Bibliometric Analysis
Bibliometric Analysis
Bibliometric Analysis
Introduction ital marketing (Ávila-Robinson & Wakabayashi, 2018; J. Kim & McMil-
lan, 2008; Most, Conejo & Cunningham, 2018). Moreover, most of the
In 1978, two computer fans, Ward Christensen and Randy Suess, previous studies are highly qualitative, relying mainly on the judgement
decided to invent a digital system to inform their friends about meet- and expertise of experts (Dehabreh, Chung, Kitsois GD & Et al, 2012;
ings, make announcements, and share information (Glenn, 2012). The Garg, A. X., Hackam, & Tonelli, 2008; Mallett, Hagen-Zanker, Slater, &
invention of this system was the beginning of a transformational era Duvendack, 2012). Therefore, there is a scholarly need to complement
in the world of communication between customers and businesses and previous scholarly insights with a quantitative assessment of research of
the development of interactive and engaging digital marketing systems all digital tools and aspects of digital marketing. This study investigates
(Paradkar, 2016). With many disruptive marketing technologies avail- the scientific evolution of "digital marketing" as a broad scientific term
able, marketing research has entered into a new phase of its evolution instead of narrowly defined terms, such as internet marketing. Our goal
(Walsh, 2004). The democratization of information and the increasing is to integrate and study all sub-disciplinary silos of digital marketing
number of technologically savvy customers have also ignited novel re- research.
search trends in the marketing literature. Digital transformation, in gen- This study is a bibliometric analysis and mapping of scientific re-
eral, is a change where digital artifacts, systems and symbols are uti- search on digital marketing. Quantitative literature review methods en-
lized both within and around an organization (Bonfour, 2016). Digital able researchers to use literature data to measure scientists’ and re-
transformation, therefore, is different from digitalization, which means searchers’ performance and productivity and identify the emerging re-
other areas of the enterprise that are generally reformed around dig- search fields (Daim, Oliver, & Kim, 2013). These quantitative methods as
ital technologies (Delgosha, Saheb & Hajiheydari, 2020; Soltani Del- the measurement of literature and texts will "capture some of the infor-
gosha, Haji Heydari & Saheb, 2020). As it is defined, digital mar- mation inherent in the content and patterning of the literature…[and] to
keting has emerged to employ "digital technologies to create an inte- measure and interpret technological [and scientific] advances" (Kahra-
grated, targeted and measurable communication which helps to acquire man, Kerre, & Bozbura, 2012). Previous studies confirm that biblio-
and retain customers while building deeper relationships with them” metric analysis and mapping can be effective approaches in assessing
(Drennan, 2002; Petit, Velasco & Spence, 2019; P. K. Kannan & Li, 2017; various scientific fields’ development has been expanded rapidly in re-
Reibstein, 2002). cent years as the number of analytical tools with more significant com-
Digital marketing influences the effectiveness of all departments of puting power increases (Cobo et al., 2011). The analytical tools, such
an organization, from customer feedback, customer service, product en- as VOSviewer, have enabled mapping bibliometric data through net-
hancement, sales, and finance/payment to delivery, administration and work and visualization approaches (Waltman, van Eck & Noyons, 2010).
marketing departments (Chaffey, Smith & Paul, 2013). Digital market- The major strength of combining bibliometric analysis with bibliomet-
ing responds to consumers’ behavioural changes ubiquitously using dig- ric mapping is uncovering the interrelations between scholarly research
ital platforms, such as social media and smartphones (Pinheiro et al., by using network approaches, main research areas (nodes), their size,
2014). The changes mentioned above in the market have positioned dig- and their level of interaction (edges). Bibliometric mapping quantifies
ital marketing as a new discipline within marketing. Soon it will become details regarding a field’s knowledge structures composed of clusters,
inevitable to understand if marketing research is redesigned and evolved topics, and direction (Cronin & Sugimoto, 2015; Verbeek et al., 2002).
to be inconsistent with disruptive market needs (Wymbs, 2011;Royle & This paper aims to uncover the knowledge structures and clusters
Laing, 2014;Watanabe, Naveed & Neittaanmäki, 2018). of digital marketing and the dominant growth directions in the field to
The evolution of scientific progress in the field of digital marketing find research topic bursts and trajectories. It also seeks to identify the
has been conducted narrowly, as most of the quantitative studies have a most influential contributors to the area. To this end, this paper incor-
narrow research topic and focus either on one aspect or one tool of dig- porates various bibliometric techniques, including co-citation analysis,
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Saheb), [email protected] (B. Amini), [email protected] (F. Kiaei Alamdari).
Received 8 April 2021; Received in revised form 30 May 2021; Accepted 30 May 2021
2667-0968/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
bibliographic coupling, and burst detection. We then map and visualize quantitative review methods surpass the limitations of qualitative re-
the findings in the form of social networks. search methods. These methods " seemingly remove the element of qual-
The main research question of this paper is: what are the scholarly itative and subjective assessment, with all its attendant problems of per-
trends in scientific research about digital marketing in journals pub- sonality and politics and fallible human nature, found in peer and panel
lished between 1900 and 2020? The secondary objectives of this re- review models" (Goldfinch & Yamamoto, 2012). Bibliometric Analysis
search are: provides a quantitative analysis of academic literature (De Bellis, 2009).
It is defined as applying mathematical and statistical methods to books
1 What are the most elements within the scientific research on digital
and other media of communication by showing and describing tenden-
transformation of marketing?
cies in different areas of knowledge (Vargas-Quesada & Moya Anegón,
2 What are the hot research clusters and keywords in the field of dig-
2007). Citation analysis was introduced to make the "communicative
ital transformation in marketing? And how their development has
structure of science" visible (De Bellis, 2009) by mapping and visualizing
evolved over time?
the citation networks. Some scholars even argue that citation networks
Theoretical contributions to this research are as follows: First, re- may contribute to more efficient science (Moed, 2005). With the advent
search on traditional marketing or a limited scope of digital marketing, of mapping and visualization tools, scholars have stepped toward visu-
such as internet marketing, does not provide a whole picture of research alizing bibliometric data into networks to depict social structures using
evolution on digital marketing. The findings of this research will provide network theory and graph theory (Meghanathan, 2018). These methods
a comprehensive map of research trends on digital marketing. The study characterize network structures in terms of nodes and edges. Nodes can
will also shed light on traditional marketing literature that is changed be individual actors, people, or things of a network, and edges are links
by digital marketing strategies. Second, the findings of this study will and interactions of the nodes that connect them.
shed light on the impact of digital technologies on the evolution of digi- Marketing as a scientific discipline has also been studied by incor-
tal marketing research. Third, this study can answer concerns regarding porating bibliometric techniques. As Table 1 shows, previous reviews of
the relevance of digital marketing as a discipline in the business world. digital transformation in marketing are minimal and have studied inter-
It can increase understandings if scientific endeavours in digital mar- net marketing (Ngai, 2003), social media marketing (e.g. Alalwan et al.,
keting have kept up with the disruptive dynamics of the business world. 2017; Misirlis & Vlachopoulou, 2018; Salo, 2017) and mobile marketing
Understanding the evolution of scientific research on digital marketing (e.g. Ström, Vendel & Bredican, 2014). Very few studies have reviewed
will help identify research gaps and future research needs. Fourth, there digital marketing (P K P. K. Kannan & Li, 2017) as a general scientific
has been no scholarly effort to map the most influential contributors in term. Previous studies have explored digital marketing qualitatively and
the digital marketing field. This research is deemed necessary to provide quantitatively, and all of them explored one tool or one aspect of digital
a comprehensive view of the scholarly research on digital marketing and marketing. Some qualitative studies have examined social media mar-
a guide for future research. keting (Alalwan et al., 2017; Misirlis & Vlachopoulou, 2018; Salo, 2017),
This study is beneficial for researchers and academia, but it will ben- mobile marketing (Ström et al., 2014), internet marketing (Ngai, 2003),
efit managers and businesses. Practically, this study will better under- and strategic marketing (Brown et al., 2018). These studies have a nar-
stand scientific research on digital marketing in the digital economy. row scope and typically examine a limited number of publications from
Understanding the research trends and voids will assist in increasing a handful of journals. The results are highly flexible based on the judge-
the responsiveness of research on digital marketing to the needs of the ment of experts. One of the studies that have specifically focused on
business community and practitioners. This understanding will help the digital marketing proposes a framework for research on digital market-
managers to better design and implement their digital marketing strate- ing. The authors address the critical touchpoints influenced by digital
gies. On the other hand, this research will assist researchers in under- marketing (P.K. P. K. Kannan & Li, 2017). These areas are the environ-
standing how technological development has influenced the research ment, outcomes, market research, and marketing strategy.
trends of digital marketing. In a study of internet advertising, the authors (Kim & McMil-
This article is composed of the following sections: We first review the lan, 2008) conducted a bibliometric analysis of the academic literature
previous studies that have examined the marketing literature. Then we on internet advertising to explore the current status of scholarly research
describe in detail our research method, data collection procedure, and and how this research has shaped the internet advertising field. The
analytical mechanisms and tools that we employed. In the next section, authors focus on the influential cited works, the most cited authors,
we describe the findings and results of our analysis. We conclude the the most cited papers, the underlying themes amongst the most cited
paper with our discussion of the paper’s results, theoretical and practical works, and the co-citation networks amongst significant cited works to
contribution, limitations of our research, and possible future works. show the key influences and influencers through implementing citation
analysis. One of the critical findings of their research is that interactiv-
Theoretical framework ity is an essential concept in scientific research on internet advertising.
Another study (Valenzuela Fernandez et al., 2018) conducted a biblio-
As Table 1.0 shows, however, quantitative bibliographic methods metric analysis and mapping of the most influential universities and
have been applied to study marketing literature in general; almost all countries researching industrial marketing. Their analysis shows that
the reviews of digital marketing, to our knowledge, have qualitatively British authors and institutions are the most productive authors.
studied digital marketing to synthesize research evidence. The main dif- In another study, the authors (Ávila-Robinson & Wakabayashi, 2018)
ference between this study and previous studies is that it does not nar- combined evidence-based analytical methods, including bibliographic
row the research topic or focus on a specific aspect or channel of dig- coupling networks, portfolio analysis charts, co-word relationships, and
ital marketing. The current study aims to overcome the above limita- circular plots to study the knowledge structure of research on destina-
tions and complement previous studies. Moreover, compared to previ- tion marketing; its interconnections, research fronts and research tra-
ous studies, this study analyses a large amount of data over 50 years. jectories. They identified 10 clusters in research on destination market-
Furthermore, this study integrates various bibliometric analysis and vi- ing. Another study (Most et al., 2018) examined the topical structure of
sualization techniques to portray the research trajectories of digital mar- entrepreneurial marketing (EM) by integrating four methods of biblio-
keting more comprehensively. metric analysis, including co-citation and bibliographic-coupling analy-
Statistical analysis of the scientific literature started almost 50 ses, network analysis, factor analysis and correspondence analysis. They
years ago when the bibliometric analysis was introduced (Glänzel & identified seven topical Meta clusters in their research. Table 1 com-
Glänzel, 2003). Text mining and visualization methods have been used pares this study with the previous studies that conducted a bibliometric
in various studies(Karami et al., 2021; Rawat et al., 2021). Moreover, analysis of marketing research.
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
Table 1
A comparison Study of previous studies conducting bibliometric analysis of scientific marketing research.
Source Theoretical Framework Methodological Framework Objectives of the research Research Approach
This study Statistical analysis of digital Integrated Bibliometric Analysis and To assess the scientific evolution of Bibliometric Analysis and
Marketing research mapping consists of digital marketing by incorporating mapping of scientific papers
Bibliographic coupling, integrated techniques of bibliometric from 1974 until 2020
Co-citation analysis, analysis and mapping
Burst detection analysis,
(Kim & Citation analysis of 1-Citation and co-citation analysis To explore the current status of the Citation analysis of 113
McMillan, 2008) internet advertising scholarly research on internet papers extracted in 10
advertising and the ways academic years
research have shaped the internet
advertising field
(Ávila-Robinson & Statistical analysis of Integrated Bibliometric mapping To study the knowledge structure of Bibliographic data of 49
Wak- destination marketing consists of evidence-based research on destination marketing; tourism and hospitality
abayashi, 2018) analytical methods, including its interconnections, research fronts management
bibliographic coupling networks, and research trajectories studies
portfolio analysis charts, co-word
relationships, and circular plots.
(Most et al., 2018) Statistical analysis of A four-phase bibliometric research To examine the topical structure of Bibliographic data of 302
entrepreneurial design composed of co-citation EM’s literature publications on EM
Marketing and bibliographic-coupling
analyses, network analysis, factor
analysis and correspondence
(Valenzuela Fer- Statistical analysis of Bibliometric Analysis and mapping To determine the most influential Bibliometric Analysis of
nandez et al., industrial marketing of the most influential countries countries and universities in the papers on industrial
2018) and universities field of industrial marketing marketing
Regarding literature themes, the studies have identified various This part describes the data collection procedure, the text preprocess-
themes in literature. For instance, in a study of social media in market- ing processes, and the bibliometric analysis and visualization methods
ing, the authors identified the following key themes: social media and that we incorporated in this study. These methods are bibliographic cou-
advertising, electronic word of mouth, CRM, brand, customer behaviour pling, co-citation analysis, and burst detection analysis.
ad perception, adoption and organizational culture (Alalwan et al.,
2017). Another study (Misirlis & Vlachopoulou, 2018) identifies the fol-
lowing key themes: consumer behaviour research, engagement, aware-
ness and branding, social capital, predictive marketing, relationship Data collection
marketing and electronic word of mouth advertising and promotion. To
one study by Salo, (2017), the main themes of social media in industrial We collected data from the Web of Science (WOS) database. We
marketing are advertising, buyer-seller relationship and business net- searched for the following keywords as the "topic" of papers from 1900
work domain, computers in business markets, decision support and man- to 2020 on the WOS Core Collection Database. We searched for the fol-
agement sciences, public relations and marketing, marketing communi- lowing keywords: digital marketing, social media marketing or Blue-
cation and sales. In studying mobile marketing, one study (Ngai, 2003) tooth marketing, or mobile marketing, or email marketing, or SMS mar-
limited its analysis of mobile marketing literature to mobile device value keting, or proximity marketing, or beacon marketing. The timespan was
creation. In reviewing the fundamental concepts of digital marketing, all years. In total, 29,123 documents were extracted. In sum, the re-
one study (P K P. K. Kannan & Li, 2017) identified the following con- search population is all documents that have the keywords above as
cepts: consumer behaviour, social media, platforms, two-sided markets, their "topic," and was published from 1900 till 2020 and was indexed in
search engines, contextual interaction, marketing research and strategy, the WOS core collection database.
consumer behaviour, user-generated content, promotion, place and mar-
keting outcomes. In their bibliographic study of internet advertising,
the authors (Kim & McMillan, 2008) identified five themes: interactiv-
ity, electronic commerce, advertising and persuasion, effectiveness and Text preprocessing
traditional media.
From this analysis, we can conclude that these studies have identified We applied some preprocessing procedures to maximize the value
a limited number of themes; without identifying their timeline and burst of texts (i.e. tokenization, stemming, and stop-word removal). The first
period of keywords and terms. In these qualitative review studies, the step of preprocessing our text data was tokenization, which takes raw
keywords and concepts are drawn from the literature based on the ex- data as an input and cleansed tokens as an output (Anandarajan, Hill
pertise and knowledge of researchers. It is also unclear what words form & Nolan, 2019; Delgosha, Hajiheydari & Talafidaryani, 2021). Then,
a theme (or a cluster or a community) and what links exist between the words with special characters or numerical values were removed, and
words of a theme. It is also unclear how strong the themes are linked to- a list of tokens became the input of the stemming or the stop-word re-
gether. These studies do not assess the semantic similarity as well. The moval procedure (Taeho, 2019). Stemming maps each token into its root
similarity analysis measures that the keywords or the themes in close forms, such as plural nouns converted into their singular forms. For in-
proximity or location to each other tend to be more strongly linked. stance, "better" and "best" will be converted into their root form, which
is "good." The next step was removing stop words from the list of to-
Research method kens or stemmed words. Stop words are words that are extremely com-
mon, like articles and prepositions (Abraham et al., 2018; Taeho, 2019).
This section describes the research methods we employed to conduct This procedure cleans the data and is ready for reliable text analysis
bibliometric analysis and visualization of the digital marketing field. (Hajiheydari et al., 2019).
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
Table 2 Table 3
Connection of research methods to the research objectives of the research. Bibliometric analysis techniques used in the paper, their strengths and limita-
Objectives of the research Techniques were used
Bibliometric Technique Strengths Limitations
What are the most influential cited Co-citation analysis of references
Co-Citation Analysis; It assesses the Co-citation analysis is
works and sources in the field of Co-citation network of sources
intellectual "inconsistent in their
digital marketing? Who are the Co-citation analysis of authors
development and coverage over time,
most cited authors?
structure of scientific were subject to errors
What are the major knowledge Bibliographic Coupling
disciplines; They in citations,
structures, research themes, and Burst detection
cluster papers tending under-represented
clusters in digital marketing
to share some experimental work and
research? Their interconnections,
common theme and were found to contain
topic and research bursts and
research areas; a significant subjective
(Surwase et al., 2011) element."
(Hicks, 1987)
Burst Detection It analyses " the rate It is not a
Bibliometric analysis and mapping of increase of word threshold-based
frequencies and detection
identifies the most (Chen, 2006b)
Bibliometrics is the quantitative analysis of bibliographic data of un- rapidly growing
structured texts, like scientific literature (Eom, 2009). In recent years, words… it can handle
many studies have been conducted to analyse the trend of scientific multiple levels of
bursts"(Chen, 2006b);
research by using bibliographic Analysis (Cobo et al., 2011; Saheb &
Bibliographic Coupling It can identify "hot" Its integration with
Izadi, 2019; Saheb & Saheb, 2019, 2020). As the complexity and vol- research topics other methods such as
ume of bibliometric data increases, a new wave of scholarly needs has depicted by " core text analysis can yield
emerged to visualize bibliometric data in the form of networks (van Eck documents" selected better results (Janssens
& Waltman, 2014). Powerful bibliographic analytical and visualization through appropriate & Quoc, 2006)
thresholds (Glänzel &
tools, such as Cite Space and VOSviewer, were developed to map and
Czerwon, 1996).
visualize bibliographic data in terms of networks.
Bibliometric Analysis can be conducted through several techniques.
The most common bibliometric analytical methods are bibliographic
time " of burst words and periods (Vasant, Zelinka & Weber, 2018). In
coupling and co-citation analysis. The most popular bibliometric visual-
this study, we used the CiteSpace software to detect the burstiness of
ization approaches are distance-based, graph-based and timeline-based
(van Eck & Waltman, 2014). Table 2 illustrates various bibliometric
In addition to bibliometric analysis, we also visualized the results
techniques used in this paper and their connection with the research
in the shape of networks. A bibliometric network is composed of nodes
objectives. In this part of the paper, we describe each of the bibliomet-
and edges in which the nodes can be publications, journals, keywords,
ric methods we employed in this research. Table 2 summarizes how each
or researchers. The edges also depict relations between pairs of nodes,
technique is associated with the objectives of the study.
and these relations can be citation relations, keyword-co-occurrence re-
Bibliographic coupling, introduced by Kessler in the 1960s, connects
lations or co-authorship relations (van Eck & Waltman, 2010). In the
papers that cite the same articles. The more papers they both cite, their
distant-based approach like multidimensional scaling, the position of
similarity is stronger (Liu, 2008). Studies show that this method can
the nodes in a bibliometric network shows the relatedness of the nodes.
identify " hot" research topics depicted by " core documents" selected
The smaller distance means that the nodes are more related (Borg, Groe-
through appropriate thresholds (Glänzel & Czerwon, 1996). Co-citation
nen & J, 2005). VOSViewer mainly focuses on the distant-based visual-
analysis, on the other hand, measures the relatedness of papers based on
ization of bibliometric networks (van Eck & Waltman, 2014). In this
their co-citation frequency. The major strength of bibliographic coupling
study, we used the VOSViewer to visualize the networks. The graph-
compared with co-citation analysis is that bibliographic coupling can
based approach functions like the distance-based approach. However,
capture the early-stage evolution of a scientific field (Jarneving, 2007).
in the graph-based method, edges are also displayed to indicate the re-
However, some studies challenge the bibliographic coupling method
latedness of nodes. The Fruchterman and Reingold algorithm is mainly
concluding that integrated approaches, such as combining text anal-
used in this approach (Fruchterman & Reingold, 1991). The third ap-
ysis with bibliographic coupling, can yield better results (Janssens &
proach is the timeline-based approach linking each node to a specific
Quoc, 2006).
point in time (Chen, 2006a).
Co-citation analysis is also defined as the frequency or the num-
Despite the popularity of bibliometric analysis, some scholars chal-
ber of times that two documents are cited (Vargas-Quesada and Moya
lenge the suitability of bibliometric data in databases, such as the WOS
Anegón, 2007). The greater the value of co-citation, the stronger the
for evaluating science (Adam, 2002). Some studies also challenge the
relationships (Maimon & Rokach, 2010; Roger-Maurice Bonnet, Vin-
quality of bibliometric data and their capability to cope with mul-
cent Bontems, Thijs de Graauw, Matt Griffin, 2017). Co-citation analysis
tiple data dimensions (Ferrara & Salini, 2012). Table 3 summarizes
provides a forward-looking assessment of the similarity of documents
some strengths and limitations of each bibliometric technique we im-
(Chen, 2006a; Adam, 2002). However, as the academic fields evolve,
plemented in this paper.
frequencies of co-citations also change (Culnan, 1986). The major limi-
tation of co-citation analysis is that it is "inconsistent in their coverage
over time, were subject to errors in citations, under-represented experi- Results
mental work and were found to contain a significant subjective element"
(Hicks, 1987). Identifying the knowledge clusters of digital marketing research through
Kleinberg first coined detection of burstiness of words in 2003 bibliographic coupling
(Kleinberg, 2003). ‘Word bursts’ are defined as " having arrival rates
defined by the number of messages containing a particular word" (He & To analyse and visualize the knowledge clusters of research on digi-
Parker, 2010). So a burst of a word is a sharp increase in the frequency tal marketing, we employed the bibliographic coupling of documents by
of a word (Pan, Chen & Nguyen, 2012) which shows the timing of a using the VOSViewer software. We set the minimum number of citations
hot topic (Chen, 2006a). The burst shows the " start time and the end of a document at 10, and 4705 documents met the threshold to visualize
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
Table 4
Knowledge clusters of research on the digital transformation of marketing, their sizes, and some of the documents with
the greatest total link strength.
No Cluster Name Size Some of the representative papers with the greatest total link strength
1 Marketing Strategy 643 (Adner & Levinthal, 2001; Buckley et al., 2007; Porter & Kramer, 2006)
2 Social media 449 (Litvin et al., 2008a; Mangold & Faulds, 2009; Xiang & Gretzel, 2010)
3 Customer behaviour 407 (Bruner & Kumar, 2005; Kim, Chan & Gupta, 2007a; Wang et al., 2009)
4 Economics 312 (Aker & Mbiti, 2010; Bakos & Brynjolfsson, 1999; boyd & Crawford, 2012)
5 Location Data and Marketing 102 (Carroll & Green, 1997; Cho et al., 2008; Zhuo Chen et al., 2009)
6 Health marketing 83 (Boulos et al., 2011; Marcus et al., 1998; Wakefield et al., 2010)
the network. We only chose the top 2000 documents with the greatest the authors analyse a series of primary and control variables of foreign
total link strength to be visualized in the next phase. The normaliza- direct investment, such as market size, policy liberalization, cultural
tion method was modularity. The modularity algorithm measures the proximity.
strength of a network and explains how easily a graph can be classified Cluster 2: Social media marketing- The second-largest research clus-
into clusters or communities (Khokhar, 2015). The size of each frame ter of digital marketing literature is social media marketing. Social me-
is a representation of the total link strength of each item. As a result, dia is utilized for better relationships with customers, and many sec-
six research clusters and the top documents with the greatest total link tors are deploying it. One of the significant use cases of social media
strength were identified) Fig. 1 and Table 4). These clusters are strategy, marketing is tourism and hospitality (Mangold & Faulds, 2009; Xiang
social media marketing, customer behaviour, economics, location data & Gretzel, 2010). Despite the promising benefits of social media, the
and marketing and health marketing. literature alerts the marketers of the detrimental impacts of customer’s
Cluster 1: Strategy- The major cluster of digital marketing is "strat- comments on a firms’ performance and the significant effect of online
egy." Undoubtedly, digital marketing requires new strategy frameworks; comments on customers’ decision-making process. For instance, one of
whose principles may alter based on factors, such as demand hetero- the essential components of social media is eWOM or electronic word
geneity and the emergence of consumers with different needs. One of mouth. However, authors (Litvin, Goldsmith & Pan, 2008a) alert the
study (Adner & Levinthal, 2001) shows the significant impact of these marketers to pay close attention to the ethical and technological issues
conditions on a firm’s innovation choices. Another hot aspect of re- of eWOM. These authors encourage marketers to design strategies to
search on digital marketing strategy is regarding the social respon- control eWOM (Litvin, Goldsmith & Pan, 2008b). Another study also
sibility of companies. By deeming this phenomenon an opportunity (Mangold & Faulds, 2009) argue that the content, timing, and frequency
for firms, one study (Porter & Kramer, 2006) proposes a framework of social media-based conversations are out of the control of managers.
to achieve objectives, such as identifying the social consequences of So they encourage the managers to organize social media discussions
their behaviours, discovering beneficial opportunities, and strengthen- that are inconsistent with the company’s mission and goals.
ing their competitive power in the market. Another hot topic of this Cluster 3: Customer behaviour- Although developing a solid and com-
cluster is regard to the institution-based view of strategy. In a study prehensive strategy is necessary for a successful marketing campaign,
(Buckley et al., 2007), the authors aim to examine how a country, specif- understanding customers’ behaviour is essential. The third central clus-
ically an emerging country like China, with distinctive home country ter of digital marketing literature addresses customer behaviour by in-
institutions fits with institution-based views of strategy, and to do so; corporating theories like the technology acceptance model or consumer
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
choice and decision-making. These studies highlight factors that influ- Since 2013, the major upfront research topics have been social media
ence the behaviour of a customer. These factors can be utilitarian and marketing, followed by customer behaviour, as shown in the overlay
hedonic aspects of a technology (Bruner & Kumar, 2005), the values de- visualization of the clusters. As Fig. 2 shows, the strategy cluster was the
rived from adopting a technology (Kim, Chan & Gupta, 2007b), or the primary research upfront between 2006 and 2008. The location data and
age and gender differences (Wang, Wu & Wang, 2009). In sum, this clus- marketing cluster was also upfront research in 2008. The social media
ter explores the impact of a wide range of determinants on the adoption marketing cluster is a prominent research theme since 2007 to this date.
behaviour of customers. As Fig. 3 shows, the number of papers on this topic has grown from
Cluster 4: Economics- The fourth research cluster of digital market- 2014 onward. During this period, health marketing became a scholarly
ing literature is concerned with economics. One of the major topics in concern as well. The customer behaviour cluster is a prominent topic
this cluster is mobile phone adoption and its economic outcomes, such as since 2006 to this date. This topic is still scholarly and has experienced
producing welfare for consumers (Aker & Mbiti, 2010). In another study, growth since 2010. The economics of marketing is also a scholarly topic
the authors focus on facilitating the process of predicting customers’ val- since 2006.
uations by bundling very large numbers of unrelated information goods Regarding the growth rate in scientific publications on digital mar-
(Bakos & Brynjolfsson, 1999). As their study shows, if different market keting, as Fig. 3 shows, although the strategy cluster was a hot research
segments of consumers vary in terms of their valuations of goods, simple topic between 2000 and 2002, it experienced a downward trend. Be-
bundling is not an optimal mechanism. Another hot topic of this cluster tween 2015 and 2017, the number of publications on strategy in the
is big data technology and its consequences in creating a new digital digital marketing literature had a very dramatic drop. Unlike the strat-
divide and other wide-ranging implications (boyd & Crawford, 2012). egy cluster, the social media cluster was fast-growing from 2006. The
Cluster 5: Location data and marketing - The fifth knowledge struc- most significant number of papers on social media in the digital market-
ture of digital marketing literature is location data and its utilization ing literature was published between 2018 and 2019. The health mar-
in marketing. For instance, the literature investigates the role of mul- keting cluster has grown steadily since 2000, and its development is
tidimensional scaling and the impact of proximity data on marketing mainly similar to the growth of research on location data and market-
(Carroll & Green, 1997), the spatial analysis of the amenity value of ing. Though research on customer behaviour declined slightly between
green open spaces and the importance of variables such as size, proxim- 2000 and 2002, it had an abrupt growth between 2003 and 2005. With
ity, the spatial configuration of open spaces (Cho, Poudyal & Roberts, a steady increase from 2005 until 2017, research on customer behaviour
2008), or using housing sales data to forecast sub-market segmentation was considered one of the research subjects in the digital marketing lit-
strategies (Zhuo Chen et al., 2009). erature. However, the number of publications on this topic once again
Cluster 6: Health Marketing- The last cluster of research on digital experienced a sudden increase between 2018 and 2019. As one of the
marketing is regarding health marketing. One of the research trends of other clusters, the economics cluster is a scholarly topic with relatively
this cluster is healthcare technologies, their emerging trends, and mar- steady growth from 2000 until 2017. However, the percentage of pub-
ket uptake (Boulos et al., 2011). The other scholarly concern of this lications on this topic dropped between 2018 and 2019. In this part of
cluster is reviewing specific use cases of employing health technologies the paper, we explore the burst keywords from 1992 to 2017 explained
for health interventions (Wakefield, Loken & Hornik, 2010), such as for in detail in Table 5.
physical activity (Marcus et al., 1998). These studies confirm the posi- As shown in Table 5, the burst of keywords in the literature is
tive role of employing technology-based health interventions to reduce strongly related to social and technological changes in the real world.
health risks (Wakefield et al., 2010). For example, in 1997, the World Wide Web was one of the most popu-
As Fig.1 indicates, the most robust linkage of the strategy cluster is lar keywords, which coincided with the real-world development of the
with the economics cluster regarding the linkage of clusters. This analy- WWW. Alongside this keyword, other burst keywords are electronic
sis also shows that the consumer behaviour cluster links with the strat- commerce and power. For instance, this year, James Ho, in his pa-
egy, health marketing, and economics clusters. Social media marketing per "evaluating the World Wide Web: a global study of Commercial
has some relatively average linkages with health marketing and cus- Sites," evaluated websites from customers’ perspective of value-added
tomer behaviour. The location data and marketing cluster has the lowest (Ho, 1997). One of the highly cited papers in this year on electronic
citation linkage with the other clusters. commerce is a paper published by Bakos, J.Y; titled " reducing buyer
search costs: implications for the electronic marketplace" (Bakos, 1997),
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
Table 5
The highly burst keywords from 1992 to 2017.
Begin Entity & Strength Begin Entity & Strength Begin Entity & Strength
or a paper titled " power and trust: critical factors in the adoption and TAC were introduced (StellaDoradus, 2018). In 2000, e-commerce was
use of electronic data interchange" in electronic commerce by Hart, P. a keyword burst. This year, many companies in the US and Western Eu-
and Saunders, C. (Hart & Saunders, 1997). The other highly cited paper rope delivered their services through the WWW (Ma’aruf & Abdulka-
on this keyword burst was a paper published by Hoffman D.L and No- dir, 2012). For instance, in 2000, Google launched AdWords, which
val, T.P. called " A new marketing paradigm for electronic commerce" is an advertising service. Also, StubHub, which was a popular online
(Donna L., Hoffman Thomas P., Novak, 1997). marketplace for event tickets, was launched. Walmart also launched its
In 1998, mobile communication was one of the burst keywords. As website in 2000. In 1998 and 1999, Ali Baba, Amazon 1-Click Service,
history shows, by the late-1990s, mobile devices rapidly developed. In Tradera, PayPal, and Zappos were launched. The highly cited paper on
1997, the first handset mobiles- i.e. Nokia 6110 and Motorola Star- e-commerce in 2000 highlighted the role of familiarity and trust in e-
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
commerce (Gefen, 2000). Other highly cited articles on e-commerce this Table 6
year addressed issues of e-loyalty (Reichheld & Schefter, 2000), busi- The most influential sources in digital marketing scien-
ness models (Mahadevan, 2000), acceptance of e-commerce services tific research.
(Bhattacherjee, 2000), and privacy and security (Miyazaki & Fernan- Source Citations Total Link Strength
dez, 2000).
J marketing 9217 454,322
Before 2015, mobile technology was a prominent keyword for sev- J marketing res 6571 322,735
eral years, and each year, a specific aspect of mobile technology is J consum res 5333 252,961
highlighted. For instance, in 2011, mobile and proximity were key- J bus res 4690 219,418
word bursts, implying the privacy controversy over GPS- based location Strategic manage j 3957 211,572
Manage sci 4952 201,103
marketing this year. The first commercial location-based service was
Mis quart 4110 174,693
launched in 2001 by a Japanese mobile Carrier called KDDI. However, in J acad market sci 3172 173,851
2011, Facebook’s plan to make users’ information to third-party devel- J interact mark 3618 163,453
opers and external websites arose a new wave of concerns over user’s pri- Market sci 3700 157,311
vacy, and US legislators also addressed location privacy (Greer, 2012).
One of the highly cited papers regarding privacy and mobile location- Table 7
based or proximity marketing is titled " the personalization privacy para- Documents with the greatest total link strength.
dox: an exploratory study of the decision-making process for location-
Related Cluster Documents
aware marketing" (Xu et al., 2011). Privacy in smartphones was still a
hot scholarly topic in 2013. With the growth of disruptive technologies, Social Media Marketing (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010)
we observe that after 2015, social media marketing, big data, Facebook, Location Data and Marketing (Barwise & Strong, 2002)
Research Method (Fornell & Larcker, 1981)
brand and loyalty; and in 2017, Twitter and engagement became hot
Customer behaviour (Tsang, Ho & Liang, 2004)
scholarly topics. Customer behaviour (Bauer et al., 2005)
Social Media Marketing (Mangold & Faulds, 2009)
Customer behaviour (Davis, 1989)
Identifying the most influential sources, authors and references through Customer behaviour (Zhang & Mao, 2008)
co-citation analysis Social Media Marketing (Peters et al., 2013)
Customer behaviour (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2010)
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
ize only the 500 authors with the greatest total link strength (Fig. 5). digital marketing are related to customer behaviour and social media
The five top authors with the greatest total link strength are Venkatesh, marketing.
V (17,364), Fornell, C (16,171), Davis, fd (14,566), Hair, jf (12,838),
Bagozzi, rp (12,193), Ajzen, I (12,151), hennin-thurau, t (8670), Kaplan Discussion
am (8551) porter, me (8174) and oliver, rl (7723) Fig 6.
This analysis shows that the most influential authors in digital mar- This paper provided a systematic and integrated bibliometric anal-
keting literature are concerned with customer behaviour, satisfaction, ysis of scientific research development trends on digital transformation
and adoption. On the second level, the influential authors are also con- in marketing by reviewing scientific works indexed in the WOS from
cerned with social media in marketing. The first influential author is 1900 until 2020. The primary objectives of this research were identi-
Venkatesh Shankar. His-highly cited paper is " customer value, satis- fying the most influential actors (sources, authors, and references) and
faction, loyalty, and switching costs: An illustration from a business- distinguishing the major knowledge clusters and research themes. We
to-business service context." His-work is mainly related to the clusters incorporated evidence-based analytical methods, including bibliomet-
of strategy, economics, and customer behaviour. The second influential ric analysis and mapping methods, including bibliographic coupling,
person is Claes Fornell, chairman and founder of the American Customer co-citation analysis, and burst detection. The bibliographic coupling
Satisfaction Index. His-work is also mainly within the realm of customer method discovered the knowledge structures and clusters, and the co-
behaviour cluster. Fred Davis, the third influential author, is also associ- citation analysis method identified the most influential actors. The burst
ated with customer behaviour, with his influential model of technology detection analysis also uncovered the burst keywords in different peri-
acceptance being a prominent model. The fourth influential researcher ods.
in digital marketing is Joseph Hair Jr, whose main contribution is in This research proposed two major inquires. The first enquiry was
the domain of research methods in marketing. As the fifth influential concerning the most influential elements, including sources, authors
person, Bagozzi is the colleague of Davis who presented the most signif- and references, within digital transformation in marketing. Through co-
icant model of technology acceptance. The work of Ajzen is also focused citation analysis, we uncovered that the journal of marketing is the
on customer behaviour, which is verified in his theory of planned be- most influential source in the area, while the most effective author is
haviour. The work of Horsten Hennig-Thurau is linked with social me- Vankatesh Shankar. Our second enquiry was regarding the hot research
dia marketing and consumer behaviour clusters. The work of Andreas themes in the field. Our bibliometric review revealed six major hot re-
M. Kaplan is also social media marketing. As the ninth most influential search themes: marketing strategy, social media, customer behaviour,
person, Porter has published papers on strategy and competitive advan- economics, location data and marketing and health marketing.
tage in the market. The work of Oliver rl is also mainly associated with
customer behaviour and satisfaction. Theoretical contributions and implications for practice
In this part of the paper, we analysed and visualized a co-citation net-
work of cited references. We set the minimum at 20, and out of 651,097 Earlier in this paper, we described that previous bibliometric studies
cited references, 1604 references met the threshold. However, we se- of marketing research have focused on traditional marketing solely or
lected the top 500 references with the greatest total link strength to on a limited scope of digital marketing, such as internet marketing. The-
be visualized. As this analysis shows, the most influential references in oretically, this study fills this gap and contributes to the marketing liter-
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
ature by illustrating a whole picture of research evolution in this field. market. This analysis demonstrated that research on digital marketing
Theoretically, this paper contributes to digital marketing by identifying was highly in accordance with technical and social disruptions in the
the major research themes and influential elements of research on digi- real world. Based on the results of this study, we can highlight several
tal marketing. The results of this study suggest six major research clus- trends that may influence research on digital marketing in the future: 1)
ters within the domain of digital marketing scientific research: strategy, the need to deepen knowledge regard to customer behaviour, 2) shifting
social media, customer behaviour, economics, location data and mar- toward research on disruptive technologies in marketing to be compat-
keting, and health marketing. This finding confirms the study by (P.K. ible with the real-world, 3) investigating both the positive and negative
P. K. Kannan & Li, 2017), arguing that the critical touchpoints impacted consequences of social media in marketing campaigns, and 4) the ubiq-
by digital marketing are the environment (such as customer behaviour), uitous use of location data for marketing purposes and concerns regard-
market research (such as location marketing or health marketing), out- ing the ethics of private data.
comes (such as values), and marketing strategy. As this study shows, Practically, this study offers new insights for marketers and busi-
at the beginning of scientific endeavours on digital marketing, research nesses on their marketing endeavours using digital technologies. Mar-
on strategy was the hot scholarly topic; later in 2015, its growth de- keters and businesses can incorporate digital technologies to facilitate
clined. On the other hand, research on social media has a fast-growing their engagement with their customers and decrease their marketing
trend from 2006 onward. This scientific trend is incompatible with the costs. Each digital technology has its unique capabilities, and developing
popularity of social media and the ubiquitous engagement of citizens a stack of digital technologies in marketing will benefit their customers
and users in social networking platforms. Concurrently, research on cus- and their businesses in detecting customers’ preferences and their needs
tomer behaviour turned into a hot scholarly topic. This study shows that in real-time and via the customers’ voices.
the most influential references in the field address issues related to cus-
tomer behaviour. Research on customer behaviour experienced tremen- Limitations and future agenda
dous growth after 2015 compared to the other research clusters, which
experienced a downfall trend since 2015. This growth is in accordance In this analysis, we included all scientific disciplines that worked
with the market trends in which social media transformed into an influ- on the digital transformation of marketing; and analysed theories and
ential tool for marketing and business disruptions. Customers’ comments models developed in various fields such as marketing and consumer psy-
and behaviours impacted business tremendously. chology. This approach was an answer to the call by (P.K. P. K. Kannan
The burst detection analysis also shows that the burst keywords are & Li, 2017) inquired scholars to conduct a more comprehensive analysis
highly associated with the social and technological changes in the real of the digital marketing field. Future research can focus only on biblio-
world. For instance, concurrent with the development of Nokia in 1997, metric and visualization analysis of only marketing journals. Moreover,
research on mobile communication turned into a burst keyword; or in of the various quantitative methods, we incorporated only bibliometric
2000, concurrent with the growth of e-commerce in the US and West- analysis. Future research can utilize other text mining methods such as
ern Europe, e-commerce became a burst keyword. In 2015, social media topic modelling by using Python and its text mining libraries such as the
marketing, big data, Facebook, brand and loyalty; and in 2017, Twitter Gensim library.
and citizen engagement became the hot scholarly topics. All of these Moreover, new digital marketing tools and techniques are emerging
scientific incidences were concurrent with technological trends in the rapidly, and various scientific fields are assessing their impact on mar-
T. Saheb, B. Amini and F. Kiaei Alamdari International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2021) 100018
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