Food Chain Magnate: Errata

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ERRATA (this errors were fixed in the official v3 rules)

• The game should come with 222 personnel cards, not 223 as listed in the rulebook ingredients list.
• The game also comes with paper money in 4 denominations.
• The player aid and rules illustrations for the Executive Vice President card should say 10. The card is correct.
• Missing infinity symbol on the #1 radio back counter.
• Missing infinity symbol on the #9 and #10 mailboxes counters.
• (v2) Placing a radio campaign should be adjacent to any road on the map, without the need for the latter to be
connected to any of the player's restaurants.

Question: Are the "demand tokens" (in phase 4) and "marketing tokens" (phase 6&7) the same thing?
Answer: Yes, "demand tokens” = "marketing tokens".

Question: Are the "wooden pieces" placed during 'initiate marketing campaigns' (in phase 3) the same as "advertising
tokens" in phases 6&7?
Answer: Yes.

Question: In phase 6, radio campaigns, the range is described in terms of tiles, but then it says "on one of those
blocks"; is the latter meant to be "one of those tiles"? (The only other reference to "blocks" is in mailbox campaigns,
which are quite different from tiles)
Answer: Yes, blocks are meant to be tiles in this case; not blocks as in the mailbox campaigns.

Question: In the milestone "First radio campaign" - is "covered by" equivalent to "reached by", with the latter defined
in phase 6?
Answer: Yes, “covered by” = “reached by”.

Question: Is the benefit of a drive-in that if your restaurant straddles two tiles, they would both be at range 0 (as you
normally measure from the entrance - and drive-ins count as having entrances on every corner)
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes. Also, you may well have placed your restaurant adjacent to two unconnected road
systems, and a drive-in will let you serve both simultaneously.

Question: It seems clear that employee cards are limited and money is unlimited (although the quantity in the bank is
important). The following seem more ambiguous:
• Food and drinks
• Milestone cards
• House, Garden, Restaurant, Marketing tiles (and the corresponding numbered “busy” chips)
Are all of the above limited by the provided components?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Food & drink tokens are unlimited, as are milestone cards. All the rest of the
components is limited to the set provided.

Question: In a two-player game are all the employee cards used from all the decks provided (3 in box) with only the
1x employee cards being limited?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen (v4): In a 2p or 3p game, only 1 copy of each of the "1x" cards is available (as shown in
the table in the rules; in a 4p game, 2 copies and in 5p game 3 copies). All copies of the other cards will be available.
Question: In the box, apart from the 3 2x2 size restaurant tiles for each chain there are also 3 1x1 restaurant tiles. I
may have missed it but do these have a use?
Answer: The cardboard sprue actually says on it that you can throw away that whole punchboard, save for the turn
order track (not that anyone would, but yeah, there's that).
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Don't forget to save the turn order markers as well! (The 1x1 restaurants were a printing
error that we only caught in a very late stage, luckily we could still print the replacements separately in time).

Question: The sizes of the planes are 2x1, 2x3 and 2x5 squares. In the rules it
says that the available airplanes have a size of 1, 3 and 5 squares. Is this
correct? So, I have to place the small airplane vertical on the side of the board
and the middle and bigger one horizontal, is that correct?
Answer (confirmed by Jeroen Doumen): Another way to think of them is that
they are all 2 square in one dimension, but their size corresponds to the other
dimension: 2x1, 2x3 and 2x5. They are probably meant to stand at a uniform
height with the width representing size.
Example: Plane 4 (1 space width) advertises lemonade at house 12 and 8. Plane
5 (3 space width) wrong placement. Plane 6 (5 space width) advertises cokes at
house 8 and 4.

Question (v3): I just want to make sure I have this correct before my first play. On the first turn, everyone is going to
restructure with only their CEO card. Everyone's CEO has the same number of open slots, so Order of Business will
be selecting turn order in the current turn order (so, first player chooses any turn order slot, etc.). Working will then be
every player, in turn order, recruiting exactly one worker, who goes to their beach. And then that's basically it for turn
1. Subsequent turns start to flesh out usage of more of the mechanics depending on who players recruit and the
abilities they give, with the CEO ensuring your hand continues to grow. It will take a few turns to grow into actions that
can be strung together, so initial choices will be somewhat "amplified", especially by the early milestones you can
achieve. Does that sound right?
Answer (by Jeroen Doumen): Yup, you got it right.

Question (v3): What do the drink symbols on some of the map tiles do?
Answer: They're used by cart operators, truck drivers, and zeppelin pilots to obtain drinks. Check the section of
Working 9 to 5 on getting food and drinks, and the descriptions of those 3 employees. I like to think of them as
beverage distributors. It's a good way to explain to when teaching the rules.

Question (v4): Component limitations?

Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Food & drink tokens are unlimited, as are milestone cards. All the rest of the
components is limited to the set provided.

Question: Hidden or open money?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No need for it to be hidden.

Question: While setting up the map, are the tiles intended to be placed with the same orientation, relative to each
other or random orientations
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Random orientations.

Question (v3): Can two restaurants be partially on the same tile as long as their
entrances are not on the same tile?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes. Remember that this rule is only for the setup - with
newly placed/moved restaurants, their entrances can be on the same tile.
Note: Image on the right is an example of a valid initial placement. Each of the
restaurants span tiles, while having only one entrance per tile.
Question (v3): The non-CEO ones list the titles of other cards on them. Are those titles the only employees that can
report to them?
Answer: Those are the ones those managers can be trained to become. There is no restriction as to who can report
to a given manager with the exception that managers cannot report to anyone other than the CEO.

Question (v4): Busy marketers are set aside, so they seem no to be at the beach, but not in the pyramid either. Do
they still take a slot when counting for open slots?

Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No.


Question (v3): Player Order - I understand the rule about empty slots determining player order... but do you get to
choose where you go or do you always go in order? Meaning if I have the most open slots on a given turn, can I
choose to go 4th in a 4 player game or do I default to going 1st?
Answer: You choose.

PHASE 3: WORKING 9:00–5:00

Question: During the phase 3, each player plays all his actions (=cards) at once?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Everyone does their own complete phase 3 in turn order.
Comment: If you add employees to the structure you’ll have to do all actions (if possible).

Question: Can a working card be skipped, or do we have to play all the cards we have in front of us?
Answer (v4): Added to the v3 rules: “The actions of the pricing manager, discount manager, luxury manager, CFO,
recruiting manager, HR director and waitress are mandatory; the actions of all other employees are optional.”.

Question: Can Restaurants, Houses, Marketing tiles be rotated (the rules explicitly mention rotating gardens on page
11, and the example on page 10 shows one)?
Can a regional manager be used to rotate a restaurant, without moving it to a different 2x2 area? I generally assume
"place it somewhere else" forbids rotating-in-place, but rotation is generally so absent from the rules…
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, except airplanes. Rotating in place is also allowed, but since you'll also have a
drive-in it might not be very useful.

Question (v4): If I play a local/regional manager, do my restaurants have drive-ins (or is this optional)?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: You get drive-ins automatically if you play a local or regional manager, though their
action (placing/moving a restaurant) is optional. Essentially, anything to do with prices or money is mandatory;
anything else is optional.

Question: From page 9 of rulebook, “If a certain deck runs out of cards, you may no longer hire that type of employee
until cards become available again”. But after, it says “However, you may recruit such a card if you immediately train it
to a higher level (so you don’t actually have to take the card)”. This means that I can combine 1 Recruit action + 1
Train action to recruit a missing worker and immediately upgrade it into another Worker (level +1) really present and
take it.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, correct. Only the final personnel card has to be available.
Question: The rules clearly state that the various phases has to be performed in order. For instance, once you start
training, you can't recruit anymore. Does it mean that the combo recruit + train (to avoid the unavailable card issue)
starts your training phase immediately, making later recruitments impossible? This would mean that this trick can only
be used once per turn.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No. Just think of it as recruiting a phantom card, and then putting it back immediately
once you train that card. You can do it as often per turn as you want (and can recruit + train).

Question: You wouldn't be able to Train a Management Trainee into a Junior Vice President and then recruit the
Management Trainee you just placed back. But if the pile was depleted, this is the same as recruiting a phantom
Management Trainee, and then promptly Training him to Junior Vice President. But I failed to take this a step further,
where your example is correct. If Management Trainee and Junior Vice President are sold out, it would be incorrect to
Train your Junior VP into a VP, then Recruit a Phantom Trainee to Train into the returned Junior VP.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, exactly.

Question: If you have a training action, and have no one in the beach, do you have to hire someone and train them?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No, the recruiting and training actions are independent. If you have no one to train, you
skip that action.

Initiate marketing campaigns

Question (v2): (conflict in the rules)
Page 3, Range: Range is normally tracked following the road, unless the card has a zeppelin symbol.
Page 8, Initiate Marketing Campaign, Range section: Brand managers and directors are not limited by range. They
can place campaigns on areas that they cannot reach by road.
Page 8, Initiate Marketing Campaign, Placing the campaign: Billboards, mailboxes and radios must be placed on
empty squares on the board. They must connect to the road used to reach the tile.
So, the last sentence regarding radio campaigns conflicts with the previous two (no need to use a road to reach a tile
since it has a Zeppelin icon on the card).
Answer (v4): The radio token may be placed on any empty square adjacent to any road of the map, even ones that
don't reach any restaurant.
Answer (confirmed by Jeroen Doumen): Range is infinite, the radio token must be placed on any empty square
adjacent to any road of the map, without the need for the latter to be connected to any of the player's restaurants.

Question (v2): If I make a marketing using billboard for 2 rounds, do I have to promote the same product for the 2
rounds or can I use 2 different products? How it is with permanent promotion on billboard with milestone card. Will be
promoted, for example, hamburger for every round?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: All marketing is for a single product only. And permanent hamburger marketing means
eternal hamburgers: no switching allowed.

Question (v2): Is the range for marketers counted from any of my restaurant tiles?
Answer: Yes.

Question (v2): It's possible to place an airplane on the same lines and side of another airplane?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: We usually put it on the opposite side of the map then, but that's allowed yes.

Question (v3): If in map setup there is lack of one kind of drinks suppliers, is it still possible to start a campaign with
that resource?
Answer: Absolutely permitted. I see no reason why it would lead to a mess. Some houses would have demands that
could not be met. That's fine. And the Errand Boy is always available to get a drink of any type so the demand could in
fact be met if players wanted it to be.
Question (v4): Can we use the Cart Operator/Truck Driver/Zeppelin Pilot and stop it at any moment instead of using
all their available range
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: I would say yes.

Get food & drinks

Question: You can't make a U-turn in order to pass two drink symbols on the same tile. What about other types of U-
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No U-turns for buyers.

Question: If one symbol can provide more than a single pickup (this is possible only when using the #5 house tile) in
a single turn?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No, each drink symbol can only be picked up once per turn (per buyer).
Question: "Per buyer" means that I can use more than once in a single turn a drink symbol if I have more than one
Cart Operator/Truck Driver (i.e.: I have 1 CO and 2 TD, so I can pick up from the same symbol 3 times in the same
turn), right?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Exactly (assuming they all have enough range, etc.).

Question (v2): Can errand boy, with errand boy milestone, take 2 different drinks?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No

Question: When a "shop" is on the other side of the road, can the buyer buy the item?
Answer: Yes, the lanes are not considered in the game.

Question: When arrived to a dead-end, can the mailer go over?

Answer: No U-turn admitted, so no, you can't go back.

Question: Can Zeppelin pilot move from tile to tile only orthogonally or can also move diagonally?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Only orthogonal movement is allowed.

Question (v2): To collect drinks, do you need to get there and back? i.e. Can I leave the restaurant, head down the
road, picking up drinks along the way, and then arrive at a dead end? And that is ok? I then "teleport" back to the
restaurant? If this isn't allowed then on our map setups, we had a lot of drinks which could never be picked up by
using the roads.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No, you exit the restaurant, and then drive (up to) the full range. No magic teleports in
between. But you don't have to end up back at one of your restaurants - simply pick up the drinks that you pass by.
There can well be some drinks on the map that cannot be picked up in a game. But an errand boy can always get any

Question (v3): When working with more than one restaurant, where do you place the drinks you get with the cart
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: All food/drink tokens are put in front of you, and are available in all your restaurants.

Question (v3): Can a beverage buyer collect drinks from tiles that it
passes by, but does not traverse? For example, could a normal Cart
Operator (range 2) depart from this restaurant and collect the beer
near house 7?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Good question - I'd say yes, since he
passes orthogonally to the source.
Question (v3): Does the cart operator need to return to one of your restaurants? (I know it cannot perform a U-turn for
any reason) I had a strange board layout when I played that meant there was no possibility of leaving a restaurant and
returning without performing a U-turn, regardless of how large the range for the Cart Operator was. Can the Cart
Operator drive off into the distance and collect beverages it passes or does it need to bring them back to the
restaurant? If that answer is 'Yes, it must return', I was in a situation where the Cart Operator could never collect
drinks (for either player) on my game board.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No need to return home. They grab the drinks and then teleport back to corporate
headquarters where all food is stored.

Place or move restaurants

Question: There are three "requirements limiting the initial placement of restaurants" mentioned in the rules, but
nothing mentioned about later placement. Are all limitations in effect for the entire game? To recap they are:
a) Only on empty squares; b) Entrance must border road; c) At most one restaurant entrance per map tile
I assume both (a) and (b) apply, but does (c) also still apply? If it does, how do the drive-in entrances from
local/regional managers temporarily block placement?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: (c) only applies during initial placement - in later turns, you can place a restaurant right
next to another one...

Question: The following placement seems interesting. Is the placement of Xango legal?
If so, are houses 6, 15, and 14 all at a distance of 1?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, your placement of Xango above is legal (assuming
you have the range to put it there if a local manager was used). All houses would then
be at distance one indeed.

Question: Just to make sure this is clear, in the above example, the entrance is directly
adjacent to the road, but on an adjacent tile. So even though that entrance opens
adjacent to the road, because it is on a different tile, the distance is 1, NOT 0?
Answer: Yes, correct. The distance to house 14 is 1, and the distance to the rightmost
(half) house is 2.

Question (v3): If I place my restaurant in such a way that the entrance doors corner of the tile touches both the higher
part of a bridge road on one side and a normal road on the other, may I choose which road my staff leave by?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes - independently for each staff card.

Question (v3): May I place my restaurant on the corner of a board tile with the entrance pointing out on to different
board tiles. If yes, how does this affect range?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes you can, but this adds 1 to the range (as you're moving onto a different tile when
exiting your restaurant).

• (v4): Price modifiers, CFO and Waitresses effects are mandatory.
• (v4): In case a player has to pay money to the bank due to negative prices and doesn't have enough, he/she is
eliminated from the game. The bankrupt chain's restaurants and infinite marketing tokens remain on the map until
the end of the game, non-infinite marketing tokens remain on the map until their natural expiration.

Question: A family need 3 pizzas. One restaurant costs 5 per pizza, 0 distance. One other offers 4 per pizza, 2
distance. Where does the family go? Is it:
1) 5 vs 6 OR 2) 15 vs 14 (=4x3 +2) OR 3) 15 vs 18 (=4+2 x3)
So, must I consider the total or the single food price? And do I sum the price once to distance or for every food?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: You look at the base price (of a single good) plus distance. So it's option 1) in your
example above: 5+0 vs 4+2.
Question: From the rulebook: “Add up the price and the distance. The inhabitants will eat at the restaurant which has
the lowest result. So, they will walk one step further to save $1 per item, 2 steps to save $2, etc.”. If they demand only
one item, 1 extra distance for a $1 discount should be equivalent, right? ($9 + 1 distance = 10. $10 + 0 distance = 10).
The example would make me want to think price is more favorable than distance, if it weren't for the clarity elsewhere
in how to figure this. Now if the demand were for 2 items, somebody would even go as far as 3 steps to save $2
($10*2 + 0 distance = 20 versus $8*2 + 3 distance = 19)
Answer: "Price" definitely means per-item-price ($10 or less, +10 if luxury). What is above calculated is defined as
income: "price x items + bonuses". Garden multipliers and milestone bonuses are indeed irrelevant, because they
affect the income, not the price.

Question (v4): The rules never state that prices must always be positive or non-negative. Does this mean that if I
have 4 discount managers working, my prices are $-2 and I must pay the bank for every item of food sold? If so, what
if I don't have the money?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, you must pay to the bank for every item sold (price doubled by gardens normally).
If you don't have enough cash, your restaurant chain is bankrupt and out of the game (at the end of that turn).

Question (v3): Do they get paid even if no one comes to the restaurant?
Answer (by Jeroen Doumen): Yes.

CFO: The rules quote “Then, each chain that has a CFO in their structure (or the $100 milestone) receives a 50%
bonus on all cash earned in this turn (rounded up).”
Question: Does the amount of waitress tips count to "all cash earned"?
Answer: Yes. That's why the rule regarding the CFO, btw, is written after the rule about the Waitresses.

Question: Does "all cash earned in this turn" mean, all cash earned from all players, or just from her own income.
Answer: Own income. It's not a shared CFO.

Question (v4): Does the CFO ability only applies to a positive income?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No, the CFO ability (as well as the $100 milestone which you cannot "turn off") applies
to all income - also negative...

Breaking the bank (2nd time)

Question (v3): When the bank breaks the second time and you wrap up that phase, it says that you "pay all dues".
We could only assume that you pay the salaries of your employees. Yes?
Answer (confirmed by Jeroen Doumen): The complete sentence is (rules page 12): “Finish phase 4 and pay all
dues, if need be by writing cash still owed from the bank down on paper.” so, no salaries are paid in the last turn.

• (v4): HR Director/Recruiting Manager discounts are mandatory.
• (v4): To check how many HR Director/Recruiting Manager discounts are active, count how many recruiting actions
a player executed during the Working 9:00-17:00 phase. If the total exceeds the number of Recruiting Girls+1,
remove one $5 discount for each recruitment executed in excess
Question: Do wages go back to the bank?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes.

Question (v4): Payday in turn order or simultaneously?

Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Simultaneous. There aren't many situations where it really matters though.
Question: When I do a mailing campaign, how bridges work?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: The bridges cut off the corners for a mailbox campaign, exactly like a regular (4-way)
crossing does.

Billboard campaign
Soft drink campaign is placed illegally (not next to a road): Fixed placement of soft drink campaign. Orange juice
campaign will reach 3 houses!

Mailbox campaign – Areas/Blocks

Campaign mailbox 9 will reach houses 4, 12, 13 and 18 Campaign mailbox 9 reaches houses 4, 8, 11, 13, 15 and 18
(even if it's impossible to reach house 4 from mailbox 9 by (even houses 4 and 8)

Campaign mailboxes 7 and 8 from image bellow will both For mailbox campaigns bridges are like crossroads (see
affect the same houses: 4, 7, 11, 13, 15, 18 and 19 what happens on the block definition of the top right tile)
Airplane campaign
Illegal campaign placement. Planes 4 and 6 should be Valid campaing: It’s possible to place more than one
rotated by 90º. Plane 5 is flying with only 2 rows inside the airplane in the same row/column:

Radio campaign
Pizza campaign is placed illegally (not next to a road): Fixed placement of radio pizza campaign

Question (v2): In the image, green and black cover the same area (are
identical) and yellow does not reach house 12 because it's in another area.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yellow would have to cross a road to get to
house 12 (even if that's over a bridge), so house 12 is out of reach (on the
upper left).

Question (v2): Green and black mailboxes both reach houses 4 and 8, is that
correct (for that, in the block where the green and black lines touch we will
have to cross the road)?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, since from green and black you can reach
houses 4 and 8 without crossing a road (one does not have to take the
shortest path). A mailbox placed in the bottom left corner area will also reach
both houses 4 and 8 (as it can go through a house).
Question: Even though it must be very, very rare, what happens if 4 players may claim in a single turn a specific
Milestone with just 3 cards available?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Keep track with a proxy card. Most of the milestones with only three copies only get you
a one-time bonus, and there's no real need to keep (or have) the actual milestone card then.

Question (v3): For the 2 milestones: "First burger/pizza produced, +1 burger/pizza cook", if you took a Kitchen
Trainee on the first turn, and you produced a burger/pizza on the second turn, do you lose the +1 burger/pizza cook
milestone due to salary payment (you should have $0 on the second turn)?
Answer: That's right. You want to hold off and pair that with a first waitress played or first training if possible; else wait
for 2 waitress incomes.

First to pay $20 or more in salaries

Question: The first to pay 20$ of salaries gets an achievement (multiple trainers can be used on the same person).
Do these 20$ have to be actually paid to the bank or is it just about having 4 characters requiring a salary in your pool
of cards? The main interactions I see are with the "first to train someone" achievement (15$ discount on salaries) and
the HR people.
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: Yes, only actually paid salaries count. So if you have the training milestone (and no HR
manager discounts), you need to have at least seven trained personnel to get the milestone.

Question: Can you choose not to use the salary discount of the HR people just to get the milestone?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No, but if you use them to recruit personnel, you don't have any discount left anyhow....
Comment: Ah right. And as it doesn't cost anything to recruit someone... So it's a no by the rules, but a yes in the
facts. Nice!

First to hire three people in one turn

Question: Do I need to have the entire capacity of training? I.e. one training action for every trainee card that I want to
upgrade, if I want to train both the cards I need two training action. If I train the trainee I run out the capacity for the
used trainer?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: You receive the extra management trainees in the recruitment step of your phase 3.
Hence, they're on your "beach" pile when you start your training step - and you could train none, one, or both,
provided you have training capacity available.

Question: In the case there's no management trainee available, can you use the rule "However, you may recruit such
a card if you immediately train it to a higher level (so you don’t actually have to take the card)" taking, as said in the
other thread, a "phantom" management trainee?
Answer by Jeroen Doumen: No, since the rules explicitly say you get nothing if there are not enough available...
Though I very much doubt this situation will happen in practice.
Here's a detailed example that uses 1 marketing tile, 1 house, and 1 restaurant that's connected to the house (and
doesn't have a freezer):

Game turn 1:
Phase 3: A player places a hamburger billboard with duration 3 (indicated by placing 3 hamburger tokens on it)
touching the house. The player/restaurant produces 3 hamburgers
Phase 4: The house has no demand tokens, and therefore doesn't eat at the restaurant
Phase 6: 1 hamburger demand (i.e. 1 hamburger token) is added to the house. 1 duration is removed from the
billboard (2 tokens remain on it)
Phase 7: The restaurant's 3 burgers are discarded

Game turn 2:
Phase 3: No one places more marketing, and the restaurant produces no hamburgers
Phase 4: There is demand for 1 hamburgers, but no one has any
Phase 6: 1 hamburger demand is added to the house, so now there are 2 total on the house. 1 duration is removed
from the billboard (1 token remains on it)
Phase 7: The restaurant has nothing to discard

Game turn 3:
Phase 3: No one places more marketing. The player/restaurant produces 3 hamburgers
Phase 4: There is demand for 2 hamburgers, and the restaurant has 3. The demand is removed from the house,
and the restaurant discards 2 of its 3 hamburgers
Phase 6: 1 hamburger demand is added to the house. 1 duration is removed from the billboard. There are now 0
tokens on the billboard, so it is returned to the supply
Phase 7: The restaurant's 1 remaining burger is discarded.

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