrography.

Practical training

Hands on training on flouroscopy unit

Recommended books

 Mayo Clinic Gastrointestinal Imaging Review has every body modality but is the only fluoro
resource you need assuming people will teach you the protocols.
 The cheaper solution is Genitourinary Radiology: The Requisites. The Textbook of
Uroradiology is pricier but quite nice.

4th Year
7th Semester
AHP-601 Forensic Medicine 3 (3-0)

Introduction to forensic toxicology; Medical Jurisprudence, Legal prudence, Inquest, Courts,

Procedure in court, Role of Consent in medical practice
Death: definition, phases of death, Signs of death; cadaveric lividly, Rigor Mortis,
Putrefaction, Saponification, Mummification, Cadaveric spasm, Manners of death; Natural
(causes of sudden natural death), accidental, suicidal, Intraoperative, homicidal &
undetermined. Factors used in estimating time of death.
Evidence; Evidence and type of evidence, Dying declaration and dying deposition, Physical
evidence & types, recovery and preservation of physical evidence, procedure for collection
of biological and non-biological evidences. Asphyxia; suffocation, strangulation, chemical
asphyxiant & neck holds
Injuries & Wounds; blunt force, sharps, gunshot, burns,
Autopsy; External and Internal examination; microscopic examination, findings, opinion &
Forensic Toxicology: Poison & their Classification, Routes of Administration and Elimination
of Poison, Factors modifying the effects/action of poison, Diagnosis, tissue & specimen
collection, routine testing, drug screening; methods of analysis.
Recommended books:
1. DiMaio VJ, Dana SE. Handbook of forensic pathology. CRC Press; 2006.
2. Adelman HC. Forensic Medicine. Infobase Publishing; 2007.
3. Sharma RK. Concise textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology. Global Education
Consultants. 2005
4. McLay WD. Clinical forensic medicine. Cambridge University Press; 2009 Mar 12.

STAT-421 Biostatistics 3 (2-1)

Introduction to Biostatistics and its scope in Microbiology. Collection of Primary and Secondary
data. Editing of data. Presentation of data: Tabulation, Classification, Visual Presentation (Diagrams
and Graphs). Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean by direct and short-cut method,
Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Mode, Median, ED (LD in detail ), Quantile. Measures of
50 50

Dispersion: Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation by direct and short-cut
method, Variance, and their Coefficient. Correlation: Simple Correlation Table, Rank Correlation,
Partial and Multiple Correlations. Regression and method of least square. Probability: Concept of
Probability, Laws of Probability. Permutation and Combination. Probability distributions: Binomial
distribution, Poisson distribution and their fitting to observed data, Normal distribution. Sampling
and Basic Design. Hypothesis Testing. Chi-square test, Student’s t-test, Analysis of variance.
Laboratory Experiments pertaining to the course.

Recommended Books:

1. Stanton, A.G., 2001. Primer of Biostatistics. McGraw Hill.

2. Jekel, J., Elmore, J.G., Katz, D.L., 2001. Epidemiology, biostatistics and preventive medicine. W. B.
3. Quinn, G., 2002. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists. CMICROridge University
4. Fernholz, L.T, Morgenlhaler, S., Stahel, W., 2000. Statistics in Genetics and in Environmental
Sciences, Birkhauser Verlag.
5. Kuzma, J. W. and Bohnenblust, S. E. 2001, Basis Statistics for the Health Sciences, McGraw-Hill
International Education.

RIT-603 MRI-I 4 (3-1)


Part I: Fundamentals; an Overview of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Electricity and

Magnetism, Nuclear Magnetism, Equilibrium-Saturation

Part II: The Magnetic Resonance Image; Radiofrequency Pulse Sequences, Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Tissue Parameters, Manipulating Magnetic Resonance Image Contrast,
Fourier Transforms in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Part III: The Imaging System; Magnetic Resonance Imaging Hardware, Primary Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Magnets, Secondary Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnets

Part IV: Image Formation; Digital Imaging, Walk Through the Spatial Frequency Domain, the
Musical Score, Magnetic Resonance Images


Hands on training in radiology department in MRI unit.

Different planes of study.
Students must be able to interpret the MR anatomy.
Recommended books
Magnetic resonance Immaging by Stewart C. bushing

Musculoskeletal MRI (Helms strikes again) is the book to read to gain a foundation in MSK MRI.

 Arthritis in Black and White is the most beloved breakdown of what is often considered a
difficult topic.

Helm’s classic Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology is very similar to his chapters in B&H and isn’t
really necessary to have in addition. And, like his B&H chapters, the MRI sections are comically
short. The nice resident-level text isMusculoskeletal Imaging: The Requisites. A very pricey text that
you could borrow would be Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach


RIT-605 Angiography & Cardiac Imaging-I 4 (3-1)

Indication for cardiac catheterization, contraindication, complication and risk, Preparation of the
patient, equipment in the catheterization laboratory, environment safety in the catheterization

Arterial and venous access.

Percutaneous femoral approach, Arm approach, use of heparin during cardiac catheterization,
problems of vascular access

Hemodynamic Data

pressure waves in the heart, Right and left sided heart catheterization, computation for
hemodynamic measurements, computation for valve areas from pressure gradients and cardiac
output, Examples of Aortic and mitral valve area calculations, use of valve resistance for aortic
stenosis, Measurement of cardiac output, Fick oxygen consumption method, Equipment used for
hemodynamic study, Hemodynamic recording technique, components of the electrocardiogram

Angiographic data

coronary arteriography, problems and solution in the interpretation of angiograms,

ventriculography, Ascending Aortography, Abdominal Aortography, Pulmonary angiography,
Peripheral vascular angiography, X-ray image, Digital angiography, Radiation safety, injectors and
contrast materials, Angiographic catheters, Medications used in coronary angiography, Pacemakers


History taking

Patient preparation

Hands on training on a angiographic unit

Recommended book

 Cardiac Imaging (RadCases) covers the essentials nicely.

 The concise reference is Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures.

 The textbook, for those so inclined, is Requisites. For the fellowship-bound,Abrams’
Angiography is a common favorite.
 You probably don’t need to buy anything for IR if you don’t like IR.

RIT-607 Echocardiography 3 (2-1)

Basic principles of 2D / M mode echo, Echo equipment, Basic, Advance. Principles of Doppler echo,
CW / PW, Color Doppler. Fundamentals of cardiac anatomy in relevance to echo, Performance of
echo, Echo windows, Operational modes, Pediatric echo, Basic principles, Segmental sequential
analysis, Physiological aspects of echo, Ventricular function, Diastolic function, Flows /pressures /
shunts, TOE (trans-esophageal echo), Preoperative echo, Fetal echo, 3D / 4D echo, Normal views
and values, Ventricular dysfunction; LV systolic dysfunction, LV diastolic function, RV dysfunction.
Cardiomyopathies; Dilated cardiomyopathies, Restrictive cardiomyopathies, Hypertrophic
cardiomyopathies. Coronary artery disease, Indication for echo in CAD, Myocardial ischemia,
Myocardial infraction, Left ventricular dysfunction, Right ventricular dysfunction, Acute mitral
regurgitation, Acute ventricular septal defect, Left ventricular aneurysm, Coronary artery
anomalies, Stress echo. Systemic hypertension, Pulmonary hypertension, Aortic diseases,
Congenital heart diseases; Ventricular septal defect, Atrial septal defect, Patent ductus arteriosus,
Tetralogy of fallot, Eisenmenger reaction, Valvular diseases, Mitral valve, Tricuspid valve, Aortic
valve, Pulmonary valve. Pericardial diseases; pericardial effusion, Cardiac temponade, Constrictive
pericarditis. Endocardial diseases. Intracardiac mass, Systemic diseases
 Understanding of echo equipment
 Operationalization of echo / Doppler machine
 Training in performance of a standard echo in adults and children
 LL function assessment
 Observation of advanced echo
 Fetal
 Per operative
 3D / 4D
Recomended books

8th Semester
RIT-602 Angiography & Cardiac Imaging-II 3 (2-1)

Electrophysiological studies and ablation techniques:

Technical aspects, procedures, utility of electrophysiological study for specific diagnosis, catheter

Specific techniques

Trans-septal heart cauterization, direct transthoracic left ventricular puncture, endomyocardial

biopsy, coronary sinus catheterization, pericardiocentesis, intravascular foreign body retrieval

High risk cardiac catheterization

High risk patient, incidence of complications in the high risk patient, Management of Arrhythmias
in high risk patients, Cardiac support devices

Interventional techniques

Percutaneous coronary interventions, valvuloplasty

Recommended books

 RecoThe concise reference is Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures.

 The textbook, for those so inclined, is Requisites. For the fellowship-bound,Abrams’
Angiography is a common favorite.
 You probably don’t need to buy anything for IR if you don’t like IR.

RIT-604 Nuclear Medicine-II 3 (2-1)


Radiochemistry and radiopharmaceuticals, Radiopharmaceuticals, Production of

radioisotopes, Radioisotopes generators, Quality control and quality assurance od
radiopharmaceuticals, Hot laboratory and dispensing operations, Chemical toxicity of
radionuclides. Clinical nuclear medicine imaging; Systemic nuclear medicine teaching
including application of radiopharmaceuticals for imaging of different organs, Ststic bone
imaging, Dynamic bone imaging, Lung perfusion imaging, Lung ventilation imaging, Renal
imaging, Myocardial imaging, MUGA, Cardiac, Hepatobiliary, Liver, Spleen, Gastrointestinal,
Esophageal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Salivary gland and whole body imaging. Indications of
nuclear medicine diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. Techniques of performing
scintigraphy and common therapy procedure. Acquisition protocols image processing and
quantitation on images.
 The techniques and methods of major nuclear medicine diagnostic and therapeutic
 Elution of Mo-Tc generator system
 Calculation of dose and preparation of radiopharmaceuticals
 Quality control of radiopharmaceutical
 Estimation of bound and free fraction
 Thyroid uptake studies
 Quality control tests for gamma camera
 Routine operational tests for SPECT
 Dynamic studies with patient
 Static and SPECT studies

Recommended books

Mettler’s Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging is excellent.

RIT-606 MRI-II 3 (2-1)

Part I: Pulse Sequences; Spin Echo Imaging, Chemical Shift and Magnetization Transfer,
Steady State Gradient Echo Imaging, Hybrid Fast Imaging Techniques, Echo Planar Imaging
Part II: Applications; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Partially Parallel Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Perfusion Imaging, Diffusion
Imaging, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Part III: Safety ; Contrast Agents and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Artifacts, Biological Effects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Managing a Magnetic
Resonance Imaging System

Hands on training in radiology department MRI unit.
Study of Different planes
Students must be able to interpret the anatomy and pathologies of different regions.
Recomended books.

 Musculoskeletal MRI (Helms strikes again) is the book to read to gain a foundation in MSK
 Arthritis in Black and White is the most beloved breakdown of what is often considered a
difficult topic.
 Helm’s classic Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology is very similar to his chapters in B&H and
isn’t really necessary to have in addition. And, like his B&H chapters, the MRI sections are
comically short. The nice resident-level text isMusculoskeletal Imaging: The Requisites. A very
pricey text that you could borrow would be Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach.

RIT-608 Surgery-II 3 (2-1)



Congenital abnormilities

Gestro-oesophageal reflux disease


Corrosive injury to the oeasophagus

Forign bodies in the Oesophagus


Investigation of stomach and duodenum

Hypertrophic pyloric Stenosis of infants

Peptic ulcers

Gestric outlet obstruction

Carcinoma of Stomach

Gestrointestinal Stromal tumours

Duodenal tumours


Methods of investigating the liver ( lab as well as immaging)

Acute and Chronic liver disease

Liver abcess

Liver tauma

Chronic liver condition

Portal hypertension

Liver tumours


Investigation of Spleen

Splenic artery aneurysm, infarct and rupture.

Splenomegaly and hypersplenism


Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

Hemolytic Anemies


Radiological investigations of biliary tract.

Congenital abnormilities of gall bladder and bile ducts.




Benign bile duct strictures



Injuries to the pancreas.


Carcinoma of the pancreas.


Functional abnormilities

Vascular anomalies ( angiodysplasia)

Diverticular diseases

Hirschsprung disease.

Ulcerative colitis

Gastrointestinal fistulas

Tumours of small intestine

Familial adenomatous plyposis



Intestinal obstruction ( acute and chronic)

Acute intussusception


Paralytic Ileus


Acute appendicitis

Special features according to position of appendix

Complication of appendicectomy

Per-appendicular phlegmon (appendix mass)

Appendix abcess

Neoplasm of the appendix.


Rectal Prolapse ( Partial and complete prolapse)


Benign tumours.


Anal Fissue. (fissure in ano)


Anorectal abcess.

Fistula in ano.

Non malignant strictures

Malignant tumours


Investigation of urinary tract

Congenital abnormilities of the kidney.

Congenital abnormilities of the renal pelvis and the ureter.


Renal calculi

Ureteric calculi

Idiopathic retroperitoneal Fibrosis

Neaoplasm of the kidney.


Congenital defects of the bladder.

Bladder tauma

Retension of urine

Incontinence of urine.

Bladder stones

Lower urinary tract infection.

Carcinoma of the Bladder .( clinical features, investigation. treatment)


Benign prostatic hyperplasia.


Carcinoma of the prostate.


Male Congenital abnormilities.

Urethral stricture.

Female urethral abnormilities.



Torsion of testis.



Malignant neoplasm of the testis.


Hands on training in surgical department.

RIT-601 Research Project/Term paper 3 (0-3)


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