Home and Migration: A Bibliography: Homing Working Paper No. 2 - 2018
Home and Migration: A Bibliography: Homing Working Paper No. 2 - 2018
Home and Migration: A Bibliography: Homing Working Paper No. 2 - 2018
The literature on homemaking and migration covers a vast array of disciplines, case studies, and
substantive/methodological approaches. While being almost overwhelming by now, it also tends to be
disperse and parcelized. There are several instances of mutually relevant works (or even authors) that are
not in contact with each other. Part of the “nexus” to which HOMInG refers has to do with the aim of
overcoming this fragmentation. Our WP 2_2018 provides a map of this burgeoning research field by key
categories, thus paralleling the theory-building work of the HOMInG team; and hopefully providing a good
tool for those who are researching, worldwide, the social experience of home under the influence of
migration, mobility and diversity. Unsurprisingly, almost all of the references below are in English, apart from
some specific references in Italian (Italy being HOMInG’s home-place at present). Monographs (or even
edited collections or special issues) are relatively few, compared with journal articles. It also comes as no
surprise that key references can be found all across social sciences, and beyond.
While being reasonably extensive, this Bibliography is clearly selective – based on the relevance of the
literature to HOMInG as a project – and exposed to the risk of missing important references along the way.
Yet, scanning through it can give some refreshing insight for thinking, writing, or designing fieldwork. Indeed,
we see it as a worthwhile effort, if only for the lack of any comparable overview on the intersection of
migration and home studies. Of course, this is a higly temporary product – the snapshot of a constantly
moving and expanding field. Therefore, it will be periodically updated. All suggestions for new and relevant
literature are welcome at [email protected].
Table of Contents
1. Home as concept, subject and site of social
Akesson B. et al. (2016), The right to home: Domicide as a violation of child and family rights in the context of
political violence, Children & Society, 30: 369-83.
Altman I., Werner C. (eds.) (1985), Home environments, New York: Plenum Press.
Arnold J., Graesch A., Ragazzini E., Ochs E. (eds.) (2012), Life at home in the Twenty-First century, Los
Angeles: University of New Mexico Press.
Atkinson R., Jacobs K. (2016), House, home and society, London: Palgrave.
Baxter R., Brickell K. (2014), For home unmaking, Home Cultures, 11(2): 133-44.
Benjamin D.N., Stea D. (eds.) (1995), The home: Words, interpretations, meanings and environments,
Aldershot: Ashgate.
Benjamin D.N. (1995a), Introduction. In D. Benjamin et al. (eds.), The home: Words, interpretations, meanings,
and environments, London: Avebury.
Benjamin D.N. (1995b), Afterword, or further research issues in confronting the home concept. In D. Benjamin
et al. (eds.), The home: Words, interpretations, meanings, and environments, London: Avebury.
Berger J. (1984), And our faces, my heart, brief as photos, London: Vintage.
Birdwell-Pheasant D., Lawrence-Zuniga (eds.) (1999a), House life: Space, place and family in Europe, Oxford:
Birdwell-Pheasant D., Lawrence-Zuniga D. (1999b), Introduction: Houses and families in Europe. In D. Birdwell-
Pheasant, D. Lawrence-Zuniga (eds.), House life: Space, place and family in Europe, Oxford: Berg.
Back L. (2007), Home from home, Chapter 2 of L. Back, The art of listening, London: Berg, 51-66.
Blunt A. (2003), Home and identity. In M. Ogborn et al. (eds.), Cultural geography in practice, London:
Blunt A., Varley A. (2004), Geographies of home, Cultural Geographies, 11: 3-6.
Bourdieu P. (1977 [1970]), The Kabyle house or the world reversed. In P. Bourdieu (ed.), Algeria 1960,
Cambridge University Press – Editions de la Maison de Sciences de l’Homme.
Bowie, D. (2010) Politics, planning and homes in a world city. Abingdon: Routledge.
Bowlby S., Gregory S., McKie L. (1997). Doing home: Patriarchy, caring, and space, Women’s Studies
International Forum, 20(3): 343-50.
Bowlby S. (2012), Home as a space of care. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home,
London: Elsevier.
Buckle C. (2017), Residential mobility and moving home, Geography Compass, 11: 1-11.
Briganti C., Mezei K. (2012), Introduction. In C. Briganti, K. Mezei (eds.), The domestic space reader, Toronto:
University of Toronto Press.
Briganti C., K. Mezei (eds.) (2012), The domestic space reader, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Brighenti A.M., Karrholm M. (2017), Domestic territories and the little humans: Understanding the animation of
domesticity, Space and Culture, Online first.
Burton S. (2016), Becoming sociological: Disciplinarity and a sense of “home”, Sociology, 50(5): 984-92.
Buttimer A. (1980) Home, reach and the sense of place. In A. Butimer, D. Seamon (eds.), The human
experience of space and place, New York: St Martin’s Press. [losing one’s place – little italies etc – romantic
descriptions of home - home vs horizons of reach]
Carroll S. (2014), Homemaking: Reclaiming the ideal of home as a framework for hosting cultural and religious
diversity. In M. Bret, J. Haven (eds.), Colonial contexts and postcolonial theologies, London: Palgrave.
Carsten J. Hugh-Jones S. (1995), Introduction: about the house – Levi-Strauss and beyond. In J. Carsten, S-.
Hugh-Jones (eds.), About the house, Cambridge: CUP.
Case D. (1996), Contributions of journeys away to the definition of home: an empirical study of a dialectical
process, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 16: 1-15.
Cellamare C. (2011), Pratiche dell’abitare: la ricerca urbanistica e la “città degli uomini”, Etnografia e Ricerca
Qualitativa, 5(2): 305-16
Chapman T., Hockey J. (eds.) (1999), Ideal homes? Social change and domestic life, London: Routledge
Cieraad I. (2010), Homes from home: Memories and projections, Home Cultures, 7(1): 85-102.
Davies M. (2014), Home and state: Reflections on metaphor and practice, Griffith Law Review, 21(2): 153-75.
Despres C. (1991), The meaning of home: Literature review and directions for future research and theoretical
development, The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 8(2): 96-115.
Douglas M. (1991), The idea of a home: a kind of space, Social Research, 58(1): 287-307.
Douglas Porteus J., Smith S.E. (2001), Domicide. The global destruction of home, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s
University Press.
Dovey K. (1985), Home and homelessness. In Altman I., Werner C. (eds.) (1985), Home Environments, New
York: Plenum Press: 113-132.
Dowling R., Fitzpatrick S. (2012), Home and homelessness. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of
Housing and Home, London: Elsevier.
Dufty-Jones R. (2012), Moving home: Theorizing housing within a politics of mobility, Housing, Theory and
Society, 29(2): 207-222. [housing & mobility]
Dupuis A., Thorns D. (1998), Home, home ownership and the search for ontological security, The Sociological
Review, 46(1): 24-47.
Duyvendak, J.W., L. Reinders & F. Wekker (2016) Homing the Dutch, Home Cultures, 13:2, 87-100.
Easthope H. (2004), A Place Called Home, Housing, Theory and Society 21(3): 128-138.
Easthope H. et al. (2015), Feeling at home in a multigenerational household: the importance of control, Housing,
Theory and Society, 32(2): 151-70. [feeling at home, control, household]
Ellsworth-Krebs K., Reid L., Hunter C. (2015), Home-ing in on domestic energy research: “House”, “home”, and
the importance of ontology, Energy Research & Social Science, 6: 100-108.
Finch J., Hayes L. (1994), Inheritance, death and the concept of the home, Sociology, 28(2): 417-33. [the home
- family - does the home die, or is it passed over?]
Fortier A.M. (2001), ‘Coming home’: Queer migrations and multiple evocations of home, European Journal of
Cultural Studies, 4(4): 405-24.
Fox L. (2002), The meaning of home: a chimerical concept or a legal challenge?, Journal of Law and Society,
29(4): 580-610.
Fox Mahony L. (2012), Meanings of home. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home,
London: Elsevier.
Gauvain M., Altman I. (1982), A cross-cultural analysis of homes, Architecture and Behavior, 2: 27-46. [h as
environmental setting: identity vs commonality, openness vs. closedness, in home design and use; three
general areas of the home in different cultures]
Gieryn T. (2000), A space for place in sociology, Annual Review of Sociology, 26: 463-96.
Ginsberg R. (1999), Meditations on homelessness and being at home. In G. Abbarno (ed.), The ethics of
homelessness: Philosophical perspectives, Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Giorgi S., Fasulo A. (2013), Transformative homes: Squatting and furnishing as sociocultural projects, Home
Cultures, 10(2): 111-34.
Graham L. et al. (2015), The psychology of home environments: A call for research on residential spaces,
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(3): 346-56.
Gustafson P. (2001), Roots and Routes: Exploring the Relationship between Place Attachment and Mobility,
Environment and Behavior 33 (5): 667–686.
Hage G. (1997), At home in the entrails of the West. In H. Grace et al. (eds.), Home/World, Sydney: Pluto
Hamilton O. (2017), Senses of home. In J. Lloyd, E. Vasta (eds.), Reimagining home in the 21st century,
Cheltenham: EE. [senses - embodiment - affect]
Hamzah H., Adnan N. (2016), The meaning of home and its implications on alternative tenures: a Malaysian
perspective, Housing Theory and Society, 1-19.
Hayward D.G. (1977), Housing research and the concept of home, Housing Educators Journal, 4(3): 7-12.
Heidegger M. (1993), Building, Dwelling, Thinking. In M. Heidegger, Basic Writings, London: Routledge.
Holland C., Peace S. (2012), Life course. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home,
London: Elsevier: 405-14.
Hollows J. (2012), Domesticity. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, London:
Elsevier: 405-14.
Imrie B. (2004), Disability, embodiment and the meaning of the home, Housing Studies, 19(5): 745-63.
Kellett P. (2002), The construction of home in the informal city, Journal of Romance Studies, 2(3): 17-31
[informal settlements - Colombia - symbolic meanings and functions of home]
Kellett P., Moore J. (2003), Routes to home: homelessness and home-making in contrasting societies, Habitat
International, 27: 123-1.
King P. (2009), Using theory or making theory: Can there be theories of housing?, Housing, Theory and Society,
26(1): 41-52. [on the concept of dwelling in housing studies]
Klodawsky F. (2012), Home and homelessness. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and
Home, London: Elsevier.
Kral F. (2014), Nation building and home thinking. In F. Kral (ed.), Social invisibility and diaspora in Anglophone
literature and culture, London: Palgrave. [literature, diasporic home, orienting oneself in the dark,
Kusenbach M., Paulsen K. (2013), Home: an introduction. In M. Kusenbach and K. Paulsen (eds), Home:
International perspectives on culture, identity and belonging, Frankfurt: Peter Lang. [also on emotion and
home-making and belonging]
Jacobs J., Smith S. (2008), Living room: Rematerialising home, Environment and Planning A, 40: 515-19.
Jacobson K. (2010), The experience of home and the space of citizenship, The Southern Journal of Philosophy,
48(3): 219-45.
Jaffe-Schagen J. (ed) (2016), Having and belonging: Homes and museums in Israel, Oxford: Berghahn.
Lawrence R.J. (1985), A more humane history of homes: Research methods and applications, in Altman I.,
Werner C. (eds.) (1985), Home Environments, New York: Plenum Press: 113-132.
Lawrence R.J. (1987), What makes a house a home?, Environment and Behavior, 19(2): 154-68.
Leontis A. (1999), Primordial home, elusive home, Thesis Eleven, 59: 1-16.
Lloyd J., Vasta E. (eds) (2017), Reimagining home in the 21st century, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Lu D. (2012), Cultural analysis of housing and space, in S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing
and Home, London: Elsevier.
Mack A. (ed.) (1991), Home: a place in the world, Special issue of Social Research, 58(1).
Mandich G., Rampazi M. (2009), Domesticità e addomesticamento. La costruzione della sfera domestica nella
vita quotidiana, Sociologia@DRES, 1-30.
Marcus C. (1995), House as a mirror of self: Exploring the deeper meaning of home, Berkeley, CA: Conari
Margalit A. (2010), Home and homeland: Isaiah Berlin’s Zionism, Dissent, 57(3): 66-72. [trad. it. ne Il Mulino]
Marion Young I. (1997), House and home: Feminist variations on a theme. In I. Marion Young, Intersecting
voices: Dilemmas of gender, political philosophy, and policy, Princeton: PUP: 134-64.
Marotta V. (2008), Multicultural places and the idea of home, TASA 2008 – Re-imagining Sociology, Melbourne,
McDowell L. (1999), Home, place and identity, chapter 3 in Gender, identity and place: Understanding feminist
geographies, Bristol: Polity, pp. 71-95.
Mee K.J., Vaughan N. (2012), Experiencing home. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and
Home, London: Elsevier.
Meier L., Frank S. (2016), Dwelling in mobile times. Places, practices and contestations, Cultural Studies, 30(3):
McCarthy L. (2017), (Re)Conceptualising the boundaries between home and homelessness: the unheimleich,
Housing Studies, Online first.
Moore J. (2000), Placing home in context, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20: 207-17.
Moore J. (2007), Polarity or integration? Towards a fuller understanding of home and homelessness, Journal of
Architectural and Planning Research, 24(2): 143-159.
Morley D. (2000), Home territories: Media, mobility and identity, London: Routledge.
Murray A., Dowling R. (2007), Home, M/C – A Journal of Media and Culture, 10(4).
Nowicki M. (2014), Rethinking domicide: Towards an expanded critical geography of home, Geography
Compass, 8/11: 785-95.
Parsell C. (2012), Home is where the house is: the meaning of home for people sleeping rough, Housing
Studies, 27(2): 159-73.
Pilkey B., Scicluna R., Gorman-Murray A. (2015), Alternative domesticities: a cross-disciplinary approach to
home and sexuality, Home Cultures, 12(2): 127-38.
Porteous J., Smith S.E. (2001), Domicide: the global destruction of home, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University
Rampazi M. (2014), Un posto da abitare: dalla casa della tradizione all’incertezza dello spazio-tempo globale,
Milano: LED.
Rampazi M. (2016), Temporary homes: a case study of young people’s dwelling strategies in Northern Italy,
Space and Culture, 19(4): 361-72.
Rapoport A. (1995), A critical look at the concept “home”. In D. Benjamin et al. (eds.), The home: Words,
interpretations, meanings, and environments, London: Avebury.
Rapport N., Dawson A. (1998), Opening a debate: the topic and the book. In Rapport N., Dawson A. (eds.),
Migrants of identity: Perceptions of home in a world of movement, Oxford: Berg: 3-38.
Reid K., Beilin R. (2015), Making the landscape “home”: Narratives of bushfire and place in Australia,
Geoforum, 58: 95-103.
Reinders L., Van der Land M. (2008), Mental geographies of home and place: Introduction to the special issue,
Housing, Theory and Society, 25(1): 1-13.
Riukulehto S., Rinne-Koski K. (2016), A house made to be a home, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Rubenstein R. (2001), Home matters: Longing and belonging, nostalgia and mourning in women’s fiction,
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Saile D. (1985), The ritual establishment of home, Home Environments: Human Behaviour and Environment, 8:
Saunders P., Williams P. (1988), The constitution of home: towards a research agenda, Housing Studies, 3(2):
Schlucke, K. (2016), Burnt houses and haunted home. In: N. Cook, A. Davison, L. Crabtree, Housing and Home
Unbound: Intersections in Economics, Environment and Politics in Australia. Abingdon: Routledge.
Smith S. (ed.) (2012), International encyclopedia of housing and home, London: Elsevier.
Somerville P. (1997), The social construction of home, Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 14(3):
226-45. [on integrated, transdisciplinary approach to home as social construction]
Stea D. (1985), House and home: Identity, dichotomy, or dialectic?. In D. Benjamin et al. (eds.), The home:
Words, interpretations, meanings, and environments, London: Avebury.
Steiner H., Veel K. (2017), Negotiating the boundaries of the home: the making and breaking of lived and
imagined walls, Home Cultures 14(1): 1-5. [boundaries - temporality - histories of houses]
Swift J. (1997), Common place, common sense, Women’ Studies International Forum, 20(3): 351-60. [feeling at
home, remembering, privacy]
Tucker A. (1994), In search for home, Journal of Applied Philosophy, 11(2): 181-7. [phenomenology, self-
fullfilment, home vs place of origin]
Vacher M. (2010), Looking at houses, searching for homes, Ethnologia Scandinavica, 40: 52-67.
Van der Graaf P. (2015), Feeling at home and habitus: How space matters for emotions, in J. Kleres, Y.
Albrecht (eds.), Die Ambivalenz der Gefhule, Berling: Springer VS [feeling at home – emotion – place
attachment – Bourdieu – Operationalization and measurement]
Varley A. (2015), Home and belonging. Reflections from urban Mexico. In C. Klaufus, A. Ouweneel (eds.),
Housing and belonging in Latin America, Oxford: Berghahn. [home - belonging - alienation - identity - being-
at-home - urban informal settlements - Mexico - home tenancy and ownership - home (im)mobility]
Venessa A. (1993), Neither homed nor homeless: Contested definitions and the personal worlds of the poor,
Political Geography 12: 319-340.
Wardhaugh J. (1999), The unaccommodated woman: Home, homelessness and identity, The Sociological
Review, 47(1): 91-109.
Werner C.M., Altman I., Oxley D. (1985), Temporal aspects of homes: a transactional perspective. In Altman I.,
Werner C. (eds.) (1985), Home Environments, New York: Plenum Press: 113-32.
Williksen S., Rapport N. (eds.) (2010), Reveries of home: Nostalgia, authenticity and the performance of place,
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Wise JM (2000), Home: Territory and identity, Cultural Studies, 14: 295-310.
2. The home and the house: dwelling, building,
domesticity, material culture
Anderson G., Moore J., Susky L. (eds.) (2016), Sociology of home. Belonging, community and place in the
Canadian context, Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Altman, I., Werner, C. (eds.) (1985), Home Environments. New York: Springer.
Bille M. (2017), Ecstatic things: the power of light in shaping Bedouin homes, Home Cultures, 14(1): 25-49.
Briganti C., K. Mezei (eds.) (2012), The domestic space reader, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Bricocoli M. (2016), Pratiche abitative e uso della casa, Territorio, 78: 111-121.
Bryden I. (2004), 'There is no outer without inner space': constructing the haveli as home, Cultural Geographies
11: 26-41.
Bryson, B. (2010) At home: A short history of private life, London: Bilbryson Books.
Buchli V., Clarke A., Upton D. (2004), Editorial, Home Cultures, 1(1): 1-4.
Burikova Z. (2006), The embarrassment of co-presence: Au pairs and their rooms, Home Cultures 3(2): 99-122.
Chapman T. (2001), “There’s no place like home”, Theory Culture and Society, 18(6): 135-46.
Chevalier S. (2012), Material cultures of home. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and
Home, London: Elsevier.
Cieraad I. (2010), Homes from home: Memories and projections, Home Cultures, 7(1): 85-102.
Church K., Weight J., Berry M., Macdonald H. (2010), At home with media technology, Home Cultures, 7(3):
263-86. [mapping domestic spatiality and temporality; personal portable devices; domesticity; methodology]
Clarke A. (2001), The aesthetics of social aspiration. In D. Miller (ed.). [ideal homes vs. real homes - decoration
- interiors]
Cox R. (2016), What are homes made of? Building materials, DYI and the homeyness of home, Home Cultures,
13(1): 63-82.
Daniels I. (2014), Feeling at home in contemporary Japan: Space, atmosphere and intimacy, Emotion, Space
and Society, 1-9.
Dei F. (2009), Oggetti domestici e stili familiari: una ricerca sulla cultura materiale tra famiglie toscane di classe
media, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 3(2): 281-93.
Dohmen R. (2004), The home in the world: women, threshold designs and performative relations in
contemporary Tamil Nadu, south India, Cultural Geographies, 11: 7-25.
Friend M. (2007), Homes and gardens: Documenting the invisible, Home Cultures, 4(1): 93-100.
Garvey P. (2005), Domestic boundaries: Privacy, visibility and the Norwegian window, Journal of Material
Culture, 10(2): 157-76. [privacy - public/private - domesticity - windows - Norwegian - Somali]
George R.M. (ed.) (1998), Burning down the house: recycling domesticity, Boulder: Westview Press.
Giorgi S., Fasulo A. (2013), Transformative homes: Squatting and furnishing as sociocultural projects, Home
Cultures, 10(2): 111-34.
Harker C. (2009), Spacing Palestine through the home, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34:
Hui A. (2008), Many homes for tourism: Re-considering spatializations of home and away in tourism mobilities,
Tourist Studies, 8: 291.
Hurdley R. (2013), Home, materiality, memory and belonging. Keeping culture, London: Palgrave.
Jacobs K., Malpas J. (2013), Material objects, identity and the home: Towards a relational housing research
agenda, Housing, Theory and Society, 30(3): 281-92. [housing, identity, material objects, relationality,
dwelling, the home]
Kaika M, (2004), Interrogating the geographies of the familiar: Domesticating nature and constructing the
autonomy of the modern home, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 28: 265-86.
Keane W. (1995), The spoken house: Text, act, and object in Eastern Indonesia, American Ethnologist, 22(1):
King P. (2005), Private dwelling: Contemplating the use of housing, London: Routledge.
Kitson J. (2017), Home touring as hospitable urbanism, Journal of Urbanism, 10(1): 77-97.
Korosec-Serfaty P. (1985), Experience and use of the dwelling, Home Environments – Human Behaviour and
Environment, 8: 65-86.
Lauster N. (2016), The death and life of the single-family house, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Lawrence R.J. (1985), A more humane history of homes: Research methods and applications, Home
nvironments – Human Behaviour and Environment, 8: 113-132.
Lawrence R.J. (1987), What makes a house a home?, Environment and Behavior, 19(2): 154-68.
Levin I., Fincher R. (2010), Tangible Transnational Links in the Houses of Italian Immigrants in Melbourne,
Global Networks 10(3): 401-423.
Mandich G., Rampazi M. (2009), Domesticità e addomesticamento. La costruzione della sfera domestica nella
vita quotidiana, Sociologia@DRES, 1-30
Martsin M., Niit T. (2005), The home as a territorial system. In R. Garcia Mira et al. (eds.), Housing, space and
quality of life, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Maxwell A.E., Oliver J. (2017), On decentring ethnicity in buildings research: the settler homestead as
assemblage, Journal of Social Archeology, 17(1): 27-48.
McDowell L. (2007), Spaces of the home: Absence, presence, new connections and new anxieties, Home
Cultures, 4(2): 129-146.
Miller D. (ed.) (2001a), Home possessions: Material culture behind closed doors, London: Bloomsbury.
Miller D. (2001b), Behind closed doors, in Miller D. (ed.) (2001a), Home possessions: Material culture behind
closed doors, London: Bloomsbury.
Morton C. (2007), Remembering the house: Memory and materiality in Northern Botswana, Journal of Material
Culture 12(2): 157-79.
Nippert-Eng C. (1996), Home and work: Negotiating boundaries through everyday life, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Noble G. (2012), Home objects. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, London:
Nowicka M. (2007), Mobile locations: Construction of home in a group of mobile transnational professionals,
Global Networks 7(1): 69-86.
Ochs E., Kremer-Sadlik T. (eds.) (2013), Fast forward family: Home, work and relationships in middle-class
America, LA: California University Press.
Olesen B.B. (2010), Ethnic objects and domestic interiors: Space, athmosphere and the making of home, Home
Cultures, 7(1): 25-42.
Omar E., Endut E., Saruwono M. (2012), Personalisation of the home, Procedia – Social and Behavioral
Sciences 49: 328-40.
Olwig K.F. (1997), Cultural sites: Sustaining a home in a deterritorialized world. In K. Hastrup, K.F. Olwig (eds.),
Siting culture: the shifting anthropological object, London: Routledge. [family land house home -
Pine F. (1996), Naming the house and naming the land: Kinship and social groups in highland Poland, Journal
of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2: 443-59.
Power E. (2012), Nature in the home. In S. Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home,
London: Elsevier.
Reid S.E. (2009), Communist comfort: Socialist modernism and the making of cosy homes in the Khruschev
era, Gender & History, 21(3): 465-98.
Relieu M. et al. (2014), At home with video cameras, Home Cultures, 4(1): 45-68.
Rose G. (2003), Family photographs and domestic spacings: a case study, Transactions of the Institute of
British Geographers, 28: 5-18.
Salih R. (2002), Shifting meanings of ‘home’: Consumption and identity in Moroccan women’s transnational
practices between Italy and Morocco. In N. Al-Alì, K. Koser (eds.), New approaches to migration?
Transnational communities and the transformation of home, London: Routledge.
Sartoretti I. (2014), Casa oltre casa: alcune rappresentazioni contemporanee dello spazio domestico in
architettura, Im@go - Rivista di studi sociali sull’immaginario, 3(3): 26-46.
Searle B., Smith S., Cook N. (2009), From housing wealth to well-being, Sociology of Health and Illness, 31:
Smith S. (2008), Owner-occupation: at home with a hybrid of money and materials, Environment and Planning
A, 40: 520-535.
Telle K. (2007), Entangled biographies: Rebuilding a Sasak house, Ethnos, 72(2): 195-218.
Van der Geest S. (1998), Yebisa Wo Fie: Growing old and building a house in the Akan culture of Ghana,
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 13: 333-59. [house - rural communities - Africa - aging - building -
funerals - memory - house vs money]
Van der Horst H. (2012), Material cultures of domestic interiors: Transnationalism. In S. Smith (ed.),
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, London: Elsevier.
Walsh K. (2006), British expatriate belongings: Mobile homes and transnational homing, Home Cultures, 3(2):
Wood D., Beck R. (1994), Home Rules, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
3. Home(making) and migration
Ahmed S., C. Castañeda, A.M. Fortier, and M. Sheller (eds.) (2003), Uprootings/Regroundings: Questions of
home and migration. London: Berg.
Al-Alì N., Khoser K. (2002), Transnationalism, international migration and home. In N. Al-Alì, K. Khoser (eds.),
New approaches to migration? Transnational communities and the transformation of home, London:
Arnold G. (2016), Place and space in home-making processes and the construction of identities in transnational
migration, Transnational Social Review, 6(1-2): 160-77.
Bendix R., Lofgren O. (2007), Double Homes, Double Lives?, Ethnologia Europaea 37 (1-2): 7–15.
Bivand M.E. (2014), “This is my home”. Return considerations as articulations about “home”, Comparative
Migration Studies 2(3): 361-83.
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9. Home(land), belonging, place identification,
affiliation and attachment
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10. Home and temporality
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11. Twice (at) home and migrant
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12. Home and translocality, home in the public,
home and the senses
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13. Home, care, ageing
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14. Research methodologies for the study of
(the) home
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15. Home, youth, mobilities
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16. Home, gender, feminism
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