Workout Plan

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Workout Plan May 2018

Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Task Task 1A. Push-up > Squat/Lunge Combo Body weight squat x 60 Rest 1A. Single-arm Dead
1B. Pull-up – 10 reps sec Hang
> Close-Grip Push Up – Alternating lunges x 60 1B. Plank Toe Touch
2A. Spiderman Push-up 10 reps sec
2B. Off-set Pull-up > Full Sit Up – 10 reps Shoulder taps x 60 sec 2A. Knees-up Pull-up
> Side Lunge – 10 reps Pushup x 40 sec 2B. Plank Knee Tuck
1st 3A. Mini-plyo Push up per side Mountain climber x 40
3B. Eccentric Chin-up > Walk Out – 10 reps sec 3A. Static Pull-up
> V-Sit Up – 10 reps Plank hold x 40 sec 3B. Push-up
3-5 rounds, AMRAP,
Run/jog 2-3 miles 3-5 rounds, 60 seconds Rest as needed. Repeat *4. Muscle-up
rest in between rounds 1-3 rounds. 3-5 supersets

Alternating jumping 10 pushup Rest AMRAP 12 minutes 5 rounds of: 3 Rounds: Rest
lunge (4) + Tuck jumps 10 situp of: 20 squats 50 Situps
(2) x 60 sec 10 squat 10 pushups 20 pushups Run 400m
Battle rope x 45 sec 15 situps 20 pullups
2nd Push-up x 45 sec 10 rounds for time 20m walking lunge
Jump squat x 45 sec

Rest as needed. Repeat

2-3 rounds.

1A. Push-up 100 burpeepullups 4 rounds of: Rest 10 rounds of: 3 Rounds for Time: 1. Run/jog 1-3 miles
1B. Pull-up 25 lunges 10 pullups Run 400m
50 squats 20 pushups 50 Squats Complete the following
2A. Spiderman Push-up 30 squats 25 Pushups circuit. Perform each
2B. Off-set Pull-up exercise for 30-60
seconds. Rest 60-90
3A. Mini-plyo Push up seconds. Repeat 3-5
3B. Eccentric Chin-up rounds.
50 double unders
2A. Squat Thrust
3-5 rounds. Do as many 2B. Bodyweight Squat
reps of each exercise as 2C. Star Jump
Complete the following
as quickly as possible.

3A. Pull ups x 25, 50,

or 100
3B. Push ups x 50, 75,
or 100

4th Rest For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 Rep For Time: Rest 50 squats Run 800 meters
60 Pushups Rounds for Time: 400m Walking Lunges 50 pullups 40 L pullups
Run 400m Double-Unders 50 walking lunges Run 800 meters
40 Pushups Sit-ups 50 kneestoelbows 40 strict pullups
Run 800m 5 handstand pushups Run 800 meters
20 Pushups 50 situps 40 kipping pullups
Run 1 mile 5 handstand pushups
50 squats
50 pullups

5 rounds of: Rest 3 rounds of: 4 rounds of: 3 rounds of: Rest 50 jumping jacks
15 Lpullups Run 800m 25 lunges 50 pushups 50 pushups
30 pushups 50 pullups 50 squats 50 situps 50 tuck jumps
45 situps 50 squats 50 situps
50 mountain
climbers(50 each leg)
50 squats
50 jumping jacks

50-40-30-20-10 AMRAP 20 Rest For Time: 6 Rounds For Time: Run 1 mile Rest
Double unders minutes of: Run 800m 10 Pushups 100 pullups
6th Sit-ups 5 pullups 100 Air Squats 10 Air Squats 200 pushups
10 pushups Run 800m 10 Sit Ups 300 squats
15 squats Run 1 mile

> Squat/Lunge Combo 50 burpees 4 rounds of: Rest 5 Rounds For Time: 5 Rounds For Time: Bad Snake
– 10 reps 75 flutterkicks (4count) 25 lunges Run 200m 100 Single Unders 100 rope jumps
> Close-Grip Push Up – 100 pushups 50 squats 10 Squats 50 Squats 21 kneestoelbows
10 reps 150 situps 10 Push Ups 50 Push ups
> Full Sit Up – 10 reps 15 LPull
> Side Lunge – 10 reps ups
per side 100 rope jumps
> Walk Out – 10 reps 15 kneestoelbows
> V-Sit Up – 10 reps 35 Push ups
12 LPull
Complete the circuit for ups
3-5 rounds. Take 60 100 rope jumps
seconds rest in between 12 kneestoelbows
rounds 20 Push ups
9 LPull

Rest 50 situps 4 rounds of: 503020 Rest 10 rounds of: For Time:
50 doubleunders 100 jump ropes reps of: 12 burpees 50 Walking Lunges
50 situps Run 400 meters doubleunders 12 pullups 800m run
8th 50 walking lunges 10 Bodyblasters pushups 50 Walking Lunges
50 situps (burpeepullupkneestoel pullups
50 burpees bows)
50 situps

For Time: Rest

9th Run 400 meters
50 Squats
Run 400 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 400 meters
50 Sit-ups
Run 400 meters

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