Lesson Planliklihood

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Sarita Sheth LESSON PLAN : Math Tuesday, 17, 2009 Established Goals: Exploring likelihood.

Understandings Students will understand that Some numbers have a better likelihood of winning the Number Race Game Evidence How will you know? When they play the game on LAB 109, they will not be doing it at random, but be able to expect which number will win.

Outcomes Students will be able to Discuss that when rolling 2 dice, you have higher likelihood of getting a sum of 6 or 7, because there are more ways of making those sums than any other. Learning Exercises: Visuals Grid on the ground number cards Chart paper marker How will you start? We are going to use this grid as a tool to help us find out the possible answers when we roll 2 dice. The row going across (red numbers) will be what we get on one die, and the column going down, is what I could roll if I rolled the other die. So if I rolled a 2 and a 4, where would I look to find the sum of the two? I would look for where they meet. So everyone is going to get a turn to put a number in a box in the grid. When it is your turn, say what number the red die rolled, and what number the green die rolled, and then put the answer in the box where they meet. Flow of lesson I will model the first few randomly over the chart. Then each child will get a turn putting sums in the grid. We will go around the meeting area. Wrap up/Conclusion Now lets look and seeHow many times is it possible to get a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Tally them up on the chart. So what does this tell us about when we play the Number Race Game? Then complete page 107 from yesterday, if you arent finished, pg 108, and I want you to play as part of your first thing in workshop a new way to play Number Race on pg 109. It is different because, there will be three winning numbers.

The first number that reaches the blue line is the winner and you have to write it in the blue box. The first number to reach the green line is the winner and you put it into the green box. The number to reach the checkered flag is the third winner, and that goes in the black box. Make sure you write the numbers in the box when they win. If you want to make it interesting, you can also make predictions as to what you think will win at each line- if you decide to do that, write your predictions on under the boxes.

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