Usapang Babae - Sample of Games
Usapang Babae - Sample of Games
Usapang Babae - Sample of Games
MAYVELYN B. REMICIO ender Consciousness Raising in the
who have contributed to the testing of the module government development prograrns is
made imperative by the Philippine
Development Plan for Women as adopted and
approved for implementation by Executive Order
No. 348 and recently, by Republic Act 7192 or
the Women in Development and Nation Building
Act. The program for consciousness raising
I{anaging and Copy Editor JOHVEN VELASCO
targets the entire hierarchy of government, from
Frook Design and Layout PIO CANDELARIA
the top management of the agency to the
Illustrators BONA DAZO
extension workers.
Because of the very nature of their jobs,
gender consciousness raising c€rn be given/
conducted through highly conceptual and
technical orientation sessions or trainings for
agency top management and technical staff
(MANCOM, Planners, FIRDs). On the other hand,
when conducting orientation and training of
extension workers and researchers, who are
actually in the frontlines dealing with the
grassroots - wornen and men - it is not enough
to have the concepts. The process of training is
as important.
The task of training the extension workers
and researchers has been delegated to the
Human Resource Development or Training
o Officers of the different agencies. How can we
National C,ommission on the Role of Filipino Women assist the extension worker raise the
Manila, ?hilippines consciousness of the grassroots on gender in a
more creative way? How can gender concerns be
presented in a manner that people would
understand and participate in advocatirrg gender-
responsive development? And in turn, how can
both women and men easily express their own Foreword
appreciation, ideas, and experiences of their
present realities? lntroduction I
This is where theater for grassroots education
or "popular theater" as a consciousness raising ?art One:
methodolory comes in. The National THEATER F'OR CRASSROOTS EDUCATION 7
Commission on the Role of Filipino Women Education Through Integrated Arts 9
(NCRFW) had this handbook developed and FIow to Prepare a Workshop Syllabus t2
published as part of our commitment to advocate
Part TWo:
gender and as our contribution to people in
constant comnnunication with others.
The handbook is intended to be a guide for
Model Syllabus for a 5-Day Basic Workshop l6
Day l: Nasa Sarili ang Kultura 23
trainors and extension workers. We hope that
through the suggested exercises, we may be able Day 2: Mga Istruktura at ang Babae 5l
Day 3: Pagbabago 67
to tap the creative potentials of trainors and their
participants so that both may be able to freely ?art Three:
express their feelings and experiences. The AI.,TERNATIVE AN D SUPPLEMENTARY
handbook is like a treasure map which we hope EXERCISES 8s
will lead those who will use it and those who will Exercises tsased on Topics/lssues 88
experience it to a more meaningful developmerlt Special Functional Exercises lt5
of the human being. Suggested Readings of Basic
Qender Awareness Training l17
Remedios l. Rikken Appendices
Executive Director
l. A Meeting ' ll9
2. Creed t2l
3. Ang Fantasya ni Eba r23
4. He Works, She Works 125
5. The Obstacle Course t27
6. For Every Woman r29
7. What ls To Be Done? l5l
B. Course Evaluation 155
ow do we best tatk about gender issues
with women, especially women in the
grassroots? In what way can we best
facilitate women's reflections on their
lives and help them see the role that gender
plays in them? How can we make this Process of
reflection the beginning of the Process of woman
empoweffnent, of women learning to get hold of
their lives and to deal with the effects of gender
on them?
using life experiences as the content of the evolve a participatory and evocative or
workshop. The sessions try to identify how the partici pant -cent ered [)rocess.
O We find the other exercises in the Clossary
of Alternative Exercises (?art III) useful. You
may supplement the exercises suggested in the
model syllabus.
Parft @n@
O Notice that the chunking of exercises is
modular, thus one exercise leads to another and
the graduation of exercises deepen the issues
tackled as well as its processes. The facilitator
should see to it that graduated series of
exercises deepen a m4jor content/issue.
hrough the years the Phitippine Educational Theater
Association or PETA has successfully proved the
effectiveness of a method of sharing skills and insights
through an lntegrated Arts Education Program that
considers individuals and their relation with a group. This
methodolory demonstrates the value of zut in freeing
individuals steeped in a culture of silence. They realize
their creative potentials and in the process release,
explore, become aware, select, master and apply this
potential for gtrowth. Called RAESMA (after the initial letters
of the processes) these methods of stimulating growth
constitute the whole workshop process,
' Reprlntcd from BITAW: Baslc Inlegratecl Theater Afts Workshop Manual (?EIA Manual
Scrk:.s No. l ), Phllllrlrlnc fldrrcatlorral Thr:ater Assoclatlon, 1 987.
experiences that may serve as points of departure to the may start with individuals. Just as exercises progress from
composition of poems and narratives in written or oral simple to complex, the working method also progresses
form. Visual Arts explores the elements of arts and from individuals to subgroups to big group.
principles of design in actual improvisatiors, through the The groups, in additioh, process their own dynamics.
use of exercises that build skills in imagery and actual "To process" here means to talk about what transpired
execution, using simple materials and techniques. during the goup's activity and each speaks about his/her
Creative Sounds and Music introduces the power of experiences with particular co-pafticipants and with the
sound and music in communicating ideas and feelings, at group in general. Civing and receiving feedback, therefore,
the same tirne encourages the participants to explore constitutes a vital feature of lgoup process. Pafticipants
possibilities rather than allow themselves to be limited by constantly glve their comments and observations at the
conventional means. Creative (Body) Movement helps in end of each unit lesson and whenever possible, give their
making the participants become aware of the extent and suggestions and recommendations. Since this is most of
the power of the body in conveying messages with gestures the time built in the exercises, the participants get trained
and mimetic movement. To prepare the paticipants in the to give qualified criticisms that will benefit everyone
spontaneous use of their bodies for self-expression, concerned. Toward this end, participants receive guidelines
release exercises are included. Warm-ups and physical so that criticisms Eue constructive, properly motivated and
exercises, used daily in the workshop, release physical well-directed. Tactless and personal criticisms which do
as well as psychological tensions that tend to reinforce more harm than good Ne avoided.
inhibitions. These release exercises free the participants
from the fear of failure or committing mistakes. Ultimately Finally, the synthesis session at the end of each day
these make participants realize that the ability to express allows the participants to reflect on and assess their
what one thinks or feels and to recognize one's potentials experiences. Here, experiences get elevated to the level of
serve as the essence of empowerment. Lastly, Group concepts thereby integrating the learnings gained.
Dynamics facilitates i nteraction among pafticipants
leading to camaraderie, teamship and community spirit.
Group Process
Active pafticipation of each and every individual
not only in the games and exercises but also in
the discussions, in the sharing of views, opinions and
suggestions became one outstanding feature of the
PETA workshop process. No individual dominates any
activity, not even the facilitator who acts unobtrusively.
The group in a workshop represents a microcosm of a
bigger world outside. The dynamics of a group reflects the
dynamics of the outside world. Group dynamics in PETA
workshops refers to all activities, games and exercises
where goup interaction occurs. Most of the workshop
exercises end up as group activities, although initially some
HOIil TO PREPAKE A what is the composition of the worlshop participants?
Have they undergone previous theater worlshops? What
cultural work h ave they experienced?
WOKKSHOP SYLLABUS- These very impoftant questions help the facilitators
in defining the thrust and scope of the workshop. At this
point you must also inform the sponsors about the
he syllabus, the actual teaching guide, contains the features, content, methodology, and requirements of the
conceptual framework of a pafticular workshop. It workshop.
includes the timetable, the objectives, motivational
approaches, materials needed, actual lesson plan,
theoretical input, procedures, instructions, and guidelines. O Set the workshop objectives.
While a workshop syllabus should allow arnple room for After an initial gathering of data on the participants'
spontaneous expression and unhampered creativity of the profile and general expectations from the worlshops, the
pafticipants, it entails careful planning to ensure that the teaching team sits down to plan out the syllabus. They first
facilitators Ne guided by a teaching approach that will define the workshop objectives which are answers to the
effect the desired objective. needs of the participants.
We consider syllabus planning, therefore, as an
impoftant phase in the entire workshop process. Likened
O Plan the content of the syllabus.
to a journ ey, the traveller prepares for the trip and readies After setting the workshop objectives, the team
the following: personal needs, objectives of the trip, the discusses the content and thrust of the syllabus. What
map and the routes, budget, and activities. She prepares interesting modules can be used to bring out the
alternative courses of action to achieve the objectives of objectives of the workshop? What different exercises in the
the journey. various subject areas can be used in the chosen modules?
How then do you prepare for a workshop experien ce? Remember that a module consists of a series of
Below are a few guidelines, .
integrated creative exercises using different subject areas,
usually arranged from simple to moderate to complex,
leading to a final form, It may be based on different theater
O Sit down with the sponsoring styles like Realism, Dramatized Poetry @ula-Tula),
organization. Allegorical ?lay, Sarsuwela, Komedya or lvloro-lvloro,
Bodabil, etc.,i or on those forms suggested by popular
Find out the objectives of the workshop, what it hopes mass media such as radio, television, and comic books.
to achieve during and after. Why did they think of a
worlshop for the group? Is it to tap their creative The cultural profile of the participants' community
potentials? Why? Is it a need? Do they intend to come up also serves as a guide in the selection of theater forms
with a production? Do they intend to use the workshop as to be explored. For example, in a community where
part of a process in organizing the goup for cultural work? folktales abound, their adaptation to contemportry
allegorical plays may be excellent; or in a place where
there exists a tradition of balagtasan (poetical joust) or
singing, these forms rnay be adapted or incorporated into
whatever theater form module receptive to cultural of
(:x prcssion.
'Repr'fnted from BITAW: BasiclntegratedTheaterAfisWorkshopManual (?AtA Manrral
Serles No. I ), Phlllppine Educational Theatcr Assoclatlon, 1987.
A module may also spring from an objective, ?s in the
case of the Release lvlodule, invariably adopted for the first
day session. It releases inhibitions and altistic potentials
uunong the pafticipants. The Evaluation lzlodule at the end
assesses the worlsshop process as a whole.
)?arft Tw@
Plan in the context of the local culture, in
consideration of the values and mores of specific cultural
corununities. For instance, in certain Muslim cultural
communities, touching between members of the opposite
sex is not acceptable; so is the representation of human
forms in art which constitutes a transgression of ceftain
cultural values. Be wary of such circumstances.
Objectives/ Presentation/ Schedule Chaft
d. Orientation to
8:5O ' 9:OO Regidtration Reg. Forms Women's
9:OO - 9: 15 Opening Session Qroup ?rayer Flandout: e. Attitude Setting Paper folding & ?aper
Invocation: "A Meeting" Welcome/ A Meeting Symbolic
Opening Remarks Challenge Representation
f. Responsible Oryanizational Schedule Chaft
9: 15 - 9245 l. Unfteezing Melody/Movement Teams Processes/
Games Teaming
a. Tumbaloy Song Song Chaft l2:OO - l:OO P A /Y A /Y Ci 17 A L I A /Y
b. Acrostics Interactive Pentel , crayola,
Descriptions pieces of paper l:OO - 5: l5 lV. Sarili, Lipunan,
c. Ngusuan ?lay way l:OO - l:5O a, Sarili
d. Mahal lvlo Ba ?lay way/Ylusical IIong-llong Play way
Ako? Chair Touch Body
e. Trabahong Image ftableaux Song Chaft Short feedback Plenary
Babae Croup Work
Naku ITal Singing Came l:50 - 2zOO b. Lipunan
Panlalake- Qroup Qame Mla. paper/
9245 - I O:OO IVIEKYElYDA Pambabae pentel pen
lO:OO -ll:OO ll. Personal feedback Plenary
Sharing: Synthesis
Ako, Ikaw, Tayo
2zOO - 5: 15 c. Kultura
a. Blind Contour Drawing ?aper, pencil, Fantasya ni Eba Reflection/ l-landouts:
Drawing crayola Disctrssion "Fantasya nl
b. five fingers of Drawing/Sharing Pencil, paper Eba" back-
My Life Note-taking ground music
Kasi Babae Creative Drama
c. Urbana at Felisa Sharing Drawing of
preceeding 5: 15 - 5:5O M A
5:50 - 4 l5 d. "What is a Cirl? [.ecture Slides
I l:OO - l2:OO lII. Expectations What is a BoV?'
tl:15 - 5:oo V. Slrort Recap
a. Oroup Sharing Sharing Mla. paper'8( ol t lre Day
dt'awitrg trr:rt.s.
C)r rl<'lt l(r':tr I lotts (.r'eative Drama Day I Schedrrle,
b. Syrrrbols to Syrnl^rolic I)r;twlrr<1 rrr;rls. tt Pl()v(:rrrr:rrt of paper,
Insl:tllitl io rrs l(r' )l (:,s(: trl :tl ior
r ;ul l):tl)('t, t'l< c;r rr:st i<>rrs
Ilttot ttllr Arl ot lot tttrl wr ll I r:n ( )n l)itlx:t
Ittsl.tll:tl lott oIrfr'( |',
n 0 l:OO
Continuation of b.
c. Qroup tlealing Body Touch
2: 15 MtrTA Plan Pieces of paper
9:OO - lO: l5 Opening
Activities Mural-making Pentel pen,
Song, Dance, crayons
a. Limbering Body Taped music Drama mla. paper
Exercises Movement for soft & easy improvisation
Body Movement
5:OO lll. Pagbabalik
b. Qroup Dynamics Play way Writing & Mla. paper/
- Entanglement Discussion Pens
- Trtrst fall
- Lifting & 5:5O - 3245 E A
3:45 - 4245 lV. Evaluation
Sharing of Evaluation
feelings/ form
lO:15-lO:5O IvIERYE /YDA Insights Workshop
ll. Change Workshop
Resolution and schedule
4245 - 5:OO V. Closing Program
a. Tunggalian Sa a. Pillow talk Creative
Buhay Ng Babae Improvisation Pillow
lO:5O -lO:5O We-Exercises:
b. Qrowth Chain 5-word Sharing
. Samson &
. Out Balancing
lrr fi
Ill),? l\r/ ,J
t'v''tty I I
focuses on the participant
as a womall. Thus,
the most important exercises involve personal and
outlook sharing as a woman and the effects of
culture on her.
There exists, therefore, a need for the facilitator
to see the connecting points and relationships of the
ideas surfacing from these exercises, based on the
personal experiences of the participants" This wilt
help the facilitator synthesize the rvhole learning.
While a group reads, others of the workshop . lf , however, the Ba Ako? - (S mins.)
follow and reflect on the participants already know each O Trabahong Babae?
other, Game I may be omitted. Naku flall! (lO mins.)
message given.
['roceed to Came s 2,3,4. Each
game may last for 5-7 minutes. After the games, have a 4-b
3. After the whole reading, have minute sharing by asking the
a minute of silence. The following questions:
facilitator leads the reflection/ OBJECTIVES:
Provide release activities that o What do you feel now? Why?
will help pafticipants get to o What did you discover about
know the name of each yourself or about each oth er?
pafticiparrt. o What can you say about the
grouP now?
D. Next 6 persons give their
names with melody, each with
a corresponding movement G
(5 mins.) showing things she enjoys
doing (be original); goup mir-
Objective: rors melody and movement. I.y Tlu^b,r - toy lry lry li,n bo
t tO
Introd uce oneself creatively. At the end of the activity teach
the following song and ask i h,tr, srynr5 fu - a-bo-
Procedure: each one to sing and move
according to her personal
l. Croup forms a circle. One goal:
starts by saying her nickname
L\ ra.
// a t,( tr br, lru'7
" fl. f,tfi," fI4 lat
aloud; gfoup echoes. r{oRo: Tt€ n4r\.t/14
iill/ Tumbaloy-loy-loy a
B. ACKOSTICS back. Each player moves
Euound and the other
pafticipants write a word --
(5 mins.) noun, aQjective or verb - to
picture how or what she fells
Objective: about the person whose name
is written and pasted on her
Introduce co-pafticipants based on back. The word should start
one's perception. with any of the letters of the
name spelled downwards.
2, When all the letters of
Paper, pen or crayola, pin or tape everyone's n€une canies a
meaning, stop the game and
Procedure: let each player get the paper
on her back. She reads what
l. Each player gets one whole is written.
sheet of bond paper and
writes her narne spelled down. E. g. E eauty
I ntelligent
E.g. B N utty
I C reat
She then asks someone to
paste the bond paper at her c
NGru ...
ANG tstN ut_At
C. NGUSUAN Ask participants to form a big
(5 mins.) 2, The facilitator points out to a
participant who then moves
away and goes out of the
o, AYeNt Objective:
/ Release physical inhibitions'
3. In order to regain a Place in
Procedure: the circle, the "dePosed" Par-
ticipant takes her turn in
We Filipinos like sign pointing out a co-pafticiPant,
language. At times, in Pointing once again through her liPs.
out things, we use our mouth or As in step 2, the PafticiPant
llps (nguso) instead of using who got pointed out leavel
our fi nger. her place out of the circle.
This goes on and o11...
(5 mins.) 3, If answer is YES everybody
changes her place.
Objective: (l O mins.) TAYOIYC BABAE
If answer is ffO, the IT or the
Get to know more about the taya asks "Sino ang mahal Objectives: Tayong babae,
group's physical characteristics. mo?", One answers according lagi nang handa
to specific physical I . Define specific tasks done by Tayong babae,
Procedure: description of a SFoup. women. kay raming gawa
Tayong babde,
l. |-et the gfoup sit in a big E.g. Lahat ng naka-maofrg, 2. Foster fun and team work in a Iikas malakas
circle. Iahat ng naka-hikaw, etc. creative activity. Tayong babae, PAO-ASA
All those fitting the
2. One starts by asking "Flahal description shall change Procedure:
mo ba ako?" places.
t. Staft by teaching this sohg:
(To the tune of "WARAY-
S^ $Ar{G sr L cG", WARAY,"
'l.f lyv{
4-r I
Tu y.t3 tr v.nq
| !9 t
K/.y va:W in'1 i.t- ''tta'
Ta ya{{ b," - bo- e t I k1.e t/|4'\
ta /. r:, CAA -A
?, zft, (t1
-- --
2, Group into threes. Think of Participants and facilitator I End the activity with a song.
tasls that women do or can grab partners (5 in each
do given a specific space. group) anrl form a tableau of
Each goup defines this task babaeng nagluluto. Since the IIATVII ANC BABAE
through action. No words may facilitator joined, one will not
be used. have a group. She becomes Kami ang babae
the IT or the facilitator. Ang Babaeng PAO-ASA ng BaYan
Kapit kamay natin ang lalaking
Sample Spaces: Sing and dance around again bukas kalooban
with "Waray-Waray" and the IT Sabay tayo ngaYon
Kitchen Bathroom Garden calls out a new task. The Sa pagsulong ng kababaihan
Garage Office School game proceeds as in Step 5. Ako ay naririto, Ikaw aY narirtto
Sabay tayong matututo.
Possible tasks:
5. Continue the game until six
cooks food drives car budgets
different pafticipants become
the IT.
washes types in plans
clothes otf ice family Co back to the big circle and I<A}.TI AN6 EAVAE
activities sit down. The facilitator
starts with the synthesis by llr r{ IATD
chops wood manages cleans asking the pafticipants to ;i,
otf ice house surface their feelings and
work insights on the different Ko. baba P
activities they just did. e ^-/'q
children PTA meals different tasks women are 4/r [a-- fa- kin3 L a-rt
meetings expected to do? How do you I
) F, tlz: lt1
II. PERSONAL STIAKING: other , Lay the PaPer in front
of each owner and hold the
Give them some tirne to finist
the drawing (5-4 minutes).
BRro. DAH tL Gu Sr o ,
hxo Gn wn Nrro
) w o RKsrto F PA R4
TuRo M6A BA6Ay_ BA6Ay
rNyo ... pARA TUTo KAyo.
PERo AKo auTb RtN
Br.eqy - BAGA' MULA
lNyo (HnwA NAMAN
AKo rNyC )
Theme: Lipunan - Panlalaki-
( lO mins.)
Feedback Synthesis
(lO mins.)
(5O mins.)
Theme: Kultura - Fantasya
ni EBA Pre-exercise:
(5O mins.)
Kasi Babae IIong:IIong
(SO-45 mins.)
"Wltat is a Boy?
What is a GirIT' l. Get more acquainted with one
(50-45 mins.) another in a light and fun way,
ng Babae
tra its/ro e s/adj ecti ves
ng Lalake
C. THEME: Bring up the different roles
designated to women.
( I hr. & 15 mins.) I. the participants stand
side by side, keeping a
l'\tttlasya ni Eba comfoftable space not so n eN
nor so far from each oth er (2 -
1,1( ) rrrllrs. )
arns length apart) .
2, Motivate them to think of their
past (Kahapon), the things D. WHATIS V. SHOKT RECAP
they did -kasi babae sila."
ssitrtrfl '
rrv o\v
crQC L,71
rte t r\s. 1ast sIErJ !, Oct
f::;Yfr,,#!: - -
o etLrir\ !'
5' F}
Itf,- A,iaa- i=
lttilt viRTN.1E ]e t(L ir (iD1
-, t-t)
-F ca U2
I,s wl ;
loN(lc' )fr\h :' o
-+ F
:o U {l ct 15
flt )o icte,O'
otfi ,cl;ef6t\gf. - rt <c
- (D (D o
o .)
\f NlB'
\f\gn :irr?O
ry o\i (D
F} F}
1g/A! n
ntis ,n; M CiiryY.
1". S\
de i+ss:isz
- ; rl oa
I er
brings to the surface the various structures that
lii;, 'iFE3tl
g oa .lF}
dictate the role of women. It also focuses on the
FI n - -{ rT
O >:CY*i critical analysis of these structures. The facilitator,
oa rr F}
I' -
It o
rr F}
impottance on tl^e content, the facilitator should
also draw attention to the artistic forms used
through incidental pointers. Content and artistry,
aft,erall, can blend well and the groups should strive
,O for this combination.
a:. !^.b bJ
J affrflroliferation
EffiFrol lif^*^+i^- *a^^1-,
treaty, raise -^i^^: r.- '--raflffillfuH
_"_ _t|ll
h '?'
S ;^--^.ts ostsosts
bj l. Diagnose how participants perceive and react to
- -snr
r -^a lr different woman characters and situations.
E tt W"s"ffi'*on'*Jl',;;r.-!d
Meil rrr ,
2. Provide a venue for'the participants to discover
the various roles of women and analyze how
,o- bel Urtlt.rv,hai- qia",^dt*"-*o' l-.,w
structures affect or dictate such roles.
Y t:'i''
(5O mins.) Warm-up:
Standing Position
(Dbf ectlve:
l. IIEAD/NECK. Thrust
f 'rr:l)are the participants physically forward, sideward, bacls,trard,
f or I he activities of the day. rotate.
exercise all together. torso.
Sl6 E llr
50 mins. Usually physical, these
activities will awaken the
FA laa
(:l ;i /J
rl t/Mt'lNr'i .fA, K
5. UPPtrR TRU|IK. TWist upper them left and right. Rotate the
trunk by bending from the ankles.
waist flat forward and then
bounce. Bend forward from 9. JUMPINQ JACK. Jump to
waist up and touch the floor spread legs, simultaneously
with hands (l count), then clapping outstretched arms
bounce trunk between thighs overhead.
(2 counts).
LOWER TRUIYK. Rotate hips in place with the legs alternately
small and big circles, cloclr- kicking forward then
wise then counterclockwise. backward, left then right.
II ntto
ANO en7
nno en
Bq 7 ',) AY;
Rape victim
( MA6
mA6 I\E r. rhc
DEctDE to the character model
t(AYo jI
lTo t tG KRAFT
PAPER. t NA rcAyo
or to the situation Commercial model
Old woman begging
presented in the picture.
\ PhRA KANI, Pregnant mother
)A! PMYI€ 5). Repeat the earlier steps 2 Devoted lady in prayer
Ur fau?
YAtn: to 5 times. Woman - farmer
t i
\- /br
2. Each group sculpts and
dresses up their model to
Procedure: characters' thoughts through
words and dialogues. Tell
represent the character which Facilitator prepares small them they can talk to GATHEKING
pieces of rolled paper. On themselves.
the group drew-out. The
model now tries to each paper a specific work
concentrate and compose place is written: 5 At some points, call out
"Freeze." Then tap someone
some lines coming from the
thoughts and experiences - home to act out her character and
(a la monologue) of the - school deliver her lines. Then ask the (2O mins.)
character they are poftraying. - adveftising actress to freeze.
agencies In gathering feedback frorn
3. The whole assembly (i. Tap another one and then the participants to lead them to a
surTounds the four characters. office another until everyone has synthesis of the preceding
trach character delivers her ch urch demonstrated her activitY and activities, ask the following
short monologue. After hospital delivered her lines. q uestions:
each character's monologue,
pafticipants react through factory 7 ' Expand the exercise. L€t each - How did you feel about the
movement, sound, dialogue, television character try to find ways to whole exercise?
field, etc... relate to other characters. - What were your di.scoveries?
This will lead to building uP - How Cid your character react
2. Ask each pafticipant to draw a scene. given different situations? Why?
C. DEEPENIIIIG: out a piece of rolled paper.
She creates the character B. Again let these be a freeze-
- What dictated such reactions or
ISAIYG ARAW based on the place of work action moment. As everybodY
freezes, point out and ask
written on the paper she Focus oI7:
sA BUNAY draws out. Participant dresses each member to enact her
O Resources of women
up like this character. Cather O Structures
some props that wilf help her O Human Dignity
define and act out the 9. Repeat the process until each
(4O mins.) group has been given focus.
character better.
Objective: 5. Facilitator now gives a l O. End the exercise with a grouP-
movement exercise involving centering activity. Cive them
ldentify the different structures the character. Pafticipants do a Relaxation Exercise: inhale,
that dictate the role of women. the various actions and exhale , relax.
activities of their respective
Materials: characters at different hours
of the day, from waking up
Workplaces written on pieces of to sleeping.
As needed by pafticipants Motivate pafticipants to talk as
they do their characters'
activities. Ventilate their
STRUCTURES (5O mins.) Devotion
Paramihan ng Church Kitual
The following activities are 2. Start with one (e.g.
It is important that the
devised to bring out and present facilitators fully discuss this l. Bring out spontaneously as commercial) given. As
creatively the participants' analysis module and make sure many answers to specific you point out a group, the
of the structures that dictate the stimulus which rePresent the group gives their commercial
assumptions for possible jingle at the count of 5. lf theY
role of wofil€n: questions or guidance needed to different structures.
fail to do so they are
make this module productive and
O Pre-Exercise: Paramihan ng.,, relevant are clarified. Materials to
Buif d a team through fun /PlaY eliminated. No repetition of
(2O mins.) activities. commercials is allowed. The
be used like the textbooks and
O Study Croups commercial ads should be given
one who repeats is
( I hour & 50 mins.) I'rocedure: eliminated. The last to staY
careful study and discussion
O Plenary Session longest is the winner. Then
before giving the exercise.
( l5 mins.) l. Using the same grouPing proceed to the other
O Clearing l-louse Portion Give instructions one at a ask each grouP to give pznamihan items.
( l5 mins.) time. short instant improvisations
of "paramihan n9..." 3, Cather short feedbacks. Vvhat
. (complete with movement is your personal view about
This whole module needs If the participants have to the different contents
constant monitoring on the part discuss and bring up important and dialogue).
of the facilitator. The initial (commercial, news headline,
points that need to be dram atized,
game (Paramihan) ushers the Parami han ng Commerci al devotion and rituals) of our
give the instructions on the
mood for creation. This also Paramihan ng tleadl ines exercise? trlicit a little
discussion first. When they have
serves as a pre-exercise for Paramihan ng Panalangin or discussion.
surfaced important points then
the required creative sharing of instruct them about drarpatic
insights during the study group improvisation. Keep them KUSkoS ?t6A I CAN
session. working within a time frame. FATAK! FEEL ITI
The last module may take the
During the study groups whole afternoon.
session facilitators may divide V'A:.-I!
among themselves which groups ANC ?A4
they would closely monitor and
| )t ('r'ayons. DAY 5.
AtYltNG t'{(;A LO?A, Pt N{Ll
t'{AhrtrN YUNG
rr v
I't r)ced ure: End th,e session with a closing
9/ nl meditative activity
| (iivc each pafli<-ipartl ;t pir:ce accompanied by soft m usic.
tl \l of lrzlIrt:r atr<l ;t lrrittlr:l ptt1l. Ask pafticipants to be in their
oo l-iGA |T'R+\,^ (
Aslt lltt:trt ltl wt ilr' lltl ttttlsl most relaxed position.
)Daty 3J is a synthesis of the previous workshop
processes and contents. lt focuses on CilANGE AND
TIIE WOMAN. The take-off point is the oppression/
repression experienced by womell. The need for
change to free the woman from oppression shall then
be emphasized.
by side in one row, each one
clasping a hand of the Person
next to her.
towards the objectives of the
game, which is to unravel tlte
snarl and end uP in a circle
without re-clasPing hands'
ANA KAla^*rz
A. LIIUBEKING This series of exercises
will help build trust and
EXEKCISES teamwork. Continuously motivate
pafticipants to stick to the rules of
Same as in Day 2 the game so that the games are
( l5 mins.)
Croup Dynamics for the day
consist of the following activities:
O Entanglement
( l5 mins. )
Trust Fall
DYNAMICS ( l5 mins.)
TKUST FALL Tell them to place one foot I,IFTING AND ROCKING 2. Ask a volunteer, someone
forward and the other who wants to be lifted and
Objective: behind. If they do this, they (.THIS EXERCISE MAY BE DONE TO rocked, to move to the center
can hold up quite a lot of I1ND THE PKECEDINC TRUST F'ALL of the circle. Tell her to fold
Develop a sense of trust among co- weight even if they Ne not ()R IT TV1AY BE TAKEN AS AN and interlock her alTns across
pafticipants. physically strong. INT I RELY SEPARATE trXtrRCISE. ) the chest, and to close her
Procedure: 5. Ask the person at the center ObJective:
to start "falling." Tell everyone else to move uP
l. Form goups of 5 to 7 l)evelop a sense of trust. to the person at the center
pafticipants each. Ask the 6. Encourage the other and place their hands on her,
members of each group to participants to pass the center I'rocedure: holding her gentlY for a while.
stand in a circle and spread person around or across the Those particiPants of
the smaller ones among them circle, |. Form gouPs of 7 to 9 moderate strength should
evenly around the circle. particiPants each. Ask each merely stand directlY behind
7. Ask the pafticipants to grouP to form a circle and the the person at the center, while
Tell one person to move to increase the size of the circle members to keeP absolute the stronger ones should
the center and cross her arTns gradually as the game silence during the exercise. position themselves on either
in front of her chest.
hips and legs.
D.''NIAGAGAWA ilI. Plenary Sessions
(15 mins.) (Ke,entry)
Objectives: (45 mins.)
This final module aims to 2. Give them the Evaluation 4-5 people in the grouP in
provide a tool to evaluate the J-day Form (see Appendix 8, PP. whom they have discovered
workshop. 155-l4O). Cive them time to something new and likeable.
GUsTo K1TA EUlSWer. Ask them to go to their
Objectives: I(ASI MAG4LINE
l. Evaluate the content and
methodologies used in the sAt$A l'Al-oNc
workshop. LUMIG.AVA
2. Assess the participation of co-
5. Confirrn one's gotvth as a
Worlsshop Obj ective Chart
Day l-2-3 Flow of Activities
Evaluation Form susur.AT sAhTA MAGKITA
@oooYe: ?ATAvo uLt !
Opening Activities
Getting to l{now You/Unfreezing Activities
Attitude Setting
Limbering Exercises
Gender is Cultural
Women & Structures
li $\ Change
i. ?4 Reflection & Evaluation
': lr\
a. J-
a Diagnostic Exercises
o Sensitivity 6r Centering Exercises
o lce Breakers
O Various Fora
3-DAY SYLLABUS l. Know each other's natnes.
Qame continues as facilitator
feels the goup atmosphere.
- 5 Facilitator calls out B to start. floor, left, risht)
Without stopping to a neutral Open eyes wide, nzurow but
positioh, B continues a series can see
of entirely different slow Ivlake face small/big
O TTME BUDGET: PARAMIIIAN paper. Post them on the
Datu Friar Teacher
/YG GAWAIN board together with their
individual list. Dayang-dayang lady
Spanish Tindera
Objectives: Warrior Clara
Maria Urban Poor
4' Oive them time to read and
Slave Taga-bukid MaYaman
I . Enumerate all activities one view each other's work.
does in a day.
5. Plenary: Feedback Cathering. c. Costume and Scene
5. Ask participants to provide
2, Survey and understand the
dialogue as the characters tmprovisation
development implication of Deepen by asking what they
women activities. noticed among the tasks or Materials:
activities of women? How do
Ask pafticipants to say
Materials: you feel about all these Native costumes or blankets, scarf,
something what these
activities? If given your free characters could have said towels, etc. which can be
pieces of paper time, how would you like to during those days, improvised as costumes
crayons spend it? Are there any
manila paper activities you want to do to
5. Provide period music if Proced ure:
masking tape develop yourselP
PYoc€dure: Divide group into 4. t€t each
It. Group Improvisation slTrall group select one person
to be dressed as a character
l. Give each participant writing IMPROVISATTON
I'rocedure: d uring a certain period. (Refer
materials. Ask each one'to to A2, preceding page.)
list down all the things she Objectives: Divide participants into 4
does from waking to sleeping 2, t€t the model stay in the
time. Enumerate. l. See women's role in the light middle of her group. Ask the
of society's expectations ,2
Give a specific time and place other members of the group
2, When they have finrshed ask through historical eppchs. - (e.g. kitchen at I I a.m.) to each assume a character in
them to put the uunount of relation to the main character.
Everybody sim ultaneo usly
time they spend for each. 2. lmprovise situations of moves/acts in the given space
Add all the minutes/hours to women through dialogue and
and at the given time. Ask them to move about and
find total time for one's daily costume i mprovisations. try to interact with the main
1 Ask pafticipants to provide character, one at a time,
A. ?re-Exercise: Movement dialogue. showing their relationship and
3. Qroup them into 5's or 6's and Dialogue their expectation of the main
and let them share their
4 Cive each goup time to character. Motivate them to
discoveries, feelings and Procedure:
synchronize action and concentrate on their own
insights about what they have
clialogue. character.
listed. Ask them to synthesize Participants form 5 lines.
their sharing by creating 2 or
5 As group acts out their t€t them go in a "stopgo-
5 statements on Women & 2, Ask pafticipants to show lrow
ntation, others " f(eeze." freeze-di alogue" proce ss
Time & Resources, Print the following characters w:rllt J)rcse
these statements on manila
simultaneously and later on Materials: them time for sharing. Some 7, Conduct a plenary sharing
one at a time. guide questions for the of tableau statements.
Drawing materials sharing: WhY the shaPes and Ask participants to Present
5. Do this for some time giving Slides: "What is a Boy? What is a colors? What feelings or their respective grouP's
them proper motivation to Cirl?" thoughts crossed Your mind? table?u: its message and
emote clearly and to use Handouts z "lle works, she works"; What do You think is the the relation of each individual
defined dialogue. Help them "For every Woman" present situation of women? in the picture. Provide time
come up with natural Mood Music Why do you think this is so? for clarification and Polishing
situations of the period. of tableau studies.
frocedure: 6. Each gouP decides on a
D. The Present common statement which B. End session with a Poetry
l. Present the slide show, "What represents the grouP's reading of " For Every
Procedure: is a Boy? What is a Girl?" reflection. Show this through a Woman" (See APPerrdix 6
Provide appropriate music. Do group tableau. Use no pp. 129- I 50). Provide
l. Cive each group a specific not follow up the viewing with dialogue. appropriate music.
space: Mindanao, Negros, any lecture or discussion.
Cordil lera, Katagal ugan .
Encourage partici pants to 2. Give each pafticipant a piece
bring up specific activities of of paper and coloring
and expectations on women, materials. Tell them to
given the spaces mentioned. express th eir reactions to the \{U LAAN NYO
slide show through lines, ITo AY TABLEAU. ANo AN6 KUNG ANO ANG
2, Cive participants time to colors and shapes. Motivate TAbIEAUT ANG TAbLEAU G INAGAWA NAMTN
rehearse. them to use as many colors, o
shapes and lines which
As lN ll\bL-o Ay rsAN6 o
3 Cet initial feedback: What did represent how they feel and AClION NA 5A KALACITNAAN
you see? What were the thin k. NO ACTtoN NA lTo AY
activities done by women? TITT6T KAYO NA PARN
What were expected of 3, Cive each one the handout, DAN6 NANIGAS KnYo.
women? "tle works! She works!" (See FRE EZE. BA6A AT PA6 I(A -
-rAPos a\
Appendix 4, pp. 125-126.) Ar lruluLoY N',yo \u\
O cENDER AS tr AFFEcTs TnE Divide group into two. One NA ULI YUN6 ACIION.
GENERAL SITUATION OF group reads "He works"
WOMEN. column, the other group "She
works" column.
Visual Arts Er Tableau Studies
Now ask them to surface their i0
Objective: reflections visually through 1.'
N. WOMEN & - Ika- 12 anak na babae, hindi
na mapag:aral dahil mahirap
gfoup of girls talking about
STKUCTUKES - anak na babae dwnating mother and father giving son
nang ala-una ng hatinggabi and daughter pieces of Tableau Studies
- asawang lalake dwnating advice
Objectives: nang late mula sa trabaho school problems rooted out Objectives:
- ano ang ibibigay na advice from being a girl or a boy
l. Diagnose how participants sa malapit nang ikasal? some TY /movie episodes with l. Analyze arenas of women
perceive and react to gender - naghiwalay na; etno ang women characters in any of activities.
situations. sasabihin sa babae? the following:
drama 2, Develop teamwork and
2. Provide creative venues for 3. Cather feedback and/or action sensitivity through group
the participants to discover insights. What did you comedy activities.
the various roles of women discover in the reactions/ pictures in print
and analyze how these dialogue which surfaced? advertiseme nts suggesti ng Materials:
structures affect /dictate such Why were those expected of society's regard for women
roles. women and men? What were preparing for mariage Pictures of Women at Work
society's pressure on the (pamanhikan) in the household
o CTIAKACTER-SITUATION child-girl or boy? prayer in the church in the community/
STIMULUS neighborhood
O ScENE TMPRovISATToNs Note: Use freeze-action Process to in the school (volunteer, extra-
Objective: facilit ate the presentation of curricular, PTA)
Objective: each goup imProvisation in organizations
Surface spontaneous reactions to in the state
various stiuations. Surface spontaneous reactions 5. Pick out from the above some in the market
through creative improvisation on scenes which could be played
Procedure: various life situations. with the fime Machine Procedure:
I Ask the group to sit in a Pfoceduret \ l. Divide the gfoup into 4
circle. E.g.: Preparing for Maniage subgroups. Give each
I. Divide the group into 4. (MalTiage Proposal) - subgroup a picture.
2, Ask anyone to react by saying show this pafticular
a line, phrase or dialogue 2, trach goup creates an instant event in various times: 2. Ask participants to copy the
given the following stimulus: im provisation complete with pre-colonial era, during pictures using their bodies.
dialogues, character, the Spanish regime,
batang lalake naglalaro ng movement as required by the during the Japanese war, 3. Tell pafticipants to show each
manyika scene suggested by the today. scene as a tableau. Ask each
- batang babae nanonood sa facilitator. character in the tableau (or
amang nagtatrabaho sa 4 , Provide a short feedback picture image) to speak out a
makina Some suggested scenes: session on the participants' line.
- 16 anyos na babae buntis f'rom the various exercises.
- asawang lalake naglalaba sa daughter giving report carcl lo
poso sa harap ng bahay parents
Procedure: Yre-exercise C:
First ask the participants to O WOMEN AS SOCIAL AND
"freeze". Then tap a goup to ECONOMIC ACTORS
staft developing their scene A. Pre-Exercise: Junk Explo and Orchestration
through movement and Women as Producers Body Sound ExPloration
dialogues. Shout "Freezel" Rhythm & Sound Studies and Orchestration I . Now ask them to get their
after some time and call out found obiects. ExPlore the
another group to develop their I . Ask particiPants to form a big different sounds and rhYthmic
scene. circle. L,et them sit patterns which could be made
l. ldentify and affirm women as comfortablY on the floor. cut of these objects. Provide
D. ffier all the groups have social and economic Encourage them to exPlore time for exPloration.
presented, tell them that this animators. the different sounds wl'tich
time they have to come up can be created bY bodY 2. Now each one demonstrates
with their own original picture 2. patts. her rhythmic Pattern through
See and consider how women
as facilitator calls out arenas her found object.
activities relate to larger
of women'si activities. systems of activities or a hand - claPPing
Example: horne, community, production system. finger - flicking 3. tead them to an orchestration
place of work, school, media, feet - stamPing of their pieces with You, the
nasal sounds Facilitator, acting as orchestra
church, etc. 3. Create sound and rhvthmic
pieces projecting women - vocal sounds conductor. Encourage them
End the activity with one big related issues. others to move and dance around.
picture with everybody in it Let the i un k orchestration
as participant - Women Materials:
Ask each one to demonstrate reach to a climzx and then
United. one's discovery through a slowly fade out.
Pentel Pen, manila paper,various rhythmic pattern. GrouP
7, Cather feedbacks: objects which can produce sounds echoes rhythmic Pattern of 4, Elicit surfacing of feelings,
How did you feel? What are each pafticipant. insights, events, places,
when manipulated
your discoveries? Who are people which particiPants
the women in the different 5 tead them to the were reminded of bY the
With the following pre-
arenas? How did your orchestration of these musical improvisation .
exercises participants can explore
characters react in the aftistic possibilities with sound and rhythmic pieces. Facilitator
different arenas or situation? rhythm that they can use later in acts as conductor.
Why? What dictated such Exercise B: Space-Souncl Story
reactions or roles? How did lmprovisation. Use the latter !1 Elicit short reactions - what
you find your group process? exercise as a take-off point for feelings, places, events are
discussion. you reminded of bY our
orchestrated Pieces? How do
you feel about it?
?re-Exercise: following topics may be
suggested: 5. When everybody has
Sound lmprovisation performed and their pieces
Paramihan ng Gawaing Babae - household chores from have been analyzed, a,sk each Some important points which
morning till evening goup to paste their paper on need to come out:
l. In gtroups of 6 members - farm life - morning to the board. Ask the goups to
each, participants list various evening dramatize by turn the various We tend to ignore the fact that
women's activities. They then - office hours women's activities visualized most women are engaged in
recreate these activities - factory Site from the different sound work not onfy in their famify-
through sounds using one,s stories. related roles. They also act as
body and voice as well as Cive palticipants enough time p rod u ce rs--farmers, f isherfolk,
found objects. for goup work and 6. The facilitator or resource crafts people, traders, workers,
rehearsal. person provides deepening employed, self-employed,
2. Call out a group to present an through intimate discussion employers, etc. The actual roles
improvisation. Another group 2, Ask the palticipants to share and surfacing of insights. of women are usually more
guesses the activity depicted with the other goups their The following questions can varied and significant for the
in the improvisation. The experience through a help analyze tlr'e issue or econoffiy, more than economists
group who guesses it right presentation. Cive each topic: and planners realize. lt is fruitful
presents next. List on board goup a piece of manila to consider how women's
the various activities paper and a Pentel pen for Why do we say that women activitOs relate to larger systems
depicted. them to write their are also producers? of activities or a production
impressions later as a goup How do they contribute system. Looking at women's
3, Provide a specific space. performs. Draw lots for greatly in the production activities, the systems they
(e.g. balkonahe). Each group sequence of perforrnance. systems? contribute to, as well as
recreates through sounds How can we make our performing a gender analysis of
what a woman does in the 5, Ask the gloups to perforrn as contributions be more felt these systems result in greater
space. List on board the their turn comes. and visible? visibility for women, a better
activities. Next, indicate a What are some practical understanding of gender-
specific time of day As each group perfofms, asks ways to better understand relations and the
(e.9. l:OO am.). List down the other groups watching and gender-relations and the interdependence of men and
the responses on the board. listening to write down on interdependence of men women in the economies.
their manila paper women's and women in the
activities that they visualize economy?
c. Space-Sound Story in the work space-sound-
lmprovisation3 and-story improvisation of the
performing group. After
l. Divide the lFoup into 4 each performance, ask the
subgroups. Ask the audience to identify the story
pafticipants to create an sequence. The performing
atistic story/piece with a group in turn clarifies their
beginning, a middle and an presentation and validates thr:
end, using creative sounds. audience's perception of their
Use no dialogue. The story.
il'i 5. Elicit feelings and insights for
o DRAMA. POETRY AND who strikes them most
Sample Motivations for feedback:
MUKAL (whether positively or What did you feel? WhY did
negatively) . That woman may Travelogue
you choose that Particular
Objectives: be a historical, literary or woman? WhY do You think a
political figure or may be It's 3:00 a.m. and You're asleeP.
Where are you sleePing? On a woman never runs out of
I . ldentify the different somebody very close to them. things to do? What are the
structures that dictate the role Think of that woman. soft bed? Or on a hard wooden
bed? Or on the floor? ls it cold contributing factors?
of women.
2. Ask the participants to relax or warm this time? Are there
mosquitoes? Etc... 6 For synthesis, discuss the
2. Ex peri en ceartistic/creative and lie on the floor. Cive structures that affect /dictate
activities as a group. them breathing exercises. the role of women.
Tell them that they Ne now "lt's 8:00 a.m. and You're now
Materials: assuming the character of the inside the bus. How crowded is
women they chose. Now each it? Are you seated or standing? oo AL A5
Drawing and writing materials, woman will undergo a How does the bus move, slow or NwEb6...
manila paper, pentel pens, black- travelogue and she has to fast? How are the roads? Show NA6sUJ U LS
'2. Cuide them to define ways to When they Ne through with 2. State one's agenda for change 2. Ask participants to form a
break the cycle of gender their discussion-sharing, glve through dramatic Pieces. silhouette of their chosen
su bordination. each participant the hand-out characters.
"Obstacle Course" (See Procedure:
3. Provide a tool for the Appendix 5, pp. 127-128,) Ex. l-lusband pulling the hair
pafticipants to identify their A. Pre-Exercise: of the wife. (Husband's
personal agenda for change. D. Ask them to go over the Oppressor-OPPressed position is higher and
"Obstacle Course" and assign wife's position is lower')
each group to study one or l. Ask each one to get a Paftner.
o FILM, POSTER, CREED two items thoroughly. Then They decide which one is the 3. Following the example given
ask them to give the oppressor and which one above, ask husband to rePeat
Objectives: recommendations on proper the oppressed (e.9. a his line 5 times and to
attitude gleaned from the drunkard husband and a intensify, for exarnPle, his
l. Point out practical examples "Obstacle Course." submissive wife). Ask them to anger from angry to very
of double burden of women. provide each character with a angry. Ask wife, on the other
Ask pafticipants to form one line: hand, to answer back, from
2, Point out some ways to big circle. Croup members pitiful to most pitiful.
unleash this burden. stand beside each other. '?#ffirHi,'*)onnn" 4, Facilitator shouts "Change ! "
Materials: 7. Point by point, each "Obstacle babae... bahala ka! and counts from I to I O.
Course" is recited and Slowly the performers switch
Film - lmpossible Dream whichever group is assigned WIFtr: characters and lines (like a
Foster -"Ylr, & Mrs. shares their appropriate "Aray! Ivlaawa ka naman!" see-saw).
sa Trabaho/Baha/' attitude. Ask someone to
Hand-Out - "Obstacle Course" write all the attitudes on the 5 Go on with this process 3-4
board. times until the particiPants get
Procedure: the feeling of both the
B. trnd the session by reading oppressor and the oPPressed.
l. Show the film - The the "Proper Attitudesi written
Impossible Dream. on the board. N6 1il .-.
2, Divide the group into small N AK h?AGLUto KA5
groups of 5-6 persons. Cive O PARTTcIPATToN AND Httlot t\lAMAN
each person the poster CHANGE SYA NA6 - IWA N
"Mr. & l{rs. sa Trabaho/ NG PE RA NA
BahaS/', lmage Theater PAptALEN6Ki
ll. Group Tableaux and the last tableau, Ideal choosing from any of the Procedure:
Image. Rehearse them again: following themes:
Divide the group into 4 small l-2-3-4- or l-2-3 images. I . Divide participants into three
groups. l-€t each group Character dialogues may I{emories of Being a Woman smaller groups, ensuring that
brainstorm on a particular come in. Aking KahapoIl, each one of them reads her
problem of women. Ngayon at Bukas Bilang Babae letter. Provide proPer mood
6. Go to the final presentation of Participation and Change for and setting through lights and
2. Show this problern in a picture all their Image tableaux. Women music.
image or tableau. Give them Gather them again in a circle Personal Keflections
time to rehearse to clearly and talk about the problems 2, End by listening and learning
show each other's and solutions shown, Analyze Or: Activities that I have been the sohg:
relationship and the problem. the process of solving, doing as a woman and what I
This is the Actual Image. pafticularly transition from the want to do or not do; want to BABAE KA OT
Actual lmage to the ldeal learn, to change. PAOBABAGO
3. Co to group tableau lmage. How was the process
presentation. of attaining the ldeal lmage? 2. Cive participants the rest of H. Keflection of the Day
Now create a new tableau What difficulties did you the afternoon for writing. Salin-awit
using the same important personally encou nter? How Letters will be read during
characters in your previous else can we attain the ldeal evening session. Objectives:
tableau (with problem). This lmage?
time the new picture will no O MGA LIHAM, AWlr Defi fl €, en umerate discoveriel
longer have the problem. lt Draw out some im portant AT ALA-ALA and learning points of the daY
has been resolved. This is points: Women in development
called the ldeal lmage. means development with people Objectives: Provide a more relaxed endint
Give them time to create this as participants and not only as session.
ideal image tableau. Practice beneficiaries. A pafticipatory I. Share personal feelings and
showing these two pictures approach requires a process that insights. Materials:
one after another. Add a new brings new opportunities for
dimension by letting each one Women. i 2. Provide a fitting Day 1-ender. Pentel-pen, manila paPer, writing
speak out their character's materials
inner thoughts. Cive them Materials:
some time for rehearsal. C. Letter-Writing Procedure:
l,etters written by participants
4. Each group now shows two Materials: Soothing taped instrumental Divide the group into 4 teams
tableauX: the Actual lmage music for background Cive each team a piece of
and the ldeal Image. Paper, pen or pencil Copies of songs and taped paper and a pencil. Instruct
music of: them to write titles of son$s
5. Co back to your group and Procedure: on women - folk songs, PoP
create one or two new BABAE KA songs, etc... Ask them also to
pictures showing the End the previous session by PAOBABAOO give a name to theil'grouP
transition images, between instructing the pafticipants to (band). Cive them a defined
the first tableau, Actual lmage write a letter to a lovecl one place to sit.
2. Call out a group to sing one or best. Each group sings the
two lines from a selected whole song.
song. The first goup calls out
the second group which then Now change the lyrics of the
calls out the third gfoup and song to words and phrases
so on down the line. A group which tell how they feel after
can call back the lfoup one whole day, their
which has called them earlier. discoveries, insights, learning
But there should be no points, etc. ..
repetition of songs. Croup is
eliminated if they cannot start Cive them time to compose
to sing after they have been and rehearse.
called and a countdown of 5
has been made. Winners can Share experiences
be declared at the end of the encountered during the
game. exercise.
Act l: I3-2b
Today we gather.
Meeting together to consider
where we stand
and who we are,
We are here
to reconcile all that we were,
our trust... our hopelessnesS
our Joy... our despalr
our conflrmlng... our betrayal
to offer a farewell to those who are departed APPENDIX 2
and to welcome those who Ne newly come.
To confess, absolve, reconcile, renew.
To be all that we can be.
Arf .rlrlfrf lf (ff ll ,rl.' lttl''ttL.tli"tt'tl ltil'trtt'" Wltctt wc s;lY w()ltl;lll' l)o wt: also trtr::ttl tttirtti'"
sakit at hirap ng pagluluwal nito. Kung kaya't kailzrngang pagkainga-
Ang kanilang papel bilang mga tan sila, huwag masyadong pala-
manggagawa sa lipunan ay naka- basin ng bahay, dahil kung may
batay rin dito, at sa kanilang kaka- mangStari sa kanilang ari, paano na
yahang magpasuso sa mga bata:
hindi ba't ang panganganak, at
ang pagpapatuloy ng lahiT Kita rin
narnan sa kanilang ari ang kakula-
ang pagkakaroon ng gatas pera sa
anak, ay isang uri rin ng
ngan nila ng kakayahan sa maha-
Iagang pagpapasiya: dahil nakala- BW WIIAT DIFFERENT
produksyonT bas ito, may kababawan silang IP//PNESSIONS TTIEY I}IAKE!
mag.isip at hindi gaanong maga-
Pati ang anyo ng kanilang Iing rnagtago ng mga selrreto,
aring pangreproduksyon ay naa- Kung kaya't nababagay silang Have you ever found yourself up against the old double-standard work?
ayon sa kanilang papel bilang magpasiya tungkol sa mga bagay Then you know how annoying it can be and how alone you can feel.
manggagawa, mangangasiwa, at na hindi na dapat pagkaabalahan supervisors and co-workers still judge us by old stereotypes that say
tagapagpasiya sa lipunetn, Ang ari pa ng mga babae, tulad ng kulay women are emotional, disorganized, and inefficient. Here are some of
ng babae ay nakatago, kung kaya't ng kurtina. Oayon din, ang posi* the most glaring examples of the typical office double-standard'
hindi madaling masaling; malaya yon nila sa pagtatalik ang nagpa-
siyang nakagagalaw. Papaloob ang pakita kung ano ang papel nila sa
direlrsyon nito, sagisag ng kanyang lipunan: sila ang nakatihaya, nag
kakayahang pagm uni-m unihan ang hihintay habang tinatrabaho ng
mga bagay-bagay at magbigay ng asawa. Dahil sa akto ng pagtatalik The family picture is on HIS The family picture is on tlER
mahusay na kapasiyahan Sa pag- napapaloob ang kanilang ari sa desk: desk:
tatalik, ang ari niya ang sumasa- ari ng babae, Iaging sinasabi sa A solid, responsible family man. Hmm, her family will come before
kop sa ari ng lalake, sagisag din kanila kapag sila'y ikinasal: "FIag her career.
ng kanyang pananagutang sakupin pasakop kayo sa inyong mga
ang mundo. Qayon din ang posi* asawa..."
yon sa pagtatalik na nakapagbi- tlIS desk is cluttered: tler desk is cluttered:
bigay sa kanya ng higit na kasiya- Sa Kagawasan, isang masa- He's obviously a hard worker and She's obviously a disorganized
han: siya ang nangingibabaw sa yang pangyayari ang pagkal<aroon a busy man. scatterbrain.
Ialaki tulad ng pangingibabaw niya ng anak na babae: "l7ayan," wika
sa kalikasan. ng mga ina, "may magdadala na
ng pangalan ko." /4t nangarngarap tlE'S talking with co-workers: SHE'S talking with co-workers:
Samantala, dahil walang kaka- na sila sa paggtng Pangulo balang He must be discussing the latest She must be gossiping.
yahan ang lalaking magdalantao at araw ng kanilang anak, flasaya rin deal.
magpasuso, at dahil ang babae na sana ang pagkakaroon ng anak na
ang nagsusugal ng buhay sa pa- Ialake, dahil magkakaroon ng isa
nganganak, makatarungan lamang pang katulong sa gawaing-bahay lf E'S not at his desk: StlE'S not at her desk:
na sa kalalakihan na ipaubaya ang ang mga iilna; ngunit kung bakit l-le must be at a meeting. She must be in the ladies' room.
pagaalaga at pagpapalaki sa mga napapaluha ang mga ama kapag
anak. Bukod pa rito, nalilimitahan nakitang lalake ang kanilang mga
ang kanilang mga galaw ng kanil- supling" at naibibigkas ang: "l-leto llE'S not in the office: StlE'S not in the office:
ang ari: di tulad ng sa babde, na- na ang isa pang pambayad sa I lc's customers. She must be out shopping.
kalawit ito at madaling mabasag. kasalananl"
HE'S having lunch with the SHE'S having lunch with the APPENDIX 5
boss: boss:
He's on his way up. They must be having an aff atr.
how to negotiate or positions of im portance there is a man
operate by business where they will represent who is denied the right
rules the organization \ to weep and be gentle
for every woman
Women know how to take There is no need to consult who feels "tied down" by her children
orders; they are women about the work there is a man
accustomed to this from they do; just direct who is denied the full pleasure
their husband, brothers them, tell them what of shared parenthood.
0 and fathers to do
for every woman
who is denied meaningful
O utspoken, self-confide nt tlire docile, subservient employment and equal pay
women are women without much there is a man
troublemakers self-confidence who must bear full financial
[0 rcs po n si bi l itv for a n oth er
Ir rrrlritn Jlcing.
for every woman APPENDIX 7
who was not taught the
intricacies of an automobile,
there is a man
who was not taught the
satisfaction of cooking.
Program for Advocacy
l. The right to grow
According to each one's capabilities and indinations
- elimination of gender stereotypes
- androgrny
- media C. Mobilization
-religion alternative media
B. Population policy for educated reproductive choices and access - as base groups communal suPport
to these choices ICP
C. Strict appropriate penalties for sexual violence women's participation
D. Support for victims of sexual violence in organi zation
B. On the Contents
D. On Participation
Very good
b. Identify any outstanding display of weakness of any trainor/ Fair
resource person in this regard. Poor
3. tfow would you rate your relationship with the training staff?
Very good
E. Technical Matters
Very Cood Fair PooY
Cood Accomplished by:
Timeliness of the Course
Sleeping Quarters/
Facilities Date Title of Course Attended
Reading Materials/