Life Assessment of Electric Arc Furnace Transformers
Life Assessment of Electric Arc Furnace Transformers
Life Assessment of Electric Arc Furnace Transformers
I. INTRODUCTION Due to the nonlinear and stochastic nature of the EAF, furnace
HE MAIN objective in a steel manufacturing industry is parameters such as voltage and current, real and reactive power,
T to maximize annual production. A secondary objective is
to minimize the costs related to energy consumption and to the
and resistance and reactance exhibit significant variations es-
pecially during fusion stage [2], [3], subjecting the transformer
wear out of electrodes. These will be directly affected by the to strong electrical and magnetic stresses, which can be above
electric arc furnace (EAF) operating strategy [1]. In addition, nominal values.
there should be proper electromagnetic coupling between the Consequently, the application of electric and magnetic
furnace and the feeding system. Thus, the determination of the stresses above nominal values leads to premature deterioration
maximum power transfer condition of the feeding system at or aging of the transformer, and possibly causes anticipated
the time of scrap delivery, and the operating condition that will failure [4], [5].
keep the arc stable, are both points of great interest in the proper Due to the large investment in the acquisition of a new EAF
operation of the system. Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation transformer, and the delay in the purchase process (which can
of the elements that make up the EAF electrical system. take up to one year), some companies decide to buy used trans-
formers when the installed transformer fails or to restructure
the system by power increase. This alternative is very common
Manuscript received July 26, 2016; revised December 27, 2016; accepted but it becomes necessary that in the receiving process the level
March 3, 2017. Date of publication March 28, 2017; date of current version of wear out caused by electrical stresses is evaluated before
July 15, 2017. Paper 2016-METC-0636.R1, presented at the 2016 IEEE In- accepting a commercial agreement and putting the transformer
dustry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, USA, Oct. 2–6,
and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLI- into operation [6].
CATIONS by the Metals Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Currently, the processes of reception of used transformers are
(Corresponding author: Eduardo A. Cano-Plata.) based on electrical, mechanical, and insulation tests [7].
The authors are with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and
Computer Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales Offline and online methods are used to assess the condition
170003, Colombia (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; ajus- of the transformers and to detect incipient faults. Fig. 2 lists the
[email protected]). main tests used.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at The offline methods are usually conventional tests that are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2017.2688408 regulated by standards or norms.
0093-9994 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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1 700 1255 25 30
2 660 1255 26 30
3 620 1255 28 30
4 580 1171 28 28
5 540 1088 28 26
6 500 1004 28 24
7 460 933 28 22
8 420 853 28 20
9 380 770 28 18
The online methods can be invasive and noninvasive. The Fig. 3. Behavior of the current seen from the primary six loads of scrap.
latter are mainly oriented to the acquisition and processing of
signals, such as electromagnetic, acoustic, and heat or infrared
waves. The secondary circuit of the transformer is connected to the
In addition to the tests, the service of an expert is important electrodes of the furnace through refrigerated flexible cables,
to assess the condition of each component of the system [7]. constantly fed by a flow of water.
However, there are no available tools to integrate the results The automatic control system controls the position of the
of these tests into a single value to determine the interrelations electrodes and makes them to fall and get in contact with the
and contributions of each element to the reliability of the entire scrap, thus creating an electric arc at that moment, the con-
system. Thus, the calculation of the level of the remaining useful trol tries to maintain a constant and balanced current, which is
life of the transformer becomes inaccurate. quite difficult due to the irregular shape of the scrap. Conse-
This paper proposes the implementation of a new model based quently, the arc has a stochastic behavior throughout the fusion
on fuzzy logic [20]–[22] that considers as input variables the process, where current fluctuations vary between short-circuit
results of the tests applied to each component in the reception values (electrodes are in direct contact with the scrap), to open
stage. Using the results of this model, it is possible to assess circuit (the electrodes are separated from the welding material
the wear-out condition of the transformer and to determine the and the electric arc becomes extinguished). Currents measured
possibility of its reuse [23], [24]. in a tap-to-tap cycle on the primary transformer side are shown
in Fig. 3.
II. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Due to the low density of the scrap, the furnace receives
several loads until the desired weight is reached (approximately
This section presents an introduction to the operation and
5 loads of scrap for the 30 tons in the EAF under study).
specifications of the EAF installation under study and includes
Since the voltage and current characteristics in an EAF are
details of the requirements of energy transfer in the transformer.
nonlinear, all the involved electrical variables also become non-
Afterward, an analysis of the reliability of the transformers feed-
linear [2]. The processes that take place in this circuit, as well as
ing the EAF is performed.
the dependences between the electrical parameters of the system
are quite complex [3].
A. EAF System Benchmark
Fig. 4 shows the variations of the EAF parameters as a func-
The transformer that feeds the EAF is of 30 MVA. The sec- tion of the current. Here, Parc is the arc power, Q is the reactive
ondary voltage varies from 380 to 700 V depending on the power, P is the active power, Varc is the arc voltage, pf is the
position of the on-load tap changer (OLTC). Table I shows power factor (PF) in the secondary circuit of the transformer,
voltage and current values of operation in different positions. and Larc is the length of the electrical arc.
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The electric arc starts with priming and lasts until the end
of the melting stage. During this stage, the arc is very unstable
and its length varies considerably due to scrap movement. Ini-
tially, Parc and P increase to a certain maximum value and then
decrease rapidly, as the current increases, until the arc length
reaches zero [3].
On the contrary, Q increases to a maximum value and it is Fig. 6. Cycle of average load.
at this point where the greatest electrical and magnetic stresses
take place in the transformer. Thus, the tap-to-tap operation time of the system is given by
The EAF of the installation under study has a capacity of
30 tons of liquid steel. The total weight of the steel is 33 tons ttap−to−tap = tfusion + tloading + tcasting + tprefinig
taking into account an operating point that allows a PF of 0.8, ttap−to−dtap = (1700 s + 1800 s + 600 s + 396 s)tap-to-tap (7)
energy transfer of 28 MW/ 3600 s = 466 kWh/ 60 s, and the = 4496 s.
calculation of the remaining steel weight left in the furnace in 3
After defining the load cycle in which the transformer must
tons. The fusion requires 400 kWh/ ton, therefore, the estimated
operate, the thermal stress to be applied to the transformer is
total energy is
evaluated in order to estimate the level of wear out for the load
Etotal = 400 kWh/ton ∗ 33 ton = 13 200 kWh. (1)
The loadability analysis is performed according to the proce-
In this way, the time used in the fusion is dure established in the IEEE Standard C57.91 [24]. Fig. 5 shows
the transient behavior of the hot spot temperature in the winding
13 200 kWh according to load fluctuations. The maximum hot spot temper-
tfusion = = 1700 s. (2) ature is 108.3 °C, which is below the nominal temperature of
466 kWh/60 s
110 °C according to [25].
The crane must transport the scrap and it is necessary to consider It is possible to approach the thermal analysis of the trans-
the way the furnace is filled. Estimating an average 6 loads at a former, considering an equivalent load for the tap-to-tap load
rate of 300 s, gives cycle, which will allow a better understanding of the thermal
requirements in the transformer. For this, an equivalent constant
tloading = 6 ∗ (300 s) = 1800 s. (3) load that generates the same total losses as a fluctuating load
is estimated and an equivalent load from the point of view of
Additionally, the time estimated for the casting is 600 s. Times temperature is assumed [25].
for loading and casting are required only in the fusion stage. The Due to the random behavior of the requested power in the
refining process requires 80 kWh/ton and the available power is fusion process observed in Fig. 3, the load cycle for the tap-to-
of 24 MW (30 MVA), therefore tap time was estimated according to the transformer operation
data previously shown. The estimated load cycle for the tap-to-
Etotal = 33 ton ∗ 80 kWh/ton = 2640 kWh (4) tap time is shown in Fig. 6.
Pavailable = 24 MW Therefore, the equivalent load for the tap-to-tap load cycle
(5) can be calculated by the following equation [25]:
Prefinig = 243600
s = 400 kWh/60 s.
Loadequivalent =
Consequently, the fusion time is
L21 ∗ t1 + L22 ∗ t2 + L23 ∗ t3 + · · · + L2N ∗ tN
2640 kWh (8)
trefining = = 396 s. (6) t1 + t2 + t3 + · · · + tN
400 kWh /60 s
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Parameter Value
Overcurrent time 5s
Winding eddy current loss 20%
Current density in windings 6 A/mm2
Resistivity of the conductor material 0.0259 Ω · mm2 / m
Density of the conductor material 8.89 g/ cm3
Specific heat of the conductor material 0.397 J/g °C
Per unit impedance of transformer 6.2%
Impedance of supply 10.27%
where LN means the load in mega volt ampere introduced in B. Reliability of EAF Transformers
the time tN .
Replacing the load cycle values gives an equivalent load of The reliability of EAF transformers depends mainly on the
Loadequivalent = 20.26 MVA, corresponding to 72.4% of the degree of continuous monitoring of the most important func-
nominal load. It is concluded that the thermal requirements, for tional parameters that define their technical condition. Systems
the transformer under study, do not suppose a wear or deterio- are subjected to continuous deterioration under normal opera-
ration of the insulating material. tion and transformers are no exception to this rule.
However, as observed in the measurements presented in It is possible to track the natural or accidental deterioration
Fig. 3, overcurrent values (values up to 200% of nominal value) of transformers using modern monitoring equipment and diag-
take place very frequently in the transformer. The effects of the nostic techniques. [27].
overcurrent on the transformer are divided into two categories Preventive and corrective maintenance helps to prolong the
[4]: 1) thermal effects; and 2) magnetic forces. estimated life of the transformer, allows the calculation of the
Regarding the thermal effect, the IEEE Standard C57.12.10 remaining life, and avoids costly losses.
[26] establishes 250 °C as the maximum limit of temperature The application of electric and magnetic stresses above the
increase in copper conductors. An approximate expression for plate nominal values implies an accelerated wear out. The wear
the calculation of temperature increase in conductors after t out can occur immediately or may be the result of accumulated
seconds is [4] deterioration over the years. Fig. 7 shows the behavior of the
failure rate.
2 An analysis of causes and failure modes was performed using
e 1
t 1+ 100 D2 ρ e S +e Z the fuzzy fault tree method on the laboratory records of forensic
θC = (9) analysis of 600 transformers in Colombia.
The traditional method of fault trees allows the evaluation
where of reliability based on Boolean algebra. The method allows the
θC : temperature rise in degrees centigrade; development of complex events, studied as a function of the
e: winding eddy current loss, per cent; basic faults of the elements, to calculate its probability.
D: current density in windings, A/mm2 ; To build the fault tree, a complex event called the maxi-
ρ: resistivity of the conductor material; mum event must be systematically decomposed into intermedi-
d: density of the conductor material; ate events connected by logical gates AND and OR until reaching
h: specific heat of the conductor material; the basic event or the failure cause [28].
eZ : per unit impedance of transformer; Although the calculations of this model are accurate, it must
eS : per unit impedance of supply. be taken into account that there is an inherent uncertainty in the
The estimated maximum time of the overcurrent in the first degree of influence of each of the causes of failure in the failure
moments of the fusion process is 5 s. Table II shows other mode.
parameters to calculate temperature increase in the conductor. Fuzzy logic provides an intuitive and natural way of handling
Replacing these values in (9) gives θC = 56 ◦ C. Considering this uncertainty by regarding the probability of failure as a fuzzy
a hot spot temperature of 125 °C before the overcurrent, the number. Such a number is a function of two values: The variable
temperature at the end of the conductor is 181 °C. This value of event occurrence and a probability of currencies of that vari-
is below the allowed limit of 250 °C. However, it is important able (the fuzzy number corresponding to a confidence interval
to consider the high frequency of these overcurrents, which value that takes values between 0 and 1).
can lead to deterioration in the insulation paper. Higher current The confidence interval value represents the belief of the
values might result in permanent deformations in the winding expert in a selected probability for the fault. These values are
structure that might lead to mechanical failures or insulation assigned by the expert at each level of the fault tree (basic,
perforations. intermediate, and maximum levels).
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Monthly Annual
Oil tests:
Total Dissolved Combustible Gases (TDCG) Before and after any test x1 6 months
Polymerization degree x2 6 months
Moisture x3 6 months
Acidity x4 6 months
Dielectric strength x5 6 months
Interfacial tension x6 6 months
Power factor (PF) x7 6 months
Oil screen tests Main tank and tap change x8 6 months
Electrical tests:
Impulse test Before buying x9
Applied potential test Before buying x1 0
Induction potential test Before buying x1 1
Ratio test Before buying x1 2
Regulation test Before buying x1 3
Efficiency test, full load Before buying x1 4
Copper loss Before buying x1 5
Core loss Before buying x1 6
Data Reading sheet: X
Record of discharge pulses Maximum oil temperature x1 7 X
Temperature indicators Maximum winding temperature x1 8 X
Thermometers Internal and external of oil and water flow x1 9 X
Switch meter Record of number of operations x2 0
Operating tests Testing of protection devices x2 1 X
Protection system:
Overvoltage arresters Oil leaks and overheating x2 2 X
Discharge meters Record of discharge meters x2 3 X
Conservator: Oil leakage control X
Buchholz relay Indicator reading testing x2 4 X
Oil level indicator Change of dehydrating breather if pink x2 5 X
Breathers x2 6
Switch: Inspection and testing of the engine control X
Motor driving unit Inspection of the drive shaft coupling x2 7 X
Transmission shafts Control of the limit switch x2 8 X
Upper position indicator Check position of top tap x2 9 X
Record of number of operations X
Off-load tap changer Check electrical and mechanical interlocks x3 0 X
Control cabinet Collection of gas and oil x3 1 X
Relay RS Filter change, manometer reading x3 2 X
Oil leakage inspection X
manifested in the decrease of the basic insulation level and in higher values of temperature will cause a gain or loss of life,
the reduction of the mechanical resistance of the paper, which respectively.
protects the integrity of the windings. This model will be used in the output space of the fuzzy model
The phrase adopted by engineers “the life of the transformer implemented in this paper to calculate the remaining life of the
is the life of its solid insulation” [5] comes from the fact that the transformer.
restoration of the paper requires the change of the transformer
Many researchers have recognized that the behavior of ther-
mal deterioration of insulation materials might be best repre- A description of phases proposed for acceptance or rejection
sented by Svante Arrhenius’s equation of 1880 [28], [29] of used transformers is presented. The first phase corresponds
to the identification of the fuzzy variables used in the proposed
15000 model. Table III shows a total of 32 variables.
L = 9.8 ∗ 10−18 ∗ e θ H −2 7 3
. (14)
Fig. 10 shows the graphical representation of this equation. It is A. Phase 1: Transformer Reception
assumed that for a temperature of 110 °C, which is the nominal This procedure aims to describe the instructions for the re-
temperature of hot spot [24], there will be a loss of life in the ception and evaluation of the remaining life of the transformer.
insulation of one in per unit (no wear). Consequently, lower or This will allow the decision making of acceptance or rejection.
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1 A11 0.623
2 A21 0.745
3 A31 2.467
4 A41 3.456
5 A11 , A21 0.845
6 A11 , A31 0.567
7 A11 , A41 0.496
8 A11 , A21 A31 0.345
9 A11 , A21 A41 1.341
10 A11 , A31 A41 , 0.932
11 A21 , A31 A41 , 2.016
i=1 y (i) − y
(i) + K i=1 y (i) − y
RC = Fig. 13. Comparison of models.
where KA and KB are the number of data of two sets from
the adjusted set, y A (i) and y B (i) are the outputs of sets A and
B, y A B (i) is the estimated output for the set A with the model did not achieve the objectives even after having the heat transfer
repaired, the system reordered using a foamy slag technique,
identified using a dataset B, and y B A (i) is the estimated output
for the set B with the model identified using the dataset A. and arrangements made to work at higher power and voltage
For example, for the variable total dissolved combustible levels. Thus, the decision was made to get a new transformer.
The objectives of the new strategy were as follows:
gases (TDCG), that corresponds to the fuzzy variable x1 , four
fuzzy sets are proposed (A11 , A21 , A31 y, A41 ) for the opti- 1) to reduce the tap-to-tap time, thereby increasing annual
mization model. Thus, it is possible to build 15 = (24 − 1) production;
2) to operate the EAF at a high PF using long arcs in order
fuzzy models. First, four fuzzy models must be built with one
input variable each. For each model, the RC is calculated as to reduce electrode consumption.
shown in Table IV. The model with lower RC is selected for 11 The old transformer failed after launching this strategy. The
transformer of 14 taps, 13 800/100–400 V and 24/28 MVA was
The heuristic method was one of the first methods of identifi- urgently replaced by a transformer of 9 taps, 13 800/380–700 V
cation for fuzzy linguistic models. This method is based on the and 27/30 MVA found in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. The replacement
was manufactured in 1969 and has more than 15 years of not
experience and knowledge of the expert.
The case study proposed in this paper is carried out by apply- being used. It is considered that this transformer has a wear-out
level and must be evaluated before setting it into operation. This
ing the knowledge acquired over several years of maintaining
transformers for the steel industry. It considers the application is the challenge of the technique previously presented. Table V
of a nonlinear equation that uses two sets B11 and B21 to rep- shows the results of the tests carried out on the transformer. In-
sulation and electrical tests were performed, and the assessment
resent the behavior of the Arrhenius model. See the following
equation: of an expert in each of the auxiliary components of the machine
was considered.
y = (−1 + B11 −3 + B21 ). (18) According to the report results, the transformer is in good con-
dition and is able to operate normally. To evaluate the remaining
The benefit of using (18) lies in a smaller number of clusters to
life using the conventional method, the laboratory issued a di-
represent the behavior of the Arrhenius model, which translates
agnosis on the condition of the transformer.
into lower computational cost. Fig. 13 compares the results of
Table VI shows the results of the gas chromatography analysis
the three models: Arrhenius, complete fuzzy model, and the
performed on the assessed transformer. The values of key gases
nonlinear equation model.
are in parts per million (ppm). Fig. 14 shows the graph of gas
In this comparison, the values of TDCG were used as the
percentages. The report stated that the concentration of TDCG
input space. As observed in Fig. 13, the nonlinear equation has
was within normal limits, and based on the DP = 953, the
a better fit in a wider range of input variables taking into account
estimated remaining life of the transformer was at 97%.
only two clusters.
Fig. 15 shows a photograph of the transformer.
The implementation of the methodology proposed in this
paper shows that the remaining life of the transformer is
An installation of an arc furnace in a steel production industry 0.959 p.u. The transformer was installed after the evaluation
in Colombia is considered in this case study. The installation and has been properly operating for the last 10 years.
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Oil tests:
x1 TDCG 1073.59
x2 Polymerization degree 953
x3 Moisture 8 mg/kg (ppm)
x4 Acidity < 0.02 (mg KOH)/(g of oil)
x5 Dielectric strength 37 kV
x6 Interfacial tension 36.3 mN/m
x7 Power factor (PF) 0.22%
x8 Oil screen tests Good condition
Electrical tests:
x9 Impulse test 100%
x1 0 Applied potential test 100%
x1 1 Induction potential test 100%
x1 2 Ratio test 0.04%
x1 3 Regulation test 1.3%
x1 4 Efficiency test, full load 99.7%
x1 5 Copper loss 209.4 kW
x1 6 Core loss 31.5 kW
Data Reading sheet:
Fig. 15. Assessed EAF transformer.
x1 7 Record of discharge pulses Good condition
x1 8 Temperature indicators For cleaning
x1 9 Thermometers For cleaning TABLE VII
x2 1 Operating test Good condition
Protection test:
Characteristics of the machine Application range
x2 2 Overvoltage arresters Good condition
x2 3 Discharge meters Good condition
Power range 15–100 MVA
Voltage range high side 13.2–34.5 kV
x2 4 Buchholz relay Good condition
Voltage range low side 200–700 kV
x2 5 Oil level indicator Good condition
Chronological age range 5–30 years
x2 6 Breathers For cleaning
Measurement type Online
x2 7 Motor driving unit Good condition
x2 8 Transmission shafts Good condition
x2 9 Upper position indicator Good condition
x3 0 Control cabinet With oxidation
x3 1 Off-load tap changer Good condition
x3 2 Relay RS Good condition
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Monitoring of Transformers. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2013.
[Online]. Available: www.springer.www Eduardo A. Cano-Plata (S’96–M’98–SM’15) was
[6] E. A. Cano-Plata, O. J. Soto-Marı́n, and A. J. Ustariz-Farfán, “Validation born in Neiva, Colombia, in 1967. He received the
and reception of electric arc furnace transformers,” in Proc. Ind. Appl. B.Sc. and specialist engineering degrees in electri-
Soc. Annu. Meeting, Portland, OR, USA, 2016, pp. 1–6. cal engineering from the Universidad Nacional de
[7] D. F. Phillips, “Mantenimiento preventivo de transformadores de Hornos Colombia, Manizales, Colombia, in 1990 and 1994,
de Arco,” ABB Kraft A/S—National Transformer, Zürich, Switzerland, respectively, and the doctorate degree in engineering
Nov. 2005. [Online]. Available: from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
[8] IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Argentina, in 2006.
Regulating Transformers, IEEE Standard C57.12.90, 2015. Since 1994, he has been a Full Professor with
[9] IEEE Guide for the Application and Interpretation of Frequency Re- the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is cur-
sponse Analysis for Oil-Immersed Transformers, IEEE Standard C57.149, rently the Director of the Transmission and Distri-
2012. bution Network Group—GREDyP, Manizales. His research interests include
[10] IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Fluid-Filled Power Trans- power quality, power electronics, power systems grounding, and smart grids.
formers, Regulators, and Reactors, IEEE Standard C57.152, 2013.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO JOAO DEL REI. Downloaded on February 07,2021 at 19:33:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Oscar J. Soto-Marin (S’15) was born in El Cairo, Armando J. Ustariz-Farfan (S’08–M’12) was
Colombia, in 1977. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. born in Urumita, Colombia, in 1973. He received
(Laureate thesis) degrees in electrical engineering, the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and the
from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Maniza- master’s degree in electric power from the Universi-
les, Colombia, in 2005 and 2015, respectively, where dad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colom-
he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in bia, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D.
electrical engineering. degree in electrical engineering from the Universi-
His research interests include power quality and dad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, Colombia, in
power systems grounding. 2011.
He is an Associate Professor and a Researcher with
the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Com-
puter Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His research interests
include power definitions under nonsinusoidal conditions, power quality, and
power electronics.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO JOAO DEL REI. Downloaded on February 07,2021 at 19:33:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.