BS Medical Laboratory Technology BOS
BS Medical Laboratory Technology BOS
BS Medical Laboratory Technology BOS
Scheme of Studies
Scheme of Studies .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1st Year .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1st Semester ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Basic & Applied Anatomy ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Basic & Applied Physiology ................................................................................................................................. 6
Social Psychology ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
English for Academic Purpose............................................................................................................................ 9
Islamic Studies ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
2nd Semester .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
General Pathology ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Introductory Pharmacology .............................................................................................................................. 12
Introductory Biochemistry ................................................................................................................................ 13
Computer Applications in Biology .................................................................................................................. 14
Pakistan Studies ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Fundamentals of Medical Lab Technology .................................................................................................. 16
2nd Year ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
3rd Semester................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Community Medicine/Public Health ............................................................................................................. 17
General Hematology ............................................................................................................................................. 19
General Microbiology & Sterilization ............................................................................................................ 18
Clinical Pathology .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Clinical Lab Practice-II ......................................................................................................................................... 21
4th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Scientific Writing ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Clinical Biochemistry (I&II)............................................................................................................................... 23
Immunology & Serology...................................................................................................................................... 24
Histopathology and Histotechnology ............................................................................................................ 25
Clinical Lab Practice-III ....................................................................................................................................... 27
3rd Year.................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
5th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Clinical Parasitology ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Immunohematology & Transfusion Medicine ........................................................................................... 29
Clinical Bacteriology ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Biosafety and Biohazards ................................................................................................................................... 31
Medical Instrumentations & Software Applications ............................................................................... 32
Clinical Lab Practice-IV........................................................................................................................................ 33
6th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Cytology and Cytotechnology ........................................................................................................................... 34
Molecular Biology .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Clinical Virology and Mycology ........................................................................................................................ 36
Advanced Hematology ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Advanced Immunology........................................................................................................................................ 38
Clinical Lab Practice-IV........................................................................................................................................ 39
4th Year .................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
7th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Forensic Medicine.................................................................................................................................................. 40
Biostatistics .............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Advanced Clinical Biochemistry ...................................................................................................................... 42
Advanced Clinical Microbiology ...................................................................................................................... 43
Advanced Molecular Biology............................................................................................................................. 44
Advanced Diagnostic and Biomedical Techniques .................................................................................. 45
Quality Assurance Management ...................................................................................................................... 46
Clinical Genetics ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
8th Semester ................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Epidemiology ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
Bioinformatics-I...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Endocrinology ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Clinical Laboratory Management .................................................................................................................... 51
Research Project/Term paper .......................................................................................................................... 52
Scheme of Studies
Semester 1 Semester 5
AHP-301 Basic and Applied Anatomy 4 (3-1) MLT-501 Clinical Parasitology 3 (2-1)
AHP-303 Basic and Applied Physiology 4 (3-1) Immunohematology
MLT-503 3 (2-1)
PSY-407 Social Psychology 3 (3-0) &Transfusion Medicine
ENG-321 English for Academic Purpose 3 (3-0) MLT-505 Clinical Bacteriology 4 (3-1)
ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2 (2-0) MLT-507 Biosafety and Hazards 2 (2-0)
Total 16 Medical Instrumentations &
MLT-509 3 (3-0)
Software Applications
Semester 2
MLT-511 Clinical Lab Practice-III 3 (0-3)
AHP-302 General Pathology 4 (3-1)
Total 18
AHP-304 Introductory Pharmacology 2 (2-0)
Semester 6
BCH-301 Introductory Biochemistry 4 (3-1)
MLT-502 Cytology & Cytotechnology 3 (2-1)
Computer Applications in
CSI-421 3 (2-1) BNB-321 Molecular Biology 3 (2-1)
PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0) MLT-504 Clinical Virology & Mycology 3 (2-1)
Fundamentals of Medical Lab MLT-506 Advanced Hematology 3 (2-1)
MLT-306 2 (2-0)
Technology MLT-508 Advanced Immunology 3 (2-1)
Total 17 MLT-510 Clinical Lab Practice-IV 3 (0-3)
Semester 3 Total 18
Community Medicine/ Public Semester 7
AHP-401 3 (2-1)
Health AHP-601 Forensic Medicine 3 (3-0)
General Microbiology &
MIC-321 3 (2-1) STAT-421 Biostatistics 3 (3-0)
MLT-403 General Hematology 4 (3-1) MLT-603 Advanced Clinical Biochemistry*
MLT-405 Clinical Pathology 3 (2-1) MLT-605 Advanced Clinical Microbiology* 4 (3-1)
MLT-407 Clinical Lab Practice-I 3 (0-3) MLT-607 Advanced Molecular Biology*
Total 16 Advanced Diagnostic &
MLT-609 3 (2-1)
Biomedical Techniques
Semester 4
MLT-611 Quality Assurance Management 2 (2-0)
AHP-402 Scientific Writing 2 (2-0)
MLT-613 Clinical Genetics 3 (2-1)
MLT-404 Clinical Biochemistry (I & II) 4 (3-1)
Total 18
MLT-406 Immunology & Serology 4 (3-1)
* Student will opt any one from these elective subject
Histopathology &
MLT-408 4 (3-1) Semester 8
MLT-410 Clinical Lab Practice-II 3 (0-3) AHP-602 Epidemiology 3 (3-0)
Total 17 BNB-402 Bioinformatics-I 3 (2-1)
PHS-503 Endocrinology 3 (2-1)
MLT-604 Clinical Laboratory Management 3 (3-0)
MLT-606 Research Project/Term Paper 3 (0-3)
Total 15
1st Year
1st Semester
AHP-301 Basic & Applied Anatomy 4 (3-1)
Introduction to human anatomy: Branches, levels of body organization & systems, anatomical
position, region names, planes, sections & body cavities, Cells and its structural components.
Structure and types of different body tissues & membranes. Integumentary system: structures blood
supply & development. Musculoskeletal System: structure, type and function of muscles, bones &
joints. Components of the axial & appendicular skeletal system. The Nervous System: Central Nervous
System. Peripheral Nervous System (Autonomic & somatic). Special Senses. Reflex arc and reflex
action. Cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation. Cranial and spinal nerves. The Cardiovascular System;
blood, Heart, and blood vessels, Pulmonary and systemic circulation, Lymphatic system & immunity.
Respiratory System; The anatomy of the respiratory passages, lungs and pleural cavity. The Digestive
System; organs of digestive tract (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver and gall
bladder, small & large intestine) Blood supply & lymphatic drainage. Genito-Urinary System; The
structure of nephron and organs of the urinary system and its relations with other organs, Structures
of Male & female reproductive system. Embryonic development.
1. Labelling of various planes, sections & regions of human body
2. Identification of bones; compact, spongy, long, short, sesamoid bones
3. Identification of various types of muscles.
4. Identification of various organs of gastrointestinal system
5. Labelling of anatomical and functional regions of nervous system
6. Drawing and labelling of structures of genito- urinary tract system
7. Differentiation between arteries, veins and capillaries
Recommended Books:
1. Waugh A, Grant A. Ross & Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness. Elsevier
Health Sciences; 2014.
2. Principles of Human Anatomy 12th Edition by Garad J. Tortora. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. General Anatomy by Laiq Hussain Siddiqui.
4. Atlas of Human Anatomy 5th edition by Frank H. Netter
5. Simbryo: An Animated tour of Human development by Phllip M. Ecker, Grant M. Ecker,
Lawrence H. Mathers
AHP-303 Basic & Applied Physiology 4 (3-1)
Introduction to the human physiology; functional organization, relationship between structure and
function of the human body. Homeostasis, importance negative and positive feedback mechanism.
Integumentary system; Layers of skin and types of glands, Functions of the skin, hair and glands,
diseases related to skin, Body temperature , its types and its regulation. The musculoskeletal system:
Physiological anatomy of muscles and their types., Functional characteristics of skeletal muscle,
smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, Properties of muscles , The events of muscle contraction and
relaxation in response to an action potential in a motor neuron., Neuromuscular junction ,
Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic muscle contraction., Muscle hypertrophy and atrophy.
The nervous system; functional anatomy of nervous system, Functions of all the parts of central
nervous system,, Functions of various cranial nerves., Division of peripheral nervous system (somatic
and autonomic ns), The classification and function of neurons, neuroglial cells and their components.
, Resting membrane potential and an action potential., Difference between sympathetic and para
sympathetic ns, Difference between somatic and autonomic nervous system, The types and function
of a synapse and reflex arc , Diseases related to nervous system. The functions of the specialized
sense organs; Eye---- physiology of site, accommodation, optic nerve and optic chiasma, Ear----
functions of the internal, middle and external ear, Physiology of the hearing and balance, Smell-------
---- physiology of olfactory nerve, Taste ---------physiology of taste, Location of the taste buds,
Physiology of speech. The endocrine system; Functions of the endocrine system, Chemical signals,
receptors and hormones, the endocrine glands and their hormones, Other hormones. Blood;
Composition of blood and plasma, Functions of blood, Formed elements , Stages of cell
development, Blood grouping, Coagulation mechanism. The cardiovascular system; Functional
anatomy cardiac system,, Functions of the heart , Electrical activity of the heart origin and
propagation of cardiac impulse , Phases of the cardiac cycle , Heart sounds , Regulation of heart
functions--- intrinsic and extrinsic, Functions of the peripheral circulation , The physiology of
circulation , Pulmonary circulation , Cardiac circulation, Systemic circulation: arteries , Veins , Local
control of blood vessels , Nervous control of blood vessels , Regulation of arterial blood pressure, The
function of lymphatic system, tonsils, lymph nodes, the spleen and the thymus. Respiratory system;
Functional anatomy of respiratory ns, Functions of the respiratory system beginning at the nose and
ending with the alveoli., Ventilation and lung volumes , Pulmonary function tests, Gas exchange and
gas transport in the blood , Diseases related to respiratory system. The digestive system; Functions
of each organ of the digestive system including major salivary glands, Movements and secretions in
each organ of the digestive system and their regulation, Physiology of digestion, absorption, and
transport , Diseases related to digestive system. Excretory system; Functional anatomy of urinary
system, Tubular system of kidney, Urine production, urine movement , Regulation of urine
concentration and volume , Body fluid compartments , Regulation of extracellular fluid composition
, Regulation of acid-base balance. Immunity; Define immunity, innate immunity, adaptive immunity ,
Antigens and antibodies, Primary and secondary responses to an antigen, Antibody-mediated
immunity and cell-mediated immunity, Role of lymphocyte in immunity regulation,
Determination of human pulse rate
Determination of blood pressure (by auscultatory and palpatory method)
The effect of exercise and posture of b.p
Determination of visual acuity for distant vision
Determination of visual acuity test for near vision
Determination of abo blood group system.
Determination of rh blood group system
To study hemocytometer
Count the total number of rbcs/mm3 of your own blood
Examination of cranial nerves
Essentials of anatomy and physiology by seelay, stephens and tate. 4th edition
Ross & wilson anatomy and physiology.
Human physiology. Stuart ira fox. 7th edition
Text book of medical physiology guyton
Essential of medical physiology vol.i & ii by mushtaq ahmad.
Lecture notes on human physiology by bray jj, cragg, pa macknight
PSY-407 Social Psychology 3 (3-0)
Introduction to Social Psychology; Nature and scope of social psychology, Social Perception Self in
Social World, Attribution. Socialization; Nature: Perspectives of Socialization, Agents of Socialization,
Process of Socialization, Socialization of Gender Roles. Attitudes; Nature &Structure Formation of
attitude, Attitude Change, Attitude Predicts Behavior. Persuasion; Elements of Persuasion, Resistance
in persuasion. Prejudice; Nature and power of power of prejudice, Sources of prejudice. Aggression;
what is aggression? Theories of aggression, Influences on aggression, How can aggression be
reduced? Social relations; Conformity, Altruism
Recommended Books:
1. Fisher, R. J. (1992). Social psychology: An applied approach. New York: St Martin Press.
2. Forsyth, D. F. (1987). Social psychology. California: Brooks Publishing Company.
3. Franzoi, S. L. (2006). Social Psychology. (7th Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
4. Myers, D. G. (2005). Exploring social psychology. (8th Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
5. Wayant, J. M. (1986). Applied social psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
ENG-321 English for Academic Purpose 3 (3-0)
Course Contents
Introducing ourselves
Describing things
Getting and giving information
Recounting past events
Talking about facts and opinions
Agreeing and disagreeing
Compare and Contrast
Cause and effect
Using your imagination
Writing Essays
Presentation skills
ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2 (2-0)
Introduction to Quranic Studies: Basic Concepts of Quran, History of Quran, Uloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran
Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No-284-286)
Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77)
Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)
Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6, 21, 40, 56, 57, 58.)
Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
Verses of Surah As-Saf Related to Tafakar, Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I: Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before Prophet Hood), Life of
Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah, Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II: Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina, Important Events of Life
Holy Prophet in Madina, Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina
Introduction to Sunnah; Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of Hadith, Uloom –ul-
Hadith, Sunnah & Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah, Selected Study from Text of Hadith
Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence: Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence,
History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence,
Nature of Differences in Islamic Law, Islam and Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization: Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Historical
Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization,
Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues
Islam & Science: Basic Concepts of Islam & Science, Contributions of Muslims in the Development of
Science, Quranic & Science
Islamic Economic System: Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System, Means of Distribution of
wealth in Islamic Economics, Islamic Concept of Riba, Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce
Political System of Islam: Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System, Islamic Concept of Sovereignty,
Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Islamic History: Period of Khlaft-E-Rashida, Period of Ummayyads, Period of Abbasids
Social System of Islam: Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam, Elements of Family, Ethical Values
of Islam
Recommended Books
1. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Islamabad
2. Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf Publication
Islamabad, Pakistan.
3. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal Open
University, Islamabad (2001)
2nd Semester
AHP-302 General Pathology 4 (3-1)
Cell Injury and adaptation; Cell Injury, Reversible and Irreversible Injury, Fatty change, Pigmentation,
Pathologic calcification, Necrosis and Gangrene. Cellular adaptation; Atrophy, Hypertrophy,
Hyperplasia, Metaplasia, Aplasia. Inflammation; Acute inflammation --- vascular changes,
Chemotaxis, Opsonization and Phagocytosis, cellular components and chemical mediators of acute
inflammation, exudates and transudate, Chronic inflammation, Etiological factors, Granuloma. Cell
repair and wound healing; Regeneration and Repair, Healing- steps of wound healing by first and
second intention, Factors affecting healing, complications of wound healing. Hemodynamic
disorders; Edema, Hemorrhage, Thrombosis, Embolism, Infarction & Hyperemia, Shock and its
causes, compensatory mechanisms involved in shock, possible consequences of thrombosis,
difference between arterial and venous emboli. Neoplasia; Dysplasia and Neoplasia, differences
between benign and malignant neoplasms, common etiological factors for neoplasia, different modes
of metastasis
Types of Microscope. Necrosis and its types, Histopathological techniques, Study of inflammation,
acute and chronic inflammation, coagulative necrosis, diagnostic laboratory tests, Liver function
tests, Renal function tests, Complete Blood counts.
Recommended Books:
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins basic pathology. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2012.
Strasinger SK, Di Lorenzo MS. Urinalysis and body fluids. FA Davis; 2014
Rosto E, editor. Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy!. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Goljan EF. Rapid review pathology: with student consult online access. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013
Jun 7.
MLT-304 Introductory Pharmacology 2 (2-0)
Recommended Books:
1. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology 5th Edition. Lippincott’s Williams & Wilkins
2. Chemical Calculations at a Glance by Paul Yates Blackwell Publishing
3. Medical Pharmacology at a Glance by Michael J. Neal. 4th Edition. Blackwell publishing
BCH-301 Introductory Biochemistry 4 (3-1)
Foundation of Biochemistry; cellular foundation, isolation of eukaryotic cell, chemical foundation,
Structure and function of cell membrane, movement of materials across cell membrane
Carbohydrates; classification of carbohydrates. Regulation of blood glucose level, Glycolysis, Citric
acid cycle, Glycogenolysis, Glycogenoses, Gluconeogenesis. Proteins and Amino Acids; Introduction,
importance, classification and properties of proteins, Entry of amino acids into cells and peptide
linkage, Special sources of proteins. Lipids; Introduction, Classification and Function of lipids,
Biosynthesis of fatty acids, natural fats or triglycerides, Fatty acid oxidation. Vitamins and Minerals;
Introduction, classification, Deficiency effects. Enzymes; Introduction, Classification, properties, the
mechanism of enzyme reactions, Factors affecting the enzyme activity, Important coenzymes and
their actions, Enzyme inhibitors and Regulatory enzymes. Nutrition and Dietetics; Balanced diet, Role
of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, their dietary sources and uses in the body, Quantitative and
qualitative daily requirements of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Physiochemical Principles; Acidity & Alkalinity, Osmosis & Osmotic pressure, Hydrogen ion conc. and
pH notation, Indicators & Buffer solutions, pH.
1. Measurement of pH of various biological fluids
2. Estimation of serum albumin
3. Estimation of blood glucose
4. Measurement of serum total protein level and A / G ratio
5. Measurement of blood cholesterol
6. Measurement of Triglycerides
7. Measurement of Urea
8. Measurement of serum Creatinine
Recommended Books:
1. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 30th Edition MC Graw Hill.
2. Boyer RF. Modern experimental biochemistry. Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. 3rd Edition
3. Harvey RA, Ferrier DR. Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Biochemistry. 6th Edition by Kluwer,
New York. 2011.
4. Nelson DL, Lehninger AL, Cox MM. Lehninger principles of biochemistry. 6th Edition Macmillan;
CSI-421 Computer Applications in Biology 3 (2-1)
Generation of computer: 1st to 4th generation with their characteristics. Basic concept of computer:
Introduction, different components of computer, basic design of computer. Introduction to operating
system. Introduction to OS, different management (processor, memory, device, file), Processor
management-Process concept, Threads, CPU Scheduling, Process scheduling, Deadlocks, Process
synchronization. Memory management –Memory allocation rule, Swapping, Overlay, Paging,
Demand paging, segmentation, virtual memory. Device management, File management.
Usage of MS DOS commands: basic concept of internal & external commands, directory &file
commands, copying, erasing, renaming, displaying files, introduction to pipes & filters, concept of
batch file. Windows operation: Customizing the interface, windows explorer, computer upkeep &
utilities. Office operation, Microsoft word:- concept of toolbar, character, paragraph& document
formatting, drawing tool bar, header, footer, document editing, page setup, short cut keys, text &
graphics. Microsoft excel:- concept of spread sheets, creating worksheet ,well formatted documents,
concept of row, column, cell &formula bar, using function, using shortcuts, chart, conditional
formatting, goal seek, validation rule. Microsoft power point: - slide presentation, slide layout &
design, custom animation, image importing, slide transition.
PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0)
1. Historical Perspective
a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad
Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism
c. People and Land
i. Indus Civilization
ii. Muslim advent
iii. Location and geo-physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases:
a. 1947-58
b. 1958-71
c. 1971-77
d. 1977-88
e. 1988-99
f. 1999 onward
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Books Recommended
1. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000.
2. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis. Karachi:
Oxford University Press, 1993.
3. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.
MLT-306 Fundamentals of Medical Lab Technology 2 (2-0)
Basic laboratory principles, Code of conduct of medical laboratory personnel, Organization of clinical
laboratory and role of medical laboratory Technologist and technician, Safety measures, Medical
laboratory professional - professionalism in laboratory workers, code of conduct, communication
between physician and lab technician, Common glassware in clinical laboratory, Cleaning, care and
maintenance of glassware, Calibration of pipettes and other volumetric apparatus. Laboratory
instruments. Microscopes-Principles, parts, use, care and maintenance of Light microscope. Brief
history of microscopy, Parts of a microscope, Types of microscope. Classification and their uses,
Nature of light, Concepts of amplitude, Wavelength and Phase, Perception of color and brightness,
Refraction, formation of images. Centrifuge. Water bath. Refrigerators. Autoclave. Hot air oven. Mixer.
Water distillation apparatus. General approach to specimen collection, transport and disposal.
Anticoagulants- E.D.T.A, Dipotassium salts of EDTA Double oxalate, single oxalate, sodium citrate.
Sodium Fluoride. Preparation of solution: Normal solution, Buffer solution, Percent solution, normal
saline, Molar solution. Preparation of Normal saline. Methods of measuring liquids, weighting solids.
Recommended Books:
Cheesbrough M. District laboratory practice in tropical countries. Cambridge university press; 2006,
Part I & II.
Ravel, R., Clinical laboratory medicine: clinical applications of laboratory data. Mosby Elsevier 6th
2nd Year
3rd Semester
AHP-401 Community Medicine/Public Health 3 (2-1)
General concepts of health and diseases with reference to natural history of disease with pre-
pathogenic and pathogenic phase. The role of socio-economic and cultural environment in health and
diseases-Epidemiology and scope. Public health administration-An overall view of the health
administration set up at center and state level. The National Health Programs- National Health
programs including tuberculosis, malaria, MCH and HIV/AIDS. Health problems in vulnerable
groups-Pregnant and lactating women and infants and school going children-occupational groups,
geriatrics. Occupational Health- Definition, scope-Occupational diseases, prevention of occupational
diseases and hazards. Social security and other measures for the protection of occupational hazards,
accidents and disease. Details of compensation acts. Family planning objectives of National family
planning methods. A general idea of advantages and disadvantages of the method. Mental Health-
community aspects of mental health; role of physiotherapists, therapists in mental health problems
such as mental retardation etc. Communicable disease; An overall view of the communicable disease.
Classification according to the principal mode of transmission. Role of insects and their vectors.
International health agencies.
Contraceptive methods; intra-uterine devices, hormonal contraceptives, demographic studies and
data collection, communication for health education, Human nutrition, Hospital and biomedical
waste management, Arthropods of medical importance. Air pollution and fumigation. Extended
Program for Immunization (EPI).
Recommended Books:
Park K. Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine. 2007.
Maxcy-Rosenau. Public health and preventive medicine. Appleton-century-crofts, 1986.
MIC-321 General Microbiology & Sterilization 3 (2-1)
Fundamentals of microbiology. Microorganisms and their respective place in the living world.
Differentiation between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, Historical development of Microbiology
and its scope. Microscopy: An outline of the principles and applications of light and electron
microscope. Morphology, arrangement and detailed anatomy of bacterial cell. Bacterial taxonomy
and nomenclature, basis of classification of bacteria. Growth, nutrition (physical and nutritional
requirement and nutritional types; sources of energy, C, N, H, O, S, P, trace elements, growth factors)
and reproduction. General methods of studying microorganisms: cultivation, isolation, purification
and characterization. Control of microorganisms by physical and chemical methods.
Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics. Modes of action of antibiotics on microorganisms. Basic
properties of fungi, Sterilization and disinfection; physical methods– (sunlight, Drying, Dry heat,
moist heat, filtration, Radiation, Ultrasonic and sonic vibration). Chemical- (Alcohols, Aldehydes,
Dyes, Halogens, Phenols, Gases).
Laboratory safety: Containment and decontamination. Equipment / Materials / Glassware etc. used
in microbiology, Inoculation techniques. Pour plate, spread plate & streak plate methods, An
introduction to microscopy, Gram stain technique, Acid fast staining, Study of motility of bacteria,
Hanging drop preparation. Preparation and use of different culture media; Blood Agar, Chocolate
Agar, MacConkey Agar, Mannitol Salt Agar, TCBS Agar, SDA Agar, Antibiotic Susceptibility testing by
disc diffusion method, Estimation of minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC) by broth and agar
dilution methods, Anaerobic culture methods.
Recommended Books:
1. Kathleen P. T., and Arthur, T. 2001. Foundations in Microbiology: Basic Principles McGraw-
Hill Companies
2. Tortora, G. J., Christine, L. Case, C. L., Funke, B. R., Funke, B., Case, C., 2006. Microbiology: An
Introduction, Publisher: Pearson Education.
3. Alcamo, I. E., 2001. Fundamentals of Microbiology published by Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
4. Black, J. G., 2005. Microbiology: principles and explorations, by 6th Edition, J. Wiley & Sons,
MLT-403 General Hematology 4 (3-1)
Blood and its constituents, Origin, Development, maturation and fate of blood cells. Collection of
blood; capillary and venous blood collection, various anticoagulants and their uses, advantages and
disadvantages. Different types of hemo-cytometers, their ruling and uses. Erythrocytes; morphology
of RBC in health and disease, functions of RBC, RBC counting, diluting fluids used, erythrocyte indices.
Leucocytes; structure, count, absolute eosinophil count, variation in WBC count. Platelets; Structure
and function counting of platelets, diluting fluids, causes of thrombocytopenia/ thrombocytosis.
Principles of staining- Romanowsky stains, Preparation of blood smear; Thin smear, thick smear, wet
preparation and buffy coat preparation, Leishman staining differential leukocyte count (DLL) with
recognition of abnormal blood cells. Quality control methods in cell counts. Automatic blood cell
counter. Bone marrow aspiration; indications, aspiration, preparation of bone marrow smears,
morphologic study of bone marrow films and its differential count. Identification of parasites in blood
and bone marrow films. Supra-vital staining technique- principle and uses, demonstration and
counting of reticulocytes, Principles and different methods of determining ESR and PCV, advantages
and disadvantages, Clinical significance of ESR and PCV normal values. Hemoglobin; Structure and
function, Estimation of hemoglobin principles, techniques, advantages and disadvantages methods
of identification of abnormal hemoglobin, HB electrophoresis, Alkali denaturation tests and sickling
phenomenon HB-F and its demonstration.
1. Different methods of blood collection & Preparation of anticoagulant bottles.
2. CBC (Hemoglobin, TLC, RBC count, Platelet count, PCV)
3. ESR
4. Differential leukocyte count
5. Absolute eosinophil count
6. Reticulocyte count.
7. ABO grouping-Cell and serum grouping, Rh Grouping
8. Rh grouping
9. Test for Du antigen
10. Compatibility test-Major and Minor cross matching & Coombs cross matching
Recommended Books:
Ciesla B. Hematology in practice. FA Davis; 2011.
Mehta A, Hoffbrand V. Haematology at a Glance. John Wiley & Sons; 2009.
Mazza JJ, Manual of clinical hematology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.
Hoffbrand V, Moss P. Essential haematology. John Wiley & Sons; 2011.
MLT-405 Clinical Pathology 3 (2-1)
Urinalysis; Collection of urine and its preservation, 24 hour urine collection for protein. Physical
examination of urine – examination of urine for colors, cloudiness, specific gravity, reaction and pH.
Chemical examination of urine. Microscopic examination of urine- Urine sediment preparation, types
of sediments and its examination. Feces; Collection and preservation, examination of stool for color,
mucus, consistency, ova, ameba, cysts, parasites, pus cells, RBC and crystals. Detection of occult blood
in stool, concentration techniques. Sputum; Method of collection for various purposes including AFB
fugal, malignant cells and others. Microscopic examination of sputum, sputum for AFB. Semen;
method of collection examination of semen for time for liquefaction, volume, color, reaction pH,
motility of spam, sperm count and other findings staining and morphological study of spermatozoa,
semen fructose determination, anti-sperm antibodies CSF; General introduction method of CSF
collection, Transport of CSF, examination of CSF, colour, turbidity and fibrin clot (Cobweb), total and
differential leukocyte count. CSF examination by gram’s staining and acid fast staining, biochemical
tests, clinical significance of CSF analysis in various meningitis and encephalitis and interpretations.
Other body fluids; Methods of collection, transport and macroscopic and microscopic examination of
ascetic fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid and synovial fluid. Pregnancy tests; Different methods of
testing and chronic gonadotropin assay with urine
(1) Urine-collection, processing, physical, chemical and microscopic examination.
(2) Collection, preservation and examination of stool
(3) Sputum collection and microscopic examination of sputum for AFB.
(4) Physical, chemistry and microscopic examination of semen
(5) Analysis of CSF, microscopic and chemical examination of CSF.
(6) Macroscopic and microscopic examination of ascitic fluid, Pleural fluid, pericardial fluid and
synovial fluid
Recommended Books:
McPherson RA, Pincus MR. Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods.
Elsevier Health Sciences; 2011.
Drew, P. and Andrew, K., Oxford handbook of clinical and laboratory investigation. 2010
Cheesbrough M. District laboratory practice in tropical countries. Cambridge university press; 2006.
Ravel, R., Clinical laboratory medicine: clinical applications of laboratory data. Mosby Elsevier 6 th
MLT-407 Clinical Lab Practice-I 3 (0-3)
Point-of-Care Testing (POCT), Urinalysis, Hemoglobin & Hematocrit, Coagulation (e.g., PT)
Basic Chemistry (e.g., glucose, total protein, albumin, electrolytes) Non-Blood Specimens
(Urine, Stool, Other) Patient Preparation, sample Collection, Processing and Handling,
Terminology, Different methods of blood collection & Preparation of anticoagulant bottles.
Different methods of Hemoglobin estimation, Blood smear formation, smear Staining
(Giemsa), Identification of RBCs, WBCs and Platelets in peripheral films. Identification of
malarial parasites. TLC by Hemocytometer, Red Blood Cell count, Platelet count, Erythrocyte
Sedimentation rate, Pack cell volume, Mean cell volume, mean cell hemoglobin, mean cell
hemoglobin concentration, Differential leukocyte count. Eosinophil count, reticulocyte
count. ABO grouping-Cell and serum grouping, Rh grouping, Test for Du antigen,
Compatibility test-Major and Minor cross matching & Coombs cross matching, Coombs test-
Direct and Indirect. Screening of blood for infectious agents-HIV test, HBV, HCV, V.D.R.L,
Recommended Books:
4th Semester
AHP-402 Scientific Writing 2 (2-0)
Introduction; principles of effective writing, Crafting better sentences and paragraphs, Orthography
and Punctuation, Correct Spelling, Spell Checkers, Consistent Spelling: American English versus
British English, Punctuation, Proper use of punctuation marks. Parentheses and Brackets,
Apostrophes in Contractions, Nonbreaking Spaces and Hyphens, Shortened Word Forms in Scientific
Writing, Sentence formation: Grammar, the Tenses in Scientific Reporting, Joining Statements,
Nonparallel Verbs, Subject-Verb Agreement, Using the Correct Verb Forms. Organization; and
streamlining the writing process.
The format of an original manuscript, reviews, commentaries, and opinion. Writing a scientific paper;
selection of title for the paper, writing the abstract, key words, Introduction, Methods, Results,
Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgement. References (Citation and Bibliography), different
citation styles. Dissertation/thesis writing. The publication process, Issues in scientific writing
(plagiarism, authorship, reproducible research). Reference management softwares. EndNote.
Recommended Books:
1. Taylor R. Clinician's guide to medical writing. Springer Science & Business Media; 2006.
2. Lebrun JL. Scientific writing: a reader and writer's guide. World Scientific; 2007.
3. Matthews JR, Matthews RW. Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological
and medical sciences. Cambridge University Press; 2014.
4. Fathalla MF, Fathalla MM. A practical guide for health researchers. World Health Organization,
Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; 2004.
5. Taylor RB. Medical writing: a guide for clinicians, educators, and researchers. Springer Science;
6. Hartley J. Academic writing and publishing: A practical handbook. Routledge; 2008.
MLT-404 Clinical Biochemistry (I&II) 4 (3-1)
Carbohydrates; Blood sugar and its types, diabetes mellitus, complications of diabetes mellitus, test
for blood sugar carbohydrates digestion and absorption. Lipids; Digestion and absorption,
Metabolism- synthesis of fatty acids, oxidation of fatty acids, cholesterol biosynthesis and regulation,
biologically important compounds synthesized from cholesterol, lipotropic factor and laboratory
tests for cholesterol. Proteins; Digestion and absorption metabolism, synthesis and degradation of
amino acids. Liver function tests; Bile pigment metabolism, jaundice and its type, tests for liver
function. Renal function tests; Functions of Kidney, disease of kidney, Renal Function Tests. Gastric
function tests; Functions of stomach, tests for gastric function. Hormones; Introduction,
classification, chemistry and function. Hemoglobin; Chemistry, properties and synthesis, metabolism
of pigments Hb- derivatives – abnormal hemoglobin, Hb electrophoresis Porphyrins and disorders of
porphyrins metabolism, chemistry of porphyrins metabolism, chemistry of porphyrins, primary
disorders of haem synthesis, secondary disorders, Analytical procedures. Water and mineral
metabolism; General consideration, Regulation of water. Phenomenon of thirst, mineral Metabolism
(Ca, Na, Cl, K, P). Cardiac profile tests; Introduction, Heart diseases, Laboratory tests for heart
diseases. Troponin TM, qualitative and quantitative. Urinalysis; 24 hour urine sample collection and
assays for proteins, Sodium, Ca, P, urea, creatinine, uric acid.
Estimation of bilirubin, SGPT, SGOT, ALP, GGT, Uric acid, Serum sodium & potassium, calcium, acid
phosphatases, Amylase,
Recommended Books:
Harper's illustrated biochemistry. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical, 2012.
Harvey RA, Ferrier DR. Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Biochemistry. Edition by Kluwer, New York.
Ahmad N, Clinical Biochemistry, Oxford University Press, UK, 2011.
MLT-406 Immunology & Serology 4 (3-1)
Immunity-definition, innate immunity, acquired immunity (humoral and Cell mediated immunity).
Active and passive immunity and vaccination. Antigens and immunogens; types, characteristics,
adjuvants. Cellular basis of immune response; T-cells and subtypes, B cells, antigen presenting cells,
Activation of T-cells and B-cells, memory cells. Immunoglobulin; Structure, types, classes, isotypes,
allotypes, idiotypes, monoclonal antibodies and Hybridoma technology. Humoral immune response,
primary and secondary immune response, Major Histocompatibility Complex and its types and role
in transplantation and allograft rejection. Complement; pathways and activation, biological effects
and clinical manifestations. Antigen-antibody reactions; precipitations, agglutination,
Radioimmunoassay, ELISA, Complement Fixation assays, hem agglutination, neutralization assays,
antiglobulin (Coombs) test. ABO, Rh antigen and antibodies. Hypersensitivity (Allergy), Types of
hypersensitivity reactions, tolerance; B-cell and T-cell tolerance. Autoimmune disorders and its
associated factors. Immunodeficiency; congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies.
1. Serological diagnosis of microbial diseases
2. Widal test
3. ASO titer
4. CRP titer
5. RA factor
7. RPR
8. ELISA for HBV and HCV
Recommended Books:
(1) Owen, Judith A., Jenni Punt, and Sharon A. Stranford. Kuby immunology. New York:
WH Freeman, 2013.
(2) Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 12th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Medical,
New York
MLT-408 Histopathology and Histotechnology 4 (3-1)
Introduction to Basic Histology, Classification of Tissue, Epithelium, Connective tissue, Muscular
tissue, Nervous tissue. Introduction to surgical specimens and biopsy, Merits and demerits of
different types of biopsies, Fixation methods with salient gross and microscopic morphological
changes in common diseases of Gastrointestinal Tract, Genitourinary System (Male and Female),
Respiratory tract, Brain and spinal cord, Skin and subcutaneous tissues, Heart and blood vessels,
Lymphatic system including tonsils, lymph nodes, the spleen and thymus. Histological Techniques:
General organization and basic requirements of histopathological lab. Supravital staining. Fixation,
Tissue Processing Basic steps, fixation, dehydration, clearing (Aim of cleaning, different cleaning
agents), impregnation, embedding, and techniques of casting Blocking, microtomy, staining, and
mounting of histological preparations. Mounting- Different mounting media and mounting
techniques. Fixation and fixatives- Aim of fixation, classification of fixation, classification of fixatives,
Different fixatives used for the histological techniques, its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages
and disadvantages of the paraffin method. Infiltration with paraffin. Paraffin block making. Section
cutting with a rotary microtome. Microtome and Microtome Knives: Principles, operation, parts and
use of automatic tissue processors. Types of microtomes. Frozen sections- Principles, methods used,
staining of frozen sections and application of frozen sections advantages and disadvantages and
common techniques. Decalcification- techniques, aim, agents used. Museum techniques- organization
of museum, Mounting of museum specimens in the preservative fluids like Kaiserling Solution I, II &
III. Stains: Principles, Classification, Acids and basic dyes, Basophilic and acidophilic tissue
components. Routine Hematoxylin-Eosin staining of paraffin Sections. Special Staining Techniques,
GMS, Mucicarmine and Alcian Blue, Mallory’s connective tissue stain, Toluidine blue staining of mast
cells, Von- Geison, Masson’s Trichome, Nissel Stain for Nervous Tissues. Staining for frozen section,
The PAS Technique and staining. Immunohistochemistry; Introduction, significance, Methods - Direct
and Indirect, PAP / Avidin Biotin method, Steps involved, Antigen retrieval methods, Types of
fixatives, buffering media, enzyme labels and chromogens used in Immunohistochemistry. List of
commonly used tumor markers in different diseases and their clinical utility.
1. Basic steps of tissue processing.
2. Preparation of fixatives and fixation.
3. Embedding.
4. Microtomy
5. Staining. (H & E)
6. Mounting.
7. Various methods of preparation of tissue sections (Grossing).
8. Paraffin section, celloidin embedding, frozen section.
9. Decalcification
10. Demonstration of an Automated Tissue processing.
Recommended Books:
Culling, Charles Frederick Albert. Handbook of histopathological and histochemical techniques:
including museum techniques. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.
Suvarna, S. Kim, Christopher Layton, and John D. Bancroft. Bancroft's Theory and Practice of
Histological Techniques, Expert Consult: Online and Print
Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013.
MLT-410 Clinical Lab Practice-II 3 (0-3)
3rd Year
5th Semester
MLT-501 Clinical Parasitology 3 (2-1)
Introduction to parasitology, Taxonomy and classification of parasites, Quality control of Stool
examination, Entameba histolytica, Other Entamoeba species (comparative study), Giardia lamblia,
(Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba), Trichomonas vaginalis, Cryptosporidium, Blood Flagellates;
Trypanosomiasis; African Trypanosomiasis, American Trypanosomiasis, Leishmania: Introduction
and classification, Cutaneous, mucocutaneous and Visceral leishmaniasis, Blood Sporozoa:
Plasmodium Species, Pathology and Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Tissue Sporozoa: Toxoplasma
gondii, Intestinal helminthic infections; Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris
lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Strongyloides stercoralis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium,
Blood and tissue helminthic infections; Schistosoma species, Taenia solium, Echinococcus
(1) Identification of Equipment used in parasitology laboratory - Principles, Uses ,
(2) demonstration & visual presentation of protozoan
(3) Stool examination
(4) Detection and identification of Entamoeba histolytica
(5) Detection and identification of other Entamoeba species (Microscopy and visual
(6) Detection and identification of Giardia lamblia
(7) Detection and identification of malarial parasites
Recommended Books:
Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg. Medical Microbiology. 26th edition. Mc Graw Hill Medical, New York.
Levinson, W. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 12th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Medical,
New York.
MLT-503 Immunohematology & Transfusion Medicine 3 (2-1)
General Introduction to Immunohematology & blood banking, Antigen-Antibody Concept,
precipitation, flocculation, General management and essential components of blood bank. ABO blood
group system, Inheritance, distribution antibodies in ABO system, Subgroups, ABO grouping methods
and factors influencing RH Blood group system, Inheritance and distribution, antibodies, Hemolytic
disease of newborn, RH typing methods. Other blood group systems NS blood group, P Blood Group
Lutheran Blood group, Kell blood group, Lewis blood group, Duffy blood group, Kid blood group,
Bombay blood group, Blood transfusion, Donor screening, collection of blood. Screening of blood,
Anticoagulants used in blood bank, storage of blood. Transfusion reaction, Principles and methods of
investigating Transfusion reactions, diseases transmitted by blood transfusion, Component therapy
– preparation and transfusion of leucocytes poor blood, RBC concentrate platelet rich plasma, platelet
concentrate factor VIII, Transfusion of plasma, components and preparation of cryoprecipitate, its
use and advantages.
1. ABO grouping-Cell and serum grouping
2. Rh grouping
3. Test for Du antigen
4. Compatibility test-Major and Minor cross matching & Coombs cross matching
5. Coombs test-Direct and Indirect.
6. Screening of blood for infectious agents-HIV test, HBV, HCV, V.D.R.L, malaria etc
Recommended Books:
Quinley. Immunohematology: principles and practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1998 Jan.
Klein HG, Anstee DJ. Mollison's blood transfusion in clinical medicine. John Wiley & Sons; 2008.
Harmening DM. Modern blood banking and transfusion practices. FA Davis; 2012.
Hillyer C, Hillyer KL, Strobl F, Jefferies L, Silberstein L, editors. Handbook of transfusion medicine.
Academic Press; 2001.
MLT-505 Clinical Bacteriology 4 (3-1)
Pathogenicity, Clinical features and Laboratory diagnosis of Medically Important Bacteria including
Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase-negative Staphylococci, Beta-hemolytic Streptococci, Alpha-
hemolytic Streptococcus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococci, Bacillus Species (B. anthracis,
B. cereus ), Clostridium species (C. tetani, C. botulinum, C. perfringens. C. difficile) Corynebacterium
diphtheriae, Listeria monocytogenes, Neisseria species (N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae), Escherichia
coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Citrobacter species, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus,
Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Vibrio, Haemophilus, Bordetella, Legionella, Brucella, Francisella,
Pasteurella, Pseudomonas, Rickettsia, Chlamydia trachomatis Bacteroides, Mycobacteria, Treponema
pallidum, Leptospira, Borrelia and Mycoplasma. Molecular and Immunological Methods to study
bacteria and bacterial infections. Antibacterial drugs; mode of action. Antimicrobial resistance.
Identification of unknown microorganisms, Identification of Staphylococci, Streptococci,
Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Vibrio. Biochemical test including, Catalase, Coagulate, DNAse,
Citrate Utilization, Glucose fermentation, Lactose and Sucrose fermentation, methyl red, urease,
Voges Proskauer. Multiple Test Systems including 20E.
Recommended Books:
Cheesbrough M. District laboratory practice in tropical countries. Cambridge university press; 2006
Crocker J, Burnett D, The Science of laboratory diagnosis. John Wiley & Sons; 2005.
Ridley J. Essentials of Clinical Laboratory Science. Delmar Cengage Learning; 2010.
Gillespie S, Hawkey PM, editors. Principles and practice of clinical bacteriology. John Wiley
& Sons; 2006.
Leboffe MJ, Pierce BE. Microbiology: laboratory theory and application. Morton Publishing
Company; 2012.
MLT-507 Biosafety and Biohazards 2 (2-0)
Recommended Books:
Fleming DO, Hunt DL. Biological safety: principles and practices. 4th edition ASM Press Washington,
Wilson DE, Chosewood LC. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories. 5th Edition. US
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
Grady SM, Tabak J. Biohazards: Humanity's battle with Infectious Disease (Science and Technology
in Focus) Facts On File, Inc. Infobase Publishing, New York.
MLT-509 Medical Instrumentations & Software Applications 3 (3-0)
Recommended Books:
1. Tietz, Norbert W., ed. Textbook of clinical chemistry. Vol. 486. Philadelphia et al.:
Saunders, 1986.
2. Webster, John. Medical instrumentation: application and design. John Wiley & Sons,
MLT-511 Clinical Lab Practice-III 3 (0-3)
Preparation of culture media; Blood agar, Chocolate agar, MacConkey agar and broth, CLED
agar, SS agar, Nutrient agar and broth, Mueller Hinton agar and broth, Inoculation and
isolation techniques; culture of bacteria on liquid and solid media, streaking plate method,
Biochemical tests for identification of bacteria; Catalase test, coagulate test, DNAse test,
hemolysis on blood agar to differentiate between Streptococci, Oxidase test, Urease test,
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar, Antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disc diffusion method,
Measurement of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum bactericidal
concentration (MBC), Parasitological examination of Stool, Parasitological examination of
Urine, Parasitological examination of Blood
Recommended Books:
Cheesbrough M. District laboratory practice in tropical countries. Cambridge university
press; 2006, Part I & II.
Lieseke CL, Zeibig, EA. Essentials of Medical Laboratory Practice. F.A. Davis Company,
Philadelphia, 2012
Crocker J, Burnett D, The Science of laboratory diagnosis. John Wiley & Sons; 2005.
Ridley J. Essentials of Clinical Laboratory Science. Delmar Cengage Learning; 2010
6th Semester
MLT-502 Cytology and Cytotechnology 3 (2-1)
Cell morphology and physiology, Cell structure and functions –lining membrane epithelia, stratified
squamous epithelia, columnar epithelia, epithelia serving reproductive function and miscellaneous
epithelia. Various cells seen in cytological preparations. Body fluids: method of collection transport
and macroscopic and microscopic of Ascitic fluid, pleural fluid, and synovial fluid with special
reference to cytology. Genitourinary cytology (including normal and abnormal) Histology and
cytology of epithelia of female genital tract during the child bearing age. Cells originating from the
normal squamous epithelium of cervix vagina. Squamocolumnar junction/Transformation zone.
Endocervical epithelium ciliary tuft. Cells originating from normal Endometrial, cells other than
epithelia in normal smears, normal vaginal floras. Cyclic changes in vaginal smears. Various devices
and techniques for Vaginal smear. Excretory system: Cytology in the absence of cancer, cytology of
normal urine- voided urine and catheterized urine. Inflammatory process with in the lower urinary
tract. Bacterial fungal (Monilia) and viral infections and associated changes. Cytology of urinary tract
in inflammation and malignancy. Respiratory Tract: Cytology in the absence of cancer. The squamous
epithelium and Respiratory epithelium and their cytology, Non – epithelial cells of respiratory tract.
Foreign materials in sputum. Benign abnormalities of respiratory epithelium, squamous epithelium
and squamous metaplasia cytology in malignant condition. Cancer cells: Morphologic characters of
cancer cells. Morphologic difference between normal cells and cancer cells. Fine Needle Aspiration
Cytology (FNAC). Clinical procedures: Preparation and fixation of smears and fluid specimens.
Collection, fixation and transport of cervical smears and vaginal smears for hormonal studies.
Standards of adequacy of cytology examination of female genital tract. Collection of urine, bladder
irrigation, urine collection after prostatic massage, screening of urinary sediment, GIT Brushing and
lavage, Cytological sampling from esophagus, stomach and duodenum. Occult blood in stool.
Collection of body fluids and anticoagulants used.
1. Collection of samples and processing.
2. Cytological fixatives and fixation.
3. Collection and preparation of fluid sediment for cytological examination.
4. Preparation and fixation of sputum smears for cytology and preparation.
5. Preparation and fixation of vaginal and cervical smears for cytology.
6. Hormonal evaluation of vaginal smears.
7. Papanicolaou staining-principles and staining procedures.
8. Maygrunwarld staining-principles and staining procedures.
9. Identification of cells.
10. Differentiation between malignant and benign cells.
Recommended Books:
Diagnostic cytology and its Histopathological Basis-Vol-1-E.G.Koss
Suvarna SK, Layton C, Bancroft JD. Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, Expert
Consult: Online and Print, 7: Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Elsevier
Health Sciences; 2013.
BNB-321 Molecular Biology 3 (2-1)
Overview of molecular biology, Advances in molecular biology, Central dogma of molecular biology,
important definitions related to central dogma, Chemical structures of the major classes of
macromolecules. DNA replication, Transcription, RNA processing, Genetic code, Translation, Post
translational modifications. Gene regulation in prokaryotes, Gene regulation in eukaryotes. Phages.
Transposable elements and its mechanism, DNA damage (Mutations) and DNA repair mechanisms
(Nucleotide and base excision repair, mismatch repair, double strand break repair, Translation DNA
synthesis). Genetic engineering.
Isolation and purification of DNA, Detection and quantitative determination of chromosomal DNA
and RNA. Simple cloning experiments using Escherichia coli as a host, Isolation and qualitative and
quantitative detection of plasmid DNA (mini prep). Digestion of DNA with restriction enzymes and
separation of different sized fragments on agarose gel, Study of transformed bacteria on the basis of
antibiotic resistance.
Recommended Books:
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts, 2002. Garland Science, New York.
2. Molecular Biology by David Clark, 2005. ELSEVIER Academic Press.
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson and Cox, Freeman Publishers.
4. Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
5. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by T.A. Brown, Blackwell Science Publishers.
6. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory manual, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
7. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Wiley Publishers.
8. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp, 2010. 6th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons.
9. Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL. Molecular cell biology. 5th edition. WH Freeman and company,
New York.
MLT-504 Clinical Virology and Mycology 3 (2-1)
Virus; structure, classification, Replication of viruses (RNA & DNA), Principles of viral diagnostic
procedures. Bacterial viruses, Prion and viroid. DNA Enveloped Viruses; Herpes simplex virus,
Varicella Zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), small pox virus, DNA non-
enveloped Viruses; Adeno virus, Human papillomavirus; RNA Enveloped Viruses: Influenza virus,
Measles virus, Rubella virus, Rabies virus, RNA non-enveloped Viruses; polio virus, Rota virus,
Hepatitis Viruses; Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C viruses, Hepatitis D virus, Hepatitis
E virus, Tumor Viruses, Slow Viruses & Prions, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Introduction to
mycology, structure, growth. Pathogenesis, fungal toxins and allergies, laboratory diagnosis,
pathogenesis, clinical finding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cutaneous, subcutaneous,
systemic, and opportunistic mycosis. Antifungal therapy.
Hemagglutination assays for viral diseases.
ELISA for HBsAg and Anti-HCV
Molecular methods for diction of viral infections
Sample collection for fungal diseases.
Fungal culture media.
Determination of antifungal activity of (nystatin, amphotericin B etc.)
Recommended Books:
1. Levinson, W. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 12th Edition, Mc Graw Hill
Medical, New York.
2. Cann, A. J., 2001. Principles of Molecular Virology Academic Press
3. Griffin, R., Martin, M. A, Straus, H., Griffin, D. E., Robert, G., LMICRO, A., Howley, P. M., Roizman, B.,
Straus, S. E., David, M., 2001. Fundamental Virology Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
4. Flint, S. J., Racaniello, V. R., Enquist, L. W. and Skalka, A. M. 2003. Principles of Virology: Molecular
Biology, Pathogenesis, and Control of Animal Viruses. CMICROridge University Press.
5. Zuckerman, A. J., Banatvala, J. E., Pattison, J. R., Griffiths, P., Schoub, B., 2004. Principles and
Practice of Clinical Virology, 5th Edition. John Wiley and Sons Limited.
MLT-506 Advanced Hematology 3 (2-1)
Blann A, Ahmed N. Blood Science: Principles and Pathology. John Wiley & Sons; 2014 Jan 2.
Hoffbrand AV, Catovsky D, Tuddenham EG, editors. Postgraduate haematology. John Wiley & Sons;
2008 Apr 15.
Ciesla B. Hematology in practice. FA Davis; 2011 Aug 11.
MLT-508 Advanced Immunology 3 (2-1)
Introduction to the immune response, Specific immune response, Recognition by antibody – antigens
and epitopes, Antibody structure, various classes of antibodies. T lymphocyte subsets, structure of T
cell receptor, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), class 1 and 2 MHC molecules. Antigen
recognition, processing and presentation by MHC molecules, Gene and protein structure of
immunoglobulin and T cell receptors, Rearrangement of receptor genes in B and T cells, Additional
mechanisms for the generation of immune diversity, somatic mutations antibodies class switching.
Autoimmune disease, Classification of autoimmune diseases, genetic and environmental features of
immunological disorders. Immunological memory, Vaccines, Properties of an ideal vaccine, current
available vaccines, Recombinant vector vaccines, DNA vaccines, Peptide vaccines. Transplantation,
Transplantation antigens, the immune response against transplants, Immunosuppressive drugs.
Tumor immunology, Immunological approaches for cancer therapy, tumor vaccines.
1. Immunofluorescence Assays
2. ELISA technique for the estimation of viral antigens and antiviral antibodies
3. ELISpot
4. Immuno-blotting
5. Nephelometry for the estimation of serum complements (C3, C4) and
immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE
6. Flow cytometry; technique and applications in immunology
7. Enumeration of lymphocytes substets using Flow cytometry
8. HLA Typing (Serological and Molecular)
Recommended Books:
(1) Owen, Judith A., Jenni Punt, and Sharon A. Stranford. Kuby immunology. New York: WH
Freeman, 2013.
(2) Wood, Peter. Understanding Immunology 2nd edition. Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
(3) Rabson, Arthur, Ivan Maurice Roitt, and Peter J. Delves. Really essential medical immunology.
Blackwell Pub., 2005.
(4) Abbas AK, Lichtman AHH, Pillai S. Cellular and Molecular Immunology Elsevier Health
Sciences, 2014.
MLT-510 Clinical Lab Practice-IV 3 (0-3)
Tuberculin skin test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, Skin prick testing for allergic diseases,
Immunological tests for immunological disorders (ANA, anti-dsDNA), Polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) for the detection of infectious diseases like HBV, HCV, Malaria, Typhoid Fever,
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the diagnosis of leukemia and lymphomas, Quantitative
PCR for the quantification of viral load and therapeutic response, Fine needle aspiration
(FNA) cytology, Collection and processing of FNA, Sample collection and smear preparation
techniques for specimens from the Female genital tract, Respiratory tract, Body cavities and
urinary tract. Staining of smears; including PAP, Wright, and Romanowsky stains, Processing
of clots and sediments from fluids, Cytological features of normal cellular constituents,
Common changes shown in cells in relation to disease and associated malignancy, Role and
limitations of cytology in diagnostic pathology. Basic cytological identifications of benign and
malignant cells. Demonstration of slides of various disorders of anemia and leukemia,
Malarial Parasite identification and reporting, LE cell phenomenon.
Recommended Books:
Cheesbrough M. District laboratory practice in tropical countries. Cambridge university
press; 2006, Part I & II.
Lieseke CL, Zeibig, EA. Essentials of Medical Laboratory Practice. F.A. Davis Company,
Philadelphia, 2012
Crocker J, Burnett D, The Science of laboratory diagnosis. John Wiley & Sons; 2005.
Ridley J. Essentials of Clinical Laboratory Science. Delmar Cengage Learning; 2010
4th Year
7th Semester
AHP-601 Forensic Medicine 3 (3-0)
4. McLay WD. Clinical forensic medicine. Cambridge University Press; 2009 Mar 12.
STAT-421 Biostatistics 3 (3-0)
Introduction to Biostatistics and its scope in Microbiology. Collection of Primary and Secondary
data. Editing of data. Presentation of data: Tabulation, Classification, Visual Presentation (Diagrams
and Graphs). Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean by direct and short-cut method,
Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Mode, Median, ED (LD in detail ), Quantile. Measures of
50 50
Dispersion: Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation by direct and short-cut
method, Variance, and their Coefficient. Correlation: Simple Correlation Table, Rank Correlation,
Partial and Multiple Correlations. Regression and method of least square. Probability: Concept of
Probability, Laws of Probability. Permutation and Combination. Probability distributions: Binomial
distribution, Poisson distribution and their fitting to observed data, Normal distribution. Sampling
and Basic Design. Hypothesis Testing. Chi-square test, Student’s t-test, Analysis of variance.
Laboratory Experiments pertaining to the course.
Recommended Books:
1. Stanton, A.G., 2001. Primer of Biostatistics. McGraw Hill.
2. Jekel, J., Elmore, J.G., Katz, D.L., 2001. Epidemiology, biostatistics and preventive medicine. W. B.
3. Quinn, G., 2002. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists. CMICROridge University
4. Fernholz, L.T, Morgenlhaler, S., Stahel, W., 2000. Statistics in Genetics and in Environmental
Sciences, Birkhauser Verlag.
5. Kuzma, J. W. and Bohnenblust, S. E. 2001, Basis Statistics for the Health Sciences, McGraw-Hill
International Education.
MLT-603 Advanced Clinical Biochemistry 4 (3-1)
1. Measurement of plasma proteins.
2. Methods for the measurement of tumor markers.
3. Measurement of Thyroid function (T3, T4, and TSH)
4. Measurement of FSH, LH and Prolactin.
5. Measurement of immunosuppressive drugs in the body.
6. Measurement of cardiac biomarkers.
Recommended Books:
(1) Ahmad N, Clinical Biochemistry, Oxford University Press, UK, 2011.
(2) Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, Bruns DE. Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry and molecular
diagnostics. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2012
(3) Tietz NW, editor. Textbook of clinical chemistry. Philadelphia et al.: Saunders; 1986.
MLT-605 Advanced Clinical Microbiology 4 (3-1)
Classification and pathogenicity of microbes, factors affecting the virulence and spread of microbes.
Use of microbiological laboratory-principles, collection of clinically relevant specimens, provision of
essential clinical information. Collection of good quality specimens, transport and processing of
specimens, Applications of molecular biology to clinical microbiology and infectious diseases.
Antimicrobial chemotherapy; spectrum of activity, factors affecting antimicrobial chemotherapy,
antibiotic prophylaxis, resistance to antimicrobial drugs, antibiotic policies. Septicemia; clinical
features, microbiological investigations and treatment. Infections of Central Nervous System;
meningitis, encephalitis, Rabies, cerebral abscesses. ENT and eye infections, Infections of the lower
respiratory tract; acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, para-influenza, cystic fibrosis,
lungs abscess, empyema. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract; enteric fever, gastroenteritis and
food poisoning, diarrhea and dysentery, Cholera. Infections of the urinary tract; significant
bacteriuria, pathogenesis and predisposing features. Sexually transmitted diseases; bacterial, viral,
fungal and protozoa infections. Nosocomial infections.
1. Species level identification of staphylococci
2. Species level identification of streptococci
3. Identification of enterobacteriaceae
5. Media and reagent for the isolation and identification of bacterial pathogen from clinical
6. Instrumented Blood Culture Systems (BACTEC)
7. Automated Microbiology Systems
Recommended Books:
(1) Ryan KJ, Ray CG. Sherris medical microbiology: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing. 6th Edition.
(2) Shanson DC. Microbiology in clinical practice. Butterworth-Heinemann; 3rd Edition 1999
(3) Lee G, Bishop P. Microbiology and infection control for health professionals. Pearson Higher
Education. 5th Edition. 2013
(4) Engelkirk PG, Duben-Engelkirk JL, Burton GR. Burton's microbiology for the health sciences.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011.
MLT-607 Advanced Molecular Biology 4 (3-1)
Introduction; central dogma of biology, Prokaryotic & eukaryotic gene organization, Review of DNA
cloning techniques, plasmid biology, vectors, bacterial genetics related to DNA cloning methods,
Clone verification and blotting methods, DNA sequencing and PCR, Agarose gel electrophoresis
safety, principles & practice , Restriction endonucleases, other molecular biology enzymes, Nucleic
acid purification, quantification methods, Polymerase Chain Reaction and other DNA amplification
methods, Animal genetic engineering and cloning, Hormones, receptors and signal transduction,
Detection and Identification of Microorganisms; specimen collection, sample preparation, Selection
of Sequence Targets for Detection of Microorganisms, Molecular Detection of Bacteria, Molecular
mechanisms of resistance to Antimicrobial Agents, Molecular Detection of Resistance, Molecular
Strain Typing Methods for Epidemiological Studies. Molecular basis of cancer, analytical targets of
molecular testing, Gene and Chromosomal Mutations in Solid Tumors, Microsatellite Instability, Loss
of Heterozygosity, Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Molecular Laboratory
Recommended Books:
MLT-609 Advanced Diagnostic and Biomedical Techniques 3 (2-1)
MLT-611 Quality Assurance Management 2 (2-0)
Introduction to Quality management, Quality Assurance in the Medical Laboratory, Personnel
Qualifications and Proficiency Testing. Quality Improvement and Effective Quality Assurance
Programs; internal and external quality controls. Spectrophotometry for QC, QC Terminology, Quality
Control Concepts. Random Error, Standard Deviation (SD), Spread of Data on the Scale, calculation of
Variance, Standard Deviation, Equation for Calculating a Standard Deviation and a Coefficient of
Variation. Analyzing Quality Control Results. Out of Range results management. Sequential Steps for
Out-of-Range Controls, Rejection and acceptance of tests/controls. Comparison of Precision,
Reproducibility and Accuracy, Normal Reference Ranges and associated problems. Erroneous
Samples, Effects of Position on Laboratory Values, Factors Affecting Laboratory Values, Types and
Characteristics of Samples, Categories of Errors Pre-analytical, Analytical, Post-analytical,
Interpretation of Results, Clinical versus Statistical Significance, Specificity and Sensitivity, Efficiency,
Reporting of Results, Computer Processes within the Clinical Laboratory, Central Computer Memory,
Software for Mechanical Functions and Calculation of Results, Administrative Functions and Related
Personnel Tasks.
Recommended Books:
Crocker J, Burnett D, The Science of laboratory diagnosis. John Wiley & Sons; 2005.
Bishop ML, Fody EP, Schoeff LE, editors. Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, and Correlations.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013 Feb
MLT-613 Clinical Genetics 3 (2-1)
Genetics and genomics in medicines, The human genome and chromosomal basis of Heredity,
Medical relevance of mitosis and meiosis, Karyotype and chromosome analysis, common
chromosomal disorders, Molecular basis of mutations and methods of mutation detection, Mendalian
inheritance in man, Mitochondrial disorders, Inherited disorders running in families, Pedigree
analysis, risk assessment in Mendalian disorders, Polymorphism, LOH assay, Tools of clinical
genetics: analysis of individual DNA and RNA sequences, Methods of nucleic acid analysis, The
polymerase Chain Reaction, Western Blot Analysis of Proteins, cytogenetic analysis in cancer,
prenatal diagnosis, personalized genetic medicines, genetic screening in population, Screening of
genetic susceptibility to disease, Ethical issues in Medical Genetics
1. DNA extraction from blood and Saliva and Quantification
2. RNA extraction from human blood
3. Pedigree drawing and Haplotype analysis for carrier status
4. Internet and Human Genetics
5. Primer Designing and PCR
6. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
7. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
8. Gene expression analysis
Recommended Books:
1- Nussbaum R, McInnes RR, Willard HF. Thompson & Thompson genetics in medicine. Elsevier
Health Sciences; 8th Edition
2- Read AP, Donnai D. New clinical genetics. Bloxham/Oxfordshire: Scion; 2007. 3rd Edition
3- Strachan T, Read A, Human Molecular Genetics 4th Edition
8th Semester
AHP-602 Epidemiology 3 (3-0)
Epidemiology, the historical contest, definition and scope of epidemiology, Measuring health and
disease; definition of health and disease, measurement of disease frequency, prevalence and
incidence rate, cumulative incidence rate, case fatality, use of available information, mortality,
mortality before or after birth, life expectancy, morbidity, disability. Types of epidemiological
studies; Observational studies including descriptive, ecological, cross sectional, case control, cohort
studies. Experimental epidemiology including randomized clinical trials, field trails, community
trials. Potential errors and bias in epidemiological studies. Ethical issues in epidemiological studies.
Epidemiology and prevention; levels of prevention including primordial, primary, secondary and
tertiary. Diseases screening programs. Communicable disease epidemiology; epidemic and endemic
diseases, the infection chain, investigation and control of communicable disease epidemics, clinical
epidemiology, normality and abnormality, diagnostic and prognostic tests. Prevention.
Environmental and occupational epidemiology, health services and health policy.
Recommended books:
BNB-402 Bioinformatics 3 (2-1)
Introduction and Importance of Bioinformatics; Internet Basics; World Wide Web and Web
Browsers; Important Glossary of Bioinformatics; Biological Databases; Data Annotation and
Redundancy; Entrez; Introduction to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI);
GENBANK Sequence Database; European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI); DNA Data Bank of Japan
(DDBJ); Protein Sequence Primary Databases; Secondary Databases; Protein Pattern Databases;
Structure Classification Databases; Analysis of Protein Sequences; Genome Organization and
Resources; Genome Maps; Genome Projects; Human Genome Project.
Internet browsers and bioinformatics, Primary databases for literature survey, Primary databases
for DNA and Protein sequences, Searching and retrieval of DNA and Protein sequences, Navigating
genome browsers for assessing and interpreting the data, Databases of online tools for DNA and
Protein sequence analysis, DNA and Protein sequence analysis using online tools, Primer designing
and calculation of primer parameters.
Recommended Books:
1. Baxevanis, A. D. and Ouellette, B.F.F. (2004) Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis
of Genes and Proteins. A John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Publication, New York.
2. Baxevanis, A. D. et al., (2013) Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. Wiley Publishers (Online
3. Claverie, J.M. and Notredame, C. (2007) Bioinformatics for Dummies. Wiley Publishing Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
4. Ye, S.Q. (2008) Bioinformatics: A practical Approach. Chapman and Hall/CRC Publishers,
Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK.
5. Xiong, J. (2006) Essential Bioinformatics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
6. Orengo, C.A., Jones, D.T. and Thornton, J.M. (2007) Bioinformatics: Genes, Proteins, and
Computers. BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd, Oxford, UK.
7. Ignacimuthu, S. (2005) Basic Bioinformatics. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
8. Srinivas, V.R. (2005) Bioinformatics - A Modern Approach. Pentice Hall of India (PHI), New
Delhi, India.
PHS-503 Endocrinology 3 (2-1)
Introduction: Endocrine Glands, Functional anatomy of different endocrine glands, General account
of chemical nature and biosynthesis of hormones, Transport of hormones to the site of action
Mechanism of Hormone Action: Hormonal signaling and its role in coordination of molecular, cellular
and tissue functions; conceptual account of different types of signaling and transductions,
Hormone Functions: physiological actions of the hormones of hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid,
parathyroid, endocrine pancreas, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, gonads, corpus luteum, pineal,
thymus. Endocrine secretions of heart, kidney and adipose tissue.
Invertebrate hormones. Hormones involved in molting and metamorphosis.
Control of Hormonal Secretion: Negative and positive feedback regulation.
1. To demonstrate the position of various endocrine glands
2. Experiments to reveal the roles of endocrine glands and their hormones in physiological functions
3. The effect of insulin on glycemic level.
4. To determine the random and fasting blood glucose level.
5. To perform oral glucose tolerance test in human/animals.
6. To determine the effect of cortisol on biochemical parameters (glucose/protein)
7. To determine the effect of MSH on skin pigmentation.
Recommended Books:
Greenspan, F. S. and Strewler, G. J. Basic and Clinical Endocrinology. Prentice-Hall, New York, 2004.
(Recommended Textbook).
Guyton, A. C. and Hall, J. E. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 12th ed. W. B Saunder, 2005.
Molina, P. E. Endocrine Physiology. McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2003.
Kacsoh, B.. Endocrine Physiology. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 2000.
Wilson, J. D., Foster, D. W., Larsen, P. R and Kronenberg, H. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. W.
B. Saunders, Philadelphia. 2002.
Ganong, W. F. Review of Medical Physiology. 24th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2005.
Gerald D. Tharp, David A. Woodman Experiments in physiology. 10th Edition.
MLT-604 Clinical Laboratory Management 3 (3-0)
Early History and Birth of a Profession, Timeline for Evolution of the Clinical Laboratory, Recognition
of MLT as a Profession, Official Regulation of Medical Laboratories and Workers, Credentialing and
Certification of Medical Laboratory Technical Workers. Clinical and Anatomic Pathologist/Director,
Doctor of Laboratory Medicine (D.L.M.), Clinical Sciences Specialist, Laboratory Manager, Clinical
Laboratory Scientist/Medical Technologist, Technician-Level Medical Laboratory Worker,
Phlebotomists. Laboratory Accreditation, Facility and Departmental Licensure and Accreditation,
Personnel Certification or Licensure, Specialty Designation for Categories of Clinical Laboratory
Scientists. Legal, Moral, and Ethical Concerns. Patient Expectations and Rights. Medical Law and
Privacy of medical information. Hospital and Laboratory Organization. Departments including
Hematology, Coagulation, Immunohematology (Blood Banking), Clinical Chemistry, Serology
(Immunology), Microbiology. Laboratory Design Laboratory-Specific Economics, Reference
Laboratories, Elements Involved in Calculating the Costs of Performing Tests, Screening Tests,
Contracts for Services, Equipment, and Supplies, Laboratory safety and hazards. Infection control.
Laboratory management; business plan, technology, staff, services, threats, cost analysis. Laboratory
Information system; from sample collection to reporting. Total quality management and
accreditation. Laboratory management training. Management of laboratory Resources; Management
of time, space, equipment and supplies
Recommended books:
MLT-606 Research Project/Term paper 3 (0-3)