BOMA 0317 Siemens 12ThingsYouNeedtoKnow WP
BOMA 0317 Siemens 12ThingsYouNeedtoKnow WP
BOMA 0317 Siemens 12ThingsYouNeedtoKnow WP
The results can include a lower likelihood of premature It requires a new approach that is no longer simply reactive to
equipment failure; assistance with federal, state, local, and break/fix scenarios but now can be proactive based on data,
corporate requirements and regulations; energy and opera- analysis, and operational processes built in to the business.
tional cost savings; and, finally, sustaining and perpetuating The upfront investment in proactive services will ultimately
the improvements you have made. reduce operating costs by enabling your team to work more
efficiently and, more importantly, improve building perfor-
2. It’s a team effort.
While MBCx involves highly sophisticated technologies, even
the best software applications do not always perform exactly 4. Implementation requires full buy-in.
as you need or want them to without the right people work- The term “building owner” refers to more than a single person
ing with them. Monitoring-based commissioning means as- or entity who owns the building. “Building owner buy-in”
sembling a high performance team comprised of building means getting all facility engineers, technicians, and infor-
engineers, controls contractors, mechanical contractors, mation technology specialists on board to plan for and partic-
commissioning resources, and others. The objective is to ipate in an MBCx implementation. And because it requires
assemble subject matter experts from every aspect of the continued, long-term engagement and participation, all
building’s performance to most effectively review and ana- stakeholders should be aware of and committed to imple-
lyze the mined data. This team will understand the building’s menting and sustaining the process.
unique operations and how to interpret the issues that might
5. It’s more than just a rule developed in a lab.
arise on a dashboard.
MBCx is no off-the-shelf, lab-developed process. That is, eve-
ry building has unique controls, unique configurations, and
3. Process, process, process.
unique data. The many diagnostic algorithms must be con-
The technology and the people are there. Having the right
tinually tested and improved upon, rather than developed
processes to support their efforts is critical to maximizing
and tested in sterile lab environments. Preparing these algo-
their effectiveness.
rithms means getting a picture of the building’s systems and
Fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) and similar solutions creating a model that considers the original control drawings
identify out-of-range states for various systems or equipment and design intent. No rules can come out of the box and
within a building. A fault is not an alarm; a fault indicates apply to every building, every climate, every situation.
that the system is not running optimally. FDD analysis con-
MBCx can provide a series of tried-and-true algorithms that
tinually monitors building performance and can identify
support the rule development process in the field. The me-
many faults each month, depending on the complexity of the
chanical, electrical, and energy systems produce vast
systems and the size of the building. The technology can give
amounts of data that can be measured and compared against
you great insight and information, but you need the people
a set of expected values. When the actual values do not
available to finish the interpretation and analysis. Those
match the expected values, the algorithms will generate a
teams require effective processes to facilitate that regular
fault, and in the cases of evolved MBCx, a root cause. Engi-
analysis and proactively optimize building performance and
neers get a wide-ranging picture of what is going on in the
efficiency. Building owners who engage in MBCx may need to
building, and MBCx can be customized to the characteristics
develop new business processes to support the teams and
of a particular building.
technologies in new ways.
Performance Fault Fault Fault 1. Tolerate Process
1. Work Order
Monitoring Detection Isolation Diagnosis 2. ASAP
2. PO
3. Stop, repair
4. Optimization 3. Finance
Advanced Control
Building Performance
Ex: Chilled Water
System Optimization
BAS adapted to current usage
Repairs performed
based on actionable
Information from MBCx
degradation MBCx Software drives
and maintains savings
1 Years 5
As the Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory report confirmed, MBCx does deliver energy savings and a return on invest-
ment, but the real long-term value of commissioning is in the building performance improvements and compliance efforts.
That value, however, is only possible through a comprehensive combination of the right people, processes, and technologies
to continuously optimize a building’s performance and efficiency.
EBCx Existing Building Commissioning
FDD Fault Detection and Diagnostics
MBCx Monitoring-based Commissioning
RCx Retro Commissioning
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