TES-P-119-02-R1-Basic Design Aspects
TES-P-119-02-R1-Basic Design Aspects
TES-P-119-02-R1-Basic Design Aspects
5.1 Appearance
5.2 Public Safety
5.3 Site Conditions
5.4 Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Field Effects
6.1 Frequency
6.2 System Nominal Voltage
6.3 Harmonics
6.4 AC Auxiliary Voltages
6.5 DC Auxiliary Voltages
6.6 Insulation Levels
6.7 Creepage Distance
The purpose of this chapter is to highlight National Grid, Saudi Arabia practices with
respect to standard nominal voltages, substation classification and switching arrangements.
It also defines the basic criteria required to design a substation. These include the
environmental considerations, system parameters, system conventions and standard
substation equipment and their ratings.
Other relevant aspects of substation engineering, like grounding, lighting, surge protection,
lightning protection, insulation co-ordination, clearances, cable laying, etc. shall be per other
chapters of TES-P-119.
The design shall make adequate provision for safety of operation and maintenance
personnel, reliability and continuity in service, ease of inspection and maintenance, ease and
clarity of operation, avoidance of spurious alarms, ability to withstand the severe service
conditions specified, freedom from undue vibration and noise, exclusion of vermin, birds
and animals, precautions to minimize fire risk. To limit the required stock of spare parts all
equipment and parts thereof performing similar duties shall be interchangeable.
All support structures for electrical equipment shall be designed to suit the service
conditions specified in 01-TMSS-01, the loads imposed on them, and the appropriate
electrical clearance requirements as mentioned in TES-P-119.08. The portal structures and
foundations shall be designed considering the spans required by the substation layout.
The SI system of units shall be used for all Engineering and Design.
The standard nominal voltages used by National Grid, Saudi Arabia are 11 kV, 13.8 kV, 33
kV, 34.5 kV and 69 kV for distribution and 110 kV, 115 kV, 132 kV, 230 kV and 380 kV
for transmission of electric power.
In GIS substation the primary side switchgears of power transformer shall be totally
enclosed in an SF6 gas insulated housing and shall normally be installed indoors in
an air-conditioned building. The exit bus ducts from GIS (if any) shall be installed
TESP11902R01/KSB Date of Approval: July 18, 2013 PAGE NO. 3 OF 25
The main bus bar switching arrangements shall be as per project scope of work and
technical specifications (SOW/TS) and the same shall be one of the following :
Offered bus bar arrangement shall be cost effective (present worth of annual costs and
minimum life cycle cost), flexible and safe to operate and maintain with required degree of
service continuity and reliability as well as the availability of power sources. Transmission
substation equipment losses shall be evaluated to justify minimum life cycle cost.
In Double Bus, Single Breaker Arrangement the bus coupler breaker connecting the two
main buses shall be normally closed, so transfer of a feeder from one bus to the other bus
will be possible without de-energizing the feeder circuit, by operating the disconnect
In Breaker and a Half Arrangement under normal operating conditions, all breakers shall be
closed and the two main buses shall be energized. To trip a circuit the two associated circuit
breakers must be opened.
Radial taps from 230 kV and 380 kV transmission lines to supply distribution type loads
shall be avoided.
Automatic load shedding shall be used if specified in SOW/TS to aviod cascading outages
and to minimize transient time of system disturbances/disruption.
5.1 Appearance
5.1.1 In some areas, zoning regulations shall require screening, low profile designs,
or other measures to improve appearance of outdoor substation. Substations
shall be located in a way that they are not strikingly visible to the public.
Sites that avoid the outdoor substation structures appearing on the skyline,
and those that take advantage of the natural land contours and tree plantations
are preferred.
5.1.5 Generally, use of complementary colors rather than use of contrasting colors
shall be better to blend the substation building into the background.
5.1.6 Outdoor substations shall consider nearby airports and aeronautic corridors
(if any), as there are usually restrictions on the maximum height of structures
and due to possible disturbances on navigation equipment.
5.1.7 Following present National Grid, Saudi Arabia practices shall be followed:
All 69 kV, 110 kV, 115 kV, 132 kV, 230 kV and 380 kV substations shall be
indoor GIS modular type unless otherwise specified in project SOW/TS.
All substations upto 34.5 kV shall be indoor type unless otherwise specified
in project SOW/TS.
5.2.1 Substations shall be safe for people carrying out operation and maintenance
as well as to public in the vicinity of the substation.
Where power transformers are located very near to the boundary limits,
concrete perimeter wall in front of the transformers shall be of removable
precast panels to provide easy access for installation and maintenance.
5.2.3 Additional means of protecting the public shall be taken through adequate
design of all facilities inside the fence/wall wherever required.
5.2.4 Appropriate warning signs shall be posted on the peripheral barrier of the
substation. Details of the warning sign shall be per TES-P-119.21.
5.2.5 Every substation shall have fire detection and protection system in
accordance with TES-P-119.21. Surface Treatment of Metals and Building
Exterior shall be such as to minimize as far as possible the risk of fire and the
resultant damage in the event of fire.
5.2.6 The design and erection of the substations shall be such that limits on noise
levels of equipment in service and out of service are not exceeded 65dB(A)
during day time (06:00-22:00hrs.) and 55dB(A) during night time (22:00-
06:00hrs.) at substation boundary including background noise, unless
otherwise specified in local regulations.
5.2.7 The orientation of the transmission substation and location of the gates shall
be decided based on the location, available plot size and/or right of ways. The
preferred orientation of a transmission substation located in urban area shall
be such that a public road is available at the power transformer side.
The complete substation shall be designed to meet the service conditions specified in
a. Surface conditions include salt flats (sabkhah), marl, eolian sand and
rock. Preferably substations shall not be located in areas of sabkhah.
If can’t be avoided, necessary soil improvement shall be carried out as
approved by National Grid, Saudi Arabia.
b. Ground water table varies from near the surface in the coastal zone to
several meters below grade in the inland areas.
c. Soil investigation must be carried out for each substation site before
finalizing the design and engineering.
5.4.4 In all substations, equipment layout and design shall be for ultimate
development and arranged such that during maintenance in a de-energized
bay the electric field from adjacent energized bays at power frequency shall
not exceed 5 kVrms/m and magnetic field shall not exceed 0.1mT at a height
of one (1) meter above ground. This value shall also apply to access roads,
walkways and working areas to reduce the likelihood of station personnel
receiving annoying shocks from grounded structures, e.g. switchgear support
structures, low voltage lamp stands, etc.
5.4.5 Directly under energized 110 kV, 115 kV, 132 kV, 230 kV and 380 kV
outdoor conventional equipment the electric field at power frequency shall
not exceed 10 kVrms/m and magnetic field shall not exceed 0.5mT at a height
of one (1) meter above ground.
6.1 Frequency
The nominal frequency for National Grid, Saudi Arabia system is 60 Hz and the
permissible operating frequency range is between 59.9 Hz and 60.1 Hz during
normal system operation.
6.3 Harmonics
The standard nominal DC auxiliary voltages adopted by National Grid, Saudi Arabia
as well as the DC system operating ranges are specified in Table 02-2.
The insulation levels for all HV, MV and LV (AC & DC) equipment shall not be less
than the values specified in 01-TMSS-01.
Basic lightning impulse insulation levels (BIL) are specified with respect to a
standard 1.2/50 µs wave shape and the basic switching impulse insulation level
(BSL) is specified for a 250/2500 µs impulse with tolerances specified by the
Industry Standards.
The creepage distance of all indoor and outdoor bushings/insulators shall be per 01-
Three phase, three wire (3φ, 3W) circuit configuration shall be used throughout
National Grid, Saudi Arabia system for all voltage levels from 380 kV down to 11
kV. Three phase, four wire (3φ, 4W) circuit configuration shall be used for all AC
auxiliary circuits.
Unless otherwise specified in project SOW/TS, the system neutral shall be solidly
grounded for all service voltages. Power transformer secondary neutral (wye neutral
point) shall be solidly grounded, resistance earthed (medium voltage) or effectively
grounded as specified in SOW/TS and for grounding of Power transformer
secondary with delta winding, and also for Power Transformer with loaded
stabilizing winding, ZN grounding transformer shall be provided.
The phases in all new substations shall be designated as R (Red), Y (Yellow) and B
(Blue) throughout the substation when viewed from Top to Bottom.. For transformer
and GIS phase designation shall be as specified in the material standards. For MV
switchgears phase conductors when viewed from operating side, the phase
designation shall be in line with transformer MV phase designation. For reinforced
substations the three phases shall be designated as per the existing system
Color of mimic bus shall be as specified in 31-TMSS-01. The color of the mosaics
base shall be same as that of the panel. The part of each transformer symbol
representing each winding shall be colored in accordance with the voltage of the
8.2.2 RMU shall be used to feed the second Station Service Transformer
Substations as specified in the SOW/TS.
Table 02-4 : Continuous Current Ratings of circuit breakers and bus bars in
Switchgears Rated 11 kV and Above
* Shall be specified by design engineer
** For switchgear it shall be 17.5 kV and for other equipment it shall be as
specified in the SOW/TS. For 13.8 kV Non-Extensible Ring Main Unit
(RMU) with Tee-off Circuit breaker used for Station Service Transformers,
the Three Phase Symmetrical Interrupting Current is 21kArms/ 1 sec
*** 50kA if required shall be specified in the SOW/TS.
2. Donald G. Fink and H. Wayne Beaty, "Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers",
Thirteenth Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., N.Y, 1993.
5. M. Khalifa, "High Voltage Engineering, Theory and Practice", Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
N.Y., 1990.
10. IEEE C57.136: Guide for Sound Level Abatement and Determination for Liquid-
Immersed Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors.
11. Electra # 179, CIGRE Joint Working Group 36.01/06: A Summary of Standards for
Human Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields at Power Frequencies.