Well Test Standards Section 3.21 Burner Booms: Global Standard

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The document outlines standards and procedures for working with burner booms on oil rigs and installations.

Personnel should avoid positioning themselves between movable parts to prevent entrapment. Hydraulic jacks and tag lines should be used when disconnecting parts to minimize manual force. A boom rest can support the boom during disconnection of parts.

Pre-job planning, quayside preparatory work, rig/installation preparatory work, and installation steps are outlined. Considerations are given for different boom types.

Level: Function / Product Line:

Well Test
Document Type:


Well Test Standards

Section 3.21

© January 2016 by Expro - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This document may not be reproduced, either wholly or in part, nor may it be used by, or its contents divulged to, any other person
whosoever without written permission of Expro. Furthermore the Master Copy of this document is held and formally controlled within
Insight. Hard copies may be printed but will not be update. Please refer to Insight for the latest revision.

Document Number: INS-002681 Revision: 1

Template No: INS-T-002 Rev 1

INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

Revision List

Revision Reason for Change Issued Owner Reviewer Approver

1 New Insight Template 24/Aug/2015 H.Selim E.Riddell D.Cleland

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

Table of Contents
Section Page

PURPOSE ..............................................................................................................................4


RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................................................4

3. EQUIPMENT...............................................................................................................5

3.21 BURNER BOOMS……………………………………………………………… 5

3.21.1 GENERAL SAFETY ................................................................................ 7

3.21.2 PRE JOB PLANNING.............................................................................. 8 Pre Job Planning Inputs ........................................................... 8 Rig/Installation Survey ............................................................. 9 Burner Boom Supplied By 3rd Party: ..................................... 10 Rigging and Loading Matrix ................................................... 10 U TYPE BOOM ...................................................................... 11 TX-600 BOOM........................................................................ 16 GEO BOOM ........................................................................... 22

3.21.3 QUAYSIDE PREPARATORY WORK ...................................................... 51

3.21.4 RIG/INSTALLATION PREPARATORY WORK........................................ 54

3.21.5 INSTALLATION OF BOOM ...................................................................... 55 Installation Notes: ................................................................... 58 Restricted Access Hanging Guidelines: ................................. 58


3.21.7 ROUTINE OPERATION OF BOOM ......................................................... 59

3.21.8 DECOMMISSIONING AND REMOVAL OF BOOM ................................. 60

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

The purpose of this Well Test Standard (WTS) manual is to set out the framework for achieving the
highest operational and engineering standard when designing, selecting equipment, training and
selection of personnel and conducting well test operations in a well test environment.

The following verbal forms shall be used when reading this document.
Shall Used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed and which no deviation is permitted,
unless accepted and dispensed / conceded by the Well Test Product Line

Should Used to indicate that several possibilities exist, without mentioning or excluding others, or
that a certain action is preferred but not necessarily required

May Used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this document

This WTS manual applies to those tasked with the design, selection and operation of well test systems.
This practice is tailored specifically to Expro surface Welltest operations which are generally for
temporary deployments. Compliance with the WTS shall be mandatory.

The process of designing, selection of equipment, well test crew training and selection, operation of
well test equipment is the responsibility of the Regional Operations departments.

Well Test Product Line is responsible for the maintenance of the WTS and ensuring that it is updated
where necessary in line with current best practice.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1



For safe disposal of Hydrocarbons on offshore installations, it is necessary to position the gas flare
and/or burner head(s) over the side of the installation or vessel. This requires that the burner
head(s) be placed on the end of a suspended boom. Produced fluids, air and water are then piped
out to the burner head(s) and ignited. The boom provides a method for moving the flaring
operations overboard and away from the installation into a safe area.
The boom is typically a temporary structure, although fixed boom installations are available.
Temporary booms are usually suspended on a job by job basis. Where temporary booms are
suspended for extended periods of operations or multiple tests, periodic maintenance and
inspection programs shall be implemented.
There are now various types of booms within the Expro Group organisation as outlined below:
 ‘TX-600’ Boom
 ‘U’ Boom
 ‘Geo’ Boom
 ‘TX-44’ Boom
The boom has several key functions:
 Position gas flare and/or oil burner in a safe environment away from rig operations.
 Provide a working platform for personnel for the operation and maintenance of the gas flare
and burner.
 Remove radiant heat to safe area away from rig – boom length can vary dependent on these
requirements but generally, heat radiation from a burner mounted on a 90 ft boom is
approximately half the heat radiation from a burner mounted on a 60 ft boom.
 Remove radiant noise to a safe area away from rig.
 Provide access for service and utilities to gas flare and oil burner – ignition systems, deluge
systems, air, oil, water, and gas.

Note: For information on the other series of booms, please contact Group Well Test Product

The following flowchart outlines the necessary information and activities required for the
installation/removal of all burner boom types within Expro and their respective activities are
outlined further on in this document:

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

Flowchart for Boom Installation/Removal












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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

3.21.1 General Safety

The following safety points shall be adhered to when planning or executing the
installation/removal of or working on a burner boom.
1. Check certification, maintenance, inspection records of king posts, booms, piping, slings,
pad eyes and base mounting points to ensure they are adequate to support the loads
imposed by the boom and kingpost.
2. An appropriate weather window in both duration and type will be chosen with no forecast of
excessive wind, rain, snow, fog or sleet conditions, no excessive pitch, roll or heave
conditions on the drilling vessel or installation.
3. Personnel are advised not to work on the boom if wind speed exceeds 40 mph.
4. No concurrent operations are to take place in the area where booms are to be installed.
5. No concurrent operations are to take place that prevents access to the stand by or rescue
6. Where possible, the stand by or rescue vessel will have to remain in the field until the booms
have been successfully installed/removed.
7. Appropriate consideration shall be made before starting slinging operations to ensure they
can be completed in the hours of daylight.
8. All personnel involved shall have read and understood the Expro boom installation/removal
Risk Assessment located in the risk assessment manual. A Tool Box talk must be held with
all involved parties to discuss safety, the work procedure and their responsibilities
throughout the procedure.
9. A permit to work shall be obtained and all permit recommendations followed.
10. A brightly coloured buoyancy aid shall be worn at all times whilst working on the boom.
11. A person shall observe the personnel on the boom at all times from a suitable vantage point
and be in radio contact with the stand-by vessel at all times. The watchman shall be aware
of location of rescue aid equipment and man overboard procedures.
12. For installation/removal of the burner boom, erect secure certified scaffolding work platform,
if a work basket is not available, for access to the kingpost pad eyes.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

3.21.2 Pre Job Planning Pre Job Planning Inputs

The following activities all play a major role in the pre planning of installing/removal of a burner





Expro Best Practices

The following are Expro’s best practices which are to be followed at all times:
The boom/kingpost structures must be design verified for the configuration and conditions it will
be exposed to.
Expro does not recommend the use of offset hanging points from the boom pivot point. Not
having the boom pivot point and kingpost/hanging points on the same rotating axis can lead to
boom failure, since the rotating radius of the boom is smaller than the rotating radius of the
hanging cables, causing the hanging cables to go slack as the boom moves to either side.
Expro does not recommend the storage of booms in the vertical position whilst the boom is
installed on location and not in use, unless approved by GE.
Expro recommend that an approved and experienced third-party slinging company shall be
contracted to supervise and certify boom slinging operations where possible.
Damaged or inappropriate components shall not be used and a record of all components used
will be kept. Suitable spares will be made available at the work site to avoid substitution with
sub standard components.
Turnbuckles and shackles shall use secondary locking mechanisms, i.e. safety pins.

Where tirfors are left in situ, bull dog clamps shall be fitted in accordance with the correct
procedures to secure the cable to prevent it sliding back through.

Enclosed turnbuckles shall not be used where it is not possible to gauge how many threads are
left inside the turnbuckle.

Where sling ends are manually crimped their position shall be visually marked to provide an
indication of creep or slippage.

Bull dog clamps shall not be used in the main hanging cables. These can be used on the side
wires provided they are fitted in accordance with the correct procedures.

Where ferrules are used, these must always be steel ferrules on the suspension wires
connecting to the actual boom and the side wind stay to the boom, aluminium ferrules shall not
be used as it may be adversely affected by high temperatures and typically should not exceed
100°C. However aluminium ferrules may still be used on the single wire between the kingpost
and spread bar (fish plate) only.

Spelter socket materials and resin must be suitable for the temperatures they will be exposed

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

Where possible, wind stay anchor points should be inboard to avoid hanging over the edge to
adjust them.

Booms should be installed with a slight upward incline of 5º away from the drilling vessel and
both vertical hanging slings shall be equal in length to ensure the boom is not twisted,
providing an even walkway along the boom length. Rig/Installation Survey

A Rig/Installation Survey shall be conducted to gather necessary information as to the location
of the boom installation and the rig’s load/tie-off point’s condition. Also the rating and location
of the existing load points shall be documented and evaluated as below. At the rig/installation
survey, the following information should be gathered: (refer to rig/installation file for drawings
to record information).

1. Determine the measurements of kingposts and/or pad eyes, sling lengths and side stay
wire tie-off points.

Note: If no kingpost, strut pad eyes or base plate is installed, dimensions will have
to be obtained to ensure complete boom assembly including kingpost, struts and
base plate can be installed.

2. Determine if base swivel point is in vertical alignment with the kingpost top sling hang off
points. Measure any discrepancy and record this information for integrity analysis and sling
calculation purposes.
3. Ensure there is sufficient clearance around the mounting pedestal to avoid entrapment
should the boom swing inwards during installation onto/removal from the base plate.
4. If booms already exist on installation, check condition of handrails, structure, walkways,
piping, kingposts, pad eyes, slings and determine max burner head weight allowed etc.
5. Check certification, maintenance, inspection records of king posts, booms, piping, slings,
pad eyes, base mounting points to ensure they are adequate to support the loads imposed
by the boom and kingpost (certification, is normally undertaken by third parties, on behalf
of the installation owners).

Note: The installation owner shall be supplied with details of the boom and kingpost
loadings (taking into account wind, ice and snow loadings), dimensions, drawings
etc, to confirm that the mounting points are adequate and can support the loads
imposed. This section is covered in the rigging and matrix section.

6. Check crane reach and load to ensure crane can fully support boom and burner heads
without overloading during installation to its fully deployed position. If the crane cannot fully
reach to install the boom or burner head, then special procedures will have to be written, a
design review performed and a Job Safety Analysis and HAZOP conducted.
7. Check access is available to the boom sling hang off points and side stay tie-off points.

Note: If there is no work platform/ladder on the kingpost, scaffolding or a work

basket will be required to access the top of the kingpost.

8. Location and provision of water supply for water screen to minimise heat radiation from the
burner head.
9. Check ingress & egress from installation deck to boom and ensure that handrails and
walkways are in place.
10. A safe location with good access and a clear view of the burner head should be available
on deck for locating the propane cylinders and ignition system.
11. Complete the Burner Boom check sheet (document no. ENG/GRP/FRM/7011-06) to
capture the configuration details and parameters of the installation to determine whether
additional calculations need to be carried out.

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Rev. 1

12. The following documents are required when carrying out a boom installation:
 This WTOS (WTOS 3.21)
 Burner Boom and Rigging Certification Pack
 Well Test Planning Report
 Rig Visit Report
 Burner Boom Rigging Drawing
 Risk Assessment
 Work Permit Burner Boom Supplied By 3rd Party:

On installations where the burner boom is rig or third-party supplied, the following checks shall
be made before any work can be carried out on the boom:
1. Physically check boom structure, supports and fixings for signs of damage.
2. Obtain copies of the Design Verification of the boom structure and supporting structure
and obtain confirmation that the booms have been proof load tested in suspension mode.
The proof load testing should take account of wind and ice loading, pipe work and
provision for two persons working at the end of the boom.
3. Obtain a copy of the certification package for the boom. This should cover NDT, critical
welds on the structure i.e. boom, kingpost, base plate, swivel pins, slings etc. Rigging and Loading Matrix

For each installation of the boom assembly, work will have to be carried out to ensure that the
rig/installation load bearing points are fit for purpose and are suitable to withstand the loads
calculated. A loading matrix is provided further on for the various Expro boom assemblies for
information purposes only but again the rig/installation load bearing points will have to be
Each boom installation shall be designed for the below load conditions.
Loadings shall take into account:
 Burner weight
 Wind conditions
 Ice or snow loadings
 Two persons working on the boom
 G-force for Pitch/Roll and Heave
NOTE: Additional service lines or lines of increased diameter or schedule shall not be
installed without prior engineering approval. At all times worst case conditions are
those where lines are full of water. At no time shall additional weight be added to the
boom structure without careful consideration of the safe operating envelope of the
Booms are provided on both a rental and sale basis, it is not uncommon for the drilling
contractor to own the boom(s), requiring each well testing contractor to install their
own burner and associated services. Under these conditions the load conditions of the
boom shall not be exceeded. Careful pre job planning and boom survey/inspection
shall be required before mixing and matching different vendor boom and burner
The following boom loading diagrams and matrices illustrate the loads generated by the
various Expro boom/kingpost assemblies on the rig/installation taking into account the load
variables as stated.
NOTE: The reactions provided are only relevant for the configurations and loads stated.
If smaller hanging/side wire angles or higher loads need to be considered, refer to
calculation CF-3112 to recalculate the reactions. THIS CALCULATION DETERMINES

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 U TYPE BOOM U Type Drawings

The U Type boom can be used with the U Type Kingpost and U Type Swivel/U Type Swivel

‘U’ type Kingpost swivel cup U-Type Swivel Adaptor

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 U Type Loading Diagram

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 U Type Reactions

U Type Boom Loadings and Reactions

Boom Length 60' 90'
Main Chords 3" Sch 40 & 80, 4" Sch 80 3" Sch 40 & 80, 4” Sch 80
Struts 1.5" Sch 40 1.5" Sch 40
Braces 1.5" Sch 40 1.5" Sch 40
Kingpost U Type U Type
Swivel U Type U Type
Min. Kingpost/Hanging Point Height 8.771 m 8.771 m
Hanging Point to Swivel Point Horizontal Offset 0m 0m
Min. Wind Stay Offset from Kingpost 8.535 m 8.535 m
Max. Burner Weight 450 kg 450 kg
4" Sch 80 Vent x2* 4" Sch 80 Vent x2*
3" Sch 80 Water* 3" Sch 80 Water*
3" Sch 80 Air* 3" Sch 80 Air*
Max. Lines
3" Sch 40 Spare x2* 3" Sch 40 Spare x2*
3" Sch 80 Oil 3" Sch 80 Oil
4" Sch 40 Gas 4" Sch 40 Gas
Max. No of Operators on Boom 2 2
Max. Wind Speed 100 mph (160 km/h) 100 mph (160 km/h)
Max. Ice Thickness - -
Max. Roll / Pitch / Heave 0.5 g / 0.5 g / 1 g 0.5 g / 0.5 g / 1 g
Flare Reaction Load - -
F1 – Hanging Point Vertical Reaction (kgf) - -
F2 – Hanging Point Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) - -
F3 – Hanging Point Lateral Reaction (kgf) - -
Hanging Point Resultant Reaction (kgf) - -
F4 – Kingpost Vertical Reaction at Base (kgf) 24,950 43,100
F5 – Kingpost Longitudinal Reaction at Base (kgf) 13,610 28,580
F6 – Kingpost Lateral Reaction at Base (kgf) - -
Kingpost Resultant Reaction at Base (kgf) 28,420 51,720
F7 – Strut Anchor Vertical Reaction (kgf) 13,610 28,130
F8 – Strut Anchor Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 9,080 19,050
F9 – Strut Anchor Lateral Reaction (kgf) - -
Strut Resultant Reaction (kgf) 16,360 33,980
F10 – Wind Stay Anchor Vertical Reaction (kgf) - -
F11 – Wind Stay Anchor Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 4,540 9,980
F12 – Wind Stay Anchor Lateral Reaction (kgf) 4,090 6,350
Wind Stay Anchor Resultant Reaction (kgf) 6,110 11,830
* Part of boom structure

NOTE: A detailed design analysis is required if any of the following conditions occur, relative to
the above stated criteria:

 Lower Kingpost/Hanging point height

 Smaller wind stay angles
 Heavier loads e.g. additional lines, heavier burner, more operators
 Larger environmental factors e.g. higher wind speed, greater roll/pitch/heave

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 U Type Rigging Matrix

The following information is given as a guide only and each rigging schedule should be
suitable for the loadings imposed by the installed boom.
1. Main top wires: Spelter sockets c/w 24mm Ø 6 x 36 IWRC galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 7.4 t
2. Side stay wires: 18mm Ø 6 x 36 IWRC galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 4.1 t

U Type 60 U Type 90
Qty Qty
SWL (t) SWL (t)
Main top wire(s) 24mm 24mm
4 4
(Pennant wire(s)) 7.4 7.4
Shackles N/A N/A N/A N/A
Turnbuckles 4 9.7 4 9.7
Side stay wires 18mm 18mm
4 4
(some only 2) 4.1 4.1
Shackles 8 8.5 8 8.5


a) Wires mfg to BS 13414/1 (dependant on region specification requirements).

Safety Factor 5:1 or DNV 2.22
b) Shackles mfg to federal specification RR-C-271D. Safety Factor 6:1
c) Sling Lengths are not shown. Lengths must be calculated if not known prior to each
load out and installation. They should be confirmed against boom loading and
verified by approved third party independent lifting company.
d) Number & rating of shackles is dependent on the individual requirements.
e) Matrix does not include shackles & clamps for load lifting test.

NOTE: Where tirfors are left in situ, bull dog clamps shall be fitted in accordance with
the correct procedures to secure the cable to prevent it sliding back through.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 U Type – Calculating Sling Lengths

It is recommended that sling lengths be calculated using AutoCAD, with the boom inclination drawn
as required. However, if this is not possible, the sling lengths can be calculated as follows:

A = Height from swivel point to sling hanging point on kingpost/structure.

B = Length from swivel point to boom hanging point
C = Total length of individual sling from hanging point on kingpost/structure to boom Hanging
C = Total Length of individual sling calculated includes the turnbuckle length, shackles
and spreader plate lengths if used.

 Remove the total length of these components to determine the
manufactured sling length.
 Ensure turnbuckle length taken off is 50% open so that when fully closed the
boom has a slight upward incline of around 5º.
 Calculations for both the inboard and outboard slings will have to be carried
out individually if both are utilised.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 TX-600 BOOM TX-600 Drawings

The TX-600 boom can be used with the TX-241 kingpost and the TX-169 type swivel.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

‘TX-169’ type Swivel plate c/w bush and centre pin bolt securing method

‘TX-169’ type Swivel plate c/w ‘C’ plate type securing method hydraulic jack removal tool shown

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 TX-600 Loading Diagram

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 TX-600 Reactions

TX-600 Boom Loadings and Reactions

Boom Length 52' 72'
Main Chords 90 x 90 x 6.3 mm 90 x 90 x 6.3 mm
Struts 80 x 40 x 4 mm 80 x 40 x 4 mm
Braces 50 x 50 x 4 mm 50 x 50 x 4 mm
Kingpost N/A TX-241
Swivel TX-169 TX-169
Min. Kingpost/Hanging Point Height 4.140 m 5.486 m
Hanging Point to Swivel Point Horizontal Offset 0m 0m
Min. Wind Stay Angles 15° 22°
Max. Burner Weight 1,100 kg 1,500 kg
2" Sch 40 Water 2" Sch 40 Water
3" Sch 80 Oil 3" Sch 80 Oil
6" Sch 80 Gas 6" Sch 40 Gas
3" Sch 40 Air 2" Sch 40 Air
Max. Lines
3" Sch 40 Water 3" Sch 40 Water
2" Sch 80 Diesel 2" Sch 80 Diesel
4" Sch 40 Gas 4" Sch 40 Gas
1" Sch 80 Propane 2" Sch 80 Propane
Max. No of Operators on Boom 2 2
Max. Wind Speed 100 mph (160 km/h) 100 mph (160 km/h)
Max. Ice Thickness - -
Max. Roll / Pitch / Heave 0.5 g / 0.5 g / 1 g 0.5 g / 0.5 g / 0.7 g
Flare Reaction Load 5 kN -
F1 – Hanging Point Vertical Reaction (kgf) 4,460 190
F2 – Hanging Point Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 14,130 29,150
F3 – Hanging Point Lateral Reaction (kgf) 70 170
Hanging Point Resultant Reaction (kgf) 14,820 29,160
F4 – Swivel Vertical Reaction (kgf) 100 3,430
F5 – Swivel Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 50 30,590
F6 – Swivel Lateral Reaction (kgf) 130 1,660
Swivel Resultant Reaction (kgf) 180 30,830
F7 – Kingpost Vertical Reaction at Base (kgf) - 72,050
F8 – Kingpost Longitudinal Reaction at Base
- 11,510
F9 – Kingpost Lateral Reaction at Base (kgf) - 390
Kingpost Resultant Reaction at Base (kgf) - 72,970
F10 – Strut Anchor Vertical Reaction (kgf) - 31,550
F11 – Strut Anchor Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) - 20,770
F12 – Strut Anchor Lateral Reaction (kgf) - 10,550
Strut Anchor Resultant Reaction (kgf) - 39,220
F13 – Wind Stay Anchor Vertical Reaction (kgf) 450 110
F14 – Wind Stay Anchor Longitudinal Reaction
5,640 5,820
F15 – Wind Stay Anchor Lateral Reaction (kgf) 2,270 2,440
Wind Stay Anchor Resultant Reaction (kgf) 6,100 6,320

NOTE: A detailed design analysis is required if any of the following conditions occur, relative to the
above stated criteria:
 Lower Kingpost/Hanging point height
 Smaller wind stay angles
 Heavier loads e.g. additional lines, heavier burner, more operators
 Larger environmental factors e.g. higher wind speed, greater

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 TX-600 Rigging Matrix

The following information is given as a guide only and each rigging schedule should be
suitable for the loadings imposed by the installed boom.
1. Main top wire: 35mm Ø. 6 x 36 IWRC, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 15.7 t
48mm Ø. 6 x 36 IWRC, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 29.6 t
2. Spreader Plate wires: 26mm Ø. 6 x 36 IWRC, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 8.6 t
38mm Ø. 6 x 36 IWRC, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 18.5 t
3. Side stay wires: 22mm Ø. 6 x 36 wire core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 6.2 t
26mm Ø. 6 x 36 wire core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 8.5 t

TX 600 52' TX 600 72'

Qty Ø Qty Ø
SWL (t) SWL (t)
Main top wire(s) 1 35mm 1 48mm
(Pennant wire[s]) 15.7 29.6
Shackles 1 17 1 35
Spreader Plate 1 17 1 35
Spreader Plate 2 26mm 2 38mm
8.6 18.5
Shackles 4 9.5 4 17
Side stay wires 2 22mm 2 26mm
6.2 8.6
Shackles 4 8.5 4 8.5

a) Wires mfg to BS 13414/1 (dependant on region specification requirements).
Safety Factor 5:1
b) Shackles mfg to federal specification RR-C-271D. Safety Factor 6:1
c) Sling Lengths are not shown. Lengths must be calculated if not known prior to
each load out and installation. They should be confirmed against boom loading
and verified by approved third-party independent lifting company.
d) Number & rating of shackles is dependent on the individual requirements.
e) Matrix does not include shackles & clamps for load lifting test.

NOTE: Where tirfors are left in situ, bull dog clamps shall be fitted in accordance with
the correct procedures to secure the cable to prevent it sliding back through.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 TX-600 – Calculating Sling Lengths

It is recommended that sling lengths be calculated using AutoCAD, with the boom inclination drawn
as required. However, if this is not possible, the sling lengths can be calculated as follows:

A = Height from swivel point to sling hanging point on kingpost/structure

B = Length from swivel point to boom hanging point

C = Total length of individual sling from hanging point on kingpost/structure to boom Hanging

Note: C = Total Length of individual sling calculated includes the turnbuckle length,
shackles and spreader plate lengths if used.


 Remove the total length of these components to determine the manufactured

sling length.
 Ensure turnbuckle length taken off is 50% open so that when fully closed the
boom has a slight upward incline of around 5º.
 Calculations for both the inboard and outboard slings will have to be carried out
individually if both are utilised.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 GEO BOOM Geo Burner Drawings

The Geo boom can be used with the Geo type King Post and Geo Type Swivel.



King Post Horizontal Sling

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

King Post Vertical Sling

Boom Sling Configurations

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

Geo Type Burner Boom

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 ‘Geo’ type swivel

4 x M36 Swivel Retaining Bolts / Nuts &


4 x Keeper Plates c/w M20 Bolts / Nuts &



M36 Bolts are installed for

Transportation only and should be
removed before commissioning Boom

Ensure Keeper Plates are installed before

Placing Boom in operation

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 Geo Loading Diagram

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 Geo Reactions

Geo Boom Loadings and Reactions

Boom Length 60' 90'
Main Chord 20' x 0.438" thk 20' x 0.438" thk
Struts N/A N/A
Braces N/A N/A
Kingpost N/A N/A
Swivel Geo Geo
Min. Swivel to Hanging Point Height 4.864 m 8.19 m
Hanging Point to Swivel Point Horizontal Offset 0m 0m
Min. Wind Stay Angles 20° 20°
Max. Burner Weight 700 kg 700 kg
Max. Lines 5" Sch 40 Gas 5" Sch 40 Gas
3" Sch 40 Water 3" Sch 40 Water
3" Sch 40 Oil 3" Sch 40 Oil
3" Sch 40 Air 3" Sch 40 Air
Max. No of Operators on Boom - -
Max. Wind Speed 100 mph (160 km/h) 100 mph (160 km/h)
Max. Ice Thickness - -
Max. Roll / Pitch / Heave ± 7.5° (max period 12 ± 7.5° (max period 12 s) /±
s) /± 5° (max period 12 5° (max period 12 s) /
s) / 1g
Flare Reaction Load - -
F1 – Hanging Point Vertical Reaction (kgf) 11,390 20,760
F2 – Hanging Point Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 31,220 39,860
F3 – Hanging Point Lateral Reaction (kgf) - -
Hanging Point Resultant Reaction (kgf) 33,240 44,950
F4 – Swivel Vertical Reaction (kgf) 3,830 1,320
F5 – Swivel Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 36,820 46,990
F6 – Swivel Lateral Reaction (kgf) 850 1,490
Swivel Resultant Reaction (kgf) 37,030 47,040
F7 – Wind Stay Anchor Vertical Reaction (kgf) - -
F8 – Wind Stay Anchor Longitudinal Reaction 3,880 5,520
F9 – Wind Stay Anchor Lateral Reaction (kgf) 1,410 2,010
Wind Stay Anchor Resultant Load (kgf) 5,150 6,890

A detailed design analysis is required if any of the following conditions occur, relative to the
above stated criteria:
 Lower Kingpost/Hanging point height
 Smaller wind stay angles
 Heavier loads e.g. additional lines, heavier burner, more operators
 Larger environmental factors e.g. higher wind speed, greater

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 Geo Rigging Matrix

The following information is given as a guide only and each rigging schedule should be
suitable for the loadings imposed by the installed boom.
1. Main top wire: 52mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 34.8 t
60mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 46.2 t
2. Spreader Plate wire: 44mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 24.8 t
2. Pulley wires: 36mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 16.6 t
32mm Ø. 6 x 36 fibre core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 12.1 t
3. Side stay wires: 22mm Ø. 6 x 36 fibre core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 5.7 t
26mm Ø. 6 x 36 fibre core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 8.0 t
‘Geo’ Type 60’ ‘Geo’ Type 90’
Qty Qty
SWL (t) SWL (t)
Main top wire(s) 52mm 60mm
1 1
(Pennant wire(s)) 34.8 46.2

2 55
Shackles 2 35
2 25
Spreader Plate N/A N/A 1 55

Spreader Plate 44mm

N/A N/A 2
wires 24.8
Connecting Plate 2 17 4 17
Pulley 1 35 2 25
36mm 32mm
Pulley wires 1 2
16.6 12.1
Shackles 2 17 4 17
Turnbuckles 1 16.78 2 12.7
22mm 26mm
Side stay wires 2 2
5.7 8.0
Shackles 4 17 4 17
Turnbuckles 2 6.9 2 6.9
a) Wires mfg to BS 13414/1 (dependant on region specification requirements)
Safety Factor 5:1
b) Shackles mfg to federal specification RR-C-271D. Safety Factor 6:1
c) Sling Lengths are not shown. Lengths must be calculated if not known prior to
each load out and installation. They should be confirmed against boom loading
and verified by approved third-party independent lifting company.
d) Number & rating of shackles is dependent on the individual requirements
e) Matrix does not include shackles & clamps for load lifting test
NOTE: Where tirfors are left in situ, bull dog clamps shall be fitted in accordance with
the correct procedures to secure the cable to prevent it sliding back through.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 GEO – Calculating Sling Lengths

It is recommended that sling lengths be calculated using AutoCAD, with the boom inclination drawn
as required. However, if this is not possible, the sling lengths can be calculated as follows:

A = Height from swivel point to pulley

B = Length from swivel point to boom hanging point
C = Length of individual sling from hanging point on kingpost/structure to boom Hanging Point
D = Diameter of pulley

C = Total Length of individual sling calculated includes the turnbuckle length, shackles and
spreader plate lengths if used.
 Remove the total length of these components to determine the manufactured
sling length.
Ensure turnbuckle length taken off is 50% open so that when fully closed the boom has a
slight upward incline of around 5º.
 Calculations for both the inboard and outboard slings will have to be carried out
individually if both are utilised.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 GEO – Rigging Up Procedure

 This procedure described in this document is for the rig up of a 60ft burner boom
(pulley mounting)
 Expro also provide 75ft and 90ft Geo type burner booms
 In those cases, 3 sections are connected to construct the boom
 There are few differences in the rigging up procedure and these are mentioned in
added comments

Boom Selection Guidelines

The boom is available in three different lengths, 60, 75 and 90 ft. It is designed for use on
fixed installations, semisubmersibles, and drillships in winds of up to 160 km/h [100 mph].
The principal criteria for selecting a boom are:
 Heat Radiation:
 Heat radiation from a burner mounted on an 90 ft boom is approximately half that of a
burner mounted on a 60 ft boom
 The working temperature
Additional considerations for selecting a boom are:
 A Suitable support (i.e. king post) is required to attach the boom
 If a King post requires to be installed on the rig
 King post installation is the responsibility of the drilling company
 King posts to be based on Expro boom specifications
 Vertical and horizontal guy-lines are required
 Base plate to be welded to the deck of the rig

The following is a list of key safety considerations for burners and booms:
 Obtain a rig work permit before performing boom installation operations
 Do not rig up if a helicopter is approaching the platform
 Check wind direction, steadiness and strength
 When working on the burner boom always wear a life vest
 If personnel go out on the burner boom the stand-by boat, barge master and one
testing crew member must be informed
 It is preferable that personnel access the boom during daylight hours only
 Ensure sufficient lighting is available in case operations have to be conducted in
 Consider the weather situation and confirm that the standby boat can launch its fast
rescue craft

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 Burner Boom assembly and deck preparation

 This is the procedure to assemble the boom on the rig

 The boom is usually assembled on shore and brought to the rig by a supply boat
 Figures in this chapter can be useful to prepare the boom (wherever the assembly
takes place) Lifting of Burner Booms

1. Lifting the Boom Foot Section from the Boat onto the Rig


1. Barge engineer, crane operator and Expro representative shall hold a tool box talk prior to
commencement of any operations
2. Select an area on the rig suitable for assembling the booms
3. Have 2 men ready on the rig to control boom section with 2 tag-lines
4. Ensure nothing is resting on boom-section which could fall off
5.Ensure there are no obstructions for picking up boom section

1. The Barge engineer should be present during the operations
2. Boat crew to tie one tag line to each end of the boom section
3. Boat crew to attach shackles of crane slings to pad eyes 1 and 2 (as indicated figure 3.21-1

Figure 3.21-1 – Boom Foot Section

4. Pick up boom with the crane and lift up to the rig

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

5. As soon as tag lines are reachable, 2 men control any swinging with tag lines
6. Lay down boom section in selected area on the deck

2. Picking up the Boom Head Section off the Boat onto the Rig


See Picking up the Boom Foot Section off the Boat onto the Rig.


1. Boat crew ties one tag line on each end of the boom section.
2. Boat crew attaches shackles of crane slings to pad eyes 3 and 4 (as indicated on figure 2

Figure 3.21-2 – Boom Head Section

3. Pick up with the crane and lift the boom section up to the rig
4. As soon as tag lines are reachable, 2 men control swinging with tag lines
5. Lay down boom head section next to the boom foot section with the two section mating
ends in line with a gap of 3 feet

 Note: for 75ft and 90ft booms, a 3rd section has to be lifted. The preparation and
the accomplishment of this task is similar to previous sections.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

GEO – Rigging Up Procedure (cont.)

1. Joining Boom Foot Section, Boom Head Section and Boom Piping Together
2. Connecting the cables

1. Conduct tool box talk with crane operator and Expro representative before commencement
of operations
2. Ensure there are no obstructions when handling the cables
3. Check the dimensions of all cables
4. Check condition of the swaged cables:

 If necessary adjust the clamped cables

 Check that both ends are fully tight
 Check the spare cable (if there is some) and that it is at the bottom
 The correct way to clamp the cable is indicated on the figure 3 below

Figure 3.21-3 – Clamped Cable

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

GEO – Rigging Up Procedure (cont.)

1. Connect the shackles of the vertical cable (70 t) to pad eyes 5 & 6 (figure 3.21-4 below) on
the burner platform
2. Pick up the cables with the crane
3. Check roughly that the cable length is long enough (place the pulley behind the pivot pin)
4. Connect the horizontal cables to the pad eyes 7 & 8 on the burner platform
5. Pick up the cables with the crane and place them on the boom walkwa
Figure 3.21-4 – Preparation of a 60ft Boom

90ft Boom:

 2 vertical cables are required for the 90ft Boom

 Each cable is equipped with a pulley or delta plate
 Ends are connected to the pad eye on the burner platform and to the Boom middle
 Both pulleys (or delta plates) are linked to a main delta plate which is connected to the
king post

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

GEO – Rigging Up Procedure (cont.)

After the king post is installed and preparatory assembly work is complete the boom can be
lifted from the platform deck or supply
boat and connected to the rig. Once again all common safety, lifting and handling practices
must be adhered to.
Prior to any work over the side of the rig, the standby boat must be called in and kept in
constant contact by radio (see figure 3.21-5 below).
The well test supervisor and the barge engineer shall conduct the entire operation

Figure 3.21-5 – Communications during Boom Installation

The procedure described below requires the use of a Tirfor. It prevents the operators from
spending too much time on the boom and increases the safety of the task.
The well test supervisor is responsible for securing a work permit for this operation and
ensuring safety procedures are followed:
1. All personnel working on the boom shall wear a life vest
2. All personnel working on the boom shall wear a safety harness if working ‘over the side’
e.g. on burner
3. It is preferable that this operation is carried out in daylight hours
4. If operations are carried out in hours of darkness ensure adequate lighting is provided
5. Consider the weather situation at all times and confirm that the standby boat can launch its
fast rescue craft
6. Ensure a life buoy ring is available near the boom installation area
7. Restrict over the side work on the boom to a minimum
8. Ensure the appropriate tools are available: Tirfor, tag lines etc.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

The following are the typical cable installation of 90’ burner boom, delta plates mounting

Figure 3.21.6 General Layout

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.7 Detail 1- Delta plate Mounting

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.8 Detail 2- Delta plate Mounting

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.9 Detail 3- Delta plate Mounting

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.10 Detail 4- Delta plate Mounting

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.11 Detail 5- Delta plate Mounting

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.12 Delta plate Item 14 Mounting

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Figure 3.21.13 Delta plate Item 15

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.14 Connecting Plate Detail Item 15

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Rev. 1

Figure 3.21.15 Delta plate Mounting

Note: See section 3.21.3 page no 51 for further boom installation and decommissioning instructions

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

TX-44 BOOM TX-44 Drawings

The 52' TX-44 boom can be used with the TX-241 kingpost and the TX-169 type swivel.

‘TX-169’ type Swivel plate c/w ‘TX-169’ type Swivel plate c/w ‘C’ plate type
bush and centre pin bolt securing method hydraulic jack removal
securing method tool shown

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 TX-44 Loading Diagram

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 TX-44 Reactions

TX-44 Boom Loadings and Reactions

Boom Length 52'
Main Chords 3.5" x 3.5” x 0.25"
Struts 3" x 3" x 0.25"
Braces 1.5" X 1.5" x 0.25"
Kingpost N/A
Swivel TX-169
Min. Swivel to Hanging Point Height 5m
Hanging Point to Swivel Point Horizontal Offset 0m
Min. Wind Stay Angles 15°
Max. Burner Weight 432 kg
3" Sch 80 Diesel
3" Sch 80 Oil
4" Sch 80 Gas
Max. Lines
3" Sch 80 Water
1" Sch 80 Propane
1" Sch 80 Air
Max. No of Operators on Boom -
Max. Wind Speed 100 mph (160 km/h)
Max. Ice Thickness 3.7 in (94 mm)
Max. Roll / Pitch / Heave -
Flare Reaction Load -
F1 – Hanging Point Vertical Reaction (kgf) 5,190
F2 – Hanging Point Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 14,610
F3 – Hanging Point Lateral Reaction (kgf) -
Hanging Point Resultant Reaction (kgf) 15,510
F4 – Swivel Vertical Reaction (kgf) 2,810
F5 – Swivel Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 22,320
F6 – Swivel Lateral Reaction (kgf) 1,230
Swivel Resultant Reaction (kgf) 22,530
F7 – Wind Stay Anchor Vertical Reaction (kgf) -
F8 – Wind Stay Anchor Longitudinal Reaction (kgf) 7,720
F9 – Wind Stay Anchor Lateral Reaction (kgf) 2,070
Wind Stay Anchor Resultant Reaction (kgf) 8,000

A detailed design analysis is required if any of the following conditions occur, relative to the
above stated criteria:
 Lower Kingpost/Hanging point height
 Smaller wind stay angles
 Heavier loads e.g. additional lines, heavier burner, more operators
 Larger environmental factors e.g. higher wind speed, greater roll/pitch/heave

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1 TX-44 Rigging Matrix

The following information is given as a guide only and each rigging schedule should be
suitable for the loadings imposed by the installed boom.
1. Main top wire: 35mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 15.7 t
2. Spreader Plate wires: 26mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 8.6 t
3. Side stay wires: 26mm Ø. 6 x 36 steel core, galvanised, R.H.O.L. SWL 8.6 t

TX-44 52’
SWL (t)
Main top wire(s) 35mm
(Pennant wire(s)) 15.7
Shackles 2 17
Spreader Plate 1 17
Spreader Plate wires 2
Shackles 4 8.5
Side stay wires 2
Shackles 4 8.5

a) Wires mfg to BS 13414/1 (dependant on region specification requirements) Safety
Factor 5:1
b) Shackles mfg to federal specification RR-C-271D. Safety Factor 6:1
c) Sling Lengths are not shown. Lengths must be calculated if not known prior to each
load out and installation. They should be confirmed against boom loading and
verified by approved third-party independent lifting company
d) Number & rating of shackles is dependent on the individual requirements
e) Matrix does not include shackles & clamps for load lifting test

NOTE: Where tirfors are left in situ, bull dog clamps shall be fitted in accordance with
the correct procedures to secure the cable to prevent it sliding back through.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 TX-44 – Calculating Sling Lengths

It is recommended that sling lengths be calculated using AutoCAD, with the boom inclination drawn
as required. However, if this is not possible, the sling lengths can be calculated as follows:

A = Height from swivel point to sling hanging point on kingpost/structure

B = Length from swivel point to boom hanging point

C = Total length of individual sling from hanging point on kingpost/structure to boom Hanging
C = Total Length of individual sling calculated includes the turnbuckle length, shackles
and spreader plate lengths if used.
 Remove the total length of these components to determine the
manufactured sling length.
 Ensure turnbuckle length taken off is 50% open so that when fully closed
the boom has a slight upward incline of around 5º.
 Calculations for both the inboard and outboard slings will have to be
carried out individually if both are utilised.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

3.21.3 Quayside Preparatory Work

Typically the boom sections are assembled in the yard or at the quayside prior to shipping using
standard cranes or forklifts. This becomes critical to ensure that the fully assembled boom can be
lifted and supported correctly during installation on the installation/vessel.
Note: Each installation will vary somewhat depending on the specific equipment used,
logistics, the rig, customer requirements etc.
The burner boom sections are lifted using each section’s lifting pad eyes. Each boom is equipped
with pad eyes for both vertical plane suspension using vertical support, and horizontal plane
suspension using side stay cables. These cables should be supplied with swage socket
pendants, turnbuckles and snatch blocks.
Different sling sets are required for lifting separate boom sections and a fully assembled boom
due to lengths and weights. Typically, the sections are assembled by making up corresponding
flange/hammer union connections (Figure 16). The ‘U’ type boom that incorporates hammer
union connections forms the flow lines of each section of the boom. All other types of booms
incorporate flanged connections and these connections do not act as flow lines.
Booms can be installed with or without burners being attached to the boom, again careful
preparatory work is required to ensure that the centre of gravity is correct and that the correct pad
eyes are used for lifting.
Note: Side stay cable assemblies attached to the correct boom pad eyes along with the
‘fully assembled boom’ main lifting sling should be installed on the boom and all tied-off
prior to shipping from the quayside (Figure 18).
Kingpost/pennant hanging slings – (c/w spreader plate – ‘TX’ type boom) shall also be
installed on the boom on the correct pad eyes and tied-off at the rig end of the boom. No
personnel shall go out on the boom whilst boom is suspended by the crane during
installation to the kingpost/swivel point.
All lifting and support wires shall be clearly identified and stored appropriately on the end
of the boom to avoid damage in transit.

Figure 3.21.16 Figure 3.21.17 Figure 3.21.18

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

The typical equipment that may be needed is listed below:

 Work permit/JSA
 Tag lines (if allowed)
 Work vests (full floatation suites may be required in cold climates)
 Safety belts
 Radios
 Ladder with securing rope
 Spare Boom Pins
 Pin type tool for shackle pin eye (marlin spike of appropriate size)
 High temperature grease
 Chain block/Choker Slings/Pliers & Wrenches/Sledge Hammer/Rope/Tool for adjusting
 Job specific PPE
 Spare Shackles
 Carrying Bag for small items
 Rollers (pipe works best as it allows boom sections to be joined easier)
 4 off 5/8" Ø x 3.5" long stud bolts for each flange connection on ‘TX’ series booms

Joining Sections of the Boom together:

1. Hold a pre-job safety meeting with all personnel involved in the operation, discuss crane
operations, make sure all Expro crew members have full PPE, this includes, but is not limited to,
Safety Glasses, Safety Helmets, Safety Boots, Safety Gloves, Coveralls and Work Vest if
required. Obtain any permits required and carry out a JSA.
2. Ensure all personnel involved understand their role in the process.
3. Only one Banks man to be used for crane directions. He/she should be the most experienced
person to do the job.
4. Have boom supports ready and aligned for sitting sections of the boom on (rollers).

5. Pick the Burner Head section of the boom first; place it on rollers approximately one feet above
ground level.
6. Pick up the section of the boom to be connected to main boom and burner. Keep all sections
the same height off the ground and level, otherwise the connecting will be difficult to achieve.
7. Bring this section of the boom to meet and join up with the front Burner section. (Use ‘come
along’ for finer adjustments/alignment).

Note: Use caution not to crush pipes or struts when using the come along to join the
Once the sections are lined up make up flanges/hammer unions. (If older style boom
make up pipe work first before installing the boom connection securing bolts). Check
all seals during assembly and use sufficient grease (never-seize) on hammer unions.
8. Repeat steps 6, 7, & 8 for third section of boom (90’ boom) if required.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

9. For the TX-600 and TX-44 type booms, attach the swivel plate to the boom prior to
10. Once fully assembled the complete boom section assembly will require pressure testing.
11. Double Check Lengths of Hanging Equipment prior to lifting Boom. (Physically measure the
slings to ensure they are correct.)

Calculating Sling Length:

Refer to Sling Length Calculation in calculation section.

12. Lay the side-stay cables AND kingpost/pennant c/w spreader plate/vertical suspension
hanging slings out along the walkway of the boom and tie them down to prevent them from
falling over the side during Installation.
13. Mark identifying signs on Boom Lifting Slings i.e. Inboard/Outboard side.
14. Attach Tag lines to boom to keep the lift under control when lifted by the Crane
15. The boom is now ready for lifting onto the work boat or into position (ensure the correct lifting
points are used and lift as level as possible, otherwise the Boom Framework could twist).

Note: For disassembly, work in the reverse order of steps.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

3.21.4 Rig/Installation Preparatory Work

In certain instances it may be necessary to perform personnel transfer onto the work boat to inspect
booms ahead of lifting operations. All personnel transfer operations shall be carefully coordinated.
Where possible this shall be avoided and is unnecessary if the booms have been suitably prepped at the
quayside – again this is critical preparatory work for a successful boom hanging operation.
Note: Have at least three Expro crew members prepared for working ‘over-side’ procedures
during this stage of the operation.
1. Upon arrival at the rig/platform, meet with the company representative and involved rig personnel to
discuss the boom installation process.
2. Toolbox Talk involving all who are taking part in the installation and review JSA for the job. Obtain
any permits required. Ensure all personnel involved understand their role in the process.
3. Layout inventory and inspect all equipment against the shipping documents to ensure all has arrived.
4. Inspect all equipment for any damage due to shipping and report immediately to customer
representative and Expro operations management if any non-conformances are discovered.
5. Ensure matching sets of cables are the same length, turnbuckles are set at the same point, and
slings, shackles and turnbuckles are certified and suitably rated for the load they will carry.
6. Check Kingpost is installed and matches Boom end configuration. Ensure that pivot and swivel
points are vertically aligned.
7. Inspect Kingpost installation and tieback pad-eyes for proper welding and functional location prior to
commencing installation of boom. Ensure correct weld and MPI procedures are followed for any
welds required during installation.
8. Check kingpost swivels are well lubricated and rotate freely and all bolts are fully tightened. Boom
securing pins to be made ready and tied-off in work area. (Be sure that back up sets of pins are
available in case of the unforeseen.)
9. Check rig connection points are in good condition and properly rated (certified).
10. Check area around Kingpost is clear and hazard free

Typical King Post Hanging Slings attached

Outboard Cables located in
top connections

Figure 3.21.19 ‘U’ Type King Post

11. Coat any moving parts with high temp grease (especially threads).
12. Only one Banks man to be used for crane directions.
13. Weather conditions should be considered and sufficient weather window available to complete the
installation prior to starting. This work should only be performed during daylight hours if possible.
14. Make sure boom is clear of tools and equipment prior to lifting.
15. Connect all tag lines required. One as a minimum at rear section of the boom assembly.
16. Ensure all personnel are in position and have the tools/equipment they require to complete their
portion of the process.
17. Ensure stand-by boat is in place, notify any third parties required and make radio check prior to
making lift.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

3.21.5 Installation of Boom

1. Lift Boom and guide and align it into the desired position in the Kingpost/Installation area.
2. Fit Boom to King post swivel cup and insert securing pins (‘U’ type boom) or ‘C’ plate and securing
bolts/centre pin bolt and washer (‘TX’ type boom). Ensure cotter pins are installed to hold securing
pins in place (‘U’ type boom).

1. Lift Boom assembly and guide and align into desired position to attach to King Post/base plate

2(b) Boom in position to be secured

2(a) Fitting boom to kingpost

2(d) ‘U’ type Boom in position and securing

2(c) ‘U’ type – Securing Pins ready for
pins installed.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

Note: There are currently several designs within Expro for the sole purpose of securing the end of
the boom to the rig/installation and providing a swivel point. Refer to the ‘Drawings’ section in the
individual boom sections for more details.
Note: It may be that the swivel plate and base plate are fitted and that the boom will be positioned
with the end pad eyes to line up with the swivel plate. These should be pinned and secured once
lined up.
It is important when installing 90 ft booms, that the main outer pennant line is connected to the
king post prior to the inner to provide major boom support.
3. Loosely tie-off side stays to rig connecting points.
Note: No personnel are to be on the boom when in motion during a lifting or lowering situation.
4. Raise boom until there is no tension on the Inboard side slings of the boom (approximately 5º from
horizontal). A good indication is that the lift slings on the Kingpost end of the boom will become slack.

5. Remove Inboard side slings. (Hang the slings over the side of the boom, clear of the boom walkway).
6. Raise boom again to an angle that is manageable to attach the hanging cables.
7. Clear the boom of personnel.
Note: If there is no work platform/ladder on the kingpost, scaffolding or a work basket will be
required to access the top of the kingpost.
8. Connect the pennant c/w spreader plate/vertical suspension hanging slings to the top of the
kingpost/hanging points. These should have already been tied-off on the boom so no personnel shall be
required on the boom whilst boom is suspended solely by the crane. However if a work basket needs to
be used and only one crane is available, the pennant c/w spreader plate/vertical suspension hanging
slings should be connected to the kingpost/hanging points before the boom is lifted into place by the
crane. The slings can then be attached to the boom afterwards.
9. Lower the crane and let the weight of the boom rest from the Hanging Gear. (Self Supporting Position)
Note: Do not immediately release the crane at this point.
10. Observe the boom is hanging with the run of the pipe work sloping back to the inboard side of the
Platform/Vessel. (Approximately 5º from horizontal, this is to prevent any spills into the sea from any oil
left in the line between or after a test)
11. Ensure boom is not twisted.
12. Any minor adjustment to boom height can be made using the Turnbuckles. (crane should take weight
prior to turnbuckle adjustment)

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

13. Secure the side stays using the turnbuckles provided in as close to the same horizontal plane as the
boom assembly as possible and secure the loose ends of the side stay wires to the hand rail. Where
tirfors are left in situ, bull dog clamps shall be fitted in accordance with the correct procedures to
secure the cable to prevent it sliding back through.
14. Once the boom is secured, two personnel are required to go out on the boom and release the main
lifting sling in order to release the crane.
15. Remove any tools from the boom including securing ropes used in the hook up operation from the
boom and store away properly.
16. Hold end of job toolbox talk and note any suggestions and improvements to the process of hanging
the booms. Generate a PIR, if required, to suggest an improvement to the current work method.
17. Fit extra handrail/steps etc. as required permitting safe access and egress to/from boom.
18. Connect all flow lines/pilot lines and rig-up water cooling to boom.
19. Hook-up and function test the ignition system.

Note: Attempt to leave the access/egress walkway to the boom as clear as possible and install
chain guard/barrier tape to restrict access to non essential personnel when not working on the

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1 Installation Notes:

1. This WTS is for a full king post type installation. The same basic method is employed for hanging
booms with a mini/stubby king post. The swivel point and tie back point need to be vertically aligned
above each other if possible. If there is an offset between the swivel point and tie back point, this
distance needs to be verified.
2. This WTS may need to be modified depending on the rig and each situation. This should be
determined at the start and any JSA completed prior to start of process.
3. When using a mini/stubby king post or king post where the upper and lower swivels are not in
alignment, the rig crane should not be detached from the boom until all pipe work, side stays and main
support cable are attached and set to desired length. Any horizontal movements of the boom must be
accomplished with the crane attached.
4. At no time should personnel tie-off to an unsecured boom during the process.
5. Once installed, the booms may require load testing (especially if installed on a DNV certified rig or
platform). This shall be done to an approved, detailed procedure.
6. This WTS may need minor adjustments to meet rig specific requirements. Ensure JSA is completed
prior to any work commencing.

Note: Where it is not possible for the crane to fully support the boom during installation to its fully
deployed position, the boom can be pulled into position using the standard slings, but an
additional pulling point extension arm (side arm extension) is required to enable the boom to be
pulled safely into position. In such a case, calculations must be run to check the integrity of the
boom under these conditions. Restricted Access Hanging Guidelines:

2. Refer to and carry out steps 1 to 12 as in Section 0: INSTALLATION OF BOOM.
3. Release the side stay wires and attach to the rig pad eyes. With the aid of the side arm extension and
the ‘Tirfor’, pull the boom into position.

CAUTION: On some installations it may be possible to use a line from an air winch, ran through a
suitable point to pull the boom around. The crane should be used only as a back-up and must not
take any load. It will have to pay out the line as the boom moves.

If a load is placed on the boom by the crane not paying out enough line, THIS CAN CAUSE BOOM
FAILURE. The horizontal movement of the boom should be controlled between the ‘Tirfor’ and the
tag line.

Refer to and carry out step 13 to 19 as in section 0: INSTALLATION OF BOOM.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

3.21.6 Inspection, Certification and Commissioning of Boom

Once installed the booms may require load testing to certify and commission the boom installation
depending on the installed location (especially if installed on a DNV certified rig or platform). This
shall be done to an approved, detailed procedure.

On a daily basis, a visual inspection of the boom and slinging arrangements and fittings shall be

In particular the terminated ends of the hanging and side stay slings shall be scrutinised and if any
anomalies are found, they should be reported to the Expro well test supervisor immediately.

If any of the boom components have been damaged or appear not to be in their normal operational
state then again please report this to the Expro well test supervisor immediately.

3.21.7 Routine Operation of Boom

It may be necessary to swing the boom in towards the installation’s boom support/work platform (if
installed on rig installation) when extreme weather conditions are forecast:

1. Ensure oil flow lines have been flushed, rig down inboard connecting pipe work if required
and ensure all connections have been protected. Secure ignition system cables and lines
ensuring none can be snagged when swinging boom inwards.

2. Attach the crane to the main boom assembly sling so the weight of the complete boom
assembly is supported.

3. Release and maintain tension on side stay wire to be paid out. Swing boom inwards with
crane paying out the side stay wire maintaining tension until boom is in the inboard

4. Secure boom to rig installation and secure excess side stay wires to the boom.

5. Once the boom is secured, two personnel are required to go out on the boom and release
the main lifting sling in order to release the crane.

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INS-002681 Well Test Standards

Rev. 1

3.21.8 Decommissioning and Removal of Boom

Note: No personnel shall be on the boom when removal of the boom is being performed.
Scaffolding or a work basket will be required to access the top of the kingpost/hanging points.
1. Removal of the booms from the rig should be performed in a reverse process of the installation
procedure. Ensure oil flow lines have been flushed and all connections have been protected.
2. Attach the crane to the main boom assembly sling so the weight of the complete boom assembly is
3. Restrain the sideways movement of the boom by attaching a tagline to the side stay wires and tie-
off at suitable anchor points. Release the side stay wires from the rig pad eyes.
4. Elevate the boom slightly taking the weight off the hanging slings. Disconnect the hanging
sling/main pennant from the kingpost/hanging point and tie-off at the rig end of the boom.
Note: Next step is to disconnect the boom from the rig base plate.
Step 5 should only be performed when the crane has been aligned with the boom centre of
gravity to prevent inward and outward swinging of the boom.
5. 1 ‘TX’ boom – Swivel plate c/w ‘C’ plate – Removal:
Note: When removing ‘C’ plate type, the use of the hydraulic jack shall be used to minimise
manual intervention. If the hydraulic jack is not available, the person removing the ‘C’ plate shall
avoid positioning themselves between the C plate and kingpost/rig structure. This is to avoid
entrapment should the boom swing inwards when the ‘C’ plate has disengaged.
C-plate removal procedure:
a) Ensure the boom is correctly suspended using designated lifting slings and crane. Note the boom
should be held in a neutral position. The crane should be taking the weight of the boom, not
attempting to raise or lower it. Where possible, the boom should be set down on a boom rest
during C-plate removal.
b) Remove the back stud of the three studs holding the C-plate in place.
c) Secure the hydraulic jack to the C-plate using the two off studs.
d) Attach hoses from the hydraulic jack to the pump.
e) Secure chain round base plate pin to other side of C-plate.
f) Connect C-plate to Rig side using C-plate eye bolt and securing line.
g) Remove remaining two studs holding the C-plate.
h) Remove chain round base plate pin.
i) Operator to be in safe area away from any pinch points;
Commence pumping until C-plate disengages from pin.
j) Pull C-plate/hydraulic jack assembly to safe area using securing line attached to eye bolt.
k) Boom and swivel base can now be lifted clear of pin.
l) Disconnect C-plate from Rig side.

5.2. ‘TX’ boom – Swivel plate c/w bush and centre pin – Removal:
Note: The Person removing the centre pin bolt shall avoid positioning themselves between the
centre pin bolt and kingpost/rig structure. This is to avoid entrapment should the boom swing
inwards when the centre pin bolt has disengaged.

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Well Test Standards INS-002681

Rev. 1

m) Unscrew the centre pin bolt ensuring that the swivel plate is not travelling upwards with the centre
pin bolt and no excessive torque is required. Where possible, the boom should be set down on a
boom rest during pin removal.
n) Once the centre pin bolt is removed, proceed to step 6.

‘TX’type Swivel plate c/w bush and

centre pin bolt securing method

5.3. ‘U’ boom - Kingpost swivel cup – Removal:

a) Remove securing pins from swivel cup ensuring that no excessive torque is required.
b) Once the securing pins are removed, proceed to step 6.

‘U’ type Boom in position and securing pins installed.

6. The side stay wires should be released, gathered and tied-off inside the rig end of the boom.
7. Manoeuvre boom away from the rig using the crane and lift to shipping vessel.
Refer to section 3.21.3. QUAYSIDE PREPARATORYWORK for disassembly of the boom at the

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