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 Read directions carefully.
 Use blue or black ballpen only. Name: ____________________________
 Any kind of erasure in any part of the test Rating: ________________
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 Write the letter in Uppercase
Date: __________________

Write your answer on the blank page of the exam intended for your answer.

I. Enumeration
a. Advantages of Single Brand Offering (2 pts)
b. Advantage of Multi-brand offering (2pts)
c. Disadvantage of Single Brand offering (2pts)
d. Disadvantage of Multi-brand offering (2pts)
e. Four Dimensions of Brand Equity (4pts)
f. Four generic categories to classify consumer goods (4pts)
g. Steps in Strategic Planning (4pts)
II. Essay
a. Discuss the stages of product/service life cycle (5pts)
b. Explain what is co-branding and why should people engage in co-branding. (5pts)

Your answer here:

I. Enumeration

A. 1. It allows each brand to develop its own marketing strategy.

2. It allows a company to serve customers in different ways.
B 1 More shelf space
2 Cater to customers who like to switch brands More shelf space
C 1 It creates more risks for new product launches
2 It requires multiple brand creation costs.
D 1 New products that don't live up to the standards of quality
2 Loss of credibility
E 1 Brand loyalty
2 Brand associations
3 Brand awareness
4 Perceived quality
F 1 Convenience
2 Shopping
3 Specialty
4 Unsought goods
G 1 Formation
2 Communication
3 Implementation
4 Evaluation

II. Essay

The stages of product/service life cycle is first the Introduction, this phase includes an
investment in advertising and a marketing campaign, and it is focused on making consumers aware of
the product and its benefits. Next, Growth stage is characterized by growing demand, an increase in
production, and expansion in its availability. Then the Maturity stage, this is the most profitable stage,
while the costs of producing and marketing decline. Lastly the Decline stage, a product takes on
increased competition as other companies emulate its success—sometimes with enhancements or
lower prices. The product may lose market share and begin its decline.


Co-branding is the practice of using multiple brand names together on a single product or
service. Co-branding enables businesses to build or enhance their brand by partnering with another
respected business. Two brands coming together establishes credibility because each company is able to
highlight and reflect each other's assets and thus strengthen their position in a given market.

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