Full Paper Title: First Author, Second Author
Full Paper Title: First Author, Second Author
Full Paper Title: First Author, Second Author
In this paper, the formatting requirements for the International Conference on Educational Psychology and
Pedagogy Proceedings: A Perspective of topic areas is described. Some recommendations on writing for a
worldwide readership are offered. Please review this document to learn about the formatting of text, table
captions, references, and the method to include the indexing information. The conference proceedings will
be published in an electronic format. The full paper in MS Word file shall be written in compliance with
these instructions. At a later stage, it will be converted into Portable Document Format (PDF). An abstract
not exceeding 200 words, in one paragraph, and with no references, should appear on the top of the first
page, after the title of the paper and the names of the authors in a section titled “Abstract” (without section
number).The word “Abstract” must be Arial, Bold, Italic, and 10 pt. The abstract itself must be Times New
Roman and 9 pt. The title of the paper must be Times New Roman, Bold, and 14 pt. Names and affiliations
must be Times New Roman. Names must be Bold and 11 pt while affiliations must be 9 pt. The title, names,
and affiliations must all be centralized.
required between the heading/subheading and the The heading of a subsubsection title should be in 11-
text. point bold with initial letters capitalized, aligned to
the left with line spacing exactly at 12-point, with an
3. HEADER, FOOTER AND PAGE additional spacing of 12-point before and 12-point
3.3 Tables and Figures
3.1 Header, Footer, Page Numbering
(When needed) Place Tables/Figures/Images in text as close to the
reference as possible. Tables must appear inside the
Authors are asked to write page number on the designated margins or tt may extend across both
footer of each page columns to a maximum width of 17 cm. Tables in
two columns must be positioned at the top or bottom
of the page within the given margins.
3.1.1 Font (when needed)
Tables should be properly numbered, centered
and should always have a caption positioned above
Papers should use 10-point Times New Roman font.
The styles available are bold, italic and underlined. it. Please refer to the APA Manual. The font size to
It is recommended that any text in the “figures” use is 9-point. No bold or italic font style should be
should not smaller than 10-point font size. used. Spacing before and after should be of 12-point,
=−∇ ∙ ( ρ u )
∂ 1
∂t( )
+u ∙ ∇ u=−∇ P+ ρ g + J × B
∂ 1
∂t( )
+u ∙ ∇ e=−P ∇ ∙ u+ ρ u ∙ g+ J 2
Conclusions should state concisely the most
important propositions of the paper as well as the
author’s views of the practical implications of the
References and citations should follow the APA
Publication Manual (6th edition). References should
be set to 9-point, justified, with a single line spacing
and hanging indent of 0,5 cm.
References from online sources should add site
link and follow the APA Publication Manual (6th
edition) too.
The reference section at the end of the paper
should be edited based on the following: