L2 Extra Practice

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ffiffi A triP to Thailand

Vocabulary adjectives to describe ptaces

Grammar comParatives
Review can for possibitity; hotiday activit

lmagine a friend is on hotiday in your town/city/
región.Think of five things he/she can.do there'
Wárk in pairs. Tett your Partner your ideas'

Adjectives to describe Places
Find the opposites. Check new
words in l,t=:$ p138.

nóisy ctean bóring

otd fribndtY dángerous
crówded unfribndtY
émpty safe
quiet dirtY
The beautiful island of Phuket is famous for its ,,:,,,:

a! Choose eight adjectives fantastic beaches, delicious food and friendly

from i. For each adjective write people. lt's the perfect place for a week's Accommodation:
treak. You can relax and sunbathe all day Kata Hotel ****
the name of a Place You know
in Pairs. Take turns
:'i:r:lr," costperweek
h) Work
or rent a motorbike and travel round the
:i to tell your Partner about the
places. lJ se t ery I r e allY / quite
whote istand. rn the evening you can eat ,''l X:';L:;i*::"?":)!"
l fresh fish in one of Phuket's excellent ¡npritluoyli3z'c
with the adjectives.
¡l restaurants, then enioy a quiet walk along '
, - , :

I Oxford Street in London the beach under the stars. Whatever you

: is atways very crowded.

, want from your holiday, it's here in Phuket! l , ,

ffi*ad§mg ar.ad §rmmmar

a) Look at the Photos' What do You Help with Grammar
know about Thailand?
# a: Look at the sentences in 'i' and find the comparatives
b) Read about two holidaY Places w (snwller, etc.). Then complete the rules'
in Thailand. Choose one for a holiday'
With most l-syllable adjectives (small, old)' add
TeIl another student why you chose it'
With 1-s,vl1ab1l adjectives ending ln consonant + vou'el +
C) Read the texts again. Find three consonant (hot,big), double the last consonant and
things you can do in each Place. add .

With 2-syllabie adiectives ending in -1' (nois¡ happy)'

Read these sentences comparing Phuket change the -J to and add ---' "'
and Bangkok. Which sentence is false? With most other 2-sy11ab1e and 3-s1'11able adjectives
a) The Kata Hotel is smaller than
(crov,ded, erpensít'e), --- '--- '- before the adjective'
the Sawadee Hotel. The comparatives for good and bad ate irregular:
b) Phuket is hotter than Bangkok. good bettet;bad lvor'se '
c) Bangkok is ProbablY noisier. ili Look at sentences a), b) and d) in ;;' Which word do we
d) Bangkok is more crowded use after the comParative?
than Phuket.
e) The holiday in Bangkok is l: Check in P139.
more expensive.

aB Vocabulary and Grammar

ffi writ" the comparatives.

t boring g beautiful s safe z big
z dirty 4 good e bad 8 dangerous

a) m Listen to Luke and Monica planning a holiday in

Thailand. Where does each person want to go? Find one
reason why they want to go there.
b) Filt in the gaps with the comparative form of the
adjectives in brackets. Use than if necessary.
t Phuket's rnare beautifulrian Bangkok (beautiful)
z Bangkok's (interesting)
E Phuket looks . """ Bangkok. (good)
4 But Bangkok's . (crowded)
s And the people in Phuket are probably . (friendly)
6 But Phuket's (expensive)
z I still think Bangkok's Phuket.
s Phukets probably too. (safe)
9 And it's . (ouiet)

C) Work in pairs. Who says the sentences in 7h3, do you

think - Luke or Monica?
d) Listen again and check.

^ffi -' Listen and practise the sentences in

w 7*1.

Plulri! ,llrre |**llf ul tken ir);;rr §;,';gko&.

Where do you think Luke and Monica went on holiday?
The capital of Thailand is always a @ Listen and check.
wonderful place to visit. You can go
sightseeing in the city and visit beautiful
Buddhist temples, and the amazing Royal w
^rñ i:; Choose one of the adjectives in brackets. Then
gaps with its comparative form and tlmn.
fill in the

Palace. Or why not take a boat trip on the

river and go shopping in the colourful
I Foocl is ... it r,,,as last year. (expensive/cheap)
2 lt's .....,---. lt was five ,vears ago. (dangerous/safe)
You can enjoy traditional Thai food in 3 Publlc transport is .... it was ten )'ears ago. (good/bad)
restaurants all over the city and then go MY LIFE
dancing in the evening in one of + M1- English is ,............,. it was last month. (good/bad)
Bangkok's many exciting nightclubs. s M1. hair is ..... - it was last 1'ear. (long/short)
o My life is ..........,.. it was five years ago. (interesting/boring)
Come to Bangkok - it's the holiday
of a lifetimel i:l Write two more sentences about your tovnr/city or
your life.
+i Work in pairs. Compare your sentences from 1#*] and 3üh!
Sawadee Hotel *** with your partner. How many are the same?
(r 6z rooms)

Cost per week

(i n cl u di n g Jli ght): € tz 4o
Average temperature
(April-Moy): z9"C Work in two groups. Group A p109. Group B p117.
Follow the instructions.

-t' c,

12 Lnfe exper§erlces
ruffiA World records Vocabulary big and sma[[ number
Grammar superlatives
Review comparatives; Past Simple
Write something you: love doing, want to do tomorrow, need to do
when you get home, enjoy doing, hate doing, are going to do tonight.
Work in pairs and compare answers. How many are the same?

Big and small numbers

# ltut.t the numbers to the

words. Then check in Language
Summary 12 -;:::..,:.1:'::: p146.

.D6 1,000,000 3.2s

2,300 45,270 156 A Mexican couple, Octavio Guillén
650,000 70,000,000 and Adriana Mafiinez, had the
longest engagement in the world.
1 nought point six 0.6 They got engaged in 1902 - and
2 three point two five got married in 1969. They were
3 a hundred and fifty-six both u)...-.. _-,..... years old on their
4 two thousand. three hundred wedding day.
5 forty-five thousand, two The wettest place in the world is
hundred and seventy probably Mount Wai'ale'ale, in
6 six hundred and fifty thousand Hawaii. It rains days ayearl
7 a million with an average rainfall of .).. .,._....__ m
8 seventy million a year. And the world's driest place is
.,ffi the Atacama Desert in Chile. It onlv
# Lisren and write the
gets d)-.,.,. --.... cm of rain ayear.
numbers. Check vour answers
in pairs. The earliest computer game
was called Spacewar. A group of
ffiemff§mg arx# ünammr*ar American students wrote it in 1960
for a computer called PDP-1. This
Read the article. Match the world computer cost ").......,,...... - and there .Y-" la,"
records 1-5 to pictures A-E. were only fifty in the world.

The most boring film in the

# *, Read the article again. world is probably A Cure for Insomnia,
Fill in the gaps a)-h) wirh rhese directed by John Henry Timmis IV of
prices and numbers. Chicago. It's r).......... hours long and
is also the world's longest film.
I 812,300 S 120,000 335
In July 2001, six businessmen spent
85 {.44,007 11.68 at the Petrus Restaurant
.. 82 0.01 in London, making this the world's
most expensive meal per person.
fu} '' Listen and check. Most of the bill was for the five
bottles of wine they drank - the best
bottle cost h)...... . The restaurant
e; Which record is the most
interesting or surprising, do didn't ask them to pay for the foodl
you think?
'tAA Vocabulary and Grammar

Help with Grammar

a) Fill in the table with superlatives

from the afiicle.
adi comparative
n Which of these cities has the - -- --- -- population? (large)
al lstanbul [t Buenos Aires cl New York
wet JT Which of these film stars is the ---- --- ---- " ? (old)
early al Mel Cibson bl Julia Roberts cl Brad Pitt

11 Which is the world's --------------- country) (crowded)

expensive at Bangladesh bl Singapore cl Monaco

II llhich of these countries is the -- --- --- "- ? (big)

al The USA bl Brazil ct Australia
b) Complete the ruIes with
coflip ar htN es or suP erlatw es- f,I \(/hat's the world's city to live in? (expensive)
e We use to compare three or al Moscow [l TokYo cl New York

more things.
We use . ". to compare two things'
]il Who was the ---- -- - --- person to score a goal in a football
World Cup finali (Young)
c) Work in pairs. Look at the words al Maradona il Pelé cl Ronaldo
in 5a) again. What are the rules
for making superlatives? (Think about n Which is the --- ---- ----, first language in the world)
spelling and the number of syllables.) {common)
d) Check it, t.'.,,:l; P146 and read al English ül Chinese cl SPanish
§fhich of these cities is the -.-------.----- to the Equator) (near)
aI Mexico City 'm Rio de Janei:ro cI Madrid

@ ,t Write the suPerlatives.

l rich richest 7 safe
z difficult 8 crowded
3 thin s friendly
+ happy to beautiful
s hot tt bad ffi on a piece of paper' Write one or
W¡," six of these things
6 modern tz good two words, not complete sentences' Don't write the
answers in order.
b) '':'' 'r''':' liii List"n and practise the
superlative adjectives in 6*i. the name of the oldest or youngest person in vour famill-
your oldest or most important possession
lrsli the most interesting or boring thing ,vori did 1¿rst \r.eel<end
the latest or eariiest ,vou went to bed last month
# *l \,\brk in teams. Read the quiz. Fitl the best or \,vorst present ,You got last birthda,v
*' the best or worst film yor-r salr' last yeal
in the gaps uith the superlative form
of the adjectives in brackets. Then do
the quiz. # Work in pairs. Swap papers. Take turns to ask questions
w '*:
about your partner's words. Ask follow-up questions'
hi Check your answers on P158. How
many points did Your team get? ls Stefan the oldest \/^- he
l^^ is.
i.ls. He
Un'cs mY granclarner'
He's arrn/frfhor
-r, grandfather.j 'z

person in your famitY?

( lo* otd is hef .le s zo. I

b) Tell the class two things about your partner'


What do You know about
Look at the Photos. Lewis Hamilton since
1 Do You know who the Person is? 2OO8? Te[[ the class'

2 What is the sPort?

Work in grouPs. Make
Why do you think the text has the
titte Following a dream?
3 a list of three PeoPle
Read the text quickty and check your ideas' who became famous
when theY were YounS'
Read the text again' Answer the questions' Make notes about each
a Formula i driver begin?
of them. Then tetl the
1 When did Hamitton's dream to be
others in the class
2 What did he do when he was eight? about them and whY
3 What did he tetl Ron Dennis when he was ten? you chose them.
a WhY did Ron Dennis Phone Hamilton?
5 How otd was Hamilton when he joined Mclaren's
Formula I races?
6 What happened when Hamitton started driving in

from the island of Grenada in §[,,
lewis Hamilton's parents came to Britain É.
parents named him after
üe 19505. Lewis was born in 1985, and his
they know that sport¡ng fame was
úte American athlete Carl lewis' Did
raiting for their son, too?
him a radio-controlled car and he
Utren Lewis was six, his father gave
1 driver so his father bought him
lewis, dream was to U".oÁ" a rorÁula eight
a go-kart and he started go-kart
racing in 1993 when he was only
and he knew that he had to win more'
years old. He won u toupi" of races'
Lewis met a man called Ron Dennis'
flne day, when he was 10 years old'
Formula 1 team' Lewis asked Dennis
tlennis was the Uos of the lvtcl'aren want
Lewis Hamilton and one day I
for his autograph, saying, 'My name's
in his autograph book' 'Phone me
lo drive your cars.' nán ónnnit wrote
out'' In fact' when Hamilton
nine years from now. we'll sort something
his first go-kart championship a
few years later' Ron Dennis phoned
do this'
tle was the youngest person ever to
1e ' m¡y 16.lf he keeps this up,l'm sure he willreach F1''
started as a driver in races in
Sd¡umacher was right' Lewis Hamilton
. 2007. rn his first six races, he came
third, second, second, se€ond, second
He finished the season
; rtd first. Then n. .ame first again in his next race' age of 23'
' il;ñ'ri.¿;, u.i,rd Kiminaitk¿inen' Then in 2008' at the
champion in F1 h¡story when he
llamilton became,iá V"'"g"tt world
t Massa'
finished one point ahead of Felipe
and found what he
kwis Hamilton had a dream, and he followed it
wanted. And that's success!
uNrr5 r
ffi. Read and tisten
m Work in smallgroups. m Read the text and answer.
Think of methods that Which method of fortune te[[ing:
people use to try and I uses part ofyour hand? can give information about
predict the future. your heatth?
Use the pictures on
2 looks at when a person
was born? 6 is new?
tlp page to help you.
3 inc[udes numbers? 7 is in newspapers or magazire

4 uses a drink? 8 is the oldest?


Everyone wants to know the answer to questions like: Will I have a lot of money? Will
I be happy and healthy? That's why fortune telling is so popular. There are hundreds
of different ways of telling the future - here are just a few,.

:! ij'l i:j fl )'

i..' .11 i'!'l.rl,
ii:"-: \",l§¡ri:'lI
Astrology is centuries old. The idea is that the Fortune cookies are popular in Chinese restaurants
position of the stars when you are born has an around the world (but not in mainland China!). The
influence on your personality, and is also important cookies have a piece ofpaper inside. The paper
for predicting your future. These predictions are usually has a wise saying and some lucky numbers on
called horoscopes. Most newspapers and it
and this is the 'fortune'. They are a modern
magazines have horoscope sections. invention. Most people knoú that fortune
Many people read them, but not J-ry#re cookies cannot really tell their fulure.
everyone believes the predictions jrrfu¡.1 but lots of people like reading them.
will come true. iffl
l,'.1"', :., "i.'i.'i i,i§ ] lli} i
iw.rag Some people say that you can
In palmistry, the idea is "-*d= predict the future by reading
that the lines on the palm tea leaves lrom your teacup.
ofyour hand can tell you To do this. make a pot of
things about your future. tea. Then pour the tea into
Palmistry is thousands of a cup. Make sure some
years old. A lot ofpeople tea leaves fall inlo the cup
think it is nonsense. too. Empty the cup so that
However, some doctors the tea leaves are still at
say that the lines on your the bottom. The position
palm really can tell you and shape oFthe leaves in
something about your the cup willtellyou your
health. But, they don't future!
think that they can tell you
,fhosq,are oflly four,ways of
about your future!
predicting the f,uture. Are any
of them reliable? Well. probably
not. But we can make one sure
'' prediction: people will always want
to know about lheir future.


f vocabutany #'-,; wnite

* Express¡ons to talk rel Read this student's predictions about life in
about fortune te[[ing the future. Complete the text with words from
the box.
E for
(Circle) the correct definition
e)Elof these words from the text.
will be b'e+ke won't be wi[[ happen
I fortune telling They'tt do wi[[ learn we'tI recyc[e wiltfind
a reading science fiction books and
watching science frction films
saying what wi[[ happen in the
What will lifer be Uke
one hundred years
@ from now? I don't know, of course. But this is what
2 century l
First. I think that comouters much
a a thousand years
more important in our lives. There a
b a hundred years
any televisions or DVD ptayers or things like that.
3 influence
I think a[[ those things wi[[ be part of a computer.
a the information your friends give you
And everything in our house wil[ be controlled by
b the power to have an effect on computers. I betieve scientists 5 a way
people or things
to make computers talk and think, just [ike people.
4 to predict That's scaryl
a to ask someone what will happen
Atso there won't be any more pollution. Governments
b to say what you think will happen
witl find wavs to stoo oollution and u

5 parm
a the inner part of one's hand
b the outer part of one's hand Finally, I think that there won't be any schoots. Some
peopte say teachers will be robots in the future but
6 nonsense
I don't think that's true. I think kids

a something that is unusual

at home, using their computers. 6 .-. ..
b something that does not have
everything online. (Great, because when they're
bored, they can have a bit of fun and play a few
/ teaves
online gamesl)
a the green parts of a tree or plant
b bags of tea
That's what lthink about Iife in the future. lthink it'lI
be very different, but very exciting!
8 reLiable
a if someone is reliable you can trust
E Now write your own text (150 words), with the
them title:
b if someone is retiable you can't trust
What will life be like two hundred years from now?

Use words in Exercise 9a to complete

these sentences. Remember you may
ffi spealt
need to change the form of the words. m Work with a partner. Talk about the methods of
I I think alI these ways of fortune Ielllng fortune telling in the text on page72. Discuss
are just
these questions:

2 lf you study a [ot, it will have a big r What do you think of each method?
on your exam resu[ts. . What other methods of fortune tetling do you
3 I guess life was very cjifferent a few know of?
My new MP3 ptayer is really sma[[ -
m lnvent a new method of fortune tellingl lt can
be as scientific or crazy as you [ike!
can put it in the of my hand.
I don't think that the . ._......_...... in my
teacup can my future
Aaron says he't[ do something but he
never does itl He's not

too + adjective, adverbs
Vocabulary: the weather

ffi Bead and Listen

§ Look at the pictures. What do they show?

E Read the text quickly to find out why the

river was important to Jutiane.

Over the Amazon

jungle, there was a
thunderstorm. The Pucallpa
rain fell heavily and
there was a strong
wind. And then
lightning hit the plane
at 3,000 merres, and
it exploded. Juliane
fell quickly through
Lima @
rhe air in her seat and
hit the trees hard. For
three hours, she was unconscious. When she woke Juliane walked for ten days. At night she stopped
sleep because it was too dark to walk. Ten days after
up, her right arm was cut, her shoulder hurt badly
and she couldn't see in one eye' She was alone. But the crash, she found a small hut by the river. There
she was alive! were some woodcutters in che hut. They cleaned
her cuts carefully and the next day' they carried her
was small'
Juliane's father was a biologist and when she down the river, and a plane took her safely back to
he taught her how to survive in the jungle. She found
the city of Pucallpa.
a small river and walked slowly along it.
'If I follow the
river,' she thought, 'I'll find peoplel
The river also gave Juliane was the only person who survived rhe plane
her clean water to drink. It was extremely hot, but the crash. The other 91 people, including he r mother,
river water kept her cool. Sometimes she had to swim all died.
in the river because it was too deep to walk in. There The film director, Werner Herzog,had a ticket to
were crocodiles in the water but they didn't attack travel on the plane but missed it. Thirty years later,
her! There was fruit on some trees but she didn't eat he made a documentary film called'\ü7ings of Hope'
it - she knew it was too dangerous. aboutJuliane and her incredible story.

I fn" title of the text is 'Jungle survival'. Work with a partner and talk about the
difficulties of surviving in thejungle.

T2 -",f -f
e f r§
:$ *" *ie*§6f
t' ,.r §_§ i

First conditional, when and if

Vocabulary: adjectives of feeling

G Bead and Listen b Now read the text again

and Iisten. Answer the questions.
3l Look at the pictures. What do you think
1 Why did Mr Ho[[opeter fatl onto
the text is about?
the platform and then the track?
I A man who didn't feel we[[ on the ptatform
2 How deep was the space where
of a New York subway station.
Mr Hollopeter fe[?
2 A man who saved another man in the
New York subway.
3 Why did flve subway carriages travel
over the two men?
3 The man who designed the platforms
¿ Who was Mr Autrey worried about
of the New York subway.
when the train stopped?
Read the text quickly and check your answer. 5 What was the only thing that happened
to Mr Autrey?
-r I

; I r't"a.
::JI; -,

saw them. He was terrified, but he couldn't stop
in time. Five carriages travelled over the two
men before the train stopped.

The people on the platform were shocked. When

Mr Autrey heard them screaming, he shouted
'We're OK down here, but l've got two'daughters
up there. Let them know their father's OK'.
People on the platform clapped and cheered -
they were amazed at Autrey's courage. Subway
workers helped the two men out. An ambulance
It was 12.45 p.m. on 2 January,2007.SO-year-old took Mr. Hollopeter to hospital. He had no
Wesley Autrey was waiting for the train at a subway serious injuries.
station in New York. His two daughters, aged four and ln an interview on a TV show, Mr Autrey said,
six, were with him. 'The only thing that happened to me was my
Suddenly, a sick man collapsed on the platform. The blue hat got dirty.'
man, 2O-year-old Cameron Hollopeter, got up, but
He added, 'l wasn't brave. I didn't do anything
then fell again - this time, onto the track between the
special. ljust saw someone who needed help.
two rails. A train was coming into the station. lt was a I did what I thought was right.'
frightening moment.
But Mr Autrey wasn't frightened. He looked at the
man, and he looked at the space that the man was in.
It was about half a metre deep. And he thought, 'The
train is going to travel over this man. lf he tries to get
up, the train will kill him. But if he lies on the ground
and doesnlt move, he'll be OK,'So he knew he had to
make a decision.

He jumped. Mr. Autrey lay on top of Mr. Hollopeter,

and kept him down on the ground. The train driver

§hecl{ yüur prftsrgs§ ti-
ffiffi ,t:i1&a,1

W GI'ammaP
d, ', Vocabulary -,..;,,:..

j !.: Complete the sentences. Use the verbs Complete the sentenCes using the correct
in the box with the correct form of be multi-word verbs.
going to. 'I We're atl worried about his heatth. He

visit help fi]in dance wear should really giye up


not ride not watch 2 lf you want to be fit, why don't you
some sport?
'l Look at those clouds. ltls gqjng fa rsjn . 3 If you don't understand this word,
2 l've got a difficult history project to do. My it ...._..._._.. in a
sister me with it dictionary.
3 I , tetevision tonight. At[ the
4 lt was unfair that the teacher
programmes are boringl me __..__.._..... for talking. lt wasn't me
who was talkingl
jeans tonight? You don't need to help me with this
My parents problem. I think I can ___.-_.,-.___,_ it
_...-- ,,... my grandfather at
the weekend. mvself.

6 Peter doesn't [ike horses. He My uncte is a designer. He wants to

with us this afternoon. his own business soon.

7 There's a party next Friday night, a nd we There's a new youth c[ub in our street.
a[[ nightl

Complete each sentence with must or

rc Let's it
mustn't. b Complete the adjectives with the -ed or
-ing ending.
'I Come on, Jutiel V¡/e rlastnl! be [atel
2 lt's a great book. You rea[ly
I Iwas really tiedlast night when I went
to bed. Yesterday was a very tir ___..... day.
read it.
3 Sorry, Jimmy, l'm [ate. I 2 We were excit _ about going to the
go now.
footbal[, but in the end it was a bor
4 You te[[ anyone about thisl lt's match.
too embarrassing.
3 I thought the Dracula fi[m was quite
5 Diane, turn the music down! You - frighten , but my girlfriend wasn't
ptay it so toudtyl frighten at at[.
6 I can go out with you tonight, but I 4 We went to a museum last Sunday.
be home before midnight. My parents thought it was real[y
7 OK, you can have a pet snake - but it interest , but I was a bit bor
come into the housel
Complete the fi rst conditionaI sentences
with the correct form of the verbs. How did you do?
Check your score.
1 lf you help (help)me,l
(buy)you an ice cream.
Total score o o
2 lf.Jack
(come)to school [ate,
(be) really angry. E Very
good OK
Not very

3 The neighbours (complain) if Grammar t5-19 12-14 less than l2

WC (make) a lot of noise Vocabulary |-13 8 -10 less than 8
4 tft (have) time, I

(get) the t¡ckets this afternoon.

uNrr 12 ss M
Unit 3 multi-word verbs (1) (with up, down, on, off)

tt il

'l to get up 2 to stand up 3 to sit down 4 to lie down

5 to get on 6 to get off 7 to switch on 8 to switch off

Unit 11 multi-word verbs (2) (with go and put)
1" put (a fire) out = stop a fire burning
It was a very bad fire -
the firemen onty put it out after six h.ours.
2 put (someone) up = give them a ptace to stay or steep
we're coming to London next week - can you put us up in your flat for a few days?
3 put (something) off = change someth¡ng to a later date
It was raining very badly, so we put the footbatl match off until next week.
4 put away = tidy
This room's a mess - can you put everything away, please?
5 go up = increase
The price of food has gone up a lot recently.
6 go down = decrease
My school grades went down this year - last year I got a B, this year I got a C.
7 go off = explode
The bomb went off at midnight.
8 go off = ring
My alarm clock didnt 6o off this morning.

Ulit 12 feetings and actions

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