Articles of Association

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the articles of association of TOD'S S.p.A., including details about the company's purpose, share capital, governance structure, financial reporting, and dissolution.

The company's purpose is manufacture of shoes and leather goods, apparel, soles and accessories. It can also engage in real estate activities, market studies, consulting, and more.

Share capital is €61,218,802 divided into 30,609,401 shares with a par value of €2 each. Capital can be increased and new shares issued. Shares are registered and can be converted to bearer shares.



Article 1
A Societ per Azioni (joint-stock company) is hereby incorporated with the name:

Article 2
The Companys purpose is manufacture of shoes and items in leather and synthetic materials, apparel in
general, soles, and any other component and/or accessory for shoes, leather goods, and apparel. The
Company may also process the aforementioned products on behalf of third parties. The Company may also
engage in wholesale and retail trade and agency, with or without bailment, of all the articles indicated
hereinabove. The Company may acquire equity or non-equity investments in other companies whose purpose
is similar or otherwise connected with or complementary to its own, provided that this not be its primary
activity. The Company may also engage in construction, purchase, sale, and management of real estate. The
company purpose also includes the study, design, and execution of samples for shoes, apparel, and all
accessories connected with shoes and apparel, perform market studies, and provide technical and commercial
advice and expert consulting on trademarks and patents; for commercial or other purposes, it may also
exploit trademarks (with special reference to: perfumes, essential oils, hair lotions, cosmetics, toothpaste,
and soap; cutlery, razors; sunglasses and spectacles, their components and accessories; watches and
chronometers, as well as their components and accessories; jewelry and costume jewelry; writing and
stationery items, office sets, catalogues, magazines, and other periodic publications; tiles, ceramics, frames,
and glass for furnishing; furniture and related components and accessories, mirrors and objects for the home;
kitchen utensils and objects, their components and accessories, porcelain, faience, and glass objects; fabrics
and linens for the home; creation, organization, and management of commercial establishments for the sale
of all products included in the company object), patents, and industrial and managerial know-how. The
Company may carry out all securities, real estate, and financial transactions relevant to the company purpose,
including, merely by way of example, the execution of loans with legally authorized banks and private
companies and firms. The activities reserved to persons entered on professional registers, the activities set
forth in Article 106 of Legislative Decree no. 385/1993 vis--vis the public, and those activities that are
otherwise in conflict with applicable laws and regulations are expressly excluded.

Article 3
The registered office of the Company is located in S. Elpidio a Mare.

Article 4
The Memorandum of Association envisages that the Company will expire on 31 December 2100.
The Shareholders Meeting may extend this term or resolve on early dissolution of the Company.


Article 5
The share capital totals sixty one million two hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred and two (61,218,802)
euros, divided into thirty million six hundred nine thousand four hundred and one (30,609,401) shares with a
par value of two (2) euros each, and has been fully subscribed and paid in.

Article 6
The capital can also be increased, with a resolution by the extraordinary shareholders meeting, by means of
contributions of goods in kind or receivables.
Newly issued shares can have rights different from those of the previously issued shares. The issuance of
new ordinary shares or shares with different rights that have the same characteristics as those of the classes
already in circulation, do not require further approval by the special shareholders meetings representing the
different classes of stock.
The option may be excluded or limited in the cases envisaged by law, as well as within the limits of ten per
cent of the existing share capital, and always in compliance with the terms and conditions envisaged by law.
The extraordinary shareholders meeting may delegate authority to the Board of Directors to increase the
capital, even with exclusion of the option, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Article 7
The shares are registered and, if fully released, can be converted to bearer stocks or vice-versa, if not
prohibited by law.
Each share is indivisible and grants the right to one vote, unless the Shareholders Meeting has resolved to
issue shares without voting rights or with limited voting rights.
The shares are freely transferable.

Article 8
The Company may issue bonds and equity financial instruments, either in the form of bearer or registered
securities, in compliance with the provisions of law.

Article 9
The Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting may delegate authority to the Board of Directors to resolve, once
or several times, on issuance of bonds convertible into shares, in compliance with the provisions of law.


Article 10
The General Shareholders Meeting represents all shareholders, and its resolutions, passed in compliance
with the law and these Articles of Association, are binding on all shareholders.
The Ordinary Shareholders Meeting must be called at least once annually. Since the Company is required to
draft consolidated financial statements, the Shareholders Meeting for approval of the financial statements
may be called within 180 days after closure of the fiscal year.

Article 11
Without prejudice to the powers of call envisaged by specific provisions of law, the shareholders meeting
must be called by the directors in a call of meeting that indicates the date, time, and location of the meeting
and the matters to be discussed, as well as the additional information prescribed, in accordance with the
applicable legislation, also regulatory provisions.
The call of meeting must be published in accordance with the terms and conditions of law.
This call of meeting may schedule the second call of meeting for another date if a quorum fails to meet on
the first call. The Shareholders Meeting may be convened on a third call pursuant to law if a quorum fails to
meet on the second call as well.
The Shareholders Meeting may also be called at a place other than the registered office of the company.
In the call of meeting, the Directors will have the right to envisage that the Shareholders Meeting also be
held in the form of a conference call and videoconference, with indication of the sites with audio and video
hook-ups provided by the company, at which the participants may appear. In any event, the following must
be allowed:
- the chairman of the meeting, either through his own office as chairman or otherwise, may ascertain the
identity and qualification of the participants to attend, moderate the proceedings, confirm and proclaim the
results of voting;
- the person who records the minutes may adequately perceive the meeting events being recorded;
- the persons attending the meeting can participate in the discussion and simultaneous voting on the matters
set forth in the agenda.
The meeting will be considered held in the place where the chairman and person recording the minutes are

Article 12
The right to attend and representation at the Shareholders Meeting are governed by law and applicable
regulations. The Meeting may be attended by every party that has voting rights and for whom the Company
has received the communication in accordance with current legislation, also regulatory provisions duly
prepared by the intermediary, in accordance with the own accounting entries. The Chairman of the
Shareholders Meeting, who may avail himself of specially delegated assistants, is responsible for
confirming the right to attend the Shareholders Meeting and settle any disputes.

Article 13
Every shareholder that has the right to participate may be represented by a proxy at the Shareholders
Meeting, as envisaged by law and may also grant the proxy via electronic means in accordance with the
legislation also regulatory provisions as applicable from time to time.
The proxy can be notified to the Company also by means of certified e-mail, to the certified e-mail address
indicated in the notice of the Shareholders Meeting, in compliance with the legislation also regulatory
provisions as applicable from time to time.
The Company does not designate representatives on whom the Shareholders may confer a power of attorney
with voting instructions.

Article 14
The Shareholders Meeting will be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or, in his absence, by
the Vice Chairman, if appointed, or, in the absence of this latter, by a person designated by the Shareholders
Meeting itself.
The Shareholders Meeting will designate a Secretary, who may be a non-shareholder, and if necessary, two
or more vote counters, who may be non-shareholders, or chosen from amongst the shareholders or Statutory

Article 15
The provisions of law shall apply in order for the convening and resolutions of the Ordinary and
Extraordinary Shareholders Meetings to be valid, even on a second or eventual third call. The members of
the Board of Directors and of the Board of Statutory Auditors will be elected in accordance with the terms
and conditions set forth respectively in Articles 17 and 27 of these Articles of Association.

Article 16
The resolutions passed by the Shareholders Meetings will be confirmed by the minutes signed by the
Chairman and the Secretary. In the cases envisaged by law and when the Chairman deems fit, the minutes
shall be drafted by a notary public chosen by the Chairman.


Article 17
The Company is managed by a Board of Directors that will have from three to fifteen members, with the
exact number to be set by the Shareholders Meeting. Regardless, the composition of the Board of Directors
must guarantee gender balance, in compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory provisions.
The directors may not be appointed for more than three financial years and may always be re-elected.
The Companys directors shall be elected from slates of nominees submitted by shareholders, in compliance
with applicable statutory and regulatory provisions governing gender balance.
Shareholders representing a percentage of share capital at least equivalent to that determined by Consob
pursuant to applicable laws and regulations shall be entitled to submit slates of nominees.
On penalty of disqualification, each nominee may appear on only one slate. All the nominees on the slates
must satisfy the requirements established by law, these Articles of Association or other provisions applicable
to their assumption of office (without prejudice to any and all other causes of disqualification or
No slate may contain more than fifteen (15) nominees, listed in sequential order. At least two nominees,
standing always at the second and seventh positions in each list, must meet the requirements of independence
imposed under article 147 ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/98 (as amended).
The slates submitted by shareholders must be filed at the Companys registered offices by the applicable
statutory and regulatory deadlines.
The following documents must also be filed together with each slate at the Companys registered offices: (1)
specific certification by an authorized intermediary as defined under law, attesting the ownership of the
number of shares necessary to submit slates of nominees; (2) a curriculum vitae for each candidate setting
forth an exhaustive description of his or her personal and professional qualifications; (3) declarations issued
by each candidate attesting that they accept their nomination and further attesting, under their own
responsibility and on penalty of exclusion from the slate, that there is no reason why they should be
disqualified, that they satisfy the requirements set forth under law and these Articles of Association for
assuming the position of company director, and that they satisfy the independence requirements established
by law for members of the board of statutory auditors.
The relevant certificate issued by the intermediary providing proof of ownership of the number of shares
required to submit the slates of nominees may also be submitted after the list has been filed, provided the
submission is made by the deadline set for publication of the slates by the Company.
For three consecutive terms beginning with the first time that the new Board of Directors is elected after 12
August 2012, each slate containing three or more nominees must be composed in such a way as to guarantee
that the gender balance of the Board of Directors satisfies the minimum quota required by applicable
statutory and regulatory provisions.
Slates that do not comply with the aforesaid provisions shall be deemed as never having been submitted.
The Board of Directors shall be elected in accordance with the following procedure:
a) all the directors but one shall be drawn from the slate obtaining the highest number of votes cast by
shareholders, in the same sequential order in which they appear on that slate;
b) the remaining director shall be drawn from the slate that obtains the second highest number of votes and
that is not linked in any way, either directly or indirectly, with the shareholders who submitted or voted in
favor of the slate that obtained the highest number of votes.
If, upon conclusion of voting, the composition of the Board of Directors does not satisfy the gender balance
enjoined by applicable laws and regulations, the nominee of the most highly represented gender who was
the last to be elected in the sequential order of the slate that received the highest number of votes shall be
replaced by the first candidate of the least represented gender who was not elected on the same slate, in the
sequential order of that slate, without prejudice to satisfaction of the minimum number of legally qualified
independent directors. The elected nominees shall be replaced in the same manner until the composition of
the Board of Directors complies with applicable laws and regulations.
If this procedure does not guarantee the final result indicated hereinabove, the Shareholders Meeting shall
make the necessary changes by resolution with the statutory majority of votes.
If only one slate of nominees is submitted or qualified for election, all the nominees on that list shall be
elected to the board in the sequential order in which they appear on that slate. If necessary, the procedure
described in the preceding paragraph shall be applied.
If the directors cannot be elected by means of slate voting, the Shareholders Meeting shall ignore the
procedure described hereinabove and elect them by resolution with the statutory majority of votes, in
compliance with the applicable statutory and regulatory provisions governing gender balance.

Article 18
If one or more director seats should be vacated during the year, they shall be filled pursuant to law, in
compliance with the provisions governing the composition of the Board of Directors established by law and
Article 17 of these Articles of Association.
If the majority of Directors appointed by the Shareholders Meeting should leave office due to resignation or
other reasons, those remaining in office must call the Shareholders Meeting to fill the vacant seats, in
compliance with the provisions governing the composition of the Board of Directors established by law and
Article 17 of these Articles of Association.

Article 19
The Board of Directors elects a Chairman from amongst its members and possibly a Vice Chairman. It may
appoint a Secretary, who need not be a member of the Board of Directors. The Chairman holds office for the
entire term of the Board of Directors and may be re-elected.

Article 20
The Board of Directors normally meets at the registered office of the Company or elsewhere once every two
months and whenever the Chairman deems it necessary, or if a written and justified request therefor has been
submitted by at least two of the members of the Board itself.
Article 21
Without prejudice to the powers of call envisaged by specific provisions of law, the Board of Directors is
convened by the Chairman.
The call of meeting is made by sending a letter via registered mail with return receipt, telegram, fax,
electronic mail, or an equivalent means that provides proof of receipt, to each Director and Statutory Auditor
at least five business days before the meeting date.
In urgent cases, the deadline for sending the call of meeting to each Director and Statutory Auditor is
reduced to two days before the meeting.

Article 22
A majority of the current members of the Board of Directors must be in attendance in order for its resolutions
to be valid. The resolutions are approved by an absolute majority of those present, and in the event of a tie,
the vote cast by the person chairing the meeting decides the issue.
The Board of Directors meetings will be duly assembled even when they are held by conference call or
videoconference, on condition that all participants can be identified by the Chairman and the other
participants, that they can follow the discussion, participate in the discussion in real time, receive documents
and send them. In this case, the Board of Directors is considered held in the place where the Chairman and
Secretary are located.

Article 23
The members of the Board of Directors are owed reimbursement of their expenses, including those incurred
for their activity as members of the Executive Committee, if established, and annual compensation in the
amount set by the Shareholders Meeting, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 2389, paragraph
three Italian Civil Code.

Article 24
The Board of Directors is vested with the broadest powers for ordinary and extraordinary management of the
Company, without limit, with the power to perform all those acts that it deems appropriate for
implementation and achievement of the company purpose, excluding only those reserved by law to the
Shareholders Meeting.
The Board of Directors, either directly or through its Managing Directors, and the Executive Committee, if
appointed, report to the Board of Statutory Auditors on the activity performed and transactions of greatest
economic and financial significance executed by the Company or its subsidiaries, with special reference to
the transactions in which they have an interest, on their own behalf or third parties, or that are influenced by
the person that exercises management and coordination. The report is made by the directors at the Board of
Directors and Executive Committee meetings, if appropriate, and at least once quarterly.
If special circumstances so entail, the report may also be made by means of a summary written memorandum
addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors.
The Board of Directors is responsible for resolving on merger in the cases set forth in Sections 2505 and
2505 bis Italian Civil Code, the opening and closing of branch offices, capital reductions if Shareholders
withdraw, amendment of the Articles of Association in compliance with laws and regulations, and move of
the registered office on national territory.

Article 25
In order to execute its resolutions and manage the company, the Board of Directors may: (a) establish an
Executive Committee, defining its powers, the number of its members, and its operating terms and
conditions, (b) delegate the appropriate powers, defining the limits of the delegation of authority, to one or
more Managing Directors, (c) appoint a Management Committee, whose members may including individuals
that do not have a seat on the Board of Directors, defining its composition, duties, and terms and conditions,
(d) appoint one or more general managers, defining their duties and powers, and (e) appoint managers and
attorneys-in-fact, and agents in general, to perform specific acts or categories of acts or for specific
Nevertheless, the Board of Directors is reserved the exclusive prerogative, in addition to the duties that
cannot be delegated pursuant to law, of (i) defining the general policy for management and organizational
development, (ii) defining the rules for drafting and amendment of internal regulations and (iii) appointing
and dismissing general managers.
Related parties transactions shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant procedures approved in
compliance with the legislation also regulatory provisions as applicable from time to time.
In compliance with the provisions of the applicable law also regulatory provisions as applicable from
time to time, the above mentioned procedures can provide, waiving the ordinary provisions of law, special
conditions for the complexion of related parties transactions (i) in case of urgency and (ii) in case of urgency
due to corporate crisis.

Article 26
The Chairman, or the person acting in his place, is the legal representative of the Company, with the power
to file actions and motions in court and administrative proceedings at every level of jurisdiction, including
actions brought before the Court of Cassation and on appeal, to appoint arbitrators, and to grant powers of
attorney to lawyers and attorneys. The Chairman has the free power of signature for related acts.
Legal representation is also granted separately to the Vice Chairman, if appointed, as well as, within the
limits of the powers granted to them, the Managing Directors and general managers, if appointed.


Article 27
The Board of Statutory Auditors is comprised by three standing auditors and two alternate auditors, who
must satisfy the requirements set forth in applicable laws and regulations. Accordingly, their selection will
reflect the matters and sectors of activities closely connected with those of the company as indicated in the
company purpose, with particular reference to companies and entities operating in the industrial and
manufacturing sectors, the luxury goods sector, design sector, marketing sector, intellectual property, and
services in general. The Statutory Auditors hold office for three financial years and may be re-elected.
Regardless, the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors must guarantee gender balance, in
compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory provisions. The Shareholders Meeting that appoints the
Statutory Auditors and the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors shall determine the fee to be paid to
The standing auditors and alternate auditors shall be elected in accordance with the following procedures:
a) Shareholders representing a percentage of share capital at least equivalent to that determined by Consob
for the election of directors pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, shall be entitled to submit slates of
nominees listed in sequential order by number, filing this slate at the registered office of the Company by the
applicable statutory and regulatory deadline, on penalty of disqualification; each list must be
accompanied by the information required pursuant to applicable statutory and regulatory provisions.
For three consecutive terms beginning with the first time that the new Board of Statutory Auditors is elected
after 12 August 2012, each slate containing three or more nominees must be composed in such a way as to
guarantee that the gender balance of the Board of Statutory Auditors satisfies the minimum quota required by
applicable statutory and regulatory provisions.
Slates that do not comply with the aforesaid provisions shall be deemed as never having been submitted;
b) no shareholder may submit or vote for more than one slate, even if he votes through a proxy or trust
companies; shareholders belonging to the same voting block and/or which are parties to a shareholders
agreement applying to shares in the Company may not submit or vote for more than one slate, even if they
vote through a proxy or trust companies;
c) no nominee may appear on more than one slate on penalty of disqualification; no nominee on any slate
may hold directorships and executive appointments in excess of the applicable limits established by law and
related implementing provisions;
d) if, upon expiry of the deadline specified at sub-indent a) hereinabove, only one slate has been filed, or the
only filed slates are submitted by shareholders considered to be related parties pursuant to applicable
statutory and regulatory provisions, further lists may be presented up to the subsequent deadline established
by applicable laws and regulations. In that case the thresholds specified at sub-indent a) hereinabove shall be
reduced by half.
The Board of Statutory Auditors is elected as follows:
a. two standing auditors and an alternate auditor are elected on the slate that received the greatest number of
votes, in the sequential order that they were listed on it;
b. the third standing auditor and the second alternate auditor shall be elected on the slate that received the
second highest number of votes, and that is in no way linked, directly or indirectly, with the shareholders
who submitted or voted the slate that received the highest number of votes, in the sequential order in which
they were listed on it.
If, upon conclusion of voting, the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors as represented by its
standing and alternate auditors does not satisfy the gender balance enjoined by applicable laws and
regulations, the second standing auditor and/or the alternate auditor elected on the slate that received the
highest number of votes shall be replaced, as applicable, by the next candidate for the same position but of
the least represented gender who was listed on the same slate. If this procedure does not guarantee
compliance with the laws and regulations applying to the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the
Shareholders Meeting shall make the necessary changes by resolution with the statutory majority of votes.
The Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors shall be the standing auditor drawn from the list that
obtained the second highest number of votes.
If a standing statutory auditor is replaced, the substitute auditor belonging to the same list as the person
substituted will take over his position, without prejudice, if possible, to compliance with the laws and
regulations applying to the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors; if this substitution does not result
in gender balance mandated by applicable laws and regulations, the Shareholders Meeting must be called
without delay to guarantee statutory compliance.
If the Chairman is replaced, the Chairmanship shall be assumed by the alternate auditor replacing the
outgoing Chairman.
The Shareholders Meeting called to replace the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors pursuant to law
shall comply with the principle of minority representation, as well as with the applicable laws and
regulations mandating gender balance.
The foregoing provisions regarding the election of members and the Chairman of the Board of Statutory
Auditors shall not apply in the case of Shareholders Meetings at which only one slate of nominees is
submitted or voted; in these cases the Shareholders Meeting shall pass the related resolutions by majority
vote, in compliance with, inter alia, the applicable laws and regulations mandating gender balance.
In addition to the duties envisaged in applicable laws and regulations, the Board of Statutory Auditors has
the right to express non-binding opinions on the information received from the Board of Directors in regard
to the most significant economic, financial, and equity transactions executed by the Company or by
subsidiaries, and in regard to related party transactions.


Article 28
At the motion supported by due reasons of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Shareholders Meeting
appoints the auditor of the books and financial statements in compliance with applicable laws and


Article 28 bis
After having necessarily acquired the opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Board of Directors
shall appoint an executive in charge of drawing up the Companys accounting documents and complying
with the formalities imposed under applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, selecting the same from
amongst executives with at least three years professional experience in a managerial post in charge of
accounting or administrative functions with a listed company or in any event a corporation with share capital
of no less than one million euro.


Article 29
The company financial year ends on 31 December of every year.
The Board of Directors drafts the financial statements by the deadlines and in compliance with the provisions
of law.

Article 30
Five per cent of the net income reported on the financial statements shall be allocated to the legal reserve
until it equals one-fifth of the share capital.
The remaining amount will be used for distribution of dividends, unless the Shareholders Meeting resolves
to retain all or part of them or to allocate them to special reserves or provisions.
Uncollected dividends will revert in favor of the reserve, five years after the day on which they became
During the year, the Board of Directors may distribute advances on the dividend to the shareholders.


Article 31
The right of withdrawal is specifically denied to those shareholders who did not vote in favor of resolutions
- extension of the duration of the company; and
- introduction, modification, or removal of restrictions on the circulation of shares.
If, in the case and in compliance with the terms and conditions envisaged by law, a shareholder exercises the
right of withdrawal, until the company has shares listed on regulated markets, the liquidation value of its
shares will be determined by referring exclusively to the arithmetic average of the closing prices of the
market during the six months that precede publication of the notice of call of the Shareholders Meeting,
whose resolutions justified the withdrawal; if the company ceases to have shares listed on regulated markets,
the liquidation value of its shares will be determined by the directors, after consulting with the Board of
Statutory Auditors and the Independent Auditor, considering the market value of the shares and the assets of
the company.


Article 32
If the company should be dissolved at any time and for any reason, the rules for liquidation and appointment
of the liquidator or liquidators will be determined by the Shareholders Meeting, in compliance with the
provisions of law.


Article 33
Reference is made to the provisions of the Italian Civil Code and applicable statutes and regulations for those
matters not expressly envisaged in these Articles of Association.

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