Eric C. Chi: Research Interests
Eric C. Chi: Research Interests
Eric C. Chi: Research Interests
Rice University
Dept. of Statistics
Houston, TX 77005
email: [email protected]
Research Interests
Numerical optimization, statistical learning, tensor decompositions, robust estimation, data mining,
applications to high dimensional data analysis in bioinformatics
2007 - 2011 Ph.D. & M.A., Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX
Thesis Advisor: David W. Scott
2005 - 2007 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Completed two years of didactic and clinical training in MD/PhD program
1999 - 2001 M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Minor areas: Statistics, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
1995 - 1999 B.A., Physics, Summa Cum Laude, Rice University, Houston, TX
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (July 2021 - ), Dept. of Statistics, Rice University
Assistant Professor (August 2015 - June 2021), Dept. of Statistics, North Carolina State University
Postdoc (July 2013 - August 2015), Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University
Mentor: Richard G. Baraniuk
Postdoc (September 2011 - July 2013), Dept. of Human Genetics, UCLA
Mentor: Kenneth L. Lange
CSGF Intern (Summers 2010, 2011), Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California
Mentor: Tamara G. Kolda
CSGF Intern (Summer 2009), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Berkeley, California
Mentors: Paul Spellman & Elizabeth Purdom
Graduate Student Researcher (2007-2011), Dept. of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX
Advisor: David W. Scott
Student Intern (Summer 2008), Dept. of Epidemiology, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Mentors: Kim Anh Do & Christopher Amos
Student Intern (Summer 1998), Shell Oil E&P Bellaire Technology Center, Houston, TX
Student Intern (Summer 1996), M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
U.S. delegate to 61st Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students, 2011
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, 2008-2011
Larus Award for Best Student Presentation at AAAS Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Meeting, 2010
R25 Cancer Prevention Fellowship, 2008
Editorial Positions
Associate Editor, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2016 - present.
Note: the sign * at the beginning of a paper indicates alphabetical order of authorships; the sign + indicates
co-first authorships; and names in italic indicate student authors.
Eric C. Chi 3
Journal Articles
37. H. Yi, L. Huang, G. Mishne, and E. C. Chi, COBRAC: a fast implementation of convex biclustering with
compression, Bioinformatics, in press, DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btab248.
36. M. Vardhan, J. Gounley, S. J. Chen, E. C. Chi, A. M. Kahn, J. A. Leopold, and A. Randles, Non-invasive
characterization of complex coronary lesions, Nature Scientific Reports, 11(1):8145, 2021,
35. Y. Feng, L. Xiao, and E. C. Chi, Sparse Single Index Models for Multivariate Responses, Journal of
Computational and Graphical Statistics, 30(1):115–124, 2021, DOI:10.1080/10618600.2020.1779080.
34. J. S. Stanley III, E. C. Chi, and G. Mishne, Multi-way Graph Signal Processing on Tensors: Integrative
Analysis of Irregular Geometries, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 37(6):160–173, 2020,
33. E. C. Chi, B. R. Gaines, W. W. Sun, H. Zhou, and J. Yang, Provable Convex Co-clustering of Tensors.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(214):1–58, 2020,
32. H. L. Brantley, J. Guinness, and E. C. Chi, Baseline Drift Estimation for Air Quality Data using Quantile
Trend Filtering, Annals of Applied Statistics, 14(2):585–604, 2020, DOI:10.1214/19-AOAS1318.
31. J. Rhyne, E. C. Chi, J-Y. Tzeng, and X. Jeng, Fast-LORS: Joint Modeling for eQTL Mapping in R, Stat,
9(1):e265, 2020, DOI:10.1002/sta4.265.
30. E. J. Min, E. C. Chi, and H. Zhou, Tensor Canonical Correlation Analysis, Stat, 8(1):e253, 2019,
29. *E. C. Chi and S. Steinerberger, Recovering Trees with Convex Clustering, SIAM Journal on the Mathe-
matics of Data Science, 1(3):383–407, 2019, DOI:10.1137/18M121099X.
28. +E. C. Chi and T. Li and, Matrix Completion from a Computational Statistics Perspective, WIREs
Computational Statistics, e1469, 2019, DOI:10.1002/wics.1469.
27. E. C. Chi, L. Hu, A. K. Saibaba, and A. U. K. Rao, Going off the Grid: Iterative Model Selection for
Biclustered Matrix Completion, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28(1):36–47, 2019,
26. J. Xu, E. C. Chi, M. Yang, and K. Lange, A Majorization-Minimization Algorithm for Split Feasibility
Problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, 71(3):795-828, 2018, DOI:10.1007/s10589-018-
25. E. C. Chi, G. I. Allen, and R. G. Baraniuk, Convex Biclustering, Biometrics, 73(1):10-19, 2017,
24. J. P. Long, E. C. Chi, and R. G. Baraniuk, Estimating a Common Period for a Set of Irregularly Sampled
Functions with Applications to Periodic Variable Star Data, Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(1):165-197,
2016, DOI:10.1214/15-AOAS885.
23. J. T. Chi, E. C. Chi, and R. G. Baraniuk, k-POD: A Method for k-Means Clustering of Missing Data, The
American Statistician, 70(1):91-99, 2016, DOI:10.1080/00031305.2015.1086685.
22. E. C. Chi, and K. Lange, Splitting Methods for Convex Clustering, Journal of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, 24(4):994-1013, 2015, DOI:10.1080/10618600.2014.948181.
21. G. K. Chen, E. C. Chi, J. M.O. Ranola, and K. Lange, Convex Clustering: An Attractive Alternative
to Hierarchical Clustering, PLoS Computational Biology 11(5): e1004228, 2015, DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.
Eric C. Chi 4
20. E. C. Chi and K. Lange, Stable Estimation of a Covariance Matrix Guided by Nuclear Norm Penalties,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 80:117-128, 2014, DOI:10.1016/ j.csda.2014.06.018.
19. E. C. Chi, H. Zhou, and K. Lange, Distance Majorization and its Applications, Mathematical Program-
ming Series A 146(1):409-436, 2014, DOI:10.1007/s10107-013-0697-1.
18. K. Lange, E. C. Chi, and H. Zhou, A Brief Survey of Modern Optimization for Statisticians, International
Statistical Review 82(1):46-70, 2014, DOI: 10.1111/insr.12022.
17. K. Lange, E. C. Chi, and H. Zhou, A Brief Survey of Modern Optimization for Statisticians: Rejoinder,
International Statistical Review 82(1):81-89, 2014, DOI: 10.1111/insr.12030.
16. E. C. Chi and D. W. Scott, Robust Parametric Classification and Variable Selection by a Minimum
Distance Criterion, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 23(1):111-128, 2014, DOI:10.1080/
15. E. C. Chi and K. Lange, A Look at the Generalized Heron Problem Through the Lens of Majorization-
Minimization, The American Mathematical Monthly 121(2):95-108, 2014, DOI:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.
14. E. C. Chi, H. Zhou, G. K. Chen, D. Ortega Del Vecchyo, and K. Lange, Genotype Imputation via Matrix
Completion, Genome Research 23:509-518, 2013, DOI:10.1101/gr.145821.112.
13. E. C. Chi and T. G. Kolda, On Tensors, Sparsity, and Nonnegative Factorizations, SIAM Journal of Matrix
Analysis and Applications 33(4):1272-1299, 2012, DOI:10.1137/110859063.
12. E. C. Chi, S. B. Mende, M.-C. Fok, and G. D. Reeves, Proton Auroral Intensifications and Injections at
Synchronous Altitude, Geophysical Research Letters 33(6), 2006, DOI:10.1029/2005GL024656.
11. R. Gupta, E. Chi, and J. Walrand, Different Algorithms for Normal and Protection Paths, Journal of
Network and Systems Management 13(1):13-33, 2005, DOI:10.1007/s10922-005-1845-6.
10. E. Chi, M. Fu, and J. Walrand, Proactive Resource Provisioning, Computer Communications 27(12):1174-
1182, 2004, DOI:10.1016/j.comcom.2004.02.019.
4. R. Gupta, E. Chi, and J. Walrand, Sharing Normal Bandwidth During a Failure, in The Seventh IN-
FORMS Telecommunications Conference, (Boca Raton, FL, Mar 7-10, 2004), 2004.
3. R. Gupta, E. Chi, and J. Walrand, Different Algorithms for Normal and Protection Paths, in DRCN’04
: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks, (Banff,
Canada, Oct 19–22, 2004), IEEE, 2004, pp. 189–196, DOI:10.1109/DRCN.2003.1275356.
2. E. Chi, M. Fu, and J. Walrand, Proactive Resource Provisioning for Voice Over IP, in SPECTS’03 :
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication
Systems (Montréal, Canada, Jul 20-24, 2003), 2003.
1. S. L. Thomsen, B. Baldwin, E. Chi, J. Ellard, J. A. Schwartz, Histopathology of Laser Skin Resurfacing,
in Proceedings of the Seventh Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems (San
Jose, CA, Feb 8, 1997), SPIE, 1997, pp. 287-292, DOI:10.1117/12.275056.
Unrefereed Manuscripts
E. C. Chi and T. G. Kolda, Making Tensor Factorizations Robust to Non-Gaussian Noise, Technical
Report Number SAND2011-1877, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM and Livermore,
CA, March 2011 (available at SAND2011-1877).
E. C. Chi and T. G. Kolda, Making Tensor Factorizations Robust to Non-Gaussian Noise in NeurIPS
Workshop on Tensors, Kernels, and Machine Learning, (Whistler, BC, Canada), December 2010 (avail-
able at arXiv:1010.3043 [math.NA]).
E. C. Chi, Parametric Classification and Variable Selection by the Minimum Integrated Squared Error
Criterion, Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University, 2011.
Eric C. Chi 6
Tutorial Articles
J. T. Chi and E. C. Chi, Getting to the Bottom of Matrix Completion and Nonnegative Least Squares
with the MM Algorithm, StatisticsViews, March 2014.
J. T. Chi and E. C. Chi, Getting to the Bottom of Regression with Gradient Descent, StatisticsViews,
January 2014.
42. Invited Session Talk, ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Houston, TX, Dec 13-16, 2020
41. Invited Talk, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Missing Data Workshop, Princeton, NJ, Sep 8-10, 2020
40. Invited Session Talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, Aug 1- 6, 2020
- Invited Session Talk, 2020 International Forum in Statistics, Beijing, China, Jul 11-12, 2020
- Invited Session Talk, Statistical Learning and Data Science, Newport Beach, CA, May 27-29, 2020
39. Invited Session Talk, Eastern North American Region International Biometric Society Spring Meeting,
Nashville, TN, Mar 22-25, 2020
38. Invited Talk, Lange Symposium Software Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 21-22, 2020
37. Invited Session Talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO, Jul 27-Aug 1, 2019
36. Invited Session Talk, The 3rd EcoSta Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, Jun 25-27, 2019
35. Invited Session Talk, ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Raleigh, NC, Jun 9-12, 2019
34. Invited Talk, 2nd Workshop on Operator Splitting Methods in Data Analysis, New York, NY,
Mar 20-22, 2019
33. Minisymposium Talk, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Spokane, WA,
Feb 25-Mar 1, 2019
32. Invited Session Talk, 4th International Conference on Big Data and Information Analytics, Houston,
TX, Dec 17-19, 2018
31. Invited Session Talk, The 2nd EcoSta Conference, Hong Kong, China, Jun 19-21, 2018
30. Invited Talk, SRCOS Summer Research Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, Jun 3-6, 2018
29. Invited Session Talk, SDSS, Reston, VA, May 16-19, 2018
28. Invited Session Talk, CMStatistics, London, United Kingdom, Dec 16-18, 2017
27. Invited Talk, CMO-BIRS Workshop: Beyond Convexity: Emerging Challenges in Data Science, Oaxaca,
Mexico, Oct 22-27, 2017
26. Invited Session Talk, ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Chicago, IL, Jun 25-28, 2017
25. Invited Session Talk, The 1st EcoSta Conference, Hong Kong, China, Jun 15-17, 2017
Eric C. Chi 7
24. Minisymposium Talk, SIAM Conference on Optimization, Vancouver, BC, May 22-25, 2017
23. Plenary Talk, SAMSI Program on Optimization (OPT) Transition Workshop, Research Triangle Park,
NC, May 1-3, 2017
22. Minisymposium Talk, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, GA, Feb
27-Mar 3, 2017
21. Invited Session Talk, The 10th ICSA international conference, Shanghai, China, Dec 19-22, 2016
20. Invited Speaker Talk, Innovative Methods Program for Advancing Clinical Trials (IMPACT), Cary, NC,
Nov 17-18, 2016
19. Minisymposium Talk, The Mathematics Behind Big Data Analysis, SIAM Conference on Discrete Math-
ematics, Atlanta, GA, Jun 6-10, 2016
18. Minisymposium Talk, Combinatorial Algorithms: How Do We Cope with Hard Problems?, SIAM
Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Atlanta, GA, Jun 6-10, 2016
17. Invited Speaker Talk, Triangle Statistical Genetics Conference, Cary, NC, Nov 3, 2015
16. Invited Session Talk, Interface Symposium, Morgantown, WV, Jun 10-13, 2015
15. Minisymposium Talk, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City,
UT, Mar 14-18, 2015
14. Invited Session Talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, Montréal, Canada, Aug 3-8, 2013
13. Presented Refereed Paper, International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
San Francisco, CA, Apr 7-11, 2013
12. Invited Session Talk, Interface Symposium, Orange, CA, Apr 4-6, 2013
11. Presented Refereed Poster, American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
Nov 6-10, 2012
10. Invited Session Talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA, Jul 30-Aug 4, 2012
9. Invited Session Talk, Interface Symposium, Houston, TX, May 16-18, 2012
8. Invited Session Talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami, FL, Jul 30-Aug 4, 2011
7. Invited Poster, AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Feb 17-21, 2011
6. Invited Talk, Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Annual Conference,
Washington, DC, July 21-23, 2011
5. Presented Refereed Paper, NeurIPS workshop on Tensors, Kernels, and Machine Learning, Vancouver,
BC, Dec 10, 2010
4. Invited Session Talk, Interface Symposium, Robust Methods in Regression, Seattle, WA, Jun 16-19, 2010
3. Presented Refereed Poster, Workshop on High-dimensional Inference Complex Data, Groningen, The
Netherlands, Nov 23-25, 2009
2. Presented Refereed Paper, International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Net-
works, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct 19-22, 2003
1. Presented Refereed Paper, International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems, Montréal, Canada, Jul 20-24, 2003
Eric C. Chi 8
15. Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Aug 4, 2015
14. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, Feb 12, 2015
13. Dept. of Statistics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Feb 9, 2015
12. Dept. of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Jan 28, 2015
11. Dept. of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Jan 26, 2015
10. Applied Mathematics Program, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Nov 11, 2014
9. Center for Imaging Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Oct 14, 2014
8. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, Jul 2, 2014
7. Dept. of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX, Nov 4, 2013
6. Dept. of Statistics, Texas A&M, College Station, TX, Oct 18, 2013
5. Dept. of Biostatistics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, Oct 25, 2012
4. Dept. of Human Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, Oct 8, 2012
3. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, Aug 8, 2012
2. Dept. of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX, Mar 7, 2011
1. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, Dec 17, 2009
2019-2022, National Institute of General Medical Sciences R01GM135928, “Imputing single cell RNA
sequencing data: Mathematical, statistical, and computational challenges" PI: E. C. Chi, $696,299.
2018-2023, National Science Foundation DMS-1752692, “CAREER: Stable and Scalable Estimation of
the Intrinsic Geometry of Multiway Data," PI: E. C. Chi, $400,000.
2017-2018, ORAU Ralph E. Power Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, “Discovering the Intrinsic Ge-
ometry of Retinal Images," PI: E. C. Chi, $5,000
2016-2017, NCSU Faculty Research and Professional Development Program, “Getting Data Cubes in
Order Stably and Scalably," PI: E. C. Chi, $4,000
R package fasta for accelerating first order optimization methods (on CRAN)
R package splitFeas for MM algorithms for multi-set split feasibility problems (on CRAN)
R package cvxbiclustr for convex biclustering (on CRAN)
R package multiband for period estimation of a collection of irregularly sampled signals (on CRAN)
R package kpodclustr for clustering partially observed data (on CRAN)
R package cvxclustr for convex clustering (on CRAN)
Contributed code for CP-Alternating Poisson Regression algorithm to the Tensor Toolbox (MATLAB)
Mendel-Impute algorithm for genotype imputation (MATLAB)
Eric C. Chi 10
Instructor, Statistical Programming (NCSU - ST 114), Fall 2020
Instructor, Experimental Statistics for Biological Sciences I (NCSU - ST 511), Fall 2015
Guest Lecturer, Optimization Methods in Biology (UCLA - BIOMATH 210), 2011
Graduate survey course on theory and numerical methods for discrete and continuous optimization, with
applications from genetics, medical imaging, pharmacokinetics, and statistics. Three lectures.
Responsibilities included lesson planning, giving biweekly lectures, and assisting with homework.
Teaching Assistant, Probability and Random Processes (UC Berkeley - EECS 126), 2001
Undergraduate course on probability and random processes. Responsibilities included planning and giving
discussion sessions, writing homework solutions, and giving two guest lectures.
Eric C. Chi 11
Qiang Heng
Xiaoqian Liu
Min Zhang
Weilian Zhou, co-advised with Soumendra Lahiri
Student Committees
Jeremy Ash, Department of Genomic Sciences, Advisors Denis Fourches and Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver.
Halley Brantley, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisors Montserrat Fuentes and Joseph Guinness.
Amanda Brucker, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Jung-Ying Tzeng.
Luming Chen, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Sujit Ghosh.
Liuyi Hu, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisors Wenbin Lu and Hua Zhou.
Shuhan Liang, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisors Wenbin Lu and Rui Song.
Ye Liu, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisors Wenbin Lu and Rui Song.
Qi Ma, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Sujit Ghosh.
Tuhin Majumder, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Soumen Lahiri and Donald Martin.
Rachel Minster, Department of Mathematics, NCSU, Advisor Arvind Saibaba.
Timothy Reid, Department of Mathematics, NCSU, Advisor Ilse Ipsen.
Lin Su, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisors Howard Bondell and Wenbin Lu.
Longshaokan Wang, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Eric Laber.
Jiahong Yan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NCSU, Advisor Ning Lu.
Jirapat Samranvedhya, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Leonard Stefanski.
Chaowen Zheng, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisors Rui Song and Yichao Wu.
Caleb Weaver, Department of Statistics, NCSU, Advisor Luo Xiao.
Zev Woodstock, Department of Mathematics, NCSU, Advisor Patrick Combettes.
Undergraduate Students
Qinrou Wen (GEARS), Zhejiang University, Summer 2020
Haochen Lei (GEARS), Southern University of Science and Technology, Summer 2020
Zirui Li (GEARS), Tianjin University, Summer 2020
Wenxing Wang (GEARS), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Summer 2020
Professional Service
Referee: Annals of Applied Statistics, Biometrics, Electronic Journal of Statistics, IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Computational
and Graphical Statistics, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Linear Algebra
and Its Applications, Numerical Algorithms, Pattern Recognition Letters, PLOS One, SIAM Journal
on Mathematics of Data Science, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal
on Optimization, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Statistics & Probability Letters, Statistical
Methods in Medical Research, Statistica Sinica, Technometrics, The American Statistician, Wiley
Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics
Eric C. Chi 14
Co-organizer of Invited Session, “Multiway World: Modern Data Analysis with Tensor Decompo-
sitions," Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA, Jul 28-Aug 2, 2012
Organizer of Invited Session, “Tensor Decompositions and their Applications," 43rd Symposium on
the Interface, Houston, TX, May 16-18, 2012
Other Service
Panelist for Strengthening The Impact of Research (STIR) Workshop, Mar 9, 2021
Math Alliance Graduate Faculty Mentor, 2020-present
Panelist for Impacts Identity Development Workshop, Jun 25, 2020
East Meets West NC STEM Academy (Army Educational Outreach Program)
Gave guest lecture on careers in data science, Greensboro, NC, Feb 8, 2020
Inaugural Minority Symposium Judge, Cary, NC, Jan 12, 2020
Co-leader of Data Scientists in Training (DST) Program at NCSU, 2019-2020
Co-ran a year-long outreach/research experience program for high school students in the Trian-
gle area. The goal of the program is to introduce students and teachers to careers in data science
through hands on experience with projects as well as mentoring and career guidance.
SLDS Student Paper Award Committee, 2019
Panelist for Building Future Faculty Program, Mar 16, 2018
Program committee for Broader Participation in Data Mining (at KDD 2017), reviewed student
travel scholarship applications
Broader Engagement Mentor to undergraduate and postdoc at SIAM CSE 2017
VIP Consultant at ASA DataFestTM at Duke, Apr 1-3, 2016
Wiley Science Advisor, John Wiley & Sons, 2010-2018
Responsibilities included providing opinions on publishing decisions, market feedback, and technology usage.
Student advisor to journal editor, Wiley-Blackwell: Stat. and Math., 2009-2011
Responsibilities included providing opinions on new devices and technologies, the “Generation Y" scientific
community, and literature research preferences.