STEADY Therapist Manual
STEADY Therapist Manual
STEADY Therapist Manual
Lewinsohn, Antonuccio,
Steinmetz, Teri (1984).
The Coping With
Depression Course: A
Intervention For [adult]
Unipolar Depression
The present
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Table of Contents
Appendix 1: Negative Situations and Thoughts
Appendix 2: Common Cognitive Distortions
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Choice module
(session 1)
Terminate Active
Phase treatment
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3. Feedback on Medication
Never give medical directions specifically for that individual, unless you are asked to
convey a message by the primary care provider (PCP) or psychiatric consultant to the
study. When describing medication issues, be careful to state information in generic
terms. For example, rather than tell a given youth to stay on their anti-depressant
medications for six months, state "Usually, six months is the shortest time that doctors
want their patients to stay on medications - this gets people past the point where they are
most likely to fall back into depression." If pressed by youth or parent(s) for specific
recommendations, remind them that you are not a medical doctor, but that you are happy
to carry their question to their PCP, and relay the answer back to them.
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concepts are covered and that you are able to customize the specific examples to meet the
participants needs and not feel stilted in your presentation of the material.
General MI Strategies
FRAMES Components:
(Try to incorporate as many of the FRAMES components as possible into your
discussions with the youth. Acknowledge and express appreciation for the youth’s
willingness to discuss their perspective on change)
Feedback- Provide youth with personal feedback regarding their individual status and
where they stand in relationship to norms and standards.
Responsibility- Emphasize the youth’s freedom of choice and personal responsibility for
their choices.
Advice/Education- Provide clear recommendations or advice in a supportive, non-
threatening manner.
Menu- Provide options for youth to chose from.
Empathy- Express empathy; accurate reflective listening, warm and genuine manner,
non-judgmental approach.
Self-Efficacy- Reinforce the youth’s sense of self-efficacy regarding their ability to make
or maintain behavioral or lifestyle changes.
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“Why did you pick a _(4)_? What does a _(4)_ mean to you?
“Why did you pick a _(3)_ and not a _(1)_?”
“What would need to be different for you to move from a _(2)_ to a _(5)_?”
“Let’s suppose you decided to _____sometime in the future. Why would you want to do
it? How would your life be different?”
“What are some of the reasons that you find it difficult to (take your medication)_?”
“What are some of the reasons that make it easier to take your medication?”
“What are some of the reasons you would want things to stay the same as they are now?”
“What are some of the reasons for making a change?”
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I’m ___________. I’m very happy that we’ll be meeting together to help you
find solutions to any problems or issues you have.
• Anything you say in these meetings is confidential.
• However, I will be sharing information about how you’re doing with your doctor
(who prescribed your medication). This includes information about your
medication, side effects, etc.
• Also, if there is a medical emergency, or abuse going on, or someone may be
hurt, or a legally approved law enforcement request I would have to break
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Briefly, today and each session we’ll be meeting between 30 and 45 minutes.
• First, I'd like to take a bit of time to get to know each other, talk about how
things are going for you and how our meeting together might be most helpful for
• Then, I’ll ask you to fill out a short questionnaire about your mood.
• After that, we’ll talk about your medications, and how that has been going – any
side effects or improvements you’ve noticed (or not). This is something we’ll do
at every session.
• Then I’ll describe some choices we have about what to work on in these
meetings, and you can choose or start to think about which approach you like
? How does that sound? Anything else you’d like to work on, or talk about?
WORKBOOK Ask youth to turn to the Mood Questionnaire #1 at the end of his or
WORKBOOK her workbook.
In these sessions I’m going to teach you some ways to control the way you
feel. Before we start, we need to measure how you feel about yourself and
your life now. After we meet several times, we will measure how you feel
again to see how much change there is. Can you fill out the Mood
Questionnaire right now? I will be the only one reading your responses, so
please answer the questions honestly.
When you're done, tear out that page and give it to me. I'll write down your total,
and return the questionnaire back to you. I will keep your scores private.
Counselor: Collect the completed Mood Questionnaire; check youth's addition of the
score, record it, and return it. If appropriate, give them feedback about ranges of scores:
Mild = 0-15 Moderate = 16-27 Significant = 28 or higher
Remind youth that no score on any question can really "classify" someone as having
something or not.
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• Encouragement
• Medications often take time before you begin to feel better. Stick with it!
• The skills you’ll learn in these sessions, starting today, will help you feel
better now while the medication may be still taking time to “kick in.”
• Sometimes people have side effects – I’ll ask you about these in a minute.
There are useful things we can do to cope with side effects that bother you –
don’t give up on your medications just because of side effects.
• Medication Issues
• Medication History
• Let's talk about your use of ________ for a few minutes.
• This program is designed to help you use _________ successfully.
First, have you used an antidepressant medication before? What? How long did
you use it? Did you have any side effects? What beneficial effects did you
experience? How much improvement did you get from your medication?
• Steps to Success
• There are two steps we can take to help your medication be more successful:
(1) Having accurate beliefs and knowledge about your medication, or drugs
in general
(2) Having a specific plan to cope with side effects
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[Counselor: Have youth complete the Beliefs about Medications form. Discuss any
beliefs the youth endorsed. Use Motivational Interviewing techniques to examine the
evidence pro and con, regarding the specific beliefs about the medication.]
Another important area is your knowledge about use of the ______. While your
doctor probably told you these things, I want to make sure that you know that:
(1) It will take 2 to 3 weeks for you to begin to experience beneficial effects from
the medication;
(2) You will need to take the medicine everyday;
(3) Stop the medicine only when you decide with your doctor that it is OK to
(4) Call you doctor or myself if you are concerned about an unpleasant
sensation that you think might be related to you medication.
As you may know, side effects are common during the initial phase of treatment
with medications. Many of these are listed on page C.4 -along with ways to deal
with them.
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[Counselor: (Ask youth about side effects that are currently bothersome and how well
he/she has been able to adhere to medications. Suggest how youth's success in adhering
to previous prescriptions, even if not antidepressants, may give ideas for strategies to use
now. Record side effects on Medication Plan (page C.5), along with specific coping
strategies the youth wants to use in the “Plan for coming week” section (the coping skills
are listed in the Side Effects handout). Ask youth about specific beneficial effects they
are hoping to experience in the coming week and encourage attention to small changes in
these areas. Complete all sections of Medication Plan - Page C.5.]
Counselor: Show teen the following diagram in their workbook, or draw it on a paper
Depression can start in any of these three areas: Feelings and Emotions,
Actions, or Thoughts. Each area affects the other two. Which of these
three parts do you think are easiest to control, or change?
[from workbook]
Actions or Thoughts,
Behavior Beliefs
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Counselor: If youth focuses on changing emotions first, respond by saying, “Most people
try to change their emotions; for example, they try to feel better first, but this is the
hardest part to change. It is much easier to learn skills to change your thoughts and
actions, and this will, in turn, change how you feel.”
Emotional Spirals
When we feel BAD, we're less likely to do things we enjoy, and we then
have doubts about our ability to be successful doing those things (for
example, making new friends). This can lead to doing fewer positive things
in the future.
Show youth the emotional spiral diagrams on pages C.6 and C.7,
WORKBOOK or draw then on a paper pad.
You can think of either of these as A SPIRAL that can move in one direction
or the other. How you feel affects how you think and behave, which then
affects how you feel and think, and so on. Remember the triangle that
represents the three parts of your personality? How each part affected the
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Normal Mood
Thinks “I’m
Feels sad a failure”
Think s“No
one likes me”
Downward Spiral
? What are some things that can start a spiral DOWNWARD into
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Normal Mood
Almost no
Invites friends depression
Starts working
again over for dinner
Thinks “Maybe
I can be happy?”
Enjoys a movie
Crying less
Positive Spiral
? What are some of the things that can start a spiral UPWARD?
I'm going to read some examples to you. While you listen, think about two
things: First, what kind of spiral is represented in each example? Second,
what keeps the spiral going?
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and tired. He also had difficulty concentrating, and his grades got even
worse. He skipped school several days a week, spending the days alone,
unhappy and confused.
EXAMPLE 1.b (for an older client): Sara, an 18-year-old living on her own and out
of school, has been out of a job for many months since she was let go from her
last job. When she was first laid off, she was sure she would find another job
right away. However, with each failed interview she began to lose confidence
in herself and feel that she wasn’t qualified to do anything. As a consequence,
she has begun to spend less time with her friends and family. Bills are also
beginning to pile up. She feels gloomy, depressed, and tired. She is so
affected by her feelings that she has given up on going to job interviews and
just doesn’t care about her money problems anymore.
EXAMPLE 2.a. (for a younger client) When Mark began coming to the
sessions, he was sure that things would never get better for him.
However, he worked with his counselor to develop a plan to change
his thoughts, feelings, and actions. In the past, Mark had enjoyed
playing his guitar with some musician friends, but when he became
depressed he stopped doing this altogether. With encouragement
from his counselor, Mark started playing guitar with his friends
again. As Mark became more socially active and spent less time
thinking negative thoughts about himself, he found his depression
lifting and his mood improving, even though he'd done nothing
directly to change his mood.
EXAMPLE 2.b: (for an older client) When Sara began coming to the sessions,
she was sure that things would never get better for her. However, she
worked with her counselor to develop a plan to change her thoughts,
feelings and actions. In the past, Sara had enjoyed dancing with her
friends, but when she became depressed she stopped doing this altogether.
With the encouragement from her counselor, Sara started dancing with her
friends again. As Sara became more socially active and spent less time
thinking negative thoughts about herself, she found her depression lifting
and her mood changing, even though she’d done nothing directly to change
her mood.
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Counselor: Review the section below on the ways in which these sessions will
impact the spiral of depression. Highlight the two counseling modules (“Fun
Activities” and “Changing Your Thinking”).
In these sessions, we have the choice of starting with one of two skills
approaches to change the downward spiral to an upward one. Both work
about equally well.
Doing either one of these two approaches will help to change your
mood or FEELINGS.
Don’t worry about making the “perfect” choice. You can't lose - If
the first skill you learn doesn’t work for you (that is, you don’t feel
better), we will automatically move on to the other skill.
In making this choice, it is often helpful to think about what has worked well for
you in the past.
? Have you been in counseling or therapy before?
? [if yes] What have you tried before? Does either of the two approaches I just
described sound familiar?
? What worked for you before? What didn't work?
? What do you do for yourself (not in counseling) that helps you feel better?
? When you feel down, what do you notice yourself doing to feel better? Does
it help?
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? Are you a "doer" or a "thinker?" When you feel down, do you find yourself
trying to think things through, or doing stuff to distract yourself?
? What have you seen other people try that you might like to try?
[Counselor: If the youth wants to make a choice right now, they are
free to do so. However, encourage them to think it over during the next
If the youth persists in wanting to make a choice right now, you are free
to offer advice here, using discretion. However, the choice is ultimately
up to the youth. If the youth is indecisive, try a motivational
interviewing approach - examine their readiness to try any skill training
at all. If they are hesitant, explore the barriers or risks they perceive,
and what would help them feel more ready to try a new skill. Reflect
this back to them.
If they are ready to try a new skill, but are having difficulty choosing an
approach, remind them that they do not have to make a perfect choice.
If they need to, they can try both approaches. Explore their reasons for
and against choosing either approach - summarize this for them in a
"pro" and "con" list.
Ask youths to turn back to the Mood Diary at the front of their
workbooks (point out that there are several pages of this same
WORKBOOK form, for up to 9 weeks- start with Week 1).
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Before we get started on your first “Skills” area, you will be keeping track
of how you feel through the next few weeks by filling out a Mood Diary. As
you can see, there are two boxes for each day of the week: one labeled
“Mood”, and another labeled “Fun Activities”. We’ll talk about how to fill
in the Mood boxes first.
The Mood part of the Diary uses a SEVEN-POINT SCALE. Before we talk
about the seven-point scale of the Mood Diary, let's see how you would use a
scale like this with other things. On a scale of 1 to 7, how warm are you right
now? A rating of 7 is very, very hot, and 1 is very, very cold.
Counselor: Try to determine whether the youth knows how to use a seven-point scale by
the way he or she answers this question. If youth seems confused, go through several
more examples that are based on information that is relatively objective so you can check
the results. The following are some suggestions: How warm is it at the North Pole?
How warm is it in the desert? How warm is it in [Oregon] on the average? How warm is
it today (more or less than the average?)
IF NECESSARY, consider some examples that are based on continuous dimensions such
as difficulty, brightness, speed, redness, and so on. Keep doing this until you are sure the
youth knows how to use a seven-point scale. Use the examples below only if it is not
evident that the youth understands.
Examples, if necessary:
? How fast can you go on a bicycle?
? How fast can you go on a car?
? How fast can you go on an airplane?
Mood Anchors
The seven-point Mood scale in the Diary in your workbook is used in a
similar way. It's harder to decide what number our moods should have,
however, without something to anchor the numbers to. So think of the
number. If you think it's possible for you to feel even better than this, give
it a 5.5 or maybe a 6.
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Now think of the WORST YOU HAVE EVER FELT. If you think it would
be impossible for you to feel any worse, give it a 1. If you might be able to
feel worse, give it a 2.
Now compare how you feel today with these two feelings. Give today's
feeling a number, and write the number in the correct Mood box on the
Mood Diary in your workbook. Then circle the corresponding number
above the box.
Next time we meet you can compare how you feel with how you felt today.
Every day at about the same time you should compare how you feel with
the worst and best moments of your life and with how you felt the day
before, too. Then write a number in the box for that day. You will be
filling this form out throughout our sessions together. IT’S IMPORTANT
TO DO THIS AT THE SAME TIME EVERY DAY. We suggest doing this at
the end of the day, so that you can average your mood over the entire day.
[Counselor: If youth reports feeling very different in the AM and PM, ask if
they would be comfortable averaging. If not, they can divide their mood boxes
into two parts (with a diagonal line) and record the AM and PM mood ratings
separately - with separate lines.]
Ask youth to turn to the Mood Diary (in a separate section at the
front of their workbook)
In most of these meetings, I'll be asking you to try a "life experiment" - to test out
whether or not the ideas and skills we just talked about are useful for you. I'm
hopeful they are - but the best way to find out is for you to "try them on for size." I
will never ask you to complete anything between sessions that we will not be using
during our meetings together. Hopefully this will eliminate unnecessary “busy
work”. We will use the information you gather through your “Life Experiments” to
focus on the particular issues that are important to you, so try to make sure that you
go through these life experiments at home each week.
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1. Keep track of how you feel by filling out your Mood Diary. Let's
do this for today, right now.
2. During our next meeting you can let me know whether you would
rather start with the “activities” or “thinking” module. You may
want to review each section in your workbook before then to try to
figure out which you would like to begin with.
3. I will also be calling you by telephone before our next meeting just
to check in and make sure you don’t have any additional questions.
What are good times and days to best reach you by telephone?
Counselor: Remember to send an epic e-mail message to the youth’s primary care
provider about the youth’s progress with the intervention and any other pertinent
information (e.g., reported side effects, level of functioning) following this session.
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This phone call is to be offered to all youths and strongly recommended to youths with
more severe symptoms and less strong social support resources.
The purpose of the call is to encourage adherence to the medication and to increasing fun
activities. Introduce the idea that motivation often comes from doing; that even small
behavior changes may lead to mood change. The counselor should record the contact on
the "CBT PROCESS DATA RECORDING FORM" and communicate resulting
treatment plans (if any) to other providers.
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Counselor: this brief, 5-minute section (at the beginning of your second meeting with
each youth) is to confirm or complete the choice of which skill to work on: cognitions or
fun activities. This is always the second session, but is then followed in the same meeting
by either session T-1 or A-1, depending on which of two skill areas the youth has
Last time we met, we talked about two approaches to feeling better. Both
work about equally well. Your job was to think about which of these you
wanted to work on first (today, and for the next three meetings).
Just as a reminder:
Doing either one of these two approaches will help to change your
mood or FEELINGS.
Don’t worry about making the “perfect” choice. You can't lose - If
the first skill you learn doesn’t work for you (that is, you don’t feel
better), we will automatically move on to the other skill.
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If they are ready to try a new skill, but are having difficulty choosing an
approach, remind them that they do not have to make a perfect choice.
If they need to, they can try both approaches. Explore their reasons for
and against choosing either approach - summarize this for them in a
"pro" and "con" list.
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Counselor: Write the Agenda on a pad of paper at the beginning of each class session.
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[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
Today we will focus on activities. First, I’d like to check in with you to find out how
you’ve been since our last meeting together and whether there is anything we
discussed last time or that has happened since we last met that you’d like to talk
? Where are you? Which of these steps have you done on your own, so far?
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention.]
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? Looking at the last few days in your Mood Diary, do you see any
improvement in your mood?
Counselor: Remind youth of the triangle figure – show them the figure in their
workbook, or the version shown below.
Actions or Thoughts,
Behavior Beliefs
Today, and for the next three sessions, we are going to focus on ACTIVITIES.
When people are depressed, they often stop doing fun things. But doing fun
things is one way to begin to feel better, and to protect yourself from getting
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Emotional Spirals
We are going to be working on increasing fun activities over the next several
1. To demonstrate how to do a simple baseline count.
2. To help youths understand how to look for and interpret patterns in mood and
activity charts.
You remember the “Fun Activities” boxes on the Mood and Activity Diary?
We’re going to use those boxes to keep track of how many fun activities you
do each day.
Keeping track of your fun activities and your mood over the next few weeks
is helpful because we can use this information to SET GOALS. Try to think
about doing more fun activities.
? Think of a day when you felt really great - a “7" day on the Mood scale. What
kinds of things were you doing on that day? How many fun things did you do
that day?
? Think of a day when you felt really low or sad - a “1" or “2" day on the Mood
scale. What kinds of things were you doing on that day? How many fun things
did you do that day?
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Counselor: What you’re looking for here is for youth to understand the relationship
between mood and activities - feeling good and doing fun things, or conversely doing
very few fun activities and feeling down.
Page 1.2 is an example of a Mood and Activity Diary filled out by a youth
called Susan. She has connected the mood and activity numbers from day to
day, so it is easier to see what changes there are over time.
? Do you think the changes in her mood and fun activities are related?
Look at Susan's chart. The dashed line is her daily mood score, and the
solid line is the daily total of fun activities.
? Is Susan's mood related to the number of fun activities she does?
(Answer: Yes, mood and the number of fun activities are
usually closely related. See how both lines tend to move up
and down together? This means that one is probably
related to the other.)
? When you're sad, are you likely to do more or less fun activities?
(Answer: Most people are likely to do fewer fun activities
and be less active. You may be similar or different.)
You might notice patterns when you fill out this type of chart. For example,
you might tend to feel worse on Mondays when you have to go back to
school. Or you might feel worse on weekends when you don't have a
regular routine.
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Social activities:
1. Going to the movies with friends.
2. Playing a sport on a team.
Success Activities:
1. Saving enough money to buy something for yourself.
2. Helping a younger sibling with his/her homework.
Together, complete the activity on page A1.3
Counselor: Review the correct answers when the youth has finished.
The activities that don't fall in either category are generally not mood-related
activities such as working or being alone. Doing these activities are NOT likely to
change your mood.
Now I want you to answer the question at the bottom of page A1.3. Think
about yourself for a moment.
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? What kind of activity would make you feel happiest if you did more of it—
social activities or success activities?
Ask youth to turn back to first "Mood & Activity Diary page (in a
WORKBOOK separate section at the front of their workbook)
At the bottom of each Mood and Activity Diary page is a place to write
down fun activities which you will keep track of during the next three or
four weeks. You can add more activities later on, during the week.
Imagine that you have a day off from school, and have nothing scheduled.
Follow the directions on page A1.4. If you need more ideas, look at the list
of fun activities on pages A1.5 and A1.6 (this is an optional list). Select 10
fun activities to keep track of. Write these down on the bottom of your
Mood and Activity Diary. Remember: you can add more later to this list,
if you want.
TIP: You might also want to fill in the last line with "OTHER FUN
ACTIVITY," to remind yourself to count other fun activities that happened
that day that weren't on your list.
Counselor: Take about 10-minutes for the youth to read the directions and fill out the
tracking form with your help. Try for a minimum of 10 activities. At least 2/3rds of the
activities should be Social or Success activities, but some solitary activities are also
allowed. If the youth has brainstormed enough fun activities during the "day off from
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school" exercise, then s/he may not need the lists on pages A1.5 and A1.6 (these are
Use the guidelines on page A1.4 (that is, activities that are frequent, fun, low cost, not
objectionable to parents or teachers, observable, and under the control of the youth) to
generate a list of activities that youths can track on their mood diary (emphasize the social
activities, since these are the most important for lifting depression).
Part of this session is to keep track of your mood each day, and how many
fun activities you do each day. This is how you do it. Look at the list of fun
activities at the bottom of your Mood and Activity Diary. Count up how
many of these you did that day, and write that total number in the box
marked “Fun Activities” for that day.
For example, if you listen to the radio once or twice in one day, and then talked
to a friend on the phone, you would write the number 2 in the “Fun Activities”
box for that day. At the end of each day, just sit down and think through the
day, and get a total of the fun activities you did.
At the same time, you should also fill out your “Mood” boxes on the Diary.
If you notice any patterns or reasons for doing more or fewer activities,
write some notes about this in the margin of the diary.
Try to record activities accurately. The goal is for you to learn something
about yourself. You are not trying to prove anything to anybody, and you
are not attempting to change at this point. You are just trying to get a good
look at your own behavior, to see how your number of activities and mood
are related.
Counselor: use MI techniques to judge the youth's commitment to starting this life
experiment. If necessary, explore ambivalence and reasons for hesitancy. Try to suggest
to youth that this is an "experiment" - to test out whether or not the ideas and skills are
useful for them. You are uncertain too - and the best way to find out is to "try them on
for size."
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In most of these meetings, I'll be asking you to try a "life experiment" - to test out
whether or not the ideas and skills we just talked about are useful for you. I'm
hopeful they are - but the best way to find out is for you to "try them on for size."
Notice that the life experiment for this session is described on page A1.7.
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[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using motivational
interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation in the
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Counselor: If youth forgot to make ratings, have him or her make retroactive ratings for
the past two to four days. Emphasize, however, that the most accurate ratings are those
made on a daily basis.
? Looking at the last few days in your Mood Diary, do you see any
improvement in your mood?
Today, we'll look at your mood and fun activity information, and decide
which changes to work on first. Then we'll talk about how to make those
The first step is to find out what you are doing now. You've been doing that
for several days with your mood and fun activities. The next step is to look
at this information, and see what's happening.
Counselor: Charting information may be difficult for some adolescents. Refer frequently
to the sample mood diary on page A1.2 - you may need to color the lines in different
colors to clarify the relationship between the written numbers and the lines.
Ask youth to look at the sample completed Mood diary on page A1.2.
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1. First, we'll connect your daily totals of fun activities and mood to make
two lines, similar to Susan’s Mood and Activity Diary.
2. Look at the vertically-stacked numbers above the “fun activities” box. There
are only even numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6 and so on. If you have an odd number of fun
activities on any day, like 5 activities, you’ll have to circle the space between 4
and 6.
Counselor: (Point to various places on the sample scale; for example, 5 activities, etc.).
3. Now, turn to your own Mood and Activity Diary, and circle the number of fun
activities you’ve done each day. Then, connect those circled numbers. Be
careful to connect only the fun activity numbers across each day, not the mood
4. Finally, let’s do the same thing for your daily mood ratings: circle the
vertically-stacked number above the “mood” box which matches your daily
mood for that day. Then, connect the circled mood numbers across each day -
be careful not to connect any daily activity total to this “mood” line! Use a
different colored pen than you used for the fun activities, so you can tell the
lines apart.
Is there a Relationship?
? Look at your mood and fun activity lines. Do they go up and down together?
? Do you have mood and activity lines which don’t seem to go up and down
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Now that you've looked at how your mood and fun activities are related, it is
time to chose a goal for both. This is where you want to be each day over the
next week or two.
Now you need to decide on a goal for your mood. This involves choosing a
mood level that you would like to stay above.
? Is it just a little bit higher than your lowest mood level last week? If not,
you should consider choosing another goal. We want you to be
successful in meeting your goal, so it's important to be realistic.
You can always raise your goal to a higher mood level later on. This is just the
first, small step to your final goal.
Now you need to decide on a goal for your ACTIVITIES. This involves
choosing a level of fun activities you would like to do each day.
Counselor: Show the youth how to add up the daily totals of pleasant activities, then how
to get an average. Calculate the low and high points [bookends, or brackets] for their
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pleasant activities goals: The "low point" is their lowest daily total plus 1. Their "high
point" is their average (rounded) minus 1. Ultimately, their pleasant activity goal will be
between these two bookends.
During our next meeting we will continue to look at your mood and
activities, and make a plan to increase the number of fun activities you do.
1. To have each youth create a list of rewards that he or she has control over.
2. To help each youth develop a personal contract.
Most people are more likely to meet goals if they make a written contract
with themselves. In this case, the contract is an agreement to reward
yourself if you accomplish your goals.
Selecting a Reward
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Writing a Contract
1. Continue tracking your daily mood and fun activities in your Diary.
2. Try to maintain your fun activities at a specific level. Follow the terms of your
contract (page A2.5) by keeping track of whether you achieve your goals on a
daily and weekly basis; give yourself the reward you have selected if you're
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[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention]
Large goals are reached one small step at a time. [show the youth the Short-Term
Change figure (below). It may help to draw it, to show the changing course over time in a
more dynamic way.] A tiny bit of change at one point in our lives may result in our
taking a totally different path months or years down the road. That's what this
program is all about.
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Amount of
Improvement Making a small
change early has
big effects later
Not as much
2. Were you able to keep your contract? Did you reward yourself?
Counselor: if youth did not meet their goals, delay details until the next section
on setting realistic goals.
3. Look at the last few days in your Mood Diary. Do you see any
improvement in your mood?
1. To review the characteristics of good goals.
2. To help youth identify the fun activities that would have the most impact on his or
her mood if they were increased.
3. To assist youth in developing strategies for increasing the number of fun activities.
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Last week, you picked some goals for your mood, and for your level of fun activities.
Let's take a closer look at your goals, This is great! Congratulations. I hope
and see if they were reasonable goals for this continues to be the case.
Even though you did meet your goals,
let's spend the next few minutes talking
about what makes a good goal.
Poor Goals:
I want to do more fun activities.
I want to succeed.
? Do you have any thoughts about why these may be poor goals?
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[Answer: The reason these are examples of poor goals is that they are NOT
SPECIFIC ENOUGH. This means it would be very difficult to know whether
you have actually reached the goal. The following are some examples of good
Good Goals:
I want to call my best friend once every day.
I want to join a rock and roll band.
? Do you have any thoughts about why these may be good goals?
[Answer: they are specific - you can easily tell when you have reached them]
Poor Goals:
I want to increase my daily average of fun activities from
2 per day to 10 per day.
? How might you change these to good goals? [from 2 to 4 fun activities; etc.]
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Counselor: Convert the examples of poor goals to good goals (for example, increase
the level of fun activities from 2 per day to 4 per day). Solicit suggestions from youth
about how to change the examples, and guide the process by providing feedback and
explanations. Examples: I want to exercise 2 or 3 times a week; I want to improve my
batting average this season
Ask youth to review their personal goal for fun activities (the bottom
WORKBOOK of page A2.3)
? Given what has happened over the past week, is this a good fun
activities goal for you?
? Is it specific?
? Is it realistic?
You may find it useful to review the goal you set for mood level (on
workbook page A2.2). Make certain your goal is realistic!
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Let's pick a more realistic fun activities goal, and complete a new contract using
that goal.
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? Did you find that there are some situations, or weekly or daily patterns,
associated with your level of fun activities?
? How might you get around these problems, to increase your fun
Counselor: Use the information offered by youth to generate examples for the optional
discussion that follows. Only use the optional exercise if youth has trouble identifying
strategies for getting around barriers to more fun activities. Brainstorm many solutions
with youth. Build on their statements of what they already do. E.g., "How could you do
X and Y more often?"
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Increasing Fun Activities
Think of some ways to do more fun activities. The simplest would be to try to do fun
activities more often. But for you, it may not be that easy. There might be a
PATTERN in your life that will make it difficult for you to do more activities, unless
we come up with some ideas for making it easier.
For example, if fun SOCIAL ACTIVITIES would make you feel happiest, but you
never do anything with people except go to classes where you're not supposed to talk,
it might be difficult for you to increase those activities. One way to improve the
situation would be for you to set a goal to JOIN A CLUB. This could be a school club,
a church youth group, a sports program, or some other group that would give you an
opportunity to be with other people in a casual situation.
If SUCCESS ACTIVITIES would make you feel happiest, but there aren't enough
things that you feel you do well, then you might need to SET A GOAL TO LEARN
HOW TO DO SOMETHING BETTER. This may involve taking lessons, or joining a
hobby group.
If you don't do a fun activity unless it's SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA and he or she invites
you, then you might need to begin thinking of fun activities and INVITE OTHERS TO
Counselor: Create additional examples that relate directly to the youth's responses to questions #1 and
Together, read question #3 on page A3.3
? What could you do to make it more likely that you can do more fun activities?
Write your ideas in the space provided after question #3.
Now decide which idea you listed under question #3 would make the most difference
for you in terms of increasing fun activities. Place a STAR by that idea or strategy.
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VII. LIFE EXPERIMENT (if continuing)
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[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
Waiting for improvement can be hard. We often want things to get better right
away. I'm impressed with your willingness to stick with these sessions, to put in the
time to improve your future.
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention]
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Counselor: If youth forgot to make ratings, have them make retroactive ratings for the
past two to four days. Emphasize, however, that the most accurate ratings are those made
on a daily basis.
Look at the last few days in your Mood Diary. Do you see any
improvement in your mood?
? Were you able to meet your daily goal for fun activities on page A2.5 or
A3.2? Did you reward yourself? What did you chose?
? Will you be able to meet your weekly goal tomorrow? If you are
successful, be sure to give yourself the bigger reward.
? If you need just a few more activities to meet your weekly goal, take a moment to
pick a few activities from the list at the bottom of your Mood and Activity Diary.
Pick activities you'd like to do (and you can do) by the end of the week. This will
help you meet your contract. When will you do these things? Where? With
? Do you feel that increasing fun activities is helping you change your mood?
? What were some things that helped you meet your fun activity goals?
? What were some of the problems?
Counselor: brainstorm with youth how to overcome their problems. Take 10 minutes to
write youth's suggestions on a pad of paper, and discuss. If youth runs out of ideas, use
the following other possible solutions. Only use this list if youth cannot not generate his
or her own ideas. These ideas are listed on workbook page A4.2, but don't have youth
turn to this page until they have had a chance to problem solve on their own:
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As you can see, some of the basic ideas that you came up with are already
printed on page A4.2, although they may be worded a bit differently.
Take a moment to write down any other ideas that you believe will help you
reach your fun activity goals. Write them in the space provided on page A4.2.
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So far, we’ve been talking about all kinds of fun activities. We are going to take
a few minutes to talk more about SOCIAL SUPPORT. The support we receive
from friends, family members, and others is important for our health.
Generally, the more social support you have, the better you can cope with more
difficult life situations.
Turn to workbook page A4.3.
1. If you have too little social support, get some more! Your social support is
too small a) if you don't have any one that you can trust for help with personal
matters, b) if you don't have anyone to go to if you need help, or c) if you have
no friends or acquaintances to do things with.
2. If your social support system is a good size, appreciate it and keep it going
by continuing social activities.
Counselor: Write youth answers on pad of paper, and highlight effective answers. If
"joining groups" is an answer, use this as link to next topic.
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Counselor: Write youth answers on pad of paper, and highlight the following:
1. When you do something you like, you are more likely to be in a good mood,
and it will be easier to be friendly to others.
2. At least you will be doing something you like to do and you won't feel that
you have wasted your time, even if you don't find anyone that you would
like to get to know better.
3. The focus is on the activity you are doing, not just meeting people. So, you
will probably feel less pressure than you would if you were only just trying
to meet people.
4. The people you meet are likely to share a common interest, the activity that
brought you together.
Counselor: Discuss responses to these items and encourage youth to work on improving
their social support system.
? How comfortable do you feel about getting more social support for yourself?
? What are some of the barriers?
Now we come to the end of working on increasing fun activities. However, I want to
encourage you to continue to do more fun things. Use your contract to reward
yourself for doing more fun things.
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If you remember, you filled out this same questionnaire at our first session
together. Now, please fill it out again. Then, we'll compare it to the first
one and see whether there is any change [don't say improvement]. I will be
the only one reading your responses, so please answer the questions
When you're done, hand me your workbook and I'll write down your total, and
return your workbook to you. I will keep your scores private.
Counselor: Collect the completed Mood Questionnaire; check youth's addition of the
score, record it , and return it. If appropriate, give them feedback about ranges of scores.
ALSO, ask youth about their subjective sense of any changes, positive or negative, since
the start of treatment.
For the present (and Session 1) totals, here are rough classifications:
Mild = 0-15 Moderate = 16-27 Significant = 28 or higher
The following categorizations are only relevant if the youth has completed only ONE of the
two skill modules, and there is a decision to be made about whether to continue on to the
second module or terminate the Active Phase of treatment and progress to the Continuation
Phase (brief, monthly phone check-ups with in-person sessions as needed).
Typically, when someone improves this much, we usually stop these weekly
meetings and go to monthly "check-in" phone calls. Of course, some people do
continue - what do you think?
Tell me a little more about what your needs are so I can be of more help.
Counselor: Identify which of three situations below best fit the youth and proceed
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2) Youth requesting more sessions for mental health/psychosocial need that not
appropriate to address through intervention
⇒ Refer to primary care provider or another source for case management or additional
3) Youth requesting more sessions for concerns that can be addressed through
intervention and perceives a real need for additional intervention
⇒ Continue to second module in intervention
It seems that you've made some good progress. I think now is the time to keep
meeting for a few more weeks, and learn some additional, new skills to help you to
improve even more. What do you think?
NOT IMPROVING: Youth who do not meet either of the two above conditions. These
youth should continue on in Active treatment, to attempt to achieve gains.
It doesn't seem like you've improved as much as we would like. What do you think?
I would like to keep meeting with you for another four weeks. We would start
learning the additional, new skills that you didn't chose at the beginning of these
meetings. This new approach may help "kick-start" some improvement. What do
you think about that?
VII. LIFE EXPERIMENT (only for those youth who are continuing on
to additional Active sessions).
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If the youth has not made sufficient recovery, and has only completed one skills
training module, then continue on to the changing your thinking module. Follow
the decision tree below.]
Yes Yes
[Counselor: use the following script only if youth has recovered from their
depression, or because they have completed both the fun activities and cognitive
Active Treatment modules. ]
Because you've made such great progress, this is our last weekly
session. However, I will call you each month to check on your
continuing progress. If needed, we can meet from time to time.
[Counselor: use the following script if youth has completed both the fun
activities and thoughts modules. ]
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You have now completed both portions of the skills training we set out
to do several weeks ago. You have spent several weeks working on
increasing pleasant activities and have also worked hard on changing
your thinking to stop negative or unrealistic thinking and to increase
realistic and positive thinking. Although you have already made
progress in both of these areas, continuing to practice the skills on your
own will be an important part of continuing to see improvements in
how you feel.
[Counselor: use the following script for both youths who have recovered from
their depression, and youths who have completed both the fun activities and
thinking modules. ]
Counselor: Use this time to help those ending these sessions to summarize his
or her experiences. Work on relapse prevention by anticipating future problems
and how they will handle them. Make sure to highlight youth's strengths as well
as areas in which they should continue to practice skills.
Counselor: Remember to send an epic e-mail message to the youth’s primary care
provider about the youth’s progress with the intervention and any other pertinent
information (e.g., reported side effects, level of functioning) following this session.
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? How have side effects been for you this week? Have the things we talked about
to deal with the side effects worked?
? Have you noticed any new or continuing positive changes in how you feel this
? How is your depression - any improvement?
? Any thoughts of harming yourself? Harming others?
[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention.]
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Looking at the last few days in your Mood Diary, do you see any improvement in
your mood?
Counselor: Remind youth of the triangle figure – show them the figure in their
workbook, or the version shown below.
Actions or Thoughts,
Behavior Beliefs
During the remainder of our meeting today and in the next three sessions, we
are going to focus on depressing THOUGHTS.
DEPRESSING thoughts have unpleasant results. They make you feel bad
because they focus your attention on the negative side of a situation.
POSITIVE thoughts make you feel better, by focusing on the positive sides
of a situation
1. Thinking about the times that you have embarrassed yourself would
make you feel _______?
2. Thinking about ways to solve a problem would make you feel _____?
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1. To help each youth understand the link between thoughts and feelings.
2. To help each youth identify his or her most frequent negative and positive thoughts.
3. To have youths record daily (for the following week) their worst negative thoughts,
the activating events that made them think that way, and the number of times they
catch themselves thinking negatively.
Today and in the next few meetings, we are going to talk about how thinking
affects the way that you feel. Let’s start with taking an example of a problem
that you have faced:
Counselor: Use youth’s own examples if possible, or one of the examples provided
below. Examples for achievement stressors and social stressors are included. Some youth
will be most sensitive to achievement stresses and other youth will be more sensitive to
social stresses. Over the course of the sessions try to match the stresses addressed with
those that are most problematic for the youth.
Optional: If youth still unable to generate any examples use examples below:
What are some ways that you might feel if this happened to you?
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So this is interesting. We have the same situation, but it’s causing all kinds of
different feelings. Why is this? Let’s take a look at the way that you might
be thinking about this situation, that would lead to the different feelings.
Counselor: Fill in the thoughts that would lead to each of the different emotions listed.
Make the point that different thoughts lead to different feelings, even if the situation is
exactly the same.
What might you be saying to yourself that would make you feel _______?
Optional: The examples listed below are to help the youth connect thoughts to feelings if they have
difficulty doing so without prompting. Many of the feelings listed below are common ones that may
come up for either achievement or social stressors and the “possible thoughts” likely to correspond
to some of the youth’s own thoughts. If the youth is easily able to come up with thoughts connected
with their stated feelings, none of the examples below are necessary.
Good or I’ll just call my Mom and see if she can drop it Effective
off when she goes out.
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Now that you’ve worked on identifying negative thoughts, I’d like you to
shift gears and identify some positive thoughts you have about yourself or
other things. These can be pleasant experiences, thinking about your
favorite places, or positive things about yourself.
Now I’m going to ask you to put these positive thoughts aside for the
moment and take some of the negative thoughts we talked about back out
and to think about them hard, that is worry to yourself about them until I
tell you to stop
Now stop and put the negative thoughts away and think about the
POSITIVE THOUGHTS you identified. Concentrate as hard as you can on
these POSITIVE THOUGHTS until I tell you to stop
What did you experience? Did your mood change? This is a simple
example of how you can control your thinking.
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At the bottom of page T1.2, write down any other negative thoughts
that you have had.
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Do you have some of these thoughts much more often than the others?
Now look at your list of negative thoughts. Pay particular attention to the
thoughts you have about YOURSELF. These are called “personal”
thoughts because they are about you as a person. Personal thoughts usually
have the word “I”, “me”, “my” or “we” in it.
Read through the list and check the thoughts that you have had during the
past month. At the bottom of page T1.3, list some other positive thoughts
that you have had.
Count the number of positive thoughts you have identified from the list on
page T1.3 and write the total on the line provided on page T1.4. Then
count up the negative thoughts you identified from the list on page T1.2 and
write that total on the next line. Which total is higher—the one for negative
thoughts or the one for positive thoughts?
Ideally, our goal is for you to have twice as many positive thoughts as
negative thoughts. Where are you at?
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It may take some time before the balance between your negative and
positive thoughts changes so that you have close to twice as many
positive thoughts as negative thoughts. This is part of what we will
continue to work on and monitor over our next few meetings together.
1. To discuss how to use positive thoughts to counter negative thoughts.
2. To provide feedback as youths identify unrealistic beliefs in cartoon sequences and
suggest more positive, rational beliefs.
3. To help youths develop positive counter-thoughts and beliefs for his/her negative
Negative thoughts can make you feel depressed and unhappy. Positive
thoughts make you feel “up” and cheerful. When you think positively
about yourself and the world, you feel better. The techniques we're going
to learn next have to do with CHANGING YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS
in order to control your feelings. The first technique involves the use of
When you catch yourself thinking negatively, replace the negative thought
with a positive “counter-thought.”
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Counselor: Ask youth to fill in the thought diagram at the bottom of page T1.8. Briefly review
the youth’s answer on the thought diagram. Youth may want to argue about whether
"scratching furniture" is really a good positive counter-thought. Briefly agree with them that it
probably isn't the best, but this is just a silly cartoon and in later examples we will do a much
better job generating good positive counter-thoughts.
6. In these two cartoons (Herman and Wizard of Id), one positive counter-
thought is more realistic than the other. Which one is it?
(Answer: “My pet won't be scratching the furniture anymore.” Fevers don't
really dry up fungi, so this thought is not as realistic.)
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The form on page T1.7 is for recording information on how often you have
negative thoughts. You will use this form to write down your MOST
NEGATIVE THOUGHTS each day and the situation that came before each
thought (we call this the ACTIVATING EVENT).
Every day for a week, I want you to RECORD AT LEAST ONE NEGATIVE
THOUGHT—preferably the worst, most depressing thought you had that
day. This will be hard to remember from one day to the next, so you'll need
to fill out the form every day.
When you realize that you are thinking negatively, also try to identify the
activating event, or situation, where you began thinking this way. Write
down some notes about this as well.
When you catch yourself thinking negatively, try to think positive thoughts
instead. I know this can be very difficult, but give it a try anyway. We'll
show you some techniques to make this easier in the coming weeks. Write
down some of these positive thoughts in the column labeled positive
Counselor: Emphasize that recording one negative thought each day is critical because the
exercises in subsequent sessions are based on this information. The counting part is not
as important, but it will also be helpful. Optional: If you feel comfortable, give personal
examples of negative thoughts which would be recorded on page T1.7.
Discuss some ways to take notes on negative thoughts right after they occur. Give the
youth blank 3" x 5" cards, and suggest using the cards to record thoughts. Help youth
think of a place in their notebook or purse to carry the cards. Show some examples of
good record keeping.
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Notice that the Life Experiment for this session is described on page T1.8.
1. Keep track of how often you have negative thoughts, using page
a. Write down your worst negative thought for the day and
the event or situation that activated it. Try using the 3" x
5" card to take notes right after the thought occurs, then
transfer the notes to page T1.7. Note any positive thoughts
that you used to counter the negative thoughts. Remember
a positive counterthought relates to the same topic as the
negative thought, but is more realistic, more positive, and
focuses your attention on what you can do to resolve the
problem or cope with the stress.
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? How have side effects been for you this week? Have the things we talked about
to deal with the side effects worked?
? Have you noticed any new or continuing positive changes in how you feel this
? How is your depression - any improvement?
? Any thoughts of harming yourself? Harming others?
[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention]
So, for example, telling yourself “I can’t do that!” or “It’s my fault” are examples of
negative thoughts. Can you think of what might be examples of positive
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Counselor: Keep the review moving along. The time limit for each question is 1-2
Counselor: If youths forgot to make ratings, have them make retroactive ratings for the
past two to four days. Emphasize, however, that the most accurate ratings are those made
on a daily basis.
2. Look at the last few days in your Mood Diary. Do you see any
improvement in your mood?
Now we know how to recognize negative thoughts. The next step is to try
some strategies for developing more positive thinking styles.
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Then we look at what has happened to find out what's affecting us. This
can be difficult. THE ACTIVATING EVENT is the situation that “triggers”
an emotional reaction, such as depression.
EXAMPLE. Bill and Steve live across the street from each other. Bill feels
depressed, while Steve feels happy. Let's do the A-B-C method. The first
step is to identify their emotional Consequences. What are the emotional
consequences for Bill and Steve?
Counselor: Have youth write the answer in the “C” column in the workbook.
Depression (Bill)
Happiness (Steve)
Bill and Steve both look out the window. It's October, and it's raining
again. They both notice that the rain affects their feelings.
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The second step in the A-B-C method is to ask: What are the Activating Events
for Bill and Steve?
Counselor: Have youth copy their “C” column answer and write the answer in the “A”
column in the workbook.
3. The third step is to determine the Beliefs that led from the activating
event to the consequences.
This is often the most difficult step. To find the beliefs, you must ask
yourself, “What was going on in my head when I was feeling depressed?”
[Note: The following example was adapted from Kranzler, Gerald. You can change how you feel. Eugene,
OR: RETC Press, 1974.]
EXAMPLE. It's October and it's raining again. Bill looks out the window
and thinks to himself, “This is awful! Summer is over and now it's going to
rain nonstop for six months! I can't stand the clouds and the cold! This is
horrible! I'll never have any fun now!”
Across the street, Steve is looking out his window. He is thinking to himself,
“This is great! When it's raining here, that means it's snowing in the
mountains. I'll be skiing again soon! I can't wait!”
Counselor: Have youth copy their “A” and “C” column answer and write the answer in
the “B” column in the workbook.
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[from workbook]
What actually caused the different consequences for Steve and Bill?
(Answer: Their different beliefs.)
Counselor: If youth suggests that Steve can ski and Bill can't, indicate that for this
example they both know how to ski; the only difference is how they interpret the rain.
This example demonstrates that it is not the SITUATION that makes you sad or
upset but the MEANING you give it.
Let's review the three steps in the A-B-C Method.
2. What do we do next?
(Answer: Identify the Activating Event.)
3. What do we do third?
(Answer: Determine the Belief that led to the Consequence.)
The next step is to ARGUE WITH YOURSELF to decide whether the belief
is unrealistic.
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How can you argue with these negative thoughts? There are a few different ways to
make sure that the thought isn’t totally unrealistic.
1. The first approach is to ask yourself if there are any OTHER WAYS OF
THINKING (ALTERNATIVES) about this situation that make sense. The
questions on page T2.4 that help you figure this out are:
For example:
Maybe your good friend says he’ll call you before 7 to arrange to go out that
night. Its almost 8, and he still hasn’t called.
Your first thought may be, “He isn’t going to call…he went out
without me”
What are some negative thoughts you might have about this situation?
Counselor: Write all youth’s negative thoughts on a pad of paper. Make sure the
alternatives “make sense” and are not completely unrealistic.
Now let’s try to come up with some “alternative thoughts”. What are some
other, more positive things you might think when your good friend hadn’t called
Counselor: Encourage youth to come up with own alternative thoughts. Make sure the
alternatives “make sense” and are not completely unrealistic. If youth has difficulty
coming up with alternatives, you can offer possibilities such as the following:
your friend’s older sister is talking on the telephone and won’t get off he is
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Even if this thought is true, what’s the worst thing that can happen?
Even if this thought is true, what’s the best thing that can happen?
The trick is to look at both the positive and negative things that could
happen, to make sure you aren’t only thinking about the bad things that
could happen. For instance, in the example above, you thought “He isn’t
going to call …. He went out without me.”
First, ask yourself, “Even if this thought is true, what’s the WORST thing
that could happen?”
Counselor: Elicit ideas and write on a pad of paper, such as the following:
I won’t have anything to do tonight.
He doesn’t like me anymore / we won’t be friends anymore
I am losing all my friends.
Next ask yourself, “If this thought is true, what’s the BEST thing that could
Finally, ask yourself, “What will be the most likely thing to happen?”
3. Another way to work on unrealistic negative thoughts is to look for any possible
PLAN OF ATTACK. Even if your most negative thought seems true, there
might be something you can do about it. Continuing with the example above,
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what are some things you could do if you decide that it really is true that he’s not
going to call, and that he’s going out without you? Ask yourself (see page T2.4):
Counselor: List possible plans for attack on a pad of paper, such as:
I can call him and see what’s going on.
I can call another friend and make arrangements to go out.
I can make sure next time that we figure things out earlier.
I can tell him that it made me really mad.
I can find something fun to do at home, and try to make plans for
tomorrow night.
I can try to make friends with people that won’t do this to me.
4. Another way to make sure you’re not believing totally unrealistic negative
thoughts is to look for EVIDENCE for the thought. Evidence consists of facts,
not feelings or guesses about things. Sometimes when we are feeling down or
stressed out, we tend to focus on negative evidence and ignore evidence that
might lead to a more positive approach to the situation. You need to look at all
of the evidence clearly in order to decide whether your thoughts in the situation
The key here is to look for all kinds of evidence. Not only do you need to list
evidence FOR the belief (evidence that supports the belief), but you also need
to list evidence AGAINST the belief. The kinds of questions you can ask
yourself to find evidence are (see page T2.4):
Take the example we used a minute ago. I’ll list some evidence and you tell
me whether this evidence is FOR or AGAINST the thought “He isn’t going to
call... he’s going to dump me.”
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Counselor: List pieces of evidence, such as the ones below. Help the youth put them into
categories on a pad of paper: “Evidence FOR” and “Evidence AGAINST.”
Let’s take another example. You see your good friend laughing with another
person and looking over at you. You think, “They are laughing at me. He
doesn’t like me anymore.”
Let’s list the kinds of evidence that you could look for, both for and against
this thought.
Counselor: Write the thought on a pad of paper and then make two columns:
EVIDENCE FOR and EVIDENCE AGAINST. Help youth generate pieces of evidence
that would fit under both columns. Examples are as follows:
To review, all of these things can be used to make sure you’re not getting too
upset about an unrealistic negative thought. They’ll help you check out how
true the thought is, other ways to think about it, what it will mean for the
future, and how to handle it. In our upcoming meetings together we will
keep talking about these ways of challenging negative thoughts.
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If helpful, go through the exercise above with the youth using youth generated
example(s) from Workbook page T1.7. –or-
Use one or more practice examples listed below with youth to generate
positive counter-thoughts using the methods discussed above (i.e.,
“thinking of alternatives”, “implications”, “plan of attack”, “checking
the evidence”)
You have a part-time job waiting on tables. The schedule for next week
came out and you notice that your time has been cut back to 2 days. It
had been 4 days the week before.
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[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention]
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Counselor: Keep the review moving along. The time limit for each question is 1 to 2
A-B-C Technique
1. Did you diagram your negative thoughts using the A-B-C forms (pages T2.7
through T2.10)?
2. Were you able to change your thinking about the event fairly consistently?
3. Did you feel differently after substituting a positive counterthought?
Mood Diary
Counselor: If youth forgot to make ratings, have youth make retroactive ratings for the
past two to four days. Emphasize, however, that the most accurate ratings are those made
on a daily basis.
2. Looking at the last few days in your Mood Diary, do you see any
improvement in your mood?
Today we’re going to take a closer look at some negative thoughts that are
especially problematic, because they are so negative and have the power to
make us feel so bad. We’re going to call these UNREALISTIC thoughts.
That’s the word I use. Later, I’m going to ask you your word for these
thoughts. Do you have any ideas what “unrealistic” might mean in this
Counselor: Elicit definition of unrealistic vs. realistic here, and make sure that youth has
an understanding of these terms.
For example, you get a C on a test, and your first thought is, “I’m going to
fail this class”. That’s an example of jumping to conclusions.
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Look at the cartoon on page T3.2. In this cartoon, Garfield ends up feeling
very ashamed. His belief is one that jumps to conclusions. What is that
thought? Fill out the top row of boxes on page T3.2
Does this remind you of anything in your own life? Are there times when
you think you might jump to conclusions when it might be unrealistic to do
Counselor: Encourage youth to come up with an example from their own life that
illustrates “jumping to conclusions”.
Look at the cartoon on page T3.3. In this one, Spiderman feels upset
because he jumped to conclusions. What belief did he have? Fill out the
top row of boxes on page T3.3.
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For example,
Two different girls, Linda and Julie, both ask their friends to go out on
Friday night. Both girls' friends say they can't make it because they have
too much work to do.
Linda feels rejected and thinks, “Because my friend won't go out with me
tonight, she doesn't like me, and she will never want to go out with me
On the other hand, Julie thinks, “Well, my friend is busy tonight, but we
can go out some other night. She's still my friend.”
The same situation happened to both girls, but their reactions were very
different. It's not what happened but what they told themselves about what
happened that made the difference in how they felt. One girl's thoughts
were unrealistic, and the other girl's thoughts were more positive and more
Thought: “If I don't get a date for Friday night, I'm a total failure
Is this thought unrealistic?
(Answer: Yes, because of the over-generalization "I'm a total failure forever")
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Turn back to page T3.2. What positive-counter-thought can you supply for
this cartoon?
Turn back to page T3.3. What positive-counter-thought can you supply for
this cartoon?
The statements on this page may be unrealistic beliefs. What do you think?
If you believe they are unrealistic, let's come up with some beliefs that are
more realistic to replace them. What are some rational challenges to these
Counselor: Have youth answer at least a few of the questions on page T3.4 (do at least
three continuing with more examples only if the youth seems to be having difficulty
understanding the concept). This is a good time for discussing what is really unrealistic.
Note that many youth will have a difficult time recognizing that these are unrealistic
thoughts. Use the comments below to help guide discovery that these are in fact
unrealistic beliefs. Solicit ideas for thoughts that are more realistic, and have youth write
them down in their workbook. Allow youth to generate his or her own challenges to
these thoughts. Use the answers given below only if the youth is unable to generate his or
her own answers. Remember, you DON'T need to review all thoughts if the youth
appears to grasp the ideas. PAY ATTENTION TO THE TIME; REVIEWING THIS
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PAGE CAN RUN OVER. You still need about 10-15 minutes to complete the section
after this page.
Why is this unrealistic? It's not really possible to always have the approval of
everyone in your life, in every situation. Even though most important people in
your life will care about you, not everyone in your life will always approve of
what you do. That doesn't mean they dislike you, only that they don't approve of
some of the things you do.
Think of your best friend. Have you always approved of everything they do? Even if
you don't like some of the things they do, you still like them as a friend. You
understand and accept them. Recognize that others will do the same for you.
Positive Counterthoughts: "They may not always approve of what I do, but I
know that they care about me. I guess they get upset because they are
Why is this unrealistic? It's just not possible for anyone to be the smartest or
most popular in everything. This is setting too high a standard for yourself.
Give yourself a break! If you want to be good at something, at least limit
yourself to one or two main things, but not everything! Just try your best!
Why is this unrealistic? It's not possible to avoid all mistakes all the time.
Making lots of the same mistakes over and over may be worth being concerned
about, but even that doesn't merit severe punishment. And certainly doing just
one or two things wrong is no reason to feel extremely guilty. Everyone makes
mistakes; give yourself a break!
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4. “My unhappiness is someone else's fault. I can't help feeling the way I do.”
Why is this unrealistic? While it is true that other people will do things that
you don't like, the way you feel about it is something that you control. That's the
basis of what we’re working on: you can gain control over how you feel. With
time, you can learn to control how you react, too.
5. “It's terrible when things aren't the way I'd like them to be.”
Why is this unrealistic? It may be upsetting, but is it really terrible? Who else
would find this terrible? This seems like an overexaggeration. Some things
really are terrible, such as someone dying, or an auto accident. But most
problems are usually much smaller than that, and are not really terrible or
horrible. Are your problems "horrible", or mostly just annoying or upsetting?
Positive Counterthoughts: "It's annoying when things aren't the way I like
them, but it's not the end of the world. If it bothers me enough, I'll take steps to
change things."
Why is this unrealistic? Again, this is a matter of degree. It may make sense
to worry a little bit, and everyone does this sometimes. But it is no good to
worry constantly; that only makes you feel tense and miserable, and usually
doesn't solve the problem.
Positive Counterthoughts: "I'll probably worry about this for a while, but
then I'll take some time to think about how to solve the problem. Worrying all
the time will just make me feel worse."
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Positive Counterthought: "I may not be totally happy with this solution, but I
can live with it. If possible, I'll keep working towards a better solution."
Before we begin, I’d like you to take an index card and note some typical
“activating events” that we can use for these exercises.
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This time I will read the negative thoughts and you will generate the positive
thoughts. Remember the questions on page T2.4 of the workbook can help
you to argue with negative thoughts.
Counselor: Ask youth to tell you a recent event or take one of the examples from
the cards. Review procedures and say negative thoughts one at a time, then let the
youth respond with a challenge that makes sense. If the youth is finding it
difficult to generate counter-thoughts / disputations, the counselor may act as
coach. When acting as coach, the counselor should try one or more of the
following: (a) allow the youth to try their own disputations first; (b) start by using
the questions in workbook (p.T2.4) to help the youth to argue with the negative
thoughts and offer direct counterthoughts only if the youth continues to have
difficulty finding a positive disputation, and C) allow the youth to accept or
decline the counselor’s suggestions.
Consider the following situation (use example from the youth or the one below):
It’s my fault that they are That’s not true: they are arguing about finances, and
fighting so much. I haven’t done anything wrong. (EVIDENCE)
They hate each other. That’s not true because sometimes they are also
really nice to each other. (EVIDENCE)
My father is so mean. He’s acting this way because he’s mad. He’s not
always mean.
My parents will get divorced. It’s possible that they’ll get divorced, but also
possible that they are just stressed out right now.
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VIII. LIFE EXPERIMENT (if continuing)
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[Counselor: Help youth create a plan for coping with expected side effects and other
medication barriers over the next week. Record youth’s reported side effects,
beneficial effects, and plan for coping on the “Counselor Medication Review” form.
Calculate a total risk adherence score as indicated on the form. Compliment the youth
on their continuing to take medication, and/or attentiveness to beneficial effects.]
[Optional: Use motivational interviewing approach to help youth step up / down the
scale on “side effects”, “benefits”, and/or “commitment to medication”]
[If youth seems discouraged and/or resistant, counselor may consider using
motivational interviewing techniques to encourage youth’s [continued] participation
in the intervention]
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1. Were you able to complete the “Rapid Fire Technique” practice worksheets
(pages T3.7 and T3.8) ?
2. Do you feel more comfortable with your ability to challenge negative beliefs?
Were you able to come up with positive counter-thoughts quickly?
B. A-B-C Technique
1. Did you diagram your negative thoughts using the A-B-C forms (pages T3.9
through T3.12)?
2. Were you able to change your thinking about the event fairly consistently?
3. Did you feel differently after substituting a positive counter-thought?
C. Mood Monitoring
Before we begin, I’d like you to take an index card and note some “TYPICAL
ACTIVATING EVENTS” that we can use for these exercises.
Counselor: Repeat rapid fire technique practice with real examples from the youth, and
pause to discuss problematic situations.
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A. Thought stopping.
B. The rubber band technique.
C. Set aside some “worrying time.”
When you worry, don't do anything else—don't talk, eat, drink, work, or
play. Save up your worries during the rest of the week, and only worry
about them during this scheduled time. During the rest of the week, you
can also write your worries down on a piece of paper, and put it in a jar or
a drawer to take out later during your worry time. This helps "put it
aside" until later.
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At the bottom of the page, choose the ONE you think might best work for you.
Write this as your answer. If this technique doesn't seem to work, you'll need to
try one of the other techniques on the list. Choose which technique you'll use as
a back up, and write it on the second line.
Now we’ll try an exercise that will give you a few ways to cope with negative
thoughts when they occur. This is partly a relaxation exercise and partly a
way of getting rid of negative thoughts. This exercise is called the “balloon
Counselor: Give the youth a balloon. Have them stretch it out, then hold it in their hand.
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I. What's in the balloon?
II. Where did you find it in yourself? In your body? Your mind?
III. What did it look like, sound like, feel like?
IV. What do you want to do with your balloons?
A. Stomp it?
B. Throw it away?
C. Hang it someplace?
D. Give it to someone?
V. What is most important is that you 've got the power to let go of negative
VI. How did this exercise work for you? Could you use it at home? At school?
Is there any way to do it without a balloon?
On page T4.5, there are examples of situations you might encounter when
you could use one of the techniques we just discussed. Decide which of the
four ways to deal with activating events would be best to use in each of
these examples.
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Now we come to the end of working on changing your thinking. However, I want to
encourage you to continue to practice the techniques we’ve worked on over the past
four meetings. Although changing your thinking can be difficult to do at first, with
practice doing these things can become almost automatic.
If you remember, you filled out this same questionnaire at our first session
[and perhaps fifth session] together. Now, please fill it out again. Then,
we'll compare your repsonses and see whether there is any change [don't say
improvement]. I will be the only one reading your responses, so please
answer the questions honestly.
When you're done, hand me your workbook and I'll write down your total, and
return your workbook to you. I will keep your scores private.
Counselor: Collect the completed Mood Questionnaire; check youth's addition of the
score, record it , and return it. If appropriate, give them feedback about ranges of scores.
ALSO, ask youth about their subjective sense of any changes, positive or negative, since
the start of treatment.
For the present (and Session 1) totals, here are rough classifications:
Mild = 0-15 Moderate = 16-27 Significant = 28 or higher
The following categorizations are only relevant if the youth has completed only ONE of the
two skill modules, and there is a decision to be made about whether to continue on to the
second module or terminate the Active Phase of treatment and progress to the Continuation
Phase (brief, monthly phone check-ups with in-person sessions as needed).
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Typically, when someone improves this much, we usually stop these weekly
meetings and go to monthly "check-in" phone calls. Of course, some people do
continue - what do you think?
Tell me a little more about what your needs are so I can be of more help.
Counselor: Identify which of three situations below best fit the youth and proceed
2) Youth requesting more sessions for mental health/psychosocial need that not
appropriate to address through intervention
⇒ Refer to primary care provider or another source for case management or additional
3) Youth requesting more sessions for concerns that can be addressed through intervention
and perceives a real need for additional intervention
⇒ Continue to second module in intervention
It seems that you've made some good progress. I think now is the time to keep
meeting for a few more weeks, and learn some additional, new skills to help you to
improve even more. What do you think?
NOT IMPROVING: Youth who do not meet either of the two above conditions. These
youth should continue on in Active treatment, to attempt to achieve gains.
It doesn't seem like you've improved as much as we would like. What do you think?
I would like to keep meeting with you for another four weeks. We would start
learning the additional, new skills that you didn't chose at the beginning of these
meetings. This new approach may help "kick-start" some improvement. What do
you think about that?
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VIII. LIFE EXPERIMENT (only for those youth who are continuing
on to additional Active sessions).
1. Next time we meet we will begin talking about how you can do more fun
activities. Between now and then, review the techniques for changing
your thinking that we have covered during our last four meetings
together and figure out which ones seem like the best fit for you and
how you can contiue practicing these things in a regular way.
2. Continue to use the A-B-C worksheets to write down and argue against
your negative thoughts (pages T4.7 – T4.10).
3. Continue to fill out your Mood Diary.
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[Counselor: if youth has made good to excellent progress [see previous section
on "EVALUATION of PROGRESS"], then this may be the time to end the
Active Phase weekly sessions, and transition to phone checkup contacts during a
Continuation Phase.
If the youth has not made sufficient recovery, then continue on to the pleasant
activities module, if you have not already done so. Follow the decision tree
Yes Yes
[Counselor: use the following script only if youth has recovered from their
depression, or because they have completed both the fun activities and cognitive
Active Treatment modules. ]
Because you've made such great progress, this is our last weekly
meeting. However, I will continue to call you each month to check on
your continuing progress. If needed, we can meet from time to time.
[Counselor: use the following script if youth has completed both the fun
activities and thoughts modules. ]
You have now completed both portions of the skills training we set out
to do several weeks ago. You have spent several weeks working on
increasing pleasant activities and have also worked hard on changing
your thinking to stop negative or unrealistic thinking and to increase
realistic and positive thinking. Although you have already made
progress in both of these areas, continuing to practice the skills on your
own will be an important part of continuing to see improvements in
how you feel.
[Counselor: use the following script for both youths who have recovered from
their depression, and youths who have completed both the fun activities and
thinking modules. ]
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Counselor: Use this time to help those ending these meetings to summarize his
or her experiences. Work on relapse prevention by anticipating future problems
and how they will handle them. Make sure to highlight youth's strengths as well
as areas in which they should continue to practice skills.
Counselor: Remember to send an epic e-mail message to the youth’s primary care
provider about the youth’s progress with the intervention and any other pertinent
information (e.g., reported side effects, level of functioning) following this session.
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