National Registration Center Model-Statute of A Limited Liability Company

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In this Statute

- “Law” is the Law no. 9901, dated 14.04.2008 “On Entrepreneurs and Commercial
- “Statute” is the Statute of the company


Formation, Name, Object, Duration and Legal Seat

Article 1

Date of foundation, Name and Founders

1. Today on (date of signing the Statute), we the founders, have founded a limited liability
company with the name ____________ L.L.C.

2. The founders of the company are (surnames, names or the form and the legal name of the
company, addresses or legal seats and the place of registration)



Article 2


The company will carry out the activity as follows (only if it is determined)


Article 3


The duration of the company will be        (only if it is determined)

Article 4

Legal Seat

(1) The legal seat of the company is at the address       

(2) The official website of the company is (if it has one):       

(3) The address of the company for electronic communication purpose is as follows (if it has



Article 5

Basic Capital

(1) The initial basic capital of the company is        ALL (according to the
law the basic capital shall not be less than 100 ALL). The participation of the founders in the
basic capital of the company is in accordance with their contributions as follows:

1. Founding Partner       : Owners of 1 (one) Share with the general value of
      that constitutes       % of the basic capital of the company

2. Founding Partner       : Owners of 1 (one) Share with the general value of
      that constitutes       % of the basic capital of the company

The contribution of the partners may be in cash or in kind (movable property / immovable
property or rights).

Article 6

Increase and decrease of the Capital

The capital of the company can be increased through the subscription of the parts of the basic
capital for contribution in cash, and for the contribution in kind through the appointment from
the competent court of an authorized expert for these contributions according to the requirements
of the Administrator.
The majority cannot obligate, under any circumstances, a partner to increase his contribution in
the basic capital of the company.
The decrease of the capital is allowed by the General Assembly, which will take the decision
under the same conditions as for the amendment to the Statute.
In all case the decrease of the capital affects the partners to the same extent as their respective
parts in the capital
Article 7

Transfer of Shares
(1) Shares and the rights they confer shall be acquired or transfer through:
- Participation in the authorized share capital at the incorporation of the company;
- Purchase;
- Inheritance;
- Donation;
- Other ways provided by the Law.

The parts of the basic capital are freely transferable between partners, unless otherwise provided
in the Statute.
The parts of the basic capital are freely transferable through heritage

Article 8

Decision – Making Organ

The General Assembly of Partners is the only decision-making organ of the company

The General Assembly of Partners is the only decision-making organ of the company that
approves any amendments to the Statute according to the modalities foreseen by the Law

The General Assembly shall decide on the following company matters:

a) Setting the business policies;

b) Amendments to the Statute;
c) Election and dismissal of the Administrators ;
ç) Election and dismissal of independent auditors and liquidators;
d) Establishment of remunerations to persons mentioned under Numbers “c” and “ç”;
dh)Monitoring and supervising the implementation of business policies by Managing
Directors, including preparation of the annual statement of accounts and the performance
e) Adoption of the annual statement of accounts and performance reports;
ë) Distribution of annual profits;
f) Increase and reduction of basic capital;
g) Dividing shares into parts and withdrawal of shares;
h) Representation of the company in court and in other proceedings against Managing
i) Company restructuring and dissolution;
j) Adoption of its own rules of procedure;
k) Other matters set by law or the Statute.

A partner may be represented at the General Assembly by another partner authorized by him or
another authorized third party
The Administrator of the company cannot act as a representative of another partner at the
General Assembly Meeting
The letter of authorization shall be issued for only one General Assembly Meeting including the
reconvened meeting.
Article 9

Method of Convening the General Assembly Meeting

The General Assembly Meeting shall be convened by letter or, if so provided by the Statute, by
electronic mail. The letter or mail shall contain the place, date and hour of the meeting and be
delivered together with the agenda to all members not later than 7 days before the scheduled date
of the meeting.

Where the General Assembly Meeting has not been convened in conformity with Paragraph 1,
the General Assembly Meeting may adopt decisions only if all the partners of the company agree
to take decisions despite the irregularity.

Article 10


In case of matters requiring ordinary majority, the General Assembly Meeting may only take
valid decisions if attended by partners holding more than 30% of the subscribed voting shares.
In case of matters requiring qualified majority, as of Article 87, of the Law “On Entrepreneurs
and Commercial Companies” the General Assembly Meeting may only take valid decisions if
the partners having more than half of the total number of votes are participating in the voting in
persona, by letter, or by electronic means in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 88 of this
Law. If the General Assembly Meeting could not be held due to lack of the quorum referred to
in Paragraph 1, the meeting shall be reconvened with the same proposed agenda within 30 days.

Article 11


The General Assembly shall decide by three-quarter majority of votes of partners participating
in the voting on the amendment to the Statute, the increase or decrease of the basic capital,
profit distribution, company restructuring and dissolution

The General Assembly shall decide by majority of votes of participating partners for other
issues such as: Setting the business policies; Election and dismissal of the Administrators
;Election and dismissal of independent auditors and liquidators; Establishment of
remunerations; Monitoring and supervising the implementation of business policies by the
Administrators including preparation of the annual statement of accounts and the performance
report; Representation of the company in court and in other proceedings against the
Administrators; Adoption of its own rules of procedure on convening the General Assembly
Any amendment to the Statute must be submitted at the NRC in order to reflect the changes in
the file of the company

Article 12

Exclusion of Voting Right

(1) A partner may not vote if the General Assembly decides on:
a) Assessing his performance
b) Releasing from any of his obligations
c) Any claim against him on behalf of the company
ç) Granting or not of any new benefit
(2) Where a partner is represented by a proxy, the proxy shall be deemed to be in the same
position regarding conflicts of interest as the member he represents.

Article 13


(1) The General Assembly shall nominate one or more natural persons as Administrators of the
company for a term established by the Statute not exceeding 5 years, with the possibility of re-
election. The nomination has legal effect once it is registered in the National Registration
(2) The Administrators of a parent company according to Article 207 of this Law may not be
elected Administrators of a subsidiary and vice-versa. Any election made contrary to this
provision is null and void.
(3)The following persons are appointed as the first Administrators of the company until their
appointment from the first General Assembly:

Identification data

(surname, name, address) and the specimen of the signature

-        -       

-        -       

Article 14

Rights and obligations of the Administrators

The Administrators have the right and obligation to:

a) Manage the company’s business by implementing the policies defined by the General
b) Represent the company;
c) Ensure that the necessary accountancy books and documents are kept;
ç) Provide for and sign the annual statement of accounts and consolidated accounts and the
performance report and present it to the General Assembly for approval together with the
proposals for the distribution of profits;
d) Create an early warning system with respect to developments threatening the existence of the
dh) File for the registrations and submit the mandatory data of the company according to the Law
on the National Registration Center;
e) Report to the General Assembly with respect to the implementation of business policies and to
the realization of transactions of particular importance for company performance;
ë) Perform other duties set by law or the Statute.
The Administrators are obligated to convey the General Assembly in cases when:
- according to the annual balance sheet or interim accounts reports result or exist the risk that the
assets of the company will not cover up its liabilities within the next 3 months;
- the company proposes to sell or otherwise dispose on the assets amounting to more than 5% of
the company’s assets resulting in the last certified financial statements;
- the company, within the first 2 years after registration, proposes to purchase assets which
belong to a partner and which amount to 5% of the company’s assets resulting in the last
certified financial statements;

If the General Assembly appoints more than one administrator, they manage the company
The General Assembly may dismiss the Administrator at any time by ordinary majority. Any
claims, as for the compensation of the administrator, arising from any contractual relationship
are governed by the legal provisions in force.

Article 15

Responsibilities of the Administrator

The Administrator is liable towards the Company or third parties for damages caused by breach
of the laws, of the Statute, or for faults committed during the administration of the society.

The consequences for any unapproved agreement from the Assembly, that brings damages to the
company, are charged on the Administrator and the Partner that has made the agreement to face
individually or jointly as the case maybe the respective consequences.
Apart from what is provided in the general provisions on the fiduciary duty, according to articles
14, 15, 17 and 18 of the Law “On the Entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies, the
administrator is oblige to:
1. a) Perform his duties established by the law and the Statute in good faith in the best
interests of the company as a whole which includes the environmental sustainability of
its operations;
b) Exercise powers granted to him by the law and the Statute only for the purposes
established therein;
c) Give adequate consideration to matters to be decided;
ç) Avoid actual and potential conflicts between personal interests and those of the
d) Perform his duties with professionalism and reasonable care.
2. The Administrator during the performance of his duties, is held liable for any action or
failure to act reasonably related with the purpose of the commercial company, unless the
action or omission was made in good faith, based upon reasonable inquiry and
information, and rationally related to the purposes of the company.
3. In case when the Administrator acts in violation of his duties and infringes the
professional standards according to points 1 and 2 of this Article, he is obliged to
compensate the company for any damage which occurred due to the violation, as well as
to disgorge any personal profits made by him or the person connected with him, in
violation of his duties to the company. The Administrator has the burden of proving
compliance with the duties and standards. In case the violation has been committed by
more than one of the Administrator, they are jointly and severally liable towards the

(4) In particular, but not limited to these, the Administrator is obliged to compensate the
company for damages caused, if in violation of the provisions of the Law “On the
Entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies, carries out the following transactions contrary
to this Law:
a) Returns to the partners the contributions
b) Pays interests or dividends to the partners
c) Distributes the company's assets;
ç) Allows the company to continue to do business when based on the financial status,
should have be foreseen that it will not be able to pay its debts;
d) Grants loans
Besides the claim for compensation of damages attributable personally to the administrator, the
partners individually or jointly, have the right to file criminal charges against the Administrator
The plaintiffs are entitled to pursue legal means for the full repayment of damages caused to the
company, including financial compensation, if necessary. Not any decision of the Assembly can
forbid the lodging of a claim against the Administrator for the mistakes committed by him
during his office.

Chapter IV
Financial Year – Expert

Article 16
Financial Year
The financial year commences on January 1st and ends on December 31st, of each calendar year.
Except for the first financial year, that commences from the date of registration of the company
in the National Registration Center, and is closed on December 31st.

Article 17
The expert has the obligation to control the entire accounting documentations of the economic
activity of the commercial company, the annual and the periodic control performed from him in
cases when he has been appointed and has performed such duty charged by the partners
At the end of the control, the certified auditor prepares the report, in writing, for issuing the
results of the annual balance sheet, as well as the report for the periodical controls, which is
obliged to present and submit in time to the partners for deliberation and approval based on their
right to vote.

Chapter V
Dissolution- Restructuring of the Company

Article 18
Dissolution and Liquidation
The Company can be dissolved at any time, under the following circumstances:
By expiry of the period for which it was established;
- By decision of the General Assembly;
- By opening of the bankruptcy procedures;
- If it has not carried out any business activities for two years and has not notified its
inactive status in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 43 of Law No. 9723 ‘On the
National Registration Centre’;
- By court decision;
In this case the Partners take the decision, in writing, in which foresee the method of liquidation
of the company by appointing one or more liquidators, and any documents issued by the
company should have the name of the liquidators and the additional nomination “Company in
The dissolution of the commercial company has as a consequence the initiation of the liquidation
procedures in the state of solvency, unless it has initiated the bankruptcy procedure
The liquidation is carried out by the liquidators on behalf of the Partners
When the partners do not take a decision upon the appointment of the liquidators within 30 days
after the dissolution, any interested person can address the court to appoint a liquidator

Article 19
Restructuring the company Merger- Division
The company can be divided, merged based on the Decision of the General Assembly of the
Partners according to the legal provisions foreseen in Part IX of the Law no. 9901, dated
14.04.2012 “On the entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies”

Article 20
Legal Basis
The company will carry out its activity in conformity with this Statute and the legal provisions of
the Albanian Legislation
Unless otherwise provided in this Statute, shall apply the provisions of the Law “On the
entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies”, Civil Code and any other specific law of the
Republic of Albania
Article 21
Any dispute arising out of or related with the implementation or interpretation of this Statute, as
well as any dispute between the Company and third parties, shall be referred to the Albanian
Name Surname

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