FISA Club Training Programme

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r ow i ng

FI SA Devel opment pr ogr am

Tr ai ni ng Pr ogr am f or
Cl ubs and I ndi vi dual s

Read this first!

The program is made after requests from Clubs and individual
rowers with ambitions to participate in international regattas
and Championships. Most rowers are not able to follow the
program due to limited time to their disposal, their school or
study situation or work and family responsibility and also less
ambitions. The majority of rowers want to have rowing as a
healthy and enjoyable free time activity, but the program can
still be useful as a guideline for how to plan your own training.

Lausanne April 2009

Thor S. Nilsen
FISA Development Director

FISA Development Program

I N D E X:

Introduction 4
The aim of the program:

Training Periods 5

How to use the program? 6

General information 7

Monthly Training Programs 8

Training models used in the program 21
Group 1: Utilization training 22
Group 2: Interval training 23
Group 3: Combined training 24
Group 4: Special training 25

Testing, training control and capacity profiles 26
Harvard Step Test 27
Coopers Running Test 28
Sub maximal Ergometer test 29

Appendixes: 30
Strength training 31
Volume training 33
Endurance training 35
Circuit Training 36
Core Training 37
Stretching 38
Top Pyramid training 39

Editor: Thor S. Nilsen, FISA Development Director - 2009


This Training Program for Clubs and Individuals is based on the experience from the Club
Training Program used by FISA Development Program during the nineties and the first part of
the twenty century. Since the Development program was introduced in the middle of the eighties
not much has changed in rowing technique and training methodology. The difference is the higher
number of hours invested in training by the international elite. With many athletes training up to
36 hours, and more, in a week, injuries in form of stress fractures and lower back problems has
occurred more frequently.

Among the lightweight rowers it looks as the immune defence got reduced and common colds,
influenza and other fever-related illnesses causes many breaks in the training system. This is
probably a result of high training load and reduced intake of food to keep the weight down.
Training load and intensity must be managed in balance with nutritional requirement, and it is
important that athletes and coaches understand the need of proper control of training volume,
intensity and required intake of food.

In this program we have appendixes presenting program for flexibility and series of additional exercises
to give the clubs the possibility to create a more all-round training program and avoid disharmony
between the different groups of muscles. Many injuries are related to underdevelopment in non-specific
rowing muscles.

The aim of the program:

1. Increase Maximum VO2.

2. Increase Strength Endurance.

3. Increase Maximum Strength.

4. Higher efficiency of Rowing Technique.

5. Better Flexibility and Coordination.

The Program is divided into 6 periods as follows:

Period 1. Preparation period 1: October - J anuary

Period 2. Preparation period 2: J anuary - February

Period 3. Pre-competition period: March - April

Period 4. Competition period 1: May J une - J uly

Period 5: Competition period 2: August - September
+ Championships "Peak" Program

Period 6: Active recovery and preparation


Program October:

MAIN EFFECT: Maximum Strength.
Secondary effect: General Endurance.

Program November:

MAIN EFFECT: Maximum Strength and
General Endurance.


Program January and February:

MAIN EFFECT: General Endurance and
Muscular Endurance.


Program March and April:

MAIN EFFECT: Basic Specific Endurance
and Rowing Technique.


Program: Weeks without competition:

MAIN EFFECT: Increased Specific Endurance.

Program: Weeks with competition:

MAIN EFFECT: "Super-Compensation" effect
and Race preparation.


"Peek" for Championships or important Regatta

MAIN EFFECT: "Peak" for the Championships.


Program September (October)
MAIN EFFECT: Active recovery and preparation.
How to use the Programs?


The intensity is expressed in "Heart rate" with an indicated "Target Zone", based on percentage
of "Maximum Heart rate". Maximum heart rate is estimated as 220 minus age. In the programs
200 HR is used as maximum and 180 HR as minimum. Individual variations will occur frequently.

All training models where HR is indicated show the physiological effect expected, and refer to the
Oxygen transport system.

Target Zone: Percentage of Max: Training effect:

130-150 Up to 75% Utilisation (2)*
140-160 " " 80% Mainly Utilisation (U1)*
150-170 " " 85% Anaerobic Threshold (AT)*
170-190 " " 95% Transportation (T)*
Max. " " 100% Anaerobic (A)*

* = Used in the Training Programs as indication for intensity.

It is not necessary to stay strict inside the "Target Zone", but to get maximum training effect
these rules should be respected:

Training effect: Training time in "Target Zone":

Utilisation: 80%
Anaerobic Threshold: 70%
Transportation: 50-70%
Anaerobic: 5-10%


The "Stroke rate" is closely connected to the Heart rate, but has its own technical effect. Close to
the regatta season, and inside the regatta season, it is important to train in the "Stroke Rate Area"
where we are supposed to compete.

The Single-Sculler and the eight will use different "Stroke Rate Areas", and in the program the
lowest number is an indication for the slow boats and the highest number for the fast boats.
Weather conditions must be taken into consideration with slower rate in head-wind and upstream.



Lightweight rowers with weight problems should not use the "Volume" or Maximum strength
training, because it will increase bodyweight and muscle volume. With the "Top-pyramid",
maximum strength can be improved without gain of weight.


J unior rowers should have passed the "Puberty" and have a settled body before they start with
heavy weight training. The best period to improve muscle volume and strength seems to be
between 18 and 23 years. For younger rowers their own "bodyweight" can be used as load. Circuit
training and endurance training is to prefer.


Women can follow the same training principles as men. Their maximum strength is lower and
muscle volume smaller, but their adaptation to endurance is as high as for men. Some scientists
insist that women recover faster from heavy endurance load than men do.

Be careful with weight training, and use time to learn a good lifting technique.


To follow the program completely from October to the end of August, you will need
approximately 650 hours of effective training. Total numbers of kilometres on the water are
approx. 4.000.

An International elite rower will use between 1000 to 1.500 hours/year and row between 5 and
7.000 Km: Remember: Less quantity needs more QUALITY.


School- and work problems might reduce the possibility to follow the program, and reduction will
be needed. With reduction try to keep the endurance part, and give priority to the boat training.

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 1: October

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Running/Gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Volume-training*)**)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Core training +Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 3 x 20 min - rest 4-5 min U1
b) Stretching

1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Volume training)
c) Stretching

1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 4 x 10 min - rest 3-4 min U1
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Volume training)
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Stretching

2 a) Warming up: Running/gymnastic 30 minutes
b) Circuit training (3 series x 60/60 sec)
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 120 min U2 18-22
b) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible.

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 2: November

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Running/Gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Volume-training*)**)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16

b) Core training +Stretching
2x) a) Ergometer 4 x 15 min - rest 4-5 min U1
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Volume training)
c) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 6 x 6 min - rest 3-4 min U1
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Volume training)
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Stretching

2 a) Warming up: Running/gymnastic 30 minutes
b) Circuit training (3 series x 60/30 sec)
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 120 min U2 18-22
b) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible
NB! Use rowing if the weather conditions allow training on water.

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 3: December

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Running/Gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)**)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Core training +Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 4 x 15 min - rest 4-5 min U1
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 6 x 6 min - rest 3-4 min U1
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 90 min U2 12-16
b) Stretching

2 a) Warming up: Running/gymnastic 30 minutes
b) Circuit training (3 series x 60/30 sec)
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing, running or cycling 120 min U2 18-22
b) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible
NB! Use rowing if the weather conditions allow training on water. If strong winter
conditions and snow; use cross-country skiing as endurance training.

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 4: January

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Running/Gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)**)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 90 min
b) Core training +Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 4 x 15 min - rest 4-5 min U1
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 90 min
b) Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 500 m x 10 rest 1 min T
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 90 min
b) Stretching

2 a) Warming up: Running/gymnastic 30 minutes
b) Circuit training (3 series x 90/30 sec)
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 2-3 hours
b) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible
NB! Use rowing if the weather conditions allow training on water. If strong winter
conditions and snow; use cross-country skiing as endurance training.

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 5: February

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Running/Gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)**)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 90 min
b) Core training +Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 6 x 5 min - rest 4-5 min T
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 90 min
b) Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 500 m x 12 rest 1 min T
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 90 min
b) Stretching

2a) Warming up: Running/gymnastic 30 minutes
b) Circuit training (4 series x 60/30 sec)
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing, running, cycling or cross-country skiing U2 2-3 hours
b) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible
NB! Use rowing if the weather conditions allow training on water. If strong winter
conditions and snow; use cross-country skiing as endurance training.

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 6: March

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Running/Gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)**)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Rowing 90-120 min U2 16-20
b) Core training +Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing/running/gymnastic 30 min
b) Weight training (Weight endurance training)
c) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing 90 min U2 16
b) Core training +Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 500 m x 10 - rest 1 min AT/A
(best time possible)
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4-3-2-1 x 3 (22-24-26-28) rest 4-5 min U1
c) Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 40/20 x 10 x 2 series rest 4-5 min T 16
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2
b) Core training +Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4-3-2-1 x 3 (4) (24-26-28-30) rest 4-5 min U1/U2 16-20
c) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 7: April

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60 min
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)**) U2
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4 x 10 min rest 4-5 min T 16-20
c) Core training +Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 30/20 x 10 2 series - rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3-2-2-1 x 3 (24-26-28-32) rest 4-5 min Int. 1 16-18
c) Stretching

2x) a) Ergometer 500 m x 10 - rest 1 min AT/A
(best time possible)
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 6 x 5 min rest 4-5 min T 16-18
c) Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 30/15 x 10 x 2 series rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2
b) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing 2 x 12 Km: rest 25-30 min U1/ U2 24
b) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. **) = Lightweight rowers should use program Top-
pyramid if weight problems. x) = second training if possible

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 8 a: Mai (weeks without regatta)

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60 min U2
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)
c) Flexibility - Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4 x 7 min rest 4-5 min T 16-20
c) Core training +Stretching

2 a) Rowing 60-90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 30/10 x 7 3 series - rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 2-2-2-1 x 3 (26-28-30-32) rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 60-90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3-2-1-1 x 3 (4)(24-26-28-34) - rest 4 m T 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 30/10 x 12 x 2 series rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2
b) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 1000/500/250/250 m x 2 (3) U2 and TI 16
(4-2-1-1 min) (30-32-34-max)
c) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. It is recommended that all rowers use Top-Pyramid .

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 8 b: Mai (weeks with regatta)

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Saturday 1 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3 x 1000 m rest 15-20 min T/A
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4 x 500 m rest 10-12 min T/A
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3 x 1000 m rest 15-20 min T/A
c) Recovery rowing 3-5 Km: U2
d) Stretching

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60-90 min U2
b) Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3-2-1-1 x 2 (24-26-28-30) rest 4-5 min U1/ T 14-16
c) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 1 x 1000 m +1 x 500 m T/A 12-14
c) Recovery rowing 3-5 Km: U2
d) Stretching

2 a) Rowing Fartslek U2/T 12
b) Stretching

a) Rowing Fartslek U2 12
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Rowing Fartslek U1 12-14
b) Stretching

Saturday 1 Regatta

Sunday 1 Regatta

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 9-10 a: June-July (weeks without regatta)

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60 min U2
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*)
c) Core training +Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 5(6) x 5 min rest 4-5 min T 16-20
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 30/10 x 12 2 series - rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 2-2-2-1 x 3 (26-28-30-32) rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3-2-1-1x3 (4)(24-26-28-36) - rest 4 min T 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 17/5 x 15(20) x 2 series rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
(stroke rate 32-34)
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2
b) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km: U1
b) Rowing: 1000/500/250/250 m x 3 U2/ TI 16
(4-2-1-1 min) (26-28-32-max)
c) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. It is recommended that all rowers use Top-Pyramid .

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 9-10 b: June-July (weeks with regatta)

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Saturday 1 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3 x 1000 m rest 15-20 min T/A
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4 x 500 m rest 10-12 min T/A
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3 x 1000 m rest 15-20 min T/A
c) Recovery rowing 3-5 Km: U2
d) Stretching

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60-90 min U2
b) Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 5 min x 2 (26-28) rest 4-5 min U1 14-16
c) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 1 x 1000 m +1 x 500 m T/A 12-14
c) Recovery rowing 3-5 Km: U2
d) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing Fartslek U2/T 12
b) Stretching

2 a) Rowing Fartslek U2 12
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Rowing Fartslek U1 12-14
b) Stretching

Saturday 1 Regatta

Sunday 1 Regatta

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 11-12 a: August-September (weeks without regatta)

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60 min
b) Weight training (Maximum strength training*) U2
c) Core training +Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4 x 5 min (27-29) rest 4-5 min T 16-20
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 30/10 x 12 2 series - rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 10 min x 3 (27-29) rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3-2-1-1x3 (4)(24-26-28-36) - rest 4 min T 16-18
c) Core training +Stretching

Saturday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 17/5 x 15(20) x 2 series rest 4-5 min T/AT 16-18
(stroke rate 32-34)
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing 90 min U2
b) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 1000/500/250/250 m x 3 U2 and TI 16
(4-2-1-1 min) (26-28-34-max)
c) Stretching

*) = See program for weight training. It is recommended that all rowers use Top-Pyramid .

Training Program for Clubs and Indi viduals
Months 11-12 b: August-September (weeks with regatta)

Day: No Program: Intensity: Km:

Saturday 1 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3 x 1000 m rest 3-4 min T/A
c) Stretching

2 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 4 x 500 m rest 2-3 min T/A
c) Stretching

Sunday 1 a) Rowing: Warming up 4-5 Km:
b) Rowing: 3 x 1000 m rest 15-20 min T/A
c) Recovery rowing 3-5 Km: U2
d) Stretching

Monday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60-90 min U2
b) Stretching

Tuesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 60-90 min U2 14-16
b) Stretching

Wednesday 1 a) Warming up: Rowing 4- 5 Km:
b) Rowing: 1x1000 m +1x500 m rest 15-20 min T/A 12-14
c) Recovery rowing 3-5 Km: U1
d) Stretching

Thursday 1 a) Rowing Fartslek U2/T 12
b) Stretching

2 a) Rowing Fartslek U2 12
b) Stretching

Friday 1 a) Rowing Fartslek U1 12-14
b) Stretching

Saturday 1 Regatta

Sunday 1 Regatta

Training models used in the program
Description, effect and energy-requirement

Group 1: Utilization training

Physiological requirement: Aerobic training with metabolic balance. Energy covered 100% aerobic or
with small amount of anaerobic capacity involved, but without accumulated production of acid lactate.

Physiological effect: Increased capillarisation. Increased enzyme activity. Increased number of
Mitochondria. Results: Increased Oxygen utilisation in the muscle fibres recruited, higher anaerobic
threshold and better efficiency of maximum VO2.

Technical effect: Automatization of the rowing movement. Improved technical efficiency.

Model A: LSD " Long Slow Distance" (Utilization)
Heart rate: Stroke rate: Km:

A) Rowing 90 minutes 130-150 18-22 16-20
B) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1485 1125
Carbohydrates: 173 131
Fat: 81 62

Total strokes in target-zone: Approximately 1800

Model B: SS " Steady State" (Utilization)

A) Rowing 90 minutes 140-160 22-24 16-20

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1755 1463
Carbohydrates: 265 221
Fat: 67 56

Total strokes in target-zone: Approximately 1980

Group 2: Interval training

Physiological requirement: Training with a relationship of 50/50 to 70/30 of Aerobic/Anaerobic
requirement. The accumulated production of acid lactate is low, from 5-7 mmol/l.

Physiological effect: Enlarge and strengthen the heart. Larger stroke-volume. Higher cardiac output.
Results: Increased capacity for oxygen transport.

Technical effect: Improved technique in the area of competition. Training of muscular contraction
velocity related to competition.

Model C: " 30/10" (Transportation)
30 strokes in specified Target-zone - 10 strokes easy.

Heart rate: Stroke rate: Km:
A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-160 18-36 4-5
B) "30/10" x 10 rep. 3 series.
4-5 min. active rest between series. 170-190 33-36 12-14
C) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1770 1425
Carbohydrates: 322 263
Fat: 42 33

Total number of strokes in Target-zone: Approximately: 900

Model D: " 17/5" (Transportation)
17 strokes in specified Target-zone - 5 strokes easy.

A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-160 18-36 4-5
B) "17/5" x 20 rep. 3 series.
4-5 min. active rest between series. 170-190 34 12-14
C) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1913 1544
Carbohydrates: 353 289
Fat: 43 33

Total strokes in Target-zone: Approximately 1020

Group 3: Combined training

Physiological requirement: The training will cover both anaerobic and aerobic elements.

Physiological effect: Enlarge and strengthen the heart. Larger stroke-volume. Higher cardiac output.
Increased capillarisation, enzyme activity and Mitochondria. Results: Increased capacity for oxygen
transport, increased utilisation, higher anaerobic threshold and better efficiency of maximum VO2.

Technical effect: Improved Automatization of rowing movement, improved technique in the area of
competition, gives the Coach a good possibility to control technique in different rates. Training of
muscular contraction velocity related to competition.

Model E: " 4-3-2-1" (Automatization and Transportation)

Heart rate: Stroke rate: Km:
A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-160 18-36 4-5
B) 4-3-2-1 x 4 (24-26-28-32)
4-5 min. active rest between series. 160-180 24-32 12-14
C) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1530 1275
Carbohydrates: 238 202
Fat: 56 45

Total number of strokes in Target-zone: Approximately: 1040

Model F: " 3-2-1 (Automatization and Transportation)

A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-160 18-36 4-5
B) 3-2-1 x 4 (30-32-36)
4-5 min. active rest between series. 170-190 30-36 12-14
C) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1314 1045
Carbohydrates: 221 179
Fat: 40 30

Total strokes in Target-zone: Approximately 770

Group 4a: Special training

Physiological requirement: The training will cover both anaerobic and aerobic elements.

Physiological effect: Recruit all muscle-fibres and empty them for glycogen. Enlarge and strengthen the
heart. Larger stroke-volume. Higher cardiac output. Increased capillarisation, enzyme activity and
Results: Increased capacity for oxygen transport, increased utilisation, higher anaerobic threshold and
better efficiency of maximum VO2.

Technical effect: Improved Automatization of rowing movement.
Psychological effect: Keep technique under pressure; improve velocity under high level of fatigue.

Model G: " 5-25-30-25-2-2-1"
(Automatization and Transportation)
Heart rate: Stroke rate: Km:

A) Rowing 5-25-30-25-2-2-1 min. 130-190 22-36 18-20
Rowing Non Stop
Rate 20-24-26-28-30-32-36
B) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1997 1720
Carbohydrates: 366 317
Fat: 46 39

Total number of strokes in Target-zone: Approximately: 2270

Model H: " Race training"
(Automatization and Transportation)

A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-160 18-36 4-5
B) 3x2000 m
(1000: 30 - 500 m: 32 - 250 m: 34 - 250 m: 36)
15-20 min. active rest between series. 170-190 30-36 10-12
C) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1499 1174
Carbohydrates: 277 182
Fat: 57 43

Total strokes in Target-zone: Approximately 670

Group 4b: Special training (Combined)

Physiological requirement: The training will cover both aerobic capacity and aerobic power. (Increased
VO2 max and higher anaerobic threshold).

Physiological effect: Enlarge and strengthen the heart. Larger stroke-volume. Higher cardiac output.
Increased capillarisation, enzyme activity and Mitochondrias.
Results: Increased capacity for oxygen transport, increased utilisation, higher anaerobic threshold and
better efficiency of maximum VO2.

Technical effect: Improved Automatization of rowing movement.

Model I a (Day 1): " 4x2 min + 4 x 5 min"
(Automatization and Transportation)
Heart rate: Stroke rate: Km:
A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-160 18-32 4-6
B) 4 x 2 minutes (30-30-30-30 s) 160-175 32-30-32-30 1-2
Active rest between series 1 min. Rest between B and C: 4-5 min. easy rowing
C) 4 x 5 min 140-165 23-25 4-5
Active rest between series 2 min.
D) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1640 1520
Carbohydrates: 280 215
Fat: 38 32

Total number of strokes in Target-zone: Approximately: 750

Model I b (Day 2): " LSD" (Automatization and Transportation)

A) Warming up: Rowing 20-30 min. 130-150 20-24 4-5
B) 4 x 10 min. (2500m) 130-150 22-24 10-12
2 min. active rest between series.
C) 10-15 minutes stretching

Energy-consumption: (Max VO2 6 l/min) (Max VO2 5 l/min)
Calories: 1500 1180
Carbohydrates: 240 180
Fat: 75 55

Total strokes in Target-zone: Approximately 960

Testing, training control and capacity profile.


In modern sport the elite athletes are regularly laboratory tested to identify the athletes capacity profile,
to follow the physiological development and to control that training programs gives the expected and
planned progress.

Testing is a tool for the coach, and a stimuli for the athletes but a qualified laboratory is needed, with
experienced technicians and reliable equipment. For normal club activity such testing will be too
expensive, but we have many practical and simple tests that can be administrated by the coach or the
athlete himself.

We will recommend some classical tests useful to follow the rowers development during the winter
training. Such test can also be used in the regatta season, but performance in regattas itself is the best
control of physical and technical development.

To get the best reliable results the tests should be standardized; test at the same time with the same
conditions as temperature, altitude, time after meals and the same trainings load the day before or in
the morning. Take as well in to consideration if the athlete has had any break in the training due to
injuries or illnesses as a cold or other common problem.

the Aerobic Energy System

Harvard Step Test

Description / procedure: The athlete steps up and down on a chair or a platform at a rate of 30 steps per
minute for 5 minutes. The athlete immediately sits down on completion of the test, and the total number
of heart beats is counted between 1 to 1.5 minutes after finishing. Note: After 2.5 minutes of the test the
test person should change rhythm and step up with the other leg first.

Scoring: We recommend using the heartbeat as score for the test. It exist a system of calculation to
estimate the total VO2, but the score system is based on the normal population and not for trained
athletes. Analysis of the result is by comparing it with the results of previous tests. It is expected that,
with appropriate training between each test, the analysis would indicate an improvement

Equipment required: Chair, step or platform 45 cm high, stopwatch, metronome or cadence tape.

Advantages: minimal equipment and costs involved, little time required, and can be self-administered.

Disadvantages: Biomechanical characteristics vary between individuals (e.g. taller people are at an

Coopers Running Test:

To monitor the development of the athlete's general endurance.

Required Resources

To undertake this test you will require:
400 meter track - marked every 100 meters
Stop watch

How to conduct the test
The test comprises of seeing how far an athlete can run/walk in twelve minutes. The assistant
should record the total distance covered to the nearest 100 meters.
Normative data for the Cooper Test
Age Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Male 13-14 >2700m 2400-2700m 2200-2399m 2100-2199m <2100m
Females 13-14 >2000m 1900-2000m 1600-1899m 1500-1599m <1500m
Males 15-16 >2800m 2500-2800m 2300-2499m 2200-2299m <2200m
Females 15-16 >2100m 2000-2100m 1700-1999m 1600-1699m <1600m
Males 17-20 >3000m 2700-3000m 2500-2699m 2300-2499m <2300m
Females 17-20 >2300m 2100-2300m 1800-2099m 1700-1799m <1700m
The following table rates performance for the older athletes.
Age Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Male 20-29 >2800m 2400-2800m 2200-2399m 1600-2199m <1600m
Females 20-29 >2700m 2200-2700m 1800-2199m 1500-1799m <1500m
Males 30-39 >2700m 2300-2700m 1900-2299m 1500-1999m <1500m
Females 30-39 >2500m 2000-2500m 1700-1999m 1400-1699m <1400m
Males 40-49 >2500m 2100-2500m 1700-2099m 1400-1699m <1400m
Females 40-49 >2300m 1900-2300m 1500-1899m 1200-1499m <1200m
Males >50 >2400m 2000-2400m 1600-1999m 1300-1599m <1300m
Females >50 >2200m 1700-2200m 1400-1699m 100-1399m <1100m
The following table can be used with experienced senior athletes:
Gender Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Male >3700m 3400-3700m 3100-3399m 2800-3099m <2800m
Females >3000m 2700-3000m 2400-2999m 2100-2399m >2100m

Another version of the Cooper test is to run 3000 meters on time and a similar table can be used for
evaluation. We propose the 12 minutes run that gives the same time-load on each participant.

The Cooper 3000 meters running test can be used to estimate the maximum VO2 after following formula:

(Distance covered in meters - 504.9) 44.73

Use Microsoft Excel and set the total meters the athlete has been running, for instance
in D3. Choose another cell and set in following formula


Decrease the decimals to none, and you will get an estimated VO2 expressed in ml/kg/min. To get the
total VO2 expressed in litre; multiply the athletes bodyweight with the result in ml/kg/min and dived it
with 1000.

Sub maximal Ergometer test:

This test was developed during the nineties under the umbrella of FISA Development program. It was
used as a study at the FISA Coaching Academy and has been a useful tool for coaches and rowers as a
control instrument for development of training and possible over-training tendencies.

Required Resources

Concept II Ergometer with time, watt and rate monitor.
Heart rate monitor.

How to conduct the test

Warming up: The test starts with 10 minutes warming up. Free rate, but heart-rate should not excide
130 beats. Start the test inside 4 minutes after the warming up process has finished.

Test proceeding:

Each participant works with a specific load as follows:
(Standardize drag factor)
Women: 160 watt
J unior and lightweight men: 210 watt
Heavyweight men: 260 watt

Test time: 5 minutes
Heart rate is taken every 30 seconds from 3.5 minutes to 5 minutes.

After control: After completion of the test the athletes rest on the Ergometer. Heart rate is registered
after 1 minute and after 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Score: The average heart rate collected from 3.5 to 5 minutes will be used as score results. (The
results can be used for further calculation see description)
The rest heart rate after 1 minute and 1 minute and 30 seconds should as well be
registered as score results.

Evaluation of test results:

The test results (heart rate) can be used for an estimated VO2 calculation:

1. Get the estimate Stroke Volume from table 1.

2. Take the estimated Stroke Volume and multiply with Max heart rate. If the Max heart rate is unknown
use 220 minus age as maximum. A 20 years old rower will get 220 minus 20 =200.

3. The result is maximum blood transported in 1 minute. With 15 gram haemoglobin (per 100 ml blood
(normal level for men) the total oxygen transported in one minute will be 20% of total liters.

Example: Estimated stroke Volume. 150 ml. Max heart rates: 200
150 * 200 = 30 liter blood per minute
20% Oxygen transported = 30 * 20 / 100 = 6 litre per minute

4. Use 90% of efficiency for trained seniors. For Senior B and trained J uniors 85%, and for less trained
rowers 80%.
Senior 6 litres * 90/100 = 5.4 litre minute
Junior 6 litres * 85/100 = 5.1 litre minute
Less trained: 6 litres * 80/100 = 4.8 litre minute

NB! This is the athletes potential VO2, not necessary what he/she will get in a laboratory test, but most
control made has shown the results to be inside 3-4% of real max VO2.

ESV 110
ESV 160
ESV 210
ESV 260
ESV 315 Watt
100 163 188 233 258 303
105 155 179 221 245 288
110 148 170 211 234 275
115 141 163 202 224 263
120 135 156 194 215 252
125 130 150 186 206 242
130 125 144 179 198 233
135 120 139 172 191 224
140 116 134 166 184 216
145 112 129 160 178 209
150 108 125 155 172 202
155 105 121 150 166 195
160 102 117 145 161 189
165 98 114 141 156 183
170 96 110 137 151 178
175 93 107 133 147 173
180 90 104 129 143 168
185 88 101 126 139 164
190 86 99 122 136 159
195 83 96 119 132 155
200 81 94 116 129 151

Tab. 1

(weight training)
Strength training 30
Volume training 32
Endurance training 34
Circuit training 35
Core training 36
Stretching 37
Top pyramid training 38






5 x 75% of maximum
4 x 80% of maximum
3 x 85% of maximum
2 x 90% of maximum
1 x 95% of maximum
Work two or three together. One work
and the others rest and assist to secure
the exercise.



This image cannot currently be displayed. This image cannot currently be displayed. This image cannot currently be displayed. This image cannot currently be displayed.
Load: *)
Rep.: 12
Series: 5
*) The weight you
can lift 12 times
Rest: (2 work
together) one rest
one work




(Volume program example 1)
8 x 60% of maximum
7 x 65% of maximum
6 x 70% of maximum
5 x 75% of maximum
4 x 80% of maximum.



Work two or three together. One work
and the others rest and assist to secure
the exercise.
(Volume program example 2)


Exercise: A and B

40-50% of maximum
Series: 2-3
Rep.: 60-80
Rate: 20-26
Rest: 3-4 Min.
Exercise: C

40-45% of maximum
Series: 2-3
Rep.: 60-80
Rate: 20-24
Rest: 3-4 Min.
Exercise: D and E

0-5 kg.
Series: 2-3
D/30-50 E/60-80
Rest: 3-4 Min



Circuit training can be organised as station training with a
given number repeated at each station or with a given time
at each station (Ex. 60 seconds work and 30 seconds rest).
Two and two can also work together and one work and the
other rest until the given program is finished.



Rep.: 15 each side
Series: 4
Rep.: 15
Series: 4
Rep.: 20
Series: 4
Rep.: 15
Series: 4
Rep.: 15 each side
Series.: 4


Example of stretching; take time and do all exercises correct
and in slow motion.

3 x 85% of maximum

2 x 90% of maximum
1 x 95% of maximum
Appendix B 3
Work two or three together. One work
and the others rest and assist to secure
the exercise.




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