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Adaudit Plus SSL Configuration

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A simple step-by-step guide

to SSL configuration


Table of Contents
Introduction: 1

Steps for enabling SSL:  1

Step 1: 3

Defining the SSL port 1

Step 2: 5

Create the Keystore 1

Step 3: 7

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and submit it to your 8

Certifying Authority 2

Step 4: 0

Add the CA signed certificates to the keystore 3

For GoDaddy certificates 3

For Verisign certificates  4

For Comodo certificates  4

For Entrust certificates  4

For Thawte certificates 5

For self signed (Internal CA) certificates:  5

Step 5: 5

Bind the certificates to ADAudit Plus 5

Steps to install an existing PFX/PKCS12 or wildcard certificate. 6

Glossary:  7

What is SSL?  7

SSL Certificate:  7

Certifying Authority:  7

CSR:  8

Overview of ADAudit Plus 8

To secure the communication between users’ web browsers and ADAudit Plus server, the connection

between these two entities must be secured.  

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the de facto standard on the web for establishing an encrypted link

between a server and a web browser. It ensures that all data transferred between the server and the

browser remains secure. 

Steps for enabling SSL: 

The following steps will guide you through enabling SSL in ADAudit Plus: 

STEP - 1

Defining the SSL port

Logon to ADAudit Plus with an account that has administrative privileges

Navigate to Admin > General Settings > Connection.

Enable SSL by checking the checkbox, then enter the port number [default: 8444] you plan on using
for ADAudit Plus and save changes.

Now stop ADAudit Plus by navigating through Start > All Programs > ADAudit Plus > Stop ADAudit

STEP - 2

Create the keystore

The keystore is a password protected file that contains all the keys that the server will use for SSL

To create the certificate keystore file, from  <installation directory> \ jre \bin, execute the
following command in the command prompt: 

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keypass <your key password> -keyalg RSA -validity 1000
-keystore <domainName>.keystore 

1 www.adauditplus.com
Provide information based on the following guidelines:

What is the first and last name? The NetBIOS (if the DNS domain name is 
test.example.com, the NetBIOS domain name is 
test) or FQDN name (an FQDN for a hypothetical
mail server might be mymail.example.com. The
hostname is mymail, and the host is located within
the domain example.com) of the server on which
ADAudit Plus is running.

What is the name of your The department name that you want to appear in
Organizational Unit? the certification.

What is the name of your Provide the legal name of your organization.

What is the name of your city? Enter the city name as provided in your
organization’s registered address.

What is the name of your Enter the State/Province as provided in your

state/province? organization’s registered address.

What is your country code? Provide the 2-letter code of the country your
organization is located in.

Password  Enter a password of at least 6 characters.

STEP - 3

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and submit it to your Certifying Authority

1. Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

A. To create a csr (Certificate Signing Request) file from the <installation directory> \ jre \ bin,
execute the following command in the command prompt:

2 www.adauditplus.com
keytool -certreq -alias  tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore  <domainName>.keystore -file 


B. To create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with Subject Alternative Name (SAN), execute
the following command in the command prompt: 

keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -ext

-keystore <domainName>.keystore -file <domainName>.csr

2. Submit the CSR file to your Certifying Authority (CA). You can locate the CSR file at

<install_dir>\ADAudit Plus\jre\bin

STEP - 4

Add the CA signed certificates to the keystore

Unzip the certificates returned by your CA and put them in <install_dir>/jre/bin folder

Open the command prompt and navigate to <install_dir>/jre/bin folder

Now, run the respective commands from the below list as applicable to your CA:

For "GoDaddy" certificates 

i. keytool -import -alias root -keystore <domainName>.keystore -trustcacerts -file

ii. keytool -import -alias cross -keystore <domainName>.keystore -trustcacerts -file


iii. keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore <domainName>.keystore -trustcacerts

-file gd_intermed.crt 

iv. keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore <domainName>.keystore -trustcacerts -file  


3 www.adauditplus.com
For "Verisign" certificates 
i. keytool -import -alias intermediateCA -keystore <domainName>.keystore
-trustcacerts -file < your intermediate certificate.cer> 

ii. keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore <domainName>.keystore -trustcacerts -file 


For "Comodo" certificates 

i. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt -keystore

ii. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias addtrust -file UTNAddTrustServerCA.crt

-keystore <domainName>.keystore 

iii. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ComodoUTNServer -file

ComodoUTNServerCA.crt - keystore <domainName>.keystore 

iv. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias essentialSSL -file essentialSSLCA.crt -keystore


For Entrust certificates 

i. keytool -import -alias Entrust_L1C -keystore <keystore-name.keystore> -trustcacerts
-file entrust_root.cer 

ii. keytool -import -alias Entrust_2048_chain -keystore <keystore-name.keystore> -

trustcacerts -file entrust_2048_ssl.cer 

iii. keytool -import -alias -keystore <keystore-name.keystore> -trustcacerts -file


4 www.adauditplus.com
For Thawte certificates
Purchased directly from Thawte

i. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file <certificate-name.p7b> -keystore


Purchased through the Thawte reseller channel:

i. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias thawteca -file <SSL_PrimaryCA.cer> -keystore


ii. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias thawtecasec -file <SSL_SecondaryCA.cer> -

keystore <keystore-name.keystore>

iii. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file <certificate-name.cer> -keystore


For self signed (Internal CA) certificates:

Keytool –import –trustcacerts –alias tomcat –file certnew.p7b –keystore
<keystore_name >.keystore

Note: If you are receiving the certificates from a CA who is not in the list provided above, then

contact your CA to get the commands required to add their certificates to the keystore. 

STEP - 5

Bind the certificates to ADAudit Plus 

Copy the <domainName>.keystore file from <install_dir>\jre\bin folder and paste it in 
<install_dir>\conf folder

Open ‘server.xml’ file located at <install_dir>\conf folder

Replace the value of keystoreFile with ‘./conf/<domainName>.keystore’ and keystorePass 
with the password that you used in Step 1

Save ‘server.xml’ file and close it

Restart ADAudit Plus again for the changes to take effect.

5 www.adauditplus.com
Steps to install an existing PFX/PKCS12 or
wildcard certificate.
The following steps will guide you through using your existing PFX/ PKCS12 or wildcard certificate file

while enabling SSL for ADAudit Plus.

STEP - 1

Defining the SSL port

Logon to ADAudit Plus with an account that has administrative privileges. Navigate to Admin >
General Settings > Connection.

Enable SSL by checking the checkbox, then enter the port number [default: 8444] you plan on
using for ADAudit Plus and save changes.

Now stop ADAudit Plus by navigating through Start > All Programs > ADAudit Plus > Stop
ADAudit Plus.

STEP - 2

Export the PFX/PKCS12 certificate file

Export and save your PFX/PKCS12 file under the <installation_dir>\conf folder (By default:
C:\ManageEngine\ ADAudit Plus\ conf).

STEP - 3

Edit the server.xml file to include the wildcard certificate

Open the server.xml file present in the <installation_dir>\conf folder in a local text editor.
(Ensure that you create a backup of the existing server.xml file just in case you wish to restore it).

Navigate to the end of the XML file, look for the connector tag <Connector SSLEnabled=”true”
……/>, and edit the following values (case-sensitive) within this connector tag.


keystorePass=” ”


6 www.adauditplus.com
For example: <Connector SSLEnabled="true" acceptCount="100" clientAuth="false"

connectionTimeout="20000" debug="0" disableUploadTimeout="true"

enableLookups="false" keystoreFile="./conf/YOUR_CERT_FILE.pfx"

keystorePass="PASSWORD" keystoreType="PKCS12" maxSpareThreads="75"

maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" name="SSL" port="443"

scheme="https" secure="true" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

STEP - 4

Start ADAudit Plus.

What is SSL? 
Abbreviated as SSL, Secure Socket Layer is an encryption technology to secure the data exchange

between a website and its visitor's web browser. Normally, when a user communicates with a website,

say submits his credit card information, the data travels to the server in plain text, which is susceptible

to data theft. Whereas if this data is encrypted, then no eavesdropper can read it. Thus, it's essential to

secure a website with SSL.

SSL Certificate: 
This is a digital identity of a company, which ensures that a visitor is talking only to its intended website

and whatever data he submits to the site is encoded and reaches only the intended site. This system is

analogous to banks recognizing their customers by their signatures. In this case, the browsers (thereby

the end-users) are programmed to trust these Certifying Authority (CA) presented certificates.

Certifying Authority: 
Regulatory organizations, with the help of standard policies, issue certificates to a domain declaring it

trustworthy. Every certificate they generate is unique to the company they are certifying, which makes

identification easy. 

CAs secure all necessary information about a company before issuing a certificate and also keep their

records updated, which adds to the trustworthiness. Some of the popular CAs include Verisign, Comodo

& GoDaddy etc. 

7 www.adauditplus.com
In order for a CA to generate an SSL certificate for a company, it first collects information about that

company and other identifiers such as public key (digital signature), and then binds them all with its

certificate. In doing so, it generates a unique identifier for the company.

Thus every certificate issuance process begins with a "certificate request" from the company. Certifying

Authorities refer to this process as Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The Certifying Authorities accept

the company information and digital signatures in a special file format, namely .csr format.

Overview of ADAudit Plus:

ADAudit Plus is a web-based, real-time Active Directory change auditing tool that helps you:

Track all changes to Windows AD objects including users, groups, computers, GPOs, and OUs. 

Monitor every user's logon and logoff activity, including every successful and failed logon attempt
across network workstations.

Audit Windows file servers, failover clusters, NetApp, and EMC storage to document changes to files

and folders. 

Monitor system configurations, program files, and folder changes to ensure file integrity.

Track changes across Windows servers, printers, and USB devices with a summary of events. 

To learn more about how ADAudit Plus can help you with all your Active Directory auditing needs,
please visit: https://www.manageengine.com/products/active-directory-audit/

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