Tubman Children in The Arts 2010 Summer Heritage Camp Application

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Tubman Children in the Arts


Ages 7-12
TODAY’S DATE: ___/___/____

(To better process our records, please fill out one application per child)

Grade Level: ____ 1st Time Participant? Y___N___ Museum Member: Y___N___
Name:___________________________________ Age:__ Gender: M__F__ / Y__N__
Address:_____________________________ City:_______________State: ___Zip:______
Phone #____________________ Other #___________________ Cell #_______________
Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
Emergency Contacts:
List any medical conditions and/or allergies that your child suffers (*please give details).
Please Circle T-shirts Size (all sizes are adult) S M L XL
Camp hours are from 9am – 3pm. Monday – Thursday, and Friday 6am – 5:30pm.

Please circle your week of preference

Week 1: June 14 – 18, 2010 OR June 21 – 25, 2010

Name of person(s) responsible for pick-up at 3:00 pm

Name: _______________________________________________ Phone #________________________
Name: _______________________________________________ Phone #________________________

• All parents or assigned guardians must sign in and out their child(ren).
• All participants should be prepared to participate in class activities with the instructor .

By signing below, I understand that I am giving consent for the above named child to participate in the Tubman African
American Museum’s Heritage Camp. I am authorized, as the child's parent or legal guardian, to give said consent.

________________________________________ __________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date


340 Walnut Street
Macon, GA 31201
478.743.8544 * 478.473.9063

Release of Liability

I am giving my authorized consent for my child__________________________________ to

participate in the Tubman African American Museum – Children in the Arts Program. By signing
below, I understand and agree that by giving consent, I am releasing the Tubman African American
Museum, the Tubman Board of Directors, the Tubman Advisory Board, the Tubman employees and
the Tubman volunteers of liability for injuries caused by accidents or otherwise. Furthermore, I
understand that the Tubman Board of Directors, Tubman Advisory Board, the Tubman employees
and Tubman volunteers will not be named as defendants in any lawsuits for any reason whatsoever.

Signature of consent and release of liability

Print Name


340 Walnut Street
Macon, GA 31201
478.743.8544 * 478.473.9063

FACT SHEET (Please keep this page for your records)

TUITION: Free (Lunch Provided)


Monday – Thursday
June 14th – June 18th 2010 (Camp 1)
June 21st - June 25th, 2010 (Camp 2)
9am – 3pm
Friday’s Only ~ 6am – 5:30pm (Trip to Atlanta)


Outreach Coordinator: Director of Education & Outreach:

Quinton Tard Anita Ponder, J.D.
Contact Number: (478) 743-8544

Policies: (Please read carefully, all policies strictly enforced)

• Assignments or reports must be turned in to prove class participation.

• All participants should be prepared to participate in cooperation with the instructor.
• Parents must notify the education assistant regarding any medical conditions and special issues
concerning each child.
• In the event of an outing, all food restrictions and allergies must be noted on the application in an
effort to better prepare for each student attending the workshop series.
• Fighting, cursing, and stealing are causes for automatic suspension. (No exceptions)
• Students are not allowed to sign themselves in or out. (This is for security purposes)
• Students should be picked up promptly at 3:00 pm. After care is not provided.

Behavior Code:

• Students are expected to follow all rules.

a. Gum, candy, drinks and food are not allowed during workshop.
b. Raise your hand to get permission to speak or leave session area.
c. Hands, feet and body should remain off of all art objects within Museum.
d. Respect and obey all staff and session instructors.


For more information, contact Quinton Tard, Outreach Coordinator @ 478-743-8544

The mission of the Tubman Museum is to educate people about African American art,
history & culture

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