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Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin, all praises be to Allah SWT, the single power, the Lord of
the universe, master of the day of the judgment, God almighty, for all blessings and mercies
so the researcher was able to finish the thesis entitled “Semiotic Analysis of Idiomatic
Expressions Found in The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay Part 1 Movie and The
Implication to English Language Skills”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the
The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps,
supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express the
deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested during the process of
1. Dr. H. Mudhofir, S.Ag, M.Pd the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
3. Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department of Islamic
4. Zainal Arifin, S.Pd, M.Pd. as the advisor for his permission, approval, precious advices,
corrections and help to revise the mistake during the entire process of writing of this
5. The researcher‘s parents, Tri Jaswanto and Haryati for uncountable and endless love,
6. The researcher‘s best friend ,thank you for always helping, supporting
motivating,sharing, advising and accompanying in everyday until the researcher finished
this research.
7. Everyone who has helped the researcher to conduct the research and write this thesis who
can not mentioned one by one.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The researcher
hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and readers in general.
TITLE ....................................................................................................................... i
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ iv
MOTTO ................................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................vii
ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURE..................................................................................................xii
2. Idiom ......................................................................................................... 13
3. Symbol ....................................................................................................... 27
4. Semiotic .................................................................................................... 30
5. Context ....................................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX3 :Script of the Structured Interview toward the lecturers of English teaching
Study about the language makes students have to study also about the culture.
Because of different country and different area people have different language and the
culture. It seems when the students study the proverb, saying, and idiom. Idiom is one of
language features which has added uniqueness and carried different meaning from
construction of word.
According Fromkin (1997: 3), knowing the language is as same as knowing the
simple words, combinations of words and meanings. It means knowing phrases mixture
consisting of more than one syllable and its meaning can‘t be inferred from the meaning
According to peaty (1983: 3), idiom is part of the language that can‘t be
separated. Idiom is also an expression of the word or phrase that has a figurative
meaning that can be understood in terms of the common use of the expression that is
pattern which deviates from general language principles, which usually formed as a
Idiom is a unit of words (phrases) or expression that is used along the constant
meaning and structure. English language has many idioms. The meaning of idiom cannot
be predicted from word to word or it’s grammatical separately and cannot be replaced,
for the example: the word “Close down” means bankrupt, it is not “close” that means
native speaker. If the students do not understand it, they will often misunderstandin
when they speak English or listen it and their English will be stiff, formal and unnatural.
use their cultural knowledge or have heard them before. For example, the expression
kick on the bucket uses for saying that someone has died, stopped breathing or does not
exist anymore. Nippold and Taylor (2002: 384) claims that idiom understanding begins in
early childhood and gradually improves throughout the school-age years, adolescence,
and well into adulthood. Idioms are an important part of acquiring a language and often
indicate a proficient learner. Burke (1998:5) claims that knowledge of slang and idiom is
actually use. Bromley (1984: 272) agrees with this statement and remarks that idioms
add confusion and difficulty to learning of language and so they occupy a special place in
make a language more vibrant. They are useful when decorating the language or when
searching for new ways of expressing oneself. Bromley (1984: 274) promotes the use of
idioms by stating that “just idioms are disruptive, ambiguous, and difficult for the
language user, so also are they interesting and colorful. Idioms add humor, imagery, and
spice to language”.
Potter (1967: 130) has written,“Language is like a dress. We vary our dress to
suit the occasion,it means that we choose the most appropriate way of expressing
ourselves depending on the social context in which the utterance is made”. According to
Gee (2007: 72), language builds abstractions on the basis images from embodied
experiences of a material world, so, too, does human learning and thinking. In order to
grasp concepts people often use words or expressions that relate to our body. A
common expression is to say keep this in mind making it sounds as if the mind was an
actual place for storage. Figurative expressions such as idioms are used frequently in
common in both written and spoken language. Lundblom and Woods (2012: 203) write
that idioms “appear in conversation, print (magazines and newspapers), and media
(movies, radio, and television). Cooper (1998: 225) claims that when idioms occur on TV-
shows, for example, in order to even understand the plot, the viewer often needs to be
able to comprehend the idiom in question. Furthermore, the four kinds of nonliteral
since idioms are such a big part of most languages, the students should learn them in
order to be fluent in the target language. Burke (1998: 1) goes as far as claiming that
American movie, TV show, news broadcast, or even a typical conversation without help
because our language is loaded with nonstandard English, i.e., slang and idioms. He
explains that if nonnative speaker do not understand idioms, they will never able to
completely integrate and, instead, they will always be outsiders. Cooper (1998: 259)
agrees that “sooner or later, imprecise idiomatic usage will cause difficulties even for a
attainment”. Thus, the fact that the students most definitely encounter idiomatic
expressions on daily basis (whether in a country where the native language is English, or
just through TV shows and movies) is definitely a main reason as to why their idiom
that idioms are difficult to learn and comprehend. The complexity of this area within
language learning is another reason why the teachers need to explain and teach idioms
to the students. Bromley (1984: 272) writes that idioms add confusion and difficulty to
the learning of language. Lundblom and Woods (2012: 202) further explain that idioms
weakness are often challenged by idioms; therefore, the failure to comprehend idioms
can impact academic performance. Moreover, Burke (1998: 5) mentions that teaching
The student might end up in a situation where he or she uses the idiom in the wrong
Since idioms are so common in everyday language use, and since they seem
difficult for foreign language students to learn, as educators we do not need to promote
the actual use of slang, idioms, but we do have a responsibility to familiarize the non-
Teaching idiom can be done through analysis of a movie. The students can
some great media for learning English language. The website of Wikipendidikan writes
that there is 5 surplus of study English language by using movie media, that are: 1. It can
increase listening skill; 2. Increase speaking skill; 3. Increase the ability on pronounce
English vocabularies correctly; 4. Increase more new English vocabularies; and 5.
Applying theory on practice, by watching a movie the students can know the applying of
And related with idiom,the students can find easily some examples of idiom in a
movie, because some movies use expression using the idiom in every part dialogue of it
as its own idiomatic way of expressing meaning besides of using metaphors, secondary
meaning and figurative language. Therefore, the students can understand with the
messages that convey from the movie while we have been study about it.
in their dialog. For the example, there is The Hunger Games:The Mockingjay part 1,
an American science fiction adventure movie released in 2013. This movie was
directed by Francis Lawrence and the story of this movie is based on novel Mockingjay
by Suzanne Collins. Jennifer Lawrence was the main character of this movie as Katniss
who well known as the ―Mockingjay‖. The Hunger Games:The Mockingjay part 1went to
No. 1 spot during its opening weekend with a $273.8 million worldwide gross, becoming
the biggest opening of 2014. Mockingjay part 1 had garnered a nomination for Best
Science Fiction Film at 41st Saturn Awards. Besides of that, Jennifer Lawrence, the main
character of this movie received a nomination for Best Actress in an Action Movie at the
The researcher choosed this movie as the object of the research because there are
found many idiomatic expressions containing symbol in the dialogue spoken by the
characters of this movie. For example, when the character Katniss says ―You see the fire?
The fire is catching‖, the word ―fire‖ is not mean fire that burning but the word ―fire‖ in
expression in the dialogue spoken by the characters of this movie, especially idiomatic
the science of symbol. This science considers that the social and cultural phenomenon is a
symbol. Semiotic studies the systems, rules, and conventions that allow the symbols have
use of language that depends on additional conventions and examines the characteristics
(properties) discourse that has meaning (Pradopo, 2005: 119). It means that semiotic is
There are many experts on semiotic field, like Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles S.
Pierce and Roland Barthes. Ferdinand de Saussure is well known as the father of
linguistic and he focuses on the semiotic in linguistic while Charles S. Pierce focuses on
the semiotic in communication which studies about the production of sign. In addition,
Roland Barthes focuses on the semiotic in linguistic and he is someone who continues the
semiotic thought of Saussure. In this research the researcher uses the semiotic theory of
Roland Barthes. Roland Barthes divides the meaning on two rates of signification that is
idiom can be seen in this example. Someone says ―I‘m feeling blue‖. In this expression,
the word ―blue‖ based on the first rate signification (denotative) has a meaning ―the color
of blue‖. While in the second rate signification (connotative) related with socio-culture
life, the word ―blue‖ has a meaning ―sad‖.In the socio-culture life, the blue color
From some appearances above, the researcher felt curious about the meaning of
the idiomatic expression reveals on the dialogue spoken by the characters of The Hunger
Games: The Mockingjay part 1, especially idiomatic expression which contains symbol
expressions revealed on the dialogue spoken by the characters of The Hunger Games: The
approach using semiotic theory of Roland Barthes.From this analysis, there resulted the
denotative meaning as the first rate signification and the connotative meaning as the
second rate of signification and also the myth of the symbol in idiomatic expression as the
research on the idiomatic expression revealed on the dialogue spoken by the character of
The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 1 movie. The whole of this research is
analyzed using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes which focuses on analyzing the
denotative and connotative meaning of the symbols in the idiomatic expressions and also
the myth of the symbols.This research also focuses on finding the implication of
Roland Barthes?
The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 1 movie to English language skills?
In line with the problem statements, the objectives of the study are as the
on the dialogue spoken by the characters ofThe Hunger Games: The Mockingjay
The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 1 movie to English language skills.
E. Benefit of the Studies
From the discussion of problem statement of this research, this research gives
1. Theoretical Benefit
expression which revealed on the dialogue spoken in the movie, so the result of
the study might be knowledge about the meaning of the idiomatic expression
which revealed on the dialogue spoken in the movie through semiotic approach
2. Practical Benefit
a. Readers
more understand about the purpose of what the characters spoke in the
movie. Besides of that, from this research the readers can know more
b. Other Researchers
semiotic approach.
make deeper the process of studying the English language by analyzing the
it gives some evidence about how important to teach about idiom in the
students more knowledge about idiomatic expressions and also the types of
idioms and the meanings, then explicitly it gives knowledge about the
it, then analyze the denotative and the connotative meaning of those
expressions gives EFL student knowledge about the culture of the foreign
1. Semiotic Analysis
2. Idiomatic Expression
The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 1 is the scientific fiction movie
the first movie of two parts of this movies based on novel ―Mockingjay‖, the
last book of The Hunger Games Trilogy which written by Suzane Collins, and it
A. Theoretical Description
1. Idiomatic Expression
meaning of the idiom's individual elements. In other words, idioms don't mean
exactly what the words say. They have, however, hidden meaning.
or definition of the words of which they are made. Their meanings are,
2. Idiom
a. Definition of Idiom
metaphor has quite same discussion object, however its point of view is
on semantic area.
meaning of separate words that are part of it. Each language has its own
phrases. All languages have idioms especially the English language which is
(Palmer, 1976).
meaning, it means that idioms is language unit that can be consist of words,
accounted for as a compositional function of the meanings its part when they
are not parts of idioms. It involves that the meanings of an idiom cannot be
inferred from the meaning of the parts carry in that expression. It must be a
2) Conventional Phrases
Idioms are special expressions which are almost known and agreed
word order.
4) Figurativeness
again after a disagreement, the meanings of the words ‗to bury‘ and
‗the hatchet‘ are different from the meaning of the whole expression.
5) Phrasal Verbs
E.g.: After war began, the two countries broke off diplomatic relations
(discontinue). Most auto mobile companies bring out new models each
cannot normally do any of the following with an idiom because the meaning
would be changed:
1) Addition
adverb very to the adjective red in red herring.Very red herring affects
2) Deletion
Deleting the adjective sweet and the article the from the
expressions have a sweet tooth and spill the beans would change
3) Substitution
synonyms. For example, the long and short of it means the basic facts
of situation. The adjective long cannot be substituted by another
4) Modification
5) Comparative
6) Passive
c. Typesof Idioms
Idioms may be classified in many different ways, there are some experts that
meanings of the words that makes up the phrase. For example the
expression spill the beans is a pure idiom, because its real meaning has
2) Semi-idioms
and one with a non-literal meaning. For example Foot the bill (i.e. pay)
3) Literal idioms
semantically less complex than the other two, and therefore easier to
between these three idioms. For the second, there is Halliday. Taking
Fernando 1996: 72) groups idioms into ideational, interpersonal and relational
1) Ideational idioms
d) Attributes (cut-and-dried)
2) Interpersonal idioms
3) Relational idioms
Other classification of idioms are more detailed and complicated. For
Strӓssler (1982: 42), Makkai identifies two major types of idioms, they are:
They include expressions like beat around the bush and fly off the
word but it‘s meaning is not the cumulative sum of the meanings of its
lexeme (e.g. give in = succumb and kick the bucket = die). While a
(e.g. don’t put all the eggs in one basket and no pain, no gain) and
lexons (e.g. take the bull by the horns and bite the bullet).
―chit‖ and ―hangky‖ are two cranberry morphs, ones that have
no meaning by themselves.
for you, ask what you can do for your country [from John F.
smartest move).
For the last, there is Boatner and Gates. According to Boatner and
1) Lexemic idiom
Hot dog.
and sevens.
2) Phraseological idiom
difference of this idiom with the other is in the sum of word which is
more than another idiom. For example: Dead to the world, Hang on
Idiom. The rigidity of this idiom is based on it‘s unique, that is this
idiom can be passive. For example: Kick the bucket .if this idiom is
the pilot.
4) Proverb.
form, meaning and function. For example: All roads lead to Rome,
bucket, red herring, etc. are idioms since they can‘t be directly translated into
French or German.
idiom to collect the data. Makkai divides idioms into encoding and decoding
idioms. Makkai also classifies decoding idioms into lexemic and sememic
idioms. It is useful for language teachers and learners and also because it
relation between signifier and signified seem like arbitrary. The consequence of
it is the historical relation that affects our understanding. Saussure (1996: 68) in
Berger (2010: 27) explains that, the one of characteristics of symbol is that
between signifier and signified. The symbol of judgment which is a scale cannot
A godless with closed eyes holding a scale is more strengthen the symbol
Because of it, there is a logic relation between scale and concept of justice. By
seeing a picture of scale does not make someone thinks automatically about
and resonation of culture. That symbol has capability to affect and has a deep
study about the explanation of symbol and associate it with all kind of event,
experience, etc. which most of them have emotional effect for us and the others.
Symbol of religion is always in the top of historical event, legends, etc. and has
Another example of symbol is the red and white colors of the nation flag
nation, which is a fair and prosperous society. In addition, the red color the
Indonesian flag symbolizes the spirit which is not easily extinguished, the
morale and spirit. Similarly, the white color, situational, conditionally, and
culturally given meaning pure, clean, noble, sublime, devotion, and loving.
The meaning of the color "red" in the flag is different from the meaning of
"red" in the flag a certain party, red light, red lips, red eyes, red face, red blood
or blood red, red pulp, the red zone, a red circle, and so on. Each "red" is
attributed to the words which are clung formed a special meaning which can be
or social-cultural context.
special, subjective figuratively, and figure of speech. Pierce (1958) argues that
the symbol is part of the sign. Each symbol is a sign, but not every sign means
emblem. Sometimes the sign can be the whole symbol, which is in the language.
This is because language is a sign an arbitrary system so that each sign language
is a symbol. Specialized in poetry are the symbols of sounds, both vocal and
consonant sounds that imply a specific meaning. In a poem or a song are too
level language.
The use ofa sign in the form of a symbol is not limited to the level of
language but covers all areas of human life. In fact, it can be said that almost all
the signs that surround human life can be positioned as a symbol, it means to be
symbols, such as the symbol of the color, the symbol of the object, the symbol
of sound, the symbol of the atmosphere, the symbol of the tone, and the symbol
there is sign which is in the literary work is only useful to know the formal
aspect or form of its physical structure. The elements of fiction, such as plot,
4. Semiotic
a. Definition of Semiotic
Semiotic is the science about symbols and also about codes to understand.
how the symbols interpret the thing, idea, condition, situation, feeling and
meaning, so the way the communicator constructs a meaning that can be known.
This concept of interpreting is not far from the perspective or ideological values,
and cultural concept which has become the meadow of society thought where
the symbol is created. This construction of meaning which has been created then
studies, of course, semiotic observes the way culture become consideration base
and the meaning framer on a symbol. Semiotic studies about systems, rules,
studies the life of signs within society is conceivable, it would be a part of social
(from the Greek semeion 'sign'. Semiology would show what constitutes signs,
what laws govern them "(science that examines the signs in the community.
show things that build up the signs, the laws that govern them). By implication,
the sign serves as a part of social life and the rules of social regulations.
general. The specificity of his theory lies in the fact that he considers language
elements that make up the totality of the complex on the phenomenal included
language as signs, the subject was not considered important because only the
user, as well as questions about the history and changes. He concentrates on the
(semantic semiotic), as well as the sender and the recipient by those who use it
(pragmatic semiotic) (Zoest, 1996: 5-6). Therefore, according to Piercein
Rusmana(2014: 135), signs not only the authority of language and culture, but
According to Pierce, the logic must learn how people make sense. According to
the theory hypothesis Pierce, reasoning underlying done through signs. Signs
allow human to relate to others and give meaning to the phenomena of nature.
Some literary experts, others have tried to define semiotic related in their
enhance semiotic definition as literary models that account for all the factors
communication that are typical in any society. Studying the literary semiotic
means that the learner also studying about the language which cannot be
has medium language may not be eliminated by the author. Therefore, Teeuw
(1983: 12) states that in assessing the semiotic literature, the first code that must
code and code culture. However, literature cannot separate and alienate
Hartoko (1984: 42) provides limits semiotic as a way the work was
Luxemburg (1984: 48) states that the semiotic is a science that is systematically
studying the sign and symbol, system, and process figuratively. Zoest (1996: 5)
defines the semiotic as the study of signs and everything associated with it,
which means the functioning, its relationship with other signs, delivery, and
which defines the semiotic as a science that examines the life of the sign in a
that includes image (image), metaphor (metaphor), symbol (symbol), and myth
b. Educational Semiotics
Nowadays the importance of education has emerged hand in hand with the
heads world Language Education for 6 yearshas written a book with the title
teacher educators, and graduate students in education, and more broadly for
anyone interested in how knowledge is broadened using semiotic inquiry for a
in two respects: first, it can be crucial for a better grasp and exploration of
education practices, which may lead to better, deeper and more meaningful
practices; and for the second, it can inform deeper ways of researching
education as a field for which signs and sign processes are needed.
c. Figures of Semiotics
1) Ferdinand de Saussure
became one of the figures that play a role in the study of semiotics.
(Marker) and the signified (signified) this has been introduced the
a) Signs
The concept of thinking of the people who use the sign and
2007: 263).
3) Roland Barthes
a) Denotation
b) Connotations
The connotation of cultural meanings that emerge or it
thinking in society, the myth have been formed against the sign.
system which reflects assumptions from given society in the current time.
Denotative system is the first-rate indication system, which consists of the chain
myth, and it function to reveal and give the justificationfor dominant values
which is prevailed in the current period. In myth there is also three dimension
constructed for the indication chain which has been there before. In other words,
a fake awareness which makes people life in imaginer and ideal world, even the
reality isn‘t like that. There is no ideology without culture, and that‘s why
Sobur, culture brings itself into texts and by this way ideology creates itself
through various codes which seeps in the texts in form of important markers,
Roland Barthes‘s semiotic model discuses about the sense of sign by using
1. Signifier 2. Signified
3. Denotative sign
6. Connotative sign
signifier and signified. But in the same time denotative sign is also connotative
sign. In other words, that is the material element. In Roland Barthes‘s concept,
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
it‘s clear that there is difference between both of them. Generally, denotative is
function to express and gives justification for dominant values which is valid in
surrounds the event and provides resources for its appropriate interpretation". It
is thus a relativistic concept, only definable with respect to some focal event,
not independently.
In Van Dijk‘s (2007, 283) terms, ―context obviously does matter. The
discourse and conversation, but rather how such contextual influence should be
Teun Van Dijk (2007: 284) said, ―in the social sciences, there are thousands of
books that bear the notion of ‗context‘ in their titles, but there is not a single
monograph that theoretically deals with the notion of context, although there are
some collections of articles. This means that the notion is mostly used in a
political environment for an event or action and more often as a condition than
Van Dijk claims, the notion of context was used rather as an equivalent for
―social situation‖.
6. The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 1 movie directed by Francis
by Peter Craig and Danny Strong. It is the first of two movies based on Suzanne
Collins' novel Mockingjay, the final book in The Hunger Games trilogy, and the
Jacobson and Jon Kilik and distributed by Lionsgate. The movie features an
This movie is a sequel of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and it will be
continued by the release of The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 2. This
movie has been listed as the most anticipated movie in 2014 by Fandago.
November 21, 2014, in the United States, November 28, 2014, in India, and
February 8, 2015, in China. Like its predecessors, the movie was a commercial
success grossing $55 million on its opening day, making it the largest opening
day of 2014 and the sixth-largest in November. The movie went to the No. 1
spot during its opening weekend with a $273.8 million worldwide gross,
becoming the biggest opening of 2014 and marking The Hunger Gamesmovie
series as the only franchise to have three movies earn over $100 million in a
weekend. The movie earned over $755 million worldwide, making it the second
commended its acting and political subtext but received criticism for its lack of
action and for splitting the novel into two separate adaptations. It is the lowest-
Rotten Tomatoes. The movie had garnered a nomination for Best Science
Fiction Movie at the 41st Saturn Awards. For her performance, Lawrence
received a nomination for Best Actress in an Action Movie at the 20th Critics'
Choice Awards and a Saturn Award nomination. The song "Yellow Flicker
Beat" also received a nomination for Best Original Song at the 72nd Golden
Cross cultural understanding derived from three words that are cross,
that lasted through the mass media or through other means mutually influence
each culture. Culture is the ―glue‖ that binds a group of people together
over time and according to who is perceived and interpreted it (Harklau, 1999).
In classic, the culture is called culture which comes from the Latin word Colere,
the process or work. It can be also interpreted as to cultivate the land or farming.
thoughts, feelings, other people‘s problems that cannot be uttered or not fully
cross-cultural understanding is: All human beings experience the same feeling
Whenever someone goes overseas, he is like a fish out of water (Manson, 2000).
with people from different countries. Language and culture are inseparable.
Therefore, when learners are learning a language, at the same time they should
learn the culture of the country and the people of where the language is from, in
Sapir (1949: 4) said that language is a cultural or social product and must be
understood as such. From a dynamic view, language and culture interact with
each other and shape each other. Language is the carrier of culture which in turn
is the content of language. We can dig out cultural features from language and
Idiom as a special from of language exist in both of them and carry a large
nationality psychology, thought pattern and etc., and also closely related to
culture. They are the heritage of history and in turn get better understanding of
Since vocabulary and culture are intertwined, speakers can gain more
vocabulary through idioms and conversely and they can learn more about
idioms from being exposed to the target culture. The more comprehensible input
there is, the more learners‘ listening, speaking, writing and reading skills will
There are certain things that happen in every culture and there are idioms
around the bush, which is also an idiom meaning not getting to the point.
b. If you are in Italy or Turkey and you say you are “as hungry as a wolf”
saying that:
b. In Africa, they might say “it's raining old women with clubs.”
All these examples cited above, prove the divisibility and variability of
a. Definition of Implication
that an action or decision have on something else in the future. While according
can allow the learner to speak or write fluently by using idioms. Therefore, the
dialogues and stories which are created to supplement regular materials (Nation,
Idioms are always something special about any language; they build up
some distinctive features which differ one language from another. What is more,
idioms reflect certain cultural traditions and depict the national character.
Idioms are not a separate part of the language which one can choose either
to use or to omit, but they form an essential part of the general vocabulary of
They are often confusing because the meaning of the whole group of words
taken together has little, often nothing, to do with the meanings of the words
that language mean. If we try to figure out the meaning of an idiom literally,
word by word, the students get befuddled. The students have to know its hidden
Idioms are figurative units, and they describe the situation in a metaphoric
way. They are often termed as ―dead‖ or ―fixed (stable)‖ metaphors because
many instances of realia used to denote have already ceased to exist, as a result,
the metaphoric character is lost to the modern speaker. Some linguists call them
―sleeping‖ metaphors rather than ―dead‖: there are speakers who are very good
at ―waking them up‖. Educated people, students of language often play upon
these idioms and make them serve their purposes. Thus, the metaphor
underlying an idiom is ―brought to life‖ and gains its new colors. In Russian
(Izotova, 1988).
astounding variety, bright character and color. They help language learners
understand English culture, penetrate into customs and lifestyle of the English
learners, primarily because they don‘t know the culture and history behind
English idioms. That is why they often use idioms incongruous with the
situation. Indeed, English learners utilize idiomatic expressions very carefully,
Cooper (1999), idiom study presents a special language problem for all
To conclude,it may state that the sheer number of idioms and their high
natural to native speakers of the language. It proves that only people who are
very good at speaking English can adequately and to the point use idiomatic
which makes its learning very exciting and intriguing. Therefore, grasping the
master the four language skills, that are speaking, reading, listening and writing.
In this era, information can be gotten from print media, electronic media or even
internet. Information which is gotten is not only in Indonesian language but also
49), the understanding of text in foreign language sues the reader to not only
semiotic science. Semiotics as the study of signs has been an area of interest to
of study called educational semiotics. Stables and Gough (2006: 274) state:
―It is important to note that the semiotic perspective argued for here is not
living as semiosis.‖
making use of signs the learners are able to achieve a lot of information on
philosophy, etc.‖
target culture. The importance of using semiotic signs in education is due to the
fact that culture and society play an essential role in defining the learning
environment. The culture is intermingled with social signs and social codes.
Signs have different meanings in different cultural contexts. Lemke (1990: 184)
remarks that "social semiotics is a theory of how people make meaning in social
the foreign culture. In ELT classes, the teacher may resort to imitative gestures,
pictures and visualized materials associated with the target culture which is part
of a foreign language. This will help students draw an analogy between their
native culture and the target culture and this would facilitate learning the foreign
have knowledge of these signs and develop the materials and techniques for the
teaching atmosphere. The teacher has to visualize the learning materials
signs. The results may become promising and lead to effective learning. Using
signs in the classroom gives learners a lot of information about different fields.
The use of semiotic elements (visual material) like flashcards and wall pictures
helps the learners contextualize the meaning of the vocabulary within their
minds and facilitates the learning process by passing information to the long-
term memory. Facial expressions reveal the attitude of the teacher which can
also be used effectively in teaching. For example, a smile can communicate the
the learners. Raised eyebrow means disagreement and gives hints for the learner
flashcards and wall pictures ought to contain a set of symbols which can be
useful in the affective domain of learning. Erton (2006: 85) states that, ―the
cassette signs indicate the time of a listening activity, a smiling face indicates
the success of the activity, the tick and the cross sign refer to a true/false activity
The teacher may also uses such semiotic symbols as a part of his
techniques in teaching foreign languages because the use of signs and symbols
the teacher can make use of a number of signs, some of which are iconic and
some are symbols. Thus, it can be said semiotics is a fundamental issue to be
phrase so that the learners will recall them easily. Sert (2006: 109) states ―while
teaching new vocabulary, if new words are reinforced with relevant pictures, the
result will be the long-term coding of this target language item.‖ Today‘s
textbook and teaching material teem with colorful pictures aimed at creating a
acquaint the students with the semiotic signs to facilitate learning. The
culture and society play an effective role in the learning environment as many
In doing this research, the researcher found that there are some previous
researches that related with this research. The first is the thesis from English
Amir Yahya (2013). This research is qualitative research which discuss about
the analysis of the types and meanings of the idiom in the script of The
Expendable movie. The types of idioms in this research were categorized into
Neutral, Formal, Colloquial, and Slang, while the meanings of idioms were
categorized into Lexical and Idiomatic. The result of this research found that
there are four types of idioms used in the script of The Expendable movie which
are Neutral (17), Formal (1), Colloquial (7), and Slang (26). Then the meanings
of them were translated into lexical and idiomatic meaning. From the result of
that research, the researcher suggested that the students of English Education
Department should learn about idiom as good as possible not only from
magazines, television but also literary work, such as movie because there are
Besides of some of thesis, there are also some article journals that have
related discussion with this research. The first article journal is thearticle journal
written by Necat Kumral. The aim of this article is to present the Semiotic
implement it in the classroom setting to teach the target language. The semiotic
activities: reading within the text for the ‗sense‘, reading upon the text for the
‗value‘ and reading against the text for the ‗critique‘. From the discussion of the
improved through a literary work of art by helping the learner increase the depth
classified based on Seild and Mc Mordie‘s theory into six types of idioms, they
are sentences idiom, phrasal verb, and adjective noun idiom, idiom with words /
special category, verbal idiom and identical phrase. While the research that the
researcher does is analyses the data taken from a movie by classifying the idiom
A. Research Design
―Research design is the matter of thinking, imagining, and thinking more some
more‖ (Leedey, 1980: 96). It means that research design is a place to put and devote
all of the researcher‘s opinion and thought. In the research design, the researcher
exposed the design of the research involving of the thinking process of this study.
In this research, the researcher used a qualitative research in the type of content
analysis using descriptive method of the study to help analyzing the data that she
makes. Budd and Thorpe via Zuchdi (1993: 1) stated that content analysis is a
systematic technique to analyze the meaning, message, and the way to express the
The focus here is on deeper meanings of messages. The technique aims at deep
structures, latent meanings, and the signifying process through signs, codes, and
binary oppositions. Interpretations are theoretically informed, and assertions are made
Related with this research, the researcher analyzes the types of idiomatic
revealed in The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 1 movie with purpose to deepen
the understanding about the content of the movie. Every symbol contained on
Mockingjay part 1 Movie is analyzed using semiotic theory of Barthes that resulted
the denotative and connotative meaningof the symbols contained in the idiomatic
Data are information of fact collected to solve the problems. Data are facts
(Cambridge Advanced Learners' Dictionary, 2005: 314). Data can be in form word,
phrase, or sentence. The primary data of this research are idiomatic expressions which
revealed in the dialogue spoken by the characters of The Hunger Games: The
Mockingjay part 1movie and the secondary data of this research are idiomatic
expressions which revealed in this movie. The source of the data is The Hunger
collecting data which are the idiomatic expressions revealed on the dialogue spoken
by the characters of The Mockingjay part 1 movie. Document is a past event note.
Document in form of note seems like daily notes, life histories, story, biography,
rules, and policy. Document in form of picture seems like photo, life picture, sketch,
etc. Document in form of art seems like picture, sculpture, film, etc. Sugiyono stated
that document study is a complement for the user of observation and interview
which are idiomatic expressions revealed on the dialogue spoken by the character of
Besides of using document study, the researcher also uses interview to collect
English language skills. Interview is the companionship of two persons to change the
certain problem and it is an oral questioning process where two person or more be
faced with physically. Interview is divided into structured interview and unstructured
1. Structured interview means that the researcher has known exactly the
information that she/he want to be taken from the respondent, so the question
list have been made systematically. The researcher also can use another
instrument like recorder tape, camera, and another material which can help
2. Unstructured interview is a free interview, that is the researcher does not use
specifically, and only lade the important point of the problem which wants to
The interview which is done in the process of collecting data in this research is
the structured interview, the researcher have made a question list which is asked to the
many methods exist for analyzing data. Miles and Huberman (1994: 10) state that
qualitative data analysis consists of "three concurrent flows of activity: data reduction,
1. Data Reduction
search theme and eliminate the not important things. Data was reduced to
give clear picture and to make the researcher easier to collect the next data.
2. Data Display
checked to make sure in order to the result of data arranged in the relation
3. Drawing conclusion
The last step is drawing conclusion. This is the result of the research
Based on that theory, in answering the problem statement in number 1 and 2, the
Firstly, the researcher collects the data in form of dialogues of The Hunger
Secondly, the researcher displays the data by describing the data which are
Thirdly, the researcher tries to drawing conclusion by analyzing the data which
characters of the movie using semiotic approach. The data is analyzed by using
semiotic theory by Roland Barthes which focuses on analyzing the denotative and
Firstly, the researcher collects the data in form of the lectures‘ judgment about
IAIN Surakarta.
Secondly, the researcher displays the data by describing the data which are the
Thirdly, the researcher tries to drawing conclusion by analyzing the data which
E. Trustworthiness of Data
In this research, the researcher uses triangulation to get the data validity. Sutopo
(2002: 75) states that triangulation is a technique to check the validation of the data
which employs other thing. There are four kinds of triangulation technique in
triangulation, and the theoretical triangulation (Patton in Sutopo, 2002: 77). In this
research, the researcher uses the type of data triangulation technique. The researcher
1. The researcher used document to validity the data, the document is the movie
script of The Mockingjay part 1 movie and then the researcher analyzes it.
2. The researcher checked the validity of the data by seeing the Cambridge
Then, to avoid individual bias on the researcher, the researcher also uses peer
researcher calls upon a disinterested peer (a peer who is not involved in the research
project) to aid in probing the researcher‘s thinking around all or parts of the research
Besides of that, this research also use expert-judgment which is the researcher
tries to discuss the result of analysis with the expert of this field that is Miss Ikke
Dewi Pratama, S.S, M.Hum who is the lecturer of English teaching especially in
translation and interpreting subject and she has a background study in teaching and
B. Research Findings
The first point presents the research findings which are the idiomatic
expressions that are found in the dialogue spoken by the characters of The Hunger
Games: The Mockingjay Part 1 movie and the second point presents the semiotic
analysis of the symbol contained in the idiomatic expressions using Roland Barthes‘
semiotic theory of denotative and connotative meaning, the data in this part is
displayed in the form of table and short explanation. While the third point presents
Hunger Games: The Mockingjay Part 1 movie to English language skills, the data in
The data which are the idiomatic expressions revealed on the dialogue spoken
by the characters of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 movie were displayed on
idiom. Makkai classifies idioms into Lexemic and Sememic idioms. In his
classification of idioms, Makkai (1972: 135-165) still classifies the lexemic and
There are found some idioms in the subcategories of lexemic categories, that
Phrasal verb
There are found 6 idioms in Phrasal verb, for example:
phrasal verbs are idioms which structured by a verb plus one or two particles.
―Show‖ is the verb that structured this idiomatic expression and ―up‖ is a
between Katniss and District 13‘s guard. This idiomatic expression appears
when Plutrach wants to persuade President Alma Coin who has a doubt on
Katniss Everdeen for being the Mockingjay. From the context of those
dialogues, the meaning of this idiom is ―agreed with something‖. The meaning
Phrasal compound
President Snow:
Otherwise we're breaking
my oldest rule.
Never let them see you
tonight I address all of
Panem as one.
Since the Dark Days,
Panem has had an
unprecedented era of
peace …
This idiomatic expression ―the dark days‖ can be seen in the dialogue
of President Snow‘s speech about the prohibition of the use of all images of
when President Snow delivers his speech. From the context of those dialogues,
the meaning of this idiom is ―the dull time‖. The meaning of this idiomatic
by two lexons that are ―have our eyes‖ which is verb phrase and ―on you‖
which is adverb. The idiom ―have eyes on‖ which means ―to watch or to
monitor‖ is said by Gale who wants to watch Katniss from the air when
Katniss goes to see district 12 alone after it has been destroyed by Capitol.
There is also found idiom in the subcategories of sememic categories, that is:
In this dialogue, there is found ―we're losing ground, because the people
The more detail discussion about the data which are the idiomatic expressions in
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 movie is discussed in discussion part in this
From the result of analyzing data on the table in appendix 1, it can be seen that
there are found 24 idiomatic expressions containing language symbols from the 28
idiomatic expressions that were classified based on Makkai‘s theory. The language
There are three idioms containing language symbol ―fire‖ that found in
on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression
on fire‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as ignite or ablaze and connotative
idiomatic expression ―stoke the fire of rebellion‖ where revealed on the dialogue
to live.
need a voice.
dialogue is included on tournures type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
Multilingual Dictionary).
―stoke the fire of rebellion‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as something
artillery at an enemy‖ (WordNet 3.0, 2003). It can be seen from the idiomatic
Cressida :Katniss? Katniss, can you tell everyone what you're seeing
Katniss :I want the rebels to know that I'm alive. That I'm in District 8
If you think for one second that the Capitol will ever treat us
and burn our districts to the ground. But do you see that? Fire
included on tournures type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression
Dictionary, 2010).
The meaning of symbol ―lightning rod‖ is ―one that attracts criticism, often in
such a way that criticism is diverted from something else/someone who takes all
the blame for a situation, although other people are responsible too‖ (American
Heritage, 2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―a lightning rod‖
where revealed on the dialogue between Plutrach and Katniss at the minute
destroyed her.
included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
expression is ―someone who takes all the blame for a situation, although other
to the ground and connotative meaning as One that attracts criticism, often in
such a way that criticism is diverted from something else/someone who takes all
the blame for a situation, although other people are responsible too (American
Heritage, 2016).
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―lightning
There are two idioms containing language symbol ―eyes‖ that found in
Heritage, 2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―have our eyes on
you‖ where revealed on the dialogue between Gale and Katniss at the minute
The idiomatic expression ―have our eyes on you‖ revealed on that dialogue is
included on tournures type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression
―have our eyes on you‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as an organ of sight
3.0, 2003). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―be tattooed on their
eyes‖ where revealed on the dialogue between Gale and Cressida at the minute
dialogue is included on tournures type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
tattooed on their eyes‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as an organ of sight
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―eyes‖ in
There are two idioms containing language symbol ―dark‖ that found in
The meaning of first symbol ―dark‖ is ―the dull time‖ (American Heritage,
2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―the dark days‖ where
until 00:16:17,401.
included on tournures type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression
dark days‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as days without any light and
(Collins English Dictionary, 2014). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression
―they are in the dark‖ where revealed on the dialogue between Caesar Flickerman
controversial night.
The idiomatic expression ―they are in the dark‖ revealed on that dialogue is
included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
Dictionary, 2014).
―they are in the dark‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as lacking or having
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―dark‖ in
Heritage, 2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―the beating heart
dialogue is included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this
Heritage, 2016).
expression ―the beating heart of Panem‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―beating
A little light
There is idiom containing language symbol ―a little light‖ that found in
Dictionary, 2014). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―to shed a little
controversial night.
The idiomatic expression ―to shed a little light on the subject‖ revealed on
that dialogue is included on tornures type of idiom and the meaning of this
idiomatic expression is ―giving some explanation about the thing really happen‖
expression ―to shed a little light on the subject‖, this symbol has denotative
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―a little
It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―come up with‖ where revealed on
the dialogue between Commander Paylor and Bogss at the minute 00:43:43,680
until 00:44:20,081.
past that curtain. Any hope you can give them, it's
break us.
them to die.
Bogss :That's not what I meant.
included on phrasal verbs type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―come‖ in
2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―i‘m all ears‖ where revealed
past that curtain. Any hope you can give them, it's
break us.
them to die.
The idiomatic expression ―I‘m all ears‖ revealed on that dialogue is included
on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression
all ears‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as the organ of hearing and
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―ears‖ in
Dictionary, 2006). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―to be dead to
way that I can get your attention. Don't worry, Katniss. It'll
The idiomatic expression ―to be dead to forget that‖ revealed on that dialogue
be dead to forget that‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as having lost life
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―dead‖ in
expression ―a code red alert‖ where revealed on the dialogue spoken by District
from range.
the fleet.
included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
expression is ―emergency alert with the highest degree‖ (American Heritage,
code red alert‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as the colour red and
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―red‖ in
The meaning of symbol ―tomb‖ is ―a poetic term for death‖ (Collins English
Dictionary, 2014). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―seal us in here
like a tomb‖ where revealed on the dialogue spoken by Plutrach at the minute
dialogue is included on tournures type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
expression is ―being attacked without able to revenge‖ (Collins English
Dictionary, 2014).
―seal us in here like a tomb‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as a place for
the burial of a corpse and connotative meaning as a poetic term for death (Collins
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―tomb‖ in
opportunity exists‖ (Collins English Dictionary, 2014). It can be seen from the
the reason I'm here is to let you know they're rescuing Peeta.
Katniss :What?
took out most of the power to the Capitol. Knocked out their
don't know. I guess until the Capitol can get the power back
The idiomatic expression ―a window is open to us‖ revealed on that dialogue
enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to permit opening
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―window‖
2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―woman in light‖ where
Plutarch got word that Peeta and the others are in the Tribute
Centre. And with the power out, Alma Coin sees this as an
The same way you're ours. And as opposed to having you two
included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
expression is ―the woman who leaded the Panem‖ (American Heritage, 2016).
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―light‖ in
Dictionary, 2014). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―new Panem is
on the horizon‖ where revealed on the dialogue spoken by Alma Coin at the
and loved ones. Let all of Panem come together. Not to battle
fight. Let today be the day we promise never to give up, never
elected, not imposed upon us. And where the districts are free
to share the fruits of their labours and not fight one another for
dialogue is included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this
Dictionary, 2014).
―new Panem is on the horizon‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as the line at
which the earth and the sky seem to meet and connotative meaning as soon to
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―horizon‖
The meaning of symbol ―soul‖ is ―the dull time‖ (Collins English Dictionary,
2014). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―soul in this dungeon‖ where
revealed on the dialogue between Effie Trinket and Plutrach at the minute
wanna play a prisoner of war, fine. Stay here and rot. I'll find
There isn't a soul in this dungeon who knows the first thing
included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
―soul in this dungeon‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as the spirit or
Dictionary, 2014).
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―soul‖ in
the will of others‖ (American Heritage, 2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic
Hang him!
senseless violence.
included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic
Heritage, 2016).
―you‘re a puppet‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as a small doll or figure
be seen from the idiomatic expression ―the face of the revolution‖ where revealed
on the dialogue Plutrach and Alma Coin at the minute 00:07:52,520 until
There's explaining and there's showing. Let her see what the
People don't always show up the way you want them to,
these people out there that have been doing nothing but killing
dialogue is included on phrasal compound type of idiom and the meaning of this
face of revolution‖, this symbol has denotative meaning as part of body and
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―face‖ in
idiomatic expression ―we‘re losing ground, because the people are losing heart‖
until 00:28:00,003.
Isn't that who I promised you? She wears the costume. Gunfire
The idiomatic expression ―we‘re losing ground, because the people are losing
type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression is ―we lose because of
―we‘re losing ground, because the people are losing heart‖, this symbol has
denotative meaning as the solid surface of the earth and connotative meaning as
The more detail discussion about the meaning of language symbol ―ground‖
(American Heritage, 2016). It can be seen from the idiomatic expression ―we‘re
losing ground, because the people are losing heart‖ where revealed on the
Isn't that who I promised you? She wears the costume. Gunfire
heart. This is worth the risk. She's worth the risk. Pardons,
The idiomatic expression ―we‘re losing ground, because the people are losing
type of idiom and the meaning of this idiomatic expression is ―we lose because of
―we‘re losing ground, because the people are losing heart‖, this symbol has
blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of
blood through the entire circulatory system and connotative meaning as capacity
in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 movie to English education, the researcher
has done the interview toward some lecturers from English teaching department
which focuses on teaching speaking, listening, reading, and writing subject. The
studying idiomatic expression and also semiotic analysis have been conducted in
chapter 2.
The researcher has chosen 3 lecturers to being interviewed, they are Wildan
Mahir, M.A. TESL, Puput Ariyanto, M. Pd, and Drs. Kuncoro. For the first, Wildan
Mahir, M.A. TESL is the lecturer who teaches speaking for formal situation in the
teaches Journal Article Writing (JAW) in the writing class of 5th semester students of
English teaching department. The second is Puput Ariyanto, M. Pd, he is the lecturer
who teaches literal listening in the listening class of 4th semester students of English
teaching department. And for the last is Drs. Kuncoro, he is the lecturer who teaches
critical reading in the reading class of 4th semester students of English teaching
The researcher has conducted some questions according some theories related
with the implication of studying idiomatic expression and also semiotic analysis
speaking/reading/listening/writing class?
b. How could the analysis of movie be used as media to study about
idiomatic expression?
and connotative meaning of language symbol and also the myth of it need
Before asking the questions, the researcher tried to give some explanations
about the discussion related with each of the questions that she asked, such as some
explanation about idiomatic expression and also about semiotic especially semiotic
From the interview the researcher got some arguments related with the
speaking/reading/listening/writing class?
Each lecturer has various opinions in answering this question. Wildan Mahir,
M.A. TESL as the lecturer of speaking subject argued that idiomatic expressions need
to be studied in speaking class. It because of when the teacher taught about special
expression in speaking like idiomatic expression, the teacher taught students to use
Indonesian language and in English language are different, so the teacher has to
The material of inferential listening is related with the discussion of TOEFL (Test of
English Foreign Language). In the discussion of TOEFL, the study of listening is not
inferential but the study of it begins to search the meaning of the native speaker‘s
says, the meaning here can be implicit and explicit meaning. The study of listening
here often finds about idiom. The students should be introduced about idioms even
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecturer of reading subject said that idiomatic expressions
should be studied in reading class. It was important because the most of reading texts
contain idiomatic expression especially in authentic text. When students read the text
contain a strong culture background, they might think how that culture in their own
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecturer of writing subject argued that
idiomatic expressions needed to be taught in writing class. When the students studied
about writing, the use of idiomatic expression on their writing showed the intelligence
level of them. From those opinions, it can be concluded that idiomatic expression is
How could the analysis of movie be used as media to study about idiomatic
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecturer of speaking subject said that analysis
of movie can be used as media to study about idiomatic expression in speaking class.
whereas, in the speaking class the students do not analyze the detail of the movie, but
the students only analyze to understand the meaning of idiomatic expressions reveals
movie may be used as media to study idiomatic expressions in listening class. If there
is a movie which contains many idioms, it can be used as media to study idioms in
listening class.
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecturer of reading subject argued that the synopsis of
movie can be used as the media in teaching reading but the analysis of movie is just to
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecturer of writing subject stated that the
class, but it depended on the purpose of the writing class is it for academic writing, for
essay writing, or for article journal writing. The students will see the idiomatic
expression in the movie then analyze it and apply it in their writing especially in essay
writing. The use of idiomatic expressions in writing added a sense of the writing
Why semiotic theory of Roland Barthes which explains about denotative and
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecturer of speaking subject said that semiotic
semiotic the students can search the meaning of word and can interpret the meaning of
language symbol. They do not only know the meaning from the expression but also
and culture is one package. If we only study about the language without study about
the culture, we will only know the meaning literally. Related with idiom, if we study
about idioms we also have to study about the culture related with for who, when and
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecturer of reading subject stated that semiotic can be used
in teaching reading. When the teacher studied about semiotic analysis, the result of it
can be taught in the reading class. Semiotic have to be studied because the student
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecturer of writing subject argued that
separated science but semiotic related with all science. Semiotic can be used to
analyze the writing product. It is also useful to knowing the background culture of the
native speaker and also to know the meaning of expressions which have been agreed
heard by the students before, and also to upgrade the students‘ speaking level so the
students know when, where and with whom they have to use those expression.
Related with the movie, the students can know how to pronounce and to use the
idiomatic expression.
language education is we can focus to see who delivered those idioms, when the
native speaker delivered those idioms, and in what context the native speaker
delivered those idioms. Then the students know the meaning of those idioms from
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecturer of reading subject stated that the implication of
education is the students are able to understand well about idiomatic expression from
the side sight of culture. The students can take the moral value from reading text well.
The implication of semiotic analysis of idiomatic expression found in movie also can
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecturer of writing subject stated that semiotic
is one of tool that is used in analysis. When it is used to analyze the educational
movie, it increased the knowledge about moral value and also materials related with
From those interviews, the researcher got some arguments related implications
All of their opinion about the implication of it is almost same with the theory of
implication of studying idiomatic expression and also semiotic analysis which has
C. Discussion
Makkai classified idioms into encoding and decoding idiom. The researcher focused
on decoding idiom which is classified into lexemic and sememic idioms. Lexemic
idiom is idiom that consists of more than one word but this meaning is not the
cumulative sum of the meanings of its parts. It has 6 subcategories of idiom that are
It has 8 subcategories of idiom that are ―first base‖ idioms, idioms of institutionalized
From the data that displayed in the table in appendix 1, it found that there are 28
those 28 idiomatic expressions which reveal in the dialogues, there are found some
idioms in the subcategories of lexemic categories, that are 6 idioms in phrasal verb
research finding, it can be concluded that there are only 3 subcategories of lexemic
a. Lexemic idioms
Lexemic idiom is idiom that consists of more than one word but this meaning
is not the cumulative sum of the meanings of its parts. Furthermore, this type of
multiword structure functions as one lexeme (e.g. give in = succumb and kick the
bucket = die). There are found 3 subcategories of lexemic idiom used in dialogues
on The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie, that are Phrasal Verb; Phrasal
1) Phrasal Verb
this movie. There are found 6 idioms on phrasal verb subcategories from 27
Movie. For the example, the idiomatic expression ―show up‖ which revealed
on the dialogue between Alma Coin and Plutrach at the minute 00:07:44,560
until 00:08:34,649.
persuade President Alma Coin who has a doubt on Katniss Everdeen for being
structured by a verb plus one or two particles. ―Show‖ is the verb that
structured this idiomatic expression and ―up‖ is a particle that follows the verb
―agreed with something‖. The meaning of this phrasal verb can‘t be seen
from the meaning of each word construct it, so it can be categorized into
idiom. It also based on the essential features said by Bell (1974:3), which is
the basic characteristic of idiomatic expressions is that the words are used
2) Phrasal Compound
Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. For the example, the idiomatic expression ―the
dark days‖ which revealed on the dialogue spoken by President Snow at the
Snow delivers his speech related with the prohibition of the use of all images
are structured by compound nouns and adjectives. ―Dark‖ is the adjective that
From the context of those dialogues, the meaning of this idiom is ―the dull
time‖ (American Heritage, 2016). The meaning of this phrasal verb can‘t be
seen from the meaning of each word construct it, so it can be categorized into
idiom. It also based on the essential features said by Bell (1974:3), which is
the basic characteristic of idiomatic expressions is that the words are used
3) Tounures
1 Movie. For the example, the idiomatic expression ―have our eyes on you‖
which revealed on the dialogue between Gale and Katniss at the minute
to go with you?
from above.
The idiomatic expression ―have our eyes on you‖ appears when Gale
wanted to monitor Katniss from the air when Katniss went to see district 12
alone after it has been destroyed by Capitol. This idiom is included on idiom
two lexons. This idiom is made up by two lexons that are ―have our eyes‖
meaning of this combination of two lexons can not be seen from the
also based on the essential features said by Bell (1974:3), which are
conventional verbs. Idioms are special expressions which are almost known
idioms include sayings and proverbs (e.g. don’t put all the eggs in one basket and
no pain, no gain) and familiar quotations (e.g. Brevity is the soul of wit). There is
rare used idiom in this movie. There is only found 1 idiom on proverbial idiom
reveal on The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. For the example, the
idiomatic expression ―we‘re losing ground, because the people are losing
The idiomatic expression ―we‘re losing ground, because the people are
losing heart.‖ appears when Plutrach convinced Alma Coin to fulfill Katniss‘
From the context of those dialogues, the meaning of this idiom is ―we
2016). The meaning of this proverbial idiom cannot be seen from the meaning
of each word construct it, so it can be categorized into idiom. It also based on
the essential features said by Bell (1974:3), which is figurativeness. The basic
The data related with the meaning of symbols contained in the idiomatic
expressions revealed in the dialogue spoken by the character of The Hunger Games:
The result of idiomatic expression analysis on the movie found that from 28
idiomatic expressions gotten from the dialogues that have been classified based on
a. Fire
There are three idioms containing language symbol ―fire‖ that found in
dialogues reveal on The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. From the
finding data, it found that Language symbol ―fire‖ which found in those
dialogues has different meaning in each part of the dialogues where these
symbols exist.
can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking for
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign is not only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
denotative sign ―fire‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―fire‖ is also
between Plutrach and Alma Coin when Plutrach introduces Katniss as the
can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking for
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign is not only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
―fire‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―fire‖ is also connotative sign which
the dialogue said by Katniss as the message for President Snow after she saw
the jet plane from Capital bombed the wound and kill all the, the language
symbol ―fire‖ has a meaning as ―the act of firing weapons‖ (Wordnet 3.0, 2003).
Based on Roland Barthes‘s semiotic theory, the sense of language symbol can
be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking for denotative
The act of firing weapons
or artillery at an enemy
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign is not only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
sign ―fire‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―fire‖ is also connotative sign
Based on the data related with the idioms containing symbol revealed
in The Mockingjay part 1 movie which is shown in the table above, there is
between Plutrach and Alma Coin when Plutrach convinces Alma Coin that
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
Lightning rod
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
to the ground‖ is signified by denotative sign ―lightning rod‖. In the same time,
denotative sign ―lightning rod‖ is also connotative sign which signified ―one
that attracts criticism, often in such a way that criticism is diverted from
something else or someone who takes all the blame for a situation, although
c. Eyes
There are two idioms containing language symbol ―eyes‖ that found in
dialogues reveal on The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. From the
finding data, it found that Language symbol ―eyes‖ which found in those
dialogues has different meaning in each part of the dialogues where these
symbols exist.
revealed on the dialogue said by Gale who wants to monitor Katniss from the
air when Katniss goes to district 13 alone, the language symbol ―eyes‖ has a
(explicit meaning).
Eyes An organ of sight
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist
of signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative
sign. In other words, that is the material element. In Roland Barthes‘ concept,
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part
―be tattooed on their eyes‖ which revealed on the dialogue said by Cressida
when she wants to record the propaganda clip in the ground, the concept of
―an organ of sight‖ is signified by denotative sign ―eyes‖. In the same time,
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist
of signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative
sign. In other words, that is the material element. In Roland Barthes‘ concept,
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part
―be tattooed on their eyes‖, the concept of ―an organ of sight‖ is signified by
denotative sign ―eyes‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―eyes‖ is also
d. Dark
There are two idioms containing language symbol ―dark‖ that found in
dialogues reveal on The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. From the
finding data, it found that Language symbol ―dark‖ which found in those
dialogues has different meaning in each part of the dialogues where these
symbols exist.
In the first idiomatic expression ―they are in the dark‖, which revealed
in the talk show of Capitol channel, the language symbol ―dark‖ has a
discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking for denotative
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative
sign. In other words, that is the material element. In Roland Barthes‘ concept,
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part
―they are in the dark‖, the concept of ―Lacking very little light‖ is signified by
denotative sign ―dark‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―dark‖ is also
In the second idiomatic expression ―the dark days‖ which revealed on the
dialogue said Alma Coin on her speech toward all of district 13 to introduce
Katniss as the face of revolution, the language symbol ―dark‖ has a meaning
using two stages of signification, that are looking for denotative (implicit
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist
of signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative
sign. In other words, that is the material element. In Roland Barthes‘ concept,
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part
―the dark days‖, the concept of ―days without any light‖ is signified by
denotative sign ―dark‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―dark‖ is also
e. Beating heart
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
Snow on his speech about the rule for every district to supply the source into
the Capitol , the language symbol ―beating heart‖ has a meaning as ―the vital
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
―beating heart‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―beating heart‖ is also
f. A little light
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. In the idiomatic expression ―to shed a little
happen in the Hunger Games arena, the language symbol ―a little light‖ has a
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
In the idiomatic expression ―to shed a little light on the subject‖, the
same time, denotative sign ―a little light‖ is also connotative sign which
signified ―explanation‖.
g. Come
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
another‖ which revealed on the dialogue between said by Pailor when Bogss
asking about the wound in her district, the language symbol ―come‖ has a
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
To move towards a
specific person/place
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
―come‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―come‖ is also connotative sign
h. Ears
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. In the idiomatic expression ―I‘m all ears‖ which
revealed on the dialogue between said by Pailor when Bogss asking about the
wound in her district, the language symbol ―ears‖ has a meaning as ―acutely
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
In the idiomatic expression ―I‘m all ears‖, the concept of ―The organ of
hearing‖ is signified by denotative sign ―ears‖. In the same time, denotative sign
i. Dead
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
forget that‖ which revealed on the dialogue between said by Gale who can
never forget about Katniss when he was at Katniss‘ house in district 12, the
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
Dead Unable to
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
―having lost life‖ is signified by denotative sign ―dead‖. In the same time,
denotative sign ―dead‖ is also connotative sign which signified ―unable to‖.
j. Red
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. In the idiomatic expression ―a code red alert‖, the
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
In the idiomatic expression ―a code red alert‖, the concept of ―the colour
red‖ is signified by denotative sign ―red‖. In the same time, denotative sign
―red‖ is also connotative sign which signified ―the highest degree of urgency in
an emergency‖.
k. Tomb
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
like a tomb‖ which revealed on the dialogue between said by Plutrach when
the bunker of district 13 is attacked by Capitol and they can‘t attack back, the
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
place for the burial of a corpse‖ is signified by denotative sign ―tomb‖. In the
same time, denotative sign ―tomb‖ is also connotative sign which signified ―A
l. Window
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
open to us‖ which revealed on the dialogue said by Haymitch when he tells
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
An opening constructed
in a wall, door, or roof
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
―An opening constructed in a wall, door, or roof that functions to admit light
or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to
same time, denotative sign ―window‖ is also connotative sign which signified
m. Light
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
light‖, the language symbol ―light‖ has a meaning as ―in consideration of‖
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
Light In consideration of
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
sign ―light‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―light‖ is also connotative sign
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
of ―the line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet‖ is signified by
denotative sign ―horizon‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―horizon‖ is also
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
revealed in Mockingjay part 1 movie which is shown in the table above, there
idiomatic expression ―Soul in this dungeon‖, the language symbol ―soul‖ has a
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
The spirit or
Soul immaterial part of man
Soul People
From Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of
signifier and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign.
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of
p. Puppet
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
revealed in Mockingjay part 1 movie which is shown in the table above, there
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
gure 4.20
Puppet One whose behavior is
ro determined by the will of
m Connotation
land Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of signifier and
signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign. In other
the same time, denotative sign ―puppet‖ is also connotative sign which signified
q. Face
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
revealed in Mockingjay part 1 movie which is shown in the table above, there
idiomatic expression ―the face of the revolution‖, the language symbol ―Face‖
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
gure 4.21
sign map
Face Image
of symbol
rom Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of signifier
and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign. In other
words, that is the material element. In Roland Barthes‘ concept, connotative
sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part of denotative
r. Ground
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
revealed in Mockingjay part 1 movie which is shown in the table above, there
idiomatic expression ―We‘re losing ground, because the people are losing
heart‖, the language symbol ―ground‖ has a meaning as ―an area that is
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
igure Ground The solid surface of the
4.22 earth
’ sign Denotation
map of An area or a position that
symbol Ground
is contested in or as if in
d” battle
om Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of signifier
and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign. In
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part
are losing heart‖, the concept of ―The solid surface of the earth‖ is signified by
denotative sign ―ground‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―ground‖ is also
as if in battle‖.
s. Heart
Based on the finding data related with the idioms containing symbol
revealed in Mockingjay part 1 movie which is shown in the table above, there
idiomatic expression ―We‘re losing ground, because the people are losing
symbol can be discussed by using two stages of signification, that are looking
Roland Barthes‘ sign map above, it seen that denotative consist of signifier
and signified. In the same time denotative sign is also connotative sign. In
connotative sign isn‘t only has additional meaning but also contains two part
vertebrates that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries‖ is
signified by denotative sign ―heart‖. In the same time, denotative sign ―heart‖
astounding variety, bright character and color. They help language learners
understand English culture, penetrate into customs and lifestyle of the English people,
proves that only people who are very good at speaking English can adequately and to
the point use idiomatic expressions in their speech. English is a language with a vast
idiomatic basis, which makes its learning very exciting and intriguing. So grasping the
For the first, there is Desmons (2005: 49) who said ―the understanding of text
in foreign language sues the reader to not only have one linguistic competence, but
For the second there is Erton (2006: 75) who assures the importance of
because by making use of signs the learners are able to achieve a lot of information on
philosophy, etc.‖
And the last is Lemke (1990: 184) who remarks that "social semiotics is a
some lecturers of English education department. The questions in the interview were
conducted using some theories about implication of studying idiomatic expression and
also semiotic analysis which have been conducted in the paragraphs above which
From the interview the researcher got some arguments related with the
speaking/reading/listening/writing class?
That question is conducted based on the statement from Nation (2001) that
supported by the various opinions of the lectures in answering this question no. 1.
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of speaking subject argued that idiomatic
teaches about special expression in speaking like idiomatic expression, the teacher
teaches students to use expressions which are used in British or American standard.
so the teacher has to introduce English idiomatic expressions to the students so they
will understand about those expressions when they communicate using idiomatic
and vocabulary mastery and also it will make the students learn to speak like native
Puput Ariyanto, M. Pd as the lecture of listening subject stated that idiomatic
English Foreign Language). In the discussion of TOEFL, the study of listening is not
inferential but the study of it begins to search the meaning of the native speaker‘s
says, the meaning here can be implicit and explicit meaning. The study of listening
here often finds about idiom. So, the students have to be introduced about idioms even
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecture of reading subject said that idiomatic expressions
need to be studied in reading class. It is important because of the most of reading texts
contain idiomatic expression especially in authentic text. When students read the text
contain a strong culture background, they will think how that culture in their own
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of writing subject argued that
idiomatic expressions need to be taught in writing class. When the students study
about writing, the use of idiomatic expression on their writing will show the
needs to insert the idiomatic expression to explain something that hard to explain.
The second discussion is about the lectures‘s opinion related with the question
number 2.
How could the analysis of movie be used as media to study about idiomatic
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of speaking subject said that analysis
of movie can be used as media to study about idiomatic expression in speaking class.
But, in the speaking class the students do not analyze the detail of the movie, but the
movie may be used as media to study idiomatic expressions in listening class. If there
is a movie which contains many idioms, it can be used as media to study idioms in
listening class.
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecture of reading subject argued that the synopsis of movie
can be used as the media in teaching reading but the analysis of movie is just to enrich
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of writing subject stated that the
class, but it depends on the purpose of the writing class is it for academic writing, for
essay writing, or for article journal writing. The students will see the idiomatic
expression in the movie then analyze it and apply it in their writing especially in essay
writing. The use of idiomatic expressions in writing will add a sense of the writing
The third discussion is about the lectures‘ opinion related with the question
number 3.
Why semiotic theory of Roland Barthes which explains about denotative and
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of speaking subject said that semiotic
semiotic the students can search the meaning of word and can interpret the meaning of
language symbol. So they do not only know the meaning from the expression but also
Puput Ariyanto, M. Pd as the lecture of listening subject stated that language and
culture is one package. If we only study about the language without study about the
culture, we will only know the meaning literally. Related with idiom, if we study
about idioms we also have to study about the culture related with for whom, when and
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecture of reading subject stated that semiotic can be used in
teaching reading. When the teacher studies about semiotic analysis, the result of it can
be taught in the reading class. Semiotic have to be studied, because the student have
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of writing subject argued that
separated science, but semiotic related with all science. Semiotic can be used to
analyze the writing product. It is also useful to knowing the background culture of the
native speaker and also to know the meaning of expressions which have been agreed
number 4.
That question is conducted based on the statement from Desmons (2005: 49),
―the understanding of text in foreign language sues the reader to not only have one
linguistic competence, but also have to have competence in interpreting culture and
reference topic‖. That statement is supported by the various opinions of the lectures in
answering this question no. 4. Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of speaking
subject stated that the implication of semiotic analysis of idiomatic expression found
expressions which is never heard by the students before, and also to upgrade the
students‘ speaking level so the students know when, where and with whom they have
to use those expression. Related with the movie, the students can know how to
language education is we can focus to see who deliver those idioms, when the native
speaker deliver those idioms, and in what context the native speaker deliver those
idioms. So, we know the meaning of those idioms from every elements of it.
Drs. Kuncoro as the lecture of reading subject stated that the implication of
education is the students will be able to understand well about idiomatic expression
from the side sight of culture. The students can take the moral value from reading text
Wildan Mahir, M.A. TESL as the lecture of writing subject stated that semiotic
is one of tool that is used in analysis. When it is used to analyze the educational
movie, it will increase the knowledge about moral value and also materials related
with education.
Based on all of the result of those discussions, it can be concluded that the
b. Make the students study and also understand the materials of study deeply
c. Make the student know about the meaning of idiomatic expression from
every element of it and also knowing the meaning from the side sight of
A. Conclusion
Conclusions are drawn to answer the problem statements based on the research
1. The first conclusion deals the idiomatic expressions revealed on the dialogue
spoken by the characters of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie. There
based on Makkai‘s theory. They are 4 phrasal verbs; 8 phrasal compound and 13
tournures in the category of lexemic idiom, and 1 proverbial idiom with ―moral in
2. From second conclusion deals with the meaning of symbol contained on idiomatic
movie, there are 24 idiomatic expression contained symbol such as: fire, dark,
lightning rod, heart, ground, ear, beating heart, a little light, red, window, horizon,
soul, puppet, come, eyes, face, light, dead, and tomb. The meaning of those
symbols contained on idiomatic expressions are different from those real meaning.
3. The third conclusion deals with the implication of idiomatic expression analysis in
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie using semiotic approach toward
awareness in language learning; make the students study and also understand the
materials of study deeply and the process of study become more colorful; make
the student know about the meaning of idiomatic expression from every element
of it and also knowing the meaning from the side sight of culture.
B. Suggestion
Based on the data analysis and conclusion, some suggestions can be presented as
so the students become familiar with this kind of expressions. The movie
media can be used, but the teacher should learn deeply about the content of
are not confused when they find some idiomatic expressions in listening
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Expressions expression
Explanation Denotative Connotative
1 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:19,088 Girl on fire Phrasal compound: Fire A woman with Ignite/ ablaze Filled with
Idiom which is high enthusiasm (terbakar) enthusiasm
Plutrach: There she is. Our composed by or
Girl on Fire. compound nouns excitement
Madam President, (dipenuhi
may I present you with The dengan
Mockingjay. semangat)
Alma Coin: What an honour it
is to meet you.
You're a courageous young
I know how disorienting this
must be.
And I can't imagine what it's
like to live
through the atrocities of those
2 00:06:33,440 --> 00:07:22,851 stoke the Tournures: Idiom Fire Ignite the Something Enthusiasm
fire of which structures enthusiasm of burning or
Plutrach: Katniss, here's what rebellion each made up of a rebellion (sesuatu yang excitement
we need to do. verb plus at least membakar) (semangat)
We need to show them that two lexons
The Mockingjay's alive and
and willing to stand up
and join this fight.
'Cause we need every district
to stand up to this Capitol.
The way you did.
So we're gonna shoot
a series of propaganda clips,
propos, I like to call them,
on The Mockingjay.
Spreads the word
that we're gonna stoke
the fire of this rebellion.
The fire that The Mockingjay
Katniss: You left him there.
You left Peeta in that arena to
Plutrach: Katniss, there are so
Katniss: Peeta was the one
who was supposed to live.
Alma Coin: Miss Everdeen.
This revolution is about
It's about all of us.
And we need a voice.
3 00:07:52,520 --> 00:08:34,649 a lightning Phrasal compound: Lightnin Someone who A grounded One that
rod. Idiom which is g rod attracts criticism metal rod attracts
Alma Coin: She knows who composed by placed high criticism,
the enemy is. compound nouns on a structure often in such
That's not the issue. to prevent a way that
Plutrach: Unless she's damage by criticism is
forgotten. conducting diverted
There's explaining and there's lightning to from
showing. the ground something
Let her see what the Capitol (batang metal else
did to 12. yang /Someone
Alma Coin: She can't handle ditempatkan who takes
it. di bagian all the blame
The Games destroyed her. tertinggi dari for a
Plutrach: This is the only suatu situation,
choice you have. bangunan although
People don't always show up untuk other people
the way mencegah are
you want them to, Madam kerusakan responsible
President. yang too.
But that anger, that anger- diakibatkan ( Seseorang
driven defiance, oleh aliran yang
that's what we want. petir ke memicu
And we can redirect it. tanah) kritik, sering
We need to unite these people kali kritik
out there tersebut
that have been doing nothing merupakan
but killing pengalihan
each other in an arena for dari sesuatu
years. yang lain/
We have to have a lightning Seseorang
rod. yang
They'll follow her. bertanggung
She's the face of the revolution. jawab atas
Let her see it. Let her go home. sesuatu,
ada orang
lain yang
jawab juga)
4 00:07:52,520 --> 00:08:38,761 the face of Phrasal compound: Face Someone who Part of body Image
the Idiom which is become the (bagian (citra)
Alma Coin: She knows who revolution. composed by image of tubuh)
the enemy is. compound nouns revolution.
That's not the issue.
Plutrach: Unless she's
There's explaining and there's
Let her see what the Capitol
did to 12.
Alma Coin: She can't handle
The Games destroyed her.
Plutrach: This is the only
choice you have.
People don't always show up
the way
you want them to, Madam
But that anger, that anger-
driven defiance,
that's what we want.
And we can redirect it.
We need to unite these people
out there
that have been doing nothing
but killing
each other in an arena for
We have to have a lightning
They'll follow her.
She's the face of the
Let her see it. Let her go home.
Alma Coin: Send her.
5 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:28,808 have our Tournures: Idiom Eyes Monitoring An organ of To watch/ to
eyes on you which structures someone from sight monitor
Gale: 13 swept everything, top each made up of a the distance (organ (untuk
to bottom verb plus at least penglihatan) mengawasi)
so you'd be safe. two lexons
You sure you don't
want me to go with you?
Katniss: Yeah. I'm sure.
Gale: We'll have our eyes on
you from above.
6 00:15:52,320 --> 00:16:17,401 the Dark Phrasal compound: Dark The dull time Days without The dull
Days Idiom which is any light time
President Snow: Otherwise composed by (hari yang (masa
we're breaking my oldest rule. compound nouns gelap) kelam)
Never let them see you bleed. and adjectives
tonight I address all of Panem
as one.
Since the Dark Days,
Panem has had an
unprecedented era of peace …
7 00:16:44,200 --> 00:17:11,080 the beating Phrasal compound: Beating The vital The general Vital
heart of Idiom which is heart unifying force of nature of unifying
President Snow: … It is a Panem composed by the Panem heart‘s force
contract. compound nouns contraction (Pusat
Each district supplies the (sifat alami pertahanan)
Capitol. dari susunan
Like blood to a heart. jantung)
In return, the Capitol provides
order and security.
To refuse work
is to put the entire system in
The Capitol is the beating
heart of Panem.
Nothing can survive without a
heart …
8 00:19:36,480 --> 00:20:24,601 to shed a Tournures: Idiom A little Giving some A minor light Explanation
little light which structures light explanation (cahaya (penjelasan)
Caesar Flickerman: Hello. on the each made up of a about the thing minim)
Good evening. subject verb plus at least really happen
And a big welcome to all in two lexons
I'm Caesar Flickerman. And
you are, whatever it is you're
if you're working, put down
your work. If
you're having dinner, stop
having dinner.
Because you are going to want
to witness this tonight.
There has been rampant
speculation about
what really happened in the
Quarter Quell.
And here to shed a little light
on the
subject for us is a very special
Please welcome Mr. Peeta
Peeta, a lot of people
feel as though they are in the
Peeta: Yeah, I know how they
Caesar Flickerman: Now, so
set the stage for us.
Talk us through what really
on that final and controversial
9 00:20:09,360 --> 00:20:32,971 they are in Phrasal compound: Dark A lot of people Lacking or In a state of
the dark Idiom which is feel in the state having very ignorance
Caesar Flickerman: … Peeta, composed by of ignorance little light (dalam
a lot of people compound nouns (kurang atau keadaan
feel as though they are in the mendapat tidak
dark. sedikit dipedulikan)
Peeta: Yeah, I know how they cahaya)
Caesar Flickerman: Now, so
set the stage for us.
Talk us through what really
on that final and controversial
Peeta: Well, first off, you have
to understand
that when you're in the Games
you only get one wish. It's very
0 00:27:04,200 --> 00:28:00,003 We‘re Proverbial idiom Ground We lose because The solid An area or a
losing with a ―moral‖: of there is no one surface of the position that
Katniss: The Victors will be ground, Idiom which formed who is earth is contested
granted immunity. because the as well-recognized dependable (permukaan in or as if in
And you will announce that people are proverbs in a bumi) battle
in front of the entire population losing language (arena
of 13. heart. peperangan)
You will hold yourself
and your government Heart The Capacity for
responsible chambered sympathy or
or you will find another muscular generosity;
Mockingjay. organ in compassion
Plutrach: That's it. That's her. vertebrates (rasa simpati
Right there. that pumps atau
Isn't that who I promised you? blood kedermawaa
She wears the costume. received from ; rasa
Gunfire in the background. the veins into kasihan)
A hint of smoke. the arteries,
Our Mockingjay. thereby
Madam President, we're losing maintaining
ground, the flow of
because the people are losing blood through
heart. the entire
This is worth the risk. circulatory
She's worth the risk. system
Pardons, tribunals. Power of (organ bilik
the people. berotot pada
It can all be the bedrock makhluk
of the new Panem, but, bertulang
in wartime I think even the belakang
noblest of yang
causes can be bent a little bit. berfungsi
Right? untuk
Alma Coin: Do you have any memompa
other conditions? darah yang
Katniss: My sister gets to keep diterima dari
her cat. pembuluh
vena ke
1 00:28:25,280 --> 00:28:54,160 Burn out Phrasal verb: Idiom Losing
which structures enthusiasm
Plutrach: Miss Trinket, you each consisting of a
see this door. verb plus one or two
It opens. From the inside. particles
I've told you, these are the
living quarters. Same as
You're not a prisoner.
You're free to join the rest of
Effie Trinket: Not looking like
Thank you very much.
Plutrach: We have a bigger
than wardrobe, Effie.
Katniss has agreed to be The
Effie Trinker: That poor thing.
Plutrach: And your Girl on
Fire is burnt out.
2 00:43:43,680 --> 00:44:20,081 Come up Phrasal verb: Idiom Come Suggest or think To move Suggest or
with which structures of an idea or plan towards a think
Commander Paylor: Well, each consisting of a specific (saran atau
we've got plenty of those. verb plus one or two person or pemikiran)
We have a mass grave particles place
a few blocks west, but, (Berpindah
I can't spare the manpower ke orang atau
to move them yet. tempat
Hospital's past that curtain. tertentu)
Any hope you can give them,
it's worth it. I‘m all ears. Phrasal compound : Ears Hear about the organ of Acutely
The Capitol's done everything idiom composed by something hearing attentive
they can to break us. compound noun. (organ (benar-benar
Bogss: Aren't you worried pendengaran) memperhati
about having kan)
all your wounded in one place?
Commander Paylor: I think
it's better
than leaving them to die.
Bogss: That's not what I meant.
Commander Paylor: Well,
that's my only other option.
If you can come up with
I'm all ears.
3 00:50:55,640 --> 00:52:13,771 Fire is Tournures: Idiom Fire The war is Something The act of
catching which structures declared burning firing
Cressida: Katniss? each made up of a (sesuatu yang weapons or
Katniss, can you tell everyone verb plus at least membakar) artillery at
what you're seeing right now? two lexons an enemy
Katniss, what do you wanna (aksi
say? penembakan
Katniss: I want the rebels atau
to know that I'm alive. mengebom
That I'm in District 8 musuh)
where the Capitol just bombed
a hospital
filled with unarmed men,
women and children.
And there will be no survivors.
If you think for one second that
the Capitol will ever treat us
you are lying to yourselves.
Because we know who they are
and what they do.
This is what they do!
And we must fight back.
I have a message for President
You can torture us and bomb
and burn our districts to the
But do you see that?
Fire is catching. And if we
burn, you burn with us!
4 01:05:37,440 --> 01:06:34,164 to be dead Tournures: Idiom Dead Really hard to Having lost Unable to
to forget which structures forget life (Tidak
Gale: This is where you kissed that. each made up of a (kehilangan mampu)
me. verb plus at least nyawa)
Katniss: I didn't think you two lexons
remembered that.
Gale: I'd have to be dead to
forget that.
Maybe not even then.
I knew you'd do that.
Katniss: How? I didn't.
Gale: 'Cause I'm in pain.
That's the only way
that I can get your attention.
Don't worry, Katniss. It'll pass.
5 01:14:56,840 --> 01:15:33,007 a code red Phrasal compound: Red Emergency alert The colour Denoting the
alert. Idiom which with the higest red highest
District 13’s Operator: composed by degree (warna degree of
Proceed to your nearest compound nouns merah) urgency in
stairwell and adjectives an
and descend to level 40. emergency
Blast doors will be (menandaka
sealed in six minutes. n tingkat
This is a code red alert. bahaya yang
Please, paling
remain calm and begin tinggi)
evacuation protocol.
Proceed in an orderly fashion
to your
nearest stairwell and descend to
level 40.
District 13’s commander:
Madam President, three Capitol
squadrons just entered our
Alma Coin: How much time
do we have?
District 13’s commander:
They're a few seconds from
Alma Coin: Prepare to
scramble the fleet.
District 13’s command
officer: Copy that.
6 01:19:44,360 --> 01:19:59,046 seal us in Tournures: Idiom Tomb Being attacked A place for A poetic
here like a which structures without able to the burial of a term for
Alma Coin: Conceal all tomb. each made up of a revenge corpse death
remaining verb plus at least
anti-aircraft guns. two lexons
Seal launching pads
and ventilation corridors.
We are gonna wait this out.
This is what we're built for.
Plutrach: They'll seal us in
here like a tomb.
Alma Coin: The Capitol's
working off
some outdated information.
I'd rather not update it for them.
7 01:28:29,880 --> 01:28:57,211 A window Tournures: Idiom Window There is an An opening A brief time
Haymitch: Okay, but I meant is open to which structures opportunity for constructed in period in
what I said. us. each made up of a us a wall, door, which an
Look, the reason I'm here verb plus at least or roof that opportunity
is to let you know two lexons functions to exists
they're rescuing Peeta. admit light or (waktu
Katniss: What? air to an dimana
Haymitch: The dam went enclosure and suatu
down in District 5, is often kesempatan
took out most of the power to framed and datang)
the Capitol. spanned with
Knocked out their signal glass
defence. mounted to
Betee's inside their system permit
now, opening and
wreaking all kinds of havoc. closing
A window is open to us. ( Ruang
How much longer? I don't terbuka di
know. tembok,
I guess until the Capitol pintu, atau
can get the power back on. atap yang
untuk ruang
masuk cahaya
atau udara ke
dan sering
dibingkai dan
dengan kaca
yang bisa
dibuka dan
8 01:28:57,280 --> 01:29:25,610 woman in Phrasal compound: light The woman who The medium In
light Idiom which leaded the of consideratio
Katniss: And President Alma composed by Panem illumination n of
Coin? compound nouns that makes (yang
Haymitch: You know, I can and adjectives sight possible berkuasa)
never fully support (media
that woman in light of the... penerangan
prohibition they have yang
going on around this place, memungkink
but... an untuk
Plutarch got word that Peeta melihat)
the others are in the Tribute
And with the power out,
Alma Coin sees this as an
She knows that Peeta is the
weapon. The same way you're
And as opposed to having you
pointing at each other,
she's going to get him.
9 01:47:41,400 --> 01:50:09,083 new Panem Phrasal compound: Horizon New panem is The line at Soon to
is on the Idiom which soon to happen which the happen
Alma Coin: Good evening. horizon. composed by earth and the (segera
Yesterday, I authorized a compound nouns sky seem to terwujud)
covert and adjectives meet
rescue mission inside the (garis dimana
Capitol. bumi dan
I am pleased to announce langit terlihat
that the Victors have been seperti
liberated! bertemu)
Let this day mark an historic
With The Mockingjay
and the Victors beside us,
we have sent a clear message
to the Capitol.
That we will never again
endure injustice.
Today, a day on which
we reunited family,
friends, and loved ones.
Let all of Panem come
Not to battle for the amusement
of the Capitol.
But to join hands in this fight.
Let today be the day we
never to give up,
never to give in
until we have made a new
where leaders are elected,
not imposed upon us.
And where the districts are free
to share the fruits of their
and not fight one another for
This new Panem is on the
But we must take it for
The road there leads through
the sharp mountains
and deep ravines of District 2.
There in the heart of Panem's
steepest mountain range
lies the Capitol's principal
military facility.
We can conquer this stronghold
because we are one people,
one army, one voice.
Because today is our new
Today we have freed the
Tomorrow, Panem!
0 00:29:07,320 --> 00:29:49,086 soul in this Phrasal compound: Soul People in the The spirit or People
dungeon Idiom which bunker immaterial (manusia)
Plutrach: Miss Trinket, your composed by part of man
days compound nouns (nyawa atau
in the Capitol are over, and adjectives bagian tak
no matter what happens here. berwujud dari
If you wanna play manusia)
a prisoner of war, fine.
Stay here and rot. I'll find
else to be The Mockingjay's
Effie Trinket: Who?
Plutrach: Anyone can be
Effie Trinket: Not your
There isn't a soul in this
who knows the first thing about
You honestly believe one of
these cave
dwellers is going to take my
1 00:31:43,800 --> 00:32:00,161 They‘re a Phrasal compound: A tender The revolution Fragile fire Vulnerable
tender Idiom which flame still has a weak (api yang or sensitive
Plutrach: Madam President, flame composed by spirit, so they mudah redup) to frost the
may I say you are so very... compound nouns have to be given spirit
concise. and adjectives some kindness (semangat
Alma Coin: You believe that and space yang mudah
there's more to be said? redup)
Plutrach: May I speak freely?
Alma Coin: You don't appear
to do anything else.
Plutrach: I'm only talking
about salesmanship.
The thing with revolutions,
they're a tender flame.
They need to be nurtured
a little kindling and warmth.
Bit of oxygen.
5 00:28:51,680 --> 00:29:03,491 drying out Phrasal verb: Idiom stop being
Plutrach: And your Girl on which structures dependent on
Fire is burnt out. each consisting of a alcohol
I need you to join this team verb plus one or two
now. particles
I need someone she trusts.
Effie Trinket: What about
He's drying out in some
facility a mile down.
6 00:47:46,800 --> 00:47:53,402 be tattooed Tournures: Idiom Eyes Make them feel An organ of Full
on their which structures touched vision attentive
Gale: Your mom's gonna be eyes each made up of a (organ (benar-benar
proud of you verb plus at least penglihatan) memperhati
when she sees the footage. two lexons kan)
Will this play in the districts?
Cressida: It'll be tattooed on
their eyes.
Total 27 24
Appendix 2: The Synopsis of The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part
After being rescued from the destroyed arena in the 75th Hunger
Games, Katniss Everdeen, along with fellow tributes Beetee and
FinnickOdair, are taken to District 13, now an underground district
isolated from Panem that has been spearheading the rebellion. There she
is reunited with her mother and sister Prim. While recuperating, she is
introduced to President Alma Coin, the rebel leader, and is told that her
actions in the arena sparked riots and strikes against the Capitol. Coin
asks her to become the "Mockingjay"—the symbol of the rebellion—as
part of their "hearts and minds" strategy but Katniss declines. After
seeing how Peeta is being manipulated by Capitol state television to
quell the rebellion, Katniss reluctantly agrees to become Coin's
Mockingjay on the condition that Peeta and the other captured victors
will be rescued and pardoned at the earliest opportunity.
After Haymitch notes that Katniss thrives on spontaneity, she meets
her movie team (led by Capitol escapee Cressida), is dressed up in a
specially-designed outfit, and is given Effie Trinket as a stylist and close
friend Gale as a bodyguard. They go out to District 8 to visit a hospital,
but as the visit concludes, a Capitol bombing squadron arrives and
bombs the hospital, killing everyone inside. In her rage, Katniss gives a
rousing speech to the camera, which is broadcast when Beetee hijacks
the Capitol's news feed. After it is broadcast, strikers in District 7 kill an
entire team of Peacekeepers with hidden land mines, with them climbing
trees to safety.
After seeing a weakened Peeta on a TV propo (propaganda shots)
the team returned to District 12, where Gale reports on District 12's
destruction; Katniss is movieed singing "The Hanging Tree". Soon after,
hundreds of protesters in District 5, singing the same anthem, launch a
suicidal human wave attack against a hydroelectric dam that is the
Capitol's primary source of electricity. The attack destroys the dam, and
causes a power cut in the Capitol, forcing the Capitol to revert to backup
power generators and weakening their ability to broadcast propaganda.
That night, Katniss watches Peeta being interviewed by Caesar
Flickerman, the Games' former presenter when Coin and Beetee hijack
the signal to air a clip of Katniss. After seeing it, Peeta shouts a warning
that the Capitol is about to attack District 13. Coin orders a mass
evacuation into deep underground shelters and the facility survives the
attack unharmed. Upon emerging, Katniss discovers the area littered
with white roses and realizes President Snow sent them to taunt her, and
presumes that he will kill Peeta. As Peeta's warning gave the District an
additional eight minutes evacuation time, Coin dispatches an elite
Special Forces team, which includes Gale, to rescue him, along with
Johanna Mason, and Annie Cresta, the remaining Victors, from their
prison in the Capitol's Tribute center. Finnick distracts the Capitol by
narrating a propo revealing of how he had been forced by Snow to sell
himself for the Capitol, like other attractive tributes. Despite Snow
taunting Katniss of his awareness of the rescue, it is successful with
surprisingly minimum opposition from Capital, indicating that they have
reduced the security on purpose. When Katniss goes to greet Peeta, he
unexpectedly attacks and strangles her into unconsciousness, before
being knocked unconscious himself by Boggs.
Katniss wakes up in the medical facility, and is informed that Peeta
has been "hijacked" — a form of physical/mental torture in which he is
brainwashed into wanting to kill Katniss by associating memories of her
with the psychological terror created by tracker jacker venom which
explains why the Capitol allowed Boggs's team to escape. Peeta is
restrained to a bed and placed in solitary confinement, while a serum is
being developed to reverse the hijacking effects. Meanwhile, Coin
announces that the Victors have been rescued; their next objective is the
Capitol's principal military stronghold in the ravines on District 2. (Cited
% 093_Part_1 )
Appendix 3: Script structured interview toward English teaching department lecturer
This structure interview is done toward some lecturers of English teaching department
in IAIN Surakarta. Structure interview did with questions draft or interview directive. These
are the following information that collected,
Nah, ini kan skripsi saya membahas tentang idiomatic expression, analisis
semiotic terhadap idiomatic expression di dalam film Mockingjay
Mr. Wildan: Sudah pernah baca sinopsisnya, tapi kalau filmnya belum
Researcher: Oh ya, sebelumnya saya mau bertanya mengenai idiom. Apakah idiomatic
expression itu perlu diajarkan dalam kelas speaking?
Mr. Wildan: Iya, perlu. Jadi, ketika kita mengajarkan speaking ini selain ungkapan-ungkapan
khusus jadi ya seperti idiomatic expression ini juga penting karena nanti untuk
melatih agar mereka terbiasa dengan menggunakan bahasa-bahasa yang pada
umumnya digunakan dengan standar british maupun American.
Kan idiomatic expression di bahasa inggris dan di bahasa Indonesia itu berbeda
dan kita harus mengenalkannya pada mereka agar nanti ketika berkomunikasi
mereka paham betul. tidak hanya secara litera. I‘m on your side misalnya , ya
seperti itu jadi nanti mereka terbiasa mengucapkan idiomatic expression ini
untuk menambah rasa percaya diri dalam percakapan, kemudian untuk
menambah perbendaharaan kata, kemudian untuk membuat speaking mereka ini
memang sesuai dengan standar dari penutur asli berbahasa inggris itu.
Researcher: Iya, terus kan banyak ya pak idiomatic expression yang biasa muncul di film,
contohnya seperti yang muncul di film Mockingjay tadi.
Researcher: Umpamanya, the fire is catching, terus ada lagi stoke the fire of rebellion. Nah,
apakah analisis idiom dalam film itu bisa dijadikan media untuk belajar idiom di
kelas speaking.
Mr. Wildan: Ya, bisa. Tapi kita tidak menganalisa secara detail, langsung menganalisis dan
menggunakannya. Jadi, kita mengetahui makna idiom tersebut kemudian
langsung menggunakannya ketika berinteraksi atau bercakap-cakap. Misalkan
ya, I go along with you, ini kan bukan berarti ‗saya berjalan di belakangmu‘
tapi ‗saya sependapat denganmu‘
Pertanyaan pertama yang saya mau tanyakan pada bapak, apakah idiomatic
expression itu perlu dipelajari dalam listening?
Mr. Puput: Ok, sebelum saya jawab tolong jelaskan dulu semiotic idiomatic itu yang seperti
Researcher: Kalau yang idiomatic itu dulu ya pak. Idiomatic expression itu adalah ungkapan
yang mengandung idioim. Sedangkan semiotic, semiotic itu adalah ilmu yang
mempelajari tentang makna tanda atau symbol. Nah, di thesis saya ini
menggunakan teori semiotic Roland Barthes yang mana nanti menganalisis
makna dari symbol itu dengan mencari makna denotative dan konotatifnya,
makna langsung dan tidak langsung.
Researcher: Iya
Mr. Puput: Tentang symbol yang katakanlah kayak yang di jalan itu, bukan ya?
Mr. Pu[ut: Kamu tadi Tanya gimana? Apakah idiomatic expression perlu dipelajari?
Researcher: Iya, apakah idiomatic expression perlu dipelajari atau tidak begitu?
Mr. Puput: Ok, kebetulan yang saya ampu di semester ini kan inferential listening. Nah,
inferential listening berdasarkan kurrikulum yang ada klo dulu kan semester 3
sekarang semester 2, nah begitu juga materi yang diajarkan disitu juga ikut
turun. Dulu kan masih literal listening itu masih mempelajari listening biasa
kalau sekarang itu di inferential listening kita sudah masuk ke TOEFL, nah di
TOEFL itu kan pada dasarnya sudah bukan inferential listening lagi jadi kita
sudah mulai berimplikasi pada mencari makna dari si penutur. Artinya bisa
jadi makna itu makna yang sebenarnya atau makna dengan menggunakan
ungkapan lain, dengan kata lain disitu akan muncul seperti idiom, nah idiom
itu dipelajari pada 2 skill yaitu skill 11 sdan 12. Jadi, penting bagi mereka
untuk mempelajari idiom meskipun nanti yang muncul dalam ujian atau
akademiknya tidak begitu banyak tapi harus tetap dipelajari.
Researcher: Oh iya pak, idiom kan terkadang juga sering muncul di film barat ya, contohnya
seperyti yang sya analisis tadi film Mockingjay. Apakah analisis film itu bisa
dijadikan media untuk belajar tentang idiom?
Researcher: Analisisnya. Jadi kan nanti menganalisis isinya teus menganalisis idiomnya
Mr. Puput: Bisa jadi, kan taruhlah kita mempelajari tentang idiom. Kalau selama ini saya
hanya menggunakan basic atau sumber belajarnya satu buku, kalau misalkan
taruhlah nanti ada dari salah satu film atau apa yang mengandung idiom dan
bisa kita masukkan ke dalam pembelajaran ya tidak apa-apa. Tapi selama ini
belum saya coba
Researcher: Terus, idiom itu kan juga berkaitan dengan budaya dari penuturnya ya pak. Nah
berkaitan dengan budayanya kan nanti bisa dianalisis dengan semiotic,
menurut bapak apakah analisis semiotic pada idiomatic expression itu bisa
diaplikasikan dalam listening?
Mr. Puput: Bisa, kalau bahasa itu kan mesti sudah sepaket dengan budayanya, kalau kita
belajar bahasa tanpa mempelajari budayanya itu artinya kita hanya bisa
mengetahui makna secara literal saja tanpa mengetahui makna secara
explisitnya itu apa. Nah begitu juga dengan idiom, itu kan mesti sepaket
dengan kulturnya. Untuk belajar idiom pasti kita harus tahu kulturnya seperti
apa, konteks penggunaanya seperti apa, dan kapan penggunaanya.
Researcher: Jadi, seperti itu. Tadi kan sudah membahas mengenai idiom terus tentang
semiotic terus untuk yang terakhir pak, menurut bapak implikasi dari semiotic
analysis pada idiomatic expression di film itu apa ya pak?
Mr. Puput: Kalau menurut saya ya berarti kita bukan hanya.. kalau saya nonton film kan tidak
memperhatikan, jadi kalau sudah punya dasar seperti itu nanti kita bisa focus
kita bisa melihat kapan si penutur itu mengucapkan idiom itu, kemudian
konteksnya seperti apa, kemudian siapa yang ngomong sehingga ketika kita
mencoba menggunakan idiom tersebut itu tidak meleset dari bagaimana si
penutur asli menggunakan idiom tersebut seperti apa. Tenang semiotic, itu
memang penting untuk kita masukkan untuk menganalisis secara tepat dan
mencari makna secara tepat dari idiom tersebut.
Researcher: Iya pak, saya rasa cukup sekian untuk sesi wawancara hari ini. Terimakasih pak
untuk waktunya.
Mr. Puput: Ok
Researcher: Selamat siang bapak. Saya Citra, mahasiswa PBI semester 8. Disini saya menulis
skripsi mengenai analisis semiotic terhadap idiomatic expression yang terdapat
di film Mockingjay dan untuk mencari implikasi dari analisis tersebut dalam
pendidikan bahasa inggris saya mau menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan.
Mr. Kuncoro: Perlu, penting itu. Karena reading itu, teks-teks reading itu contentnya ada
muatan budayanya apalagi kalau itu autentik teks. Kalau autentik teks pasti
ada mutan budayanya. Ketika siswa membaca sebuah teks yang seperti teks
autentik tadi, yang muatan budayanya kuat siswa pasti berpikir budaya di teks
ini bagaimana jika di budaya saya. Jadi penting siswa untuk tau mengenai
idiomtic expression
Researcher: Terus ini kan thesis saya tentang analisis film ya pak, nah apakah analisis film itu
dapat digunakan untuk media pembelajaran reading khusunya pembelajaran
idiom di kelas reading?
Reseacher: Iya
Mr. Kuncoro: Kalau teks transkripnya masih bisa, kalau hasil analisisnya bisanya kalau
menurut pendapat saya ya hasil analisisnya hanya untuk memperkaya
pengetahuan saja. Kalau transkipnya masih bisa digunakan untuk media
pembelajaran, tapi kalau hasil analisisnya hanya untuk menambah wawasan
Researcher: Terus, berhubungan dengan semiotic, kan semiotic juga berhubunngan dengan
pembelajaran budaya ya pak. Apakah anaisis semiotic pada idiomatic
expression itu bisa diterapkan dalam pembelajaran reading?
Mr. Kuncoro: Bisa, ya pertanyaannya hamper sama dengan pertanyaan nomor satu tadi. Kan
pertanyaannya tadi apa? Apakah hasil analisisnya bisa digunakan untuk media
Mr. Kuncoro: Iya bisa, karena ketika orang menganalisis dan ketemu hasil analisisnya seperti
apa, lalu disampaikan di pembelajaran reading ya bisa saja.
Researcher: Terus, menurut bapak implikasi dari analisis semiotic pada idiomatic expression
pada pengajaran reading itu apa?
Mr. Kuncoro: Jadi implikasinya dalam pembelajaran bahasa ya maupun dalam pembelajaran
reading, siswa akan lebih bisa memahami lebih baik terhadap idiomatic
expression dari kaca mata budaya yang berbeda. Jadi mereka bisa
membandingkan, mengambil nilai-nilainya dan membandingkan dengan
budayanya. Jadi bagi siswa, dalam kegiatan belajarnya dapat menstimulasi
suasana kelas menjadi lebih berwarna. Misalnya ekspresi-ekspresi tertentu
dalam bahasa inggris, itu kan bisa menstimulasi proses belajar bahasa siswa
meskipun yang merasakan hanya beberapa siswa saja. Jadi itu bisa menstimulit
belajar bahasa inggrisnya siswa dengan baik.
Researcher: Semiotic tadi kan berkaitan dengan budaya ya pak, apakah daam pembelajaran
reading siswa perlu belajar mengenai background budaya dari bahasa itu
sendiri. Seperti pada idiom, misalnya catching fire, kata ‗fire‘ itu kana da
makna denotative dan konotatifnya ya pak ya. Arti denotatifnya ‗api‘ kalau arti
konotatifnya ‗semangat‘. Nah, apakah siswa perlu tau background budaya
mengapa ‗fire‘ itu disimbolkan sebagai semangat atau keberanian seperti itu?
Mr. Kuncoro: Menurut saya itu perlu untuk mengetahui secara untuh, belajar itu harus
berkualitas. Jadi itu perlu, yang penting jangan sampai hanya mempelajari
khusunya symbol-simbol yangmengandung makna yang kurang baik. Jangan
sampai symbol-simbol yang mengandung makna yang kurang baik merasuk ke
pikiran kita. Seperti contoh yang tadi itu perlu dipelajari, ini sekaligus untuk
merangsang kesadaran budaya para siswa, culture awarenessnya siswa maupun
Researcher: Pertanyaannya masih sama, Cuma kali ini berkaitan dengan skill writing
Mulai dari pertanyaan yang pertama ya pak, apakah idiomatic expression perlu
diajarkan di kelas writing?
Mr. Wildan: Ya, perlu. Jadi terkait dengan idiom, ketika kita belajar writing itu saya kira
perlu untuk memperkenalkan idiomatic expression karena itu untuk
meningkatkan tingkat penguasaan bahasa kita, level penguasaan bahasa kita, dan
ketika kita targetkan untuk menulis jurnal internasional kita bisa menyisipkan
beberapa idiomatic expression tentunya dengan memilah dan memilih idiomatic
expression mana yang sesuai dengan bidang yang dibahas. Tidak semua
idiomatic expression yang ada bisa dimasukkan ke finding karena di journal
article writing ini kan banyak kutipan terutama di teori jadi harus menampilkan
sumber-sumber yang ada. Jadi nanti di data analisinya itu bisa ditampilkan
idiomatic expression.
Researcher: Lalu, ini kan banyak ya pak idiomatic expression yang muncul di film. Apakah
analisis idiom di film itu bisa digunakan untuk media pembelajaran idiom di
kelas writing?
Mr. Wildan: Ya, tergantung tujuan dari kelas writing kita. Jadi, kalo untuk basic writing saya
kira itu perlu. Setelah itu nanti akan melihat , mengamati, kemudian
menerapkan. Penting untuk latihan, terutama untuk penulisan essay,
agumentative essay. Jadi, seharusnya itu diberikan sebelum menulis artikel
publikasi jurnal internasional. Nanti mereka akan terbiasa, kemudian ketika
nanti merekan menginterprestasikan teks, mereka bisa menggunakan idiom.
Researcher: Jadi untuk Journal artikel writing, idiom bisa digunakan?
Mr. Wildan: Bisa digunakan tapi idiomnya harus disesuaikan. Jadi tidak sebanyak ketika kita
menulis essay. Karena kan disana dibatasi oleh aturan-aturan dimana kita harus
mengikuti sesuai dengan klu yang ada di masing-masing jurnal yang akan kita
tuju. Bisa jadi beberapa jurnal ini meminta untuk menghindari kata-kata yang
berbau idiom, otomatis kita harus menghindari penggunaanya. Basically, ketika
menulis di jurnal internasional ketika kita menggunakan idiomatic expression itu
juga akan menambah rasa atau nilai dari sebuah penjelasan yang kita tulis.
Researcher: Idiomatic expression itu kan berhubungan dengan budaya ya pak. Kan idiom
yang ada di Indonesia dan yang ada di luar negeri itu berbeda. Menurut bapak di
idiom itu ada symbol tertentu atau tidak yang bisa dianalisis menggunakan ilmu
Mr. Wildan: bisa ya, tapi itu tergantung dengan konteksnya tuga. Terkadang pengucapan
sesuatu itu kan tergantung dengan konteks dimana percakapan itu berlangsung,
kemudian kepada siapa dia berbicara, kemudian ini juga dipengaruhi oleh status
penutur dalam melakukan tindak tuturan. Bisa jadi untuk mengungkapkan
makna tertentu, idiomatic expression ini bisa menggantikan symbol-simbol yang
ketika disampaikan ini akan merasa kesulitan kemudian kita menggantinya
dengan menggunakan idiomatic expression. Karena idiomatic expression ini kan
berhubungan dengan budaya. Kalau menggunakan semiotic kan berarti harus
menginterpretasikan symbol-simbol, dengan makna yang sudah disepakati
secara bersama atau dengan kesepakatan local. Ya, bisa jadi.
Researcher: Menurut bapak, apakah semiotic perlu diajarkan untuk memahami makna idiom
di kelas writing?
Mr. Wildan: Ya sebenarnya ini bagian yang terpisah jika diajarkan di kelas writing. Jadi
semiotic itu kan cakupannya luas, jadi memahami tentang misalnya disitu
makna miscommunication ini nanti bisa juga diaplikasikan ke dalam analisis
writing. Misalkan, kita menganalisis tentang symbol yang ada di produk
makanan, kemudian disitu ada tulisan ―healthy is the best‖, itu ketika kita
menganalisis menggunakan analisis semiotic maka akan muncul idiomatic
expression yang muncul di suatu produk catatan melalui tulisan-tulisan. Jadi ini
dua hal yang sebenarnya mendapatkan ilmunya itu terpisah tapi saling terkatit.
Jadi kalau akademik writing ini tentu saja berhunbungan dengan hal-hal yang
akasdemis, seperti akademik writing ini kan menulis tentang study case, bisa
jadi di semiotic ini menjadi dasar dari sebuah tulisan yang mana tulisa itu
membahas tentang pemaknaan symbol-simbol. Jadi, bisa semiotic itu digunakan.
Academik writing iru cakupannya juga luas, membahas tentang semiotic,
membahas tentang symbol-simbol, makna symbol tersebut. Kan academic
writing terutama journal academic writing itu kan cakupannya luas, termasuk ini
kan sama saja dengan membahas segala bidang ilmu bisa morphology, semantic,
phonology, translation, bisa tentang idiomatic expression itu juga tapi dalam
case tertentu nah itu bisa dicatat dan ditulis dan dibuat dalam bentuk artikel atau
jurnal. Tapi jurnalnya juga jurnal khusus, jadi kana ada jurnal tentang semiotic,
itu juga ada. Jadi ada beberapa jurnal yang memang khusus menerbitkan artikel-
artikel tertentu, pengelompokan ilmu tertentu kemudian ilmu tersebut bisa
dibaca di jurnal tersebut. Orang yang dianggap ahli itu kan orang
yangmenguasai suatu bidang ilmu.
Researcher: Utuk pertanyaan terakhir, ini kan skripsi saya membahas tentang makna
idiomatic expression di film. Untuk mencari makna idiomatic expressionnya
saya menggunakan pendekatan semiotic. Menurut bapak, apa implikasi dari
analisis semiotic pada idiomatic expression yang ditemukan di film untuk
pendidikan bahasa inggris khususnya unuk kelas writing?
Mr. Wildan: Tentu saja semiotic ini kan salah satu alat untuk membantu dalam menganalisis,
dan implikasinya dalam teaching ya kita bisa melihat makna yang muncul dalm
symbol-simbol itu. Ketika film tersebut banyak bercerita tentang teaching, moral
value, otomatis ini akan menambah khasanah pengatahuan tentang pengajaran
dalam teaching yang mana nanti akan berguna untuk membentuk karakter
seseorang. Jadi kan kita bisa belajar dari instruction, moral value yang ada di
film. Bisa jadi salah satu instruction yang ada di film tersebut menggunakan
symbol tertentu, jadi dengan semiotic kita jadi tau makna symbol dalam term
dan idiom tertentu. Jadi, ini bisa menambah pembendaharaan keilmuan terutama
berkaitan dengan moral value.